270 vs 30-06 - SHOOTING STEEL

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hey everybody how you doing over the past couple weeks there's been one video that has been requested a ton and that is comparing the 270 first the 30.6 so today I have a 270 in a Weatherby Vanguard here and then I have a 30 out six in a Ruger American rifle here a black synthetic one got out oh that almost fell we've got out some Winchester super eggs and some Hornady American whitetail in both calibers and then we also have some full-metal-jacket thirty out of six all we're gonna be shooting today is this steel plate so really quick let me give you guys the details on this ammo because I know you're gonna be asking and I won't be able to find the box later so let me show you the info on the ammo real quick then we're going to then we're gonna get to send a bullets downrange I'm really excited about this one if you look at my steel here you'll notice there's already two holes in it this one I'll tell you was from a 300 Win Mag this one was actually from that 270 rifle right there that's also 270 and then these are 243 looking at the bullets there can you tell what's what so the two on the right here are 270 this is a Winchester Super X and that's the Hornet ii american whitetail there is a Full Metal Jacket 30.6 and then same here this is the 36 Hornady American white tail and the Winchester Super X for the Winchester Super X power point this is gonna be really interesting because if you look they're both loaded with the exact same 150 grain bullet flip it over to the back and the numbers are quite similar - you guys can freeze it there if you want to but muzzle velocity 29:24 36 and 28:54 the 270 so Super X is actually saying the 36 is going a little bit faster out of the barrel then we've got the horn of the American white I honestly have not shot this stuff very much very similar story here the 30.6 29 10 feet per second and the 270 29 40 feet per second so very similar story going the same speed I will tell you in the Hornet is the 270 is a hundred and forty Green bullet and then the 3006 is 150 the last wild card here we have these Full Metal Jacket 3006 my guess is that goes through the steel but I honestly don't have a clue here's how we're gonna do it we're gonna do the Winchester Super X first with the 270 then the 36 then we're going to go to the Horn of the American whitetail 270 then the 30 out 6 then we're gonna go with that wild card and the Full Metal Jacket 30.6 let's go see if we can put some more holes in this steel gonna go way down there not there but a lot further than that and set up this steel but I'll be right back with the 270 and the super X alright let me go ahead and forewarn you I'm gonna be out of breath for most of this video because I got 15 minutes to film this video in about 20 minutes worth of filming to do so like I said we're gonna start with this 270 in the winchester super x go to run down to the end of the range each time with this camera see if we poked a hole in it and then come back and take the next shot so first we're sitting up here with the 270 whether it be Vanguard I'm gonna pick up that 150 grain Winchester Super X we're gonna shoot that pink steel down there spoiler alert one of those holes in that steel is from one of these but you never know this one may not punch it [Music] we smacked it clear let's go see if we put another hole in it down there so there's where we hit it pretty good shot near the center but it didn't come out the back it did put a pretty good dent in it but it didn't come out the back this is where I shot it previously with that same round which is interesting because you'd think closer to the center of the steel would be weaker but who knows now I'm gonna go load up that exact same bullet 150 grand super X power point in the 30.6 see if that baby goes through remember the box said they're going about the same speed so let's see what happens all right now I'm looking for the Winchester Super X and 30.6 and here it is hand I'll see what this baby does 150 grain super X I know I'm gonna say the names of these rounds about a thousand times in this video but it's mostly just to keep myself straight in what in the world I'm doing here and this one's not wanting to feed here we go thirty out six Winchester super eggs well off the bat you can see there the 30.6 flipped that sucker all the way around which is kind of interesting I'd say that's one point for Team 30.6 well let's run down there and look at the target see if it busted a hole through it and we do not have another hole but we do have another crater right there and what's interesting is more paint flaked off the 270 but that's probably because there are already two holes up here didn't distress it as much but so far to 70/30 out six no holes through the steel but like I said it did flip that sucker whoop all the way over it so I'm gonna flip it back now I'm gonna go grab the 270 Hornady American whitetail 140 grain all right I figured it might help our brains if I put the Box on the table what we're shooting now we're gonna shoot those yep 140 grain - 70 s see what happens on that steel I'm out of breath but I'm having fun lighter bullet almost 3,000 feet per second I'll say this one goes through I know I flinched on that one that trigger actually surprised me trigger on this Weatherby is definitely a little bit different than that Ruger American what we hit it goes even put a hole in it and looking at the target okay yep I hit it right up there by the chain and it looks like it might have possibly gone through but we're gonna have to shoot that one again let's go check it out and you see how many holes I'm countin 1 2 3 so that Hornady American whitetail just put that center hole right through that steel let's look at the back yeah right there pretty wild so there is the first new hole you can see we shot so far quick recap super X 150 grain in to 70 and 30 out 6 no hole stood still then we shot the 270 American whitetail went through it now let's go load up the 30 out 6 in American whitetail which is the same speed at least advertised and see if that Hornet he goes through the steel just like that 270 I don't think it's going to guys but I'll see what happens loading up the Hornady american whitetail in this 30 out six let's see if it can punch a hole through that steel like it's 270 counterpart there need a bipod for this one [Music] and you will notice that again the 30.6 flipped that sucker over so the fact that that much energy hit it makes me think it didn't go through but let's check it out what happened so to tell you the truth I'm not exactly sure where we hit it it was either one of those not one that one that was the first one we shot but 30.6 hit in one of those I believe and we still only have three holes in this steel very interesting now last and final test thirty out six with that 150 grain whoa I just bought the last and final test thirty out six with that Full Metal Jacket you would think in your head that the Full Metal Jacket thirty out six will blast through that steel because it's not a LED tip hunting round but this stuff is loaded for those m1 grains I don't know anything about them but in my head I want to say that it's loaded light so it won't explode your old rifles but to truth I don't know anything about those rifles so let's load it up and see what happens it may be super-powerful and knock that thing off the chains I don't know all right here we go final shot at the video so 150 grain 30 out six see if we could punch through that steel with it I want to think that that all-american 3006 round Full Metal Jacket m1 garand ammo would punch through the steel but we'll see what happens [Music] Oh same thing there with all the other stores out six rounds swung that target over the top let's go take a look at it all right walking up to it there's still only three holes and that still the good news is is our grouping there is not too far off we had one hit down there but everything else was pretty close and around there so pretty fair grouping so this video was a whole lot of fun to shoot pun not intended but that sounded super corny now I got three holes in my steel but we did learn that my 270 will put holes through the steel in my 36 will not with the exact same rounds and the exact same almost advertised ballistics the only difference is there and some of you may have caught it that Weatherby has a barrel that is two inches longer than that thirty out six so listen other story get the longest barrel you can right obviously it worked with that Weatherby and to singing these bullets downrange and cutting steel that you would assume to be pretty hard thanks for watching the video guys hope you enjoyed it I know I did even though I'm crazy out of breath let me know what you prefer the 30.6 or the 270 both of those rounds have been around a very long time whole lot of people shoot them big shout out in the big thanks to heavy metal guns and outdoors don't forget to go subscribe to their channel if you haven't already don't forget to subscribe to the hoo-dee-hoo channel if you haven't already don't forget to give us comments that videos you'd like to see that's how we ended up doing this one we'll see you on the next video
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 771,847
Rating: 4.7719893 out of 5
Keywords: 270 vs 3006, .270 vs .3006, 270 vs 30-06, 3006 vs 270, .3006 vs .270, 30-06 vs 270, .270 vs .30-06, .30-06 vs .270, 270 vs 308, .270 vs .308, .270 vs 30-06, .3006 vs .308, .30-06 vs .308, 270win, 270 win, .270 win, .270 winchester, 3006, .30-06, 270 rifle, 308 or 3006, 270 or 30-06, 270 or 308, 270 or 7mm, whoteewho, .308 vs .30-06, 30-30 vs .308, deer, 270 winchester, 270, .270, 270 american whitetail, 30-06 american whitetail, super x 270, super x 30-06, superx 150 grain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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