The 25 06 at longrange

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[Music] with the popularity of 6-5 cartridges we thought it would be a good idea to shoot something different as in a 25 odd 6 Remington now I'm not going to give you the complete spill in history of the 25.6 there's plenty of places where you can look that up and find out for yourself we're just gonna look at its performance in particular its long-range performance we're going to start at 500 yards rangefinders I get readings between 501 and 508 so it's right at 500 thereabouts and that's usually what people consider the extreme range or long range for this caliber and for hunting purposes I would absolutely agree but well after that we'll stretch it out and see how far we can go with this we're shooting a burger ball at 115 grain vld at just over 3200 out of this particular rifle this rifle is a Cooper model 22 it's a single shot and this gun is move about sixteen years old and we've got a little pulled vx-3 eye on there and that is what we using on our test today our target is right there get that thing to settle down but that's that's what we'll be shooting at for the moment again that's just over five hundred yards between 501 and 508 so stand by around what happened [Applause] we do have a little bit of a breeze [Applause] that's what I expected on the first shot [Applause] and they say that was me another one okay now we're going to load everything up we're gonna go back this way a little ways set up the shooting table and a go down pick up our target and move it yonder over there somewhere so we can get a longer shot so load her up and go go okay well I'm gonna go up here did the 500-yard target bring you up to see her so actually I did hit all four shots by the way this is a twelve inch by 12 inch target so one two three four so good so we'll take it down and move it and try from a longer distance okay I've got the target set up it kind of cleared out some vegetation down here hopefully I can see my hits and see if you can read that or not 951 yards last night with several scenarios because this is an upward incline they don't know really what it's bad it's not a lot but I'm gonna say it's like 10 to 15 degrees maybe so I'm going to go 18 point 2 minutes because if I'm gonna miss I want to miss low so [Applause] I'm very happy with that so that's a 950 yard first round hit i was i don't know where i hit i was going to paint the target and i was also gonna put up a win flag but i didn't do either one of those I got a win flag here so I held right for a left hand wind and first round hit I probably won't hit another one now that we've been successful let's see if we can do it again I think the answer to that question is no so I'm going to have to review the footage and see where that shot went so stand by after reviewing tape I don't know anymore than they knew before so we will try it again things about shooting this distance this trigger control is paramount on an accurate rifle even though the rifles accurate if you aren't doing your part pressing the trigger consistently you're gonna struggle also having your rest further back on the stock helps prevent any undue pressure towards the end of the forearm so having the your bags we rest a little further back can be beneficial especially with a less expensive flimsy stock it's even more important the other thing is to do everything the same every single time your cartridge velocity which you have to know if you're going to be shooting these kind of distances and your standard deviation or the consistency of your ammo is very important the further out you get the more important it is this this load here has a standard deviation of about 35 feet per second which isn't bad actually it's pretty good but the further out you go I mean single digits would definitely be better and that could account for a sudden drop of a shot usually in elevation let's see if third time's the charm [Applause] I told you I had a win flag I was gonna put up over there there it is I didn't do that and I wished I had [Applause] that was hi in the left so I'm no right that shot it's really hard to do this without a spotter [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and taking the batter just a little over 1 mil hole that seems to be pretty good [Applause] so anyway there you go I will say for the Cooper the only bad thing about Cooper is that once you have one you want more but be that as it may this is Alan for [ __ ] horn sports thank you and have a great day
Channel: ShedhornSports
Views: 14,257
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shedhorn sports, 25-06, long-range, leupold
Id: sP6BlVh46lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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