I made the Smallest Base in Minecraft 1.14

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how small can a minecraft base be that is a question I hope to answer by the end of today's redstone video because we're going to try our best to build the smallest base in Minecraft 1.14 this is how big I want it to be so we've got a 4-bike floor area it's a crawlspace there's going to be plenty of redstone going on underneath this thing but the actual usable area is this space right here let's see if we can pull it off so par number one is of course getting ourselves to hunting to the crawling position so that we can actually access this thing but I also thought we should decorate it a tiny bit because it looks a little bit like a prison block right now by adding in a few of these wild berry bushes I just really like the way that they look now we have a bit of a situation when it comes to the bed because if we die we're not going to respawn here due to the fact that this is a crawl space and minecraft still sees this as an illegitimate respawning location so I think we're gonna have to get creative I think we're going to have to have some form of trapdoor in the ceiling here and then we're also going to have to create a kind of palpable floor so this will be this will stay down like this at all times and that means that we can actually respawn here because this is a too high area and then I guess we'll have to add in some form of lever type thing so if we give this a go so we pop up this block and then we hit the button jump and yeah we're crawling okay that's the only way that we're gonna be able to do it and I've just given it a test by killing myself and it all seems to be working perfectly so the next thing that I want to work on is the storage system and obviously we can't just have a single chest in our base because that's totally ridiculous we're going to have more items than that so I thought we could do a cycling choker box storage system so we're going to have a bunch of different choker boxes stored up and we are going to be able to cycle through them at the press of a button nice that's the plan we don't have much space here and I also might actually have a slightly better plan what if we went for a system where we have access to a barrel that has all of our sugar boxes on the inside when we spot at a sugar box we want we just throw it out the system then picks up dispensed it we have access to those items and when we hit the button it gets sent back up into this barrel to choose something else for our massive storage system because this would be a big storage system that's what twenty-seven single chests okay I think I've got part one completed which is our automatic dispensing and that is working rather nicely now all we need is the pickup systems when we hit this button obviously the Shocker box gets broken and it gets put inside this bottom dropper right here but then we need to send that shocker box back up into the barrel so that we can pull it out again to do the same thing oh you may have noticed I've actually removed the roof it was driving me insane of course it will go back on once we're finished building but building what you're crawling is a bit of a nightmare anyway inside this barrel right here I have got nine different shocker boxes all four different types of items now obviously this is just an example so none of these shocker boxes actually have any items on the inside but you can see how this storage system would begin to work so say for example we need ourselves some diamonds we just chuck that out and we have access to our diamonds chests and then if we just hit this button it will all be sent back up into the system and now we want some building blocks cool it gets him back up it gets them back I love this thing that is that is so cool and as I say we've got 27 slots for 27 independent Joker boxes what more could you need now back in the olden days life used to be simple and we only had one type of furnace but now remind craft 1.14 we have got three different times of furnace that are actually useful so I think the smoker can probably go there we can have the blast furnace down there and then we can have a regular furnace right there so we have access to all of them now I'm leaving this gap because this is going to be our crafting bench hole but just like the furnaces in Minecraft 1.14 our types of crafting bench have multiplied so we're going to have to do something about that and as per usual I am over complicating things so I thought we could do is choose between the crafting bench and the stone cutter and I want them to actually pop up like this and that's more complicated than you think because we need double extender and then we also need the blocks hoppers well this is actually quite a solid start so I have dug out a very old block silver design very very old from way back in the early days of my youtube channel and it still seems to function so now we have to do is the double extender attraction then fire this circuit and there's a very extension which I gotta say did end up being a bit of a mess because there's kind of redstone lines all over the place there's definitely more compact ways of doing this thing but I think it should work so if we pop up to the top here and hit this button our stone cutter should drop down then the crafting bench swaps there it is and then when we hit the barn again it should swap in the opposite direction this is awesome it's been so long since I brought any form of crafting bench swappers or hidden crafting benches and that's a mistake because they're the best things ever I was looking for spots for the anvil to go and I got a sour thing under the bed is the best place I mean that's why you stole all the things that you occasionally need isn't it that's what I do is all check the meat the bed so it seems perfectly fitting and also I suppose what's the other one is it a grindstone the grindstone we can have that down there too so that allows me to disenchant things I don't know why you'd need that but but we'll put it in we are now running comically low on space this 2x2 area right here is all that we've got left in our base and I'm actually going to fill half of it with barrels you see this storage system that we have here is great for items that we don't have crazy amounts of but for things like stone cobblestone and dirt and all that hmm it feels a little bit short so I'm going to have a bulk storage solution and then also we don't have a food solution in our base just yet so that is what this barrel is going to be for this is where things begin to get near or impossible what I'm trying to do here is I want to create a shocker box filler that then sends full choker boxes up into this barrel here so we're going to pull all of our cobblestone and all the things that we want in this barrel here they will then be loaded up into Ashoka box and they'll be automatically sugar box loaded and then they'll be sent back up into this barrel which is going to be filled with full shocker boxes but boy oh boy is it getting tight down here but despite is absolutely miniscule size I think we might have had she managed to make this work amazing absolute nightmare so if we so we've got empty sugar boxes down here if I'm placing a sugar box here and I fill it up almost all the way with stone let's go right the way up to here and you know what I'm even going to add this much so we have 16 left until this sugar box is filled then we go up to the top and we play 16 stone into the system now we wait we should see yes there it is so there is our filled shoka box up in our barrel and then if we pump down to the bottom here we can see that we actually have a fresh shoka box which has just been dispensed outwards so that means that if we put more stone into the system say for example there's a mount here you can see that stone is flowing through the hoppers I can't actually open the Shocker box because it opens into the hopper but if we just grab it you can see that it has got stone on the inside so it is fitting up so we have got we have got storage for how many items here 1728 stone blocks just inside that barrel right there that is bulk storage completed in a base that is the size of my thumbnail and by that of course I do mean my actual physical thumbnail not like a computer thumbnail or anything because I'm using 4k screens and that they're pretty big so my thumbnails are actually quite large anyway I have actually made a modification to the system to make it work with other types of items other than stones so we can check cobblestoned everything like that into this system and it will be stored in bulk inside this barrel inside filled chakra boxes perfect now I definitely feel like I mentioned this earlier on but in case I didn't what's going next to it in the barrel next to our bulk storage barrel is going to be our food barrel and that is going to be melons yes we're going to be feeding ourselves with melons because there are nice fully automatic Abul food source so this area down on the bottom here is going to be for our melon farm part one has been completed which is the item elevator which takes items from all the way down here up into our little storage barrel and it was a tiny bit complicated because space isn't exactly our friend at this point in time so I had to do some pretty smart stuff and the way that it works is and she sends the items in bulk so if we start chucking some melons into this thing you'll see that the system doesn't really do anything doesn't do anything until eventually it does and that's when it starts sending a batch of melons up into this storage barrel here so you can see them coming through you can't hear anything because that's always really annoying about dropper vases they tend to take but this one's completely silent and there we go there is our batch of melons arriving so every time our little melon farm and she produces a decent number of melons they will then be sent up in bulk now if the actual farm itself we're not going to do anything too crazy it's just going to be a fairly simple observer on stem farm and this should just about do it so here is here is the little farm itself completes with four stems I mean it's not going to be the most efficient thing in the world but it should give you a decent supply of food and as soon as a melon grows as you just saw right there it will be broken and it will we put it into the hopper so now this thing really is working quickly and with that ladies and gentlemen I think that is my smallest base in Minecraft 1.14 are all completed and I gotta say it's a bit like an iceberg in this the bitters exposed and you can see is pretty small but then if you just go penny for the surface you can see that actually yeah it's pretty substantial I absolutely love this build though it is seriously seriously cool I mean Yuri do have everything that you need to survive in here we've got all the different types of furnaces we've got crafting bench and stone cutter swampers so you can go between those we've got bulk storage that works on shulker box loading systems underneath the ground we've also got a fully functional melon farm that allows us to eat and we've got a fully functional bed which is actually more difficult than you'd expect in a base there's this height we also have access to an VLEs and also the grindstone we have got a full storage system with room for 27 independent shoku boxes for all different types of items and it's accessible just by throwing down the item you get your shoulder box when you want to put it back in the barrel you hit the button and it goes back up there it's just it's smart it's also smart it's also accessible I love this thing I genuinely think this might be one of my favorite redstone builds I know I say that almost every single redstone video but I truly mean it but anyway I really do hope that you enjoyed if you did visual to that like bun and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is the mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later this looks hilarious
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 7,101,153
Rating: 4.9246759 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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