I Made a Nether Safe House in Minecraft 1.16

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Sure shot sally

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Minimanek 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
then others pretty cool these days you know minecraft 1.16 is added a whole bunch of new features is added a bunch of new biomes and it's added a bunch of new mobs which are rather interesting look it I mean look at that guy all in all it's a pretty cool place to be so I thought it'd be interesting to build out some form of base in the nether and the perfect base to build and another is of course a safehouse because the whole point of a safehouse is that it's meant to be dangerous for other players to try and access and then there's already a dangerous place so we've kind of got a bit of a head start there so first things first science you have to build up the base that we're trying to protect here and where on earth are the crazy wood types all right I'm thinking we kind of build like a standard a standard wooden house but with a nether twist this could look interesting this is already starting to look really really cool I like these little light posts I mean I know the chains are meant to hang down from the ceiling but haven't them coming up from the floor also looks quite good yep this is actually quite adorable in like an evilly kind of horrific fairytale way it's it's actually quite sweet I wouldn't mind living here let you get free underfloor heating that's a bonus ok and I mean is it a nice location I'm not sure that's enough of me pretending to be some form of estate agent let's actually start work on building up so the defenses for this thing and the first thing that we need to build just like any safe house is a border wall and I'm thinking we just make use of obsidian maybe some of the new crying obsidian to add some texture into this thing and really just make like a sturdy solid fortification and I got to say I think this looks absolutely nuts this looks so cool it looks evil but even in like a really really good way I'm loving the vibe here we do have to extend it down a tiny bit because this is currently level with the bottom of the house so I feel like we should probably bulk it out a little bit here and then we're going to start putting some defenses and landmines and things into this space I absolutely love building safe houses I don't know why I don't do it more often I really shouldn't be spending so much time making this border wall look as cool as it does but I just can't help myself I can't help it right first offense is now going in place or I guess second offense because a wallet is kind of a form of defense but this is the first redstone events I want to make a floor that falls when a player lands on it now I plan on doing this with tripwires string and all so signs it's a bit of an old-school method but sometimes the old-school methods are the best this has really worked out to be incredibly simple I had just enough space to fit a redstone line back there which means yep that's working so whenever a player lands in this area here they're actually going to activate the pistons which is gonna kickstart everything I may have spoken a little bit too soon you see the problem is when I activate this tripwire here these Pistons can't actually extend because despite the fact that they would break the sign if they did try to extend they see that they've got more than 12 blocks in front of them and they don't even try hmm that has actually thrown a bit of a spanner in the works will it work instead with scaffolding blocks almost I think it actually would it's just these attached to those but if those broke as well then everything breaks right let's give it a whirl shall we so everything is connected up and that is massively positive that is fantastic yeah well I probably should have made a backup before doing that you know but now I have to place all that scaffolding again I have definitely built this in the wrong order like this should have been the last redstone contraption that we did because think how many times I'm probably going to activate this string destroying all of our floor I could have to make constant backups now totally worth it though because this looks awesome I love the use of the Scion concrete powder I think that fits in really nicely with the block pallet that we've got going on and it actually works really nicely blimey that how much did that take out it's taking out a full half of it that's pretty ridiculous now the only space that I haven't been able to remove are these ones right here so if you do see a build like this in the nether okay and you want to defeat this part of the trap then these are the blocks to land on I assume that pretty much every single player that's coming to attack some form of nether vase is probably using some form of fire resistance potion so I actually think that the player should drop onto wither roses because clearly they're quite powerful so with that element of the build all done and dusted let's move on to our next defense which is going to be gas turrets now how difficult is it to get a gas to go into a minecart apparently surprisingly easy that has gone ridiculously smooth I mean he's actually in there accomplish the mind guy huh so I guess he's he's just that right we need to give this gas the name so there doesn't despawn so I think sure sure Wow sure short shot jeez why can I not say that sure shot Sally the nametags always look ridiculously small above the enormous heads of these casts after a little bit of trial and error I've managed to get this design working well it works works well it clearly clearly functions nicely I really hope I remember the coordinates where that basis I think instead of having four gasps on every single corner of it I thought instead we would just have to ghasts up in their little turrets up here ah that looks evil so on the Left we've repurposed sure so one day odd to help you over to say it correctly on the left we have got good old sha sha sha ly it's good enough and on the right we've got berry big fireballs yeah there's a fire in there onyx redstone contraption is going to be a bit of an interesting one I really want to be able to detect players that are trying to make their way into the base area and to do that once again I'm going to be making use of trip wires you're going to go right the way upwards so that even people flying in will be detected and it's gonna be pretty catastrophic when these things get activated so our little signal sending towers are all in place and they all seem to be working quite nicely no bulky redstone going on up here now it's time to start running other big guns I apologize very big fireballs I mean you are a big gun but this might be a bigger gun it is a TNT duplicator heavy artillery where does that explode that explodes quite far down doesn't it we might have to build I have to build a little obsidian platform there that the TNT lands on with all of that in place and also all of our TNT duplicators in place and also all the Redstone lines that connect up but our TNT duplicators with just a few more pieces of redstone this thing is now ready to go and I'm going to make about 15 backups because this could explode everything 15 backups later let's give this thing a while then all right that wasn't so hot let's try that again then hopefully this time we're just a tiny bit more successful I have good feelings about this that looks painful nice that's also going to deployment in taeju to the trip wires breaking so that's extra-specially lethal you know because of course this does actually destroy the trip wires I feel like this should be more of a Hail Mary it could give me a second the issue is we're never going to be able to detect the player again so we need to make sure that the player just never exists again by activating the TNT duplicators repeatedly and just kind of creating a reign of explosions I mean this is surprisingly effective because it's not destroying anything but amazingly quite precise and well targeted I'm so surprised nothing else is broken yet and the best thing is because these are TNT duplicators is not even costing us anything to do this but what's the point in doing a single fire of a TNT duplicator when you could just activate them forever rebo's I'll just leave these things running we didn't even need to do the tripwires we could just have a reign of TNT in front of this thing the whole softening in fact why don't we do that yeah let's do that as someone who has spent the past you know eight years working on redstone contraptions in Minecraft there are a few things that make me happier than seeing lines bond lines of TNT duplicators and I tell you what 14-year old me is incredibly happy right now because all I used to do back when I was 14 13 was just blow things up in Minecraft and if anything productive so this this is gonna feel good because these are sort of productive explosions I mean they're for the build that is productive isn't it I have made all the backups here so I mean we should be safe to just start exploding things leave is coming on here that's wonderful levers coming on here that's wonderful livre is on here as well this is the best thing I've ever built I mean there's no way that nothing is gonna get destroyed from this this is so ridiculous for so cool so noisy you probably can't even hear me come on I mean that is a safe house as of as safe as it gets would you mess with someone who has TNT constantly falling around their base be honest would you if you approach this if you flew into this you would turn around 180 degrees immediately and be straight out of there but we are not done just yet we probably should be we definitely should be at this point you know we have more than enough but I'm in one of those moods today I just want to keep going so instead I'm going to build up a mob wall this is going to be a little area here where we are just going to have a bunch of deadly mobs wither skeletons and all that business that the players going to have to try and get through now I'm assuming these guys will be okay from the TNT right because I've just spent a lot of time building up this wall it does look cool I mean even all the mobs died it's still an improvement of the base because that looks wild I've got a handful of the wither skeletons in place let's give this thing a tester if they do explode I'm gonna be quite upset but then again I mean look how close the TNT is oh gosh no I mean how I didn't expect that I don't know so here's the solution this wall answers a TNT buffer stops any damage from getting through but then we've also added in some extra distance so now there's no chance of these guys getting here now that is the ticket and that is looking ridiculously mean this looks insane okay right we need to do more redstone stuff now this house that we have in the center here is kind of a bit of a dummy like we want people to think that there's actually stuff in here but obviously the main base is going to be underneath it there will be access to the main base through this thing but I mean opening the doors probably isn't going to end too well I really am curious as to whether or not this is gonna work have we got away scot-free there that is ridiculous as you can tell from the sound of my voice that doesn't often happen right this new system should be a tiny bit more deadly whoa that made loads more noise than I was expecting it to thanks for the ghast straight up in the air that seriously caught me off guard anyway I'm now down underneath the nether this is where our base is going to be going you can see we've got this drop chute here and if somehow someone manages to survive all of that when they drop through the drops aft I want to make it so that if they have actually come through there they will be dropped into a pit of minecarts you see for those you know mine carts are actually the most deadly block in Minecraft thanks to instagramming that is the craziest sound it sounds like some horrendous malfunction but yeah anyone who falls in there isn't gonna do too well if I was on the homograft server right now I'd be incredibly happy because I've just chanced upon some ancient a breeze anyway I thought you'll probably be smart so I actually put some work into the base at which one protect because it makes no sense that you would have all of these crazy defences my goodness yeah makes no sense you would have all of these crazy defences for a stone a smooth stone hold you know so let's build up a small little base here it doesn't have to be award-winning okay it just has to be nice I don't know if I'd put this down as being nice Stephanie feels like an evil place actually like a lot of the things that we've built so far in this video but it does feel pretty cool doesn't it and it feels so secure these blocks these load stones are honestly some of my favorite new blocks they're really really cool for top and bottoms they're wicked as far as tiny nether bases go I'd say we can't get much better than this we've got sugar boxes in the walls that's all of our storage system you've got furnaces we've got our respawn anchor we've got ourselves an ender chest I guess if we get ourselves some form of anvil and then one of those stone things the grind stones that is basically all of the essentials covered apart from a crafting bench which I'll be honest is kind of ruining the vibe a little bit isn't it look at this this gorgeous kind of dark dingy vibe and then you've got these anyway there is one thing that we do desperately need in this area here and that is a toggleable nether portal you see the way that we're going to be getting out of this place I've got in covered and I'll get to that in a second but the way that we're going to get out of this place is by toggling a nether portal on that is going to toggle off as soon as we leave so that no one can pop through another portal in the overworld and just appear in here because that kind of defeats the object of all our defenses now just tried out this system and it works but I forget when you leave the nether obviously the nether totally unloads so that means that when we pop back through the portal the timings are still kind of we pop back through and then the nether border gets deactivated afterwards ah that's a problem now the only potential solution that I have is maybe throwing stuff through maybe even putting something like a chicken through I mean I've just I'm gonna try it out with the item note that her believe it the only other portal location it could find was in my base its generate another pool in my base that worked so when we go through the portal we throw an item that's fine we could even have a dropper that does it all right but this isn't good I think I have it sussed out though so we activate the nether portal we pop on through we in another portal on the overworld I'm gonna check an item through that nether portal there to load up the nether so that that's nether water that we just popped through will then be deactivated making use of the redstone devices that should now all be done and there we go we have now popped out up here and on netherfall tool that is down here is off we did it we managed to make that work excellent okay entrance and for this one we're going to get a little bit old-school because as previously mentioned old-school is occasionally best so here we have a little drop shoot right here and I'm now about to conceal it so we've got lava lava lava and I need to remember where this is because otherwise be quite upset there alright so now we just need to drop in from a great height it goes without saying that you would do a far better job at hiding this hole than I have been here but obviously this is just an example if I walk forwards hold down the spacebar boom drop through the lava and I've landed down on the bottom without even taking any damage we've got fire resistance on everything's good so now I can walk down this rather gorgeous looking tunnel here I hope to vape a piston door at the end and popped her into my base and what I want to leave all I have to do is just hit the button that will activate my nether portal I'll be able to pop through into the overworld and then I can make sure that my base cannot be accessed by chucking an item through that nether portal but most importantly the base itself is absolutely defended than I've got wither skeletons walking around the perimeter obviously we've got plenty of larva throw it around TNT dropping down from the sky we have got a floor surrounding this house that you cannot stand on because otherwise if you drop in your land in an area or Twitter roses you have doors you can't possibly open because if you do you're going to be sent into the sky I mean this this place is manic all right we've got death traps down the bottom here but if you fall through you are going to drop into tons but everything's so low you get the picture right this is the safest of safe houses okay you just you wouldn't want to come across this okay you wouldn't want to try and gain access to this whole thing this has been a really fun video to make I really do hope that you've enjoyed it and I'll catch you in the next one see ya you know sometimes you make a redstone video that is just it's a little bit daft okay it happens occasionally this one I didn't expect to be as daft as it was but it got gradually daftar and after as time went on looking back we didn't even really do that many redstone contraptions they're mainly just it's just ridiculous stuff thrown into a build I don't even know what to say
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,743,802
Rating: 4.9576249 out of 5
Keywords: I Made a Nether Safe House in Minecraft 1.16, Nether Safe House, Safe House in Minecraft, Safe House, Nether Safe House in Minecraft 1.16, Nether Safe House in Minecraft, Safe House in Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft Safe House, redstone house, Minecraft 1.16 Nether update, Nether update, Minecraft 1.16, new Minecraft blocks, new minecraft features, player traps, redstone weapons, base decorations, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo redstone, Mumbo Jumbo redstone, Mumbo Minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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