Best 20 New Locations For Palworld Farming - Epic Ore & Resource Spots

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so building your first base in power even a second or third base can be a tough call because 99% of the time you want to build in an area where materials are easy to come by in this video guys I bring you some of the best locations in this game for Base building and those material Farms so whether you're trying to move your main base or you just want to build a work base to find materials I've scouted this map the entire map looking for the perfect spots and today guys I believe I bring you the best how's it going guys my name is dpj I'm giving away a couple copies of this game to be with the chance of winning one simply drop a like on this video leave a comment down below and make sure you are subbed with those notifications turned on winners will be announced in a few days good luck everybody okay so this video will consist of many spots that I have found where a base can be set up for either your main living base or a farming base I cover all materials in regards to ore coal sulfur and pure ports too so let's go and first up guys we're going to start with the or Farmers because first on a lot of people will need those ingots so or is very very important so there are plenty of spots all over the map but let's just get into the best ones I have found so first up guys we have this great little location so this spot is home to around a or rocks uh the area itself is mostly low level plenty of other materials around too but best of all guys you also get this amazing view what more would you want now this can be one of your main bases I mean if I wouldn't have built up in an easy area guys I would definitely have been coming to this spot but it's definitely one of the better earlier spots in the game for sure plenty of metal to around here stone wood great view view what you got to do guys okay so next up guys we have another spot filled with those all rocks I actually used this from real early on guys I got most of my metal from this spot Des spite itself I will say it's probably too small for a main base setup but is a perfect starting farming base for that or but yeah great spots guys either or and you can see it location on screen right here the next or spot is actually a great main Base building spot lowlevel area loads of materials around and it even has its very own skill tree nearby which can earn and farm those pability from the location is sp you can see on screen now guys but it's definitely a great great great first space spot for sure okay so I'm moving on people and we have another all farming spot so this one is a tough one I mean the area is filled with those rocks but because it's on a slight Hill this alone puts me building a main base here but the spot itself is amazing for that or sure I counted around 10 blocks in this small facility so yeah guys this one I would recommend as a farming base spot for sure real early on too nice area and you can see the location on screen now people okay so next up we introduce a bit of coal into the mix so this first spot I've already covered on my channel but just in case you missed that it is a great great o and coal farming spot on the top of this m top safe and secure up here there's like seven or eight of both of these rocks or and coal right next to each other I'm currently using this uh for a farming base for that coal and metal it's perfect for this but my main base could be built up here it would just be tricky trying not to block spawns if you want to have a decently sized base because the area the facility where you put that power box down it covers up all the Rocks but doesn't leave you much room to make a big base here so keep that in mind but it is either all guys a great spot to build a farming base for that coal and that metal that or so yeah you what you got to do here okay so moving on and this next spot is also a great one so this spot is legit one of the highest points in the game but up here there's a bit of space too with loads of orox here but also guys just below slightly down below there are many many cor rocks just waiting for you to farm me personally and how I am it's probably a little too small for me but it could make someone a great spot I mean there's plenty of like uh flat surfaces around here too I mean you wouldn't even have to build until where these oil rocks are can build next to it and just Farm the coal and farm the oil when you needed to I mean hey just showing out there guys I mean this one can make someone a perfect first base or even a second or third base okay so this next spot is a great flat piece of land with plenty of coal rocks here now the area is hot so you'd have to be prepared to set up here but the plane itself is a good set up for someone I just don't feel a spot like this is for most for sure a great coal farming spot but as a main base I ain't sure okay so now we move on to that sulfur and or now trust me I've searched everywhere for a single spot on this map which both can be utilized to farm uh for a simple working base although spots do exist few and far between and the ones that do exist and exactly filled with the desired rocks we want plus the area is always baking so you have to keep that in mind when it comes to to a main base up here and this is a great spot I've used but only for that sulfa the great thing about this is is a fast travel point right next to it so I'm not even sure guys you need to even build a base up here I mean it is kind of small uh fitting a base on this side would be just pointless in regards to our main base but working base could be fine this area is also home to loads of those or rocks too which I didn't spot at first if only these two were a little closer together it would be that perfect farming base setup for that sufa and that or but yeah guys there's plenty of both in this small vicinity uh so you can just come here whenever you want and farm away okay so this next spot is one where there's both plenty of ore and sofa it's just slightly too far apart now although where the or is located the lands are great size mostly flat too and there's a load of sofa around this area too so it could be a good spot for somebody me personally it would be a farming base for me at best not quite white flat enough and big enough for how I like things but hey some people like it small some people like to build up instead of out which is fine too so this next spot is more or less the same there's a ton of or rocks in fact there's 10 in this very small space and to be honest the area itself in regards to a main base might do someone okay it is a little small though but area itself is filled with that sulfur just a little further down here there's count the sulfur rocks that you could take advantage of so Metals here suace here it's not a bad area to be honest I'm not going to lie okay so the next two spots you could create farming bases around these are more or less strictly sufare with that odd or Rock here too so yeah check this you out guys that could be a good working base for you okay so now let's move on to that pure quartz so this material comes from those colder areas so the right gear will be needed to even survive up here never mind Farm them so this first spot is lited with pure quartz rocks with a couple of O rocks here too could be a great setup for someone who likes the cold so this next SP is actually a decent main base spot with a lot of flsh land nearby but here as you can see there's a Lads of that pure quartz and even the odd metal or Rock hiding nearby too and that skill Tre is Right nearby also guys I mean it could be the perfect spot for somebody okay so this next spot is loaded with pure quartz with the OD metal or Rock here also what I like about this spot is besides the weather it's quite safe due to being elevated I've actually myself thought about using this spot for my own farming base which I'm yet to set up but I'm probably going to do so for sure okay so next up guys I bring you some amazing main base spots now these might not be the perfect Farm spots but the areas I will show you offer that space flat land and just in general great looking locations for some great giant bases as a lot like my main base it's in an area where is literally just stone wood and berries there's no metal all around where I am but because it's my main base I can always fast travel to a working base and bring back to this one so yeah for your main base it don't need to be lited with materials as long as you can fast travel in and out of it and you're good with the land and the size you are good to go okay so this first spot is filled with white or bare minimums uh like wood and stone but it also has a big flat landed area but it does get better guys what's amazing about this spot is just down nearby this Cliff there's a whole group and those all rocks waiting for you to come and farm them when needed so yeah one of the best spots I I've seen in the game for sure I probably would have built up here if I would have already committed myself to building where I first built but yeah this is a great great area for sure guys and I'm contemplating moving here we'll see guys we will see okay so this next spot I was tempted by myself the area is uh flat but there are levels to it too which I do like I also love the surrounding body of water this one though could be used as a a working base because of the the C rocks here but in my opinion I'd flatten the land I'd build all them block the spawns and take this area up as my main base I could build something amazing here like I said I love the body of water around it too I may do something like this I don't know yet we'll see we'll see okay so this next spot isn't the biggest although it is big enough for some building the bay at the foot of this Anubis statue I believe would look amazing and I for sure can see some Kings living here although there's not much vital materials nearby there is a skill tree here so you can Farm those pabilities H but yeah this could make a real great base setup for somebody okay so lastly guys we have this amazing spot which is home to actually tons of rocks has plenty of flat land too and it also has a massive cold whole farming spot right nearby so you could possibly build between the two farms and use a flat area as your main base let's go to either or Farm whenever you wanted to when you need that coal when you need that metal you could use and abuse the areas surround it so this is one of the better spots in the game for sure and there we have it guys 20 of the best base spots as well as base farming spots you can get in power world guys if you enjoyed the video leave a like really helps out if you like what you see want to see more be sure to Subs subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 34,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld tips, palworld best pals, palworld tips and tricks, palworld pokemon, palworld review, palworld how to, palworld xbox, palworld early access, palworld base guide, palworld best base location, palworld base building, palworld base, palworld best base, guide, palworld multiplayer, palworld trailer, pokemon, palworld game, gaming, palworld release date, pal, palworld ingot farm, palworld ore, pal world, base, palworld farming
Id: 3Fh1Gm0ewXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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