Godawful Turkey Farm | Trying Out Rimworld 1.3

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all right welcome to the rim world 1.3 try hard play through we've got a couple mods on i'll put them on below uh the story is canon in the lives of our politician friends we've landed here with um obama uh jerome powell and george bush um george bush has kind of had time to like get into an edgier phase of his life look he's grown out his hair uh but he's actually a tortured artist and this colony is going to be like a ranch secretly jerome powell can talk to animals and he's known it for quite a while but he's just you know had a series of uh mishaps in his career that have led him to be the fed chairman obama is um secretly more interested in food and they have this random dog named guy so we're going to try to just recruit as many animals as we can with jerome powell and we're going to um begin by just a lot we'll just allow everything we will try hard this play through um what else we're in a boreal forest but i'd like to see if we can actually create a wrench where should we set up where does it look good um is obama's last name john yes of course this is john obama the lesser-known obama what do we have on though i guess i didn't put on the uh vanilla rimworld textures as a fixed thing though a lot of the mods were updating we kind of went through some of that before uh but let's go ahead and let's just uh look at the wildlife we gotta tame chickens and stuff um we should also probably just get some kind of lean two up for tonight i think we'll just take the structure because it although i don't like building over marsh it looks like we're going to have to get into the side of the mountain here i actually in fact is anyone any good at mining or is that something that i neglected to do with my colonists at the beginning you aren't good at it you aren't good at it and you aren't good enough okay fantastic so i'm just gonna rescind everything that i said uh let's build just somewhere nearby even if it's not necessarily great for us but also too do we have any fertile soil not really that much so we're not missing out okay it's fine i don't question it all right let's begin with the structures fantastic to build some structures there we are let's go ahead and build this out here there it is and uh yes a door oh yeah sorry i've uh i've been zooming in let me just go switch that out on my uh oops there we go yeah that is my steam profile all right we uh we got that thank you i accidentally had in a different scene on my twitch all right yeah uh so uh good nice to see these uh otherwise you know professional white collar men kind of getting their hands dirty it's like when you see a politician at like a like some kind of food giveaway you know giving away food um fantastic nice all right let's just have them cut down all of those uh terrible trees by the base and we're just gonna go ahead and we're gonna see if we can tame some of these wild lives um what should we have i don't really want a hair farm nor do i want a scrat squirrel or a rat or a we have koalas this ah this is from vanilla expand i'm still trying to figure out what is new in 1.3 but i think i've got the gist of it it's mostly just the pens uh let's see so now let's go ahead and get our wildlife let's get uh like things that seem decently edible let's go ahead and try to tame yes tame some of these wild turkeys we will have uh for good we have just one male and a lot of females because we need them to have baby turkeys that we will eat uh raccoons koalas hairs i'm thinking wild boars would be a bit more dangerous so let's just begin with the turkeys i think this seems like the perfect job for jerome powell to begin with unfortunately he lost his job at the um federal reserve there we are turkeys make eggs do turkeys make eggs yeah we could do an egg farm probably i forgot that was the whole premise of this dream was to try to get eggs um so let's go ahead and just build them up some we're just gonna go for a kind of non-trihard wooden structure here and then we'll slowly mine our way to be kings under the mountain all right um uh first off we should also probably get now who was good with shooting good since jerome powell uh is very slow to act but at the same time like we'll you know uh make good decisions ultimately about federal reserve policy we're going to go ahead and give him the uh revolver because i feel like that he's going to you know use that extra time to aim uh obama on the other hand is a crack shot too so we'll give him a bolt action rifle and bush um mostly just spends his time uh thinking about painting cats and dogs these days so we'll go ahead and uh we'll like lead him up to that but he's having a good time he's just glad that that most pressure-filled part of his life is over he had a very difficult time you know i took our nation through uh just a lot of turmoil fantastic boars make eggs oh well we should obviously we should obviously tame some boars then for their eggs uh zach says should i go tribal royal or unaligned psychic jeez i don't even know the thing is that like my my knowledge of rimworld ends at the one point or of 1.3 ends at what we've seen some people think we're being get sent updates you know having created videos no not necessarily not necessarily i like you look forward to what is in ideology let's go ahead and let's give this dog guy a uh a bed but he just gets a spot so that bush can paint him there we are fantastic except uh will they please just put painting into rimworld i think that'd be nice all right but let's go ahead and see uh so where is jerome powell what is he up to now i mean a lot of this playthrough does kind of hinge on powell what he does all right love seeing a politician eager to ear to get right in there with his with his bare hands um but we'll just see if we can kind of limit his tasks let's go ahead where else are we now or you need some berries you need some berries definitely uh and just something to offer these savage beasts okay fantastic look there's some uh there's some berries let's go ahead and just harvest those good um and then we're gonna oh bavarian gentians damn oh we're gonna have rice anyway i do rather like the the vanilla expanded textures man this mod pack is kind of jank boom racks make eggs go boom you must declare war on them do we have any we have any boom rats here do we have any we don't even have any boom rats here you lie you lie get out of my stream get out of my stream don't come back no please stay please stay oh god yeah i'm waiting on like you know we need uh we need some strong russian man to come and uh here we are bore his way into the rock that would really help out this colony we need like some kind of uh co-conspirator from russia to come along that'd be really nice i'd like that all right let's uh just go ahead and allow this steel and allow this other steel fantastic what else do we have on i put on a bunch of mods that i just thought i would like rim fridge since we don't have mod manager yet i'm not really sorting through mods much i'm just variously putting on things that i kind of like okay we forgot to give everybody sleeping spots give me a moment uh i don't really pay as much attention to my colonists anymore i don't know why i just get into the into the stories great thank you obama great look at him he's obamacaring for everyone there we are great job obama okay even though that a lot of people a lot of people uh disagree with this i i appreciate you working on this ah fantastic okay bush stop sleeping outside obama's there we are okay great obama's improved he got so much done in these in these last eight years all right fantastic all right so we've got guy now who is guy the dog this dog is actually kind of kind of cute i like it nicknamed the dog jerome howell oh that was good that was good jerome howl yes because he and jerome have like some kind of psychic relationship actually we don't want jerome to spend too much time training jerome howell because uh we need him to get other stuff uh now where are those turkeys first thing tomorrow i want jerome working on this let's go ahead and have furniture it will create them a table so that they can taste and see there they are taste and see um jerome howl now what kind of quality do we get on these beds all right we've got on the color quality model actually i quite like that it's just the color of blood if it's bad and the color of of uh doo doo doo doo if it's poor equality that's great doo doo uh i've been trying to use that word more all right jerome how fantastic all right let's just give them a few minutes to get started i find rimworld there's a lot of waiting and i just kind of gotta wear a world okay no that took surprising little time to uh show that fantastic oh look obama is just so god he really ugh he's really not very good at this but he's at least got a lot of stuff done you know all right so we've got that let's just check on jerome okay jerome powell's got back on his scarf and he's hauling some components back to the stockpile okay i like that jerome fantastic but let's go ahead and like we have slightly more urgent tasks for you so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm just gonna say uh you just focus on the big priority tasks okay the rest of the fed will take care of everything else you're just the the figurehead you're the uh there you are okay fantastic he's but why is he not uh so many other tasks i kind of want you to do hang on a moment let's get where are those wild turkeys all right let's go ahead and let's tell ah the animal is sleeping so he can't tame that turkey okay well what about the other turkeys in this land can jerome bow can jerome powell no usable food okay so we need uh we need some berries in our lives let's go ahead and good george bush has just been planting i love that ah thank you jerome what a guy damn hey pocket grandpa thank you very much for the sub my friend all right so now we've got all of this fantastic work love this both parties uh coming actually yeah both parties coming together to just create a better world this is uh like what could have been in the u.s could have been in the us if only we had had them as president and uh chair person together all at the same time all right now let's go ahead and let's just uh let's bring this over here we're going to just expand this zone this way and the question is will they be able to get those berries back in time for jerome powell to feed them to the turkeys great great okay well let's start mining up this wall and we'll also put a uh we'll also just put a lamp in here there we are okay good so now but who will they throw this task on now no one likes to mine but uh it's obama has again volunteered himself because he's so hard working uh what did we make no he just made him a jogger we didn't give him industrious unfortunately no politics yeah the fed chair he's the fed chair is he wait is he not the who was the one who changed uh janet yellen used to be the fed chair but she is now what the treasurer treasurer i don't even know who some of my politicians are jesus all right so we've got the berries over there let's keep on expanding this out because we've got a just we're gonna have one room where we just kind of heap everything here we're gonna go use some fiscal policy and just keep on expanding this way don't question it okay yeah okay jerome howell just keeping watch every night what a goddamn unit all right now we're gonna go ahead and we're just going to uh you know let's get some of the good the good good that smelly smell that smells smelly let's use uh see if we can actually get this like turkey pen going because i really would like to get a big turkey ranch uh this was what i had idealized kind of from the start so let's get that we'll put it like over here we've got that you know we've got all of this land that we can't really do anything with it's not that fertile but i could be uh you know putting turkeys out to to feed there fantastic great okay this is going to be the turkey land uh turkmenistan if you will or turkey we'll just call this land turkey get it like the country oh this is a good joke oh jesus um have ever played dayz or unturned i've played some day z in my time i didn't really play that much unturned is that like daisy with like uh the servers look kind of like what is it roblox doing yeah turkey here we are in turkey fantastic okay good good all right well we've got these fences up we're moving it we're clearing out more area let's uh go ahead and tell them to move deeper yes mine deeper into the mountain ah fantastic look obama is are you improving obama okay uh but you know like he's so just into running and learning that it is going to help him in his life right now we've got to store these berries somewhere otherwise unfortunately jerome powell will never do his job so we're going to go ahead and just expand that area great okay there's bush so much friendship and helping in this colony now great jerome powell has the berries and he's now able to tame the turkeys look at this majestic creature ah thank you okay great he's stroking the turkey all right let's see how he does with this come on jerome yes this is the rustic okay but he had a 37 chance a great chance at taming um we're gonna go ahead and see if we can find some more berries because we want obviously we'll be able to get these turkeys in no time um before thanksgiving oh jesus thanksgiving hmm not really seeing anything over here okay we're just gonna let them kind of continue with this in the meantime let's prepare for these turkeys because uh zombrella humanoid shape this must be from one of the mods that i i don't even remember i don't have what's that mod on either so i don't remember what this one's from okay this is gonna be exclusively for turkeys fail the team get a geyser spout what is jesus stop you know don't throw so much shade on jerome powell when he's failing to powell successfully tamed the turkey it's now turkey one okay uh throw some turkey names at me and i'll i'll perhaps rename this turkey something something better let's go ahead and uh good we've allowed all of the animals in here we're just going to clear all and we're going to allow only the yes the turkey this is also a rimroll 1.3 feature i've got um uh um i don't really these names are good they are relevant to turkeys mcdem thighs i kind of like that mick dem thought oh wait a second where is turkey one turkey one you get in here mcdm thighs thigh thighs mcdim thighs there we are okay fantastic so amazing what a great name choice thank you very much all right let's go ahead and um auto cut animals nutrition growth nutrition consumption zero uh we've got these animals food total consumption pen size large pen 2.02 now force animal display i don't know why it's displaying everything about cows goats and chickens and we got turkeys right so let's go ahead and not on a pen animal pens can be created well maybe jerome powell when he gets a free minute good he's leashing this turkey and bringing it back to our encampment and the turkey god knows why is just following him there we are he's strung it up by the neck okay fantastic so this is one of those world 1.3 updates ah yes okay we got it back in here now is this the male or this is the female turkey yes the female turkey so let's go ahead and we'll just go back to the wildlife and we want we don't want to let that male turkey get away so we're just going to prioritize that one right now and let's see now how is this pen doing nutrition consumption only 0.22 so we could probably hold i would say ten ten turkeys in here maybe nine yeah we'll go with nine to be a little bit safer great job obama ah love that okay let's go ahead and we'll create a we're going to create another zone and we're going to make this one for the uh that's right for the hay grass we're going to just put that uh you know we'll i don't want them to eat it now i mean like what is the rim world 1.3 meta are we supposed to grow the hay grass like in the pen or are we better off growing it outside and then bringing it into the pen this seems like a lot more of extra work but i don't really know has anybody figured this out yet if anyone can logically explain this i will i will do it the animals won't eat your crops oh in the pen because they used to eat a lot of crops and it wasn't really efficient so doing dandelions or kings so what growing dandelions for them to eat let's go ahead and let's grow some hay grass and dandelions just to see how they interact with each one because i've heard this this is you are not the first person telling me about dandelions i've heard about this yes i have i'm not lying uh let's go ahead and i mean their lies just seem like a weed to me if they do happen to eat the plants what are dandelions like the fastest growing one hey benjamin 9908 thank you very much do you want them to eat it dandelion field in pen grow don't harvest oh so i haven't done the math i knew that 1.2 chickens require so little food that feeding them anything besides grass causes massive food waste okay all right so pretty much yeah it does reduce the food okay so if i plant in the pen the animals won't eat it wait but then why are dandelions used why are dandelions used at all wouldn't we be better off growing it outside if they don't eat it sort of i suppose what would i mean what i would think i'm gonna just do right now and then you critique me if i'm wrong i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to make it a grow zone over here adjacent to the pen i'm going to put in a wooden fence gate over here and let's actually instead of this i mean i figure hay grass is good to just have as like a surplus thing right so we're going to create like a kind of thing right here let's actually deconstruct these because it kind of bothers me we'll do this and then we'll put in some yes that's right some actual doors here now will they still use this a doorway hungover would flip the nails to pass while insulating the temperature commonly uses ah barn okay so we have to use this instead hey j weebs thank you very much for the sub appreciate it doing very well how are you uh let's see animal flap ah god damn it we're gonna need some cotton i thought the dandel oh i suppose that if we grew the dandelions like we planted them and then we didn't do anything that would be better but i'm just trying to figure this out because it's it matters to me so let's get the uh let's get the grow zone in fact i might even just go dev mode nah i kind of want to see how how long it plays out like it's it seems like it's a lot of setup to get animals but if you find yourself dealt a hand where it's like yeah i could use these animals then it's worth it to build a pen otherwise i think it's going to be one of those things like if you've ever played agricola you know the board game like if you happen to get delta hand where it's like i could very easily create an empire of animals you might as well do it i i wish to be the first like a like the first explorer of these animals here we are unless it's probably a lot of other people on twitch have tried this so far okay i'm also thinking that it would probably benefit us to just yeah can we use this wood i will leave the wood in there i don't really want to worry about that again i'm not really thinking about this base much further into it uh i just kind of want to see what it looks like to have an animal pen up and running are pens required for this new patch or do they do they not just use zones i think that's the one thing i that a lot of people might not love about this new patch is just the fact that like you can't really pl it does significantly change the game and like it makes having uh at the same time like animals of this variety were just kind of without a place to begin with i don't really know why oh wait why did i plant that accidentally oh well let's do hay grass instead my plan is hay grass out here bring it into the barn animals can eat that and then that's an extra like food source for them so that we could just kind of variably use that as ever we need to because it seems like hay grass is way better for feeding them than just grass i mean unless if i'm incorrect about that but at least it allows you to kind of like manage multiple animal facilities i think that's nice let's go ahead and get some of these stone chunks out of the way jesus disgusting there we are um good very good very good i don't think i mind having to build a the thing that i like about the pens is that defense segments cost only one woody so it's not like it's a man a mad squirrel mama mama ma all right uh okay obama get ready uh wait a minute jerome wait a minute where is this oh there's the squirrel my bad okay again i've got on a couple of extra mods so this isn't all in 1.3 like you know show draftee's weapon i think would have been a naturally important update sometimes i don't know why they don't just incorporate some of these things but at least it makes building a great big mod list so [Music] gratifying okay jerome powell has taken one for the team he just had to print a lot more uh blood out of his body uh just to stimulate the economy a little bit increase demand fortunately this has improved the economy but now there's such a lumber shortage in this housing uh bubble who knows what jerome powell will think of next try planting a small patch of dandelions in the pen so we'll like well let's make some observations because you seem to want to see these dandelions nutrition growth 1.95 consumption one point ah here we are okay we've got the turkey one i'll take some name suggestions i would allow that let's go ahead and tame these other female turkeys because we just have one male with we're going to have some just very incestuous turkeys living here please men men tune me to ferki oh like tofu tofur like tofu turkey all right all right i see that i see what you did there jonathan is there more pun in that thick key am i going for all egg laying creatures in that case tortoises would be i had not thought of reptile egg diets could we do like something like uh you know turkmenistan but it could be like turkmen is stan because stan is there we are turkmenistan like the country fantastic manage auto slaughter okay so now we want to get the uh let's see we want a max of two males i'm going into animal management here now this is this is what i think makes the animal for their meat and stuff like that so good uh female adults we'll max that out at like 10 because we could have more other than that we'll allow as many young as they want just because i think that's a little too micro managing for me um pregnant let him be pregnant don't bother him okay don't question it all right uh unfortunately we don't really have a way of managing eggs but eggs are also a valid ingredient i wonder if who is going to be the cook here is george bush or obama going to be the i really don't know it's up to them let's go ahead and make an art bench for george bush because he's probably slowly going crazy after all of those years in office now uh he's just doing such a magnificent job but he's going to create some magnum opus we know it it's coming i got to go ahead and say though that one thing that i really like about the 1.3 update is just the fact that uh the colony looks way more organized than it did before like it it did not look so well laid out without fences but i could really see more of a village kind of uh kind of like um taking place as we go through this a lot of people are attracted to rimworld because it's kind of like the sims you know so it's a neat game um i was gonna say something else i'll just say this that rimworld is one of those games where it's nice that you see like it's every single streamer is very different you know like i think i think it attracts different types of players you know old young male female um you know politician um refraining from politician animal or or uh human um all kinds all kinds it's not like the sims at all lol i mean maybe you're one of those but here's my thing is that there's a lot of people who hate the sims and like rimworld like they like tactical games but then there's also people who like games where you get to customize everything like the sims like i see some very kind of frilly colonists colonies and that's fine too but i just think that it's nice that the game has a variety of players in it you know i i care to disagree here uh you can stay or you can get out you can get out that's fine oh crap the animals are escaping you're right because i didn't build the fences because i'm a slob man i knew something would hold me up i'm excited though like you know the fact that tynan's been coming out with dlc now two years in a row that's pretty that's pretty wow okay what are they gonna do about turkmenistan actually he since he's like the man chicken we're gonna name him turkmenistan there we go okay he's like the he's like the alpha male turkey very important uh dark general 747 thank you very much for the sub my friend the sims has combat i'm just a new yeah you know there's all kinds there's like uh anime fans there's people who hate anime in rimworld you know you could kind of play it any way you like it's nice it's nice to see the game getting more like mod love more i think i still think rimworld's audience is like smaller than it could be it's wild and i've seen tons of people with all kinds of interests get into it like uh i know cotton has been streaming it a lot more i think he mostly does like survival types of games um oh wow these are different i actually really enjoy watching cotton i think he's i think he's a perfectly dude bush thinks we should give our faction a name now these are different kinds of names lon lana raewis he owe him non-technologist concord these are interesting but give me some names give me some names we're going to name this aren't we weren't we going to do turkey because we're raising turkeys so we'll call it turkey that's uh appropriate uh lanlan ranch lanlan ranch yeah i like that ah here we go turkmenistan and wait turkey won oh i thought turk manistan was first going to make love to mcdem thighs i guess he makes love to the other turkeys coffee shop zach thank you very much for the sub my friend appreciate it okay turkey one give me some names uh otherwise i'm gonna come up with one myself and usually you folks have better names than i do united eggs if turkmeric hmm thick goose i like that yeah because like turkmenistan he went right in there like no hesitation thick goose right very very very beautiful name all right big duck equals goose it's like oh god wait there's a turkey egg fertilized hang on a second now i gotta i haven't even really played room world like this before i like this though i like hatching these eggs man i feel like i'm gonna be a mother or something jesus let's go ahead uh we'll put in egg boxes are now a thing too right where are egg boxes egg boxes where i where i might have to go into dev mode here if i don't see this animal sleeping box am i just blind and i'm not seeing it we're going to create a lot of animal sleeping spots in here i know this isn't fully enclosed yet but i'm waiting for the cotton to grow because i'm playing fair under misk ah that seems like a funny place to put it ah you're right though a box with soft material made to hold eggs egg-laying animals will lay eggs and egg boxes if they can your haulers will take all the eggs but only when the box is full to save time good the box also protects eggs from deteriorating outdoors though it does not protect them from temperature damage okay so interesting all right you know we're gonna wait for this to grow the old-fashioned way we get the rice going in the in the earth strike the earth i'm going to say something so descriptive i will be banned from chat forever yeah you still got a chance margaret hatcher [Laughter] oh jesus yeah if we get another turkey we're naming it that yup that's margaret hatcher right there margaret hatcher we're going to create a ah damn it all right i can get rid of the space nobody cares about the space margaret hatcher yet another turkey look turkmenistan is moving right in there uh margaret hatcher is a very uh a very quiet goose stays to herself i mean not a goose a turkey is what we're raising i didn't forget that nope what is the battle animal what is our battle animal we've got a jerome howl he's our dog matt oh wait battle animals oh i didn't even see this a group of cougars wander in they seem accustomed to human human contact and are joining the colony i don't know whether this is i think that this is vanilla animals expanded three cougars just decided to join our colony what the hell we are the battle cougars we have come to join your colony i feel like that they would these are the types of animals that would speak but they wouldn't open their mouths and you would just hear a voice from the sky or something hey caption cool six thank you very much for the sub my friend they desire poultry don't know what should we name them and there we lose our birds they probably won't they won't hurt our animals no they sleep at peace with the turkeys you guys judge these cougars too harshly now i suppose that my question here is rimworld 1.3 updated animals so that you can kind of create a ranch if you want to um or it made it more like you know this is taking too long i i i do want you to at least see how the game works so i'm just going to cheat my way into dev mode for a second uh and i'm just going to do god mode for a moment because i really want to see what this looks like structure let's do wow well let's make a hyperweave animal flap because why not so this allows them in uh does some insulation i suppose we want to keep this kind of cool let's create the floor let's create this drum adding and then we're going to create a door here this is i think the greatest extent to which i will cheat throughout this is because i want to see what this looks like 18 naked turkeys at the showers at lon long ranch i mean i've never seen a clothed turkey to be fair now let's just check this out so we've got nutrition growth seems to keep changing like it's going it's gone down and then it's gone up i suppose that's because i've taken away room from our pen though here so it's slightly changed you could always kind of expand that auto cut oh this is kind of interesting auto cut plants and pen so we don't want these things pine tree moss i'm wondering automatically cut certain inedible plants to be cut this makes room for edible plants to grow which your co animals can then eat auto designation happens periodically and that only applies to certain plants only works when the pen is enclosed let's do that and just see how much work uh bush gets done because bush is going to yep that is kind of nice look bush is just like i'm just gonna mow through this pen tomorrow morning but what about these cougars these cougars are just like yeah we don't have to stay in the pen like we're too cool for that is there any way that you could tell other animals to stay out of this pen because maybe i don't want the other animals in this pen like i told them get out you can even change it whether you allow males or females hmm oh don't don't donate 100 for that why do you want it i'll say your name anyway zoom of all but don't don't give me a hundred dollars though that's that's spend it on you know some grape drink or something like that here we go um turkey count for total consumption 0.9 at least it tells you this is like very good information james garfield might need to set a specific area for them that's true let's go ahead and let's tell these cougars oh interesting now let's create a new area area one we're gonna go ahead and expand expand we're going to create area one now let's tell the cougars like cougars i'm gonna mind control you to live over here does this still work go ahead to our animals tab let's tell the cougars go over there oh well boy howdy boy howdy why why do it be this way why do it be this way so are you telling me that you can still mind control animals with areas if so this is actually quite nice because that way you could still play the game the way that you wanted to but you could uh you do other stuff name one of the carrot name the cougars after sex and the city characters because they're cougars yeah yeah i see what you did there all right let's just tell them okay uh let's see any stone blocks do for uh not forever do until we have two three four five good uh and let's tell them to bring all of that over to let's create a dumping stockpile zone yeah let's put on the marsh because otherwise marshes are just like wasted space what are we even doing with marshes yeah that's fantastic good just chunks over there uh pens are just a specialization of zones okay so you could still play rimworld more or less the way that you wanted to before in that case now we know let's tell our cougars they can go back to living among the turkeys peacefully that is given that they keep their truce now let's just kind of take a look this should probably auto update i suppose as bush cuts down more trees and this makes more room for nutrition to grow does this mean that we'll get more like bushes and things that turkeys can eat i'd like to name one of them you know although he's not one of the characters just after one of my favorite david lynch characters uh which is uh kyle uh not kyle who is it uh kyle mclaughlin who played agent dale cooper get it because the he's kind of cooped up in there yeah that was a great joke all right uh ignore that now i'm a big twin twin peaks fan oh god these cougar dale cooper is getting it on with the other he is a male cougar that kind of makes sense all right great we're going to have a whole race of cougars to uh defend us now we've got a raid by the dart team ah crap i accidentally right clicked instead of left clicking um where is the dart team oh that's a great name okay this gentleman dart team what why dart team though oh he is fast god obama will be the only one able to outrun him hang on a second powell and obama your ass is over here all right let's get them i really am liking the new uh what is it wait a minute why can't where is jerome powell oops oh crap jerome powell is right there where the dart team is coming in where did the dart team go okay get out of there jerome powell now we need you back at the london ranch oh fantastic okay the dart team has decided to spare us for a few minutes we're gonna go set them back off to work my sounds actually my sound's just really quiet let me go turn it up a bit it's been different game the game game's not really super loud but i'll turn it yeah i apologize for that that's kind of embarrassing most of my vod is probably going to be very quiet anyway appreciate that though but yeah no i've been trying to get used to the new stream set up it seems like that this 5 000 kilobits per second upload rate is is okay i might not get to play a lot of 3d games till i move but my internet's not been the same uh let's see hey sugarpeas 52. very much unmerited thank you very much for those uh five gift subs god bless my friends appreciate that damn what a great day to be look this is such a nice ranch damn hang on a second i could really i could really vibe to this damn we have 600 yeah right now what god damn it no jerome powell why would you just wander out there though hang on a second i didn't train you for this come on jerome all right we're gonna have to get obama to go ahead and bail you out come on obama bring you bring some extra obamacare for jerome powell ugh god damn it wait a minute oh this is hmm jesus christ come on jerome okay get back in there you're a fast guy come on you've been printing so much money lately oh god get back get back bring them back to obama use your trap obama over there god this guy is an idiot what a stupid why did he join a a a company called the dark team yeah well all right live your life pirates from the dart team are beginning their assault god damn it jerome okay get get back great obama has the range obama use your use your use your strike oh god damn it yes okay great fantastic teamwork obama and i know you weren't together normally but i think we could make this work yes fantastic yes we'll defend america i mean turkey from the dangers of the dark team i love that we've got some new like kind of new age rimworld tracks are these vanilla expanded i don't think these are vanilla expanded tracks i don't think vanilla expanded really adds any music now this must be new rimworld music steel hatchet i believe that this is a vanilla expanded weapon we'll go ahead and just leave that there and max who are you jesus christ this guy is very good except that he's a slowpoke and a body purist do we really want that well he could just kind of sit in one place in research but he's a crack shot it's not as useful if he can't kite them but uh how hard would he be to i mean am i really ready for a prison right now okay let's create um hmm damn hey thank you very much dark channel appreciate that let's go ahead and create a let's let's create a prison you know turkey needs a prison yeah i mean it's jugis right now we're getting closer and closer to thanksgiving all right uh well we'll just kind of let this guy bleed out i don't really care about him but if we do manage to get this thing set up in time that will take him otherwise we just should have been ready for another prisoner i'm sorry to say yeah body purist is pretty terrible in rimroll only because at the end of the game i always find that all my colonists are like missing some eyes and stuff like that put them in the animal barn i could put them in the animal barn that's true let's go and see this egg hatches in 4.3 days man did they just like i don't know if this i don't know how turkey sex works do they need to like um like i really don't know anything about it but i'm about to ask a series of just terrible questions like does like does the female lay the egg and then the male like dances around the egg and then the egg is like yup it's fertilized or does like to get it on do they have like turkey uh you know like sex do they have turkey sex and then the like then does the female lay the egg really like wait does anyone i'm not going to read any of the things that have just been said by chat because i don't think any of you have even know this you don't even know this unless do you though do you the egg comes first they have passionate turkey oh jesus yeah like just so many questions though i've really wondered about that for a long time and like i haven't really i've been too shy to google it um nor have i really cared nothing in my life is like dependent upon me knowing this fact until now i mean if my career verges on commentary like i gotta know these things captain prospero thank you for sub appreciate it more fantastic commentary coming soon oh yeah i love it oh yeah yeah uh let's go ahead and make a you know we could make this into like a ranch village yeah you love ranch villages come on jerome powell wait a second we gotta get you back to hauling you slob no i'm just giving you a hard time get little hearts around them when they are making turkey eggs oh that's true i mean like in a room world the animals just kind of like uh they fart hearts near one another and that means you know sex basically the egg is fertilized after which is why we can eat eggs with our breakfast oh that makes sense an egg you eat for breakfast is more than likely an unfertilized egg okay there you have it ah fantastic the mating habits of chickens was this disturbingly aggressive so what then the male goes for the egg i can't really think of that like then are our male chickens like just attracted to eggs so they never get to do anything with the that seems like kind of a loveless marriage you know this to me is just like mind-blowing sad sad life so i want animated no i mean like that's not what i want i just wanted the information you don't know me you don't know me oh oh yes the cloaca i forgot about this part of the i do know about the cloaca so then how do they get the eggs if they that we eat that seems pretty aggressive i don't know maybe just our society is effed up and that's the only reason why we get this normal seemingly normal legs which we're really just poached all right sad news over let's stop talking about animal eggs it's making me it's making me cry it's making me cry inside you know it's always good whenever you have a good cry yeah you know like you're oh you really felt something man this place is it's it's actually quite nice now because i'm so used to having all of my colonies be like uh squares everywhere and the fact that we have these ranches just kind of leads to nicer nicer looking stuff i mean i want to do uh for god's sake i want to make more paths now i sometimes see because i see a disturbing number of rimworld images every single day because people are like look in my discord which often i see some really cool stuff i'll say that too like it's not like stop showing me this sometimes it does become a bit much but it's like i've seen some really good bases where people made efforts to make everything be not square like uh all diagonals you know or even somebody came out with that diagonal mod right now you know i'm just talking i'm just talking now this tree does not belong let's go uh let's see when george bush decides to cut this down brambles tangled tony didn't even realize that some of these things are like uh had names like this is a bramble oh bramble yeah it does say it right there wow i feel very ignorant [Music] uh turkey total consumption 1.12 juvenile point 17 adult baby oh so you can kind of see like wait a minute oh wait there's no turkey does it also say more information about this you can sort by whether it's male or female neato neato hmm let's see if there's anything new under manage areas as well that's just as it was same as it ever was all right good now we've got a path um nice i wonder if they'll create a new rimworld trailer like they did for the uh what was it the um you know i actually think the new rimworld trailer that they'd made is very nice very well made i might like borrow some elements of that in my own uh rimworld video creation because i i do think they did a very good job at it i don't know about like the voice acting if i would use that because i don't then you gotta hire a bunch of people that's the main reason why i do everything in my own voice is just i have a couple friends who make stuff like that and it's very nice to watch um but it's just it's a lot of work to get other people to voice lines and then do their audio set it ups and it's a lot um what was i saying but yeah they did a damn good job with that i'm gonna i'm definitely gonna be borrowing some stuff because this game does deserve like uh good cinematography you know concrete on the doorways i don't think it's worth it to do anything other than concrete on doorways right i mean it's not technically part of the room so it's not worth it what is my deepest voice do people like that nah you borrow with a borrow without asking it's good for the game though it's good for the game well i just think it's nice that they i don't know who they hired for that but a lot of the effects i was just kind of watching that uh that one today now let's just see how is it in here 74.75 okay so then this is well it's because there's all that garbage there [Music] nobody's doing the work here jerome powell uh i'm gonna give you more jobs obama look obama is breaking his back here man we really keep too much work on obama jerome powell you're supposed to be crafting rocks here what are you okay he's taming turkeys okay i take it back i didn't mean any of it at anus thank you for the sub my friend appreciate it um just say well no one thing i'll say is that uh you know some people will come into these videos and say that they're surprised that it doesn't sound like the videos but one thing that's certain is that if you never film yourself exhaling when you're creating a video it gives your voice way more energy but also too just like um i don't know finding the right mic and stuff like that i don't really like talking about this stuff though and one time i started talking about like youtube meta stuff because i was thinking about it a lot and it just it doesn't become it's just it's not really the reason i stream just kind of like get away from a lot of that because i just find it fun so let's have more fun small sculpture okay we're just going to kind of spam making them one really nice room here not that there's anything wrong with that it can be interesting too at times but it just kind of becomes this loop in which i keep repeating the same thing over and over again and i don't think that's very fun rimworld is fun but look at all the variety on the map now so many different animals which are actually somewhat useful and we don't have to think so much about my main problem with animals was before was that they're slobs you know they don't contribute anything but now we have all of this uh do we have we do we have another turkey named turkey one we could have this tell me what you want it named manage the auto slaughter how do we have good it tells us the current cougar ah this is a rottweiler i will i will rename it i will rename it do i prefer videos breathing in air or water probably water because i've never done it before 36 hot turkeys in my area i think i'm just gonna i think i'm just gonna name it that hot tur he's in in your i don't have enough characters we need something shorter we need something shorter pharah basher thank you very much appreciate that uh ulysses s grand turkey gobbler cleveland it is with a k gobert gobbler uh we don't we'll do it with 1b gobbler cleveland all right gobler cleveland now the other thing i'm kind of wondering is let's just look at the pens because i know people always kind of come after me about like oh something is like they aren't fast enough in their speed is it faster for them to open up this gate what if we hold this open hang on a second like can they get out if i just hold this open let's leave that there as is but now we've got all of this other wild animal garbage coming into this pen and are they eating it we don't want these rats and turkeys here not enclosed build fences wait a minute oh that's not good so then here is my question is how do we get doesn't it look like the animals take more time to go through the gate than they do to go over the fence like hang on a second let's just do kind of a kind of a test here i'm going to take sorry to get you up out of bed george bush and jerome powell but i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to have you go god damn it cougar 2. stop that all right you two walk over here that was actually about the same amount of time oh wait a minute now we gotta line you up over there i just i'm doing like these little tests okay jerome powell did get through faster i stand corrected i thought that was going to be like some court sort of balance or bug reporting okay so then it it is slightly faster to give them a fence than this because i was thinking they keep making this trek through here and i want to make it so that colonists can quickly get through here but it just wouldn't have made sense if they like had to hop the fence all the time is that new update out yet or is this just a beta this is still just the uh preview branch of rimworld 1.3 but now i suppose that the other thing is and like this is where i kind of get into the micro management of rimworld because i do find it like satisfying to just manage a colony like this how do we keep these rats out like does anyone have any ideas or has anybody come up on a strategy that works for this yet because right now these rats are just like freewheeling here [Music] i don't like that no they don't belong i mean we could tell our cougars we could install a mod and tell our cougars to hunt them but that's too much manual stuff what does a shoot them eat them designated i mean but that's too much manual labor on my part what if i think no i don't want to be bothered to have to do that i mean i could in theory tame them rar always has good my friend rar always has good ideas like this like he has his rats devour corpses my old way was to put walls up you could get them like that no trooping i disagree with you trooping be gone with you get away no i'm just i'm just i'm just giving you a hard time build a fence around the place i don't want rats in but these rats can just they can just get into my pasture isn't that why i created a fence raise an army of rats build a rat room i mean like here are my options let me just let me just talk it out i could build a wall around our entire compound i played with rahr once and he actually does this i was like shouldn't we build a table rar he was like nah we need a wall right now this is why i don't play with him anymore no i just he won't play with me anymore um now we got to play again together sometime we just don't have much time but uh yeah you could either wall in your entire complex i guess you just have to designate it for hunting but let's see if there is any kind of option over here animals like can you say no animal allowed in now all right sort of a job for forced display animal hmm i suppose that this just kind of picks some commonly used animals and this seems like tynan's subtly trying to get me to raise more cows goats and chickens i respect that i respect that yeah you just have to be proactive in the rat extermination that's true funnel raiders into a dank pit full of half starved rats that's also uh that's also an option oh fantastic wait a minute agent dale cooper has hunted this did this wait a minute was this no this was just of his own volition okay fantastic hmm still struggle with that let's see uh where are the where are the other rats let's go ahead and let's just designate the rest of them for hunting because i don't want them around yeah there are mods where you could say like you know automatically hunt whatever number i think it's colony manager right where you could tell them to hunt everything you know sea ice doesn't have any rats i've done sea ice was very very difficult um it made doing the extreme desert after it seemed very easy like i i didn't have enough of a challenge when i went to the desert after that and i was a little bit sad to be honest with you let's see if there is any like chickens or anything has wandered into the area squirrel hair raccoon red fox turkey wild boar ibex dill grizzly bear i'm supposing that well yaks also yield milk uh why did i say milk what's wrong with me okay we've got a male and a female okay this is great let's get a bunch of yaks we'll tell jerome powell to go ahead and tame those and then we're going to create a yak place because somebody's got to create their real world animal tier list i got to figure out which ones are actually advantageous to raise like i used to have tons and tons of gazelles hate sea ice and desert because it's so sluggish yeah i feel that all right i think i'm feeling like a heavily modded playthrough next i might even do another mod list do it like a tier list or something i felt like it was a little bit too much information and not enough meme the last time i did it but i i do enjoy making those like mod videos when i get really into the game and usually that spells a new series of ideas for me like i did that last year i just kind of took some time off from making videos and i just kind of tried to forget that i had a channel and i just played a lot of room world mods like i made a play through that i would enjoy as much as i could on my own uh and it was time well spent because after that it gave me ideas throughout the entire year and that i just really wanted to do [Music] major break risk well how have we not had any breaks yet i haven't even really been paying attention uh jerome powell has major food poisoning okay it might actually benefit him to have a catharsis i'm gonna allow it yeah good job good job you know you brought the economy back i know it's gonna mean some massive inflation over the next few months but we'll figure it out we'll figure it out the average american consumer will figure out how to deal with this uh we'll we'll only learn to thank you later thank you so much for hauling those rocks over there jerome oh what a unit oh yeah they've got the raw food deep god we haven't even done any uh i haven't i've totally forgot about this and we haven't even done any electric stuff i got so caught up in just like trying out the new mod stuff that i forgot that this game has uh rules yep i don't think that most stuff is like about the same i'm just trying to think of where you would put a ranch in relation to the rest of your colony i suppose that you would kind of put like normally if your fields next to your refrigerator i'm really not trying too hard at it right now but i could be mind you i could be uh but you don't really want to see me try hard at rimworld it's i'm just not in the right mindset right now but what i would do would be fields followed by fridge followed by kitchen followed by dining rooms surrounded by bedrooms only weird thing is that that makes the raider pathing kind of strange um i don't really like that raiders shoot for the bedrooms i wish they shot for the middle of the colony because raids in this game like it's a quick fix but it always leads to these strange things i think that the getting rid of the um kill boxes is pretty good or making them they they significantly weak them with this pat weaked weakened them with this patch but yeah that's that's the thing all right great job obama um carnivore and vegetarian meals this was a great option to add do until you have let's make it like 20. there's nothing like a good rimworld uh kitchen setup though does feel good am i putting a ranch inside of lanlan ranch where would that be i guess i could encase a pen with another pen penception let's build into the mountain um i think we're just building a normie kitchen right here though yeah let's just do this something like that somebody told me once that they put like uh a kitchen inside of the fridge i thought that would be hard to heat the fridge but you know it works there's all different kinds of ways to do it i accept your lifestyle even though that you're a slob i don't like the kill box meta i don't like the kill box meta either there is a mod what is it smarter raids that pretty much gets rid of it i think that's good yeah i had them i mean in that case you just build like an exterior perimeter um it does make the game really hard though because there are some raids where you pretty much need a kill box i prefer if the raids go to storage i think it'd be neat if i have no idea how it's coded and i imagine that there's like a lot of hoops to jump through i have a ton of questions about it but i think it'd be cool if it like drew out your base and they just kind of aimed for the center of it you know i think that that would make sense because i've sometimes seen raiders do weird things like ah we're gonna go make a detour over here though i mean i suppose that's asking a lot of an entirely randomly pro or procedurally generated map all the time where the player might be anywhere yeah i don't know um it leads to some weird things there have been some times where i've just been like what the hell is going on with the raids but you know if you design your base really intentionally like uh what was it my friend mr sam streamer did a uh a base where he was entirely encased in rock that's actually one of my favorite ones i've always wanted to do that just because i like the feeling of kind of like uh self-reliance it gives you um god i should have made obama passionate about mining damn it put your cable table in the freezer but not the stove ah that would be interesting the main thing is that i used to have a bunch of miners in a fridge for one of my 100 man colonies and they all got like frostbite on their fingers and toes it was quite sad audacity how are you love the youtube channel but rarely catch the streams hello hey welcome in anybody just coming in from uc this is actually jesus christ this is one of my largest streams ever we've never had 750. some people should get out of here and probably do something else no but it's it's nice to see a rim world update though need warm clothes uh yeah we gotta do that pen need now who do we for whom do we need a pen some of my tame animals are romers if kept in an animal pen they will oh my yaks i forgot about my yaks i like my axe hmm all right uh me thinks that the yaks like why not just have them all sleep in the same barn now i'm not gonna be a savage like that give give yaks their own space okay yaks have been advocating for their own space for so many years nobody talks about this nobody talks about this good bring in the yaks oh god damn it when i said that like a hundred people left jesus christ no please stay oh god how's the religion thing going i don't know but like ideology as soon as that stuff as soon as that comes out i'm hopping on it man but doesn't don't you want to play boreal now boreal is like such a great oh wait grizzly bear is hunting cougar animal planet oh who will win though my money's on the grizzly the grizzly is jesus but it's gonna be effed up by the time it's done hang on a second let's send in obama there he's got his long-range rifle obama i just need you to here oh god look even wild animals get the wounds visible on them no cougar three we will remember you hang on a second i'm sure that this is like an allegory for the soviet union or something like that yes obama secretly you did end the cold war you know no one gives you credit for all of those other accomplishments that you had but now we will get behind those rocks obama tear down this bear oh damn it no oh what a god damn it no jesus okay get out of there obama oh thank god he's a such a lean jogger ah i swear to god it's like he ran a marathon or something i don't know what the ideologies of my colonies are going to be i'm sure something terribly cursed something just awful but it mostly reminded me of the i mean if if you guys play crusader kings 3 you must have thought of the religion screen in ck3 when you saw the ideology i mean was i the only one who did that i thought it looked like he was directly referencing that in it i mean though it's just good game design i suppose it looks like we're running out of nutrition in here 1.88 it's fine very ck3 thank you though i don't know i mean maybe that came from something else before and subordinate says do i want bagels right now i would love a bagel right now um okay we gotta bring this in the thing is that the checklist of the number of things that you should do for a rimworld colony is just so long like there's even a specific way to set up the meals so that the cook will be excuse me like perfectly optimized um i usually just if i were to do that kind of stuff i would have the game paused for like a half hour at the very very beginning though maybe i should play like that again i've never organization of this type of thing has never been my strong suit but maybe i should really do it let's do raw food in here main priority and we'll do preferred because i could you don't even know how good i am at this that's the sad part i am so good at this game that really isn't uh isn't good i should have picked other things to get good at but it's kind of fun raiders never steal steel really bladecast says obama is a lizard person what i mean i suppose like he's kind of thin i suppose i suppose all right what do we name these yaks i think that yaks are food efficient right don't they give birth to more food than they take oh god damn it jerome powell get back here the place is on fire we need some more uh money great job okay thank you actually that was bush wishing obama did that fantastic yeah personally i mean if if they ever made like a rimworld 2 i'd like it to involve something like kenshi where you can kind of be more nomadic like if you didn't have such hard map edges and you could go out into the world kind of treat it like an rpg and then settle an area like like a kenshi i mean the fact of the matter is that kenshi is just like if you play kenshi the way i do it is loading every three seconds uh and it is it isn't that much fun to play it's fun to make videos of i don't know if i would be playing as much kenshi if i weren't making videos um if i played the way i play like it's very difficult to manage 100 man colony in that game uh because you're just always loading if they could figure out some way to optimize the memory though like what i always get puzzled by when i play it is factorio that game is so stupidly well optimized just like think of all the things that you could have on screen at once or even like uh hundreds and hundreds of players at the same time okay so we got our yak thing going on let's uh clear all and we'll just allow an only yaks good very nice the yaks love it um here i'm also thinking like is this really really worth it let's see how our eggs are doing we have so many turkeys now but how many have we given birth to age two okay so most of these are like wandering turkeys kind of turkeys but they already have all of these eggs i don't think that they've been using them for food so i mean the animals don't they aren't picky or anything like that it's pretty decently well i'm sure we could figure out the insulation i'm feeling like i would probably refrain from playing with animals unless if i got some like if i got turkeys oh sorry not turkeys if i got like chickens or uh cows or something like that i think that the main thing though is that animals prior to this i had pretty much just always killed like i would not take any animals into my colony but now things have changed i apologize to tynan tyne and titan titan tyne and tynan tyne and tynan i apologize profusely the defense says doesn't remember all these single thread processing i think this was the main complaint about the update was that a lot of people were just like i should use that i don't know too much about it it did get better optimized because of the way that colonist clothing renders which is nice and i was able to run a bigger colony i don't know what that means that you can't do i suppose people with like a thousand mods on can't do it most of the things i've been able to do that are reasonable like who would want to run a thousand person colony but at the same time if you could you could make rimworld into like songs of six think of all the new scenarios that you could do if you could easily run a game with like a thousand columns though i feel like that at that point it just becomes more for the sake of having more mad wild boar it do be mad though it do be mad uh let's have everyone just set to attack i think they should always attack otherwise they just get themselves killed where where do be the boar though oh he's fighting jerome powell okay gotta say the visible wounds was a great move okay good yes this boar is just so upset about all the inflation can't afford anything anymore because it didn't invest into any bitcoin when that was happening so this boar is now just really upset okay we understand but at the same time we just we can't have you sorry okay great all right really really a major improvement but this is definitely a different aesthetic than we had before and i i do like playing the game vanilla sometimes if you put on too many mods it can kind of alienate some viewers i wonder if they'll do like a big package though for the dlc because it does seem a bit expensive like from for me starting out from the beginning i've got more than i and at the same time you know for the number of hours you'll probably get out of it but i wonder like will all the dlc be that much what is it now i think rimworld's like 30. yeah i can't really i i'm not it doesn't sound good to hear this from me but i'm also like if i were looking at a game for the first time i probably wouldn't want to buy it if i knew that all the dlcs were that much i imagine that they'll put in some kind of package but who knows who knows when is the rimworld animal only challenge i think i was gonna do uh c block next actually terraforming price was a pretty big barrier for me i i feel like that would be for new players only because that's something that like for example if a game has a lot of dlc then i'll feel like i'm not getting the full experience unless if i get the whole thing so i've but knowing knowing ludion i feel like that they're going to do sort of a bundle deal just i'm just guessing i'm just speculating i have no idea powell's successfully tamed the yak is now called the act 2. but at the same time i feel like this game has just a big player base that it's like you know and there's tons of people who have and it's not like he's releasing new dlcs every five minutes or anything like that like i think a lot i think i think it is worth that amount though too and it's not that i think that it's the wrong price but i i worry that it wouldn't attract new players because of that at the same time will it really i i don't know that's like a business thing i'm a business man it's definitely worth it with the amount of replayability yeah i wouldn't question that at all i just mean that i think i don't know we perhaps we live in an era where things are so underpriced though too it's certainly been worth it for me many times over hmm rimworld loot boxes yeah i like that yeah just like turn around go totally commercial on everybody but no i did kind of like uh you know i respect any company that doesn't always just jerk down the price just to kind of like uh [Music] you know get more people to get it like there's some games that i have that i wish that they had charged me more for because i would hope that it would support the dev more and i i won't i won't go pointing fingers but no i i think it is right i just hope that i hope that people give it a chance is what i'm saying the game is still well i'm also glad that they didn't just end it at 1.0 i mean like i'm amazed and surprised that they do keep updating stuff okay we've got more meals we should probably not be let's do meals low priority there or what we should really be doing is drop on floor uh drop on floor there's so many like little buttons that you have to press to get it to work though like the cooking to get it to work properly that i wish that there were just some kind of preset because it does feel like a lot of micromanaging common sense is a good mod for that i've been told that cotton that common sense is not very well optimized but it's fantastic because whoever's your cook will immediately clean the kitchen before they start cooking which obviously they should do because otherwise they get all these massive debuffs from you know like uh poor cooking or dirty cooking area now if i play dwarf fortress this game is free and the game comes with ideology yeah i mean dwarf fortress though i've lost some of my motivation to learn only because they're working on the gui if i hear though that they're going to keep the key presses in the steam version like if there won't be so much gooey then i'll probably start learning rimworld again maybe after i've finished learning cbva cda is i i like it more than i should i hope more i wish more people would give cdda a chance it really is amazing like i was surprised to read some of the comments that i did in one of the last videos people were like i can't do the graphics i'm like have you been with this channel since its inception like i feel like half of the things that i play are just so eclectic so out there and i've just somehow i mean even rimworld was a little bit eclectic when it first came out i mean on a kind of mainstream standard it is i suppose [Music] yeah anyway that's the kind of game that i liked it's the kind of one that you have to torture yourself to learn oh look at all this yak milk fantastic okay let's make them a barn too i mean my other thing too is that like yeah i don't know i maybe i've said all that there is to say what else is there in 1.3 though there's beards is there much else they changed a few things on the ui i know i'm using dubs mint menus right now but i feel like that's almost it wait a minute is there one other thing i just want to see uh work what is that oh is this in a mod or oh [Music] very nice i don't think that this is a mod is it can anyone confirm to me whether this carry is in a mod i know that this was listed as an update but but but that oh this is 1.3 okay because i'm using a couple of ui changing mods right now but fantastic that is really good how what is the maximum that we get of them carry three so then i guess you'd want your dot i mean i would just have all my colonists carry medicine on them at all times because why not they're gonna need it there's still a lot of like uh you know micromanaging you have to do cddi is great but kinda too slow for me okay fair enough fair enough i suppose uh i don't know i think it's more just about like what how we're evaluating games because it's very subjective it's very subjective okay let's see if we can find out how okay he's in a sad wander pick up medicine times okay fantastic obama go ahead pick up that medicine great use that obamacare great okay all right enough of that go back to sleep now literally all my bases are mountain bases well i think my favorite thing is the fact that they let you turn off insect factions now because a lot of people wanted to build under mountains but there was something that kept them from doing it and it was usually insects so i mean it's nice that that's there now just the fact that you have the option to kind of customize the game to whatever way you want to play there must have been a mod before that did that am i am i mistaken in that but i did not note that mod was not commonly in use unless if you did for example like a viking playthrough in which case they disabled mechanoids and all that kind of stuff or if you were like me and you did cyber vikings and you had cyborg vikings fighting mechanoids which was actually quite badass yeah the insects well the thing is that once you're good enough at rimworld you can kind of uh force insects to spawn in certain areas of your base pretty much you just make the room that you want them to spawn in really dirty and dark underground and they will usually spawn there or just make it something non-essential like your prisoner's quarters where it's like okay i could have bugs spawn there it took me a really really long time because i would read through rimworld tips when i first started learning the game and it just took forever but at the same time like it's once you once you are familiar enough with the game to a certain point like you can kind of manipulate it to do that and also do things like stacking up melee units onto well let's see when does this update i'm kind of curious because it took a couple seconds before oh the auto cut thing if i do cut okay cut now does designate them blight hagris but we don't ah that was such a terrible oh god why jesus no i don't deserve this okay well whatever will we get any hay grass out of it we might not even get any hay grass out of it that's really unfortunate oh no alas oh we don't have to destroy those ones oh we do have to destroy that one though yeah that's really sad man i'm surprised this stream has actually gone so smoothly we have not dropped any frames this cable connection might actually be working yes i am uh if i have not said it yet i am stuck on a cable connection for about a month where i am at mountain bases are just so powerful mountain bases are good because they're pretty much immune to shelling yeah that's true i would rather deal with an insect infestation than getting shelled now though ah they'll never spawn in under negative but why would you have your entire place negative 16 degrees i suppose if you had a place like my uh wow a cold underground mountain base would actually be really overpowered have everybody in park as like muffalo will park is you just never get attacked by anything unless if you kind of made yourself canned food for mechanoids so many different options i feel like i'm getting better at that kind of thing though like managing all the attacks but it does make the game less fun because you're just thinking about like the code and the path thing and stuff like that but that happens with any game hey helium ninja thanks for coming out parkers are overpowered but they should be area revealed okay just that no i think this is going pretty well but i think for the most part right now anyway our food is not really consisting of turkeys we have 10 fertilized turkey eggs though let's just see like nutrition consumption 1.34 i mean the fact that we had to use up all that uh god i didn't even cut out cut all the hay grass my thing is that hay grass just takes so goddamn long to cut i think you still need a very fertile area i'm just trying to think of why i would raise animals still like why it seems it seems like a tough decision but i i almost feel like i would almost universally be better off with rice still in many ways it's just a simpler food unless if you had someone who's really good with handling animals and you didn't have somebody who was very good with that i guess it gives you more options to play all right fine whatever i'm burying my hatchet let's just uh do all the rest of this i should have done this before and i just kind of wasted that it's all right we aren't really try harding well we're kind of trying this colony but only in as much as it uh as it teaches us about the 1.3 update somebody go over there i don't want to have to manually do this and i am going to have to manually do this oh yeah because they're asleep that's all right just let it all die all right we're going to go ahead and do this uh plant cut that's how you take out a blight without without like turning on auto cut blade which is always a pain there it is nice hmm the egg box is a really great addition to making animals more worth it though i'm trying to think of how does the egg box really [Music] i suppose the fact that you can get animals to lay eggs in a place of a decent temperature that's what makes it good right i'm trying to think of what else it does for it though the fact that that you can keep your eggs safe yeah because otherwise that was just so much micromanagement okay okay i think that's fair that's fair destroy all of this and this stopped napping in there come on obama ah they're cutting these ones instead all right whatever just kill all of our plants anyway it's all for nothing i suppose though that you know you could always just keep on installing more and more mods if you wanted to automate stuff but it does change the landscape and the variety of things that we'll see from people of jesus christ what are these guys in this is like men in black were getting attacked by uh okay okay you know what fight whitehead he's he's got a bolt action rifle he's not particularly good at shooting but will he fight them i always enjoy watching a good npc fight oh it looks like we're going to have one right now yes oh fantastic yes you are literally named after uh after a zip man it makes me feel like we're in the american south with all these people with the uh with the camouflage hats and with the rifles uh reminds me of my rifle my only rifle my ak-47 i can't believe this sorry uh if i if i'm updating this i i shot a a rifle for the first time the other day it was an ak-40 it was an ak-47 i was in my buddy who's actually uh like uh he's more into it i'm just fondly reminiscing on that ah very nice i bet everyone bully uh oh for his name being whitehead uh no one will miss him no it'll miss whitehead he got popped get it oh wait it no it's a she damn it i hate it when i miss gender people it makes me sick um all right fantastic there's powell get over there i don't know like you know um i find for me i get the most gratification out of a rimworld colony when everything is like ah this was just such a nice thing that they added i get i get a lot of gratification when everything is kind of specialized trooping made a video on this my friend troopin who was just here a bit ago i don't know if he's still here but trooping uh was talking he was comparing rimrold and factorio and he said that the purpose of rimworld is not to uh is not actually to get off the planet because they just kind of added that in at the very end when they were creating the game but it's rather to uh to build a colony that functions like a factory where everyone has one specialized job and i really think that's true i think that's true the new update i don't know i think we'll see more variety it's kind of like having a mod incorporated into the game the ideology stuff is what i'm really excited about though i think that that's the meat and the potatoes of this update it's like i felt like royalty was kind of an extra thing that i could have done without it did add some stuff but i feel like that ideology is going to change the whole game because i i do think that he's right about rimworld being about storytelling you know storytelling like this is the this is the joy of rimworld you know of the experience of the of the travesties that took place of the triumphs of the catharsis and all of that it is it's a storyteller a lot of people will compare things like rimworld and minecraft but minecraft doesn't really minecraft could have a story minecraft is more like an open sandbox room world is a simulation you know where are we at now we've uh i don't know have we evaluated everything we've we've seen the yaks milk i think that this is going to make consolidating animal resources a lot easier too just because looking at where all of the yak milk is ending up you could probably build a colony of vegetarians too like the flying dutchman after spongebob wished that he was a vegetarian this could be a thing too i i just feel like that so much of the update is more going to be in 1.3 that it's like we won't even see it i'm definitely going to be making a new mod list now though i feel like we should probably go ahead and make a mod tier list i think that's that's going to be the next big thing i think i'm actually going to put a bookmark in it there because i feel like we've done pretty much all that i wanted to do is it the animal pens is there anything that we missed on the update because i haven't really played it out much what else is there on the 1.3 update there were beards let's just spawn in a bunch of colonists i think some of these things are actually in in mods like that little blood over there interaction bubbles above all other mods notch was influenced by dwarf fortress really i did not know that wow notch has very interesting gaming taste though like he uh notch is actually a follower of trooping on on twitter um true is trooping still here i saw that i was like whoa but notch has uh i don't know he just has very cool aesthetic for games i still feel like that rim world and dwarf fortress kind of have yet to see that same uh that same widespread adoption um auto slaughter obviously yeah we didn't really see the auto slaughter let's spawn in a bunch more turkeys for ourselves or can we um can we hatch i'm just gonna kind of speed up some time here uh hatch that what does anyone remember there is a debug command to make something grow is that only for plants hmm beards fine meal options that do not need a meter but at the same time i think a lot of these things will be modded in [Music] otherwise i'm just going to spawn spawn spawn pawn yeah here we go turkey we're gonna need to spawn in a lot of turkeys okay that's more than enough turkeys and now just before they all spread out i'm going to just tame them and let's just see how our colonists do with these things there we go come under my influence yes margaret margaret hatcher that had to be that had to be the best name that was truly original okay let's see how long it takes uh our tr our triumvirate of politicians to do this now we have to oh my god jerome powell had all of his toes torn off when else are you going to say that sentence oh jesus hmm make animals oh add age yeah you know i don't really know that debug mode setting for add age hmm birth oh birth yeah maybe give birth oh that actually you it needs to be a live birth from the turkey that is actually quite fun to do wow okay let's use that i'm done cheating uh all right now let's see how long it takes them to and i'm just going to remove heat ifs because i want them to kind of get hop to it ah there we go obama nope no bite scar you never had that nope no one shot you just undoing all of that uh let's just give back jerome powell his toes and then all of this oh god all right get out of bed and kill some turkeys please let's see how they do okay obama is bringing a log oh that's just cause he wants to oh god look we let them out oh no okay jerome powell is going right in on these turkeys leading the turkeys in oh wowzers wow look he's like the dog walker but with turkeys is there any limit on the number of turkeys that he can have under his command oh this is really interesting i feel like we could use this somehow god he's like the turkey whisperer oh put one ear damn it which i had seen that before thank you okay we gotta let's turn off dev mode now we'll do this the right way oh god that is really satisfying watch look they love him oh they love him there we are okay lots too much really too much a distasteful amount of turkey love i suppose that there is another order too to the way that they handle animals like there's a this is a loaded command now and the um the work tab is going to need a lot more well work i suppose like you're going to have all different kinds of priorities it kind of makes that more necessary i wish that they would make this a little bit more involved but i suppose it makes sense hmm make that third on all of them good good lord the tryptophan though there's one turkey lying dead here why did it die uh let's look at the log a cut was that one that we killed i think that was one that we killed so first off they lead the animals in that's the first priority i don't even care about the plants anymore okay so now he's just going in and he's committing like a turkey massacre oh my god the inhumanity he's wait he's returned it to the wild did we set something up like this where we automatically told them to release turkeys to the wild hmm i wonder why he's doing cooking before any of that handling yeah cooking comes after okay let's tell them all to handle you can all handle the turkeys they love that okay obama stop mining nope no more mining for you obama get out of there all right time to kill some turkeys bring him back for the family what about bush come on bush ah damn it oh you know it's because we didn't set any limit on the number of youth turkeys now this is some kind of some kind of joke let's say that uh the max number of young turkeys that we could have is like uh 10. okay ah and then it turns red i do think that they did a good job with um like color coding everything differently in this let's see this okay let's have another turkey massacre oh amazing look there go bush and obama tag teaming it on these male and female young turkeys oh what a sight to behold
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 80,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld 1.3
Id: SPmqMbBZPfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 26sec (6386 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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