25 Tips I wish I knew Before Starting In Starfield (Spoiler Free Guide)

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Starfield is a massive game and you can find yourself wanting to start over if you preferably shoot yourself in the foot at the start of the game so to save you some pain here's 25 plus tips without any spoilers that I wish I knew before starting my first game in Starfield and of course if you do find this video helpful hit the thumbs up and if you do have any questions join me in stream after the premiere at twitch.tv forward slash total eclipse where I'll be playing Starfield spoiler free firstly regardless of whether you're interested in doing missions crafting or Outpost building occasionally you'll be tasked with harvesting minerals you'll often do this with the cutter but instead of using your left Mouse button to fire hold down the right Mouse button and once the crosshairs are centered and red fire this will be much faster saving you a lot of time also if you are in your ship you can also Harvest asteroids by firing constantly at them this can help for certain side quests such as if a ship is in trouble and asking you for iron ore if you're in an asteroid field you'll have it in no time if there's a particular mineral that you're looking for such as iron drop down to a planet that has that mineral and use your scanner resource veins will show up on the floor and if you're standing on an eye in vain most of it if not all of the resources scattered above that patch will be of the same resource speaking of minerals and materials on planets when you scan a planet the resources shown will correspond to your scanning level and the materials available if a material has a diamond over its periodic table element name that means it requires levels in the science scanning tree for example each Diamond you see on that element there is going to correspond with the amount of levels you need in scanning for it to be viewable during the scan now as you level up your scanning you should go back and rescan all planets for updated mineral layers whilst exploring a planet by foot use the scanner to locate points of interest these tend to have more resources and some cool features to check out once you visit them you can carry on exploring or fast track back to the ship by going to the surface map and clicking r or by pulling up your scanner hovering the crosshairs over an explored area and clicking fast travel using e when it comes to the galactic map red dots are galaxies that you haven't visited yet whereas the white ones are galaxies you have when traveling you can't fast travel to galaxies that have a red dot along the journey without visiting the Red Dot Galaxy first but also with the white dots you can fast travel to any of these white dots that you've discovered within the jump range capabilities of your ship without having to make any stops providing you have sufficient capacity in your ships fuel tanks with this being an RPG skill points allow you to unlock and specialize your character I highly recommend leveling up as fast as possible and this is easier said than done but if you do find a Bed sleep in it because you will get the well rested buff giving you a 10 bonus to experience game so sleep often speaking of skills always keep an eye out from skill magazines you may well find them in some special locations littered about the world and they can offer you permanent increases to Stats when you choose your character's background consider your preferred play Styles which corresponds to the given background if you like flying ships and want to go down the ship a building tree consider the Bounty Hunter background or if you're interested in building outposts consider the Homesteader you'll be getting three free levels which can greatly help you in the early game if they're associated with the skills you want to work on for example if you you like pickpocketing you'll need to put a level in pickpocketing before you can even do that in game so if you want to pick pocket stuff from the get-go make sure that you take something with a background in Theft now if you do go down the thief route or want to deal in Contraband this one's also for you the first Safe Haven even for dumping any illegal items and Contraband is at the den in the wolf system it's close to Seoul and Alpha Centauri and you can easily fence your illegally found items digipicks are what allow you to hack locks and computers to open a lock you'll need to match your locks with the open slots if you make a mistake you can undo them but this will cost a Digi lock so if you make lots of mistakes jump out of the lock screen rather than undoing so that you only lose one lock pick instead of several better yet when you are doing this line up each of the digipicks prior to attempting the lock you can then cycle the digi picks by pressing q and T on PC or clicking the individual picks make sure they're lined up and then do them all at once you can track resources you need in order to easily see them in shops when looting you can do this in the crafting or research panels by clicking track project or click R when there's a prompt for it another great tip is to subscribe to my Channel Total Eclipse if you want to see more content on Starfield such as guides we already have some useful guides on outpost building and how to build a cheaper but incredibly brutal ship in Starfield I'll put a link to them above now statuses can be removed with Associated Aid items and you will get them from time to time if you're on Extreme planets or take a lot of damage but you can also get fixed up at a doctor the same goes for your ship you can use ship parts to repair 40 of your ship's Hull per ship part over 10 seconds or you can pay 1 000 credits at a ship technician to fix it as a dock you can cut key items and weapons by going to your inventory and favoriting them you can then use the corresponding number to Quick select them when you're in combat for example when it comes to ships and weapons it pays off to specialize if you love lasers use lasers and focus on those skills it'll mean that you deal a lot more damage but more importantly this can be applied to your ships as well consider getting skills in weapons you want to use rather than use three different weapon slots you can also use just one type of weapon such as for me I use particle beams they do equal damage to Hull and shield and by using just one type of weapon you can focus all of your reactor energy into that which greatly increases weapon firing speed doing a huge amount of damage as you can see here this also applies to crew assigning them to your ship with Specialties that you use can give you extra power in their given slots oh and you'll often find hirable crews in bars just make sure they specialize in the traits you need and you have some cash on you now whilst on the topic of weapons if you do intend to board ships and sell them on you'll want to use em weapons they can be found at the Den there are some other shops as well but certainly the den in the wolf system which we've talked about prior has them for all levels these are going to help disable a ship much quicker or ship's systems also putting a few points in Commerce if you have them available will pay off in dividends um slight pun there I guess selling captured chips you can rake about 10 profit in total after you register them but if you have a single point in Commerce you're going to find that you save five percent on the registering fee and then you also make 10 more profit on selling speaking of selling you can sell items that are in your ship at any store by pressing q and going to sell from followed by the name of your ship though I do wish they allowed us to purchase items that went directly to the ship rather than our inventories if you thought those tips were useful I'll be working on a ship building tips and tricks video soon so make sure to subscribe and why not join me on twitch.tv forward slash total eclipse now for some more Starfield gameplay special thanks to this go to all of our amazing supporters on patreon most notably our solo hits patrons James Owen 5less and treble as well as our Lunas the Calamity band star and that dude aw as well as our blood moon of the day which today is gaming slug until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 87,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 25 Tips I wish I knew Before Starting In Starfield (Spoiler Free Guide), 25 starting tips, Starfield, Starfield spoiler free, Spoiler free, Starfield gameplay, 25 beginner tips Starfield, Starfield starter guide, Starfield starting tips, Starfield totalxclipse, Totalxclipse, Starfield Guide, Starfield perfect start, Starfield tips and tricks, Starfield tutorial, Starfield new game plus, Starfield game, Starfield release, Starfield release time, Starfield review, starfield tips
Id: jJaUYJr4eZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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