Starfield - BEGINNERS GUIDE to Ship Building - Starship Design - Piloting - Starship Building Guide

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hello everybody it is ebontist and I want to talk to you guys about shipbuilding because I've had a lot of time experimenting tinkering and kind of learning some of the nuances to it and my goal isn't to show you how to build the most aesthetically cool ship I'm gonna let you guys Tinker with all that stuff I just want you to understand how the systems work how certain things can affect other things what skills you might need how jumping around space can actually affect all of that so I want to cover the basics first with skills uh jumping around systems where you can get all these parts and then we'll go into the details of what parts affect what and we're just going to build a basic ship from literally the ground floor up so first skills so when it comes to skills you need two main skills to be able to access all the parts in the game and also to be able to fly all the ships in the game one is piloting biggest two is being able to Pilot Class B and class c ships this allows you to also be able to use those parts when you're building a ship now to be able to have a class B ship when you're building you have to have a class B reactor to be able to use Class B Parts same thing with class C you need a Class C reactor which is more expensive so this is why this gets very late game to be able to use Class C Parts but also you can buy class c ships maybe there's just one you find that's well put together and you're like I'm good I'll just buy this one you still have to have this to be able to Pilot it so whatever the reactor class is is the class of the ship and if it's better than your you know piloting skill you may not be able to use it it's really unfortunate if you find a cool ship lands on a planet you you go inside you break the lock you clear out the entire crew and then you go to Pilot the ship and it says you can't because your piloting skills isn't high enough I had that happen kind of a bummer so when I recommend maxing out the other one Starship design very simple it just allows you to use cooler and cooler parts more experimental stuff that might be like there might be something that's not as expensive or just about as expensive but just because it's like a cool like written rank three you know Starship design module it may have a better functionality at kind of a similar price point and that's going to happen all over the place some cool stuff here some nice price value here just different things you wouldn't have access to otherwise so if you're going into shipbuilding you kind of got to get this thing maxed out at some point as well so those are the main two skills I mean whether it's payloads Engine Systems Shields targeting controls this is important if you want to board a ship but then you've got Starship engineering for repairs then it's all your weapon stuff through here that's all fine but if you want to build a cool ship whether it functions well or not building it takes those main two now the next thing to talk about is when you're jumping between systems if I select any system there are two things that are gonna matter it is my fuel consumption that is how far I can go so like this is 19.07 but if I want to jump really far out here for example that is going to be out of my fuel range just a little bit but it technically is out of my fuel range if I'm gonna jump here and again the way the map is set up it's not always clear like what's close enough versus what's not like this is 251 away and then this one is 229 away but then this one here is 302 and yet these two are farther the map isn't always perfect so you just got to figure out which system you're going to and go from there but that whole fuel consumption is based on your fuel tank so the bigger the fuel capacity you have on your ship the farther you can go in one single basically loading screen so if I really wanted to go all the way out here through all these different points I would need a fuel capacity of 550 to be able to cover this I don't have that on this ship but that's something I could probably upgrade to and that would allow me to make this in one jump now the other thing is my jump range on my ship currently it's 29 light years and what that means is that's going to be that's going to determine how far between one planet and another you can travel and again as you can see the map is not perfectly skewed it's probably very weird and you kind of like shift back and forth some things move and some don't so there may be something that's like these two planets may not look that far apart but maybe they're like 40 light years apart and you need a stronger gravity drive just to be able to go between this one and this one you might have 500 fuel but then you might not be able to get there because that's a gravity Drive situation that's more of a very late game thing when it actually points you to do that but that is one of those things to understand so if you're doing a lot of exploring around the main systems and you're like I just don't want to like you know jump to here and then here and then here and then when I come back go here here and here every time upgrading the fuel tank very simple to do and will make your kind of running around the main area much easier now the final thing is most of the places with the little city icon on it you will have a Starship kind of vendor guy he's gonna help you repair he's gonna help you like build stuff now there are certain ones like this guy who have access to a set products he's got like Nova Galactic he's got damos but there's also certain specialized pieces that you can get in certain places say we go to Seoul for example Nova Galactic guess what they sell no Galactic Parts same with damos down here and then if you travel up to the narian system which I don't have it unlocked right now or I haven't been there in this save because I've messed around with so many different saves this is Stroud Eckland Stroud is part of constellation he's one of these guys he's got a whole company uh if you go all the way down here to volley in neon there's the Taya I think is what it's called Industries and then if you go into neon and then you go into like rajin Tower and you go to like the second floor there's a whole shipbuilding group that's in there too and you can mess with the ship you can build your ship you can change the parts out maybe buy some ships from them too so there are vendors all over the place there's probably a list on a website and a guide somewhere that's not the goal but I just want to explain to you that there are different parts in different places somewhere like the din in the wolf system you should probably know this one you can go to the Crimson Fleet in the key and you can obviously sell Contraband there if you can get there but also the den is kind of a neutral spot they have a mix of parts so you'll kind of have a couple different things from each type of place which also be able to buy like shielded cargo so you have a chance at not getting your Contraband confiscated if you can pass the scan there's Shield Jammers you can get in a couple of places and stuff like that but the den is kind of neutral ground so that means they also have a good mix of parts but right here at our guy we've got a couple options one if you're ever in combat and you can land at one of these places pay one of these guys a thousand credits your ship will be good to go no big deal now if you want to build ships from or buy ships from them you can but remember the class of your piloting license per se is going to determine which ships you can buy but we're here to modify our ships that's the goal now I've got a couple ships that I've bought the Razor Leaf you can earn from the Mantis quest which is a pretty cool one to earn it's not a bad little one to jump around with but this is kind of what I've tinkered with I feel like in my head it looks like a Stegosaurus like you can call it whatever you want it looks a little goofy though but it functions so it gets the job done for me for now now you can do this in two ways you can go for the full Builder which we'll do in a second or you can just go to the upgrades and that's these right here so it's gonna go between engines kind of my main weapons reactor grab Drive Shields just some basic pieces so if you want to just like hey I need to upgrade my grab drive like right now this might be an easy way to go in now for the ones that I have available that's just kind of what I've got access to it's a lot easier to go into the Builder because this thing doesn't seem to have every option that you're possibly going to have it's even just like an upgrade within the same family notice how I've got the 3000 reactor so if I go in here I've only got the 2000 the 2020 and the others so it's within the same specific family if you just want to do a very inline upgrade without very minimal changes but if you want to go into the bigger stuff now we go into the shipbuilder now the shipbuilder lets you do a ton of things it really does you can pull a piece off like maybe you get a ship from a quest which you will do this sometimes and maybe it's going to give you an engine that has Starship design rank 3. that's kind of a cool thing but maybe you don't have Starship design 3 rank as a skill well you can still modify this ship and then keep the engines as something you can use even though you don't have the skill so if you get a ship from somewhere else and as a ship part that you can't use you can still like move it around and still keep it on the ship even though you don't have the skill for it it's the piloting that you can't actually drive a ship that is like classy if you can only get to class A but if the parts like you know attached to what you've already got already as long as you don't just straight up bring it out here and delete it makes you undo it if you do but as long as you don't delete it you can still use the part so that's kind of a nice thing to know now one order of advice before we build this thing from the ground up if you're gonna go for coloring or you want to do anything if you have parts that are connected so say I've got this part and this part if you double click it's anything that is connected and then you move it around as a group then if you double click it and you want to duplicate it you can't duplicate a grouping but you can duplicate a single part so hover over that one and make another so duplication should generally work but for now that's one of the pieces you can move things around as a group is all I'm saying and then also if you're going to color your ship please do it as one I did this one by one by one by one piece really annoying so if you want to color your whole ship take your main color maybe I want to make it bright yellow very bright and vibrant and then for my off color I want to do like a deep blue maybe a little saturation a little bit of Darkness here and then a little bit more blue and then you want to just go absolutely crazy pink you can and you can make it whatever you want and guess what if you don't like it just undo it but yeah double click color the whole ship at once now you can Tinker with one part at a time if you want like a purple engine but you're gonna paint the whole ship don't do it piece by piece but for now let's start from the ground up now as I said from the ground up I really am going to try and do that with you guys so the first thing you need to do is if you are on ground floor you are on the ground and you need to walk into your ship you need a landing Bay which means you need to be able to walk in your ship very simple this place has two different Landing bays and you've got that one and then I've got the demos guy that's basically the two more of a cosmetic thing than anything else and how this is going to pan out but overall those are your two gonna be very simple when you go in they're both going to have a ladder that goes up to the section above that's all you'll see the little arrow kind of pointing to what it's going to we're just going to keep this Main Normal looking guy now that is how you get into your ship and you have to have a landing Bay and you get tuned to it from the ground level if you are in space you need a docking module now you can have a docking module that looks like one of these where it is something that will sit up on a platform somewhere and you'll like this has to be the highest part of the ship and the main thing to know about a docking module is this little rotating ring has to be the farthest point out from where it is pointing so if it's up high this needs to be the highest point on my ship but if I bring this thing down a few levels and I attach it here and I flip it which I can't do on this one so let's try a different one now I can flip this one upside down I can't flip this one it only works one way but this will flip to a bottom so now if I go bottom and I attach this here now if I am in space and you look at this I'm literally on ground level zero that little ring is below the ground level so that means this Landing Bay when I get landing gear on this thing this is always going to be the farthest point from the bottom of my ship so the only thing I have to do at that point is dock on the bottom this gives you some nice Freedom when you're building so if you ever want to change because the default docking module is like one of these that's up here and that means that can only be the top of your ship you can't go higher but if it's down here you can actually go lower now the big thing to note if you look at both of these when you enter your ship this is not where you actually can move around you need to enter into a specifically a Hab so if you bring it up and one thing you'll notice is if you attach to a specific point that has certain requirements let's take the cockpit for example because we're going to need one of those anyway the cockpit if you grab this basic cockpit here this module at this attachment point on the very top can only have access to weapons and if I go over to my other category it's equipment that is the only two things that can go up here I'm not going to be able to stick a reactor up here Shield generator uh gravity Drive none of that stuff's going up here but if I go to the bottom this is a bit more of a normal connection and I got cargo fuel everything goes underneath this guy so every part's going to have a little bit of a difference to it but that's how you're going to learn your limitations is if you just go to the point hold your cursor over it and hit attach you're going to see what's available now you can also see from my cockpit I can do two things I can either add a structural porthole which means I would have to put a Hab down here because that means I actually have the ability to enter from below so that's one way to kind of have your cockpit be a little weird or you want to have kind of a normal entrance like walk into your cockpit as opposed to going up a ladder you just put one connection right there and that is the key you need to be able to have some type of Hab connect to your cockpit and you also need to have some type of Hab connect to your Docker and your Landing Bay all the ways that you get into your ship and pilot your ship need to have a Hab connected to them and you need to have your Docker in your Landing Bay have an actual direct path to your cockpit so you can't have your cockpit light way over here on your ship and then you know they have their own halves but then you have a bunch of engines in the middle you have to have a way to walk onto your ship and get to your cockpit so that has to still be a linear path so if we want a module you've got a couple options you've got your basic one by one but nice a lot more options in these two by ones I've got all in ones armories Captain's Quarters which has like a bed you can sleep in for an experienced boost you've got a control station so you've got more crew stations if you need a place for them to be I've got an infirmary so it's got like you know pharmaceutical lab living quarters so I've got more passenger slots science labs so I've got research facilities these are all a little bit different workshop for example let's go with the science lab just so you can see it so now I can take this attach it to the front not have the ability to get on my ship from space through the docker from the ground level with the landing Bay both of them when I enter the ship I'm gonna walk into this P this Hab right here I'm gonna land in here I'm either gonna be in the front section from the ground floor or if I come in from space I'm going to be the back and I can just walk straight into my cockpit that's some Basics right there already pretty good now the ship is probably gonna look like junk when I'm done that's not the point for Aesthetics but I will show you a few things as we go along but we've got the basics now now this thing's gonna tip over so let's give it some landing gear and one way you can check your issues is if you bring up your list of issues your errors are the big ones in red the yellow ones are just things it would be nice for you to have like weapons and Shields and have a little bit more Mobility but the red ones you cannot actually take off if those don't function so let's start with landing gear so landing gear has a specific height to it so if you go to gear you're going to see the landing gear is going to need to line up literally with the ground and the landing Bay so whether it's that type of landing gear or that landing gear whichever one you pick then you can sit there and duplicate it on the other side so there are two things of landing gear now that's a little lopsided for me but the landing gear has specific things to it has Lander thrust now in different shipyards there's different type of landing gear for a bunch of different situations but generally you'll just need enough Landing thrust to be able to get yourself off the platform so if it says I'm good and I don't need specifically any more landing gear technically this would land I just have questions about how balanced that would be in real life but the game physics are going to do what they're going to do now if you want to have a little more reasonable working room I'm gonna go ahead and put on one more uh Hab just to give us a little space here and I'm just going to do a little Companion Way and then we're going to take our landing gear I'm going to duplicate it which is a nice thing to do now if you want to flip the variant or flip the side that it goes on you can do that as well but for right now I've got one that points to the back one that points to the front same thing switch it now in my head that is not going to tip over and it's not going to be butt heavy so this is a little more balanced in my head at least so we now have landing gear next thing we need power for anything else we're going to do so we may as well plop a reactor on here so a reactor I'm just going to say we need a decent reactor and you got 18 20 23 26 all these things when they get up into the power that they can provide that's how many of those little blue lines that you can you know choose to use for weapons or Shields or engines or the gravity drab the gravity Drive in my opinion only ever needs one because if you fully power up a gravity Drive you'll jump in one second if you have the gravity drive at like one notch out of however many it has it just takes like an eight second countdown so for me I power up everything in the gravity Drive I give the minimal possible but to not get too far away from the basic stuff we'll just use this guy so that is a basic reactor so we now have a reactor we have power now we need to be able to jump through the SAR systems so let's go ahead and throw on a grab Drive again remember when I was telling you how far you can jump in a total distance that's the fuel tank we'll do that next but between one system and another that is where you might need a bigger gravity drive because you'll start with something like this and the grab jump thrust is 16. that's how far you can go and then depending on your weight you might be able to go a little farther if you're really heavy on your ship you might actually go a little less so for now if you get up to a point where you're going 23 doesn't require any skills that thing's probably going to function pretty well now this looks goofy we'll figure out some Aesthetics here in a second so we got all that now you've got a couple different situations I'm going to switch these just because I want to be able to uh have some different places for engines that I want to show you okay so now we're missing engines and we need one fuel tank so our gravity Drive needs a fuel tank I'm going to come up here I'm gonna look for fuel tanks these are the options that will place on top of this but if you look on the side of maybe my Docking Bay I can throw some massive fuel tanks down here on the side now this obviously doesn't fit but again if I do pick that for example and again if you ever want to see what every part is possible just come out here in empty space and then I can see the most ridiculous things possible and say okay this giant helium tank is out of here but that holds 550 grab jump fuel that would literally get me to the other side of the damn system but that is a Starship design Rank 3 piece if I want to be a little more on the reasonable side this is level two and this is level one so this is 140. and you'll notice this is a back Mount so the only place this is going to mount is truly the back of the ship so now I gotta see if I have any points back here in the back it will dock there I could also tuck it under the ship if I want it underneath down there that is a probably a bad place and somebody's probably going to figure out the joke that just went through my head for putting two round objects on the very back rear of the ship but you know my apologies for for the laugh and the crude humor all right too few engines so we need engines now and this is where this might actually may not be the best thing so we're going to delete this and if I do a healing tank that's just gonna land on kind of a side platforms notice that this is a rear Landing one this is on the side a little smaller but I can actually put one here and then if I rotate the ship around I can just flip it now I've got two so that's actually going to give me a hundred it's going to give me 200 jumping fuel that's going to be a lot for your early questing and a lot of the stuff you're gonna do not too many pit stops in between and it's kind of nice and tucked out of the way between the landing gear and my Docking Bay is still good so I'm using that Docking Bay nicely all right so now we need engines so you've got engines that can mount in a couple ways I've got my side mounted engines up here these are going to be the shape or this shape or the single Thruster or the ones that you're used to seeing probably on the frontier these are your basic engines you've probably already seen but you've also got engines that can mount to a rear section like this this whole run because again these have no side mounting points but you'll notice it has a front mounting point or I can also mount it if I just want to keep going taller with this ship and look ridiculous it can go up there now technically this thing will take off now obviously this looks ridiculous but that's kind of the point of what I wanted to show you this for is it doesn't have to look pretty at first then when you're like okay technically this will fly now what else do I possibly want well you probably want some cargo so let's add cargo and see what this does now the cargo options that I have here are not the best if I go to a side I've got way more different cargo options so it may be one of those things where you and again you can flip it got a couple different options here got a little baby cargo guy got a really big cargo guy and all of this is going to determine the mass so you'll notice the mass in the bottom corner now if I put this on my Mobility is still really good now it's going to scream at me if I probably do this twice let's do this flip it and pop it over there now the mobility is at 68 that's when it starts giving me a warning it's going to say low Mobility reduce mass and add engines to improve Mobility now if I add this massive thing on top my Mobility drops down to 33. now it says I have too few landing gear technically the ship is balanced but it's like uh this is going to crush the landing gear when you try and land so that's one of the limitations you'll have is just the quantity of landing gear for the weight that you have now if I take that off that's just a little reduction in Mobility but if I like everything that's going on there and I just need a little bit more thruster that I can come down here to you know add another back engine and now again it has less not enough landing gear so you kind of get to play this little tinkering game of like what do I really need versus what I want versus we haven't even gotten the weapons and Shields and things like that but cargo is probably where you're going to play with your weight balance the most so right now you'll notice I'm like I just kind of feel like I'm running out of room I'm a little short structural gives you a whole lot of options so I gotta show you this bracers are really good they give you literally a connection point in almost every direction for that reason uh but you've also got some Cosmetics maybe up here I just want the nose to look a little better I got this little thing kind of lines up and then if I tuck something behind it like a just a basic air Bay here for like you know a whole section now you got a little minus the giant thing on top you got a little more smooth nature you got a couple weapon loading points that kind of stuff but the bracer in the back is a really nice thing because so many connection points so now I can move my landing gear back a little bit so now let's Tinker with the uh cargo again so if I go back to Cargo and I plop this on there it's a little heavy I put another one on now I have too few landing gears but now if I add gear and we get to the point where still not enough right the other side and hey we're good again so now I've got six landing gear for the weight that I've got I've got a massive amount of cargo my Mobility is junk but we have some functionality so now if I want to mess with engines again now let's say I put a white door for this big guy on here this one so we're getting there let me throw another one on I got two arrows now I have more weight from landing gear and also my engines are like off the map so it a lot of it is this little balance of like what weight do you have versus what balance of things and that's where like maybe I move this back down here move this down here and it looks a bit more reasonable now I would say but again if I want good Mobility then there we go still got 1700 cargo with just one of those on there but it just really depends on the shape of the ship that you want but at this point let's go with a little more of a reasonable cargo situation so let's take these two side pods and just go with some little cargo things down the side like a little ballast tank here all right ballast cargo just the little guys give it a little reasonableness to it Mobility is still pretty good I've got 1200 in cargo and I got a lot of open space to work with for parts so the only thing I have left missing technically is a shield so if I want to put a shield generator I can either put one up here I can do one of these little Dome ones but there's some that I don't have access to as for Shields there's not one that literally pops on the back but if I'm over here there's also Shield generators that will go side mounted like this one you won't be able to normally have access to those like that Guardian generator you're not going to be able to have the guardian generator up here so again remember different angles are going to have different options so if you really want to check every single option come out here in just empty space and then when you make something you can see all right every stat every single option every type of generator that can possibly be here maybe I just want to stick with a class for now what is the best a that's 715 Health the max power is seven all right if I come up here 760 max power of seven this one's top mounted this one's side mounted but this one gives me a little more for the same amount of power that I would have otherwise so then if I bring this thing over I can put it right up here and now I have a shield generator now when it says you have unattached modules that's just this thing floating out here if you're ever like feel like it's buried and you can't see it just double click on your ship and then just move the whole ship and then you'll probably be able to see the piece that's floating out in space we're just gonna go ahead and slide this back on and then it should Center up so final thing is just weapons and when it comes to weapons you only have certain points to be able to add weapons or do you this is the fun part and this is where structural will also come into play the Nova bracers are nice but technically the only way to get Mountains on a Mountain's weapons on a bracer is going to be a horizontal weapon Mount specifically same thing here you can add a weapon Mount to it also you can add weird little things like wings like here's a wing and you can see it's actually got a bottom and a top section well when I go and zoom in I can see the only thing going there is equipment and weapons similar to the way my cockpit works so if you want weapons on the top and bottom you just got to make sure they fit because some of these weapons get to be big and with that little cargo spot down there it might not fit but if you want weapons up top you can totally do that all day uh but one thing you really can do is something called a weapon Mount so if you go to structural you're going to see this as a giant Nova weapon Mount and then from here you can add most anything you want to add now it's all going to line up together so if it kind of messes with your head that some things are a little closer together than they should be that's totally fine but it's really up to you what you put places but maybe you just maybe you want to put a weapon Mount up here and then you got a weapon Mount down here you can really start tinkering with a lot of stuff but weapons specifically I'm just going to show you a goofy looking one just to show you it works so it has unattached modules all right what's not attached that's just this little guy right here this is the horizontal weapon mount I'm just gonna delete that so when it comes to weapons the one thing I'll tell you is especially early on your reactor is only going to be able to power so much so you'll notice my engines have like one two three four five six seven eight power for my engines because it's three two and three so to get full power out of my engines I need eight so that uses up 8 of 20. uh then we've got my Shields which are going to use seven so eight and seven so the only thing I really got left to fully power those three I would have to do weapons that require a Max of five so if you've only got a little bit of power available it's probably worth getting a couple of weapons that don't require too much power but maybe it's like a couple of cannons and that's where it really comes into play like okay then you're like do I really need the engine it has unattached modules because this thing's no longer attached and let's take off one engine bill has unattached modules and this is just one of those things that sometimes happens like something will get unattached and you might have just moved things around and figure out what got stuck or unstuck so now I'm back at the point where like well I probably do need that engine for Mobility since it's a little low so if I duplicate this guy and then flip it my Mobility is good again so that's where I'm like okay I kind of have a limitation right now or I can't have that many weapons so maybe just look for the best class a weapon that you can find it's this one it's got a big range I can throw it right on the nose and then when you have a weapon it's going to scream at you you have an unassigned weapon that has to be assigned so my main weapon is right there now you don't need any other weapons besides one you don't you nothing else is required now you'll also notice depending on which parts you have I have a couple spots for weapons that I bet you wouldn't expect come right under here under the landing Bay I got a couple more so I can put one more beam down here and if I really want what I could do is I can duplicate this one underneath so my weapons are tucked under and then I can clean up the top of the cockpit take this off the top and then up here if I just want a nice smooth looking ship I can come right here add this longer cowling and then we don't look quite so ridiculous I mean I still look a bit top heavy but we function so the main idea is behind building a ship are as follows you need a cockpit a landing Bay and a Docking Bay that are connected by some Hab now you can have all the Habs that you want you can literally go bunkers with those if you feel like it so like a three by one here and I gotta have a ship that looks like this and then this and this and you can build your ship around this and maybe you want to do this and this and then you maybe put your cockpit somewhere in the middle and you get a whole bunch of random stuffer you can make a goofy looking ship all you want so don't let anybody tell you how you can build a ship because I have seen some absolutely crazy ones but you need to be able to board your ship from space and grounds to a Hab and that has to connect to your cockpit you have to have a linear a path between those you need to have enough landing gear to be able to manage the weight of your ship you need to have enough engine thrust so your Mobility is reasonable for the weight you have which typically will come from cargo you need a gravity drive to be able to jump between systems you need fuel tanks so your gravity Drive can have fuel and the more fuel you have between your two whatever tanks you have two three twelve the farther you can go in one single loading screen your reactor is where you're going to get your power from so if I wanted to take this thing out and then I wanted a stronger reactor I'd go look at reactors and say okay what's the most juice that I can get out of this thing now it's showing 46 that's because I have two reactors so maybe I take that one out let me go with one that's got more power so I've got 26 now and now when I go I've got a little more to split between my engines my Shields and my weapons and maybe I wanted a second weapon I probably could do that because we know this is eight and this is seven so it's 15 and if I got 26 total power and my equipment power is not even there so I've got 15 plus my six then that means I could probably do maybe another weapon of what I have already one of these electron beams or maybe I could do something up here since I've got two spots I could do a different type maybe I do want some missiles so if I come up top look for a missile launcher trying to still stay in a class if possible and okay there we go missile launcher here and missile launcher there so then now I've got another unassigned weapon we're going to come down here and make sure that's assigned it's still going to have a warning that I've got one missing weapon assignment but honestly right now I'm 26 out of 27. so I'm almost perfect and that balance is great because I can fully power both engine and shield is going to be basically fully powered and then we use your gravity drive you only need it really just the one notch to move around which I'll show you here in a sec uh but all this will work and again this is not the smoothest looking Ship by any stretch if I want to put this up here and now I want a structural piece here that makes things look a little better maybe I can do something like that to give the brace a little more of an engine brace and then if I come in here and color things and we go for a darker we go for a dark burnt orange like almost brown and then we'll come here we'll go with some really light colored accents on three I want bright accents but on two again I want that almost dark black now we get almost more of a utilitarian looking ship with a couple bright colored accents on it got my weapons but I didn't want to color it so you guys could see everything that was on there so now if I literally exit I can build my ship I can turn around and I can walk into it and you can see everything that we just did is live in there so the weapons are damn near sitting on the ground but there's about a millimeter of clearance which I kind of love that they're that close uh The Landing Bay right here so that's where I'm gonna walk under the ship from the ground this is my space docking module and since that thing will extend it will be farther out than the weapons will ever be so we're clear there and then you've got your weapons up top you can see the big giant missile launchers and then we get out back we'll see what it looks like in space but this is how you board your ship and again this is going to go into that two by one the only half that I've got by the way and again if I docked with somebody in space I would exit through here I'm going out of the ground floor going here so everything's nice and tucked together which is kind of nice to have this is my extra Bay back here nice little Connection in case I need it so you've got these I've got a pharmaceutical lab here I've got a research station and this stuff is just on my ship it's nice to have with me in case I do want to mess with it then here's my cockpit so I've got the Captain's Quarters down here cargo hold which is probably overflowing right now because my cargo is not balanced for what I used to have on my old chip but then if we take off we're kind of good so if you take off from here I just wanted to let the takeoff play but you can literally go into photo mode and you can look at everything that's out here it's gonna say we got the engine bracer in the back that's the landing gear that's tucked up underneath the helium takes the cargo got the engine bracer with the missiles up top all three engines on the back here's the reactor right here this is just the bracer for the connections and I just love the detail on the ships it's so cool like I should probably tuck something under here so it looks a little more aesthetic I could put another companion Bay or something under there um Shield generators this guy up top remember that one's up there and you can literally check out yourself up front sitting in your cockpit but also you can check your weapons too so right now my reactor I've got a few slots that I can max out so I've got one two three so my missiles are good and engines are nine out of ten I'm literally like perfect Max engines Max weapons Max Shields now if I want to jump to another system you can do it one of two ways so you can either go full power which you'll see takes to almost full power so if I want to jump to another system which I know should be safe if I want to jump to Saul and I want to jump to Mars again there's the fuel consumption I have the two tanks there's my 200 showing my jump range is 22 and that thing is four light years away woohoo not far now being as my gravity Drive is mostly maxed out right now it's gonna go in about one second so really fast doesn't take very long at all you make your jump now the only difference and why I don't really ever care about powering up my gravity Drive is just like a meeting the only reason I would ever power it up more than just one as if I was traveling between a bunch of systems kind of early on in the game and I wanted to jump from like here to here to here to here to here and I'd never explored them before because if you haven't explored somewhere you need to actually make sure that you have explored all the parts before it so if you're trying to go between multiple destinations that have places you haven't gone like here it's an unexplored route so I would have to jump all the way to here and then to here and then so I could go to here and then to there but I couldn't just do that one that's an unexplored route so I would have to jump to here because there's something along the Route that's unexplored so outside of those weird moments you'll notice now that I have my gravity Drive set at one it's just going to take a little longer to charge up when I head back to New Atlantis and that's the only difference which is why I never put it a higher than one so give it a second now it's just going to take an eight second countdown as the one now if you have like a whole bunch of ships that jump into combat or whatever maybe that's important but more often than not not a big deal to me and it just takes a little countdown and that way I know when I get to the other system my weapons my shields on my engines are almost fully charged I'm not really short changing myself so when I get right into space I'm good to go like my engine Shields and everything's are good now the difference I'll show you on weapons between full power and low power so if I go one power they're really slow to charge up don't get to use them that often but if they're at full power I got the fire room about as fast as it will let me do I'm just holding down the mouse at this point same thing with missiles so those will sit there and charge up as you use them and then you'll see the charge up there goes 64. it'll bump up 71 takes a little while for them to charge when you're not using them it obviously charges a little faster you see but if that thing's down here at like one that's gonna take forever well that's the difference of how much you power it up and that's why your reactor is important but that's also why it's like I would much rather have a little less energy and Max Shields and run around about like this weapons that I know are fast missiles that I can fire when I need them and then the cool thing is if you ever want a really cool photo you bring up your scanner and then photo mode if you can bring up photo mode right when you fire you can actually get a really good view of just about everything coming out so I've got the lasers up front I've got the missiles firing out and you can get some fun photos but it also will show you notice how the missiles are stacked the missile launchers are stacked on the cockpit the missiles are literally on top of each other where they fire and they come out accurately the two underneath when it comes to the two lasers they're right next to each other and they're parallel right there so the accuracy of what is in this thing is really really cool and it just kind of like what they did with the shipbuilder but that's the basics of shipbuilding and I hope this helped you guys out because from here you can tinker and make us pretty and go check out all the different vendors and see what the styles are maybe you buy a cool ship and now you know how to Tinker the goal is just to show you how all the functions of the systems Works what's important like the helium tank so you can jump farther the reactor so you can power up your systems and then again two weapons fully powered probably gonna be better off than three that are kind of mediocre and that's a balance of understanding what weapons you want so if you enjoyed this video drop a like below if there was something major I missed please throw that in the comments I know this was a longer video but there's a lot to shipbuilding so hopefully you learned something in here if you did please hit that subscribe button hit the alert Bell if you want to find me on Twitter Twitter it's ebontas over there but if you're new to the channel got more star field content and other content that I'm just doing a lot of variety right now including my usual desk new stuff so come hang out at the channel come hang out on podcasts or twitch or anything else thank you guys for the support lately the views have been amazing so I hope you find this one beneficial too have a good one and good luck building your Starships
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 169,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starship Design, Starfield, Ebontis, Starship, Piloting, Class B, Class C Ship, Class B Ship, Class C, Ship Builder, Ship Building, Starfield Shipbuilding, How to build a ship in Starfield, Best Ships in Starfield, Best Stafield Ship
Id: aRPsTbhzy6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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