Top 10 Coolest Planets In Starfield

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in case you didn't notice Starfield is a pretty big game probably the biggest that Beth has ever created and that's thanks in no small part to the 1,000 different planets that you can explore today we're going to be looking at 10 of the most bizarre planets that people have found number one Earth despite the thousands of planets Starfield has on offer our own planet Earth may be the most unique of all despite being known as The Blue Planet this version of Earth has fallen into some hard times sometime before the settled systems was established Earth lost its atmosphere and was reduced to a great big bowl of dust shortly afterward despite this sounding about as interesting as watching mudcrab sunbathe Earth still has a lot to offer scattered throughout its surface and many landmarks and items that hearken back to a simpler time some books such as Oliver Twist can give you Clues on where they have already discovered the Pyramids of Giza the London Shard and the Empire State Building visiting these locations will also Grant the player a snow globe to keep us a souvenir so don't worry about your hard efforts going unrewarded number two Mal five found on the outskirts of the settled systems Mal 5 is a beautiful planet that hosts all sorts of biomes from overgrown swamplands to calm forests mile 5 is definitely not lacking in Beauty but it's a diamond in the rough for sure and that's mainly thanks to the planet inhabitants most of the alien species you'll come across are going to have super high levels and don't hesitate to turn you into a human granola bar stay clear of this planet if you're anywhere below level 60 because these creatures will One Tap you all the way back to Oblivion although the saying goes that fortune favors the bolds that does not apply to M 5 the planet is absent in rare resources making it a FSE erand to come here for exotic materials but that doesn't make the journey here useless whether it's for farming experience testing weapons or just establishing Humanity's dominance the flat open landscape ape and abundance of enemy creatures make M 5 the perfect hunting Zone number three proon 3 despite its heat or lack thereof proon 3 is a contender for the best planet to set up an outpost the planet has plentiful amounts of water copper argon and Florine proon 3 may already sound like a diamond in the rough but it doesn't end there the planet is also rich in neon and tetrafluorides which are some of the rarest resources in the game and to top it all off proon 3 is gorgeous to look at its snowy Woodlands are perfect for a cozy base and if you're having a hard time finding it now then don't worry as the main story will eventually take you there anyway so what you have is a planet that's rich in resources beautiful and easy to find I can see why people like it so much overall it checks all the boxes for a perfect base so the next time you're in the prion system be sure to place a beacon on this planet number four nire if resource es aren't the main priority but rather a place to hang up your suits and call home then there's really no place like nisi named after the island godesses in ancient Greek mythology n is rather fittingly found in the Olympus system with its large grasslands and flat terrain n is the perfect place to set up an endgame base and unlike other planets mentioned on this list n's temperatures are perfect for human conditions best of all is its location thanks to the system it's found in N sits well within each of the major cities although it's not exactly ideal for a resource Gathering base it still comes with a plethora of basic and rare resources such as iron and uranium and getting from place to place won't cost as much fuel as the other planets mentioned so if you've somehow finish this game and the new game plus and don't know where to rest your weary heads well there's no better place to call home than a number five pora system based on the real life star system with the same name the POR system hosts a large selection of lush plants and points of interest and with too many to choose from it would be a shame just to pick one for this list so we'll start with pora 4 this planet is being heralded as one of the best places to set up a base in the game and although the planet on its own is not a bad choice for an outpost I don't think it holds a candle to its Moon pora 4D this moon is rich in exotic resources like uranium plutonium and neon but that's just us getting started if you're the gambling type then you might want to set your eyes on the Red Mile a CD establishment that hosts an arena like gaunlet for anyone brave enough if you are hoping to take a more innocent vacation then this system has got you covers Paradiso is a picturesque Beach Resort found on the surface of paru number six hilu if your time in Paradiso is left you with an acquired taste for tropical Lakes beaches and palm trees then hitu might be the planet for you thanks to its warm temperature and high carbon levels hila 2 is rich in Flora and FAA which makes it stand out against the majority of Rocky and Barren planets it's also rich in rare resources making it a choice spot for an outpost but be warned as hila 2 is as beautiful as it is dangerous carnivorous ant-like creatures prowl the planet's Lush swamps waiting to hunt any unsuspecting ship captains they find even a view from AAR isn't safe since the planet's orbit is known to solicit unexpected visits by the Crimson Fleet but like building your homestead in Skyrim conquering higher 2 is worth the effort number seven eridani 2 found on the very edge of the settled systems we have eridani 2 a midgame planet that's rich in resources and Beauty eridani 2 has a very similar landscape to that of Earth well it did before Earth turned into a sampers but if you ask me I think eridani 2 is much cooler because not only does this planet have the grasslands mountains and beaches that Earth had to offer but it'll hold a special place in the hearts of Halo fans that's because aidani 2 is based on the real life orous too those who are Halo L Savvy will know that that's the planet reach from the Halo game of the same name so although the alien life seems to all be friendly don't say I didn't warn you if you stumble upon a covenant presence and although any Easter eggs are yet to be found it wouldn't feel out of place especially considering who owns Bethesda now number eight sumati with its peaceful Lush forests and the abundance of resources sumati sounds almost too good to be true it's perfect for anyone who wants to get away from the hustle and bustle of City living and instead opt for an outpost in The Great Outdoors so long as you land in an area marked as a coniferous forest you'll be met with beautiful blue trees as far as the eye can see making it easy to build a hidden base away from prying eyes and if homesteading isn't up your alley then you're still in luck because this planet is filled f with valuable resources wood water and various other valuable resources are plentiful on this planet so if the to die for views and Rural living is into your liking then your visit to this planet will not be in vain sumati is ultimately the perfect place to settle for the more introverted types that want to live out their days in the settled systems as a Hermit away from the noise of the city or people in general number nine Triton if Larger than Life mountains are what you're after then you don't have to explore much further than our own solar system Triton is the largest and most interesting of Neptune's 13 moons despite its superficial similarities to our own Moon try and hold its own when it comes to the massive Peak some of its mountains are capable of reaching combine this with a relatively low gravitational pull and you have a recipe for Endless fun hell with the building mechanics I'm sure you can create an obstacle course that would give the Red Mile a run for its money and thanks to its Freez temperatures the planet has a distinct surface that makes it look like it's been dusted with Colombian Great Moon sugar so although building a base here would be pretty cool I wouldn't recommend putting your nose near the ground number 10 muff 4 if you're looking for a starter base that doesn't look like some rocky hell hole from morrowwind then muff 4 might be the planet you've been looking for located on the upper edge of the settled systems muff 4 is not exactly outstanding when it comes to resources most of the items materials you'll find here are going to be the typical iron aluminium and argon but what this planet lacks in resources it makes up for with stunning views over grassy Highlands that make building a base of any size trivia the local forer is also relatively peaceful there are a few territorial creatures to keep in mind but most of them are just going to mind their own business so long as you do the same what we're left with is a calm Planet that's perfect for building the home base of your dreams subscribe it to fall d made you milk drinker
Channel: fall damage
Views: 249,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield review, starfield news, starfield game, starfield trailer, starfield impressions, starfield update, starfield bethesda, bethesda starfield, starfield pc, starfield reaction, starfield pc gameplay, starfield bugs, starfield 2023, starfield part 1, starfield reveal, starfield graphics, starfield xp glitch, starfield performance, new starfield gameplay, starfield walkthrough, starfield release date, starfield xbox gameplay
Id: m-x84f22QTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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