107 Helldivers 2 Facts You Should Know | The Leaderboard

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in the fight for democracy who are you going to call the hell divers of course a breakout hit game hell divers 2 puts you in the shoes of the hell divers elite soldiers in charge of protecting the freedoms of superar against threats from the outer reaches of the Galaxy knowledge is power and today we're going to be covering it all from Hell divers lur and Easter eggs to some tips and tricks we've got something for everyone in these 107 facts about hell divers 2 let's get started number one hell divers 2 was released on February 8th 2024 and trades in the topown shooter gameplay of its predecessor for third person action for context hell divers was released way back in 2015 almost a decade ago number two development for hell divers 2 started way back in 2020 when Arrowhead game studios revealed that they were working on a new project for the PS5 number three on September 13th 2021 the title helldivers 2 was included in a leak from the Nvidia GeForce now database that revealed a list of games that included release and speculative titles for internal tracking supposedly number four the game was officially teased on August 17th 2022 on Tik Tok where Arrowhead showed their social media manager reacting to a plethora of comments from fans asking where hell divers 2 was number five literally the day after on August 18th 2022 roughly 10 seconds of footage of the game was leaked on Twitter the Tweet has since been deleted number six nearly a year later on May 24th 2023 during the 2023 PlayStation showcase hell divers 2 was finally officially announced followed by a trailer on July 6th number seven so what is the goal of Hell divers 2 the goal of Hell divers 2 is to protect superar from threats throughout the Galaxy for those of you new to Hell divers 2 you take control of a hell diver elite soldiers sent to the front lines to protect the rest of humanity from these threats number eight before going deep into hell divers 2 let's set the stage with a bit of Hell divers lore first of all what is super Earth super Earth is Earth United undermanaged democracy where each vot voter is surveyed on their beliefs and a system assists them in the voting process to remove confusion over who and what to vote for by automatically voting based on those beliefs number nine October 26th marks Liberty Day a holiday where the citizens of superar celebrate the meaning of freedom and the same day of the founding of the superar government number 10 October 26th is also celebrated by Arrowhead game studios and is typically when they release notable content drops host events among other activities number 11 citizens of super Earth are issued a M26 rifle at the Wii age of 16 this encourages children to enlist in the military and eventually become a hell diver number 12 hell divers were originally formed as peacekeepers keeping nations in line with super Earth's managed democracy this obviously shifted once War started and these hell divers were sent to the front lines number 13 it was once theorized that hell divers were clones similar to the clones from Star Wars however the CEO of Arrowhead palad debunked that theory saying that every hell diver has a love loving and proud family back home number 14 between missions hell divers are cenly frozen during travel then thought out when reaching their destination hell divers are apparently not told about this process before signing up number 15 the average life expectancy of a hell diver is about 2 minutes on the battlefield given the amount of danger these Patriots put themselves in it's no surprise it's all for a greater cause after all number 16 hell divers drop from Hell pods if you're a fan of Halo these are very similar to the odd drop pods these pods were originally developed when the forces of superar couldn't gain air superiority against foes at northland's Creek and instead sent down 50 hell divers via hell pods to gain the upper hand number 17 in the first hell divers the forces of super Earth take part in what is known as the first Galactic war against three enemy factions the bugs the cyborgs and the illuminate across three different warfronts number 18 the bugs were originally seen as a blight or a plague and were dealt as such for the cleansing number 19 the bugs home world is Kepler prime a desert planet where the bugs have evolved over the course of millions of years however the bugs are known to survive in all types of environments number 20 the war against the cyborgs who are depicted as socialist cybernetically augmented humans started when the cyborgs committed an act of terrorism in District 48 of superar killing many these cyborgs believe that the citizens of superar are brainwashed by Propaganda which is obviously anti-democracy thinking number 21 the home world of the cyborgs is cyber Stan located in the northern reaches of the Galaxy superar eventually occupied cyber Stan transitioning their government and democratizing it by force number 22 the illuminate our third faction are a highly Advanced race of aquatic aliens these aliens refer to themselves as the squid number 23 the illuminate approached superar offering peace however superar responded with Warfare believing the illuminate to be a threat due to allegedly possessing weapons of mass destruction that could destroy worlds number 24 after their defeat the illuminate were stripped of their Tech and weaponry by superar and exiled from the Galaxy but will we see the return science point to maybe number 25 events of the first hell divers game takes place around 2084 which was confirmed by Arrowhead to be an homage to George Orwell's 1984 number 26 hell divers 2 takes place 100 years after the events of the first hell divers the forces of superar were successful in pushing back their enemies how over descendants of these adversaries have come back to cause trouble sparking the second Galactic War by now superar have uh colonized basically the entire galaxy so the threats are slowly making their way towards the center which is super Earth number 27 the bugs from Hell divers 1 are now properly known as the terminats in Hell divers 2 number 28 on the galactic map the terminats have control over the easternmost part of the Galaxy slowly inching their way toward superar number 29 the current termined threat is caused by terminats Breaking Free of their containments after the events of Hell divers 1 bugs were kept and farmed even experimented on but you know uh resources are low number 30 terminats are known to be rich in element 710 which is a key resource in the hell's World element 710 is used to power faster than light travel for the humans number 31 if you rotate 710 it spells oil unrelated to the war effort though so please ignore number 32 terminates are split into different types so let's go through each one in no particular order first we have the Scavengers these are the lowliest of the terminants and the most common these buggers can be found on all difficulties from trivial to Hell dive they can be deadly if you find yourself swarmed by them but they're weak and can be defeated pretty easily number 33 the next type of termined is the pouncer these bugs are unrelenting and will chase and pounce on you given the chance they're also not very easy to escape from so do your best and kill them as fast as you can number 34 similar to the pouncer we have the hunter these are way stronger than pouncers and can be overwhelming once they get up in your face kill them quick but if you find yourself face to face with one melee them to buy some time I keep forgetting that you don't have to always attack their face or their body you could literally pick off their limbs number 35 next we have the warrior these are still of the smaller variety of terminant but are a little thicker compared to the Scavengers number 36 according to Arrowhead Warriors are known to have eviscerated baby cows in under a second number 37 in terms of armor one thick boy is the hive guard as the name suggest these terminates appear when players attack hives you can attack their fleshy bits but their front sides are so heavily armored that it's best to use some armor piercing weapons number 38 soccers are terminates with the ability to go invisible you can use smoke grenades to help give away their position when invisible but another key trait of the stalker is that they're fast and have the ability to outrun your hell diver so don't even try to run away and just try to kill them as fast as possible number 39 bile spewers these are glowing green bugs that spray bile at the Players you know as the name suggests they have a bulbous sack and can be destroyed easily with explosives number 40 there are actually two subtypes of bile spewers the first of these are the tiny bile spitters basically baby bile spewers the bile spitters spit small shots of bile and are akin to the Scavengers in terms of health the next subtype is the nursing spewer they're similar in health to the B sper but their bile shots don't last as long and they deal less damage number 42 Chargers are terminates that do just that charge at you if you see these bugs approaching you should Dodge to the best of your ability the charger is armored so you're going to have to strip it of its armor to expose its flesh they do have exposed flesh behind them but this isn't a weak spot for some reason number 43 the next type we have is The Brood Commander they are similar to Warriors and should be shot in the limbs to make them go down on Lower difficulties these terminats are usually considered bosses but on higher difficulties they're just common enemies number 44 the largest of the terminats are the biot Titans these are practically Invincible without proper heavy duty Weaponry you can blow up the sacks on the underside of the bile Titans but it's better to just use the rail Cannon or the 500 kg bomb in the end number 45 opposite their buggy counterpart we have the automatons or the Bots as their name implies they are robotic kill machines that are against democracy and Liberty number 46 the automatons have seemingly rep the cyborg faction from Hell divers serving a very similar role to them number 47 weirdly enough for being a new faction the automatons share the same emblem as the cyborgs as well the red star number 48 based on a tweet sent out by Arrowhead years ago a translated message from the cyborgs implies that the automatons are their children number 49 the cyborgs supposedly do exists in the world of Hell divers 2o they're supposedly forced to mine on their home planet of cyber Stan but but officially uh we we destroyed all the cyborgs so uh don't listen to these uh traitorous theories number 50 you can actually find cyber Stan on the galactic map which is located on the valdis sector number 51 on the galactic map the automatons are found on the western most part of the Galaxy inching their way towards superar or supposedly cyber who knows number 52 similar to terminats the automatons come in a variety of different types ranging from can cannon fodder to legitimate threats we'll start with the lowest rank the trooper Troopers are the cannon fodder and are typically equipped with assault rifles and can be dealt with pretty easily number 53 next we have the Raiders Raiders can be found carrying machine guns or rocket launchers they are also pretty easy to deal with just like the trooper number 54 A variation of the Raider is the assault Raider these automatons can close the distance with their ability to use jump pads and are typically equipped with a pistol and energy blade number 55 Marauders are similar to both Raiders and Troopers they carry around rapid fire cannons and can be destroyed just as quickly number 56 Brawlers are another smaller threat but they specialize in close- range combat carrying around two blades to deal with the player number 57 commissars are another small type bot but their immediate action would be to use their flares to call in reinforcements other Bots have the ability to call reinforcements too but it seems that commissars prioritize this action when encountering the player number 58 Scout Striders are usually controlled by a trooper these atst looking Vehicles can be destroyed easily because they have a huge opening from behind you can also pick them off by destroying their limbs number 59 Berserkers are terrifying and are basically like bigger Brawlers these automatons trade in their blades for huge chainsaws and they charge the player to attack number 60 next up is the Devastator this type comes in three variations standard heavy and and Rocket these automatons can cause massive damage so you have to aim for their face as it's their weak spot number 61 I like how with each type we just get bigger and bigger and um moving on to something much bigger we have the Hulk Bruiser this is a Hulk variation that utilizes two heavy assault rifles against the player but you can shoot their arms off so they can't use their weapons anymore number 62 another variation of the Hulk is the Hulk obliterator this variation is like a rocket Devastator just turned up to 11 number 63 the last variation of the Hulk is the Hulk scorcher this version of the Hulk carries around a flamethrower all of these hulks however have a key weakness found on their exposed vents on the back number 64 lastly we have the tanks the annihilator and the shredder tanks these tanks will destroy you immediately if you're not careful as they pretty much shred shred you to pieces very quickly they also feature a weak spot behind their turret exposed ventilation similar to the hols number 65 lastly drop ships these are vehicles that carry additional automaton reinforcements to your location number 66 as of writing this a returning third faction supposedly the illuminate are being teased for hell divers too with in-game announcements talking about illuminate sightings number 67 if you didn't know hell divers 2's meta game is controlled by a dedicated game master named Joel Joel is all powerful and can control where terminats and automatons attack or where where planetary reinforcements are allocated number 68 according to creative director Johan pilad Joel also has the power to control some stuff they haven't revealed yet so that Arrowhead game studios can surprise and Delight players number 69 but who is Joel well Joel is just an employee at Arrowhead and the war's game master everything is controlled by Joel the 53 sectors and 253 planets in the galaxy number 70 according to interviews Joel plays a similar role to someone running a Dungeons and Dragons game but while he does hold the title of game master he recruits help whenever needed like when the game notoriously kept crashing post launch due to the overwhelming and suddenly large player Base number 71 just like any game that involves resource Gathering or achievements of some kind fortnite Minecraft there are players who leave mid battle once they finished Gathering resources or whatnot the community has dubbed them farmers at one point the community once believed that by leaving mid battle these farmers were negatively affecting the game's War efforts but Arrowhead has clarified that these actions however traitorous to subar are harmless number 72 as of minor patch 0100100 new planetary hazards can occur the first of these that I'll cover are meteor showers as you probably guessed it these meteor showers rain down meteors from the sky and they will absolutely demolish anything they hit Friend or Foe number 73 while the paths of each meteor are random you can track each and every one of these shiny blue rocks raining down from the sky and find where it'll hit it's literally the small details like this that make me absolutely love this game well we'll talk about some more details later on but it's the details number 74 the next of these planetary hazards that can be found is volcanic activity similar to meter showers volcanic activity on the planet means that Balls of Fire and Hell storm will be raining down instead of meteors exploding upon impact and causing fires to break out in its Impact Zone number 75 other planetary hazards include Tremors firestorms and ion storms but I won't go into too much detail for those these are just some examples of how the game has been evolving since launch and I am 100% for it number 76 Max or the EXO 45 Patriot Exo Suit were teased by Arrowhead on March 5th 2024 production of these mechs were supposedly fully underway and would be coming soon for deployment on the battlefield number 77 in game the factory planet of tianquan is responsible for production and development of these mechs it has the sole facility dedicated for production of these suits number 78 almost as fast as it was teased just 2 days later on March 7th 2024 it was announced that production of the Mex had been halted due to the tianquan factories being under attack got to blame Joel number 79 a major order had been sent out on that very same day for hell divers to liberate the planet for democracy number 80 just like that on March 8 fa with the combined efforts of countless hell divers the planet of tianquan had been liberated and the EXO 45 Patriot EXO suits were available for deployment number 81 the Patriot ex suit isn't just badass it's extremely useful in water mechs can travel over the water that would otherwise drown the player but don't exit your Mech cuz you won't be able to get it back in number 82 mechs don't consume fuel so if you got one it's yours for as long as you can keep it alive number 83 unfortunately mechs have a finite amount of ammo so once that's gone your Mech is not really useful number 84 mechs are helpful but don't expect them to be Invincible or gamechanging players have been complaining that the mech Shields are too weak but you got to remember that just like your hell diver these mechs are expendable so call in your Mech wisely number 85 quick tip if you're holding on to a one-handed weapon you can blind fire the weapon while running away this is unlike two-handed weapons which make you turn around when attempting to Blind fire which in turn makes you lose your momentum from running number 86 need a speedy getaway stand over these sport pods and attack them to get sent flying across the air however Please be aware that by launching yourself in the air there's a chance you might get killed in action so um make sure you've got enough Health number 87 on the battlefield you might run into these bushes they're not just for show they actually slow you down so avoid these as much as possible I know in some games they're literally just there for like aesthetic reasons but you know this game takes these things very very seriously number 88 at the end of the tutorial portion of the game you may notice that there are three large slabs upon inspection these slabs contain a contract which the player has already accepted by reading or being in close proximity to the contract oh also fun fact don't read the terms in conditions because by doing so you are violating the contract number 89 if you decide to stand still during the tutorial the facility operator will politely ask you that you should continue through the course ah please keep moving through the training course at this time over number 90 if you hold down the trigger long enough while firing your heavy machine gun there's a chance that your character will shout get some get some it's a nice little detail that totally reflects the feeling you get mowing down your enemies number 91 if you're on a mission and your friend joins later you could actually see their chip joining your Fleet number 92 strategems on the battlefield can actually be seen being sent down from the ship and while on the ship you can even see stratagems being sent down to the battlefield below number 93 if you're holding a stratagem that's ready to be deployed and get blown away you will accidentally drop your strategem effectively calling it in so um be careful number 94 depending on your position relative to your ship your strategems can be sent straight down or at an angle number 95 you can make snowballs in Hell divers too if you crouch in a spot of deep snow you'll eventually be prompted to make a snowball uh the Snowballs do no damage by the way so so don't don't even try to attack using them Number 96 when traveling to different missions on the same Planet you can watch the ship travel in real time as opposed to a random cut scene taking over and warping you to your destination number 97 the more you take damage and survive the battle the more war torn your cape becomes number 98 there are different in-game messages for players leaving the battlefield if a player is booted from the game the game considers the player court marshaled but if they leave on their own the message changes to return to civilian life or simply left the mission number 99 in the superstore players are able to read the reviews of items they're hoping to purchase one such review reads I'm redacted and this is my favorite product in the acquisition Center which is a nod to Mass Effect in Mass Effect Commander Shepard says the line I'm Commander Shephard and this is my favorite store on the citto number 100 when speaking to the ship Master they start mumbling off a bunch of numbers in binary 0010 they end their message by saying that this was the first intercepted bot message and that it translates to kill All Humans however the message actually just spells out ah in binary number 101 Hidden in the user settings document for hell divers 2 you can find a line of text linking out to a survey when you copy and paste the link in your browser you're instead taken to the music video for Rick Ashley's Never Going To Give You Up the folks at Arrowhead really know how to be funny number 102 the success of hirus 2 has sparked interest in Starship Troopers which people often compare hell divers to the film's rankings slowly started to to climb after the release of Hell divers 2 number 103 in the options menu you might notice that all of the audio settings go up to 11 instead of the traditional 100 or 10 this is a reference to a common idiom of cranking things up to 11 or just really loud the term itself was coined from the film's final tap where the amps in the film go up to 11 number 104 the music you hear while protecting managed democracy in the game can be attributed to composer Wilbert Ro II I hope I'm pronouncing your last name right who is also credited for music for Call of Duty World War II and Destiny 2 forsaken number 105 reception for hell divers 2 has been massive receiving scores of eight and nines across the board 106 by March 2024 hell divers 2 had sold 3 million copies and became the most actively played game on PlayStation Network yes this means that the game is played more than fortnite and War Zone number 107 an x343 Dev responded to Hell diver uccess by saying that the team had pitched several ideas for Halo that were vastly different including a concept that would have been very similar to Hell divers featuring ODSTs is because as a Halo fan this is one of the saddest things to hear and you know something different like this and seeing how Hell divers turned out makes me really wish they they just went for it I mean Halo Halo 3 ODS was already really good so another game featuring The ODSTs would have been super cool especially a third person shooter like this anyway that is a 107 facts about hell divers 2 which fact was your favorite are there any facts we missed because I'm sure there's a lot considering that the game is always evolving let us know in the comments below if you enjoyed this video press that like button and hit that notification Bell to be notified whenever we upload videos this has been the leaderboard your home for video game facts thanks for watching
Channel: The Leaderboard
Views: 53,732
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Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers, Helldivers Two, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Review, Helldivers 2 Lore, video games, gaming, The Leaderboard, gta 4, leaderboard, 107 facts, facts, easter eggs, trivia, frederator, channel frederator, Helldivers 2 Easter Eggs, Helldivers 2 Trailer, Helldivers 2 Tips And Tricks, Trailer Breakdown, Creating, Behind The Scenes, Hell Divers 2 Breakdown
Id: wV1xG4PD9CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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