Making the Best Vault in Minecraft

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i really like volts it's not exactly a secret it's something that i talk about quite frequently volts those are some of my favorite things in minecraft both to use and also to construct so today i want to both use and construct the ultimate minecraft vault i really want to go to town here i want to build up just just the best version of a vault my brain can possibly come up with and just as a pre-video warning things are about to get very geeky and very nerdy and there's going to be a lot of vault love in this video so if you don't enjoy that sort of thing then maybe find a different video but for those of you who do enjoy that sort of thing let's get to business so my idea for this structure is to almost enclose the vault inside of a bubble so we're going to have a volts which this is going to be actually a slightly different kind of vault i like the idea of something like this i built it up last night and i was like that looks really really cool and then this little main vault structure is going to be inside of a larger structure which is going to keep the vault secure so we're going to have security on the outside and also security on the inside so essentially it's like a double vault now i'm thinking because this is my absolute dream vault like the best that i can possibly build am i allowed to use items that i can't get in survival mode things like bedrock and things i feel like because it's my dream one i actually can i don't normally do this so that is this is incredibly exciting that looks mean already and things are about to get considerably meaner because i'm about to clear out all of this grass and we're going to have a drop through to the void as our way of creating a defense because lava lava that's so 2015 void is where it's at i really really wish this sort of thing was possible in survival minecraft i mean it would be totally broken like it shouldn't be possible in survival minecraft but i still wish it anyway let's get to work on building up this piston door and i really hope i've left myself enough space now that i think about it this is actually a bit of a complicated design because everything is going to be retracting down into the floor there's not going to be any pistons on the top everything is just going to be dropped down now we should be able to do this using slime blocks and honey blocks but with that being said it is a line of quad piston extenders quad piston extenders okay that could actually be a bit of a challenge and what makes it even worse is these aren't just regular coil piston extenders because each one of these slices is 12 blocks exactly we can only push one piston at a time so for example with the quad piston extender we have to fire this piston this top piston then we have to fire this piston then fire that top piston again then we have to fire this piston this piston this piston to get it upwards and then finally we can shoot the quad piston extender because we're right on the edge of the piston push limit now life will be made considerably easier if i remove the end rods because then i could use flying machines instead of corporation extenders but i really like the end rods and i'm not getting rid of them so we're gonna do it the hard way however i think i've just thought of something that might make life a little bit easier and it didn't but i think i'm on the right track and i think i could do something with this if i just remove all of this redstone stuff and all of this and essentially just leave this bit behind you see originally i had a quad piston extender attached to the bottom of this thing and i just i couldn't make it work however i could just attach a flying machine to this and then have that bounce back and forth and then this piston up at the top here is gonna be pushing our whole door back and forth i mean that works in my head but then again a lot of things work in my head that don't work in reality however i think this is one of the few things that no no no no what has occurred here this is no good situation oh oh oh it's only it's got stuck to itself that's fine i can deal with things sticking to themselves because i haven't built the other half so i know that looked like an absolute catastrophe but i think it's a good catastrophe although i'm not sure oh that's that's not a good sign so the closing of the piston door is something i'm fairly certain i have covered yeah that was that was it so the piston door is now closed now how are we gonna open it i need to somehow get a redstone input to these observers right here but then also i can't place anything in this area and those pistons will get dragged away by the honey blocks and the slime blocks we might have to do something a little bit creative here and although my creative solution definitely will work i just activated it by accident and i've broken the whole piston door i love my life but i think finally i've managed to get it working lots of backups have been made which i think shows my level of confidence here we've got this little button this is just a temporary little input but hopefully yes well that looked very cool i think we can all agree that look very very cool and that has all worked finally we have actually got it working and that is a very satisfying fault door right there i just love the design of this thing okay let's actually construct the vault itself which looks something a little bit like this incredibly industrial and looks incredibly hard-wearing it's honestly such a shame that a block as cool as netherright is the most expensive block in the game but then also i thought i'd jump a few steps ahead and build up our glass chamber around this thing so this is the vacuum that our vault sits within with the void down underneath so now i've got to build up the security system which allows people access to this vacuum i mean it's not very often that i construct self-building bridges that construct themselves over the void this is definitely a novelty but it isn't all just for style points this does actually serve a function you see these observers right here i think we should be able to use these observers to activate the piston door if we can't do that then we really are we're in a tricky situation as i haven't really thought of an alternative this has gone by plan all along the observers go across they hit the bedrock and then we take an output from that and run that into the input of our piston door so as the bridge goes across as soon as it lands the door should open which i think will be one of my favorite moments ever i mean come on now you know a pop-out bridge that activates a vault i mean those are like my two favorite things and actually on the redstone side of things it's fairly similar to how we built up the piston door a little bit earlier on if i activate this thing i'm hoping that should activate everything and that has remarkably worked first time which is quite exciting but the retraction was always the easy bit it's the popping out that's a tiny bit more complicated because we have to fire this line of pistons first before activating the flying machines and i think i have a bit of an interesting solution for activating these observers without getting in the way of these slime blocks and that is through the use of dispensers with flint and steels on the inside so if i hit this button that is perfect that has all gone to plan and then if i hit the button again everything just gets retracted away i can't believe that that's all worked perfectly as you can probably tell that doesn't really happen that often so now it's all about connecting up the output from our pop out bridge into the input of the piston door and that is tricky it's tricky to say the least i am struggling a tiny bit however i think i've made a bit of a breakthrough with this little system right here i'm just trying my best not to power things and get stuck to things it's a nightmare with that being said i feel like my brain is actually working quite well today and i have high hopes that this is all going to function yes there's a lot more delay in that system than i was expecting i was getting ready to be upset but that has actually worked incredibly well and that was incredibly cool and then i think if i hit this button right here that should close everything up now this is attached to an rs nor latch so if i hit the button again absolutely nothing should happen the only way you can get this door to open is by pushing the bridge across cool okay now it's time for some security systems and i must admit i got super engrossed with this project and just built it i'm a terrible youtube content creator i've been doing this for more than eight years now and i forgot to record any of my progress of me actually constructing this thing so here's the idea this is essentially like an advanced id card system so currently is set up just to receive a piece of light blue wall but obviously we will get a renamed id card in there in a second if it all does function but i've hit this button right here it then makes its way into the chest and it will sit inside that chest where we're getting a redstone output so that will activate our bridge that goes across the card will sit in there while we're going into the vault and things and then when we remove the item then this block pops back up we can't put any items inside the chest because obviously that would mean that we could activate the system without getting the correct id card so this this system all seems to work quite nicely i don't know why i've never thought of doing this before now it's all hooked up into our pop-out bridge so let's see if it all works put my id card in and i panic but then i stopped panicking because as i say weirdly enough my brain seems to be functioning quite well today it happens very occasionally but it all seems to be working and then let's just make sure when i remove my id card everything closes up bridge gets retracted all is good now that's already a decent quantity of security but more security is required you know we have to remember here this is the vault of my dreams okay this is this is developed my dreams that's why i'm using these load stones for just outlines of blocks i'd never be able to do this in survival now this next stage of security is a bit of a strange one but it's one that i really like and that is the idea that i'm not allowed to bring anything into the vault okay so i'm not allowed to carry anything with me i have to clear out my inventory before i go in and the way that i'm going to force the clearing of my inventory is by dying so i'm going to kill myself all my items will drop onto the floor they'll be picked up by hoppers and things and they'll be transported to a chest outside of the system and the only thing that i will be left with is of course my id card to allow me to go further in it's almost like going into a prison or some kind of high security area you're not allowed to just walk in with all your stuff on you you have to make sure that you clear out your pockets you show that you don't have anything on you so that's how we're going to do that in minecraft the only issue is we have got zero and i mean like the square root of zero space i'm trying to work out how i'm even going to do the door that allows us to get into the next area and also have to send the items across oh my goodness i don't even know if it's gonna that seems impossible it literally seems impossible why do i always do this i always i always just cram too much into a small area it's just it's the story of my life right i think i've come up with a bit of a solution here so this is going to be our death chamber that's where we go to die this is the piston door that will open up once we have died and this is the shulker box where we're going to grab our id card from to put into this system because that is the only item that we're allowed to carry into here and all of that should be doable but there's there shouldn't be anything underneath any of these things that will cause issues but currently this is very much a hollywood style building and that we have nothing going on in the back so i've got to start work on that and how am i actually going to kill the player what's the best way what's the best way to kill them i mean the answer is pretty obvious isn't it it's it's pufferfish are ridiculous that's so ridiculous and i'm so glad i set my spawn because i just realized i'm in a world where i traveled a long way to get here and i would i wouldn't have been able to find it again i've done many things while making redstone videos but actually losing a redstone build that would have been a first as you can probably hear my item pickup system is now all in place i wanted to get as many hopper mine carts in here as possible because i want to pick up the items as fast as possible to avoid anyone somehow being able to pick up items from the floor and take them through into the system i mean you'd have to be incredibly talented to do it with regular hoppers but still now there's no chance any items from those top mine carts then run along like this across here and into this item elevator which brings them up into this shulker boxes on the outside of the building so as soon as you leave this place then you can grab your items but i'm gonna make it so that as soon as these pressure plates get activated that door will close it will force it to be closed so you can't grab items and then run back through again now i know it's probably a little bit too late in the video to be saying this for the people who are already commenting that you could just break through the glass i know you could break through the glass all right i'm not completely this is all just for fun and if you did write that as a comment congratulations because you are now a member of the single brain cell squad rs latches and things have started getting connected up and i must admit my redstone is getting considerably uglier as the day goes on the more minecraft i play the more sloppy my redstone circuitry gets but despite it being slightly on the sloppy side i do believe we are now all completed so i think it's time for the first test i must admit i'm very nervous but i feel like everything's gonna work perfectly so i'm walking in okay i've got all the items on me and unfortunately that's that's not gonna be the case for much longer because for this whole thing to work i actually need to die you know i need to make sure that no one is walking in here with tnt or anything like that that could potentially blow up my vault now that i've respawned this pistol door has opened up which allows me to move into this section and eventually my little id card should make its way into the shulker box now of course we do have to wait a little while for this to happen because it has to sort through all of the items that are in my inventory but at some point soon it should arrive so everyone knows just like real security for example at an airport it takes a long time all right it takes a little bit of time but eventually it arrives in the shulker box so here is our little id card and we can now use this to gain access to the pop-out bridge so there is the bridge making his way across over to the vault and then the vault itself should open upon the bridge reaching this bedrock pillar so there is that and inside this chest we have got the things that we are trying to keep incredibly secret they're the two biggest secrets we've got the hermitcraft ip address and then also obviously the krabby patty secret recipe don't worry mr krabs your secret is safe with me if i hit this button right here we should see that all of the vaults will now close up and if i grab the item from this chest that will retract our bridge to stop people from being able to make it across because that would be it would be a bad day trying to jump trying to make that jump and then if i just run through here and run over these pressure plates you can see that door closes up and i can get access to my items there we go i think it's safe to say that this is a pretty cool vault i'm very happy with this thing is by far my favorite vault i've ever constructed but with that being said i'm not ruling out the possibility that i might make improvements in the future or potentially work on another ultimate vault because this has been a lot of fun and i absolutely love volts and to be honest with you there can't be enough ultimate vaults out there i really do hope that you love volts as well if you don't then please leave my channel and never come back and i'll catch you in the next video unless you don't like volts four people start crying down in the comments section don't worry okay you are welcome on my channel if you don't like volts simply because i think i can change your mind okay and i plan on doing just that by making as many videos as possible on volts until you're forced to love them you know you're gonna have to love them if you like my channel you're gonna have to love volts because you're getting only volt content from this point fourth
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,457,002
Rating: 4.9654875 out of 5
Keywords: Making the Best Vault in Minecraft, Vault in Minecraft, Best Vault in Minecraft, Minecraft vaults, best Minecraft vault, Minecraft vault, Minecraft self building bridges, self building bridges, Minecraft Piston vault doors, Piston vault doors, vault doors, Minecraft combination locks, combination locks, Minecraft security systems, security systems, most secure Minecraft vault, Minecraft safe house, Minecraft safe vault, Mumbo, Mumbo jumbo, Mumbo redstone, Mumbojumbo redstone
Id: 6F17TfPeL0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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