How To Keep YOURSELF TALKING And PLAN Your Stream! - Twitch Growth 2021

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damn the reality is just being able to go live  whenever you want these days is kind of killing   a lot of streamers potentials today i want  to talk about how to plan your stream to keep   creating amazing content keep yourself talking  when no one's there or when chat's just slow   and to actually grow yourself let's go hey guys i'm Eljay with i'm also  a variety streamer over at   links to both those in the description if you do  check out it has over 400 guides   seriously if we don't have a video covering  something there will be a guide over at check it out there's no paywalls  or anything entirely free so even ads on the site   it's pretty cool today i'm going to be covering a  topic that i've mentioned over and over again and   you guys have asked me to do a full video on it  over and over again in fact i think the final part   of this video about engaging chatters is the part  you guys asked me about the most so i'm probably   gonna do a whole another video just in the final  part but we do cover it in this one as well   that's right today we're talking about planning  your stream to grow the core of this video and   what i see most people pitch it as is how to keep  yourself talking and how to keep your chat engaged   in your content but you do all that by planning  your content which is why i say that so often   hey guys this past lj here forgot to let you guys  know that this video is in fact sponsored by own3d   they are your one stop shop for everything you  need streaming related whether it is a new banner   new logo emotes full stream packages whatever  you want own 3d habit and you can check it out   in the link down below if you just want to focus  on making great content and doing the best you can   to plan out your schedule then go grab one of  their overlays and leave looking professional   to them because honestly they've got that down pat  a massive thank you to own3d for sponsoring this   video and this channel if you want to support me  guys go check out own3d and support us through the   link because it really helps us out and let's make  more videos the first step to planning out your   content is to plan out your entire week's worth of  streams no i'm not asking you to script anything   you don't need to write down an entire word by  word play it's live content it's designed to be   a bit impromptu what i mean is you need to figure  out exactly what you're going to stream each night   so essentially when it comes to planning out my  entire week the first thing i want to do is figure   out what i'm going to be doing each night usually  once i have that first night figured out or if   i've already done it the week before it's fairly  easy because i'll usually be spending one type of   content you see consistency is key to growing on  twitch so as a variety streamer it means that i'll   play one game for a week or two sometimes longer  if it's doing really well and then i'll throw   in a special stream on a saturday or a friday  night and hype everyone up for that this gives   people who find me through that game a chance  to connect with me the streamer and my community   more than if i just played it for one night and  moved on it's very hard for someone to come into a   community follow enjoy a night and then come back  the next day for something completely different   they're much more likely to stick around if  they watch you for two weeks playing a game   and then you switch a clear example of this  is let's say that i decided to play raft for   tuesday wednesday thursday and friday and then  saturday i have a show called sweaty saturdays   where i play something like dark souls or shower  with your dad simulator difficult games that are   hard to beat throughout the week while streaming  raph i will mention how saturday is going to be   really fun now i'm really excited to play dark  souls or shower with your dad simulator and it   will get people excited people know they want to  be there they know that they want to be a part of   that excitement so there we go we've planned out  our whole week not quite what you also need to do   from this point is come up with a title and a hook  for each stream and you can change it on the night   or you can change it later but for now you need  to have something to start with in case you get   busy you don't want to have a crappy title on one  of the knights i really like using puns in all of   my titles because i think it either makes people  groan or makes people love it so for example when   i was playing phasmaphobia a ghost hunting game  i wrote ghosts don't worry i exercise regularly   it's a pun on the word exercise and xor  size and it fits into 36 characters that   will actually appear under my thumbnail in a  category which if you didn't know that's how   many actually appear underneath your thumbnail  which i cover entirely in my titles video about   how to create good and engaging titles for your  stream you should check it out once i have my   titles i'll also sketch out some good go lives  for example i'll find ways to make each night hype   or questions or engaging hooks that if it pops  up on someone's phone or in someone's email   they'll want to click it as well because your go  live is really important next up it's planning out   what you're going to talk about and planning out  the content of your stream and when i say this a   lot of people thought i meant again scripting  out your entire thing or scripting out jokes   no you don't have to script anything  you just need to come up with ideas   streaming for multiple hours a day and for  multiple days a week means you're going to   be talking a lot not only will your throat  get sore but honestly your brain will run   dry and when you're just starting out you probably  don't have a very active chat to ask you questions   which on a side note if you're in my chat please  never stop asking me what my favorite food is my   favorite movie is take my shirt off what's that  thing behind you seriously no matter how many   times people ask these questions i like answering  it because it gives me something to talk about   and a little bit of a break from having to come  up with stuff so every stream will agree with you   help us please make content we're  streaming for hours and hours and hours   but if you don't want to we've also got our own  fallback because we planned those four backs   throughout the week in fact that's what this part  is if you take a little notepad or a book or even   just grab your phone and get your notes out all  you have to do is throughout the week if something   happens to you whether it's at the grocery store  whether it's just a funny story or you think of a   joke or something that makes you laugh take a note  of it prep it put it aside for when you're going   live it'll help you immensely for me also i have  a channel point redeem called give me a pro tip   lj which means i have to give someone a pro tip  which means every single stream they can redeem   that twice so i need to come up with two pro tips  for every single stream that's 10 pro tips a week   all of them have to be either funny  or actually a pro tip in some way   every single stream also needs a question of  the day which is five questions of the day   i try not to reuse these and i have to manually  set this up before every single stream so i also   plan those out you're probably thinking to  yourself but weird things don't happen to   me at the supermarket or i don't have any  jokes or any funny things to do that's okay   neither do stand-up comedians none of these  people actually have crazy things happen to them   they have things that are a little bit odd  happen and then they can extrapolate it and   make it bigger if you're watching anyone from my  chat everything i tell you is fully true i promise   alma the cashier was real i promise you can also  prep jokes purely on the game you're going to be   playing again i play phasmaphobia every now  and then so i made note of this idea i had   i'd go into a house that was supposedly haunted  and i would say it definitely can't be this room   do you know why chat the chat would go why  and i would say because it's the living room   and go ghosts are dead living room it's  not a good joke but it was the delivery   the planning it made people groan a lot of people  laughed that's how you plan a joke and honestly   planned out jokes like that when they land and  do really well and you see all the lulls in chat   they're so much better than impromptu jokes again  i'm gonna throw it out there you don't have to be   an expert at all this stuff you'd be surprised how  much relatable stuff happens throughout your day   that you can make notes of favorite cereals coffee  tea how do you have your coffee did you run out   of milk you can throw all of that down people want  to hear it they're there to watch it they're there   to communicate with the streamer you can just  throw it all in a notepad and then work on it to   be engaging and you're good to go obviously spur  of the moment conversations are going to come up   when you're streaming and that's great embrace  them don't shy away from them but if chat ever   is quiet or if you can't think of something to  say you can always just chuck it out there man   i really don't like tea or a really  controversial one man i really don't like coffee   what's that ominous glow in the distance   that'll get them talking seriously anything like  that it'll get them going just it works really   it does so i am going to cover more about how to  engage chatters in a second as well as talk a bit   more about planning out your stream but before  we get into that i want to throw it out there   if you have enjoyed this video if it helps you  out at all consider checking out my other content   we have videos about everything on this channel  and if it helps you out consider subscribing it   would really mean a lot to us and if you  want some free animated overlays then all   you have to do is go down to the description  and join our discord download them from there   they're really easy to set up and they're entirely  free i'm really proud of them seriously check them   out anyway let's get back into it so you've  started planning out talking points now it's   time to start planning out the structure of  your stream now i go into every single stream   with a three-part structure the beginning  the middle and the end complicated yes i know   very very complex stuff we're doing here guys the  start or the beginning of the stream is always at   the exact same time i hit that go live button at  7 15 i play a very specific song that will last   up until about 16 seconds is left on my starting  soon screen at that point i transition to another   song which at the exactly 15 second mark has a  pause in the music before a drop a really nice   little sentence i hit transition and then i appear  on screen and i greet everyone really hyped and   excited that's how i start every stream people are  constantly already there doing commands in chat   talking to each other posting dance emotes or  hype emotes it is a great way to hype everyone up   i spend the next 20 to 30 minutes or as long as i  can go just chatting to them connecting with them   telling them about my day asking about theirs  communicating i get people hyped up for it and   then we transition into the middle the meat and  potatoes of our stream this section is most likely   the game you're going to be playing or if you  are an art streamer or a musician it's doing that   this is where you can start using up more of your  talking points or just chatting again but you have   the content as well to fall back on to talk about  if need be if my beginning will go for 45 minutes   to an hour then my main content will usually go  for about an hour 45 two hours or if i feel like   i can go longer or i have a lot of talking points  left over sometimes i'll extend that as long as   the chat is still enjoying themselves then we  have an outro now i have a very different outro   to a lot of streamers i've seen in fact my outro  is i put on some hype music and then i thank every   single person who followed dropped bits subscribed  rated did anything to support the stream   that night i go through every single person  chat post hypes they post excitement they thank   everyone it's a really really really great way to  end the stream and it makes people feel awesome so   much so that when i'm thanking all these people  i often get a lot more follows and sometimes   even hype trains start this wasn't my intention i  honestly just wanted to thank them but people go   hey i want my name read out again or hey this  seems really cool i want to be a part of this   and it works i get follower trains at the end as  i said hype trains at the end and then my ending   gets delayed for three minutes but we still have a  good time a small tip that i've heard from larger   streamers which i really agree with in fact i've  heard xqc and ludwig both say this on separate   occasions most people only remember the start of  a stream and the end of a stream though remember   a few little clips and obviously the main meat  and potatoes of your stream needs to be good   or else they'll leave but essentially as long  as your start and your end are hype and positive   that was a good stream to them they kind of  just forget the middle it all blurs together   so my actionable tip here is as i said separate  your stream up into your segments your beginning   your middle your end now in your middle obviously  if you're going to do different things you could   say the first hour of your middle is going to  be just chatting the second hour of your middle   is going to be a tier list the third is going  to be a game whatever you want but if you have   this rough structure in place you can constantly  know where you're going and you never feel lost   and if you do it like this you can actually see  what works for your chat by going to analytics   and going to active chatters and you can see the  active chatters for a stream if you go to this   little segment here this lets you see when people  really engaged and spoke in your chat seriously   it's a great way to see when you pulled lurkers  out or when people posted lulls or whatever else   but if we're talking about engaging a chat that  means we have to cover a few other things as well   you see engaging your chat is tough because well  you need chatters and if you're just starting out   you don't have any so you might be thinking well  this segment won't work for me but actually this   is really important for you because you need to be  good at this for when those chatters first rock up   the first way to keep people active in chat is  to really just create good content but that's not   always the case is it if you create really really  good content but your chat engagement isn't the   focus then a lot of people will just put you on  the background and they'll work you see this all   the time with streamers with 100 to 200 viewers  their chat can be very very slow whereas you join   someone with 30 viewers and their chat could  be way faster it's actually because for a lot   of the slow streams the focus isn't on that chat  engagement it's on the game they're playing or the   things they're doing my first tip when it comes  to chat engagement is to use a question of the day   or a fact of the day if you come into my stream  even right now and write exclamation mark q o t   d it'll spit back a question and then people will  answer it it's a great way to start a conversation   especially if someone has just joined and isn't  really in the community yet and they just want to   be a part of it you can set up commands like this  by using something like cloud block to have an   entire tutorial on it's linked in the description  as well as over in our channel so check those out   the thing is though a lot of people don't  understand that doing a question of the day   isn't enough to make someone engaged in  chat you have to take it a step further   if someone writes exclamation  mark qotd and it spits back   hey what is your favorite film and  they say my favorite film's aladdin   or they happen to ask you hey streamer what's  your favorite film you don't just say aladdin   no you say oh that's a tough one i think my  favorite's aladdin i really like disney films   what do you like or if they say aladdin to the  question of the day you say oh aladdin that's a   great film why do you like that one or what other  disney films exist that you really like if you're   a small streamer you have a very powerful tool  at your disposal and that is the fact that your   chat is slow you can engage directly with every  single person you can seriously talk to them i   bet a lot of people aren't doing that another way  to engage chatters is to create titles that spark   conversation i mentioned this before that you can  post something like aladdin is the best disney   film of all time people come in and argue it don't  know why they're trying to argue it actually is   so however this obviously has to relate to the  content i wouldn't write that as my title if i   wasn't doing something like a tier list where i  was ranking all the disney films for example if i   were to do a game like stardew valley i could say  that one villager is better than another villager   people will come argue or just to chat it gets  them into the community gets them chatting   i mentioned this concept earlier with the coffee  and the tea conversation but really you can do   this with anything it's just a matter of bringing  up what do you like better waffles or pancakes   it gets people talking and then you gotta flow  the conversation from there but it's quite easy   once you get into it i mentioned cloudbot as  well another way to engage chatters is to use   fun little games and modules like the streamlabs  cloudbot but people can gamble they can heist they   can do all sorts of fun stuff and because they're  there typing it in chat if you ask a question or   if something happens they're very quick to respond  because they're already in chat speaking of quick   to respond i reply to every single person who  comments on this youtube channel if i don't   especially because youtube has flagged someone  or your spam so i replied every single person   you seriously go comment down below and like and  subscribe this video i will see you guys next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 72,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stream Scheme, Twitch, how to talk to yourself twitch, twitch beginner, streaming tips for twitch, how to talk on twitch, how to stream to 0 viewers, why no one watches you on twitch, new streamer mistakes, tips for streamers with 0 viewers, how to talk to yourself, how to get more viewers on twitch stream, tips for streamers w/ 0 viewers, how to grow on twitch from 0, how to get viewers on twitch, Grow on twitch in 2021, How to grow from 0 on twitch, engage your twitch viewers
Id: TGsF8rXkSao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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