My Ideal Whitetail Deer Rifle Choice ~ And their chamberings

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welcome back bright beautiful summer day it's in the 80s and I got my buddy with me here you know just about five days ago or so he passed his first anniversary since he had as a major splenectomy his spleen removed when I was about the size of a grapefruit he was full of cancer and he was given only a couple of three weeks to live and you saw him on a video that I took down since where he was literally dying that day it was a Sun Sunday day and I received literally hundreds of prayers about 350 people wrote to my wife and me and expressed their condolences and their concerns and their prayers for Bennigan's for us and he rallied that night at midnight when I took him out around the back corner of the yard I'll never forget it I was literally trying to drag him around with a leash so he could you know relieve himself before he went to bed and suddenly he just perked up and he's been that way ever since he'd been out hunting and he just had literally a miraculous recovery so you want to go underneath the porch yeah it's kind of hot out here for him music he's a fair-weather drug he likes it when it's he likes it when that fall weather is in it's not too cold not too hot so anyway what I want to talk about today you wouldn't think that this would be on my mind because here we are in the beginning of August with such heat and you know I'm sweating right now but pretty soon you know just as we've been seeing the back-to-school ads on TV and everything we're gonna be we gotta be getting those fall catalogs you know so you can stop picking out your fall hunting gear so our thoughts will start turning to deer hunting now I've received a lot of requests from people asking what I consider to be the ideal deer rifle and deer rifle and slash cartridge combination so I'll answer that question by going through the various the various things that I think are would that I deem to be essential and also preferable now I'm not going to be talking about the all-around rifle I'm not going to be talking about the rifle that can be useful for antelope and for mule deer and for elk and for you know for bison and anything else I'm caribou I'm gonna be talking about the all-american deer rifle the rifle which is classically used to take white-tailed deer and white-tailed deer being what they are they're a woodland creature they're highly camouflaged I mean they can they can hide practically out in the open in the in the woods you know they can stand there looking at you and you're you really you're looking at them and they're looking right back at you and you're standing right there and you say that's actually a deer and you didn't really you know because they the I'm gonna let Benny in for minute I'll be right back so as I was saying you know deer a fabulous at concealment and and keeping covered between you and them when they were in the woods now my favorite my favorite type of hunting is still hunting now I've tree hunted and stuff like that you know climbed up at a tree stand and things like that but at my age I'm a little bit leery about climbing up beech trees anymore and sliding down in the middle of the morning so I tend to favor just relaxed day out still hunting and for those of you who don't know what still hunting is it's a it's a contradiction in terms I suppose because it you're you're not really still at all you you're moving through the woods quietly as as quietly as you possibly can because deer I have tremendous sense of hearing and they'll hear just one one twig break and they'll turn to look and see what that twig with what that break was and they'll there watch it and if they see movement after that they just run their way and you'll never see so still hunting is a is a challenge it's it's hunting on your feet and it requires that you run your feet for hours at a time and you don't you want to have a rifle which is you know lightweight and gets around easily that you know it's tough enough to be moving through with branches and your way and things like that you don't want to have you don't want everything this overly cumbersome so light weight sleek that moves through the trees and branches easily and doesn't pick up leaves that get stuck in places on your rifle it should be nice to nice to hold easy to easy to handle and swift to get upright to shoot the the cartridge should be adequate for the job what's the job was that's to take a deer down in his normal habitat the average the average American white-tailed deer is taken within 30 yards that doesn't say at 30 yards that's within 30 yards sometimes much much close to five to ten paces away is not uncommon for a white-tailed deer to be taken so a cartridge within 30 paces or so is sufficient and one which will on demand to be able to reach out across the occasional meadow or across a you know power line or something like that a hundred and fifty maybe even 175 to 200 yards a cartridge that has that that's what a flatness and trajectory that can get out that farm and not only get out that far but have something left to do the damage is necessary and as I've spoken about in a previous video be and you can watch that so I don't have to go on about that in depth right now but you want to have a cartridge which can drive a bullet of adequate sectional of good sectional density clear through on a broadside shot earned or oblique angle from any direction and go clear on through collapsing both lungs and opening the opening the thorax with an exit wound which will deflate the lungs which will collapse the lungs because the lungs remained expanded due to the vacuum which exists in the thorax and inside you know you've got the you you've got the it's the silver skin that lines the inside of your the the plural of skin is what is called and that silver skin is basically like saran wrap it it keeps it keeps that vacuum of where the lungs exist once that's violated with a sufficiently large hole the lungs would just drop down and collapse now our entry hole is not sufficient to normally collapse lungs yes you may you may damage and destroy the lungs sometimes a very rapidly expanding bullet will destroy one lung but it won't reach the second one and so you have a deer that can still run on one lung and that's that's not necessarily going to get your deer home quickly without a lot of searching so you want to have a country's that's able to punch right on through with it with good reliability with a bullet of good sectional density which is about 0.2 for roll then you want to have you want to have a gun which is simple you don't need to have you know for that type of hunting you don't need to have optics optics have there there's no there are no practical use in a woodland situation they simply they simply offer nothing but a cluttered field when you put a scope up even even a very low-power scope when you put it up and you when you look through you're gonna see magnified leaves and tree limbs and branches and things like that and it's hard to find the target that you're looking for you know you may see the deer out there and you put the scope up and all of a sudden you can't exactly see where he is time is of the essence for the white-tailed deer you know the next thing you're gonna see is the white flag go up going this way and you'll you'll only see it for a brief second before it's gone lots of lots of shooters have you know shot in vain at that fleeting white flag you know that that white flag is not a good target you just you're wasting your ammo now I personally believe this is always you you've seen my videos if you've been watching you know I'm a pragmatist I believe that there's with the with the world of cartridges and rifle options that we have there's no need for compromises we don't need to be searching for almost good we don't need to be searching for something which is adequate we can search always for something which is absolutely perfect which is letter perfect for the condition so as I said the condition that we're shooting for literally is no pun intended is to take down a white-tailed deer in his environment which is in woodland within 30 yards and possibly up to one hundred and fifty hundred seventy-five yards if necessary which is rarity so let's look at let's look at a popular option well here's the ar-15 this is mine I don't want somebody write in and tell me you know I'm an old man and I'm not up to technology I've been carrying one of these around since 1960s which is right after they were first introduced so technology has been with me right along you know I've been following it right along as time goes on and I own this rifle and I own it because I enjoy shooting it I don't waste my money on something I don't enjoy so I thoroughly enjoy this rifle but as an eight and a half pound gun with no matter what cartridge goes in it except maybe the 50 Bureau for something like that yeah you know you see the deaths that's it you're trying to you're trying to stick a square peg in a round hole this is this is not light to carry eight and a half pounds there's not a light gun if I shorten the barrel then I'm shortening my ballistics I'm reducing my velocity it doesn't you know I don't care since ever since the 60s ever since I've been carrying it no matter what I do is it's just not comfortable to carry you know it's it's it's a chunk of it's a chunk of metal that's designed for what it does beautifully it's a good it's a beautiful combat arm it's a beautiful self-defense arm it's absolutely elegant for those reasons and it has it has superior firepower that was wrong those are all things you need but I have yet to see a deer that needs more than one or two shots - or take it home so firepower is a moot point and not only that you know for for those of you who may not be aware most states and and in the state included deer hunting is usually restricted to or if you're using a semi-automatic rifle of only five rounds so that kind of obviates that that kind of dismisses the entire issue of having you know the firepower and we're not talking about hogs they were talking about you know when we're not talking about multiple shots on hogs of the time but a deer rifle let's go to the next option the popular option and one that I've shot that I've shot my own deer with on a number of occasions and that's the scoped bolt-action rifle the all-purpose rifle and that's what I have here this is my 257 Roberts I've had I've had guns set up like this in 270 I've had them in 3006 and 308 and goes on and on 2506 so you know they all they all do essentially the same thing they're fabulous all-purpose rifles that that can you know you can you can get on a plane and you can go any place in the United States and you're handily equipped for the task at hand no matter what they no matter what the job is and they work for a deer rifle I've taken my my deer with these and I've also carried these around still hunting and they're a nuisance we've flat-out honest with you they're a nuisance branches get caught underneath the scope here you get leaf sticking up in your way and you feel the view when you go to put your scope up the first the first little bit of snow starts coming down and now you got to throw a scope cap on it why you got to put a boot on or something like that and then you got to deal with that if if you have to shoot you know you've got to flip those caps or whatever they're not rain friendly because the rain accumulates droplets of rain accumulation you can't see through them anymore the fog proof and waterproof but they're not and you know if you're walking through the woods stuff drops on them you know the scope you have to keep that scope guided so you know you're walking through the woods always constantly trying to gather from having you know stuff fall on your Anja scope so you don't need to have a scope and you know even at the to power setting when I when I look over there at those woods which are you know those woods right there looking across my yard about 35 yards away now I can i my my field of view is reduced by about a hundred percent when I put the scope up and I'm really not seeing much more than I'm really not seeing much more than about eight or nine feet across and that's barely enough to try to find a deer if he's even if he's moving if he's standing still that's a problem enough so anyway it's it's okay if you're looking for all-purpose rifle it fills the bill but we're talking about a specific deer rifle white-tailed deer rifle it's not a specific white-tailed deer rifle he has one this will say it's warmer this is my wife's 243 now she's not a she's not a big on still hunting she likes to just sit on a log and and wait so you know the scope is of no issue with her and this is a 1.1 and a half power scope so it's got a big wide field of view that does that does a nice job of finding a deer and this is a setup that I use this is the same setup I used on my seven millimeter awake my model seven Remington years ago it's a nice it's a nice setup and again it's a good it's a good solid combination for a semi all purpose rifle right in other words it's a rifle that can be used you know for pretty much anything in America even with a you know short 18-inch barrel this this will reach out and do an adequate job but it's adequate I'll give it I'll give it three stars for a deer rifle five stars this is what I give five stars to four deer rifle now you might say well gee that's an old relic and you know why would anybody want one of these nowadays because you know they just there's so much more out there that we have to choose from and this is a this is a pre 64 pre 1964 model 94 yeah it's it's old you know what the deer were no harder to kill back you know they know how to to kill now than they were back in 1894 when the rifle was invented in 1895 when the cartridge was invented deer go down very well with this they go down they go down very easily why is that well contrary to all the nonsense that you'll hear from people who don't know any better 170 grain bullet which is loaded for the 3030 cartridge it's got a it's got a sectional density of superb numbers it's not in the two 40s it's in the two 50s I think is 250 point two five six very high sectional density with 170 grain bullet in the 3030 and that means it can drive right on through and it does drive right on through on broadside and angled shots for the brisket and and it has it has good it has not just adequate it has very good power for the white-tailed deer it doesn't it really you can't you can't tell them any deader than you do with the 3030 now there are other cartridges that reach out farther but again was talking about the specific deer rifle for the person who was hunting in the woods where your shots are taken at typically within 30 yards and generally no more than 100 to 150 yards so it fills that it fills that niche perfectly as you can see this is sleek it's it's it's lightweight that rifle weighs less than six and a half pounds it probably barely gets up to six the six and a half when it's fully loaded with with seven rounds you know anybody I anybody I hunt would laugh if I would have suck out you know that number of rounds of the rifle at the end of the day you know they feel what did they have no clue what I was thinking of you know usually I carried one or two rounds in the magazine beside the one that's in the chamber and that's efficient the games all over with one shot let's talk about the let's talk about the cartridge for a minute now here's the this is the 32 special and it's it's identical in form to the thirty thirty case matter of fact if you look at this one right here this is in fact a 3030 this is a 3030 head stamp and that 3030 head stamp is Lee's Lee converted to 32 special simply by running it into a 32 Winchester special dye and the opposite is true too you can take 32 special cases and you can neck them down to thirty thirty it's a very handy affair the hundred the hundred and seventy grain bullet in either cartridge is a fabulous deer Slayer now people in the Northeast some people in the Northeast have traditionally favored the 32 special over the 3030 just because it's a little bit bigger hole diameter you know getting through and a little bit it let it that's a little bit more rebuttal bit more air into the thorax so it's it's kind of always been it's been a cult favorite for certain people obviously it was not he was not a hot seller for Winchester because they discontinued the round I should say they discontinued the the chambering when they converted from the pre 64 model 94 which is what that is I think that was made in 1953 if memory serves me but they discontinued the chambering in 1965 no I'm delighted to tell you if anybody who likes the 32 special Winchester just reintroduces the FN you know Greek national just reintroduced the 32 Winchester special in a new offering of the model 90 for its maiden Miroku its maiden the Miroku plant in Japan and I've seen the guns I mean the the action is just as slick as could be I mean the technologically very very nicely made guns I've never seen a pretty immortal 94 they're not cheap they're not this not this $65 gun that that was back in the early 50s there now I think running around $1,400 list price if I'm not mistaken so but for anybody who wants to have a new one the 32 special is back it's a great accurate round to the around is a about a hundred feet per second faster in all loadings than the 3030 and that's because just physics is applied here when you have a larger board diameter they've become a little bit more efficient and you can you can put more powder in it generally holds about four three or four grains more powder or equal bullet weight in the 32 over the 3030 and that that gives it a little like I say about a hundred feet per second or so higher velocity the 3030 with 170 grain bullet runs about 21 to 22 hundred feet per second depending on the loading the 32 Winchester special runs 22 to 23 hundred feet per second depending on the loading in the barrel lengths and then they're certainly there are there are other options with with the lever action you can get to 4570 you can get 35 Remington that's a that's a all-time favorite the 35 Remington is a 200 grain bullet that runs about 100 feet per second slower than the 3030 it's a it's a it's a good powerful round for close range for anything up to and including moose now people have taken a lot of people in Maine and have taken a New Hampshire have taken moose with 32 specialist in even 3030 so it they're not they're not they're not inadequate for the job I would not classify them as being powerhouses in that regard but the 35 Remington is a is a good is a good powerful round that has a heavy bullet with a broader bullet diameter that that that 35 caliber will certainly get the job done and now it's certain caveat the the 35 has you know being a being a bigger diameter bullet and flying along in excess of 2,000 feet per second because I was once my wife and I were once and given a deer that had been hit and I don't think we salvaged 15 pounds of meat from that deer that that deer was one bloodshot mess he wasn't the best shot in the world and he was shooting at a deer that was running about 35 40 yards from me just he he hit him in a different place every time he fired a shot and the the deer was literally bloodshot jelly when we took his hide off at all the price just felt in different pieces so you know it's it's it's a round that'll cut a deer up very well as will any ezreal any high-velocity rifle round so that's important to always strike through the when you when you're shooting at a deer any game is through the lungs you know you want to destroy tissue but it's lung tissue you want to destroy you don't want to be you don't want to be hitting in the in the you know a muscular tissue because that's that's you're meeting the other contra jiz you know the 4570 it's a great round it's it's a it's a round capable taking bison and pretty much any other animal on the planet it's it's far more than necessary for it for a deer rifle so if you're just shopping for a deer rifle and that's all you're gonna be going after you don't need to use that amount of raw materials and whether to take a deer down and you don't need to you don't need to put up with that kind of punishment of your wallet and of your shoulder unnecessarily unless you unless you just happen to enjoy that sort of sport the 35 Remington as I say is a good is a good option for a powerful round recoil is up considerably from the 32 and it's and is up considerably more than the 30 30 so if your recoil sensitive I would not recommend a 35 Remington because they they do they do give you a good solid punch 32 special it's a fabulous friend if you find an old one hanging around they're wonderful super accurate they have good ballistics almost identical trajectory to a 30 30 and the 30 the all-time 3030 is is it's a super deer round it couldn't be it couldn't be better and when I say deer Ron I'm also talking about for the you know for if you run across a black bear - that's where the 32 that's where the 32 and the 35 were favored by people in New Hampshire because is that it's that occasional bear that you could run into that that extra that extra bullet diameter was served you well know what's the typical trajectory of a 3030 and a 30 to special a 35 Remington well I like to refer to the old trajectory charts which were totally different than the tracks that you see these days you know these days they as they is you go down the column they all have a to it they all have a 100-yard zero they might have a 200-yard zero and they might have a 300-yard zero and everything and that's okay and it'll show you you know what the what the height of the trajectory are it's dropped after after it says zero those are okay but there was a more efficient manner of expressing it years ago in in ballistic tables they used to illustrate ballistic tables and according to mid point trajectory in other words what what the bullet was doing someplace between you and the zero point so a 30-30 had a midpoint trajectory at 100 yards of one inch and a thirty two special and a thirty five remington had a midpoint at 100 yards of approximately one inch I think the 35 Remington was a mid point of one half inches and explain that a little bit that the rifle has to be tilted a little bit more upward by raising the rear sight so to loft the bullet up a little bit higher so the the 35 Remington has a little bit faster drop another word drop from the bore but the midpoint at 200 yards with a thirty thirty or thirty two special was four and a half inches with open sights in other words right off the right off the top of the barrel whereas most of your ballistics tracks these days giving the trajectory from a one and a half inch plane from a one and a half inches above the bore line which is where typical average scope is mounted so but if you're looking at that if you're looking at the trajectory of a 30-30 midpoint at 200 yards is four and a half inches and the same with the 32 special the the 35 Remington I believe is about five or five and a half inches at two hundred yards which is beyond you don't want to be shooting at anything beyond two hundred yards with with any of those with any of those compressors those cartridges is just they're there at that point you know that their energy is failing because they have they have a poor ballistic shape superior ballistic form now you'll say what about the what about the quantity lever revolution bullets live I've got those these these cartridges made by Johanna T are very I find him in my rifle to be very very accurate no more accurate than the my hand load of spear loads but they do have that polymer tip which allows them to be loaded end to end in a tubular magazine without it without worry about chain detonation which can occur if you love pointed bullets in a a tubular magazine they don't cyclist looked as slick in this model 94 I haven't tried him in a I haven't tried him in a 336 yes I did I'm sorry I did I had a I had a 336 30/30 and I had the same issue they the the plight of the bullet seemed to catch as they were going up to going up from the magazine tube to the chamber so they work okay I mean that's rather annoying issue because you know you're only firing one shot and he's going down you know all the muzzle loaders in the world know that you shoot you shoot the deer he goes down you don't have to reload but so it's not it's not a big deal there's just a little bit hokey getting in they don't necessarily yes they they increase the you know the mathematical trajectory is you know the rifle the rifle has a accuracy that rifle right there's it's a superbly accurate rifle it it it has a it has a AK receive them around about two-and-a-half to three MOA that means three inches at a hundred yards so you know I've got a I've got to put on my can put all my bullets basically onto the palm of my hand at at a hundred yards and that is that is super good accuracy for a deer rifle but because of the poor ballistic form and and their lower velocity and everything out the time of flight that that becomes that becomes a six inch circle at 200 yards now that's from a bench remember so everything is magnified when you're shooting from your shoulder or shooting from your knees or shooting you know sitting down a Weber or shooting over a log you know what it what is this big at a hundred yards you know shooting from shooting from your hip becomes maybe this big at a hundred yards and it becomes this big at 200 yards so you can see what happens so you know notwithstanding the fact that they have superior ballistics on paper you're dealing with a rifle that you know doesn't give you it doesn't give you a gilt-edged accuracy beyond 150 to 200 yards so always keep that in mind and be sensible so I would say that for the person who's outfitting himself with a with a model 94 or a 336 or maybe a Henry rifle of the same chambering you know whatever whatever MO is the most accurate and you gun go with that one now what about the you probably saying I've been talking about the hundred seventy grain bullet in the 30 30 in the 32 but why am I not talking about the hundred fifty grain bullet because it goes faster it's a fast a bullet yea it's 100 feet per second faster but Jack O'Connor wrote many years ago back in the 40s that it has neither the the sectional density nor the velocity to be a good penetrating bullet with a deer sized game and I have to agree 150 grain bullet works just ducky with a 300 308 and certainly with a 3006 and that's because of the brute force involved we're talking about velocities which are you know six seven eight hundred feet per second faster than the 3030 which will drive that bullet through by by sheer force of energy the 3030 is not possessed of that sort of brute force it has it has good solid energy with a hundred and hundred and seventy grain bullet and with that sectional density of 0.25 six that thing is going to keep on chunking right on through you know it's good it's got good locomotion getting grapefruit juice 170 but with 150 grain bullet that energy fades very quickly in heavy fluid tissue so you're not going to necessarily have the bullet energy I should say the sectional density to adequately penetrate through one through and through so you're gonna have a bullet which will you know get into the lungs and it will disrupt and disturb them and the deer will certainly die but if you've been using 150 grain bullet all your life and your dad told you that that was the one to buy and everything and that's what your uncle fred uses try the 170 and i guarantee you're gonna see a superb improvement and the way the deer go down the 170 is the way to go and it carries better at all ranges so it's you know ballistic trash don't tell everything they only tell that they only tell the speed and the the energy but they don't they don't tell you what actually occurs through tissue you know if you look at some of the 3006 offerings the 220 grain bullet with that huge long sectional density bullet that in some cases that has lower energy than bullets which are you know 100 grains less so you know energy energy figures can be deceiving and I hope I have a whole video about energies and everything that does somewhat revealing so anyway I think I covered pretty much all this stuff about the or I left one of the moat the 44 Magnum is a popular is a popular there was my first that was my first deer rifle that I purchased with paper roof money when I was a paperboy back in when I was in the 60s and so I bought a 336 Maryland it just come out in the 44 Magnum chambering and it was Maryland soon discovered a few years later that it was problematic because it had to have a little flipper on the top of the on the top of the follower or the carrier I should say to prevent the the short round from going too far back on the carrier so it it didn't it didn't always chamber well and sometimes rounds flopped out of the side of it and everything so they went back to the it model 1895 after a while I discontinued but so I'm familiar with the 44 Magnum in the in the lever action it's adequate for 50 to 75 yards I wouldn't try to stretch it beyond that it's a you know penetration is a so-so with a with a bullet this 240 to 265 grains or so because the sectional density is very low it's a fat bullets a heavy bullet but it doesn't have much it doesn't have my sectional density and the velocity you're talking is still a pistol cracked resisted two revolvers cartridge which doesn't have that much sustaining velocity so all that said it's a great it's a great deer round for virtually any deer hunting especially for a person who like like I was when I was in my youth you know I I could shoot I could shoot a 44 Magnum very handily and I was still a little bit scrawny er then I would need that you know need to have behind a 3030 so the 3030 was a little bit much for me still for anybody who was looking for a 44 Magnum is a good offering plus you can you can have fun shooting 44 specials in them yeah you have to be round those posted none of the another square and bullets you know the Keith bullets and stuff will feed properly so I think I've pretty much covered it all this is my you know I I've like I I carry a lot of guns into the woods when I go deer hunting just a lot of it is nostalgic but I'll tell you what for the for the pure for the pure love of a rifle to begin the woods with that's handy to carry it's it fits in your hand like a glove literally like a glove anything carry it in any way you want it's warm its fuzzy it's just got that nice it's just got that nice smooth feel no matter where it is there's no there's no bumps and stuff sticking into you catching on your clothes and everything you don't you don't go to put it up in this and stuck to your shirt with some knob or dial it's just what it is it's it's a beautiful handy gun that'll take home the venison every day thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe god bless
Channel: GunBlue490
Views: 267,412
Rating: 4.8276815 out of 5
Id: 4W-H3GyAEZo
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Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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