200 Colonists w/ 1 Passion and 0 Skills vs Rimworld #4 | Blast Radius

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a lot of good things have happened in our rimworld colony since our last adventure we fended off a horde of barbarians first and now my attention is turning to some of the ancient dangers around us for there are many one is right here and there's good stuff inside so I think we need to build a million spike traps outside of it and then lure whatever's inside outside of it watch how carefully I'm going to shyster my way into this it's going to build a wooden wall all the way around here and right in here and we did this in one of our last colonies but we basically just need to build a maze of torture until eventually we murder everyone on the other side and all as well when we're done if we just chase through this one in here good there we go okay now unbilled these and it'll just finish off this warm of spike traps you know I don't trust these because I don't know what's inside of the monument so let's just build them forever over here something like this yeah that'll work and now we just build all these spike traps in here and hopefully no one gets you know trapped by them and actually killed good go go my people go you know what this will work far better we deconstruct these and we build these but this is just a faster way to do it it makes sense we'll build the central walls at the end yeah efficiency good weld weld weld my people weld for your lives good good good work they're working into the night be very very careful builder 16 please don't die okay he's safe well that was lucky you want to avoid having to do that although one really unlucky dude is going to have to walk through all of them that will be dangerous which is gonna be to get really really lucky for that good we're nearly there Oh donkeys joined us oh look there they go buy some wild donkeys reform your way of life or be murdered along with the rest of the wildlife speaking of which we've really let them get out of hand okay much better no more nature there we go now I can hear the gunshots in the distance and all as well no quests at all please now we're playing the game the way I want to play Greek my absurd trap is complete all right artist three you happen to be the closest and most expendable pawn let's do it must be done this tiptoe why the garden tiptoe through that spike traps with me he's like waltzing his way to his potential death okay great job stand right there and next oh no don't try to go back yet you will do this and then we're gonna find out what's inside now hopefully not mechanoids but I don't think that anything could survive this many type spike traps you know I'm not putting in backup because let's live life to the fullest you can always wake these people up if we need to okay and ready set go okay okay we had oh that's odd isn't it it's all subterranean psychic animal pulsar that looks interesting we pain stopper that could be good there could be people in these it could be people or something else Oh Bella pedes okay and a lot of weaves hmm I don't want anyone else to live so I was expecting exclusively mega sloths let's just carry you all back into your cryo script dose cry Krypto they're actually crypto sleep okay whatever that means well [ __ ] we need to seal up this passageway so let's shoot the [ __ ] out of these guys and fortunately they're all young so they won't fight back for the most but won't they not fight back nope they didn't fight back you can always fight at smaller people than you and it looks like they're coming near me let's walk away it's time to walk away okay no all right they don't have minds of their own yet okay big man step no closer step nope all right well good luck getting through the spike traps to each of you oh how are you getting through all of the spike okay you did not get through through the spy craft fortunately they don't mind being fired at all right we've got a mega scarab revenge we're gonna walk away good okay great great job keep just tiptoeing through these and we'll just shoot everything else inside we don't like anything surprisingly big man has managed to evade all of the traps he has no immediate we don't also we also don't care about this man because he's not us he's not us he's not the same he's not the same and we'll just take out the rest of these mega scarabs Oh more revenge more revenge run away run away run away or you can make it to the first okay great great and murder the rest of the young like Anakin Skywalker we can probably deconstruct everything else in here because this is just getting dangerous now no it turns out that we never needed to go to all of this trouble but whatever whatever it was it's worth it because it looks cool and great we've killed all of the animals almost all of the animals no step biting him stop we did it an almost totally safe way hey why did you shoot him okay that is a risk of infection but nonetheless nonetheless I am happy with how this ended everyone's in great pain good good keep working great well we're just gonna pull a Cask of Amontillado on everyone else in here we're going to just fill in with wooden walls don't mind us we're just going to seal you all in because we don't want bugs to crawl out of the ceiling like like alien who's gonna deconstruct all of these beds and fill you in because you're bad people I'm just doing it away so that nobody can get sealed inside of anything because that they will do that to each other oh yes they will hey let's strip these people down and then take their stuff good I got your stuff and your stuff is all mine Wow smoke pot bolts they got flack jackets and flak pants change shotgun that looks useful there is a fire thank you clean orate a noble cowboy here we go we're filling in the rest of the [ __ ] fill in the [ __ ] in there good wonderful job gentlemen wonderful job I would just be so confused if I were one of these people Leila or feeb but you just got you woke up from cryo sleep you thought everything was gonna be okay and then a bunch of naked Cowboys came through the wall shot a bunch of bugs nearby you and then started building walls made of wood all around you underneath the mountain and then they took off all of your clothes and then they just continued building walls for for a while not really paying any attention to you being there but it's a weird world man it's a weird world it's a rim get it at rim world that's a goddamn shame that we didn't find anything very useful in you I mean we have the extra weapons the extra gear that's nice but to be honest I wanted bugs I find it satisfying when they crawl through my spike trap maze and it just didn't happen for me this time and I don't want bugs crawling out of the ceiling which does happen that's killed every colony I've ever had up until every single colony I've ever had really ah bugs don't like him don't like him they're bad people all right we can now get the dead bodies out of here and unfortunately we do need to fill this in one block at a time because otherwise there's a very high chance they'll seal themselves in here otherwise we probably could've done this in a faster way if we Deacon [ __ ] yeah whatever it's fine you get the picture you get the picture Oh what do you know they're actually using their brains when they build let's see if this continues Oh marvelous marvelous oh yes yes do it do no don't do that yeah there yes yes do this good we've just about finished filling in this gap very satisfying and it looks like we've made progress on the body incineration all this used to be just dead bodies and now it's ash wonderful ash there we go okay it is done hooray great smashing smashing now where is minor one I need the rest of these bodies burned he's slacking off well here comes a group of naked cowboy man they're showing good sewing we've actually run out of space for sculptures so we can just start to put them near all the crematoria because they'll probably go crazy from it you know burning all the dead bodies and we want them to have something nice to look at like remember this is all for something meaningful as they burn all of the dead bodies from battle good job minor one will fill your life with meaning and purpose just keep burning all the dead bodies we'll need that to do that for our other crematoria and well so need to power those let's just run some power conduits along here and unfortunately we have wood walls but at this at this point we have enough people it wouldn't even make a difference anymore just who gives a [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] and such is life such as life we need to get all the way over there as well but no matter no matter just schyster our way over here good good good well the all the way up here my word that's very long my my word my word and we should probably connect the geothermal generator to the rest of our power our power grid is getting increasingly large and complex now oh there's another geothermal fan just go around just go around the geothermal vent and if we're going in this direction we'll need more batteries as well put more and just everywhere all over oh [ __ ] dr7 hit a trap why hell did he do that you could have completely avoided that wow that's interesting that's never happened before I guess maybe he was trying to step over a dead body maybe there was a body on the trap so he couldn't whatever okay always cuz there's a stockpile zone here so then what you know we need to do this is why that happened we gotta do this good good put all the dead animals there now we know for the future look how is pregnant oh count for my health foal your utters look middle stage pregnant okay alright we like we like that that is more of that good cow pregnancy now he's powered up our crematoria I think we'll be ready for the next thing that I just this looks so good just walk through the fields I wish I knew a way to make their paths like converge but right now it's kind of nice to watch him walk through the fields you know I mean damn it's like watching an anthill you could just get lost in it for days oh yeah build things in a line I like that I like it when you do that Wow we have batteries great double-a batteries for everyone and we've deforested so much of the map now that we have practically we have 60,000 wood and almost a hundred thousand things of rice since I installed that the stack is XXL mod was a very good idea I no longer have to worry about anything I like that the game is sped up use the stack XXL menthe that is that was very nice mod everything in here is frozen we now have some actual storage space against storage space for pants the red ibis kamba a group of tribes people a group of tribes people from the red ibis cam but were they the ones who attacked us early have arrived nearby they will prepare for a while an attack prepare a defensive or attack them preemptively ok and there from the left side fortunately their knee okay good there near the good the cutting of the plants good ok all of you people get out no get out of there good oh why would you go through that way ok well they will all oh we should have D built some of this no don't ever go through there don't ever go through there to come up here go here then there no wrong with there good I think that's about the same amount as we had before they're swarming now this entrance it was not as smart when I built this entrance this was not a good idea of me but [ __ ] it who doing even ok farmer 1 deconstruct this wall will do that and then all of you will join the army good everyone joined the army over you good as soon as farmer 1d constructs this hole in the wall kid good ok and we'll build another door for whose bed is that cleaner 17 your bed will be redeemed cleaner 17 all right we have our army bring the army join the army join the army in Aurora ok whatever all right oh we should have cut down that tree all well already ok everyone get ready to fire away good good good you stand there you stand there good bringing the artists to the artists are very powerful ok I think I think we might have to double up on some of these guys cuz we don't really have a lot of time before they come in showing the army join the army ok they are beginning there are so no we aren't ready yet no no we aren't ready no oh ok we are are we safe oh one of them already fell on the spike trap good ok good they are Oh oh okay three in line is not safe go over here you don't even have a gun do you oh no artist three I think you got shot by friendly fire oh well alright I go over there go over there no one out there don't walk into the kill box that would not be smart okay Wow it looks like morale might drop soon now why don't you it was the great pose good I just want to make sure they're not friendly firing you you don't even have a gun for some reason you just walk away good good we got a head shot somewhere good oh well damn they're taking a lot more damage than I thought they would okay very good very good our people are actually very damaged from that stabbed his left thumb was cut well at least they got rid of it completely you know it would be awkward if he just lost half of it deaf then 11 hours 23 hours anyone immediately going to didn't no immediate danger plants one no immediate danger no immediate danger definite 13 hours 18 hours 14 alright I'd say we did all right Annette and go away good go away go away okay everyone resume your lives good okay we've begin the burning good begin the burning fantastic fantastic okay let's get these bodies out of here let's put them all right next to the incinerator let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor and we need to repair the walls good bring the dead people there good bring the dead people over there how impressive is it over here it's actually quite beautiful right here until all of the dead bodies the red tide the red tide I thought we were the red tie I thought we were the red army you know but I guess when we spill all of their blood everywhere it's just these guys had fleeing why are they fling crew you don't even you don't even feel like being here anymore oh well I think that they're retreating off the map now nope they're just slowly perishing I don't see how you could have survived that anyway did a good job my oh my lord oh my my cleaner 10 do you happen to be the closest one o mine or two okay mine or two you're gonna be our new cremator man good job job you do that I believe it was mine or one about the others fantastic minor one and mine or two are the only ones doing this that will make me far less confused great his whole purpose in life will now be to burn bodies as well now mine are one in mine or two all they do is burn burn baby burn and we can actually strip some of these dead bodies or dying bodies not the prepper ibly not the dead ones did we that's fine that's okay well well you know what we'll get as many of them as we can before the deaths before the death good no this one hasn't died yet nor is this gentleman get naked get naked Oh cleaner sick is cleaner six is sick oooh cuts can do that they can give you infections not fun that fun will give him some actual medicine don't want to death their artistry you smoke that joint if you need doctor three you're on it get on it baby save save the life of my child come on come on immunity only 3% infection minor four point six and he should pull through he's he's already going up at a quite a fast rate to begin with save life of my child good as long as we keep singing to him it'll be okay ten quality thirty two percent not and we'll keep an eye on that my god minor to works with such efficiency such poise such manliness always they're seen hit a trap oh [ __ ] where is that why do they keep hitting this everybody likes to step on that trap [ __ ] okay we will delete this zone we no longer need that zone bring all of the dead animals somewhere else it's not that's not a fantastic idea good bring the dead animals over here he'll burn all the corpses everyone's much safer there Oh Cal three what a great place to lie down on all of the dead bodies I don't judge I don't judge okay I think we might need more hospital beds this just isn't gonna gonna do it any more expansion expansion will make them actual hospital beds cuz those are quite a lot better than the other types of other beds those are the two types of beds in the game hospital beds and other beds okay I know it's gonna cost a lot but I mean you know that's why I gave myself somebody oh god wait what no we how do we not have any components left any but that is a little bit scary okay we will just make them regular beds everybody loves a good regular bed okay an entire room full of sick men sick cowboy man oh another infection okay who do we have this one on infection it's all these great bow cuts anything that cuts or pierces the skin is you know liable to give them an infection I don't see cutter six here is is cutter six good now is cutter six good I have trouble finding the colonists cuz I've actually lost my upper colonists bar and I don't know how to get it back yeah we have we're gonna have two hundred spare cowboy hats and storage as well they're coming out of decent quality it looks like minor to is now going mad because he's observed four rotting corpses as well we probably should have figured out when we gave him the cremation job but well you know we'll just stick all of them mister do you know the misery not the mystery the misery to one guy like the ones who walked away from Omelas just all of the sadness and tears for the common good is thrust on one guy you know there is some merit in that ooh a bunch of boomer boomer Lopes yeah boom elopes now or maybe we'll wait for a rainy day I'll clean her 12 he stepped up to the plate he's taken minor tooth plays minor to has too much PTSD from burning all of the dead body super that it doesn't tell you like how many he's burned because I imagine it must be in the hundreds either for either him or this one guy who it minor ones like I'm just getting started he's actually pulling dead bodies from the other pile to help what a champ what a champ ooh and I see they've taken to some of the war masks that we confiscated from the enemies good good good I'm going to give builders 16 the triple rocket launcher just seems like no it would make for good fun though they're 16 builder 16 I don't want to you stay right there villager 16 and minor 7 we'll get the doomsday rocket launcher you have the explosives all of this is fine and well but we need to get our research done faster we're currently we need advanced fabrication that we can get to star flight basics and then once we get all of bad we might actually be able to get you know there's so much [ __ ] you need though if you want to get to the end of the game but I've never done it it would be fun to send one who would be the one of the 200 to go to space space Oh the infirmary is quite fun it is you know there they have good turn over to the end in the infirmary now they're better there is something something desirable about that when Dawn rose with her rose red fingers oh okay it's something else okay a group of pirates from the Hammerman I've arrived nearby they will have for a while then attack prepare for a defense or attack them preemptively there are people of relationships okay sorry that was my google home okay keep in mind that even though they are related I don't know why it does that mercenary of classic car to JK hey gia the mother of plants 12 Rena the mother of sorry sister of colonists plants 17 Oh lumpy is the father of cleaner 8 I can see why he left his father named lumpy okay pay is the sister of colonists handler three interestingly Rogers is the father of handler three and Franklin is the ex-lover of kamas minor 9 I guess that is he gay I've tried not to make them gay because I knew it would you know cause a lot of love triangles in the colony okay so let's okay they'll attack us there we need to prepare okay they all have shield pop belt okay you two don't anger them don't anger them above all don't anger them that would be the worst the worst of the things that could happen okay everyone sleep it in bed here getting your beds good getting your bit stay in your beds okay [ __ ] you already join the army join the army join the army join the army everybody else join the army you all need to do that I need ivory hands on dick hands on dick everyone ok ok you join the army doing the it's too bad we didn't build these too wide because I realized in the last fight we could have done that but this nice achtung mod is really nice it is nice in this mod here we go come on I didn't anticipate smoke pop belts so let's do the oh wait get in there good okay we're gonna need more backup okay minor seven is the one with the what does he have now it's the which one is which he is the Doomsday Ragged launcher so a Fed should come to pass we will have that happen and we're going to don't fire it we'll have him hold fire Oh excellent great work guys walking into them what a great idea oh [ __ ] okay minor aid is dead no oh oh no no tater killed him okay [ __ ] well we've lost it man fortunately was minor seven who had the much more powerful weapon okay that was [ __ ] entire colonies gonna be pissed about it we need to cremate the body though because they'll be upset about that for a few days oh man okay you stand there for backup now we have the crafter and you don't want to you don't understand inside of there [ __ ] no yeah 18 only 18 yeah you'll pay for this you'll pay for this tribes people all right let's see how this goes we don't have the entire wall filled [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go in go in go in go in okay are we gonna need the are we gonna let's see if we need the rocket launcher mm okay what do you know the shield pop belts are after all are not that good well damn well damn oh my god these are actually rather effective holy cow um that is nice this guy got into the okay we may need to remain e to do some evil [ __ ] right here yeah they took out one they took out one I don't want to rely on this but I want to try it wait for a few more to come through and let's just save the life of my child come on save the life of my child oh wait no you didn't need to do that don't fire okay we'll save that for a rainy day just save it for a rainy day oh why did you fire it god damn it all right well two more deaths and some incineration and we're gonna have a lot of Anakin Skywalker's in a moment nonetheless nonetheless okay let's strip them of their bodies and we'll have more I guess we'll get their gear or two that's quite nice oh whoa what is that sound whatever all right what is the sound of save the life am i good okay uh we can at least get their smoke fob belts we lost a few guys in that fight mainly just due to ignorance but who gives a [ __ ] that's enough food binge cleaner nineteen okay we lost builder five died of an explosion caused by me apparently the explosion goes past its own radius more you know right Nathan let's put him there okay good save the life of mine or 15 he's gonna die in three hours Jesus Christ you save them uh okay good great advanced fabrication okay you know uh served by doctor fourteen doctor fourteen is nowhere near that save the life of him good alright well that's a lot of craziness [ __ ] that was kind of fun oh wow oh wait forgot to undrafted all of you you are armed with a piece of wood you should probably put that down yeah it's kind of funny for the memes okay you all got stuck on the tree that is quite funny and now we begin the burning burn baby burn forever ah the life and we'll just put all of the dead bodies in here as well what is this a bra a brassiere no a shield okay shield belt I found a shield belt we have stripped many of them I'd say you know what we need to do for the next fight is we need to get some actual melee people because the reason I shot that doomsday rocket launcher besides fun was because we don't have any colonists prepared for melee we'll get somebody a longsword that we inherited from this fight um I'll have someone do that okay you don't have that so you wield the steel longsword and wear that black jacket what else just all of the other well whatever they'll they'll wear the clothes we're actually starting to do fairly well now though because of all the dead people were bringing in so I am that I take great comfort who survived a few Ray's that it seems like the tribe [ __ ] we had a few deaths few deaths who is this cutter nine it was really it was really the Doomsday rocket logic it was so much fun to shoot it though but it does go over the blast radius so now we have the triple rocket launcher still for fun for kicks but you know I think honestly I think we'll be in space for that having said in that I take great comfort and uh more blood will be shed who will need to rebuild the walls right here and here I I think I could like kill boxes a lot just in all of my other colonies this has been a lot of fun just to watch it happen okay anyway I've got a few medical emergencies to take care of before we lose anybody else we get somebody is going crazy with an LMG and here we have an extreme infection looks like he'll make it through this but we've got some issues to work out so I'm gonna try to fix those up anyway this has been the 200 man colony we're gonna need to assign more cremation jobs and some burial services but we soldier on anyway thanks for watching as always my name is ambiguous amphibian I hope you enjoyed and actually a quick announcement I'm gonna be streaming a little bit more I'm trying to make it happen because I want to just an alternative to edited videos so I'm playing a little bit more on Twitch but if you guys are on Twitch and if you come over there it might not be rim world because I kind of want to vary it up from the stuff that I record to the stuff that I stream but yeah it would be totally cool if you came and joined me for a stream so come check that out sometime the links are all down below to that my Instagram my Twitter I don't really like to plug these things too much but hey if you made a 2 episode 4 in a series I figure maybe you'll be with with me in it for the long run anyway I hope you enjoyed it as always I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 211,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.1, rimworld royalty, rimworld 100 colonists, rimworld 200 colonists, rimworld 100, rimworld 200, rimworld 100 pawns, rimworld 200 pawns, rimworld no skills, rimworld no skills all passion, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld 1.1 mods, rimworld 1.1 let's play, let's play rimworld, rimworld all passion no skills, rimworld one passion, rimworld passion, rimworld rts, rimworld prepare carefully, rimworld big colony, rimworld rocket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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