Which car can climb the steepest angle in GTA 5?

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all right we're checking out the only game we're climbing angles will bring me to the precipice of insanity it's GTA we wanted to find out which vehicles in GTA can climb the steepest angles and so Alex has created a brand new challenge this is one of his most involved challenges yet with somewhere around 75 instances of angles that I'm going to have to climb but it's not just angles there's traps and challenges and all other kinds of Alex torture that he's put every so many angles the steeper the angles get the weirder the challenges get and he's given me all these different cars to choose from to try and make this work I guess if I beat this I finally get to drive through the Gates of Heaven so let's do this today's episode is sponsored by fat ships just kidding no one's crazy enough to sponsor this channel if you're a really fast reader you're going to notice there's a lot of stuff over on the left this challenge is absolutely insane every climb increases by one degree every 10th climb starting from the fifth has a different surface and then every 10th climb starting from the 10th has extra fun do you know what fun is in Alex it's pain now I will say Alex said in his gigantic 45-page explanation of this board that one of the meme vehicles does insanely well and so I do kind of want to find out which one that is so our very first instance here is glass now I happen to know that the golf cart will not bust through the glass it just doesn't weigh enough now you can also see that he's put numbers so we know how many degrees we're climbing at this point so we're coming up on number 10 and you have to do a little bit of like a wheel what the hell I was gonna say either like a wheel guide or a chassis slide and the chassis sliding ability on this thing is garbage now you may be asking yourself great you're gonna sit there and kick this well never mind guess I'll just interrupt my own thought there I mean it could work it's a meme car all right maybe it'll get up to uh like level 50 or something this has to do better than the golf cart now to be fair part of the problem with the golf cart was me just screwing up and not being able to aim the wheels correctly on the tight ropes but you know it could have had a little bit more speed it just slid up it like this there we go full back flip stick Landing hey if there's two things I like doing it is back flipping on a bumper car and destroying the ozone layer I guess it's more of a go-kart than a bumper car I really don't know what to consider this basically like a little death quad cycle oh we're at wood now so the wood I assume would break away if you had a vehicle that was Heavy enough but again I don't I don't think that the vehicle weighs enough I just don't think it matters yeah look at that right up the wood that's hot we might even get to 20 in this thing maybe this is the one okay so so far so good we've we've got to be somewhere around like 17 degrees or so right now oh God okay I don't know oh man Oh I thought it was like Steps they're big gaps maybe I can get up this with enough speed hold on anything is possible if you believe well I was wrong oh wow huh I stayed inside good thing I was wearing my non-existent seat belt I wanted to give this one more try just to see if it's possible like maximum speed there's no way it needs to be longer like the actual vehicle needs to be longer ah you're welcome stayed out here forever raw I don't know if this is like I don't know if that's a good word to have on the back of a license plate or not I mean it's fast and it's a full-size car through the glass whoa um sticks to landing on the top on the roof we could just rock this over right there a little paint transfer never hurt anybody I kind of Wonder too if I can just uh oh all right well sometimes Birds just kind of you know phase through obstacles that's fine I was gonna say I could probably just rear-end this thing and drive it up here's what I'm talking about watch this boom I'm right there fortunately I think I can wiggle this thing back down at the at the very least so I can you know I care for all time all right how much tire is left on that Rim obviously where I had gone wrong was underestimating the amount of speed I would need really huh yeah this is natural all right you know what we're just gonna leave that there forever oh wow huh I can't believe this but I might legitimately have to line this thing up on the tires there we go no yes look I'm trying I'm trying to help this thing out okay there we go see everything's fine now watch I bet I can get this thing another couple of levels watch this we're gonna line this up perfectly on the tires oh yeah oh this is this is glorious feel that silky smooth electric acceleration so I hate myself right now I'm not giving up on this thing okay don't don't don't yes there we go oh yeah look at that 11 12. oh we're running it now oh we're running it now watch this past the wood actually had a piece of wood brake there now I will say probably just like the go-kart it's gonna die on the spaced out incline because the top speed is trash I can't believe it wow I am so glad I got this thing back I had it made it to 20. that's incredible it's still going all right how far do you all think this thing can get I'm gonna say 35 I think we'll be able to get past whatever challenge is next on 30. okay so now we have concrete shouldn't be that bad is the concrete just fall apart or is it okay oh it's fine whoa whoa whoa hey oh okay all right concrete's a little unstable that's kind of weird okay I am we're starting to run out of torque here the engine is beginning to strain oh come on constipated engine you can do it now luckily I do have some Hydraulics so I can pop it up a little bit are those dancing stop signs they are dosey-doing 100 this is happening right now uh I guess I'm gonna go this way ah come on oh wait hold on hold on hold on I can save this I can save this I can save this every everything's not fine the golf cart ain't going out like that I said 35. we're getting past 35. I just need to make sure no yes there we go 30. all right do we have enough torque to get up 30. oh come on it's right there I came all the way back down here to see if I can get like every little bit of extra well that didn't give me any extra speed I was gonna say every extra bit of speed I can possibly have okay so what you do is you pop the Hydraulics right before you start hitting the incline and you get just a little bit more speed like you or you don't lose the speed I should say from hitting that area nice I am Nostradamus it is like literally going to be 35 when this thing dies oh sand all right I'm gonna try and hump boost this a little bit just to see if I can get like one extra mile per hour yes perfect so it got to sand well you know before sand this thing is uh oh it's gonna go get up I'm giving it one last try just to make sure that yes come on all right 36. if I go at an angle can I get no not even close all right I tried it a couple more times just to see and now it cannot get up the 36. I feel like an idiot trying this thing but listen I said I was gonna test I said I was gonna test him in case you're wondering if this thing can make it past the vegan fruit roll-ups so it kind of does the incline pretty good the problem is I don't know how much this weighs ah well doesn't weigh enough to break the wood that's good oh but it bottoms out at the top of the wood all right we're gonna try and do this at like a big angle like this there we go okay so that was as far as this thing could get so my plan is I'm gonna ride back down here and we're gonna grab the Vin Diesel mobile again I would say the way to do this is patience but I don't have any there we go 11. easy 12. big jump 13 14 and now for the wood now this will definitely bust through the woods so I have to outrun the damage to the wood perfect okay 16. yeah okay oh oh yeah this is gonna happen oh I can jump it so hard now that I can hold on there we go I was gonna say that I can land on the pieces ah no hold on I can save this yay so I need speed but I need to not jump here there we go and now we're gonna pop a little bit perfect that gives us 20. all right so now I have to get through the stop signs this should be okay because well no I can't do that so I'm gonna need speed in order to do this because I can't touch these things we're just gonna oh God I was gonna say they're just gonna backhand me down the mountain hoods are overrated yeah Serpentine style I think this is gonna be able to get to 40. no problem I just don't know what comes at that point we never got past 35. so far so good we are up to sand and sand is easy so we'll probably get to 55 or 60. well slightly malformed raw I still have pretty good acceleration I can still feel the car gripping the Mountainside so that's great so these angles are nothing to get obviously we have windmills now I've waited a long time for those to show up I'm kind of surprised it took this long the windmills are moving really fast and if they touch this car it's pretty much over okay [Music] thought I had it almost to 40 scale equals luck yeah yeah 40. God I keep losing that hood oh I don't know by the way if you can see the inclines are increasing in length like the actual the actual size of the ramp that I have to climb up is a lot higher now so was that like 52 I'm sorry not 50. those are just 40s grass was it like Shrubbery okay is it that hard to climb up uh that's not easy oh wow yeah use traction really fast on grass all right let's get uh get as much speed like right here I didn't mean to I didn't mean to barely fall off the edge of the board here here we gotta slow down a little bit so we get as much trash as possible and then slam it let's do this here we go a little bit of an angle no tearing up the rose bushes though all right 44. I know it looks stupid but I have to now if I can just get ah yeah yeah the remote control car is running it I don't have to worry about the wood because there ain't no way it's gonna bust any well okay well I probably should have Reloaded The Wood let's try that again without immediately going for like the one area of wood where there's a hole we are still going we're at like 20 almost okay hear me out I had no idea how I'm going to get past the spaced out area in the remote control car but I have a all right I have a plan okay bad news the other truck got stuck so I'm grabbing a third truck to smash this truck down over here all right this is where my plan will finally come to fruition watch this and hold on let me line this up heat ah come on all right I have another idea there we go okay RC car is snugly inside we're gonna get good speed and then blast up this thing there we go I'm gonna get the RC car as high as I can before I start using it no joke this uh this vehicle is really good like it is really good at climbing inclines look at this I'm not even getting speed and it just Yanks its way up problem is now it's so long now the only problem is doing this in the RC car it took a ton of damage for some reason oh hey it took a ton of damage so it's smoking but it's still working and look at this 40 right there no big deal okay we are going for a new personal best backflip we are now at the grass is this the king of meme cars there oh it's getting so steep that it's hard to keep the front end down come on all right these two have a great relationship so I'm gonna try and see if I can climb the grass with this vehicle and so far it is doing it it's not doing it fast oh no no no no come on come on come on you're right there you're right there everything's fine everything's fine there we go oh no no no yeah no yeah no stop come on Rocket Gray oh oh it's gonna happen yeah yeah I can't believe how well this thing is doing it still has a little bit of torque left too nice all right I dropped the RC card just to see if maybe there's a little less weight wow it does work I didn't think that would work keep the keep the momentum though keep it going we're gonna have Hoppers now all right I don't know if I can get around these I think I'd have to just go through them a few seconds later I know why didn't I think of this in the beginning huh Alex your board is a lot easier when there's no poppers level 50. finally we have stalled out on this thing at level 50. I had gotten another one of these RC cars up here look at how obnoxiously good this thing is we're at 51 right now with this thing it is now surpassed every other car 52. gonna wheelie this thing I don't want to mess this up I can go backwards up the 52 incline how ridiculous is that at this point we are up to whatever this is metal we have made it to 54. I mean it doesn't look that bad I just have to make sure to not do a backflip oh man it is okay now it is so steep that it's tough to keep the nose all the way down at all oh oh that was a good entry okay we got it we got it it's happening I'm running out of speed yeah yeah got the metal in the Batman metal was legit as far as it can get it cannot get up this insane steepness all right I decided to come back for the six wheel just to see how far it'll go all right we're almost at I think it was called sand at this point and I still have a good amount of torque with all six wheels so that's good I'm gonna get a lot of traction on stuff like sand look at that easy now the problem is the windmills the thing is so long I lit I literally can't think of a way to get this thing past the windmills I have no idea how it would even be remotely possible other than sheer luck all right guess we'll find out I knew it I decided to come back up here and give it one more oh my God that is unbelievable as good as that decided to come back up here give it one more try and then legit I just made it on the second made it to grass I think it's gonna get there uh all right Hydraulics work with me here I need you to just kind of like nice and there we go yeah perfect no problem eco-friendly well actually it's just brutalizing the ecosystem but whatever it made it uh I might be able to get through this legit look at this look at this I'm gonna see it through the goal posts it's good we made it to metal I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get this I haven't even gotten like past the halfway mark yet it it's just not getting any grip at all okay this is a good run so far if I kind of jiggle the tires every once in a while in the front there we go okay so it can make it up the metal all right at this point everyone has failed after the medal there is no way let's do this oh god oh wow okay I got a lot more air than I should have gotten there all right concrete no problem stop signs oh I might want to pick a side there great there we go oh wow this thing has a lot of acceleration going uphill too this is incredible the bane of my existence windmills go got it first try oh wow didn't even slow down on the grass all right we have a little bit of a problem I'm starting to take some damage uh I've lost my hood whoa God I lost my hood the vehicle still works we're at 50 metal now remember no one has made it past 55 but look right up the metal first try so now this is where everyone has stopped and we've got it easy I just lost a bumper that ain't good oh okay more and more of my car is just giving up at this point you can see now we're starting to get some traction loss but look at this they're the they're the the get flight signs oh wow that's evil uh I don't know so you have to be able to get up this really fast look what happens look what happens if you how are you supposed to do this I can get to about the oh hold on hold on that's it yeah 60. so now you get a ramp because if you don't there's no way any of the cars will be able to wow okay the ramps help quite a bit um so we were losing a lot of forward momentum just smashing into the front of the walls and now it is true like true grip at this point how which car can grip its way to the top we are at 64 now and we have to deal with rubber all right rubber oh well I guess traction on rubber would be fantastic and it is I am so close to the pain ending I can taste it rock slide it figures that the 69th challenge is a rock slide How You Gonna oh no come on oh man the rocks are falling at different intervals too go go go yes yes no ah ah it was a good run on this one you know what time it is you know what time it is it's time for the wastelander once again it comes down to an Unholy amount of luck that I'm gonna need to get past I'm screwed oh where am I no I'm not giving up yes okay now that we're past the windmills we should be scot-free for a while we have made it to metal you may ask yourself is it going to have a problem with metal the answer is of course it's not we have now made it to the get flight signs oh it's perfect it was perfect no that was a perfect run oh I think okay I picked up a second life we're gonna get another try at this come on baby come on baby yeah yeah there we go oh my God I was gonna say I know this could make it I just need to find the right path now that we have the ramps I think this is gonna be our new personal best we are at rubber boom right there I don't know if they can make it to the Rocks we are oh maybe I can wow let's give it a shot just kind of Dodge ah I can save this saved as sad as I am to tell you this the wastelander cannot make it past the rocks it is stuck at 69 as well okay we haven't tried a super car yet let's try a super car T20 time let's do this in case you're wondering the T20 is doing great through the windmill Beach at the grass it can kind of like flounder its way up we're at the poppers it kind of loses traction but it gets it back and then it just pushes itself up we're at 50. we're at Rubber and up to this point it has done this part faster than any other vehicle look what happens when I go all the way I just end up on the next area we're at 69 let's go go go go go go go go go go whoa yeah I think one of the rocks are uh I think one of the rocks that like stuck like we're at 70 though and we still have grip I'm so close to the end I can taste it oh pink car this is why pink is the color of the Gods nothing can stop me nothing can stop me what's gonna stop us we are fully at the you gotta be kidding me all right it's ice that's okay though we got speed we got speed baby speed no okay hold on I can say this I can save this it's fine it's fine it's fine yes okay I if this hurts me to say I can't get past the ice in this thing I've been at it for a while I mean I don't know uh are you kidding me right now all right hold on I I think I okay all right Alex yeah oh I got this one the back of the truck dude come on I have a feeling that Alex is trying to tell me something but even though he is I mean we gotta test it like this isn't even gonna be able to make it past the well actually it's so wide maybe it will it did it made it there's a glass how how surely it won't make it through the wood ah it was close all right I think y'all know what time it is eat it everyone car out of my way oh all right yeah that was thank you Brett sand while we were at Sand literally we just blew by it in half a second I would say that the windmill is kind of scare me you ready for this I can just jump past almost all five Martin 40. the grass was a little weird but you can definitely get up it just take some time we are at 60 and now we're at the ramps this thing is scary it's pretty much one try every single ramp and I have to slow down otherwise it overshoots it we've made it to ice so now the question is can an F1 car best ice at a 75 degree incline I don't know how I'm gonna be able to do this though still there's another F1 car though maybe it's different enough than this one that it can do it alright so far I mean it feels a little bit different okay this is an insanely better F1 car like look at that that is nuts level 75 ice you get to see my failure just sitting against the wall there far back as possible go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay hold on every millimeter of distance that I can have I gave myself if there's oh you're gonna wheelie this thing oh my God I got that little bit made a difference look at what we have overcome and that means that we have a winner but we climb the Angles and now I'm gonna go fall to my death anyway folks hope you just episode GTA to the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,545,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, grand theft auto v, ramming obstacles, ramming in gta 5, ramming ridiculous obstacles, best ramming car, monster trucks gta 5, steepest angle in gta 5, ramp car gta 5, climb the steepest angle
Id: UzPvJKDrcGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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