308 vs 30-06 - How Many Pavers???

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video out of the range today with heavy metal and this is gonna be comparing one of my favorite calibers to compare everybody wants to argue about the 308 verse 30 out 6 and we're gonna be shooting dead through these 2 inch by 8 inch pavers let me show you exactly the ammo we're shooting here this is Full Metal Jacket in both of these this is the 308 and this is the 30.6 you can see the 30.6 is a little bit taller and the ammo we're shooting these are winchester white box loaded with the same 147 grain Full Metal Jacket so these are the exact same projectiles but one's a 308 and one's a 36 this ammo was sent in to us by our buddy Jerry so I'll big shout out and a big thanks to Jerry for hooking us up with this ammo now let me go grab you the rifles we're shooting the exact same rifles same barrel length everything just to two different calibers and just to show you we're not goofing with you or nothing these are both my Ruger Americans ones and 308 ones and 30.6 and actually do have the exact same scope on these it's a Bushnell Bushnell banner scope you know this is your standard deer hunting setup both of these will 100% take a deer no problem pretty much what you might call just your perfect everyday dude's deer hunting rifle and we're gonna compare the 308 verse to 30.6 shoot these papers over here dead center and I have no idea but even with these full metal jackets I'm thinking we're only these are 2-inch that's pretty thick yeah it's either gonna go through one or two thirty out six might have a hair of an age but we're about to find out let's go set these up on the range and put some bullets through them all shoot the 308 first all right so check this out real quick this was Paul's idea we got those pavers sitting in that pallet so we don't have to worry about them falling over anything and I'm gonna try to hit them dead center here let's go load up that floor eo8 see what happens I'm thinking with the 308 we're gonna break the first one second one will survive but slow it up and see what it does all right now here's that 308 here and it's gonna be hard to see cuz we got some funky shade going on but right around here somewhere we got those blocks so check this out I'm gonna try to shoot dead center and then we'll take a look and see what happened yeah I think we got a good hit let's go check it out quick so walking up to it here remember we had them in there in those slots first one broke in half and we had five up here now it only did break one yeah so that's the top and the bottom off the first one so there's four still intact you can see we did have a center shot and the second block did get hit square in the center there but didn't break it let's get set up I'll replace that front one and we'll shoot it with the 30.6 maybe 30.6 will break two walls I know all you 36 fans are crossing your fingers that it will but I think I might 30.6 it's got a little bit more boogie let's see if the 3006 King break two of those pavers alright now we got the 30 on six here we'll see what this one does a little bit more power on this I think we hit that one dead center too let's go see what happened yeah here's woke up to that second shot with the 3006 looks like the same thing so we had five up there one two three four five at first hitch first two inch one there's broken half and then the second one there looks about to be the same where there's a bunch of that ladder on there looks like the bullet actually hit right there but we only broke that very first block I don't know about you guys you guys call it like you saw it but the way I saw it is 308 first the 30.6 same rifles same projectile hey did the same amount of damage you want to pick up a 308 or a 36 for deer hunting yeah same difference to me if you can shoot both of them will do the job but let me know what you think in the comments down below fun day at the range I always love comparing different rifle calibers comment down below anything that you would like to see us compare in some future videos as always appreciate the heavy metal Channel you guys go check them out and subscribe don't forget to subscribe to the hootie-hoo channel if you haven't already 308 verse 36 we'll see on the next one who do [Music] you
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 617,249
Rating: 4.8588018 out of 5
Keywords: 308, 30-06, .308, .30-06, 308 vs 3006, .308 vs .30-06, 30-06 vs .308, 30-06 or .308, .30-06 vs 308, .308 or .30-06, 308 or 30-06, 308 or 3006, best deer round, 3006, super X testing, super X 308, super X 3006, super X .308, best 308 for deer, best 3006, best 3006 for deer, which is better 308 or 3006, accuracy test .308 vs 30-06, 308 vs 30 06, 30-06 vs. .308 what is the difference, difference between 308 and 3006, 3006 308, whote, 308 fmj, 3006 fmj, 308 vs 3006 fmj, whoteewho
Id: dCn-UljpeD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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