I Bought An ENTIRE STORE For $1000!! Abandoned Storage Units! Dude Perfect Called!

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[Music] this looks like a jewelry box this was full and what I did is I started pulling bags out like this they had stuff like this in it full of silver full of silver like big bags of silver we already put them over there I'd get them in a mold I'm not getting uh I'm getting older so anyway uh we're just gonna go through some of this and look right here so let me say camera we're gonna show check this out y'all what's that look like right there like a lock box it is a lock box how long has this lock box been under here stay tuned to the end of this video to find out what is in that Lockbox what's in this box we don't know guys how long is this stuff all been under here hey guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds it is Sunday november's something but here's the thing deal we just got out of church right right it was a great service is a strange service or what some would call strange I would just call God's hand in movement and but anyway it was very strange also at church today y'all saw the do perfect thing y'all y'all know what's going on I had no idea that I go to church with Garrett who's the the redheaded one nose shaped head like me I go to church with his baby brother I am serious I had no idea we were sitting like four rows away and I'm talking to the pastor after and he's like yeah one of them's a really good friend of mine since before dude perfect and he said that guy over there is one of their brothers and I was like are you got to be the Lord works in mysterious ways guys and I can't take credit for any of that but since this whole thing started I am gonna release a full video from just a personal spiritual I guess perspective of things it may not make sense now if I promise to stay tuned for that video but anyway so I ended up chatting I'm serious guys this is blowing my mind right now I never was just sitting there me and Gina were chatting with Garrett's brother afterwards got this cute little baby real nice guy but anyway I didn't think we'd get anything different because anyone and everyone connected to those guys that I've heard of or known or seen largest seem like they're phenomenal good people so anyway hey here's the dang deal we have actually our church just kind of changed over to new things we have church membership class that we're gonna do since we moved out here to play no we've been putting it off we shouldn't no but we did but anyway so we have that but we got a run out here and pay for a bulk buy I did it's called Vikon village and Garland it's an indoor thrift market or flea markets it's an indoor flea market and so anyway me and Rene and J were up there we were just Jeremy from what the hell's and we were in there and they have a lot of the gates closed and so we were looking at them we made a joke about hey let's just see if we bought all in bulk anyways Rene said something to a guy there he gets the guy on the phone that owns the stuff in there he's been going through some health problems so he has anyway I made a deal with the guy for a thousand bucks for everything and I promised him I'd get him the money today so he could be gone with it so we're running out here to pay him cash put on our locks onto the boots they have gates across them so we're gonna pop our locks on pay him and we're gonna pick that stuff up tomorrow but anyway as soon as we get there I'll pop back in and I'll kind of show you what I bought for $1,000 you can tell me down in the comments if you think I got a good deal or didn't you might not be able to tell there's a ton of stuff in there and Rene thinks it's a great deal I thought it was a good deal I really to be honest I didn't want it at the beginning but the guy seemed like he was a nice guy he's going through some things and I could tell he's just exhausted he's ready to be done with it and he's had a lot of people backed out on him so anyway so I purchased it cool thing about it is it's only like two minutes down the street from my business and so we'll pick that stuff up tomorrow and I'll show you the footage here in a minute but as soon as we get there I'll show you what it looks like and we'll just follow this journey through that and I'll release this video see in a minute alright guys so we're back real quick just because I couldn't tell does that look like the old MacDonald's like base of the slide remember you'd crawl up in it and had the big burger thing I don't know if that's what that is but we are about to exit but I wanted to pop in and show you all that massive tree with the eyeballs in the nose so anyway hey you don't see that every day so I thought I'd show you alright guys so we are back check it out this is what we bought for a thousand bucks come on in and look so kind of give him a scan around bed okay we have so here's the dang deal we came up here yesterday as you saw we did not film when we came in but here's the keys to the lock so we bought out this spot and we bought out this spot okay really so this guy's been here I can't remember thirteen to seventeen years so we bought out all of this we bought out all of this but these are full jewelry we got a lot of jewelry over here so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and get pop the locks off do a scan around and we're gonna start going to this stuff so we'll be right back [Music] alright guys so we are back check that out now I'm sitting here looking at it look like those are silver okay so check it out guys I don't even know where to begin so we're gonna start with jewelry and I now possess and own all of this stuff when we have till the end of the week to get it out but we're gonna get this done today so look I have not when I came in here and bought all this I didn't look at this stuff I don't know what sterling I don't know if any of it sterling let's just pull out a tray and look I swear if all this is sterling it's gonna be crazy be nice if we did see if we find some silver so I do know and I'm so pumped this isn't that day that's 925 does that means a lot of this stuff's probably gonna be not too far mm-hmm okay that is stamped 925 pretty okay look so check this out guys see all of these earrings right here all of these there's got to be what let's say 10 20 30 40 50 let's say there's probably 50 pairs of earrings here okay I'm just gonna pull one down look it's got the mother-of-pearl inlays on all of these okay and if you read right there it says sterling okay so look these are silver too okay from the I can tell most of these are sterling silver okay so we probably right here have a hundred pairs of silver earrings and I did not know this when I first came in here so look 100 pairs of sterling earrings let's say times 10 how much money is that a thousand dollars I'm not joking y'all that we will make our excuse me we will make our money back alone in the sterling silver jewelry okay this is the first tray I pulled out and it said silver so what I am curious is some of this stuff right here is this gonna be silver and gold y'all if this is gonna be I'm gonna freakin freakin bomb so that's broke but that does look like silver Mama's gonna bet that silver I did see these I'm wondering it's either silver these look like like I'm telling you right now this is heavy if these are silver y'all okay let's start digging in where we have where we outwards to classes these are silver look they are not too far let's hold that one let's find another class blood yep nine to five these are silver yo Hey all of this at these big chains or silver the super big chains over okay I don't think these are so okay that clasp isn't but look Oh whistles so check it out these these chains most these changes are gonna be silver right here all right guys so I I'm a little overwhelmed right now what we're gonna do is is so you just understand what we're dealing with okay this is just on the bottom row I am curious about this box I don't know if there's anything in it I think we have plenty of one two three boxes only I think we do all right so we're just gonna go ahead and open this one so let's see you think any of this is silver I think this is silver it's pretty lightweight I'm gonna assume this is silver okay just a little polo charm okay you think this is silver okay that's so dingy inside that I can't even read it you have to get you're gonna get your magnet going don't you think yeah okay look sterling ride in there it says sterling I'll be honest when I bought this I thought this was all gonna be cost you I'm not gonna lie you think this is silver I'm gonna say this is silver this this this looks silver it looks like it was handmade but I'm gonna almost guess that is silver right there guys do you think we don't find gold if we find coal thing it's fun I'm not freaking flip okay guys so look just check it out there's said you're on the bottom row oh wow I have no idea what's in here look remember we had something similar just costume jewelry and it went for 40 bucks for just suppose yeah here's like there's these trays everywhere y'all everywhere look at this watches have no idea roaches there's gotta be wow there's got to be gold in here look costume jewelry vintage costume jewelry that does well - is it brass it's kind of interesting so alright guys so I look let me just see here I'm gonna show you guys real quick just kind of like look here's some badges these are cool weasel sell for probably you know maybe 10 15 20 bucks Sal hey so when I was in here I didn't look under here I didn't look under anything really okay I looked there's baseball cards over there he says there's some 60 stuff in there I only saw 90 stuff but anyway guys so let us just kind of get our heads wrapped around this cuz right now I'm kind of freaking out like there's so much silver in here what are some of these are gold chains look at these look at all these chains you think any of these are gold I'm looking at that right now and I'm telling you I see silver and gold I think look at these look at this nice look at this okay that's broke just an every crevice there's cool little stuck belt buckles okay look down here what is this is this is that silver something that looks like it's silver y'all okay look bags of jewelry look at this what are these look you think these are sterling I bet a lot of these are silver you want to bet so oh look at that there might be a hundred pair of silver earrings on there okay guys so let us look just everything every little crevice has something new in it these little boxes there's a PlayStation look thimbles look maybe some of these are sterling all right guys look that might be silver so here's the deal we're going to start going through this like I said and maybe we should do a challenge we should see how much silver we pull out of this joint what if we pull out I mean I don't even know let us get started I've just got to wrap my head around this guy's we'll be right back all right guys so we are back check this out so we got most of the Doria is down here okay kind of show them that so those are full if I had to guess there's at least probably in both of those tubs there's four to five hundred pieces of sterling silver jewelry I'm not joking and again I had no clue I for sure would have thought that this would have been just all costume or for them but you know maybe a piece or here or there but it's not it's like there's so much silver y'all and so anyway I started taking these big groups of necklaces down like this off of these things and we started putting them in here and I was gonna go through it later but look at this that's a 14-karat gold necklace can you get it oh there it is can you say clear uh-huh okay a 14 karat gold necklace okay Wow so that's gold we're finding gold in here so what we're gonna do is is I'm actually gonna go through this and it seems so like that one does it have a clasp on it it's missing so I'm gonna go through the rest of these that came out of this group and so I'm gonna look through these and see if we can find any more gold and what we might do if we find stuff like this it's missing the hooks or something I might go scrap this in at the end of this video I'm not sure yet it depends on how much gold if I'm or I might just set it back and hold it for a later day but anyway I wanted to pop back in real quick and just let you know we found gold in this again we paid a thousand bucks for all of this so far it's looking really good again it was unexpected it's not something I wanted to do but actually it's turning out to be worth it so let's we're gonna keep getting getting back to this unpacking and hopefully by the end of this maybe we'll find a few ounces ago who knows so we'll be right back alright guys so we are back so I have gone through this kinda meticulously and we have tubs and tubs and tubs of jewelry guys and I just keep finding more sterling like tons and tons of sterling so anyway I wanted to pop back in because there is first got to this section and if you look back here actually boxes of baseball cards or sports cars we don't know all right I did open this one okay and I'm gonna shoot straight with you was an older box I was a little excited but then I got in here and it's like 80s and 90s tough but there's a good mix of it to newer stuff and so what we're really hoping for is pre 70 stuff that's what we want so anyway look look at all these cards over here there's loosey-goosey there's books of cards down here look boxes of stuff so anyway the guy had this place just like I say let's say 15 years because I keep getting 13 to 17 but where I'm going down in here and why I want to film with you guys you've been here so long there's god we've already found gold and we've already found silver so what else was forgotten back in these crevices under these tables for the last decade let's say so anyway we're just gonna look for some more cards go see so look it looks like probably what they do sometimes is they'll pull the good cards right and they'll put them in here like the rookies and stuff like this I'm shakes okay so look there's Nolan Ryan like old Slurpee coin Darrell Johnson love Darrell Johnson so look Slurpees this looks like an IV stuff I see usually let's see if they put anything in the protectors all right we'll go through this stuff later but I can tell you right now off the bat not too exciting just because look let's just go through some of these okay and we'll get it tub and we'll keep all these cards in one so look this is like really mass-produced stuff he the guy told me I said you know what kind of cards you got down there he said he said from the 60s forward which he might have one or two sixties in here but what I'm saying so far it's this is stuff from my childhood and to be honest stuff from my childhood is not worth a ton okay there is a few select cards that thing's been staring me in the face all day and I want to know what is that some kind of shirts Central Market h-e-b all right got a stack of Central Market comics I did not expect to find comics look tear out number one so something interesting I guess about these is that valiant bloodshot I think Vin Diesel's playing bloodshot but so Valiant Comics really are not that hot there's some out there but they're not that big but they're actually gonna start releasing a lot of the movies and which is gonna I think bring more popularity to valiant but look these are Tarak and it's number one okay it looks like we have several copies of it several copies of it okay soul are several copies of this one but so valiant is about to start released some movies and I guarantee you the blood shot with Vin Diesel is gonna go super popular and so Valiant Comics I believe are gonna go up in price so hang on to your valiance let's see if these are random kind of order to them okay again stuff from my childhood nostalgic not worth the time I will go through these better just make sure there's no key cards in there [Applause] there's something that yeah that is a nice clasp that's plated I can just tell where it's bubbling up on a few little spots but that's pretty mmm what I'm guessing is this might be a bunch of these yeah so Linden world fine jewelry okay thank you all for probably so look good wearable jewelry these are pretty necklace isola hmm okay so look a whole we do we gotta watch media it's Christmas darling it's like a cat eye huh see it that's really pretty more silver I'm not probably silver is probably somewhere between 16 and 18 bucks right now I don't know but I got a figure there's there's gotta be hundreds of out like seriously hundreds of ounces of sterling in here I'm gonna figure that out tonight because what we're gonna do is we got so much jewelry we're putting together a jewelry auction for you guys so dude perfect going up tomorrow you'll see this video tonight and then tomorrow or this week we're putting up a big jewelry cell everything's gonna start at $1 gold silver the whole kit and caboodle vintage watches everything who uses the word kickin caboodle just you I'm pretty sure that's about the fifth time I've used that in a video and that's like I feel like that's excessive yeah nobody knows that word so that's pretty cool so what else are we gonna find out we found silver down more boxes of jewelry jewelry boxes you think there's stuff in there yeah I mean all things being equal you know we found Rory in the other boxes pins and more pins boxes look empty but we're gonna check them all we're gonna check every alright so a lot of these boxes ready no big deal right hey they'll tell you right though if we didn't find anything else and literally look over here this is as far as I've got I promise you I promise you I found a few hundred ounces of silver baseball cards okay those are repops of older cards I can tell by looking the sides these are probably again all mass-produced 80s 90s stuff guys a caboodle I think maybe that's I saw it on the corner Mary that's why you said kitten doodle so it looks like it's empty yes this is empty he's it that why would you stick that all the way down there [Music] [Music] one earring it's all the golga strap on the doors okay we ain't playing around Pole we are people we got so much stuff to go through look more loose cards it looks like a mixture I'll go through these later just make sure there's no alright guys so that's what you kind of see will just keep popping in and out we're gonna finish up this section if we find more stuff we'll pop back in actually I want to do that let's do this this it's killing you look so look at these guys why are these all protect it is there anything good nice okay I'm Cecil Fielder still there sir yeah John Smoltz these are these are stars from whenever I was a kid okay so that's pretty cool so I'm you know I'll be excited to go through those but this thing wait and thing the empty cigar cutter I'm like Pollock crap on me it's a good thing we came on a Monday right okay so these are stamped Caesar's badge it says Mexico I can't read the second stamp but it does look like numbers so I guess these are silver yeah most if I find a clear stamp okay I can't read those but if these are silvery oh look that's what all of these are is all of these so alright guys so let us get this area cleaned up packed up and we'll be right back [Applause] alright guys so we are back I kind of among a lot I shifted over here I just want a shift I want to get out of the corner so check it out so I started taking some stuff off here and I think came to this box okay this right here oh please be comic books I really wasn't expecting to find comic books will be find comic books I'll be excited show you that a minute found this this looks like a jewelry box this was full and what I did is I started pulling bags out like this they had stuff like this in it full of silver full of silver like big bags of silver we already put them over there I'd give in I'm old I'm not getting uh I'm getting older so anyway uh we're just gonna go through some of this and look right here so let me say camera we're gonna show check this out y'all what's that look like right there like a lock box it is a lock box how long has this lock box been under here stay tuned to the end of this video to find out what is in that Lockbox what's in this box we don't know guys how long is this stuff all been under here we don't know this guy's been here for 13 to 17 years so anyway here let me give this back okay so we're gonna go through here man we were just like are we jewelry magnets oh yeah I mean I really had no idea all this stuff was in here but look look at all these Hello Kitty watches those are cute look they were they're cute and they're really nice condition look here's another one okay we'll get this stuff down and we'll come back and so check this out guys this is gonna be two or three episodes this week just because there's so much there's so many little crevices we have no idea I'm just now realizing there's a or on that desk sorry I know I'm like all over the place to say it drawer there's a on that desk what's in that desk that was covered I don't know I want to go there and find out but I'm not I'm gonna stick right here because we can't go through this box sounds like more 8tracks you know we've been finding those we have heard those are we got those for free so we did yeah we got this with all the nintendo's but look we got the Eagles okay that's pretty cool let's see the average white trying to see if oh my glasses on so it's a little harder for me to to read oh look here's Elton John I like Elton John yeah okay oh look here's another Elton John that's cool okay there's t-rex Larry Norman PJ and Bobby love the band so cool hey this is a great lot right yep so not only do you get a box but you get it full 8-track hey let's just do this do we want to see what's in here yeah let's see if any of this is silver oh no I just think it's awkwardly big what this yeah let's plated so hammers like brass these were silver this is really pretty look at this babe it's pretty this is nine to five well stand right there see it yep I told you all guys there is silver oh look that's really pretty uh-huh that's a really and it's vintage you made peace that's silver y'all so look at this this is the kind of stuff that we found and we found bags and bags of gold necklaces but I didn't take them out of there I don't know if they're real so we're gonna check them so much freaking silver these are still pretty look all bagged up ready to sell check behind the drawer yo all right guys yeah all right guys let me get through some of this because here's what I am really curious there's a lock box down there what's behind this wall of stuff seriously how long is this stuff been here okay so I'm really curious what's behind all of this all of the stuff that I could see great like I told the guy and you know when I came into pain he's like you know or he told her he's like your husband said it's mostly tchotchkes but he's like it's not you know no the majority of his tchotchkes but what I couldn't see was the silver and that's what I took that's why I went ahead and did it one I just I felt bad for the guy and everybody around here told me he's been trying to sell out to people for years and so anyway we went ahead and did it it looks like it's paying off the reason why I bought it is because he told me that cancer and he just looked worn out and so I did it so here we are but that what I'm really curious about again is if he's really been here a decade and a half give or take what's behind this stuff and what we just learned from where the other ladies we've been talking to pretty much all morning really sweet lady is that he was very rarely here so there's stuff in here that he forgot about I guarantee it so anyway we're gonna get some of this stuff out we'll be right back all right guys we are back so check this out I got some of this stuff off look down here so this box looks like too much to finish this episode off with so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna save this box for episode two of the flea market buyout videos because look I look like clean wrappers maybe but it's got a rubber B so I have no idea what's in this but we're gonna save this okay we're gonna save this just kind of give you a hint of what might be in here she's kind okay I'm seeing jewelry box okay I'm gonna pop this open and then we're gonna save this for episode two so make sure you come back for episode two for this whole box cuz it nope okay okey so I have no idea what's all gonna be in here mmm okay so check it out okay so here's the dang deal I think that that's enough for this video so stay tuned for the lock box to the end of this video and then episode two we'll start with that and see where we go so let me dig the box out and I'll be right back [Music] alright guys so hey here's the dang deal here is your bonus footage because it actually was a cash register how long ago watching it was empty it sounded empty not even go through the freaking thing and making you drag along and save him something in it but so I sat down here I cleared this section out yeah I started sitting here it looks like what he was doing was sitting here working on his jewelry because I found all these loops I opened this up it was empty and then I pulled this box out and I can see one word and I told Gina grab the camera here's the dang deal the chances of what's in here being real is probably not very high so check this out I told Gina I said look I said there's an elegant watch in there okay this is a three sixty four base metal bezel steel okay but look there's a Elgin watch it was in this bag okay it's actually pretty nice watch and then I saw oh look here's white here's the dang deal looks pretty nice should be etched at the bottom if it's real okay no it's not real look at that bezel look at the size of that Rolex wouldn't do that yeah and look look at the back it says China dang look it says Rolex but then it says China on the back of it but I saw the Rolex watch guys and I was like I gotta grab got to grab the freaking camera this been wrist beat in our us watch okay that was in there not sure but hey even little that's a nice little repot Rolex and then this elegant so there's nothing chili pepper lights and broken clock parts in knockoff watches right I'm just gonna call knockoff I know for sure the Rolex is a knockoff the elegant I don't know I'll check that out cuz it's pretty heavy and I'm saying I don't know anyway hey so here's the damn deal this top right here make sure that you stay tuned we're gonna do that that big tub of stuff in Episode two but look at all these ring boxes look at this this tub feels pretty solid and look there's ring boxes okay should we just try one oh there was something in there one point Dallas gold and silver doesn't mean they're all empty I'm sitting here we're supposed to do this episode yeah all right hold off okay guys so there is something in here okay there's obviously something in that I don't know if there's anything in these okay nope there's nothing that it looks like it's just kind of hit or miss guys so anyway hey that's the dang deal for this episode so here make sure to subscribe right we're trying to let's get to 20,000 subscribers we're just a few away from 11,000 as of right now so let's make sure we hit 11,000 night let's keep pushing look at all this stuff we got all this nice stuff these pewter things and look this is a stack of wood boxes back here so there's no telling what's underneath all of this look big things of jewelry what's in these look more bracelet boxes so guys there is no telling what is in this thing so hey make sure to do all that good stuff and make sure to do the same thing for my future channels and other than that we'll see you at the next unit
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 80,029
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Keywords: grimes finds, abandoned storage unit finds, I bought an abandoned storage unit, storage unit auction, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, storage wars, dude perfect, storage wars full episode, abandoned storage unit guns, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, auction hunters, how to make money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, grimes, $1000, dud perfect, grimes find
Id: selLmSTRlkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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