.30-06 Springfield Cartridge Profile: 10 Pros and Cons

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welcome to our cartridge profile of the 30 odd six springfield cartridge the 30oz 6 is a 308 caliber bullet but it's called the 30-odd 6 30 referring to the caliber and odd six referring to the year 1906 when it was originally released now originally it was a military round but it's really found its home primarily for center fire hunters people who are hunting with this bullet as well as you know a large variety of other types of shooting but i mean 114 years later this is still one of the most popular cartridges out there and so due respect to the humble 30.6 but we are going to talk about pros and cons in this video because we're comparing it to some modern cartridges as well so over the course of this video we are going to cover 10 pros and cons things that are maybe not super obvious you may not have heard before but for all the stats all the details and comparison make sure you go check out our cartridge profile on backfire put a link up here put a link in the description you need to go check that out it's going to give you all the explanation all the numbers and stats some of those that we'll share here in this video but also you know what animals that should be used for all sorts of information ballistics it's just an awesome resource so make sure you go check that out yeah you're missing out if you don't all right the first pro is this thing scores a 21.57 on taylor's knockout factor formula now this is an old formula it's one that doesn't get enough air time now but it was designed as a way to compare the killing power the stopping power of different cartridges and it's it's a good formula because it's better than just muzzle or than just foot pounds of energy it's taking into account a little bit more uh to tell you how well it's going to penetrate as well as how big of an area it's going to damage for comparison this thing scores higher on taylor's knockout formula than a 28 nosler i mean and that is a powerful flat shooting round it doesn't do as well as a 300 win mag as you might expect but it out does you know six five creedmoor 7mm08 all sorts of other rounds some of the most popular rounds that you'll see we'll show them here on the screen and you can just see how the 30 odd six compares it's a pretty amazing uh round i think for stopping people no and it's fun to recommend it in slow motion to see what it does to things it's pretty sweet and speaking of slow motion this is our first con of the 30 odd 6. um one problem with the cartridge one thing that really holds it back in my mind from being more useful and successful is if you have a bag of candy for example a bag of m ms and you shoot that bag of m m's your m m's are gone my friend you might have that one survived look at that footage we shot this bag of m ms with the 30 out six this is with a phantom camera an incredible slow motion look as the bullet enters and it's just dust that exits a couple little hole ones but it's just dust that comes out of that thing that is incredible the power that it's putting into that the next con an actual con serious one is is it's speed this thing runs the 500 yard dash a little bit slower not a lot but a little bit slower than a lot of other rounds including the 6'5 creedmoor so check out this list here these are all rounds that are shooting faster hitting that 500 yards a little bit faster now the only reason that that even matters is because the longer that bullet is in the air the more time it has for wind and gravity to affect it and so it is not going to perform quite as well on those two factors as some of the other cartridges but i'm talking about a slight amount here um and but it is something notable compared to many more modern cartridges that have been designed all right but a real serious pro and i mean like a substantial pro to me of the 30 odd 6 is barrel life expectancy um based on the backfire barrel life expectancy formula which is based on so many variables you're going to be able to get about 2 57 rounds through a standard barrel that's it's really impressive and i know that maybe new to a lot of you who aren't familiar with our formula um the way that we've developed that is we're taking into account a lot of data points um and you know we're looking at the max pressure and powders used and caliber bullet weight speed a whole bunch of different things then we've taken training data on what many many dozens of people experienced and how long they actually had a barrel last and then we developed a formula to match that training data so that we could see overall how long each cartridge will last in terms of barrel life now obviously it depends on the particular load you use how hot you shoot the gun but we found it to be surprisingly accurate between calibers um and this one has an excellent barrel life i mean that's double the 300 win back 18 better than even the 65 creedmoor um and to me that's that's pretty sweet um i want to be able to buy a gun and have it last be able to pass it on to my kids i think this is part of the reason why the grandpa's gone is often still around with some 30 ounces now a lot of people don't care because you know you're shooting a few times a year whatever you're never gonna burn through that barrel i care i i'll go shoot 40 shots on a saturday no problem and if i'm shooting something really really hot like a 28 nosler like i feel like every time i go shooting i'm like oh shoot there goes percent of my gun you know not quite that much but it's just a lot now i will say that that life expectancy is like five and a half times worse than 22lr okay a con now is that the 30 out 6 is a long action and that's really where we get the comparison between the 30 odd 6 and its little cousin the 308 these cartridges are so so similar in so many ways the 30 out 6 is just a little bit faster but it's because it's a long action um and so is it a does it really matter is it a con is that fair probably not i mean you gotta pull it's an extra quarter inch we had a tiny bit of weight for a little bit of metal for it um i don't know how much of a con we can call it to be long action versus short action but it is something to know now this may seem surprising but as a pro i'm actually going to talk about recoil here for the 30 out 6. i don't know when i was a kid people were like oh man that 30 out six to kick so hard um 30.6 actually on average has pretty manageable recoil on backfires recoil test we it scores a 48.9 anything under 50 is going to be manageable for pretty much any adult without without developing a flight right exactly um and so it actually does really well um there are some exceptions right when you are shooting grandpa's gun right that's been passed down for three generations our first rifles when we were teenagers yeah we had mows and nagants and they have a steel button yeah on it and i remember i mean as a teenager that thing i was just terrified of pulling the trigger on that thing because it would just blow you up i i've shot many people's old grandpa 30 out six and it would just brutal man just beat you up but that's where uh on the older guns that they just ah truck some lumber on your shoulder and pull the trigger you know on the more modern design 30 odd sixes it's a very manageable cartridge uh not something that that's gonna cause a problem for most shooters for comparison's sake it's about eighty percent more recoil than a 6.5 creedmoor but that's a really large basically nothing exactly and then compared to like it's it's about a third less 33 percent less than a 300 win mag which is gonna def definitely be something you're going to feel so very manageable i call that a pro the next pro that i want to mention is just how much fun it is to watch shooting ballistics gel so check out this footage this is again 30 000 slower than real life shot with the phantom camera we shot this ballistics gel and i mean look at that it just turns the gel just looks into it looks like it's water yeah it looks like a bubble of water in the air oh so cool i mean is that oh you see a party here shock yes speaking of the part go back there go back you see it go in and then all that gas is just all of a sudden and you can see that um that we talked about on uh the video you see that little explosion in there go to our youtube short if you want to know a little bit about that awesome now this next one's a con and it starts out seeming like a pro it can kill anything in north america but it's 300 feet per second slower than a 300 win mag um it's gonna hit with a lot less energy and a lot less i mean i mentioned before the um the knockout formula here you know it's what a 20 sure what did we say something and you know the 300 win mags 24. um a little over 24. if i were going to go grizzly bear hunting could i take a 30 out six sure sure would that be my first choice i don't think so i think a 300 win mag is a little bit better choice for that um same thing if i was going to go hunting bison i think i want something with a little bit more punch it's capable but it's a little slow again like you grizzly bear and bison i would not flinch if somebody said i'm going to take a 30 out six to hunt them okay that's good good choice but it wouldn't be my first pick like you said exactly i would probably step a little step up a little bit so i think that's why this gun has become so popular though is it's just a great all-around hunting gun you want to shoot deer great antelope great you want to shoot sure great you want to shoot milk great um just i guess the point here is that some would consider it a little light for the big stuff but consider that in history i mean people have hunted elephants with this thing so is it capable heck yes i mentioned before the comparison to the 308 because you have to compare these two they're so similar the 30oz 6 is shooting about 125 feet per second faster than the 308 but it really depends on the load you can shoot the 308 faster you can shoot the 30 out 6 slower but generally about 125 feet per second faster but it's the exact same bullet everything um and so somebody who's going to shoot a 30 if you have a 308 do you need to run and go buy a 30 odd six no i mean they're very similar cartridges but the 30oz 6 does win the speed race all right next pro that i want to talk about is just availability so one of the most popular hunting rounds there is it's pretty much always available even oftentimes at your local convenience store unless you live in one of those [ __ ] places that doesn't have bullets in convenience stores um la they're like a butt where somebody call the police in a store there'd be some humans here no but 6.2 percent of all bolt action rifles are available in 30.6 and it's the fourth most common um cartridge available on the market today so you're not gonna have any trouble finding not at all um it's popular because it's an incredible cartridge now we had a couple people question us on our 6.5 creedmoor cartridge profile um saying like how is it possible that it's you know less than 10 percent are available feels like everything is that i think that the reason is that this is all bolt-action rifles um do they have a chambering available um in thirty out six and some of them are only made short action right um or some of them are uh 22lrs and stuff right all bolt action rifles uh so really to have six point two percent that's a really high it's the fourth of all so thanks for joining us on this cartridge profile be sure to check out the website where you'll see tons more numbers and information whenever you're comparing different cartridges that is the place to go on backfire.tv
Channel: Backfire
Views: 159,554
Rating: 4.8652463 out of 5
Keywords: .30-06 springfield, cartridge profile, 3006, thirty aught six, rifle, cartridge, caliber, 30 caliber, firearm, gun, education
Id: Wtr0uWfAhBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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