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oh no oh no come on come on please land land land land the now the now sh no you know Jeff I've never really considered the idea that maybe we're the enemies I have no idea Jeff kill him right now no no no wait a minute wait a minute hear me out friend didn't help look up how the [ __ ] did you get up there I don't know catch me I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you see I helped they seem to not enjoy being shot in the maybe we're not so [Laughter] different what the oh I escap into a hole it's supposed to like shock anything that comes near it so they can't like get do we die though [Laughter] look like one of those [ __ ] you know that like Ripley Believe It or Not That mermaid skeleton or some [ __ ] you ever seen that oh it's kind of what I'm going to paint you like one of the French girls what the heck you have ignited the Torches of Li extra why is it looking guys I I'm in a Mech I'm in aing Mech my first time using a Mech nah I just destroyed it I'm not on a Mech anymore oops oh yeah you're get him come on come on come on noad oh [Music] [Music] no engaging terminal can't be there it is I just got three things to say God bless our troops God Bless America and gentlemen start this is me bro you see this this is me when I get back to the ship I swear I did nut man I swear that wasn't me o free hugs you [Laughter] serious 15 seconds 15 seconds till launch till reinforcements oh what the [ __ ] stupid I'm stuck in him that was I'm stuck in all oh my God killed by impact that was amazing did someone do a hug emote over the mortar with me I want to I want to hug see if we can hug the mortars oh I can't reach you out oh my God LAN I got the terminal I don't know what the first couple codes are cuz they're behind something oh no hold on I think I can tell try I don't know I'm I'm tring AR right now oh man I got it okay fig it out help CLE the area watch out watch out Auto cand looking at it just I don't even know okay okay so Sor no can I blow this ship up bro are you kidding me that Cara that was Karma he HT you why don't they make them sticky grenades yall can't put a little v y can't stick a little vaseline to them mother Vaseline would not make it sticky dumb ass slippery slippery slippery sticky grenade I thought you said slippery grenade like what the here's what's going to happen okay you're going to go over there you see that thing right there mhm you're going to bang on that as hard as you can make a lot of noise I'm going to sneak over from this side and then watch from here first okay I see all the bugs come to this location which one which back side M and I'm going to go for the launch codes there okay and and here's where you stand there still banging uhhuh you get the launch codes I'm going to be over here and I'll let you know we um [ __ ] no [ __ ] bugs over the [ __ ] place right I trust you dead oh my God he landed I I knew I could trust you I'm afraid to move [Laughter] I knew the second I move that's the cleanest input I've [Music] ever location I'm going to make a catch here wait wait wait wait don't go here don't go here don't go you are a d why would you I'm dude we're so I hate you I hate you why would you Le me into the water and then holy [ __ ] okay dude I didn't I'm new I don't know you can't I didn't know you can do you couldn't swim either the hell divers can do anything but swim guys I need to raise like a pace horse real quick so what the [ __ ] oh what the heck happened around it uh-oh uhoh he's just walking past I if he ask for ammo I'm going to beat his ass I'm literally going to shoot him and then kick him if the words I need ammo come out of his mouth I'm killing him and then booting him from the mat this guy is definitely like at least slightly intoxicated the way he's talking what' he say I'm coming to you I'm B I got [ __ ] up over all right we're good we're good all right there's you call in a 500 kg bomb no actually I have I have something stronger than that okay my brother drop on that Titan I'm marking her okay here I [Music] come that kill that oh my God oh my [ __ ] my God democracy land on the bug land on the bug land on the bug yeah dude go now how that's not an achievement Shadow neither death nor tyranny I'm stuck that Justice is your cause I I just fell through the map requesting support oh my God let's clear this place out this [ __ ] just fly ring down the hill at the we're at the edge of the map suck my oh whoa whoa j i are you seeing [Music] this oh [ __ ] I'm not I can't [ __ ] call a rail gun in yeah let's go clip that God clip that how did you get that he I'm alive somehow but I'm flying through the air oh no Tom Cruz use your witchcraft on me oh Jesus you seconds I [Music] amortal oh it's stuck to you it's stuck to you run don't know what to do what do you [Laughter] mean no I see it here comes reloading why these guys jumping all the way up here Jesus Christ what the how what the f happened SLE collected my I'm bugged Kieran I'm bugged you have to hug me Shut the [ __ ] up you have to hug me I F the hug state I don't know what happened no oh yeah I got us an auto Sentry are we supposed to be standing next to this thing I turned into me oh my god get it's just uh you and me now dude um the usual what do we do dude what do we uh did we kiss or something oh huh care that's in front of you aiming at you know no no come back come back come back guys guys guys oh [ __ ] dude I I I could even I couldn't even tell it was how can I I could even tell do you feel confident about making your way back to the extract no sure good then I go do that I need a resupply if anything just got anything on the back oh my God we still need a we still need a terminate hole I got it don't worry about it I got it I am worried about it I'm getting murder I'm dead get in if you have to I'm coming just get in wait I got launched in the air I don't why is my vision hello hello I'm flying where did you go I'm in the sky I'm in the sky I'm falling from the sky look up look up all right oh hey hey come back here come back here come back here I thought we were doing a staring I just want to talk just want I'm chilling just want to T shoot her legs stamina all right all right she's good she's good she's oh he said she's good and he takes the final blow I was going to press e to Ste you I press um that's in us it's coming with us oh oh my God you killed us all get in get in calling I'm I'm bugged now oh m what the get out of here I just watched that too this is why they call us hell please tell me you knew there was a the grenade in there yeah abolutely not God thought my bag God what are you choking on over there Eminem Bro went right through my throat dude holy sh oh my god dude actually have an idea oh dude where's the idea oh this game I fing swear how did it hit me but not the crusher Crusher is right next to it this guy oh that's an ark thrower oh my my God hell BB arm clear the area wait I can't calling down I can't fing move oh I'm about to get up this shut is going to be a to get into it'll be fine look our ship is totally okay for now only a couple of explosions near it go now I never strikes the same place twice oh my God that was incredible that was beautiful I need I need one grenade can someone help me please yes [Laughter] gotch there's not eping toart seconds yo why is it in the sky y oh my God the ship just went flying oh Bo my oh my god oh I'm in the ship yousef's in the ship what the why is in the why is youf in the ship I don't know where we're going though we're going we're going we're no use the ship's the ship's so far away the ship's so far away what the ship over it's over there my God it's no it's not there for me it's all the way over there what the wow a lot of bugs think I'm just going to I'm just going to nap here he's already grabbed him feeling a little eepy oh oh no it's attach you're dead Justin you're Dive Dive at the last second stay away from me Justin dive at the last second no not 2 seconds before Justin the last second hello good friends a get over here get over I get out punch him punch him I'm out of Ste punch him how do you punch I don't even know how you punch okay okay this that Holy you did you no no no no no cuz that it rebounded off the [Music] W I'm doing my [Music] part run away no MADD that's all on sequels I was holding it in my hand and he [ __ ] knocked it out free minute yeah don't do not die the Hogs de I'm guessing right there hey I would Crouch hopefully this isn't hurt us [ __ ] why did it go there oh wow Northwest far [ __ ] you eat [ __ ] B TI in oh my God ow guys I'm going to be out of commission oh move away from that oh I just killed Lucas did you hey you're alive I don't even know where I'm at anymore dude oh come on I'm chill up here yeah I'm enjoying this little I did not enjoy the meteor shower I did not enjoy the shower oh the [ __ ] oh oh what the no sh it's upside down I can't get in what let me try to stand what the I'm leaving how' you get in it was right set up for me how do I get in get in what the againt complete what the wait what what the so for your stamina when it just stop run and run oh dude what that's freaking cool oh seconds who the hell just launched into the [ __ ] air where's the pelican oh no someone get my samples quick what happened my Sentry shot me all of us dude what kind of spot is that for so all three of us killed three of us your senty just killed us all 10 clear Landing Zone oh just kill me that's hilarious literally my head just exploded is that bio coming get in to why did you his happen DJ I'm stuck no you oh my God I'm going to have to kill myself you got the samples there's nothing I could do I was in a wall [ __ ] partaking in a bit of Tom Foolery what what is this dude doing oh my God where are you going bro what the hell did already land oh I have to activate the bomb too I thought I was just going to drop a bomb youing entitled kids today you want the if they can drop a nuke on Hiroshima the nuke can drop [Music] itself that's still not activated it's activating oh wait no get out oh my I thought it was killing me holy [Music] sh hey G get hey what the [ __ ] are you doing [Music] did you see that I literally died into the missile Planet side side gam actually what what happen oh no did my mortar just go Rogue what the [ __ ] they just spawned did you see that that's some [ __ ] all right get it ready it in right now 3 2 1 go throw them throw everything inal inbound that's he got the trophy hey holy I got the Platinum oh my God look at it still running God this is awesome CH what the is he doing what the [ __ ] is going on with him like he keeps flipping like still dude you did you throw a mine thing here it's on the extraction dude a it's right beside it I hope you step on it I hope you die garbage you know what I'm sh that mine right next to you oh my that was your own mind [Laughter] dude oh reinforce budged I'm dead you killed me I M again and you destroyed my sent reinfor launched democracy has oh my god did he get you again yes this is absolute oh God I'm out of everything okay I'm being sneaky it's okay I'm sneaky quit crying for S what's wrong to that what's wrong everything I want my bom [Music] [Laughter] happy that happy that you're here no oh I'm sorry oh oh where wait I'm stuck in the wall so sorry wait how I get in here I'm going to have to kill myself I promise I meant to crouch wait wait I can't even get out yeah I can't shoot I think you can um all right Spa me outside oh nice oh by the way don't ever shoot these barrels that's in front of me here wait what's up Barrel that red oh sh thanks a lot that I I meant to press E I was trying to St me I'm so sorry Brian I can like switch oh what the no what the is that this is a bad idea not have gone this way I dropped the S no dude iing glitched through the rock coming in oh who was he materialized is that what just happened I looked away for a moment I he's on my screen I was I was like six yard past him and I just got doed there was a bug right there it was this one this one right here where they at they're still over there did you kill us oh oh no I tripped I tripped what you do what' you do oh I tripped and the eagle came down my dude just like fell over and he dropped this air strike let them face the insurmountable might of their hell divers well I'm stuck on this thing and I don't want to go down cuz I see too much what's that what the you're going to kill me oh oh oh I'm still alive sacrifice H got four on that last grenade I threw no what what ow what I can't call you in dude I can't call you in ow all right that bug literally just came out of a rock yeah oh my God I need help with this charger oh sh what the I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying oh [ __ ] I got a Grenade here for this oneit holy sh they s them there's three of them oh my God there's three Chargers oh my God drop a bomb on me glass the [Applause] area I'm out of stamina glass the area oh oh thank God I got the money shot on that one oh man there's another dude uh uh uh uh dude I cannot see any uh so there it is there we go oh some artillery hold up yeah we we we I'm back get me down I try to remember that at least I'm a free citizen super okay um what was that [Music] reinforc requesting centy what was that okay I'm alive now we yo there there's no [Applause] way wow you over just doing doing doing whatever you need to do while I'm over just [Applause] suffering oh my no way still I can't wait to see my kids after this man it's going to be really fun seeing my daughter no no if you call on your minigun you should be using the d-pad I don't know let me see wait are you using a controller yeah a controller yeah he is I threw something oh my what happened uh no killed no he killed me with a grenade sorry what you fell oh no I'm I'm done someone [ __ ] Las was that what you holy that [ __ ] I've never seen one jump so far holy your support oh God I'm like stuck I can't what is going on with my gun what is I see you look so weird dude what is you look so weird what the what is what is going on here we go CR oh don't don't get crushed you idiot oh my God yes what's going on with my eats right now bro my like is anyone watching this oh honestly dude sometimes I wonder sometimes I wonder why I still let you in the clan dude no I will show you the [Music] world I'm [ __ ] him up it's my last one oh God I don't know if I'll be able to no way kid you just killed me no fing way you just killed me no way you just killed me no way and then you kill yourself will the tower one shot me most likely no oh there's two B sees me I'm getting a resupply I'm getting a resupply of grenades if you say like that you probably should blow up by I'm get in a resupply of grenades Jonathan about to get in the grenades that sounds painful democracy's got your back civilian don't don't run into the F [Applause] don't you killed me bro what theal bar Thea I was doing some of those by myself early fun times who's uh who's got I miscalculated an ark thrower um if you want to test out the arc thrower you can unfortunately have no room for that cuz I have the the auto can um be careful it can kill us because it oops a yeah throwing get get out you're going to blow [Laughter] stand oh did it work it worked guys I'm coming where aent where are you look at my screen what oh you're okaye ah oh no oh yeah oh no oh my God was flying I'm going to be that guy I missed the door [ __ ] yeah yeah get down Mr [Laughter] President I'm not going to hug you listen to what I said look at that I got one arm open this is not this is not happening I told youing hate you bro you ready for this ninju fro your don't don't [Laughter] [ __ ] you literally ran right in front of me as soon as I hit the trigger you hear me I'm stuck you [Applause] mother wait Northwest 50 m you serious you think of a meteor hits us if like insta death or like um it's insta death look at this look at this you're break dancing dude am I really yeah come guys all like out what thank you reloading I can't see him Sean dive away dive away Sean no that's the wrong way no Sean run don't get close to him [Music] bro there what the I know how to get there faster no you do not just do that it didn't work like I wanted it too maybe like this move [Music] oh my God oh my God calling in reinforcements help me help me oh just jumped off that box trying to make a troll and you just F you you made me w
Channel: Zynxize
Views: 206,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 PC, Helldivers 2 funny, Helldivers 2 clips, top Helldivers 2 plays, best Helldivers 2 moments, top Helldivers 2 moments, Helldivers 2 best moments, Helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2, hell divers 2, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 how to, helldivers 2 random, helldivers funny, helldivers 2 top 100, helldivers 2 top 200, helldivers 2 lore, helldivers 2 top 300
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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