Guns, Grizzlies, Guiding And Meth

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Give a Jukie enough time and meth to figure out how to support a habit and they will figure it out.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/B-O-H-I-C-A 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Stumbled across this yesterday and while I believe something along these lines happened, a whole lot sure sounds exaggerated. He says "I swear I have the video somewhere!" quite a lot.

After I watched this one another one of his similar videos started playing and I'm just skeptical of how theatrical and dramatic his stories are. Not every hunting trip has a story, this guy seems to be charged by grizzlies or being a hero far too often.

On a side note the YouTube comments are hilarious, the currently pinned post by "Matthew Peters" seems to hint that Matthew Peters is in fact the meth junkie.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Ethical_Hunter 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I want to watch this later how can I save it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Busterwoof6 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm impressed he didn't kick the shit out of him.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kit8642 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay so it's time for a another hunt story guide story crazy story and I've teased everybody about this one for a while and I'm in-between monsoon showers right now up in the mountains the coast of British Columbia cotton black-tail deer and it's really sucking bad the wolves are absolutely now annihilated everything for last three years and it's getting really frustrating as an example of the frustration I think I'm on day 16 of hunting what was the some of the best deer hunting of ever occurs my life and I've seen two deer and that's it so you know whether it's got a something to do that as well it's mild there's no there's no snow when normally should be but still I've normally I could find a pile of gear by now in film at least anyway get a bunch of cameras you're stopping this just not happening yet so so I'm gonna take this little break to share this absolute crazy story of mine that was that happened it was over 10 years ago anyway I think yes somewhere around there 10 years ago or something maybe 11 and we were it was the September first attempt hunt which is for us in this northern side Alaska Highway very remote it's a it's a 10-day elk season only because the Ministry of Environment figures there's not that many elk where we are it's just from the fringe of where they're you know the starting to repopulate so we got ten days and I had this guy's a new guy who never met him before and from what I understood was he had inherited a pile of money through family and he was going on a big-game hunt he's the one and let's just say his name was Doug from southern Georgia okay and seemed like a decent guy nothing seemed abnormal at all you know got off the plane and he told me what tags he had he had a moose elk and probably a caribou tag black bear tag you know wolf the usual stuff we'd hand out to them without any specialty items like grills a goat or sheep he had an alkene a moose tag and he did not care which one was he'd have a priority species he just wanted you a big game hunting had the best time he could and hopefully get decent bowler of either species both I'm like alright let's go so I previously I've known where there's a bachelor group of bulls up in this high basin so I took him up there right away because I wanted to get the moose down as quick as I could and concentrate on the out and because it's usually typically it's like a two two and half hour ride from my camp one way just to get to a little bit better he'll connect spots so what we went up to this one high basin right away first day of his hunt so the flew and slept overnight got up the morning saddle up and rode up into this range of mountains probably about an hour from campers so I earned a bid for your hunting the whole way and I tied up the horses the appropriate spot got him and we went on foot we went up over top of this rise for he looked down into the throat of this basin which is right at timber timber line and sure enough here's he's three or four a bull sitting there and the bigger one that I was hoping to find was laying there and his velvet had just ripped off his pounds were bright white you know you know really brighten standing out like a sore thumb and we did a little bit of a belly crocks were we're we're a skyline with that blue sky so any animal skin to see even though you know mooses eyeballs aren't that great they can see it so we belly crawled over top of the rise got down a little lower Scrat bush behind us that got him sat in the prone position I believe it was about a 250 yard shot all the time in the world and that bill stands up I got the bull stand up a cow called a bunch of times and finally the bull stands up he's broadside and I'm videotaping oh sure I've got this video somewhere oh no with a hi-8 tape video you know the camera then he starts teeing off in the smooth walk and I hear the bullet hit and I'm watching him like okay he's not fallen over yet okay shoot him again shouldn't be here so take your time boom what hits him yet I'm like I guess old automation fall over I can't tell where the also hitting I can just hear that plunk you know it's like the watermelon plunk sound he's hitting them and then the Bulls nuts he's just down in her Jenner I'm like what the hell's going on right heat him again boom hits him again these kind of turns like this and slowly starts walking away Oh Mike what the hell and I don't have a rifle with me I actually have a shortened shotgun 12e shotgun the scabbard on my saddle it's my saddle got in finish particular hunt I'm not hunting grizzly bears or anything we need backup shots or anything so it's got my shotgun and then no otherwise I might have teed off in this thing and dropped it as well but uh and I go how many bullets you got left and he goes oh now remember this point for the story cuz I said how many shells do got left and he said to me I got I got four he goes back to looking at the moose well no I got I got two to powder enema and that's sort of I'm like - with powder in him didn't think too much of it remember that so the bull started to stumble away and I'm like holy crap I go let him house take your time and shoot him in the shoulder boom nothing I don't know how many times got shot maybe four or five times a little ridiculous and off the ball goes slugging his way into the spruce trees oh my hmm should be dead lean in there dead so I got to get going on in the story it's a long one if I go into every single detail the whole hunt but I'm sure he's gonna be curious about how the bull went so uh we go back the horses rode all the way down to that throat tied up look for blood couple drops not much and I start walking up to the timber and all set in this great big wounded bull stands up probably three yards probably right right there closer to the camera than then I am to the camera dad's eye brain from I'm looking at that and I'm a shotgun with a slogging outside his puppet thump done with each other with the 12-gauge slug and that thing actually went clean through room rate his shoulder you see the little fine blood spray coming out on both sides of them falls over so I got the mist so early enough close enough the camp he rode back to camp got the other saddle got the pack horses got the Wrangler and took him up grabbed the moose brought her back to camp and because I wanted her and get my outside main camp and go spike count them this guy and then I want to get a big out because I'm pretty excited about that I only get that one 10-day season for elk and that's it and all the rest is you know moose cheap grizzly and whatever else but you kind of want to have a good outcome so off we go I grabbed one two three I don't know I have three or four buses to saddle horses had like half a dozen horses this guy I'll try to hurry up and then we go riding off to this other these other valleys where others good good elk and made spike camp I had built a drift fence earlier down the creek down the creek throat where it tightens right up if you're not familiar with what a drift man says it's offensive we put across the valley that the weather horse can run past us and run away back to camp because there's more horses back at main camp and you know that I heard mentality and they're like what's going on we don't want to stay here all night right and that can really suck for the wrangling in the morning you wake up with the horses are gone so yeah I had drift fence down there real nice little camp and right away we started hunting elk hunting and I had called up a bull that evening and it returned it was a seven by six decent bull nothing up and ecstatic for what I I know runs around there videotaped it I think I can find the videotape of this bull that the exact same tape I'm talking about included in the video here and then this guy seems totally cool there you know I mean there's nothing there's nothing alarming nothing disturbing nothing in mooing about him it seems like your average guy and then the next day we went out again south big grizzly bear up on a slope I remember that I think I might have this in a video if I do I'll include it and then we rode all the way up to the high to land to the other side of southern valley where we've typically found some big mature elk and straight over the top straight down here's a great big hammer Bowl and this guy's dressed teeing off on it to another shot and he's flinging bullets all over the place and he's missing missing extremely and that didn't go down too well so we didn't get that bull ride back to her spike and now he's starting to feel a little more desperate and he's not overly cuz I hadn't pretty jacked up about the outcome because I like to tell my guys you know we're gonna get where you're after but if you listen to me and pass up and some decent animals will get a big old huge monster you know primer past his prime bull wonder what you want to put a tag on now he's like you know I take that first but we saw first off you know I only got a few bullets left man now I'm like all right whatever so we went up another draw and the day four day five whatever was what up another draw got this bull screaming out you from up in this thick choked timbered valley you know comes this bull legal bull and it turns out it was the same bull that I videotape earlier we passed on it was seven by six I think it was in he smashed it it was like hundred yards away and I video taped that kill to I might have it so we dumped the elk cool I got him on video saying it's the best time she's ever had one more get asked for blah blah blah we go over the elk take the pictures and here's the funny funny moment when when I was taping and quartering up the elk all sudden you could hear this weird sound just up behind us and this is thick we're in a thick burn thick slope like this Creek bottom or horses or type over here and I can hear this weird sound from the direction horses I'm like what the hell is that yeah it was just this like just a weird sound and the hunter goes man I think that's a truck sounds like a truck diesel Alaska Highway we hear from the Alaska Highway from here I'm like you can't your plows carve me and I'm like oh [ __ ] that's a grizzly bear follow me because we got elk sent going that way we're in a thick burn if a bear busts out with us on this elk it's gonna be eight feet away ten feet away it's that thick so I go follow me so we jump down to the creek we run straight up the bank and I'm looking back behind us and here's our horses tied up on the trees and my horse is going with his with his hot lead rope ton of trees he's going around the tree and tightening up and then I tightening and wrapping around and I'm tightening he's dancing around like crazy and here's this sow and three Cubs right standing there with the horses looking at him Sal grows uber I'm like holy [ __ ] so I guess the sound we heard was the Bears growling at the horses as they were coming into the scent to the elk which was just past horses that's nothing - I always strategically tie up the horses downwind to the kill when were processing it so I stack up of rounds over the sows head because she's the only a couple hundred yards from us I guess ripped a couple of rounds over her head in the Bears took off and then we got our elk out got back to camp our spike camp stayed that night got up in the morning no yeah then we got back to camp yes we get so we got the out back to camp I got a little hung up and taped out and I it's the next morning yes the next morning wake up we got nothing to do with tagged out it's a great hunt we got a 52-inch pull got a nice seven seven by six pull well and how up my campus George I got three trees up with this big so I got a tree here a tree here in the tree here like a little triangle in front of me and I knocked out three notches in the in the trees and then I made a stick that's not Jeff that would fit in those notches two sticks here and then I fill it up and unfold of the table so it's actually a table so I had our our propane cooking stove on top without all the cutlery it's just a it's a working table it's great and this guy is sitting on a log behind me and he's just rambling like he's rambling like he's babbling and I got my back to him and you know he's an alright guy he wasn't elect somebody I could definitely wasn't somebody I'd be best buddies with that's for sure we didn't hit it off you know long-term friend was but he's rambling away he had a six-pack of beer I think it's a member I members him saying hey I'll died off your beer but I only got a six-pack and I'm like I'm good buddy and he's changing he's rapidly changing his demeanor is changing his character is changing his tone the way speaking is changing and I'm kind of thinking what the hell's going on like he must be one severe lightweight he's only been drinking a couple of beers and he's starting to lose the plot here and I'm just cooking up some breakfast for us so I got my back to him and and I'm not talking back to him I'm not encouraging him to speak because he just starts talking random [ __ ] and then that stuff that start coming out of his mouth was absolutely alarming and unbelievable you know what he's going on about sleeping with his buddies baby sister and her name was Jeannie and yeah me and Jeannie riding around on a Harley buck naked in town we do that crazy [ __ ] all the time hell yeah my wife wouldn't say anything man she knows I got the money she wouldn't leave me after and he's rambling on non-stop just this dirty shits flowing out of his mouth non-stop I'm looking up I'm cooking am I going what the hell's going on man holy [ __ ] this is exactly what he said he goes man I used to be addicted to cocaine yeah I remember being hotel one time getting an Eightball delivered to me every afternoon I'd be sitting there my handgun so paranoid things you're gonna come through that door and I was gonna have to shoot my way out man I do meth now you know man that cocaine kept my weight down I do meth now you know mess a lot better for your hell best thing my kids ever seen was me and the boys doing crackdown houseboat was the best thing my troll never seems all these drugs and I was doing this year don't they ever do this [ __ ] and he's rambling that's exactly what he's doing he's just rambling rambling rambling rambling running his wife into the ground going on about hookers coke going on about the in-law the father-in-law how he had [ __ ] on him for being tied up with a funeral service and this guy's a cop currently sheriff going on about him and a funeral service that he won't do anything to him because he's got dirt on him for getting rid of bodies for somebody and just a bunch of this random [ __ ] he's coming at us idiots mouths but the most alarming part of setting part was the way speaking about his children and the drugs that he did was doing the way he ran his wife into the ground and how intimidate she was of him in how she would never speak up because it's just it was just the most disgusting display I didn't speak to him acknowledged he was speaking once I went back to him hoping to god he's gonna shut up you know by the time we I threw some food at him I was grinding my teeth so bad I was just like this thing needs to be put down put away you know this this this humanoid you can't even call him a man Scott wasn't a man he was an absolute dirtbag and I just could not wait to get away from this person and get him out of here and I felt so so bad I prided go into enough detail of the filthy [ __ ] that he was sharing it was coming out of his mouth clear enough or enough maybe I did maybe did it doesn't really matter but trust me this person was a very very dark dark soul very dark and he knew it and he had no problems with it he was almost talking like he was proud of it and when I look back now I think man that poor family they would have been so much better off I could have just put him in a hole up in the middle of nowhere here and and rode out of the mountains and left him there but obviously can't really do that right so this is where it gets really fun so we ride back into camp I think he had a small bottle of whiskey now two that he pulled up so I kept glancing back over my horse and he's back of there behind me and I'm leading the thing you know the horse the antlers and all the meeting [ __ ] and he's just rambling rambling rambling rambling to himself talking [ __ ] this is like it's probably like 1:00 in the afternoon now to an afternoon so we get into camp and the other guides there his hunter was a superb gentleman 73-74 your guy Jerry Jorgensen I think farmer from Michigan from Minnesota wanted a great guy I think history might begin is named mixed-up some other hunters but he's just a true gentleman and we actually exchange Christmas cards a few sons for a few years after that Greg in a true gentleman you know like he's like your grandfather like the best guy in the plant is sitting there in the cabin we get back and the other guy in the Wrangler help me unpack all the horses and we're hanging up the quarters off the meat pole for the bush plane to come and crap and I didn't have the hide off of the quarters yet cuz I remember maybe two of them because I remember the gut other guide in the Wrangler were we're astounding meatballs skin and these quarters off and all sudden hear this yelling yelling coming out of the cook Shack and there's a cook in there as well and I go in there and this sack of [ __ ] is buckle over this gentleman buckle over him being intimidating like some absolute coward scumbag would in a bar a poverty saw him come up with somebody and leaning over the chair sneering and yelling at him going where's my GT you stole my picture my Jeanie was right there you still have a [ __ ] and that's how he speaking this gentleman and I guess what he was getting at was he had a photograph and naked photograph of his little trollop with him that she gave to him and apparently he left it on his on the window by his bunk in the cabin and I come in there always trying to keep the peace I said hey man what are you doing Doug like I said oh that what are you doing he stole my picture I know you [ __ ] stole my picture man he stole my picture I walk back I'm like nobody stole your picture and this is a place where get good things happen this is a happy place to settle down you know like just get out of cabin here and go look in the Erica I'm sure you're gonna find your picture and the poor Jen was like no no III didn't take your picture I I didn't know why I didn't take your picture and he's looking obviously threatened and I'm gonna to grab this gun and rip his face off about now and then back then you know as well back then I was just just guiding for a living and and it's not that easy to make alone I remember this guy in the very beginning the hunt I had a bunch of wolf teeth from the skull what I found he goes hey man you give me a good bull and elk you give me a good elk and a moose and it'll trade some of those wolf teeth for this brand new Rolex and I'm like deal wolf teeth for Rolex moose enough that's an easy no-brainer so I'm still thinking I want to get that Rolex but it wasn't that important so get him outside and then I went to the cabin I want an ark yeah but I'm looking like you stupid pictures probably the stupid cabin and this picture was actually on the floor underneath this bunk so I grabbed it I go here's your stupid duck here's your pitcher all right yeah all right grab his pitcher and then I went into the cook shock to apologize to the gentleman and at all I don't know what this guy I don't know what's going on I don't know what's going on and with this guy but I'm sorry I apologize it's just to happen here this doesn't this has never happened here ever before in the history of ever in guiding here and I look out the this the cook shot cabin and he is now standing a foot away from our 19 18 year old Wrangler and the other guy and it's going you want you buzz want to go let's go let's go come on okay I'm gonna kick everybody's ass everybody like this right I mean this guy's like weighs probably a buck 75 11 greasy little frickin sack of [ __ ] and you know the rank 89 is going I don't wanna fight you I don't wanna fight you I'm just skin in the cellco you know he's getting all intimidated the other guy is kind of standing like holy [ __ ] and I'm watching this and I'm just kind of leaning against the wall are at the cook shot captain watching hey Doug nobody wants to fight you man settle down dick what are you doing this is a happy place okay like settle down what are you doing what's wrong with you and then he goes oh yeah who wants to go I'll fight anybody anyone you sons of [ __ ] then he spins his ball hat around backwards and then he goes let's go and he looks at me goes let's go mf'er let's go mr. tough guy and then he said there he goes he has b7 southern Georgia octagon rules boy let's go southern Georgia octagon rules and I'm looking at him and I'm envisioning knocking the living crap out of him I'm like oh my god I want to kill this guy so bad I just want to beat his ass and put him under a rock right and I'm leaning up and I had some new Clippers didn't clip my nails and I'm like Doug nobody's here to fight you right nobody's gonna fight you this is a good place okay let's settle down quit act like an idiot and then he comes walking over to me like this right you can walk in and he and he gets his face in my face and he goes let's go let's go let's go me and you right now like this and I think you know I've never I don't claim to be a tough guy but I can definitely handle myself and defend myself if need be and I've never walked away from a sack of [ __ ] like this in my life you know I'm looking I'm just I'm just looking at her nails and I go Doug members here to fight you all right settle down and walk away and he goes and then what the hell do you say to me there's no let's go let's go and then he he comes up and he's 2 inches off of my nose this little greasy sack of [ __ ] who just belittled this gentleman ran his wife into the ground bragged about all the drugs they do in front of his children to me the day earlier is now 2 inches off my nose and he goes would you do my [ __ ] and I'm like what would you do my bullets would you do my bullets mf'er would you I know you took my [ __ ] you're the only one you buy my [ __ ] you do my [ __ ] you imagine us going through my brain as I'm listening to this greasy sack of crap now he's accusing me of stealing I'm a guessing the [ __ ] was his drugs it was accusing me of stealing his drugs and and then he said you're the only one that knew about my bullets my shells and would you do my [ __ ] right then the light bulb goes off day one shooting the moose I got four bullets left I got four shells left only to powder remember that I'm like oh no way no way you greasy little maggot there you go you smuggled crystal meth over the border in your in your shells still two gunpowder and you greasy sack of crap get the hell away from me get the hell away from me and he goes you get the hell away from me and they touch me and I'm like I'm like alright alright this is it I'll go take fine alright let's go let's do this let's do this it's good that's what I'm talking about this book let's go he's like that's what I'm talking about let's go let's go big boy like this right and now I'm like I can't gonna kill him so I go get over there by the other cabin so we got as a woman in the cook Shack now I go and there's no window at the back of her cabin so I open up the door I go stay in here no matter what and then I go get between the cabins I'll see you right there I'm gonna hand your SP in the Q cabins get over there you dirtbag and then I looked at the Wrangler and I said hey go into our cabin and get every single weapon out of there every single firearm every single knife to get him out of there and go put him underneath the bunk of the cook in the cook Shack do it right now so so the poor triangle goes and gets all the guns he's like oh my god oh my god oh my god and then numbnuts he's stand-in there between the two cabins there's horse [ __ ] and mud around and he flips his shoes off in his bare feet he's rolling up his sleeves puts out on backwards and squaring up so let's go boy let's go boy and Franklin's back tells me all the stuff sound of the bumpkin like okay and then I looked at this little sack of crap stand-in there in his bare feet and the horse [ __ ] high as a kite squaring up and don't get me wrong I would have loved to have knocked this guy's head off I would have loved it you know I'm at I'm at one of the most world renown outfits ever international award winning outfitter numerous times and I'm about to beat the [ __ ] out of a customer you know like that's you know you kind of catch yourself but I wanted I went into the cabin first and take a look around to make sure there's no weapons in there in case anything something weird happens whatever just keep everybody safe and I come back and as I'm going the cabinet look around and a lot of hunters bring bear spray with them and they was leaving can't fly wood so I got bear sprays Allroad place we don't use that [ __ ] and I start laughs myself cuz I'm like Oh bear spray I was supposed to use bear spray with something straightening our lives and I usually always clown around you I'm usually pretty serious I'm on my videos on YouTube here but we're it's usually Comedy Hour and so I grab the bear spray to come back outside and the other guy than the rag is down here and the scum bags down and right there I said to the boys I go fellas this is a Canterbury right now we're supposed to use a Canada bear spray when something's threatening our lives now watch this I'm gonna show you guys what to do with this and I flicked that little piece of plastic off of it and I got it and I faced a little sack of [ __ ] and he's going against go don't be so you know you'll be spraying me now it'll be you pre spraying me now I'll be really be spraying me think this right I'm looking at him and then you just see this worthless sack of crap so that's kind of grabbed him winged him into the wall the cabin it was pretty angry and I said a few choice words to him and then I went I told the boys that said he does not get one ounce of respect from us a period he doesn't even get a glass of water he's not in a cabin he is not allowed anything and then I went into the cook Shack got the satellite phone and I phoned back to the main ranch house and told him what happened to come and get this this pile of crap and he said he couldn't fly into the next morning let go great so I went to the cook shop told the cook specifically I said this thing does not get any respect from us period not even glass of water you're not to give him one ounce of food nothing this is a goomba go do serious and I go nothing this guy gets nothing he's lucky to be alive and then I apologize the gentleman the other hunter the gentleman hunter again and then and then this guy's just stumbling around I want some food you're not gonna feed me huh you don't even gonna feed me and I go I'm gonna feed you a knuckle sandwich that's about all you're gonna get in this camp until you get out of here as a knuckle sandwich that's it choice is yours whatever and then he's off down by the creek and walking around a [ __ ] and we had anything like again I had every anything and everything anything that can harm someone I had it out of that cabin no no knives no guns and then hidden out of the cooks bunk and then that night here up on the porch is a you know not gonna let me in your mic nope you're a dog sleep like a dog then what happened I could I had to sleep a wink obviously he's not gonna sleep a wink when you got this psycho junkie sack of [ __ ] who's threatening everybody in camp they're not gonna fall asleep there's no lock on the door of her cabin right so get up in the morning he's acting all well he's pretty messed up one night for him and then the pilot flew in early bitter and I we have a mail pouch it goes up in the mail with everybody every you know saw us on the wall if you need anything yet or a note or letters or whatever mail you put in the mail pug it always goes up with the pilot so I took the bolt from this guy's rifle and I put it in the mail pouch to give to the pilot the up better when I took him aside we spoke about what went down and then numbnuts his packing [ __ ] up and flying him out of here and then get this one the I could see him he goes into the cabin to say goodbye to the cook or whatever you he was doing went up to the other hunter Josh miner he goes man did I really do that to you - I really do thought you yesterday man I'm sorry I didn't know I can't believe I did that I don't apologize he's talking like this to this guy right and then he comes up to the rangas a minute I really trying to fight you by really trying to do that in the ranks like yeah dude you're an idiot man I'm sorry about that man and then I'm off to the side any that sack of crap comes walking by me and he goes like this I still think you took my [ __ ] and then he walks away and goes to the plane oh my god well there you go how's that for a for an embarrassing disgusting gross story hunter smuggled crystal meth into Canada over the border in his shells instead of gunpowder and decided he needed to get high as a skunk on crystal meth you know at one point he even said he goes my in boys not gonna believe I was been clean for a week man not one of my boys even dreamed for a second believe I've been clean for a week man this is record and he said you know that's what he's saying to me standing behind me and in spike camp anyways that's one of probably that's probably one of the worst memories I've ever had guiding pretty certain I got a few bad ones but not that many well then there's that celebrity TV scumbag from the Yukon that's another story for later [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 508,824
Rating: 4.7785501 out of 5
Keywords: hunting, meth, joe rogan, jre, how to hunt
Id: 3b5tJlcvXEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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