Making an Impossible Base in Minecraft

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somebody send help i am far too addicted to the immersive portals mod i just can't stop playing it and i can't stop thinking about it i mean this is just it's too much for my little brain the tardis that i recently built as well also a little bit too much for my little brain i don't know if i'm just really easily entertained but i genuinely think i could do this all day long there's just something so incredibly satisfying about seamlessly transitioning between the different dimensions and none of the angles adding up and nothing really making any sense it's fantastic it's such a simple mod but it is absolutely fantastic and today we're going to be taking it to the next level by adding in some redstone i want to create an impossible base in minecraft so if i just load up all of these here where are the portals in relation to one another are they all coming out the same portal okay so that portal is there this is very confusing so i have one portal down at the bottom there i have two portals up at the top here that are relatively close promise so i have one portal down at the bottom there that's absolutely perfect and then i have these two which are in relatively close proximity which is slightly less optimal and what i'm really really hoping is that i can re-link nether portals making use of the same regular coordinate system that we use in standard vanilla minecraft so if i break this portal and re-light this one yes yes it has connected up that is brilliant right this is the last portal that i need to remove and then relink and now they should be all in the correct locations but just a tiny bit better organized yes this this is perfect so we've got our three different locations all lined up there now this is where the fun part comes in because i also want to have a set of portals behind these portals that can only be accessed when you deactivate these front portals and that's why i needed to ensure that the maths was working correctly because otherwise we'd have portals relinking all over the place and it would be an absolute nightmare now if this doesn't work then the whole video is completely ruined but it has worked that has 100 worked so this portal is now linked up to the portal behind the portal it's getting very confusing to look at and very confusing to say and that is the last portal to be connected so all of these are now connected up independently and i know what directions they come out at so then we can start building rooms off in these directions that won't intersect with one another now the thing is i intend on having a wall here and a wall here which means that obviously we're not actually able to access these portals that are behind because if i try and access them by walking through the portal of course i just end up in the nether so we need to come up with some way to deactivate all of these portals which will then give us access to the portals out the back now that sounds like it would be complicated but actually it shouldn't be too confusing all we need is two dispensers per portal one with a flint and steel and one with a bucket of water the only thing is with the bucket of water we need to dispense it and then retract it back in which i have messed up my idea on how i was going to do it is entirely and 100 flawed but thankfully this new strategy that i've come up with sounds like it's going to work well so this will be the flint and steel and then this is the bucket but as you can probably tell i haven't put those things in just yet because i'm kind of scared not because i think the redstone isn't going to work i'm 100 certain that the redstone is going to work it's more if for some reason these things don't link up properly then we're going to be in serious trouble and this video isn't going to be possible so let's hold on to our shorts and give this thing a test all right with lever flick number one nothing should happen with lever flick number two okay so our portals have been broken and we can now pop into the next sections but if i flick this lever again it didn't work why didn't it work why didn't it work why what happened is there a reason why didn't work it almost works and then it doesn't oh no maybe if i add just a little bit of a delay to each of these things so that it doesn't all happen at once okay that looks actually promising because that looks like it's actually fired something maybe i'm almost overloading the portal generation oh this is not good i've i've created a thing where i can see myself oh no oh i might have actually made it work i have somehow managed to make it work by changing the repeater timings around it now seems to be consistent and it is actually linking up to the correct portals this is one this is two that is three everything seems to be working i don't know what i did to change things but change things i have and it's actually fixed it for once so i now have a system where i have three independent rooms out the back and then i have three independent rooms out the front that can all be accessed making use of a lever right now it's time to actually give uses to each one of these rooms so arguably one of the most important functions for a minecraft room is storage and this is going to be one of the storage system rooms i think i'm going to have one on this side and also one on this side as well so you have plenty of storage there but one thing that i'm finding really interesting about building this is of course this right here this is the room but then if i look here this is the roof of that room so this this is this i don't know why that's hurting my head a little bit but it is okay how is everything looking here i would say yeah it's looking it's looking a tiny bit 2012 minecraft but i would say it looks pretty interesting let's get a few extra lights involved a little bit of crafting bench and ender chest action and i would say this room is now all completed with that being said i am now going to take this design and mirror it for this room over here which is actually all the way up here i don't look okay maybe i'm really silly i know it's been well established at this point i only have two brain cells but this will never get old for me this this weirdness right our second storage room is now all completed crafting bench goes in the middle and then we've got an ender chest here as well everything is properly mirrored and everything everything is looking very cool although somehow i know i don't know how i've managed to build this one off center i thought about not mentioning it but i feel like i have to mention it so that has now been corrected our two rooms are in place now it's time to build up this one and i'm thinking for this central nether portal here we should probably go for some form of bedroom and i think i'm going to stick with a fairly similar block palette for each one of these rooms so staying within that idea of the stone bricks the oak logs the smooth stone and things like that i actually think this is coming together quite nicely this is quite a warm little bedroom here i say little this thing is absolutely enormous this is probably one of the biggest bedrooms i've built in ages i mean as you can probably tell i'm kind of struggling with what to actually put in here i've put the grandest bed in that i could possibly think of constructing this seem like a good move maybe i could go four poster do we go for a four poster bed is that how grand this bedroom is this is the first time i have ever constructed a four poster bed in minecraft and let's be real it probably shows uh it probably shows at this point in time i'm gonna chuck some of this in here there's a hole i would say for my first try this isn't bad that's not bad at all so that that's my incredibly grand bedroom and yeah this is still this hurts my brain doing this will never not be satisfying to me that's for sure now before i work on the next set of rooms that we have behind these i think it's probably worth working on the exterior that looks so cool now i think it's worth mentioning that this exterior is unlikely to win any awards i just need to do something to cover up all of the redstone oh it's getting bad the issue is i can't really have any windows to break it up so it's going to look a little bit like a wooden block this build has a serious forehead like this is this is quite something it doesn't help that this almost looks like a face as well that's eaten like an incredibly sour lemon a long period of frustration and confusion later i finally landed on a build that i'm at least somewhat happy with i think this looks cool i think this this holds the portals quite nicely it's not a bad looking structure it's definitely not my favorite looking home but with that being said i wouldn't be totally embarrassed of it and the fact that you go inside and it's considerably larger on the inside than it is on the outside i mean that once again will never get boring to me anyway we still have three more rooms to work on so let's stop fanning about and actually get these things constructed this room is going to be a potion room i'm going to be honest this started out as being one of my least favorite rooms but now that is constructed i actually think i like it the best i really really like the way this space has come together now that it's become a little bit more functional it's a tiny bit less cool but i still like the way that it's all formed and now on the opposite side we've got ourselves a furnace room with well this is this is quite a large number of furnaces and then finally we've got a little enchanting room that will allow us to get all the max level enchantments that we need as well as of course doing all of the combining and all of the grinding now i am incredibly curious to see what this looks like on the nether side so yeah it looks it looks a little bit strange everything's kind of disjointed and a little bit weird but then if we pop back through into the overworld you can see everything begins to make sense so first off of course this is the build itself it's not particularly massive it's it's a decently sized house but it's not huge but then on the inside of it you can see that we have a lot more space so we've got a bunch of storage we've got a bedroom that is incredibly fancy and a bunch more storage and then if we need access to the other elements then we've got a potion brewing room we've got a little enchanting setup and we have a bunch of furnaces all of which accessible with the flick of a lever and all of it is impossible not only is the interior of this house bigger than the house itself but also the interiors are overlapping and clearly yeah we have a lot of interdimensional action going on here all in all i'm really happy with what i've managed to come up with here this has been a lot of fun i'm probably gonna do more stuff with these immersive portals they're just they're far too entertaining for me so expect to see that more on the channel soon but anyway i hope you enjoyed and i'll catch you in the next video see you now as always at the end of each of my videos i do quite like to do a little behind the scenes kind of talk about the process of recording uh throughout this i've eaten a whole maybe 200 potentially 300 gram bag of cadburys mini eggs i feel quite ill probably shouldn't have done that it's a it's a bad move don't do that
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,497,688
Rating: 4.9785824 out of 5
Keywords: Making an Impossible Base in Minecraft, Impossible Base in Minecraft, Impossible Base, Base in Minecraft, Minecraft redstone video, Minecraft redstone, redstone, Mumbo, immersive portals mod, immersive portals, impossible base in Minecraft, Mumbo Tardis, Mumbo Tardis in Minecraft, Tardis in Minecraft, non-Euclidian geometry, non-Euclidian, non-Euclidian geometry in Minecraft
Id: MSer330PQc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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