Starfield - 15 SECRET Tips & Tricks You Still DON'T Know

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there is an amazing easyto find vendor in Starfield with a 1hour inventory reset and they don't live on Venus hey everybody Welcome to 15 more things that every Starfield player should know including how to use the hidden Starfield cover system where you can find the best vendor in the game and some secret buttons you might have missed if you play on controller so first up we're going to have a little look at a trick you can use to stop random ships that land on planets from flying away so this is some Crimson Fleet Lads and although I am Allied to them we can kind of use them as a bit of example they're all going a bit crazy shooting these little bird things but we can just kill all these guys and what will normally happen if you kill all of the Raiders is the ship will pretty quickly fly off and you won't be able to get on board it anymore you won't be able to loot it you won't be able to take the ship over and sell it and there goes the last Raider and you can see the ship is pretty much straight away taking off and this tends to happen with any of the random ships that land as events on planet so if we come back to that safe game and we try and repeat this scenario got these four Raiders here and we're just going to kill three of these guys there's one left just to make it nice and simple if we can manage not to accidentally kill them all with this ridiculous gun then if we grab my Equinox which is to up to stun people and then shoot this guy and he gets knocked out you can see that this ship isn't going to take off whilst this guy is still alive if we killed him the ship would take off but because he's just nicely knocked out there we can run over and hop on but what we can do now we can jump on this we can hop on board and it's not going to take off the whole time this guy is still alive so now that we've stolen this pretty rubbish ship from the Crimson Fleet we'll just show you very quickly how you can register this anywhere you want normally you'd go to a ship service technician like here on Hop toown you can talk to one of these guys and then they'll offer to register it for a certain fee you can see this guy he'll charge 4,410 credits to register that for us but if you want to we can actually register this before we've even left the planet's surface that we've stolen it from as soon as you've cleared out the crew whether you're in space or on the ground you can just sit in the pilot seat open the pause menu go down to the bottom left where the ship page is and then using the controls in the bottom right you can press to make this your home ship once you've done that it will then give you the option to register it so if I now press the back button if you're on controller I can now register that for the same price it would cost me at the guy at hopetown and that is now a registered ship that we can sell and what this also means is that if we don't want to fly this newly stolen terrible ship very slowly off to somewhere we can sell it I can just get out of the ship and then I can walk or fast travel back to my nice ship and then we can make this my home ship again and go about a business and just sell the other ship whenever we want you just have to remember to do the same thing when you get back to your original ship sit in the pilot seat open the ship page and then go to make home ship so another handy tip that it took me far too long to realize is a quicker way to figure out curing your afflictions so you can see here I've got a status effect of fractured limb that was somewhat deliberately inflicted just a moment ago and what I've been doing through the first 48 levels of this game is I'd scroll down to my Aid and then I'd be going through here looking at all the little names and going okay where's one for fracture or whatever it is and trying to match up the names in the big list of treats and find the right one and then click that but actually took me a long time to really look at the bottom right there where it just says health and a little blue icon and that's my current health and any afflictions I have so if I just scroll down you can see it just stays the same it's that little blue icon shows I have a fracture I can just scroll down so I see that blue icon at the top bang anchor immobilizers and take them and then it's gone seems obvious for a lot of you it probably was but I'm sure there'll be some people like me who are idiots and hadn't noticed that so next up we're going to look at where you can find the best vendor in Starfield I saw a really good tip the other day that was suggesting you should go to the soul system find Venus and then on Venus keep Landing over and over and exploring until you can find a civilian Outpost that has a Trader on it the reason that's so effective on Venus is because the difference between local time and universal time you only need to wait for 1 hour on Venus to reset a vendor's inventory a vendor's inventory resets and the credits reset every 48 Hours of universal time but it can take a lot of landing and a lot of running around on foot exploring Venus trying to find one of these outposts and we don't particularly need to go to Venus because we just need somewhere where 1 hour is 48 Hours of universal time on Venus that's about 100 hours of universal time and in fact a much better place to do this than Venus is going to the Bessel system what you then want to do is go and visit Bessel 3B that's this Moon here around Bessel 3 on this planet you'll see there are two civilian Outpost marks now it's worth noting that these don't seem to be there right from the very start of the game on my old saves I was able to find them from about level 15 16 something like that I'm not exactly sure at what point these appear whether that's Mission related or not but I've checked on a couple of my different saves but they do seem to just pop up at some stage fairly early in the game G of these two civilian outposts it's the bottom one that you want to land at so just select that and drop down and you can see nearby we've got this little Igloo icon civilian Outpost that we've landed just 300 M away from so if we run over here once you get to the Outpost just head on inside and now you've discovered it you will be able to fast travel here as well from your ship you won't have to walk over once inside just go up to the bar and you'll find this Trader and you can chat to them and sell and buy anything you want so you can see they've got 5,000 credits if we want to sell them some stuff we can just pick some stuff at random it doesn't really matter we'll just show you some of our guns so you run out of money there you go pretty much out of money zero credits there for the vendor and then if we just take a seat at one of these bar stores and select wait you can see that one local hour is 57 hours and 47 minutes universal time we just need to wait for 48 hours universal time to reset our inventory so we just press a wait for 1 hour and we can talk to her again and you don't actually even need to stand up to do this although you might if she walks off go back to to talk to her again and she's got 5,000 credits again and you can sell her some more stuff so it's a really quick easy way of selling stuff some of the other towns you have to sit there and wait for 24 or 48 hours which is a bit tedious whereas this you can just do 1 hour inventory is reset you can sell some more stuff it's also a good way to buy stuff if you want you can see here that the vendor's got a pretty good supply of different ammo types we can buy if you want to see some different ones in there we can just reset their inventory again and have another look and see what they've got they also sell quite a lot of resources it's a great way to get tons of resources you might need she's got Aid items she's got ship parts and she can even repair your ship and sell you some basic ship things obviously she doesn't have many credits for a ship salesperson but if you were to buy some ship parts and give them a load of credits you could then sell a load of your other stuff and get those credits back if anyone figures out exactly what it is early in the game that makes these outposts first appear on the map I'd love to know so do post that in the comments down below so something that I didn't realize until very recently was that there is actually a cover mechanic you can use whilst in first person on Starfield so if you go up to certain objects near Corners like this you can see my gun gets pushed in like you normally see on fpp games when your gun's been obstructed by the wall but if I now aim in when my gun is in this position you can see I'm actually peaking the corner now it's a little hit and miss what you can actually do this round and what you can't but you can see here you can kind of do it on quite a lot of different things in the game it won't work on here cuz my gun hasn't gone down but perhaps if I crouch it might let me there go so if I crouch there it does actually let me it's not really something that I use very much but I tend to just run around exploding everyone with my ridiculous Coachman here with his Hornet rounds on it by the way if you want to see some more information about this gun and the Hornet rounds then check out my top five weapon mods video that I did quite recently and that will tell you all about this ridiculous weapon that I'm using to kill absolutely everything you can see here we can try and utilize a bit of cover on some of these guys we can peek around these guys and nearly blow myself up probably not the best gun for this there you go since see we can do a bit of uh bit of slow and steady play there rather than just shoot them in the face definitely something useful if you're a bit lower level if you're playing a bit of a stealth character and you want to take things a bit more chilled and just a cool little thing to know that's in the game that I hadn't seen before something I found useful particularly at lower levels and when exploring planets is not to sleep on using the cutter as a weapon if you run around exploring loads of planets and usually killing lots of animals it's a pretty quick way of going through all of your ammo without really getting any more Mo back but the cut is actually pretty effective as a damaging weapon if you hold down the left trigger then it will charge up and do more damage with your attacks what on Earth are these things that I'm attacking and also if you level up your laser weapon skill then it will inflict burning damage onto your opponents it's not quite the amazing thing that I think I've seen some people Rave about in other videos it does have a very good DPS when you have the skill leveled all the way up you can see here I've got my laser skill all the way up to rank four so it does 30% more damage and a 5% chance to set a Target on fire so it pretty much constantly sets everything on fire with all the small hits that it's doing but the cutter has a very short range and it only has quite a small amount of charge before you have to stop shooting and then let it charge back up again so if you're fighting big groups of enemies like this it's um not the greatest thing because if they'll start running at you then you'll die very quickly as it's probably about to happen but when you're running around fighting more lowlevel stuff like this it is very effective you can drop things very quick see that guy went very quickly Barely Used any charge on the gun and if you like running around doing surveying like I said you're going to run out of ammo very quickly if you're using your normal weapons without going into the different Dungeons and killing bad guys there another thing that's quite easy to miss is that unless you put a point into the demolition skill you won't get a trajectory Arc for your grenades as well as giving you a larger damaged radius more damage done and more damage resistance this skill also gives you a trajectory line so if you hold down the button to throw a grenade which is RB on controller you can see here I now get this line that shows me exactly where that frag grenade is going to go rather than just blindly throwing it at the enemies and hoping it connects another thing that's hidden behind a skill point that you might not realized in Starfield is the stealth meter so you can see here I've got this hidden detected bar that has appeared at the top and if you take one point in the stealth skill which you'll find on the physical tree in the middle here that will unlock the stealth meter for you what the game doesn't really tell you though is that it's actually a lot harder to be detected if you are wearing less items so you can see if I crouch down here behind Mato I'll be hidden but if I move even just a little bit he'll hear me pretty easily you can see the green bar going up as soon as I'm moving around just like this but if we actually go into my inventory and take off a bunch of my kit my pack my space suit my helmet and also my outfit as well you can see that I can actually move really significantly behind him but I'm not getting the green bar coming up at all I am fully naked crouching around behind him apart from my pants you can see it can move around quite a lot and he's not hearing me in the slightest the green bar isn't even appearing if I move around in front of him he's still going to see me eventually so if you want a stealth round in the game then doing it in your pants is the best way to go for it next up we've got a couple of little tricks to help you out if you are playing on a controller so if you're trying to move massive stacks of items on PC with mouse and keyboard it's not particularly difficult if you want to split a stack of say a thousand things into smaller amounts doesn't really take you too much time but if you're on console and you've got this stack of 1,200 aluminium or aluminum for the Americans and you want to drop half of it doing it like this is going to take you all day what you can do though is use RB and lb and it's going to go down in larger increments and this seems to scale depending on how big the stack is you can see just by tapping the bumper buttons and get that down to halfway and it drop 600 aluminum on the floor very easily another nice trick for people playing a controller is when you're in the ship Builder if you're playing on PC then you probably already know that by clicking directly on the little blue connection points you can actually open up a list and it will show you only things that you can place on that spot different connection points can take different attachments and this is a really nice way to look at just the things allowed in that position if you go to the normal ad list and then place them on like this you get all sorts of stuff shown to you and then you have to kind of go and see if that's actually something that could viably fit on the spot you were looking at you can do this on controller though it took quite a while for this to get figured out but if you hover over one these blue connection points hold down left and right triggers at the same time and then press a then it will do this for you you can see we've got this list up here I'm playing on Xbox on control at the moment and we' got this list we can Chuck this on here we find another little blue connector we can open up this one it'll give us different options it doesn't give you ones that necessarily will fit if you've got something in the way you can see this will allow certain Dockers cockpits cargo structural elements and that kind of thing if we go over to the side here or maybe give us some different options you can see we could put some bays and all sorts of stuff on here and on the back looks like we got another weapon slot we could put a cannon or some such at the back it's also worth remembering that some ship parts that you can buy are Level locked and you'll unlock all ship parts available once you hit Level 60 so the availability of ship parts within the different shops and shipyards aren't restricted by the skills you've got it is purely by your level a lot of ship parts are exclusive to certain vendors in certain locations and there's a couple of fantastic Reddit posts that show exactly what can be found where as well well as one that contains images of all the different Habs you can use I'll put a link to both of those down in the description and shout out to both of those people for those fantastic sources of information another handy trick I figured out when I was leveling up my spacit design skill and my weapon engineering skill is that in order to complete the challenges to hit the next levels so craft 30 spacit Helmet or pack mods or weapon mods Etc is that you don't have to do it on different items or craft anything fancy and it also counts for uninstalling mods as well as installing them what this means is you can see we we've got 29 left to do for our space suit mods and if we go into our workbench and then select my helmet here I've just taken the mod off here we can find the cheapest one to put back on let's say the EM shielding one this uses one cosmetic one copper and two tungsten we can put that on then go back to Noom mod do that that cost one sealant and one aluminum and then we can just keep doing this go backwards and forwards do it a few times there we go and you can see in the left there it's popping up with the progress of that skill we're actually leveling that up really quickly and it's barely using any resources that we really care about if we end up using up a bit too much tungsten or whatever we can put on a few of these ones ballistic shielding just use his nickel and cosmetic and then go back take that off for up to 15 and you can see that you can get this leveled up extremely quickly doing this without using any particularly rare resources at whatsoever so you're probably familiar with the idea that you can find stat magazines around in the world that will give you permanent stat increases but something that I think is worth remembering is that you don't just find them on particular missions and quests they're not just in big key named locations you can really find them in all sorts of places not just wandering around exploring the main towns but even in Random Encounters you find on planets if you go to a planet and visit a random structure that pops up where there's a few baddies in a mining Outpost or a research Outpost and go and kill some spacers or some Veron it's always worth searching those pretty thoroughly cuz most of the time you are going to find at least one stat magazine there they'll give you a permanent increase to one of your stats and sometimes you can even find two in one location so if you do like exploring and thoroughly searching locations there is a benefit to doing that almost everywhere in the game another handy place to go and sell things is talking to n in the lodge who will actually buy organic resources from you for a better price than anyone else you go and chat to her and ask her about the artifacts and follow through some of those dialogue options she'll give you the option to sell her any organic resources you found she'll give you a pretty good price for these but she does only have 32,000 credits so it doesn't really go a long way but if you're farming a lot of these materials it's a good place to get a great price from them and then you can rest and sell them again and because you're on gemes you only need to rest hereit for 24 in-game hours in order to reset the inventory because that will be 48 Hours of universal time and one final tip for today is that if you're finding yourself running a bit long ammo as well as picking it up from your enemy bodies if you actually pick up their guns you'll get a small amount of ammo for doing that as well even if they're not guns you particularly want you can get in the habit of scooping up all the guns you see and and then just dump them every now and again so you don't fill up your inventory it doesn't matter so much if you're like me and using shotguns a lot but if you start using full auto weapons then you can really go through the ammo pretty quickly especially if you're playing on higher difficulties and getting it higher levels where the enemies can take a lot of shots to kill so that's everything for today if you enjoyed this video then why not check out one of my other Starfield guides and drop a like And subscribe if you want to see more like this thanks so much for watching my name's Ben we are the beard guys and I'm I'll see you next time
Channel: The Beard Guys
Views: 69,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield tips, starfield pc, starfield xbox, starfield xbox series x, starfield guide, starfield help, starfield game, starfield tips and tricks no spoilers, starfield tips and tricks, starfield tips for beginners, starfield tips no spoilers, starfield beginner guide, starfield secrets, starfield hidden secrets
Id: OBVQnJnT_ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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