.25-06 rem vs. .270 win vs. .30-06 Spfld Remington Core-lokt Pork and Water Jugs Test

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[Music] okay welcome back to alaskan ballistics we're out here filming today and today we've got a nice little treat mike train requested this video and i'm going to add something to his request but today we've got 120 grain 25 odd 6 versus 130 grain 270 versus 30 odd 6 150 grain and i know a lot of people say you should use different bullet weights and all that jazz but the truth is this is what we could find plus mike green requested these two so there's the 2506 we're shooting it out of the savage axis and there's the 270 shooting out of a tc compass all these guns have 22 inch barrels and tikka t3 30 odd 6 we are shooting the 150 grain out of that so put who you think wins i don't think they're just going to make a hill of difference if you're shooting a whitetail which one of these you shoot it with personally but put what you like and what you think wins in the comments 25 odd six versus 270 versus 30 odd six first chronograph and then penetration test with some ribs and water jugs and newspapers and yes i wanted a 280 remington so that i could also have it in the test i just don't have it right now don't have anybody that has one that i know of i could borrow so thanks for watching put that in the comments i know you're going to blow it up because the 280 deserves to be in this test as well all right 25 odd 6 versus 30 odd 6 versus here we are remington core lock 120 grain 25 odd 6. here we go 29.64 28.96 29.99 and 3010 so we had quite a bit of spread there within four rounds so let's see how the 270 does you might want to check your uh powder charges there remington on that one all right thompson compass 270 here we are 2846 130 grain 28 18. 2808 27.71 so that was pretty slow for 130 grain 270. the winchesters we did a few weeks ago on a video were much faster here we are at 30 odd 6 150 grain 28.72 [Applause] 28.25 2866 2860 and that is four rounds of 30 odd six so put what you think in the comments should i use different bullet weights bisectional density mike train actually requested this video so we added in the thirty on six he wanted to see 120 grain core lock 25 on 6 versus 130 grain core lock 270 so we threw in the 30 odd six with the 25 odd 6 and the 270 for him so make sure you go check him out he has a little channel in a few videos so make sure you go subscribe to him mike treane put a link in the description but 25.6 versus 270 30.6 you guys decide you tell me what you like best okay so here's our add-up slide i will not insult your intelligence by reading it to you you guys can pause the video if you want to look at every little detail my main takeaways are that the standard deviation of this ammo is pretty horrible only the 30 odd 6 comes close to what is considered decent for factory ammo i also thought it interesting that the 25 odd 6 got more muzzle energy than the 270 it's probably having to do with the 270s lack of velocity and really needing a 24 inch barrel with a 130 grain load please put what you think in the comments and we will do the penetration test now 25 odd six versus 270 versus 30 odd six remington core lock here we go 120 grain 25.6 here we go there we go let's see what we did [Music] so here's our pork shoulder looks like the bullet went in right here i was aiming high into the left these were hitting low mosquitoes ah so these were hitting low came out looks like it tore a hole right through the middle of the pork shoulder right here and there's some shrapnel to it right there it went through the middle bottom of the pork shoulder went through the bottom of the store brand mellow yellow crap and then we have a bullet in the second water jug here or the first water jug out of the five or is it the second i can't tell this map is hard it's the first my cameraman is telling me it's the first and there's our bullet look at that that is a pretty nice looking bullet remington core lock didn't penetrate it as deeply as we wanted to but we will definitely get this back home see the expansion and weigh it and see how much it got 270. tc compass leupold scope here we are pork shoulder soda jug and then we got the uh water gallons behind it here we go [Applause] [Music] so here we are pork shoulder in the ground tore that up pretty big hole much bigger hole than the 25 odd six it was only 10 grains more in weight so that's a really big hole and it completely obliterated the soda jug there was a piece of it around here here we are like that's the piece of the soda jug we found and then went through the bottom of this whole jug here's the hole right here middle bottom and it is in the second water jug so i went one jug further than 25 odd six i was expecting these to go three or four jugs so we had what core lock is not supposed to do we had jacket separation here so it separated from his jacket but other than that it did a good job penetrating 130 grain 270. we'll get it back to the house and weigh it with the others here we go tikka 30 odd six same 22 inch barrel 150 grain core locks this time pretty awesome 30 odd six let's go [Applause] well i think we captured it that's for sure let's see [Music] so we tore apart this pork shoulder there's hardly nothing left of this pork shoulder it's just completely torn apart there's the two liter bottle it's just amazing it just blew it apart first water jug there's the hole or that's the exit hole this is the entry hole here and again it's in the second water jug 30 odd six 150 grain let's get it out here that right there ladies and gentlemen is why 30 odd 6 is king and why 270 and 25 odd 6 are just following in his footsteps let's get this back to the house and weigh it but it's much more expanded than either bullet it stayed together unlike the 270 and it penetrated deeper than the 25 odd six although it penetrated the same as the 270. here we are back at the bear chair so we got 25 out of 6 270 30 odd six we got the 120 grain 130 grain 150 grain now a lot of people are gonna wonder why we chose these grains this was requested by a viewer these two and so we added this one in it's what we could find a lot of people are going to go well for sectional density you used a 120 grain which is the highest for 25 odd six so you should have used a 150 grain and a 180 grain yeah probably true but a lot of other people would rather see the closest bullet weights i think any one of these regardless will kill a caribou or a moose if you really had to so let's see what we got here for the 25 out six 120 grain originally 69.9 is what it is weighing in at and its widest expanded point is 0.596595 right in there so that's pretty good and its average expansion up here at the top of the mushroom is .464 so not bad on that now of course we have the 270 jacket separate here which is not supposed to happen in core lock but together they weighed 83 point 82.8 and that's 130 grain so it's up over half that's pretty good its widest expanding point right here it's 0.579 it did penetrate one jug deeper and up here at the top of the mushroom on its widest part of the mushroom it's 0.470.5 0.470.5 and now the 30 odd 6 100.4 grains 100.5 and see widest expanded point get it without it slipping in there 0.728 and let's see up here at the top of the mushroom which isn't much because the mushroom was so far back 0.588 so what you think in the comments obviously we knew the test was going to run this way 30 odd 6 is the winner 25 odd six kicks the least 270 is a moderate kick moderate bullet it did jacket separate but that's a sample size of one i wouldn't take that into consideration too much and 30 odd six of course stayed together did its job 150 grain core lock if you hunt with these put them in the comments below they're extremely good close range hunting bullets i don't think the ballistic coefficients are good enough to get out there at six and seven eight hundred yards but if they shoot accurate out of your rifle at that distance that's great i have a friend who can consistently put these sub moa at 100 yards they don't shoot that accurately out of my rifles but what you think in the comments we're on instagram we're on subscribe star we're on patreon we're on facebook we're on the new app called the jump where it's supposed to be more free speech oriented go check us out there god bless take care we will see you at the range [Music] good you
Channel: Alaskan Ballistics
Views: 21,008
Rating: 4.9145632 out of 5
Keywords: .25-06, rem, verses, vs., .270, winchester, win, .30-06, 3006, ballistics, review, Corelokt, Core-lokt, Remington, chronograph
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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