13 Things I Wish I Knew At Level 1 in STARFIELD

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foreign welcome back to the channel in this video I'm going to be showing you several tips things that I wish I knew at level one here in Starfield I am officially over 50 hours into this game I was lucky enough to get a review code uh about to hit level 38 on my main character I've got a couple others as well so I got a lot of stuff that I've picked up along the way I'm gonna let you know now very first thing that a lot of people will have trouble figuring out right off the rip is how do I use my jet pack I want to be boosting around you know flying around the place how how do I do that well it's not really very clearly communicated to you you get a jet pack like right at the beginning of the main quest and you're like I can't you use it it's not very clearly communicated to you but what you have to do is actually come over to the tech Skill Tree and buy this perk rank one boost pack training rank one that will allow you to unlock the ability to use your jet pack so until you buy that perk with a uh you know skill point so you have to love love obviously but until you buy that perk you cannot use the jetpack so that is how you do it second thing I wish I'd known right off the beginning you might notice I'm running around new Atlantis here with my outfit on I don't have my spacesuit on it's like how do I do that I don't want to look ridiculous running around town on my full spacesuit what you have to do is come into your inventory come to your spacesuits and you will see your equipped spacesuit it'll say uh down on the bottom of the menu there there will be an option show spacesuit in settlements or hide spacesuit in settlements I have toggled it so that it is currently hiding my spacesuit in settlements so I'm getting the full advantages and resistances and armor resistances of my armor set but it's just not showing it so that is how you hide your spacesuit while you're in settlements now let's say you want to store items in your ship your inventory is almost full you want to collect a bunch of stuff take it back to the settlements and sell it how do you store things in your ship well if you bring up your main menu by hitting tab you know with start if you're on Console but right here is the ship see this circle is broken down into different sections and right here is the section called ship you open that up and down here you'll see cargo hold if you open up your cargo hold you can see everything in your ship but then here you can click on inventory this is your personal inventory let's say I want to store some of these items in my ship they're getting heavy I don't want to Lug them around especially spacesuits are really heavy you know this one weighs 20 you know in Mass maybe I want to throw that on my ship I just select it here and it'll go straight to the cargo hold and the great thing about this is that you can send things to your cargo hold and you can be you know a mile away from your ship you can be on a planet running around collecting resources I don't know what the exact distance is you can be pretty far away from your ship and still access this inventory and send things over to it tip let's say you have to travel somewhere for your mission and you you know you go here to the star map and you're like trying to find out okay well where is it I gotta go you're like backing out of all these menus you find the system you need to go to you click on it you enhance it it's trying to find okay oh I gotta zoom in really far don't do any of that I mean you can do that if you want to get your bearings but the easiest way to do this is actually to navigate from the missions screen so let's say Here I Am current my my current task right now is literally a beer run I picked up a beer for a character who's on a space station wanted to have a taste at home here's what I'm gonna do I'm just going to pull up my mission menu on PC that's hitting the button L Taste of Home right here this is that my active mission you'll see down the bottom right it says set course if I hit R to set course it will automatically pull up my destination that I need to head to and I simply hold X to travel and that's that easy peasy now it's going to take me directly to this little um station where I need to go now another tip let's say I'm in my cockpit and I don't know if this is a friendly location or not and I want to get up maybe save maybe my health is low so I want to sleep how do I just stand up well you're going to hold your interact button I took embarrassingly it took me a little while to figure this out but from any uh you know time that I'm flying around on my ship if I want to stand up for my cockpit I just hold e or whatever your interact button may be if you're on a controller and then you will stand up and walk away from the cockpit and you're free to move about the cabin now I mentioned sleeping sleeping is a great way to go ahead and heal up any damage you have your health you see how my health bar is not full you can come up to a bed which is a little crowded right now with my crewmates and you can sleep in your bed and that will not only heal you but it will also give you a well-rested bonus if you're in an active relationship with somebody it will even give you another bonus as well on top of that you awaken filled with a newfound sense of emotional security how about that now let's say I want to explore a planet or I want to go to a new system and see what Secrets might be out there for me to find here on the star map you can see the different star systems that you're going to head to but one thing to keep in mind is that each star system has a base level this will let you know about what difficulty of enemies you can expect to encounter when you go there so this one for example is level 10. I'm currently almost level 38 so I'm fine but the further to the right you go the more dangerous these places are going to get this one's level 35. I've been all the way out here into some 40 45 55 systems they get much more dangerous and these systems that are higher level than you they may be more dangerous but they're also going to give you gear that is going to help upgrade you faster so it's gonna be a better place to find gear that's more powerful than what you currently have equipped so it may be more dangerous but the payout is going to be much higher now another thing that isn't very explicitly communicated to you is that ship targeting is how you interact with other things out there in space so let's say I want to dock with this star the star yard here the demo star yard well in order to do that I need to get within 500 meters of the star yard or the ship that I'm interacting with if I want to dock with it so once I get within 500 meters you'll see that number slowly going down on the right once I get within 500 meters Boom the docking option pops up and this also applies to ships that I may have shot down and destroyed and their cargo is out there floating around I have to hit my targeting button which is for me it's e on PC that's going to highlight the cargo I need to get within 500 meters and then I can loot it and if I want to Target specific systems on a ship that I want to shoot down say there's an enemy ship nearby and I want to Target specific systems what I need to do is get close enough to get a lock on the ship and then from there I can go into targeting mode by pressing R and that will help me to Target specific subsystems on this ship like if I want to take out the engines to board it but in order to do that I have to have the right perk so you have to purchase the ability to do so here targeting Control Systems the base level is on the top of the tree so you can buy this at any point with one skill point and now you can specifically Target different subsystems on other ships but you can't do it until you buy the perk now the next thing you may be confused about is that you might have status effects that are active at any given time in the bottom right corner of your main menu when you open up tab you can see what status effects you may have active right now let's say you have contusions or maybe you have a really bad cough an infection of some kind all of them will be marked by a certain symbol and you'll see them right here under status effects that symbol correlates if you go in your inventory to Aid it will correlate to different treatments so for example this Aid item the bandages you'll see treatment on the right side of the screen and it will have symbols you'll see like this pill symbol a Band-Aid symbol for maybe bleeding you'll have these uh three drops of water of some kind those are symbols for status effects you might have so if you have the purple triangle status effect with that little pill then this is a treatment that will cure whatever ailment that is some Aid items will treat multiple things which is great those things tend to be more valuable and worth hanging on to others will simply treat one specific thing one specific status effect these bandages treat burns contusions frostbite lacerations and puncture wounds so scan through your Aid to see if you have what you're looking for then there's these items called Panacea these are fantastic because they will treat everything a complete system Purge removing diseases and poisons and treating injuries of any sort so that's how treatments work now let's say you want to purchase some ammo for your firearms and so you have to go there's tons of different ammo types in this game lots of them so let's say you you're like oh you come into your inventory you're looking at the gun you're like okay well I need uh ammo 15 by 25 cell shell for this one and for this one I need a 50 caliber don't do any of that we'll do any of that here's what you're gonna do favorite the guns that you use okay so you'll see in the bottom right if I hit B I can favorite an item and select a slot for it you know in your uh your favorite wheel and then here when I come up to the store to buy ammo all I'm going to do is I'm gonna hit for me it's Q I don't know what it is on a controller to full pull up your favorites wheel and then all I'm going to do is just hover over the gun I'm interested in buying ammo for so let's say for example I want to get more ammo for this shotgun that I love all I'm going to do is hit Q hover over the shotgun 15x25 CLL shells perfect there now I know exactly what I need to buy without loading up my inventory scrolling to the gun that I want checking the ammo type it'll it'll show it for me right there and then boom I just come in here and I buy exactly what I need and while you're here at the vendor maybe you think to yourself dang I left a bunch of stuff on my ship that I want to sell to this lady don't go back cycle through and here you'll see an option sell from ship inventory boom now I'm in my ship inventory and I can sell specifically from my ship any items I want to sell at least the kind that she might buy now let's say you need to repair your well if you're not actively in a battle what you're going to want to do is come to the spaceports on any City speak to the ship Services technician you can pay a thousand credits to repair your ship right there from him well let's say maybe you aren't in a settlement where you have access to that in real time and you need to repair your hall in the lower right is banged up bad all you have to do is hit the o button at least on PC it is O and that will repair your Hull if it is damaged you will see a prompt on screen which will tell you exactly what button you need to push to repair your Hull but you can't just do that for free it actually costs ship parts these will be under the aid section of your cargo Hall ship parts can be consumed to repair your ship mid combat always good to have plenty of them on hand and in order to acquire them you need to collect them from other ships out there so if you ever shoot down a ship once the Battle Is Over make sure you fly around the battlefield and search through the cargo a hold of all the ships that you have successfully shot down otherwise sometimes you're going to be out and about and you will run into other ships that are parked in places you can board those ships and then check their inventory from the cockpit there will be a console that will show the uh the cargo Hall um and then you can look in there and see if there are any ship parts for you to take with you and the last thing I want to cover is Planetary Exploration it can be a little daunting you land there's things out there running around you don't know where to go where you should focus your efforts what places of interest you should be finding and when you pull up your map it's a little confusing a couple of things you have the option to look at the surface map here and from here you can fast travel to any location you have already discovered and you might get a little bit of a better layout of the land but the important thing to do actually is just to hit F or pull up your scanner and from here you can see on the horizon how far away look unknown structure over here 958 meters over here there's The Wildlife Research post 360 meters away and from here I can get a lay of the land to see everywhere I need to go so I just keep my scanner up it'll also tell me what my progress looks like for uh completing my survey of this particular Planet so I just pulled this up everything highlighted in blue means I have not scanned enough of them yet to add them to my survey if they're green I'm set so green is good blue is bad and many plants have different biomes as well that you can land at so let's say for example I'm doing a survey and it says on the left side of the screen it says it says biome complete that will let me know that I may be you know 5 out of 10 on the animals scanned but it will say biome complete that'll let me know none of the ones that I need to find are in this biome so I'm done here so I need to travel to a different biome to scan the ones that remain so there you have it those are a bunch of try and figure those things out on my own over time I wish someone had told me hopefully that was helpful for you if it was leave a like in the video and recommend it to somebody else hey good luck out there be warm and well fed and I hope to catch you Among the Stars bye
Channel: True Vanguard
Views: 53,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, launch, early access, review, beginner's tips, beginner, guide, tutorials, how to jetpack, ship targeting, true vanguard, truevanguard, new game, new game 2023, bethesda, level one, wish I knew, need to know, gameplay, tricks, news, update
Id: jFVakhkhXh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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