I Made a SUPERHERO Piston House in Minecraft

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I fancy being a superhero today and what is the most important thing that all superheroes must have is not a fancy suit it's not the ability to fight crime or great jujitsu skills is an awesome house and this is the kind of idea that I have for the Scheldt so I've kind of built up the exterior of this thing is nothing too complicated it's very much like a mountainside house I'd definitely be scared of this in an earthquake or even heavy rain to be honest with you I probably wouldn't like living here but if we take a look inside we can see that we have plenty of space to work with we have a feature wall which looks fairly fantastic and we also have an open hole in the ceiling which we are going to be making use of as well I think all of you can see where that's going because of course for a superhero house to be a superhero house it has to be filled to the brim with interesting gadgets and little things that pop out the walls and and all sorts of cool superhero stuff first things first we need to work on the entrance for this thing and I kind of have two options here I can either build a piston door that comes up from the floor I was initially thinking concrete powder but now that I think about it that's not not really that secure it feels like if a bad guy wanted to get into my superhero headquarters the concrete powder would be quite easy to get through it's basically just what's just powder through a review so instead I could potentially push a door across from the side have like a sliding door and then I could make it out of something just a little bit more solid looking yeah that definitely seems like the move so I guess we're gonna have to replace the extenders a little bit slime block honey block action pushing blocks across like this it should be easy my confidence is dwindled a tiny bit looking at this but I think we should be fine I think instead of just doing straight traversing extenders instead I'm going to make use of a double business ender and then a single piston and that will give us the triple extension in sonam to worry about all the crazy piston timings and things not the triple listen extenders are inherently that difficult it's just because this makes life a lot easier before redstone people laugh at me down low compensation for not wanting to build a triple person extender right let's give this system a tester then so we've got ourselves a three by three piston door that should just slide across without any problems if I flick this nice okay that's it opening up and that is everything closing all right well that's that's gone very smoothly I do wish we could like brace blocks in Minecraft so that we wouldn't have to use movable objects and things that don't tend to look that good imagine if you could put something on a block that would force it to stay in place anyway let's move on from dream features because now I need to create the way that we access this place obviously you can just have a button got have a button that you press to get into a superhero headquarters instead you have to have some new-age system and I think I've got a very new-age system in mind although right now I am kind of struggling to build it but after engaging my brain a little bit more I've got some of the kinks worked out so now beacons that's that they're going to shine through there then we've got some Pistons and some stained glass and and things like that to add in and I think this is one of those things I need to build it first and then I'll explain it after it's built it's gonna be pretty much impossible to explain instead of actually constructed and working it is as with all redstone contraptions though gradually growing in complexity so I've got a second circuit that I need down at the bottom here with yet more post extenders and things but trust me this is going to be cool once it's done and now after much faffing it is actually completed so here we have a little a little standing path and what we do is we stand on it I'll activate some beacons it will then start scanning us and then eventually it will give us access into our gigantic mansion now I personally think this is really really cool I've spent far too long on it and I'm pleased with it but I definitely think you could do with some extra sound effects because the silence is not quite giving off the scanning vibe right let's give this a spin so I jump on my mask anning pad [Music] I'd say that's pretty good yeah that's perfect all right I'm not gonna spend any more time on that let's actually start working the things on the inside of this place and once again I'm struggling in fact that could be the title of this video you know every single every single thing that I started here I seem to struggle with I'm struggling with how I'm going to get down from from this area here I mean it doesn't feel very superhero II to have a ladder where that ladders are out of the question I can't just kind of jump down that's terrible I kind of came up with the idea of having a walkway that goes all the way around the top that would be pretty cool but I just haven't been able to make it look good I just don't know what to do I don't know what to do this is definitely a step in the right direction I definitely think we can work with this now because now we have a too wide space and we have space down the bottom here we could potentially we could push things up in fact we could have like a little elevator that actually comes up and meets with the player we're gonna have to do a little bit of terraforming and things but yeah we could actually push a platform up that then goes up and then retracts back down that definitely feels like a superhero thing that's about a superhero as it gets so how high does this thing need to go one two three four five six if I wanted it to be level with the platform all right I guess making use of flying machines that are underneath the ground with this thing attached to a stalk is probably the best way to go yeah I mean it definitely is except I've just built it slightly wrong and now I've broken everything but this is this is where it's going and in case it wasn't clear when I said that honey blocks were the best new addition to the game when they first released I mean can you not see can you not see what I was talking about you know what's funny I use shocker boxes as my movable objects so often that I forget that they're not actually a movable objects no you there they're breakable objects I've broken this again and I've just broken it again you would have thought by now I would I would have some full backup but no good yep ah bril this is beyond a joke now it really is oh nice I'm gonna stop recording the breakages now because there are many finally after a lot of hurdles we've got there in this thing seems to you working so if I hit this button here okay we have requested our little thing and that will come up it will pick us up and it will take us down to the bottom level so that is all functioning finally oh and of course if we're on the bottom level we just hit this button here and out we've hop to the top so things are going pretty well for our superhero base obviously there's going to be something pretty big going in this area here so there's nothing that I can construct in this space but I do feel like I should get parts of the base built however I do feel like superheroes don't have the regular stuff that people have ly feel like you never see Batman's bed you know I feel like these people don't sleep I don't know if I should install that kind of normal stuff oh I've just realized I'm gonna get about billion comments from people who know a lot more about Batman than I do with specific locations where his bed has been spotted I was kind of asking for you on that one was night now I must admit this idea was kind of come out of nowhere but I feel like I should just construct it and get to work on it I really like the idea of there being a radar system in this place so this is like a little thing that will show any enemies or any unidentified things within a certain radius of the base a little bit like how ships have that buh-buh-buh-buh-buh think you know that with the rings that go outwards and then they show up little dots yeah that I must admit I am a tiny bit embarrassed that I don't always called although I feel like it is just called a radar I've always just called it a radar I would say this is the sort of noise that it makes roughly I'm the most tone-deaf person on the planet but I'd say that's a roundabout right and in theory my actual display should be working I'm about to find out I can see lights flickering so that's good well no I don't know if that's quite right exactly not what I need with the addition of a monostable circuit I think mass is good if we're gonna get you know now that I've told you what it is it kind of looks like what it's supposed to be I actually think we should have something on there this should sell the concept a lot more there who knows we've got two enemies showing up on our radar this is quite a bad idea I'm just looking down on this wall Paul here and I'm thinking I'm thinking this is where our general stuff can go not actually in the water that seems a bit ridiculous but it is definitely superhero stuff like the one my doing I mean we have a waterfall we could split the waterfall we have the perfect opportunity to use an actual superhero thing of splitting waterfalls and stuff and I wasn't actually gonna make use of it I tell you what makes superhero super the fact that they can put up with that noise in their house because that's been going for like the past 10 minutes now and I already want to pull my hair out I have not built one of these things in absolutely ages but I'm very very curious to see if I have even remotely got any of my timings correct here so I think I need to remove the water first I mean goodness gracious me if I just built that first time without even really thinking about it no I mean I knew it was to be true right let's try that again here we go so that is not not good no that's exactly what we don't want to happen and I really need to make this opening bigger because just be struggling to get through here not actually being able to see what's going on it's pretty quite frustrating I've now fixed everything up I've got a piston door down on the bottom I've also improved the timings a little bit so we should see it's broken that might just be the most over this video that definitely feels like I should be the tagline for this video so if you try again we hit the button and water goes double business then the pushes out door opens up water comes back out we've got a split waterfall there looking lovely and then we hit the button again this is the the tricky bit I guess is getting the timings correct both sets of water go and then our waterfall pops out I mean this is this is a nice little system absolutely horrendous in terms of redstone really really horrendous in terms of redstone I mean this is not compacted in the slightest but it doesn't matter because is it it's behind my rock wall nobody has to see it I personally find this idea really really entertaining okay now this may be an excuse for how tiny this little area is but I love the idea right that someone would have a house this ridiculous like this insane and is all for show and all the stuff that's actually useful is like in this tiny little den here actually now that I think about it there are quite a lot of houses like that like on all the houses in Hollywood and Beverly Hills and literally like this why can I not do this maths in my head so I have believe or not this is not the first one of these that I've constructed I'm trying to send to this okay how big is this one two three yep have I got it wrong on all fronts I mean really I don't even know what I'm doing right now after having to realign my brain a little bit I've started work on the rocket that's going here oh by the way I'm building a rocket okay so we're gonna have a rocket in this area it's gonna poke through the roof that is the most superhero thing I can think of you know just having a rocket in your living room now we cool I want to rock it in my living room now the essence of this thing is actually I mean it should be really really easy because what I'm doing right now is I'm kind of building up the segments of the rocket so this is like building up the body of the rocket and so honest I don't really change too much I might add a little bit more flare to the bottom ones but I even then I kind of feel like I don't have to like this is that does kind of look rocket II the thing at the top is going to be the motor that's going to be shooting off I've just thought how is you going to activate this maybe using a piece of string and a bone arrow but that seems like a fun way to activate it we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it and it's come to it let's see what happens here this is the first thing in this video that has gone smoothly that has worked first time my rocket is taken off I've just launched a rocket from my superhero headquarters I mean this build this build has ended up actually being really really cool I'm actually super proud of this thing I'm gonna switch this on our rocket has traveled off into space aka it's traveled maybe I forget we're all an amplified world that's the build limit right there maybe 50 blocks above the house that's hilarious ly pointless we've got our radar system we've got our people scanners you've got our piston doors we've got our pick up and put down we've got our waterfall splitters and most importantly we've just got an awesome house I feel like I have succeeded in becoming a superhero for the day I'm feeling good about this I hope that you enjoyed today's redstone video and I'll catch you in the next one see ya that was a lot of fun sometimes it's just is so fun to just chill out and build something daft I mean I know I build a lot of daft stuff I feel like the majority of my builds are definitely daft but this one felt a notch above this feels like there's feel slightly more Daffy than usual although maybe I'm just desensitized how daft I am wanna see you know what I don't know
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,812,005
Rating: 4.9564576 out of 5
Keywords: I Made a SUPERHERO Piston House in Minecraft, SUPERHERO Piston House, SUPERHERO Piston House in Minecraft, Piston House in Minecraft, Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo redstone video, Mumbo builds, superhero headquarters, superhero houses, Minecraft batcave, Minecraft iron man house, Minecraft iron man, Minecraft piston house, piston house, redstone contraptions, Large piston doors, slimeblock flying machines, Minecraft radars
Id: Kg9-rufECTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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