$150 MYSTERY BOX FOUND In $1000 Abandoned Storage Unit!

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alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds the biggest unboxing Edition number two or three I forgot I mean for adding I think like for honestly we had a lot of boxes a lot of yeah boxes so look I already got some boxes here great boxes guys we're finding gold antiques I want to find those Hummels we ever did cut those Hummels oh we did not know so hopefully find those look we have tons of boxes that came out of the three units that we bought last week so anyway we're gonna hop back down there these no marking this way so this is miscellaneous dresser stuff it looks like it's empty oh look oh please don't be like a pet in loving memory of woody at fuller it's a fish what is it it's a fish no it's not like nobody looks like a bird may be because there's fish on that so what was this like part of its that's what it's been gone for 15 years woody fish bones I'm joking ultra-slim there you go come frame from China [Music] canisters actually so are we matches are those the same pattern too the focus on a coin but there's one thing we haven't found yet coin collection like a whole one stone where's your pan it's pretty though these enamel burning maybe there's something else that has a badge that's pretty [Music] [Music] better dish let's just sell all of this astronaut together so we're gonna put the rest this down here left all the real erdheim to the rest of the you can walk that when I go to the doctor you got a doctor's point for a checkup cuz I've been sick for like 12 days [Music] [Music] [Music] these think so really left to make great laws get really pretty picture that is look how its kind of itched in there and then paint it from the back that's cool fun box is tow got the gumballs in there that's cool hey you're gonna break it I know look words Hey look you also works balls everywhere all right that's enough over exaggeration that's fun [Music] something dynasty this is a pretty box [Music] we're saving that all right if you want to see what's in this wait till the end of the video because I'm probably that's heavy yeah Oh crime shake bit small cuz there's a stand too personal silver plate little sugar sugar thingy I can't keep up with all your nickname some high school that's my chips and your dip in the middle I thought it was a cake stand no I think you're right I was so wrong about that check it out those multi-partner you guys having a cake or pie on it or good chips around it and put your dip in the middle there you go somebody will correct us one of us is wrong hey you can't know everything baby I don't know is art like or the little thing that goes on that stand I remember say to do in no no it's not turn the camera off so don't look at it let's go with this antique glass fries you lose punch antique glass it must be a fragile [Music] this is older flora don't know this made in Portugal it's from 1984 really pretty I just love that crack look you know yeah superior test and improved jewel home makers quality kitchenware that carnival I love carnival a already know alright alright so check it out that's beautiful huh clean that all out quilt and Phillies baby Oh Phil I bet they call them Philly baby and grad stuff maybe baby Stephanie silver I have a my mom has a sterling silver spoon from when I was born oh you meant for your mom sorry no / - joking DeeDee I know you weren't born at 1800 is the 20s I'll look at this Duke jacket yeah look at this this is nice yeah yeah I was like look oh dude look it's Steven berries Excel thank you sir yeah this is my favorite berries is a good story is it yeah that's a cool killer just those it Duke Devils is that what that is huh oh look these are collectible yeah heck yeah they are Disney pins thank you yeah heck yeah they are collectible mmm-hmm all right so uh we're gonna sell them on the Hat you know why that's a doozy huh all right yeah it's a safari yet so we're gonna sell this with the pins I was eating here sandwiches in the bunker you think it sells on ebay probably yeah anything confounder peterson adrian peterson he freaking rocked it for the Redskins the other day he's to look good that's cool that's a little bitty Reebok Adrian Peterson Jersey nice condition yes very excited Rangers jerseys so this is little Rangers Jersey it's majestic it's majestic like me my beard so some I got mad they said what's it say look like - a dead animals wrestling together I don't get that it's dumb how they even wrestle it Bennett but I get where you going with that I haven't been to the barber I'm actually gonna try to go to the barber today so all right little Rangers Jersey little Derrick Jeeter action Oh lots of friends who love Derek Jeter its Nike - that's a nice Nike Jersey yeah nice Nike Derek Jeter we're still going with jerseys all right oh this is uh is it uh oh I thought not the current Austin he's number 10 this was a I actually he was pretty good until you hurt his hamstring Dallas Cowboys he was actually pretty good let me do it not in the chat down in the comments Austin he was the light-skinned guy he was really good really good at getting at yards after the fact but let me know down in the comments I'll go back and check it later who that was it'll probably come to me soon I get it but just as soon as I told you basketball you should have abandoned Anthony Carmelo Anthony maybe for the Nuggets Denver yeah he did play for Denver a thing so that's cool what's the brand free boat baby shoes [Music] set a sippy cup yeah it's own ADA it's gonna be silver play baseball it's actually signed so your digital images out and your camera onto your live that's a big box got the remote everything it's brand-new I love you product that's cool move your digital images out of your camera and into your life nowadays it's off your phone and interlocks somebody got mad at me because I showed a quilt and then I threw it off to the side and said a Hanna need something just calm down all right take it easy calm it's got a little wear and tear on it but we'll take pictures of it so baby blanket humpty-dumpty nothing pretty tangi we're not gonna celebrate and we got 20 found great stuff in 20 minutes so let's go for another 20 minutes so give us a few minutes we're gonna get this stuff allotted over there so they have more stuff to describe while we keep unboxing and we're gonna so you're gonna lie I'm gonna keep get some more boxes that go [Applause] glasses you're recording oh hey man welcome back to grounds ponds hey check it out so I picked this box up we're about to do these but I picked this up and I like I sound more like coins that sounds like a ring to me I'm joke I don't know if that's right but the thought on the box to me said ring if there's a ring in there nobody that's like I'm the best best in the world but we've been oh man [Music] oh man I was hoping this Missouri no pass YouTube I know no walk in his more look like freakin Cheech and Chong ability rocks like Cheech and Chong headband yeah tanner no no like it what like no one's gonna stop it that's cool wind is cold oh yeah you sure yes when we got in our car this morning was 32 well I would assume it's warmer cuz the Sun sent it out but maybe it's getting colder and it might be 40 maybe it's coldest donkey balls out there I never felt Balki balls we all have pasts I just happened to deal with donkey balls I'm done I've never seen actually I have seen donkey balls cuz I can show tanner you start your own show you can come up with a little David no turtle killer barely ain't been the same since you watched it yeah I'm surprised he made it there when I'm watching around oh oh straight-up forgot they had the turtle yeah when we got back he's like how much is supposed to feed it I'm like the guys they're working man I was hoping there was gonna be jewelry in this job oh my dad huh dad we have to kill the turtle all right this is torn inside death certificate we don't want John's destiny November 1986 I was six years old man what are you doing man you look like you're about to take a leak bro why did you do that why you were in the bathroom you want to come out and awkwardly do that Wang freaking weird of things it is bad it's not like you mr. about to take a leak on the stairs and I don't even got my glasses on and I notice yeah I don't know about that you gotta go back and watch that taking a risk last night we're talking about prison what brand is that there was one on the it was on the front like a little stamped or whatever yeah yeah I know driving was some value one here Everlast fanny pack that's old-school that's a never last the Christmas no no never last be Jeremy found one of these when we were trying to spend the night in there before he was so loud and got busted extendable antenna no it does you were so cool back in the day he had this that's cool vintage quick same I got the pager keeping this out was a point you might be right look at home plate beep beep oh I'm sorry I'm not filming here BP this is cool just checking for a date you freaks doll the drawers drawers they by calling drawers anyone you know like I saw my granny cause that's kind of cool what does it say on the box a fragile China like fragile China jiggy thingamajiggy your arms off that's what that is I'm not gonna pull that off anymore you're gonna rip the arms what's older heavier this platter cobalt blue platter really Curt have a lawyer oh hey look anything - dude gender reveal yeah everything cool oh that's like a one-time-use piggyback yeah that's really cool that's it hey that can go by itself that's older somebody wants so look yeah yeah I found the Hummels I went ahead and kind of pre-sliced hmm man Japan man that's so what that's pretty though imitation huh karma limitations when they're not dumb Oh a dumb oh I gotta look up humble markings except it's that's not it I'm always saying their name always global or whatever you call it yeah this is the Hummer so his name should be like carved in somewhere on the bottom what did you just make that up no I didn't these are bigger ones they're very nice they look right ok we'll put the boy in the girl together Japan sister man some shaky getting off day no I'm not really dang it paintbrush broke wow my depression anxiety really bad love don't know why either thing's been working too long heading to sleep in there mm-hmm catching up so we have to go the doctor they said yeah we knew it I'm good now that I'm able to identify that I'm having anxiety and depression that I'm not dying every time yeah normally I'd be at the emergency room right now oh yeah this is French tarjay tarjay from tars yeah man look what's that goose done for they haven't like one of them rolling competitions on the log roller I think he's about to bite his knee off no look they're in the water and they're rolling along I'm sorry we're not filming here jeana's giggle in the background what oh hey thank you like crazy they gave me some medicine because Poirot if y'all don't notice like if you've been noticing in my films I've been shaking a lot and that's just I think I like sleep she said how much sleep on average you you know someone's playing for six hours and she's like well that's not enough no it whoa whitewash there you go huh dashing through the snow in a one-horse open say he's cute Berta homo these are cute though yo yeah so we'll do one Lofty's in minutes s fries yield what's that say CD cobalt cobalt yeah I saw this box at the Union we didn't open it yeah somebody was slowing us down that lady expected us to teleport yeah [Music] stop it you're good I think it's gonna match this pattern look how cool it is how perfectly it's like it's a little home yeah arteries cuz at the end that's it like p1 YouTube will leave nasty comments like specially about my friends when I have my friends on and then once a dumb sup what did they say about dingleberry day no some of the saints I'm really mean about George Bailey and there's like they recreated an account this is really pretty look at that that looks like see the waves and yeah I see the waves all in the glass like that's nice that's really that's how we should start doing clear things that was great was it yeah you can see the well not when you hold it like that and your hands in the way this is fragile cross fragile cross it's not the same lady oh yeah that's right one was the rock wall wasn't loose Arianna train effect hey don't ask me to Bob oh we're up this week okay hey are y'all keeping this bumper out yeah Casa that's a pretty Mikasa cross that is really pretty it's one of the prettier Mikasa as I've seen dang it it's a classic gallery collection look oh man either the bird bit of finger off I bet that's what happened she was trying to pluck his feather - he bit her finger off I all right so she can't she can't go by herself ivory dynasty copyright 1960 - now I'm worried like everybody in my hand shaking it's just anxiety I promise I might not yeah I don't really I don't do anything well absolutely I used to know trying to learn not to that's really pretty yeah it is really pretty it's not actual ivory right where she don't know it's like looks like there it's like I sent it's not even like about cuz you know I was gonna go through my whole no you know we don't do that I had people who want to argue with me when I took the state exam over ivory yeah I kind of know there's some things I know there's a lot of things I don't know that's one thing I do know cuz I had to pass it I wonder say that maybe this is what these two put like masters I guess yeah other things that's what my parents use it for for matches okay it's hanging in Mike above their stove yeah oh yeah yeah that would make sense because this cast iron there oh yeah that's really pretty no I think you can fit the whole box in that one my pants are smaller that's what it is it's the big box yeah [Music] goodnight Fred you a grass look this is all played by the boom by the Bing stone where's hands we got a hold so we're gonna sell us always once that [Music] yessum huh what it was 500 sell really well actually a really good condition red-letter Edition Regency that's what we did yep we have another one this one looks like it's in better condition it is it's not it's yellowed all right hey guys let us find honey mess with 1919 so 2020 we got dude flight two more boxes alright hey guys let us find two more boxes oh and then we can do this don't forget this guy I'll forget and then though yell at me grab it alright guys we're back sucking 2 boxes Michelle's documentary alright I think it does and this says Michelle's misc miscellaneous let's go anywhere should we go for first documents all right let's do cuz I think miss going with her miscellaneous boxes have been the ball uh-huh oh there's my wife don't show hey did you get my drugs good cuz I got the shakes good to show you people I mean I'm just being open and honest about Who I am she said you don't never give this you then since 10 of 18 I try not to go hard you sometimes it's hard it's hard being a business owner if we're just being real Oh cards I got the check course later right yep good birthday money got hurt Coates wrong it just hurt oh thank you won't you take your meds it's the norm most a lot of people do what I do a lot of people just feel so shame they hide it it is what it is yo don't be would it be all right so yeah it is look we got our checks you think these are still good peg here you go sir checks gift cards we good good receipts receipts receipts so we'll empty that alright hey y'all get started on that hey when you get started on descriptions guys we already believe she's a lady of her word Baptist we want to get to Michele's miscellaneous misc ulis hey she likes to hide it she does [Music] yeah glitter glitter bomb I was doing later bomb videos okay you know Tom no but I love glitter you can put a package and we put cellphones in to record it and when people steal it then you can set it off by remote that one youtuber did it let me just did it again no I moved it back there okay so we'll put this up in the cell block Oh Diego yeah anyway California ID money some genuine leather social security that's wild does that say old city employees association that's kind of neat that's really cool I keep that I just like old documents that set and I think I can probably sell somebody around here no jack federal credit union that's cool that's cool that's amazing what they like put the cash if you were gonna find cash after lucky would be in something like this I've got this little bit better also save our certificate yeah that's it that's it see if they are the kind of people who leave birthday money make sure this is gonna be it forgot this one this one forgot the spot check this one definitely my big old car Oh collector spoon Arizona sent the mail it's a graduation card they couldn't make it so I'm gonna send him $100 all right I'll spot check these later come on buddy we're on eight oh that's it right you gotta show them what's in that box it's not blue yes great hmm all right so here's the deal I couldn't help myself I peeked in you peeked in an RM big this goes to it Wow is it a fabergé it's you you were you were almost right almost right well yeah obviously it looks like an egg stand yeah but I was not Faberge but it's actually a valuable brand ready hmm so it's actually really pretty so excited about it I'm see that's why we don't throw things away because we obviously will find stuff later okay one two oh there's water for Waterford yeah so pretty Shh I don't think it Hey look at that if crack it though that's really really Waterford crystal nothing in there alright wait that's the dang deal that's friggin awesome we're finding quality yeah yeah we all right so we're gonna lock this stuff we're gonna actually World War gonna do is we're gonna start another episode for you so we have enough video so it gets through the week right yeah all right guys so hey make sure you subscribe right we are as of right now we're out here a phone we are like I think we're only less than 50 away from 14,000 how cool would it be if we got to 15,000 before the end of December I think we can do it so make sure to send this to a friend or something the easiest ways is to go to on your cell phone and go up and hit share copy link in Texas somebody say hey man check this wacko out he's freaking crazy but you might like it but do that make sure to subscribe hit the bell select all because we do premieres and I thank you to kind of counts that is alive so you want to make sure you get the notifications for that as well other than that see the next [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 25,919
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Auctions, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Penny List, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Live Show, Ebay resale, resale value, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Giveaways, Top 10, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, grimes finds, abandoned, nefl eagle cam
Id: 56rllz8I9ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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