200 Colonists w/ 1 Passion and 0 Skills vs Rimworld #3 | Getting Crowded

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my friends welcome back to the gulag on our 200 colonists journey we built a big base and we filled it with plants but then the games started to stutter because I'm trying to crash the game and I want to see what it's going to take so some of you just suggested that I cut down all of the trees so there will be no more trees we're going for complete like we're combining Gulag with like values with capitalism by deforestation so deforestation is the next phase we have a lot of planters I'm proud to say and most of the fields are planted so all they really need to do is walk out and cut everything down and hopefully that will increase the performance so that we can eventually raise the colonists numbers up to 300 or 400 or 500 I I don't know I just want to I want to test out the game see what it's capable of also we need to defend ourselves from incoming evil so we're going to build embrasures everywhere now there are many varieties of kill boxes I'm not an expert by any means the range of machine pistol is about just under like 20 squares right around there so we want to build a kill box that's shaped in the circle and such that each person can shoot at whoever's in the entrance if that makes sense I think it's a fairly decent way to get a lot of colonists firing and raise the surface area of shooting I won't do it perfectly but I'll do it good enough that's enough for me we just want to make it such that we could get a decent amount of firepower on anyone who comes into our base and if we wall in these sections it may not be pretty but this should work you can probably see what I'm getting at embrasures along here I don't know where we have that then we build a wall here we just have to cut down part of this so that people have an entry waypoint and then they can come in here and just get murdered this absolutely just train just Massacre just so many machine Bissell's mines you name it but we need to do this a few times I wouldn't put it past my men too it'll take them a while to get it done but they'll get it done he'll get it done or my name isn't Rick James and we do went along here as well following this basic design we should be able to make a kill box at each of these vulnerable corners clearly these are safe entrances for enemies and is the last one and that's our kill boxes so one two three four five six different six different ones it is a very large map size though let's just have them work for a few days in that way they will get them done I think they have enough limestone we can switch out the rocks reason I choose limestone is it's probably the hardest of them all and there's no granite on this map and we'll have so much wood lying around that we can start to build wooden spike traps all over these minefields we'll just set up stockpile zones with critical priority so that they bring wood to them and then spike traps pretty much all over the inside of here they might just make a beeline for me but let's let's start at the assumption that they'll spread out a little bit here we go and we could actually just make a blueprint for the last of these I'll call this one legend of the Hidden Temple because it reminds me of Nickelodeon and that's the way it will be there we go good enough good enough just put spike traps all around the edge of the map very dangerous very spooky satisfying to place many of them at once I'm liking these mods saving me a lot of arthritis and clicking just a few more weeks till they're done though this one's been sped up because we open that old open that and now we're working with Richard Simmons there we go we're working with Richard Simmons and I know a lot of you guys are looking out we were made with workflow and tips actually I'd have been copying and pasting bills in the background and I don't do it all on the air but yeah I do manage workflow so you are informed I know you have the best intentions for me and I have the best intentions for you but soon we will be cowboys we must also be doing a good job because I'm starting to see the stock piles clear out which means we need to mine more right now in the Gulag like every other day every day is different but in some ways the same in most ways the same actually in most ways the same clearly the next item on the list is television really old 90s television what's you're watching on the boob tube now as a child they thought when they called it a boob tube that meant that there were boobs on the TV but I didn't understand why they called it a tube because it wasn't a tube I knew when I was in fifth grade though that I liked boobs a little young a little bit much information I'm sorry that was crass Oh cow to has given birth oh there she lay I thought it impossible because we had so many colonists and I thought that the game was conspiring to kill me let's train the baby cow oh [ __ ] the baby cow is already dreams its wildness is that only 5% it's a female calf there's going to be a lot of incest on our farm soon everyone loves some good incest it knows to stay in cow and we can expand cow to new frontiers brave new frontiers to go where noble cow has ever gone to move where none have mood greys Grey's my animals there's another one I didn't notice a calf 102 females we need more females it's I mean there might be some really bad you know what I mean by really bad incest yes becoming a theme of our play through incest wonderful wonderful I didn't notice this they don't need to be facing the TV they could just be sitting in dining room chairs and watch TV how civil they're watching a Western and I'll be damned we can't grow he'll root yet we need plants 8 and we have only plants 6 or so on most of our farmers so no one can good you know do this or getting close we're getting close to full autonomy how good is their diner extremely impressive let's improve that even more make sure every room is extremely impressive I also don't remember what what is the best this the best one we'll just keep putting as many sculptures in there until until they feel so good till they feel unbelievably good ah work no brakes no brakes good good wood wood and they call it de mine mine ere it is we don't take down Matt we need that there we go you don't want to take - dammit - you don't want to take too much time otherwise they will actually mine in because it's less costly they do like I think they do a little cost like that I have seen people mine into my house though it's very very rage-inducing I needed therapy afterward just spam more statues everywhere good good all along the walls all along the walls running out of room who more cows joined we don't even deserve this how three and cow for they'll make great additions to the team enter cow into cows and in efforts to complete the world's largest [ __ ] show we can put a massive refrigerator over here or more of like a deep freeze fridge the main idea is you know keep the temperature in in our last colony where we worked at a perfect refrigeration system I don't care to do it this time because we're year-round fine with food we don't have winter so we don't have that to worry about when we had winter we just had to have like a hundred by hundred giant block of rice so that we could become rice for an entire season for a hundred people I don't want that problem this time also tell everyone in the colony did to start construction because I'm a little sick of waiting and I just want them to be done with this goddamn job most of it is like good enough types of jobs we might lose a few resources but in the long run that's ok that's ok this brings him full employment employment up to a bustling 100% again well done you're going to you're gonna release so many resources in this but it is sandstone so they can grind you know getting through this fast hopefully the builders are all out by the main building project ok all right that's fine it's fine we have this happen in our last colony and things went quite well oh look at all of the welding love some good welding up in this [ __ ] they botched relatively few of their constructions considering that they have none of the okay some of them are failing at the embrasures that's negligible negligible negligible we're getting it done we're moving mountains good good this one's almost done hooray hooray something isn't sitting right with me I'm liking this Achtung thing this ain't bad this ain't bad people okay go like that oh I'm liking this I'm liking the line no wrong spot go over here there we go good good I'm surprised they don't add this to vanilla this is a wonderful mod wonderful mod scream isn't that the same guy who did Sami land to brains brains what a fine-ass mod what a finance mod okay you know what comes next in the gulag many enter but only a few leave only a few leave oh good good clean or sick saw too much for getting more failures but this this one's more or less complete we're done here we're ready to you know Rumble and we need to build roofs here roofing in the middle of the summer wow that is so nice look at that look at how quickly they move and roof you think they'd use something better than corrugated not they hide in your room 33 minor break risks what is the matter with them a slightly environment darkness oh it's the darkness that's bothering them Oh let there be light let there be light put lights along all of the pathways where they walk since we have a night shift this makes sense and it also looks really sexy I think it looks sexy maybe not worth it but it's fun and I love fun let's just lower the target temperature and I do not remember what they need for deep freeze but if you if you put the freezers at three different heats it kind of keeps it at one level like in the middle it always sort of works like that and it's got to be a little bit lower than what you're aiming at because what is going oh that's the embrasures okay it's gonna be a little lower than what you're aiming at because people walk in and out and that lets the cool loud and generally speaking it's gonna be hotter outside of the fridge than it is inside the fridge which is why you have a fridge ah-ha-ha-ha-ha the sounds of labor forced labor the meals the meals the walls the walls ooh a red fox whoo bad red foxes hunting cat calf - for food you know what to do shoot it in the face shoot it in the face and try to do it before okay it is very he's very sly fast fox shoot it in the face shoot it in the face shoot it in the goddamn ass oh no builder 13 you dumb ass go over there good everyone take out your guns good good good another dead animal all we did was help nature take its course this is looking very very deadly very deadly now we're just about out of limestone do we have all of these things we have pretty much all of the limestone emplacements completed though so we don't need to really switch out our material I was thinking we were gonna have to go over to sandstone but we're good thrombosed there they are look a whole herd of them you're wandering near to our spike traps no no don't do that don't do that you'll regret it because you'll severely regret that oh oh oh there they go oh they're coming in coming it's coming into the base watch your step there I don't think animals always avoid spike traps like your colonists do or at least ever on these thrombosed seem pretty smart Christ's sake all right they are they're in the base we'll just uh let's find our own rooms we'll just check ourselves in alright this is something I've been wanting to try for years come on everybody sure join in we're just gonna stand in a line here we go okay I've wanted revenge on these creatures for many years it's worth it's worth the stopping of the entire economy right warden one you go away now you go away for a moment okay let's get get everyone else over here all of you just stand right there make sure we run all make sure there's no friendly fire now okay okay they're a little close all right let's let them pass through they they don't know what's about to happen standing a lot thick enough that we don't get into friendly fire something like this yeah that'll do that'll do sure this will work all right I don't like them I don't like them revenge revenge revenge okay okay we oh damn damn okay someone go help it someone go help it we needed the fur we needed the fur dr1 you go back to you go back to bed now you're all right you're all right okay we have succeeded I haven't done that yet I wanted to do that all these years of playing this game like my Captain Ahab moment you know a thrombosed destroyed my second ever colony if you go back far enough to my playthroughs in 2017 there was an infamous theft from Bose who killed my one rich colonists playthrough it made me very angry at the time and I've been waiting for this moment since then three years three years I've waited let's read about the death wow there's a lot of oh my god every single one of its body parts was mangled it's still gonna take 12 hours its stomach was crushed by a machine it already had an artery blockage it had asthma it had asthma in both lungs a bad back what is this guy even okay you're cleaning the blood okay hunt it that seems like a good idea it has dementia it has hearing loss and cataracts and you're still telling me it's gonna take 12 oh 12 hours oh right well it's miserable life is over onward onward I feel kind of bad you know I all the other ones are just sitting here eating the rice so [ __ ] let that be a message to all of thrombosed kind ah how now brown cow how now your milk is getting full they're smashing smashing plants twelve sister has arrived villager violet a group of villagers from vert our ax are resuming the colony they seem to have a few items to trade I didn't know that plants twelve had a sister uh rimworld you unexpected game this is our way of saying welcome just walk over the wood and the spike traps why do we have one here we should not have this there safety first always use protection and exorcise the demons oh [ __ ] a heat heat wave isn't that bad no we have dusters we have cowboy hats or safe from [ __ ] back back Kassandra peaceful I think not our kill boxes are done I'm thinking it's about time to do the real [ __ ] you know what I mean by the real [ __ ] right I mean the real [ __ ] the real [ __ ] your worst baby actually I think I'm going to regret that it was the student Cassandra I don't want I don't want like alien poop raining from the top of the refrigerator something I want like heard of 1000 like rats to attack us that would be a good first test of resilience let's also set up a machining table I've been waiting to do this for a while I don't really know why I just I've been waiting right it's looking like the effects of the evil narrate are starting to kick in we got a play in the cows not what I was expecting but evil was expected it's also a hundred and twenty five degrees Fahrenheit as that's rather hot extremely hot yes we'd use the opportunity to put our geothermal generator to work let's just put ventilation between all of the rooms and then yes set that off to actually doing something set it off to actually doing something air conditioning it is air conditioning is unlivable we are almost we are almost cooking in some of these room 125 129 which was five went to an end in the room with the steam geysers now 129 oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we're good look at the amount of heat stroke everyone in their rooms it's about the same as it is outside I could go about doing ventilation I did it in my last one I had everything temperature controlled and that was kind of crazy it was it was honestly crazy the temperature builder tent accidentally hit a trap [ __ ] idiot all right you just you just survived there oh you go to bed now you go to bed sir I don't know why that trap was there it must have been the bad luck police the bad luck police are trying to kill me oh [ __ ] the entire colony is going to die of heatstroke not what I wanted not what I wanted from this storyteller this is some [ __ ] alright builders you know what to do but the heat does appear to be decreasing it's now 113 and dropping Oh plants 8 another casualty doctor 8 he's always late more he's not looking good more heatstroke 111 it's going down baby there's no more heatstroke no more heatstroke oh yeah oh yeah 107 106 and it's still dropping if they will still get on okay they're still in shitty moods I'm gonna ignore all the you getting salt people I won't be ripping people's fingers off today in the name in their name of the good of everyone you know are we almost done with the kill boxes can you just please send a horde of I want it to be not Mecca I don't want it to be mechanoids yet I want it to be asked than just getting killed by heat this can't be the can't be the way good job dr. 710 to the sick even with your left middle toe destroyed you're not a prick and the temperature is dropping we are safe again we're safe oh no don't kill tortoise one with a plague anyone but tortoise one we need his good cool down could cool down [ __ ] [ __ ] this builder this builder has an infection that might actually kill him the infection is going up faster than the immunity we gave him the best medicine we give them a good bed maybe maybe it from builder it's horrible if one guy dies you need to burn the body everyone is sad because then they all get the negative debuff movement okay don't die on me baby don't die come on we extended it early we tended it early all someone did was bite you if you die from being bit by a man I would be nonplussed nonplussed I think he will die he had a pretty horrible 10 quality the doctor was not good Oh tantrum food binge I don't like it I don't like it turned out it's all from the goddamn low it's all from the head temperature it's a [ __ ] way of killing me uh god I hate it it's like they rip apart your colony and then they send in the kill force you know it's like they're gonna sit in the FBI in a minute ain't no more art no more art allowed we're just gonna cool the entire complex from this place good it just needs to get through this one small vent I'm not liking this narrator anymore okay just take down the wall beneath the temperature to go down in here really fast 91 degrees that's much better we've lowered it by 20 degrees all around whose need to take down the rest okay everybody get on that let's get the temperature down in here and that did nothing five coolers or just I guess they're not enough to cool down the entire place keep lowering the target temperature work harder not exactly what I pictured from this storyteller can we save his life and maybe I think we I think he might live 10 quality 59% I think he'll make it through this just he might he might have much better though and the temperatures stabilized were saved - ha ha huzzah oh that was looking really bad there for a second okay builder 2 is gonna survive this is looking more positive researcher 2 is not gonna die of heatstroke oh hell one died plague burned her corpse burn her corpse and the heatwave is over how now brown cow no fighting no more fighting people use violence to stop the fighting rate arrayed Archer armed the brother okay the brother of Haller 17 maybe we could negotiate with them afterward a coalition of crew Laika cry Guha woohoo good good Giga good hurray hurray hurray defend the wall defend the wall defend the wall everyone good good good oh right plants aid and artists 5 go home go home conscientious objectors ok good here we go here we go good good people hooray now we need someone alluring to lure them in ok hunter 8 you are great your mom's not a [ __ ] answer the door ok good they wow they are fast they are really fast Oh hunter 8 you might be completely [ __ ] yeah yeah oh they're coming in faster now ok oh damn that is really fast oh no cleaner 14 you don't even [ __ ] that is a lot Oh My Jesus well though they should get stopped they might be able to melee the people here I guess we could have set up maila alright they have decided that this was a mistake Oh tortoise one died no no clean it up clean it up look at all these dead people we need to make even more roof for them there's just not enough for it just not enough right here it just it just ain't right it ain't right oh you observe of course and so the maximum for observing corpses is negative 10 well that's a good thing otherwise we'd all be going crazy right here well just put them put them down right there well well build a new wall in front of our wall like Vlad the Impaler or something I was actually very terrifying what Vlad the Impaler would do it was pretty [ __ ] up but we got to keep out this we got to keep out the riffraff right here alright what are other terrible things to say [ __ ] you know we can't actually build a crematorium because we don't have granite flocks wow that just dawned on me huh that's a coinkidink so we could do it from sandstone but not this wow that's wild I didn't even realize that they had like types of stones that they could be built with is this is amazing this is weird it works with limestone I'm not it's failing with sandstone right whatever good we're down to only blood no more bodies we just need to make even more space that's how I'm gonna need to do some multiplication to figure out how many there was why would you not take it from right there we'll also build other cremate crematoria I guess crematoria on other parts of the base cuz we're gonna need this like some sort of Sweeney Todd factory of death love in it these things take a long time to build 400 work that's a lot for one man mmm mmm that is nice oh [ __ ] who should I give the job of burning all the bodies which one unfortunate guy I guess minor one you know he lives the closest to this either him or cutter 15 eenie meenie miney moe I choose you okay get out of bed cleaner six teams like this place is a mess right my man Oh hold your horses hold your horses you're not gonna I'm gonna just take you off or whatever you were doing well the good news is that you're employed the bad news is that you need to do this and the good news is also that you'll you'll be done with your work at some point unlike everyone else in this colony it's burned corpses forever okay and you will build earther no builder 30 I don't know what type of task this is builder 13 why would he have decided to do this no this is exclusive I know one exclusive I'm mandating it do it forever protected - no no need to even take anything - his stockpile all right minor one show us your talents show us your this actually isn't that bad it doesn't take him that long he's he's getting it done let's clear the prioritize work now what would you do well let him get a meal we don't want him going crazy just 79 more to go enjoy your meal well you can back to cremating and it looks like we're getting that weird stutter again now I've heard there's ways to optimize this supposedly one of them is to just cut down all of the trees on the map so I've ordered them to again DeForest the entire map which should be another nice bottomless task that'll take forever and we have too much now maybe maybe burning the bodies will help I can't be entirely sure but while it is repulsive grotesque disturbing and delicious it's also damn cozy to watch this you know like the fireside there's just something about it afraid even the framerate stuttering is just it's just doing it for me right now keep going you're almost twenty percent of the way done and you're getting better at it too I'm just going to sit here and watch a slideshow of minor one burning all of the rest of the bodies I'm hoping that the performance goes up at some point but otherwise we're going to have to start to turn to more and more outlandish oh great a psychic drone medium and MIT I don't that's actually cool that's actually quite horrible what is this moderate drone that negative 22 well on that note I think I'm gonna sign off for today because I have run out of patience with these people we you know at least we got in 1-1 decent rate I was waiting for one rape where we would have the upper hand this this was worth it but we're all gonna go crazy from a psychic trump anyway I hope you enjoy me and I hope you enjoy me I hope you join me for that next time as always my name is ambiguous amphibian and I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 115,439
Rating: 4.9596672 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.1, rimworld royalty, rimworld 100 colonists, rimworld 200 colonists, rimworld 100, rimworld 200, rimworld 100 pawns, rimworld 200 pawns, rimworld no skills, rimworld no skills all passion, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld 1.1 mods, rimworld 1.1 let's play, let's play rimworld, rimworld all passion no skills, rimworld one passion, rimworld passion, rimworld rts, rimworld prepare carefully, rimworld big colony, rimworld colony
Id: bFtwXvg_0KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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