10 IDEAS for Pet Updates in Minecraft

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hey what's going on guys that zip here we've got ten new pet ideas for Minecraft today that we wanted to show off from dangerous but adorable hedgehogs to special new goldfish hamsters in there spinning wheels - yes even turning old mobs into pets these precious companions will make your Minecraft world a little happier let's check them out all right so of our 10 pet ideas that should be in Minecraft we're gonna start with number one the hedgehog right over here is a little button we can use to spot him in hi are you so friendly looking adorable yeah I don't get it though I thought they were supposed to be blue hey oh I heard his feelings now he's just looking around for food well he doesn't know that we've got all the food that we need right here worms we've got worms that we can use to tame our Hedgehog where do you go high gamma Dan look it up and we've tamed of instantly and look what happens to the hedgehog when he is tamed he will turn into a little Hedgehog a ball which you can do by right-clicking to trigger the different state of this Hedgehog now like similar pets the tamed Hedgehog will actually follow you around once it's been tamed and we can use the hedgehogs ball form to get some very interesting behaviors popping off right away namely when in ball form the Hedgehog will actually use his spine east to attack near by mobs look-see bets he's taking so much damage right now hey get away from my headshot oh you're dead when in non ball form it actually won't deal any damage in the same manner but the Hedgehog will in fact attack as well oh look at you oh it's like a silent film right now something's weird with the latest update where sometimes sound effects don't appear appropriately so if you're wondering why everything's real quiet well it's cuz minecraft hates me now as you saw the Hedgehog actually eats worms if you're wondering how to get worms in game well I've got bad news this is just a concept these are just ideas we didn't you know we didn't add in worms technically but you know you probably find it been dirt well you want some worms oh he wants some where I'm see her come here come over by my ball yeah come on over oh look at you oh poor little guy yeah yeah you're dead next pet number two Turtles Dino turtles are already in Minecraft but we've introduced them in pet for he's a turtle right here seats a regular old turtle he's so happy he's turtley enough to join the turtle club now you can actually tame these new turtle types using fish check it out and look at that the moment we tame our turtle he actually withdraws his head and his limbs back into his shell that's actually a special feature that the turtle can use that we will get to in just a second but for now this is awesome looking stop moving I'm trying to talk about you so what exactly is so unique about this lovely little turtle friend other than the fact that he can withdraw into his shell well it's the fact that when one of these Turtles is withdrawn into his shell nearby it will actually give slowness to near-by mob so you can tell when a mob has been inflicted with slowness when they've got slime particle effects appearing underneath the swamp punch on his sheep and look look how slow he's moving he's so slow he's dumb I don't like him now again in non shelled form you can see that the particles disappear and eventually the slowness of the Sheep will wear off you see now he's moving around but now get slowed ya have a punch on him he's dumb this works for hostile mobs as well so this guy is gonna take a sweet try I'm trying to reach me hey buddy like I can knock him back so far he's essentially got zero chance of ever getting to me yep you're bad but what's more when in a shell the pet turtle is in vincible so come on down come on no it's fine come on down yeah boom ha ha ha as you can see here it turns is hanging out he's like a worried about thing you know you want a fence see like I can't even attack him doesn't do anything well that's good you probably don't want to kill your own pet but yeah pretty number 3 a fan favorite the chameleon here's the chameleon and all oh boy hey I want to show you off come back oh boy oh he's mad really that you're that mad he literally turned blue cuz he went to the water can we just let's talk about this why'd you drop stream oh gosh he's hanging out now you should really surface bright we're gonna do this in creative mode so here's the chameleon in all his glory as you saw just a moment ago the chameleon can actually change the color of his skin at a moment's notice although it usually has something to do with you know the block he's on actually has everything to do with the plug so stop moving to tame the chameleon you'll need to feed it silverfish because silverfish now drop y'all ready for this silverfish they jug themselves so find yourself a nearby stronghold or some extreme Hills biomes and collect a couple of these as food with silverfish in hand you can tame nearby chameleons and now look they've got a nice sit mode and they've got a nice stand and move around mode oh boy and they can teleport oh no he's on my shoulder look at him I love him oh wow comedians will guard over your chest to make sure that no one gets near by them but again walking into them and they will appear on your shoulder and they will stay there until you jump when the jump they actually leave your shoulder again you can cause them to sit wherever you want by right-clicking them you'll even notice that they blink sometimes and that's that's kind of cute what a blink blink now chameleons are also known to do camouflage camouflage they say it's jump and then depending on what block you're on with your chameleon it will actually change color attempting to look very similar to the block it's standing on so now look what happens look at the color of him oh look at the color of him this time yeah oh he's so fun oh man I love a take you to a party blue red orange again going back on that green game you'll be able to keep this guy nice and safely now remember what I said you need to tame the chameleon with silverfish well what's more the chameleon will actually eat silverfish nearby as well so pick ax in hand check this out silverfish come on down if you walk near the chameleon he'll actually stick his tongue out and eat him oh the best here I need your help come over here so he's nice and sat right now time breath to go to town on this area now look at him look yes yes instant death my favorite thing to do when it comes to chameleons he sticks his little tongue out and they all start going right away hahaha now the animation is a little bit odd here and there again these are all concepts so they won't always be really hangout on the chest can we just get on up get on up get on up here hungry oh you hungry okay okay oh I like it oh yeah what's up boo get on it mm-hmm in red form no less he really likes the chest all right he pit number four is the fennec fox a new type of fox variant that you can see right here oh oh he's running away he's got a diamond in hand and hey that is by design because fennec fox has always spot in with a diamond in I guess not in hand but in their mouth hey buddy don't give that to me no okay now there's nothing remarkably different about these type of foxes compared to normal foxes see here's our regular Fox and you can tame those guys by giving them some berries and they kind of just hang out and do that thing ooh that one's got a second that one's got leather in his mouth a little baby fox oh my goodness EW it's a berry but the fennec fox is just a specially colored fox type again you can feed him some berries but look at what happens when you breed these two together y'all ready check it out check it out check it out check it out well we all get the baby is also orange that's right because the genes of the fennec fox do not pass down to children so these are extremely rare foxes only occasionally spawning in if you happen to cross one you should do what you can to make it feel at home because you may not ever see one of these again okay they kill it and they get the diving it has hey give me a lot Darmon Berk however breeding fennec foxes together will actually cause them to have a baby fennec fox and guess what the baby fennec fox will also come with a diamonds in hand so done properly you could in theory make yourself a lovely fennec fox mob farm and look at what happens you got some serious diamonds for your troubles next pit the goldfish let's show you what they look like oh just kidding you don't summon them that way instead you need to summon them in water using a bucket of goldfish so you actually capture these fish till occasion spawn in and rivers and oceans etc shredder place them in water and check it out you got a nice little goldfish look at all these adorable oh my gosh and they come with some very unique powers as well and by unique powers I mean if you eat them the giving unique powers sorry buddy would not recommend you do this with your normal pet goldfish but check it out eating this goldfish will give you some absorption 30 seconds of 2 extra golden hearts as you can see down there by my hotbar so keep your pet goldfish nearby go in and paddle hard to say but if you're feeling a little less heartless by not having gold hearts but instead having an actual heart you can actually make a fish tank for these goldfish it's very simple take 4 glass panes put them all next to each other and make a fish tank and the fish tank is an awesome one indeed all you got to do is place it down and just like that you've got a lovely little tank well yeah for your fish simple enough really just open the side of one of the fish tanks doors and then place in your fish of choice doesn't have to be a goldfish it could be any fish you want from in-game but they'll hang out in there and they'll always beg to get out but you won't let him get out you're a bad person just kidding see watch go free he doesn't even want to he's my friend all right pet number 6 the hamster that's right another fan favorite this what the hamster looks like it's kind of a big old boy little chub what's up there mister portly how you doin now for hamsters all you have to do is find one hang out with it and it'll instantly be tamed you don't even have to worry about feeding entertainment we should probably worry about feeding it but it's already tamed instead we'll want to use the power of hamster wheels which you can make by grabbing some iron bars place them in your crafting table as seen here to make yourself say hamster wheel hamster wheel in hand all you got to do is place it down and your hamster will fall out of the world apparently now just kid and you'll start moving around and lucky powers redstone that's right it's all led up to this moment a little hamster running around in a wheel that doesn't move little does he know his effort is amounting to nothing but with the power of imagination we can act as though it made this Bell make a sound see ooh see it's it's it's working to relieve the hamster of his duty you'll have to break the block underneath the hamster wheel and you'll get your lovely little hamster back but you'll have to remake the wheel itself which is kind of a tall ask you know reinventing the wheel it's a little much now get inside your wheel so I could show mother Christian works kick I get in the wheel in yeah nice tired whatever it's a concept work with me oh now it gets in right as he fell out of the world guys I think you get the idea look now he's not man now I see you lovely power that see good good no one say anything pet number seven is the owl here he is right here hi mr. owl how many licks does it take to huh Oh wrong commercial yeah you contain the owl using wheat seeds no come back I want to tame you where is he no come obtain tain tain well a lot of seeds man look at him flying around like he's nobody's business series you see that Juke you just did a second ago literally came out of nowhere you can actually sit your all down by right-clicking him once he has perched somewhere on the ground and upon doing that well hey some cool things start to happen when sitting near a sitting owl you will actually get night vision go ahead land come on there we go set now we can see everything around us get too far from the owl and you'll notice that the night vision begins to disappear you look at about ten seconds of it until it's completely gone so you won't want to stray too far from your owl in the event that that occurs otherwise you'll have trouble but more importantly you can use the owl to see other nearby mobs with relative ease you see them highlighting from time to time that's another perk of the owl another perk is that the owl will take care of nearby phantoms so watch I'm gonna let this phantom yeah come on down baby it will actually eat the Phantom because that's a parents or owls do what it what's the stick called again see look look at that sheer power will also take care of nearby arrows instantly any ranged wonders nearby no longer an issue oh no I can't even tell oh boy well that's what you get you'll even hang out with you too kind of creepy to be honnest pet number eights the spider now I know what you thinking there's already spiders in game well similar the turtle this is a different type of spider you can tame this special spider using word Hey yep you can tell he's a special tame spider because they'll give up some fun little effect just like the ones you see here from time to time the spider will actually spawn in cobweb so it's going to be an effective string farm that you can now employ without needing to worry about actually killing your spider that's right he's lovely see look he heard me talking about him and then he added in some extra combat as far away now again if you wanted to get worms you probably want to dig in the dirt for a little bit you know for the time being now we don't have that feature implemented so you'll just have to continue to find worms by watching today's video Oh more now if I ought to attack this spider you'd see that he don't do nothing because he knows who's boss but you shouldn't attack your pets unless your spiders and then they start to try and kill you but this one didn't so we're good now notice we didn't try and tame this spider he still knows who's boss see that's right not too bright are you pet number 9 is the killer bunny this was spawn and when you feed a normal rabbit gold and carrots that's right this is actually a reintroduced pet ma because these were originally in game at one point but now look at him he's hanging out oh I didn't do it cuz killer bunny will keep you safe for many other than mobs that are nearby see watch hey now look we're gonna spawn an evil cow look what happens it starts to attack the evil cow upon killing this evil cow you'll notice a new design hey hey had to be done mobs will drop special golden meat variants when killed by the killer bunny pet in this case Betsey here well she dropped some gold and steak before we eat this look at my hunger bar we're missing what is it five and a half a golden shanks now when we eat it ooh we got some goods back right away excellent now it's not a substantial amount more compared to your regular raw steak but if you happen to have a killer bunny nearby and you can put them in a caliph arm well it's gonna be better than your traditional steak so keep that in mind it's mostly used for your invisible saturation effect which is too nerdy for me to explain in this video but if you look up on the Minecraft Wiki what it is you'll know that I'm not lying to you see as you can see here when I do a whole bunch of damage to myself how fast my hearts heal up that's that invisible golden steak effects taking place final pet pet bat mm-hmm that's right another mod that we've pet if I'd check it out pet bat lovely we're gonna tame this bat using seeds right click on it and huh you don't know C's baby yeah that's right yeah well yeah eats a lot of seeds come back I'm trying to I just want to feed you please oh man he's hungry boy well I'm gonna feed him and then we'll get back to you but there he's tamed now he's a tamed little bat wonder you see and he hangs out in a different way this is a low-flying bat he doesn't move around quite as much as the regular batch that you're used to he kind of just hangs out and that's a good thing this bed has a right-click sonar ability so check it out we're gonna right-click on him and he'll actually stay nice and tamed in place and when we do that you can see the sonar starting to trigger and take effect we're gonna go ahead and go into a cave so you can see what this looks like in practice oh gosh oh my gosh let's try that again huh there we go much better now you can see every single mob nearby we just had to make sure that our pet bat was with us when this occurred so excuse me while I eat this goldfish eat it I need the hearts we should probably get out of here hey guys have you seen the exit around here by chance oh boy now again guys either all concepts oh pardon any bugs you saw but hey speaking of bugs and other types of pets let us know in the comment section what pay you would add to Minecraft
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,965,732
Rating: 4.8673158 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, update, pet update, 1.15, new update, 1.15 update, minecraft 1.15, items, funny, mobs, logdotzip, new, new minecraft items, minecraft updates, new items, rare mobs, rare minecraft mobs, pet items, minecraft pets, penguins, monkeys, frogs, swamp, jungle, new pet update, minecraft pet update, minecraft update, new minecraft update, meerkat, end, nether, dogs, cats, minecraft needs, new minecraft pets, minecraft 1.16, hampster, goldfish, turtle, hedgehog, pet buffs, chameleon, fox, owl, bat
Id: X3CbUTJRccc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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