6.5 Creedmoor vs. 25-06 Rem Episode 2: Hornady Precision Hunter ELDX

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welcome back to alaskan ballistics this is chuck today we have episode 2 of 6'5 creedmoor versus 25 odd 6. the 65 creepmoor is a 143 grain eldx we're going by same type of ammo here not necessarily the same weight or the same sectional density same brand of ammo for both there's what the 6'5 creepmoor looks like and according to the box it's supposed to be going 2700 feet per second and of course we have a 110 grain for the 25 odd 6 and according to the box it is supposed to be going 3140 feet per second so we'll see if it gets that this is a 22 inch barrel 25.6 so it doesn't always get the velocity as opposed to 25 out 6 was kind of designed with 24 and 26 inch barrels in mind here's what the 25.6 round looks like and we're going to see if this is a viable hunting load i know for a lot of people i've told them not to use eldx because it breaks apart too quickly at short ranges and then i have a lot of people tell me they've killed a grizzly bear with a 6'5 65 creedmoor eldx and they've killed elk at 700 yards with this and a lot of people have told me they've done a great job with eldx i'll do some redneck penetration test y'all be the judge and we'll see what is going on with these bullets first chronograph test then we will shoot it into our redneck science penetration test here we are 25 out six versus six five creedmoor both with hornady eldx bullets let's see how they do both have 22 inch barrels both are savage here we go 3108 and then it said error afterwards [Applause] [Music] 31-13 30 70. i got two more rounds in my pocket magazine held three 31 11. 31.33 so a little bit of spread from 30 70 to 31 33 with most of them in the 30 right above 31. so a little bit of spread there that's hornady for you i love their ammo but they do have some inconsistent velocity sometimes and that's in their precision match hunter 6'5 creepmore horny ldx a lot heavier bullet should be going a lot slower here we are oh i'll turn that down to three power there we go that's better 26.91 26 64. [Applause] 26.75 [Music] 26.55 and i got one more in my pocket because this gun only holds four three plus one 26 36 so again quantity ammunition pretty big spread there on the chronograph i was made sure i was kind of lined up perfectly as i could yeah horny ammunition that's their standard deviations aren't always that great you might want to check your resume if you're uh get printer resume if you're working the powder charger at uh hornady you know just saying so here is our add up slide i will not insult your intelligence by reading it to you obviously the 25 out 6 wins in velocity and muzzle energy the 6'5 as usual wins in standard deviation though neither of these are standard deviations you want to write home about this is why you hand load your ammo so this is from the nikon spot on app for my nikon x1000 4-16 scope that i use on my bergara 6.5 creedmoor now i obviously didn't have that rifle in the video but i just wanted to use this example as the 25 out of 6 does have better drop in this reticle and it looks like this reticle will take you out to 854 yards if you like to do things in the reticle like i do for hunting so this chart is using our information that we came up with over our chronograph and it is from a hornady ballistics calculator now as you can see everything is the same there as far as energy and trajectory at close range when you get out to just 200 yards six five pre-more has more energy is retaining more energy and it does that all the way to 1500 yards where it still has the energy of a nine millimeter you can see that it's trajectory in inches still drops more as far as 6'5 primor goes but it retains more energy and its wind drift is much much better at longer ranges which would you use for long range shooting all right here we are back 25 odd 6 eodx let's go all right let's see how we did [Music] so obviously destroy the water jug hit almost dead center right here in the middle of the water jug right there's the hole the entry hole exit hole 25 odd six destroyed the thickest part of the ribs i mean just busted right through them so we're going to shoot the six five three more probably on the thinner part of the ribs right here which isn't fair but oh well and we got one big hole right in the middle over here i think i can see part of the jacket or something already in the hole so that bullet going over 3 100 feet per second that's gonna rip apart pretty fast in the eldx at 60 yards so let's see how the 65 creamer does set it up for that 65 creedmoor versus 25 odd six eldx got a ribs water jug down there newspapers catch the bullet let's see how we do [Music] hit [Music] uh there's our shot for the six life three more didn't doing near as much damage to the ribs still exploded a water jug we have six five three more hole here and the 25 out six hole here let's open them up see what we got okay now they basically threw one old hunting regulation two old hunting regulations three four here is the 25 odd six in the middle of the fifth one not much left there's that 25 odd six right there in the middle of the fifth one not much left it's spread out really well um keep going for that 25 odd six all right for that six five three more or all the way through five six seven eight for the six five creedmoor there's a bullet in nope that's not the bullet that was just a lot of newspapers there's nine 10. here we go pieces of wood here's the 6'5 in the 11th newspaper or set of hunting old hunting regulations of course these eldxes come apart at close range so they are effective at long range i've been told we don't have a place to shoot that right now set up so there's the six five and the twenty five odd six six five twenty five odd six looks like that is all we found okay we are back at the house and we are going to measure these two bullets first up we have the 25.6 weighing in at 60.2 grains 60.2 grains so just barely over half 50 it's weight retention 16.2 62.3 and that is with the cup and the core of the bullet here is the 6'5 creedmoor and it got 60.19 so it's even worse at what it was so we did a bunch of takes we tried different penetration tests in multiple water jugs we did a 25 odd six and it just completely flattened out where all we found were fragments it completely acted like a v-max as i said before i've done multiple takes of this ammo for this video you can see all the bullets we recovered no matter what our test was they had jacket separation like crazy if we did a much thicker test the more water jugs we completely lost the bullet all we found were fragments these are very accurate rounds out of most firearms but at short ranges i don't think these are going to be your best option so if you're in the deer woods and you can only see 35 to 65 yards around your deer stand these are probably not the best bullet for you they aren't going to hold together likewise if you're shooting caribou i've shot a caribou at 212 yards with a seven millimeter rim mag version of this and the bullets completely busted apart tore up a lot of meat and it took three shots to bring her down because not passing all the way through it doesn't drop the blood pressure so i don't really recommend this ammunition unless it's the most accurate thing out of your rifle which in my seven mag it actually is but i still choose the barnes lrx because of its performance on game and it's still very sub moa but six five creep more 25 on six put what you think won in the comments because of its penetration being farther i am definitely saying the 65 creedmoor wins tell me what you think in the comments share for us please we really need the videos to be shared we on instagram patreon facebook check us out there we are on the new one the jump god bless take care we'll see you at the range [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alaskan Ballistics
Views: 53,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6.5, creedmoor, verses, vs., .25-06, rem, Remington, hornady, ELD-X, precision, hunter, Ballistics, review, pork ribs, long range, hunting, chronograph, Dope charts
Id: C7ruKNcNbcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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