$350 Walmart Rifle VS $5,000 Sniper Rifle - Shocking Results

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hello welcome over here to lunkerstv hey i got a big announcement for you guys we just dropped pre-orders for the new book that is right myself and nicholas irving we worked together on another book this one is wild we did not let anything we didn't hold anything back we let loose you guys get to hear stuff from my past like way back from when i was childhood what got me to where i am today some sniper school stuff in there we actually had to get some stuff was actually redacted by the school house itself because of some of the stuff we could not say in the book but if you guys are going to want to know what a taste of what schoolhouse is like as well that is in there it's a really really good book we're also gonna fly one of you guys down to come here and shoot with myself and nicholas irving pre-orders are going on right now so go ahead and click the link in the top description it will start shipping out the 24th of august i will select the winner probably a week or so after and then fly you down in october and you'll come down here and shoot my rifles and hit the rifles if you would like to you have to have a hold range day with us which will be awesome but you're gonna have to send a screenshot of your pre-order to earnedbook mail.com i will actually put that right below the link just go ahead just why would you get it just screenshot it and send it over there so i have your email address so then we can talk to you and get you a flight down here to come and shoot you know what we'll make it for you and a buddy yeah i'll buy you and a buddy a flight down here you guys will stay here for free and then you guys can come and uh send some rounds downrange with us it'll be fun you know what i mean this is probably the only chance to do it some of you guys would like to do we'll send you out to a thousand we'll give you we'll get you out there but the book's fantastic i hope you guys are excited for this one because it's gonna be good we didn't hold back at all click the link top of the bell thank you for everybody who's already pre-ordered let's see if we can get that uh that new york times bestseller list that would be my high school diploma i'd be like yo it took me 12 years to get this high school diploma you see this thing you know what i mean jelly bean that's it you're gonna enjoy this one it's a good it's it's way better than the last one but hey let's let's do this this this video is actually from toby told me this toby thomas is a gentleman he's batman he looks like look how stout he is hiding behind the wall over here hiding behind the wall so you guys said do cheap rifles versus expensive rops so i got the same caliber this is a six and a half now cheap is relative okay i'm gonna tell you guys this right now money is relative to the person you were talking to a dollar to me was worth more than a dollar to him you know what i mean like the amount of money an individual has so money is always relative to the person you were talking to a hundred dollars may not be worth that much to somebody 100 to me is worth a load more than is the bill gates you know what i mean so this is a cheap um inexpensive uh every day anybody can afford this rifle i think this is about 350 was it 350 prescope yeah it's like 350 360. okay scope i think was like 200. okay so you're probably about 500 bucks all in on this thing which on a on a rifle or a hunting rifle it's probably pretty normal it's got four and a half to 14. um so this is legitimately just a it's a it's a deer rifle it's all it is we've never had one walk away from us after being shot with that so yeah like the cool thing about doing this what rob's doing is he's going to show you like the difference in the guns because there is a difference in some of these guns when you pay five six seven thousand dollars versus four hundred ish um but you can still kill the animal with that oh yeah of course you can you know i mean i can just tell just by the feel of the stock um at least this is smooth oh by the way i'll probably show you guys what it is it's a ruger it's a ruger american it's a six and a half creedmoor uh this was not painted kryptek you had just painted it in fact if you ever have guns dipped ask how much it is before you do it because the dipping cost more than a rifle dude so there you go lessons from batman himself but we're going to take this thing out and see if we can get i wanted to pull it out real quick just to see but it doesn't even tell me what how many clicks is a minute so and it's dialed right now to what i have no oh so this thing's don't touch this right now you do whatever you want i don't know man and make sure we have no idea what it was down to you're gonna learn oh it should be zero gameplays but just prefacing you might have to learn it we're gonna be learning today i guess so there's no dialing then i have no idea well you're zero pulled that's what i'm asking is is that the zero or is the uh is that zero or zero zero zero is zero zero is going to be a hundred yes okay zero is going to be a hundred so now i just gotta look up and find out anything on this look old vx-3i i just now realized something it's this this is this is how i know this is such a beginner inter like how what's what's what's what's the entry level this is the most entry basic level ever i just now realized on the side of this right here it says focus this thing's actually called parallax not focus but they call it focus because people like what do you do you grab the focus knob actually makes more sense in parallax true it really does it makes more sense than yo parallax okay so i did not zero this rifle this was zero by somebody else so i'm going to trust that it is zeroed and if it's not we're gonna have to just probably i would assume either i'm gonna say windage probably have to be adjusted but i'm out here with a low job you guys know who lojo is this gentleman right here is going to be assisting me eloja is a very good guy he's also a veteran he's been in afghanistan twice he went to practica province and kandahar pac but mainly back teacher practica okay so he was in the same hole i was yeah it was a whole if you guys want to follow him you need to if you guys like veterans he's a [ __ ] he's awesome he's an awesome guy he's going to help me today do a little bit of the testing i'm going to i don't know how far i'm going to be able to get this this we're going to call it cheap rifle out to um however far i know there's probably comments in the sec down below like oh my god that's the most expensive rifle in the world but like i said money's relative this rifle right here is about five grand this one is five to six hundred so we're looking at a 10x like difference here uh mainly because the big thing about rifles i'll tell you guys right now is scope scopes is like one of the most expensive thing this scope on this one i'm gonna say ballpark is probably twenty five hundred dollars but it's made for this right like this rifle in this scope are paired together that that's what it is for i look at rifles and stuff like this like a tool you don't go and buy any tools you're have to keep rebuying them over and over and over again you know what i mean right on my rails absolutely so same thing um anyway if you guys want to follow alojo you need to be linked in the description he's a great guy you're going to see how good of a shot he is i know he said he's amazing yeah i thought i was going to beat rob so i've set the bar pretty high here the only thing i'm hoping is that the other six and a half is actually dialed somewhat well we're gonna test it today it's gonna be the same ammo same caliber 10x multiplier on rifles and one's gonna have suppressed and one's not but that doesn't really matter yeah i'm excited man i think the cheap rifle with us shooting i think can still perform like it should i think is i don't know how far i'll be able to get it i don't know i really don't i really don't i'm gonna grab some ears all right ah i hope that this thing is on this is good because i know like a lot of people can't afford this so if i can prove that it can happen one thing i don't like about it already you can you're kind of limited with this but i think they have attachment now you can put on the bottom so we're going to start at 300 if we can't hit in 300 then we're going to have issues anyway i can't see what this says okay we're good huh i need some more fluff more fluff yeah i can't this isn't high enough hold on let me see if this is good this might be fun might be okay maybe we'll see you guys good yeah got it hit it first first round impact at 300. so maybe i know what i'm doing toby would never steer you wrong well i have no i have nothing so i i was i just did the i will say right now this thing isn't reloading rounds at 300 i did the math based off of so this is a quarter minute adjusted um wow this thing is just not really that great so i did the math this is a quarter minute adjusted in scope at 100 yards i did 2700 for the muzzle velocity and i think the bullet diameter itself is .26 i think it's point two six four so i think is what it was i believe all right so that was 300 so if you guys ever bought one of these and you've never hit 300 look i just proved you could first round hit not my rifle so 400 is going to be seven uh seven and a quarter essentially it's 7.17 all right so that's what that should be and remember i'm doing this i don't have a chronograph i don't have anything so i did it estimated on what i think the six and a half is going to be shooting trajectory one feet per second out of this barrel and of course it's going to be losing velocity as it goes farther down range but we'll see so here we go another cheaper rifle at 400. big problem here i can already tell is what's probably gonna happen when i get farther ranges is the scope's capacity for the magnification i mean we're talking a 14 magnification 700 800 is not that pleasant and these are headshot targets still these aren't even these aren't even body size targets so here's 400 i got a quarter value in it for my going right to left i'm sitting up on a bag you boys ready yep yep to the left just barely left you were right on the money though to the left how much is barely i mean like you barely missed that but you're up and down was perfect now you're to the right well this held and left are held right this gun sucks come on now so i don't buy cheap all right here we go try this again cam cancel out those last two rounds all right here we go the first shot was fine i'm gonna have to figure out something else to go farther left like you're missing through the left is what i'm saying i'm about to throw this rifle this thing's stuck this thing no this rifle doesn't reload look at that deer coming out oh yeah he's right in front of the target too right below it same spot buddy same exact spot just to the left i think you actually nicked the top of it let me just take a bigger target out there this this was only as big yeah i would have already been done right now if you missed to the left you want me to say like right one or whatever okay it's uh these knuckles you're all over the bit you're holding me i know i'm hitting in the same spot so i know it's not me it could be this bag a little bit yeah it could be got it that time okay where'd we hit that one where did you hit it yeah looks like top left top left which would make sense because that's kind of where you've been yeah if i was because i mean i've been hitting this wind is actually more of a right to left full value than it is a quarter it is now for sure i think when we started it wasn't nearly it was more this way so i shot a couple rounds and i was hitting the same spot so i just adjusted this is exactly what the reticle looks like that i'm i'm using today uh it has no stadial lines that are up and down so none of your elevation it only has windage adjustments and each one of the stadio lines off little one is a minute and a big one's two minutes so a half of a little one is going to be a half a minute and then a half of a big one is going to be an entire minute adjustment we're talking but you can also use those stadia lines if you wanted to to measure targets for certain this rifle is good for our deer it's not good for um you need you need steady you need lines you you need lines within your scope uh i'd rather have like half minute quarters and up to a minute i don't want to have two minutes is okay but anyway it doesn't matter i don't want to have this conversation right now it's kind of strange let's try 500 and i'm only showing you guys really this because a lot of you guys probably have this but if we ever do set up that class which we're going to be starting that here very soon the setup for it you guys can bring your stuff and i can do this for you or show you how to do it correctly i'm going to go to that that might be a tad high but [Applause] low and to the left how low not much not much low no okay left makes sense this one should work maybe okay i think you're a tad high on that one tad high huh oh again buddy dude this rifle sucks something just all over the place you think it's the bag though honestly i don't think i don't know not a stable [ __ ] bottom no i feel pretty pretty good yeah left think it's the wind nope the wind down right not at all i think it's a rival i can feel in the trigger like the trigger is horrendous like the rifles it's just uh you get what you pay for all right let's hit it this time got it you still hit it low but you got it all right so oh okay so we are at 11. so we were actually shooting eight eight eight inches low out the gate because i had so much i had to come up i came up eight inches it was damn close yeah eight inches this also could be a three minute gun for all i know you know i should have looked that up this could be they're probably gonna say this is a one minute gun i'm probably gonna say it's probably a two minute so if it's a two minute gun this thing's going to hold a 10-inch shot group at 500 yards so you're talking a tenant shot group no matter how good of a shooter you are a two-minute gun you're looking at a 10 inch shock group this thing is only going to hold a shot group this big at 800 it's going to hold 16 so you're looking at a shot group this big when you're looking at that gun over there that is a half half a minute gun so you're looking at five would have hold a two and a half inch shock so you're going from like two and a half to like this and those targets are head targets right so there's no that one is actually a 16 inch wide uh by 24 tall or whatever it is that's a normal silhouette so next is 600 we're good um i'm probably gonna come up a little bit more than what it tells me to and there's a few things i'm gonna tell you guys right now i've really noticed this thing doesn't like the reload rounds like at all very well uh especially with the magazine and it doesn't reload with the crap so we're going to go to that's 12 13 that's 14. wow 15. so we're on let's remember this we're already on one full revolution of this thing right now that's another thing with this scope is when you do one full revolution you actually don't know because it doesn't have there's lines on other scopes like say well that one doesn't have it either but my other model one on my 300 win mag it'll have different revolutionary lines so you could start at the zero line and then literally when you make a full revolution then you're on one and then literally say it so you know where you're at right now i don't know if i'm one full revolution or if i'm six see what i mean but now i know i'm one so we're at 15 and i'm hot i mean yeah you are sweating my there's a pool of water right here water around your crotchal region okay 600 yards with a 350 dollar deer rifle that probably shoots two minute shot groups that one was low that one was low for sure yeah it was pretty low to hit about the base of the pole didn't see that one it's like handing me a hammer telling me to go and put a screw in the wall yeah yeah where are we at 500 600 well this would be a hell of a accomplishment did you hit that two minutes two minutes two minutes i think it smoked it i think you hit it i know i did it i heard it okay let's go baby two minutes that was hold off makes no sense why i'd be shooting far right i got a right to left wind i shouldn't be shooting like that sorry i got so flustered there makes no sense so a lot of i remember during deer season people like rob why you need that nice of a rifle to shoot a shoot a deer well mother let me tell you right now there's a reason why it took me six or seven shots to hit 600 and it's going to take me one round without one that just cost me fourteen dollars in ammo or i could have shot two dollars in ammo it adds up all right how far were you off to one side on that oh how far was i off so you're like you're about a foot right which you were on so you said he set a foot right i held two minutes left so i had two minutes left edge so i'm actually actually somewhere roughly it was two minutes yeah two minutes left edge so we're talking two minutes at six is 12 inches that's an entire foot right i was hitting a foot long sub right each time so i did hold off okay nice teamwork baby teamwork there we go i'll take some credit please take some credit i'm talking man no i want you to take credit because i i can't see through a 14 i mean 14 times the damn target looks like it's this like literally this big on this it's tiny yeah okay now we're going to 700. do i have 700 out there was a 735-ish it was 7 35-ish right 7-25 almost i think uh boy i've actually not shot that much i've shot 24 rounds so far to go up to 600. that's not bad no for that rifle that ain't bad and it's not my rifle and i have no dope on it yeah so this just proves that if we did hold the sniper thing out here i promise you we can get you dialed out to a grand no issues but holy [ __ ] that's frustrating because the thing is i knew my my point aim and my point impact was almost exact it hadn't been identical the same i got to go back there and i got to start peeling up that that green because you can't see the the round disappears yeah there's no splash yep okay 700 and something's next okay so this one we're gonna skip seven we're gonna straight to eight now we're talking there's a there's a very large difference between six and eight we're talking two football field difference it normally wouldn't bother me with a with a good rifle this one this one's like mediocre at best i'd rather sometimes i'd probably rather take a slingshot in this thing right now but we're good let's do this a little low and left same spot that was center but really low that was hard to see it looks like just barely low and left again rather that one was three three feet left okay three feet left that makes no sense how do i go farther left when i'm holding farther right oh my god oh my god you saw that one how in the [ __ ] is that possible i'm holding a minute and a half freaking right and that thing hit like a foot and a half left how is that even possible oh my god i'm gonna adjust off that shot and watch it gonna hit right now oh my god it's still left how is that possible oh he's not possible got it got it dude how far were you all for four minutes four minutes you're basically holding the rifle directly east of the target four [ __ ] minutes four minutes at eight that is 32 inches that's 32 inches right there 32 inches that is how it's almost three foot so i'm at okay so i want you guys here we go this is what it was so here's the image of the reticle now count you take center mass of that reticle and you count one two three four that was center mass of the target to get it to hit so well let that sink in all right 800 knocked it out 9.25 you don't want to do it i'm gonna let's do this let's do it we're getting dialed now oh we just oh yeah just find the target and go i'm gonna hold it this way yeah so on this next one i'm gonna hold five minutes out the gate i'm gonna hold i'm gonna hold almost 40 inches right there you go yeah you'd be hitting all around them i'd be scaring the i'll be scaring the jesus out of them all right so we were sitting at nine would be 24 um so we got to go 13. oh my god so there's 13. we're almost two entire we've almost made 30 minutes of adjustments just now we're at 925 925 with a walmart rifle 925 with the walmart rifle all right we're going to go straight out the gate five minutes right cam is drinking some water all right there's that some she is out there huh are you boys ready yep five minutes right low and left baby i am not low and left yes you are the same exact place we've been hitting how low am i and how left am i i mean like literally the same dude like the bottom left corner of the target three inches off of it you're kidding me are we we're playing this game again all right okay now we are off to the right by a good deal by like 12 inches dude you missed it by an inch [Music] dude i didn't see that at all that was low to the right barely three inches sorry but i wish i could help more [Music] yeah i better say you hit it dude i saw the hole go in it bro but i didn't see any dirt i was like you had to hit it damn there we go all right there you go 925 yards with a walmart rifle move my legs it's hot out here so i'm gonna show you guys something real quick who are new to the channel on what on how that rifle performs from three to nine twenty five let's go ahead and roll that one [Music] dude that was the coolest hit ever because i couldn't see it i thought i was pissed because i couldn't see it again but then a little like dang appeared in the target and then i heard the sound i was like thank god because i couldn't see it i mean so i don't i don't recommend a lot of you guys to go carl's hathcock on on that deer probably wouldn't shoot a deer past 200 with this thing i'd probably say 200 probably at 300 i hit first shot but i think i trust myself a little bit more than most at 300 with that thing i'd probably say the average human's probably 200 or less with this rifle okay what do you want to do did you want to try it do you want to try yeah i'll give it a try it's four minutes right you have to hold four minutes right it's dialed the elevation's fine now okay i'll give it a shot four minutes right what do i got to lose your dignity and respect no well then i better better hit it for a shot though now that it's dialed in let me just look through it for a second because i haven't even looked at this damn thing plus i'm a larger human than mr robert try to touch out the 925 with this rifle okay i think i got it two targets yeah one small one yep shoot the one on the right i don't know if you got a bolt in it or not i don't i was just always just looking through the scope to see what it looked like that'd be awesome what number is this tell me one more time this is my last shot and it's two targets that are right next to each other and i was definitely just shooting at two targets one of them was hanging there's seven eight yeah it's this one right here it's gotta be all right last shot boys well that was fun almost forgot to do something like super important toby would have been confused as [ __ ] tell me when i went out oh the scope yeah he was waiting for the scope he would have went out so i was how much how much we had dialed that's now zero tell me when it went out hey the war is the rounds going now we're good now we'll go ahead and switch back over to before the outro oh my oh my oh my i hope you guys did enjoy this video over here at lunch tv like i said go check out lojo will be linked in the top of the description if you guys want to know some more military stories more crazy [ __ ] like i said my book's also on the top get a chance to come out and shoot with me bring your problem you won't be able to bring your rifle that time you have to use mine but we're proving we can do it we can reach we can touch it's not fun well actually it's it's interesting but it's not fun i don't know i didn't i'm not gonna say i enjoyed wasting uh two boxes of ammo i went through 40 rounds to hit three four five six seven eight nine that's a lot of rounds that's a lot of rounds mainly it was eight and nine that were giving us the biggest uh anyway it doesn't really matter hey hope you guys enjoyed the video let's go and roll that sweet side looking [Music] outright [Music] oh
Channel: LunkersTV
Views: 1,354,212
Rating: 4.7090378 out of 5
Id: xLe9oKj6Eso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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