8 Tips For ADMIRAL Helldivers (Helldivers 2 Tips & Tricks)

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so you have probably played this game for quite a few hours now and started thinking hey I'm getting pretty good at this but then there's this little voice back in your head saying no no you are not good enough so this video is going to focus exactly on that so hopefully these tips will help you go from good to absolutely cracked so if you have seen my first video this video is going to essentially be like an extension to the first one right the first video was more focused on beginner tips for newer players this video is going to be f focus on Advanced tips well at least to me they seemed Advanced and again I do not believe in spreading generic tips uh these tips are essentially from my own experience and they helped me so I hope they will help you too as well okay so let's get into it okay so the first tip is Chargers we all hate them because they reject managed democracy if you have an autoc Cannon once they charge past you two perfect shots at one of their back legs will instantly incapacitate them now sometimes when you shoot your autoc cannon at their legs the bullet will deflect and fly somewhere to the other side of the map now for that to not happen you actually have to shoot at the inner parts of their legs so when you see them turned around there's the outer part of their leg which has the most armor and then there's the inner part two autoc cannon shots will instantly kill the charger I do this every time once I am out of any strategems to kill them or I just do not want to waste them on a measly charger also a lot of people seem to be be running Expendable rocket launcher so since the previous update you can actually kill the Chargers with a very well-placed shot to their head so before you used to shoot the rocket launchers at their buttocks or their legs cuz that would take off the armor but now you can actually shoot the Expendable at their head and it will instantly kill them now if you have been using the buffed flamethrower which has been buffed I believe like a week or two weeks ago you know that it works perfectly well against the bugs but there's one thing I saw people do wrong I myself was doing it wrong until I realized once you find a few Chargers running at you try setting their front legs on fire instead of shooting it at their head it will make them drop twice as fast before I thought it doesn't really matter because it's fire right it should work anyway but once I started setting their front legs on fire it started to feel really really different sometimes shooting the flamethrower at their heads took almost the whole canister of fuel Now it only uses half of it which is insane so you should start feeling a bit more Brave if you see two or three charges running at you now this is because their legs are their main mode of transportation right they don't have cars so if you incapacitate one of their legs they will instantly fall over so try doing that tell me how it feels so there is actually an optional objective called radar station I'm sure everyone knows about it but once the tower is going to get raised you do not need to go back to check what the specific position for the radar is there is a sound CU which will tell you that it is in the correct position that might save you some time next time you do this yes sometimes it will be easier to just you know go back if there's nothing happening around you and check what the specific position is maybe it's like you know a 90° angle to the left and you would have done a complete opposite so sure but sometimes when I'm being overrun and there's bugs swarming me from the other side sometimes I just don't check what the location is I just start turning it and there's going to be a little sound C that's going to tell you that hey I'm in the right position leave me alone right also I realized not a lot of people know this but once you find this objective it gives you an advantage once you complete it it will show you every single POI on the map which will definitely help you finding those sweet super credits and medals so if you see a radar station try completing that first and then go around doing other objectives cuz it will give you a good idea where all of the extra stuff is scattered around it will also tell you where other optional objectives are so you won't need to look for them and yeah it's definitely going to help you okay so most people probably saw the new flying terminates so these little have nests the nests are armored in animate objects which means you'll have to do better than an autoc Cannon trust me on that mostly nothing works on them I have dropped 500 kg bombs on them and they're still there I think you get a hellbomb once you're on location I did not see it pop up when I was there myself so don't quote me on that but I believe it's supposed to appear in your strategy list but what I noticed works really well on them are Mech Rockets two rockets can take out one nest and there are usually three of them so six Rockets can deal with the whole objective and of course prevent more flying bugs from SP spawning when we were playing a few days ago my buddy actually dropped a 500 kg bomb which did destroy it for some reason but when I dropped a 500 kg bumbs it completely didn't work like it nothing happened completely so I believe it's simply really inconsistent but what is consistent is the mech so if you are running a Mech drop one down it'll take six Rockets you'll still have eight more to go you'll be fine now this next tip is about B Titans if you've been playing for a while you should not have any problems with them one of the best things you can use against them are the real Cannon orbital strike but the problem is that you get only one of them which by itself kills the B Titan very very rarely unless you did some prior damage then it will One-Shot it right now since a lot of people are playing with an auto Cannon this tip is exactly for you once you use your rail Cannon and it takes off the top part of his you know armor then you know that he is hurt then you can actually shoot both of his sacks on the bottom of his body and he should die pretty fast that's how I deal with him solo if he still does not die try shooting a couple of more shots at its face and he should drop very very fast that is why in every Mission Against thids I run a real Cannon strike and a 500 kg bomb that way even when I'm alone I can deal with the first one easily and the others will feel that nice warm power of democracy from 500 kg bombs now I also have a few tips for um automatons because apparently a lot of people are struggling against them and simply do not want to play in automaton infested planets cuz I mean it makes sense they shoot back and they can kill you way way easier than terminats so a lot of people seem to be running impact nades so just know that impact nades can easily kill a tank if thrown exactly at the weak spot at the back of the turret so there are usually vents sorry not usually there are always vents at the back of the turret of the tanks there are two tanks there's the annihilator tank and then there is also the shredder tank the annihilator tank has a big ass rocket and a small machine gun at the front it turns really really slow so it's way easier to deal with the impact n but the shredder tank is way more difficult to deal with it will focus on one person it has quad machine guns at the front of it so if it is aiming at you you will probably not be able to throw those impact nades at the turret but as I was saying the shredder tank turret turns really fast so if it is focused on you it will be a little bit harder to deal with however the annier tank as I said turns really slow so you can outrun it just try not to run into its front as it has those Spike things that will kill you if you run into them but yeah basically just know that you don't need to use your best strategems to deal with the tanks now you just use impact nades and throw them at their weak spot and these tanks will go Kaboom if you've been playing against the tomaton you obviously know that there's bot drops and these little commissars actually call in the bot drops before the drop ship arrives if you see the flare gun shot from the commissar the drop ship will actually arrive in around 6 or 7 seconds so you have time to call something in before it arrives now when it arrives you can actually shoot shoot down its thrusters to destroy it even if it manages to get their units on the ground the falling drop ship should kill most of them now the automatons also take a couple of seconds to drop from it after the drop ship stops so you should be able to aim properly and shoot it down now the best thing to use against these are I noticed Expendable rocket launcher cuz they arrive in like 3 or 4 seconds so as soon as I see that the bot drop is happening I just call in another Expendable rocket launcher and I wait for the bot drop to arrive once it arrives it hovers in the air for a couple of seconds and I aim at one of the thrusters and shoot it down that way it will be way easier on you so you won't have to deal with as many automatons and also I realized a lot of people don't know this by doing samite optional objective it will take out some of these drop shifts for you so you will not need to worry about them as much the samide optional objective looks like a microwave symbol so if you find that definitely go do it it will help you out a ton now I also recommend using localization confusion from the new war bond it helps reduce the amount of enemies that actually spawn around you so if you combine these three things these automaton missions are going to be easy now higher tier automatons like Berserkers Devastators and hulks are highly resilient to most of the damage but there's one big weakness that they have and it's their head I noticed a lot of people bringing shotguns in automaton missions and specifically I'm talking about the breaker so instead start prioritizing izing guns like sickle or antimaterial rifle or even Liberator I would not consider this tip as advanced but seeing how many people actually run shotgun on level 30 40 in these kind of missions that actually made me reconsider making this tip also please note that breaker incy does not actually work well against automatons so do not consider using that it's only good against bugs and by saying shotguns I did not mean the Punisher Slugger because Slugger is actually amazing against automatons because you can aim for the head and the higher tier tomaton will drop very very fast now one gun that actually felt really really good except I'm super bad with it is the jar 5 Dominator it is the only explosive weapon in the game currently and it works surprisingly well against those higher tier automatons sickle is also awesome against automatons you just have to aim well an antimaterial rifle is one of the best guns you can actually use against automatons especially against hulks if you land two perfect shots at a Hulk's head it will drop so fast now actually Hulk's heads are reinforced so it will be quite different from Devastators and Berserkers because Devastators and Berserker heads are not reinforced so you will usually take one shot from the anti- material rifle if you obviously aim it well and there you go so these tips actually help me a lot to improve my game well actually I just realized that you can do these things and especially automaton missions they became way easier to do but yeah all in all I hope these tips will help you let me know in the comments what you think about them I also stream on Twitch not as much as I used to because I'm making videos on YouTube but if you want to come say hi I would really appreciate it also if you like this video don't forget to like And subscribe and I will see you next time
Channel: ultimateOG
Views: 32,790
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Id: d65KgIC0NxY
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Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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