How to Become Insanely Rich in Starfield

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so you want to get rich in Starfield in this video I'm going to show you how to become a millionaire in game I'm going to be showing you a variety of different methods of generating credits and the way this video is formatted is things will get increasingly profitable but also increasingly illegitimate we'll begin with some very legit and Noble ways to make some money and towards the end we're just getting completely outlandish into exploits to make literal millions of credits if you want to and even as I was filming this video I think I found the best money making method in Starfield available right now but it honestly gets even a bit better because I'm also going to help you protect your money that with today's video sponsor Ridge the ridge wallet is incredible holding 12 cards in cash it has everything you need and it just got a bit smarter we're just new smart wallet solution is this incredibly handy air tag attachment for your wallet this will combine with either a cash strap or money clip to make sure you never lose your wallet again and as you're seeing here there's even a version with a carbon fiber cap for a far more sophisticated look and with this you'll be able to use the fine my network so you'll always know where your wallet is and the beauty of this is your wallet is still a super slim and sleek and right now is the perfect time to buy we're just currently running a summer sweepstakes with a chance to win a new upgraded Hennessy Ford Bronco or 75 000 cash if you prefer that I'm definitely taking the car though and it gets even better because if you go to juicehead or use code juicehead you'll even get 10 bonus entries into the sweepstakes and 10 off your order I mean hey maybe you're gonna get a cool wallet and a cool car kind of hard to beat that so just right off the bat one of the simplest and easiest ways to generate extra cash in Starfield is your trait take one of the three faction traits right at the start of the game as you're building your character and as you do that faction questline you will get thousands of extra credits for just beating the same Quest you're probably gonna beat anyway it's a super simple way to make some more money but considering most of you probably already made your character I do have some far more lucrative methods one pretty straightforward method that almost certainly won't be patched out is Outpost building and specifically there's one mechanic around Outpost building that makes it so things can get ridiculously overpowered with just a bit of time investment and the nice part about this method is you could pretty much do it right from the start of the game so if you just got Starfield today you can do this outposts in Starfield will of course produce resources when you scan a planet of course a bunch of resources are shown to you but for some of the more rare resources it actually won't pop up on this scan instead you're gonna have to wander around the planet with your scanner out looking for those specific resources and really veins of them in the ground like here I found some neon I can extract and you could really bootstrap this beginning on the cheap side simply put down an extractor some power generation as well as some storage make sure you actually link up your extractor to your storage and you're going to be good to go passively generating resources as you play the game but you'll immediately realize oh these resources are produced incredibly slowly one great way to just speed this up instantly is with a bed place down a bed and sleep for 24 hours and the time passed as you're sleeping will count for resource generation here so you'll notice a decent stack of resources waiting for you right as you wake up but even this will only net you a couple hundred credits at most we simply need more time to pass to get more resources to sell well one of the other very powerful aspects of outpost is time dilation is taken into account so instead of sleeping on washaki where my neon extractor is I could fly over to the soul system which is right nearby and specifically land on Venus and one sleep on Venus is the equivalent of 100 days of time passing on other planets due to the time dilation on Venus time moves more quickly on this planet so sleeping for 24 hours here is like sleeping for a hundred days on wushaki and then you can return to your Outpost to find now hundreds of resources waiting for you and it's the real key to making money without Post building in Starfield finding a planet with good time dilation and basically just generating tons of resources to sell Venus has the best time dilation I've found thus far but there definitely could be other better planets out there over time you can naturally scale up your operation bill additional extractors the next limiting factor will be your storage space for the resources being gathered but the real beauty of this is if you keep it simple all the things you're building here require no skills and are built with very cheap resources so you can have this entire operation set up just like I do for just a few thousand credits which in the world of Starfield is really not that much then simply fly back over to Venus let some time pass generate thousands of resources and pick them up and sell them this part becomes a lot easier if you have a ship with a ton of cargo space so you can just go to vendors and sell from your ship's cargo never even having to touch the dirty resources yourself but alternatively you could just pick up the resources in your own inventory and be ridiculously over encumbered the only places you're actually walking are to your ship and a few vendors it's like it really matters too much you won't ever die from encumbrance your health will just get low I personally set up a neon Outpost and a silver mine and after sleeping for 24 hours on Venus I was able to sell all of the materials gathered for around 15 000 credits per run the larger issue being seeing vendors don't have that many credits the trade Authority has 11 000 and most of the other vendors have 5 000 or some even a bit less but thankfully if you do sleep for 48 hours you can reset vendor inventories and reset the credits they have and just rinse and repeat or even alternatively just buy a bunch of things from the vendor first and then do the trade and they'll have a bunch of additional credits congrats now you have free items for life at least it's some vendors what makes this method really nice is it's only the initial setup that takes a while after you have the extractors and storage built just show up whenever you want a few sleeps and fast travels later you'll be tens of thousands of credits richer and you could do this endlessly no skills required and you could basically do this right at the start of the game but maybe all of that that passive income generation sounds incredibly boring and tedious alternatively a super fun way to make money with a bit more work is just being a space pirate farming Contraband and this too has a couple of hidden mechanics to make it even more lucrative the key to this one is taking Crimson Fleet ship bounties you can find these either in regular Mission boards like this one you could find here in Sedona or after you do begin the free star Collective questline you could gain access to their mission board which is here in the core in Aquila City the bounties you're going to want to take here are for Crimson Fleet captains or fleets you need an actual spaceship to hunt down not just a person as well as you're going to need the first rank of the targeting control skill to do this effectively what you want to do is as soon as you're near one of the Crimson Fleet chips simply Target its engines and disable them board the ship as soon as it's possible you'll see a little prompt appear in the targeting mode when it's available and some of these missions this may be a bit hard just due to the level of enemy you're up against but once you're on board simply clear through the remaining crew and you'll likely find several pieces of Contraband on board they're going to appear in these little briefcases and they're almost always going to be on Crimson Fleet chips the Contraband is the main way we're going to be making money but you could of course loot anything else here including the ship itself I mean hey if you just really want to maximize value may as well just straight up steal their ship too selling this captured Chip is going going to be pretty straightforward just bring it to the ship Services technician at some of the major cities and you can sell the ship there after registering it and make sure you compare these two numbers when you go to register the ship it'll cost you a certain amount of money you have to do this to be able to sell it if the price to register it is higher than the sale price don't do that because of course you'll lose money you want this number to be higher than this number and that's how much profit you're going to make the difference between those two numbers most of the time it's just a couple thousand credits and the real money comes from selling Contraband if you want to smuggle this past scanners at major cities you're going to need shielded cargo or a Jammer these can be purchased at the red mile from this dude who is right next to the entrance you can find Red Mile on this planet in the Prima system it's incredibly easy to access and you go here for one of the Freestar Collective quests early on anyway once you do have your shielded cargo which you can attach to your ship or even a Jammer you can sell your goods for a profit at any trade Authority although make sure you actually transfer the Contraband to the cargo hold of your ship shielded cargo only counts if it's in the cargo hold the Contraband being in your inventory will not work you'll just get a bounty but alternatively maybe you don't want to deal with any of that and if you don't you can just go to the den this is a station in the wolf system which is pretty close to all the other major systems here there is no Contraband check you don't have to get scanned before going in so at any point just simply show up with your Contraband and you could sell them to the trade Authority here and basically just rinse and repeat take more bounties for Crimson Fleet ships and farm Contraband over time you can even get a bit more value out of this by changing the difficulty of the game right before you board the ship higher difficulties change scaling and loot drops so after you've disabled their engines and you're attached to the ship basically set the game to very hard and as you load onto the ship you'll find better Loot on the enemies right after loading onto the ship you could even set things back to very easy if you want to although you'll have to live with yourself for doing that and over time this can net you tens of thousands of credits per trip the real issue here is going to be once again the vendors are going to run out of money and you're going to have to wait for 48 hours pretty often to get get them to restock but then what I think is probably the single best and mostly legit farming method in game right now is with the Alma guest there's going to be a pretty cool space Casino in Starfield it'll be in the Olympus system orbiting a planet named nassoy also near most of the other major systems the first time you docked here you'll find a now abandoned zero gravity Casino although it's going to be filled with spacers who are trying to raid it simply clear out the spacers and you'll be able to find some goodies inside next to this giant vault door is a small back room there's going to be a lottery terminal in there and you can find the winning numbers to this terminal on a manager's terminal at about mid level in the casino but honestly it'll just give you a couple thousand credits it's not really that big of a deal because what we really want is right next to that Lottery terminal as there is a Contraband case here this will typically have about 10 pieces of Contraband within this is great probably around 10 000 credits or more right here sitting in this chest but where this method goes from great to absolutely insane is when you realize you can actually reload this container the problem is it's going to take a while like over a week of waiting for the container to reset but the solution is a familiar one simply travel back down to Venus where time moves more quickly wait for just 24 hours and return to collect 10 more pieces of Contraband every single time the trick being you need to abuse time dilation to make this method efficient I did this a few times and you can get tens of thousands of credits worth of Contraband in like 20 minutes of effort and you could do this right from the very start of the game as soon as you get your first ship all you need to do is fly a few places but otherwise no setup is required here as long as you're selling your Contraband at the Den big problem here is going to be how much waiting you'll have to do for vendors to reset their credits you're getting so much Contraband using this method that you hit the 11 000 credits so quickly but if you're patient you can very easily make hundreds of thousands of credits doing this so yeah for just broad ease of use from what point in the game you can do this I really think this is probably the best best exploit in Starfield right now it'll almost certainly be patched though but maybe all that's a bit too small scale for you Contraband and dealing with middlemen is just not your style you want cold hard credits fast but it can also just be a mobile bank robber in the space above most of the major cities in Starfield you're able to find a gallbank ship sometimes even more than one and naturally these are going to be carrying quite a few credits on them and there's going to be a unique mechanic or really a bug we're abusing to get the credits from these with ease what you're going to want to do is get up real close behind a gallbank ship and make sure you're not United Colonies territory so I prefer to do this outside of Aquila City or outside of neon simply use the targeting system and yes you need the targeting system unlocked to use this to begin attacking that ship and for some reason if you're close enough to the ship and You Begin combat with this targeting system none of the other ships around you will care you can freely attack the gallbank ship and there's going to be no Bounty or no other ships joining the fight after combat begins you don't even have to use the targeting mode anymore or you can just freely fire on the ship and nobody else is going to bother you except maybe another gallbank ship occasionally another gallbank ship will be around and they'll join the fight but honestly this is a good thing if you could take on two ships at once you're just getting more free money because what you're going to quickly discover is each of these ships depending on their size will carry between four and ten thousand credits so just loot the wreckage after the fact and you'll typically find a few more valuable materials most often building supplies and also several thousand credits and the magic of this is these are credits it's not something you have to go to a vendor to sell just cold hard credits that you can deposit into your inventory right now so using this method I would just dart back and forth between Aquila and neon and most times after jumping if you go to your right you'll immediately see a gallbank ship flying off get behind them take them out and easy profit consistently and I found the key here is getting close if you're too far away other ships will aggro against you and if you do attempt to do this in United Colony space other unit Colony ships will come in as reinforcements making it just a lot more annoying as well as docking the ship won't work because if you do dock it and then take out the enemies you will get a bounty and honestly this too is one of the best farming methods I think particularly in the mid to late games is probably one of the easiest and most profitable you're getting credits from this so there's no need to deal with sitting around and waiting over and over again it's also just kind of fun you're engaging in ship combat it actually makes you want to upgrade and enhance your own chip which otherwise I didn't really care about the major drawback of course is you need to fight others it's not passive and yeah you can set the game to very easy to make these fights relatively okay but at a decently high level some of the enemy ships will become a bit tougher but this is another one that is almost certainly going to get patched out so if you want to abuse this abuse it now before some of the major updates start shipping so those were the mostly above-the-board ways to farm credits in Starfield with the remaining methods in this video really resorting to bugs and exploiting and will certainly be patched out probably be some of the first methods to be patched out out what these next two exploits being doable on all platforms but more console specific can involve glitching under the map to farm resources and mass one location you could do this at is neon here you're going to need a jet pack and with neon especially a power jet pack will be most helpful but a balanced jet pack will work as well right after entering into neon's core go to the trade Authority building off to the side here you're going to need to jump on top of the outside of the building and basically try and get on top of these industrial placements to the side you'll see a small ledge you could jump on that and your next task will be jetpacking up to this higher ledge above you particularly here the power jet pack is handy as you can easily do it in just one shot but a balanced jet pack works as well from there simply get across the way over to the windowed building and climb on top of it then you're gonna need to climb over the secondary ledge and continue along the windowed buildings walkway until you run all the way up to the second building and you'll once again need to Jetpack to the top here and you're gonna really want to focus on getting onto the left side as that's where you're going to need to go go but once on top just run along this black pathway on the left side of the roof of this building and you're largely good from here once you get to the end simply drop down and make sure you use the jet pack to break your fall and you'll find you are actually under neon now you'll see a bunch of chests floating under the map and what these are is the above vendors inventory so you can freely access these chests to get weapons credits and even some clothing items some of the chests you're able to reach from the ledge while some others are going to need to Jetpack over too but don't worry if you do this because there is a secondary floor under you if you do fall you won't fall through the map and you could easily just jet pack back up to the other ledge you were on previously take whatever you want from these chests and you're basically good you can then go and talk to these vendors and even sell them some of the items you just stole from their inventories and you can repeat this method over and over by just resetting the vendor's inventories by waiting 48 Hours although an important disclaimer you have to actually talk to the vendors and open the shop menu for their inventories to reset it's a quirk since you're stealing directly from their inventory you'll have to open their inventory again before waiting for 48 hours to reset it with this method you can make a decent amount of money with relative ease probably making around 10 000 credits or so for each run especially if you are selling some of the items you do get from these vendors but a far more lucrative version of this exists also in new Atlantis but it's a bit more tedious you'll need the same thing with a balanced or powered jet pack and of course the skill to use said jetpack travel to the commercial District in new Atlantis and immediately run off to the right side of this building your immediate goal here is to get across onto the grassy Tree Side so you basically just want to use your jet pack and scale the buildings crossing the Gap and hopefully not dying oh definitely make some quick seeds along the way as you're doing this the new Atlantis version of this exploit is definitely easier to mess up as you're doing it and once you're across and over head over to these two white Ledges towards the end you're going to want to make your way to the furthest of the two ledges and here you're going to want to drop down onto the stone area below you and add as you work your way through there is a second Stone ledge beneath the first one gracefully fall onto the second one and you basically want to slide through this little crevice here and see that wall ahead of you your goal is to get under the wall thus far all this has been pretty easy but once you're down in this new Under the map section you have to actually get to the city part with some of the vendors and those chests again so work your way under this other wall and into the watery section ahead and after going under you'll basically just hug this stone wall up to the corner and try to work your way up and around it what you're going to discover is there's actually invisible water here so follow my path swimming in the water and be relatively quick as eventually you will start drowning because you are underwater make sure you have a couple of healing items ready as you definitely can die while doing this and you're going to want to swim up and pass this waterfall and work your way to the other side right at the end you'll find another small crevice which you will fall into as you fall out of the invisible water so make sure you actually break your fall here there's going to be another ledge to directly in front of you and here it's pretty straightforward basically just get over that ledge and fall back down onto the ledge under it you'll once again want to cross under this wall and building but then you basically just need to climb up this rock wall it almost looks impossible but it is doable especially with the help of your jet pack as well as there's a couple of grab spots you'll latch onto it's fairly finicky but you just need to work at it it took me a couple of tries and once you make it a decent way up the wall look off to your left side and you'll see where the rock wall meets this white wall you can simply jump through that and congrats you did it you're now under new Atlantis and very similar to the neon exploit you can now access a variety of vendor inventories thanks to these little chests scattered all below this area is going to be far larger so you can wander quite extensively make some quick saves in case you accidentally jump out and although there's a bunch of chests you can to loot the most important one is going to be the ship Fender chest and this will typically contain 72 000 credits the first time mine had less as I just sold some ships to this vendor and here's where the new Atlantis version of this exploit becomes far more powerful getting to this point is annoying but with practice you can likely do this with relative ease most the vendors here will reset their inventories in 48 hours of waiting just make sure you talk to them and open up that Shop menu just like a neon but the ship vendor will take longer to reset 48 hours will do nothing but if you fly to Venus again and wait 24 hours there the vendor's credits will reset so you can basically Farm the ship vendor for 72 000 credits as many times as you want to you can fly to Venus over and over again just make sure you talk to the vendor and open his trade menu in between but you could also buy spaceships from this Fender and all of the credits you spend with him will be deposited into the chest and you can elute all those credits back after basically just getting a bunch of spaceships for free making this one of the strongest money exploits in the game right now pretty easily netting you hundreds of thousands of credits per hour but this is another one that's almost certainly getting removed with a relatively early patch so make sure you take advantage of it now unfollowed that seemed like way too much work for you and you're on PC you could also just use a console command simply download the mod to enable achievements when modding or using console commands there's a couple of options out there right now then type in player.add item and then all of these zeros and one F at the end and then a space and whatever number for the number of credits you want and congrats you are now adding thousands or even millions of credits to your inventory and you could keep achievements as you do so it really is that simple if you're a PC player and just want to cheat and those are some of the best money making methods I found thus far in Starfield if you want some more tips on the game check out this video I recently posted highlighting some of the secret features or mechanics in Starfield that the game never really introduces to you foreign
Channel: JuiceHead
Views: 66,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: juicehead, starfield, bethedsa, starfield details, starfield news, starfield features, todd howard, bethesda starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield mods, starfield hands on, starfield secrets, starfield easter eggs, starfield gamescom, starfield review juicehead, starfield tips, starfield hidden features, starfield tips and tricks, starfield guide, starfield walkthrough, starfield best skills, starfield money glitch, starfield money glitch xbox, starfield money tips
Id: wOHAT-scsRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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