I Survived 100 Days as a PHOENIX in Minecraft

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a phoenix is by far the strongest bird ever thought of not only can they shoot fire out of their mouths but they can also get as hot as the sun and okay I'm not gonna lie phoenixes are definitely my favorite mythical creature which is why I've added phoenixes into Minecraft with all of their crazy fire powers and now I'm gonna be turning into a phoenix for the next 100 days in game all well three firefighters try and extinguish my Flames for Good Will My Fire be hot enough to Scorch my way to day 100 or the firefighters turn me into nothing more than a chicken on day one I spawned in as a baby Phoenix chick this Phoenix only has five hearts of HP and that's a massive problem because there are three firefighters right down there who are trying to kill me we're gonna put you out Phoenix and because I'm still a baby Phoenix I can't even fly yet but I somehow need to get away from these guys and luckily that's where our Phoenix upgrade menu comes in you see with the tap of a button I can make this menu pop up where I have a bunch of different powers that I can unlock where I can get my ability to fly like I mentioned or even this ability called infernal Radiance whatever that does but for for now let's get our first ability called Razer Talon which we can unlock by completing three simple quests I just have to kill three foxes swim in a pool of lava and kill one player inside of a village which means one of you guys oh and luckily swimming in a pool of Love is Easy for me as well because if you look right here I have permanent fire resistance okay now for the fun part the second I leave this volcano those three are gonna start coming after me so my best bet is obviously to go down this side of the volcano and head over there to that Spruce biome because not only is there berries for food but foxes also spawn over there which means we can complete our first quest in seconds okay let's get going the second I get off this volcano they're gonna start coming after me so here we go three two one go go go go get the Phoenix go down the back of the volcano now go along the edge of the water now as a phoenix I can't actually go in water so we'll avoid jumping in that for now we just gotta get over to that Spruce biome gotta put them out boys okay I got an idea right over here right over here okay we got two logs keep going keep going he has three logs you guys see him I found you they're by me they're behind me they're by me now he's gonna find some foxes just keep going deeper in the spruce biome quick let's turn our Spruce logs into planks and now let's go to make a crafting table there we go now let's get to a one high Gap put down the crafting table now let's quickly make some sticks let's quickly make ourselves a wooden sword oh my god oh I gotta be careful that actually has a decent bit of damage let's just go with the back here running nice we got some berries we can eat some food there we go oh oh come here fast boy thanks we killed the fox go I think I saw another one up on the hill over here get over here there we go we got it two foxes down we just gotta find one more yeah oh God okay we're gonna go one fox is all we need oh my God this we got him oh go go I'm right behind him okay now we need to find a pool lava down here we gotta find a lava pool oh we took more damage God oh wait is that lava we got lava we got love in here he's down here oh I'm just gonna sit in this lava for a sec while they're nearby okay they're gone let's just extinguish real quick wait for this fire to go away and once this is gone we will be good to go he's here he's on fire oh gee they're back never mind we're not good why is he back up the hill hold on we need to go this way oh right I take fall damage still gosh this is a pain keep going this way go go go go go mold the Treetops guys I'm on them yes more berries more berries more berries let's go grab those more there oh whatever we fit yes sir he's right there go oh we got a village a village or village Village hold up this is good this is good this is good we just found a village right here oh it's right here zombies zombies get him get him he's low this could be our killing a village this could be our killing a village nice we got him we got it we got him that's all we need okay let's get somewhere safe for a second we're still on my tail feathers right now I'm gonna have to be quick about this I'm gonna be really quick about this G boom unlock it go we got it we got we got we got we got it it's over for you Phoenix okay we have our Razer Talons I don't even know what they do yet but we're just gonna use them and hope they work okay we'll go here and there's no way yes oh we got him those are so strong oh there's the other firefighter Let's Pretend We're running again come here boy loop back around yes oh my goodness yes we got him what are these things well they're Razer Talons obviously but oh my God they have nine back damage that's the same as netherrite I think oh my God I can spam click this apparently I'm also at a metal concert oh my God these towns are broken anyway let's go and let's get out of this Village real quick and let's start looking for our first place to build a phoenix space so let's go somewhere far away where the firefighters aren't gonna find us and let's start building our Phoenix base and so I started on my first Phoenix base after unlocking our Talons and this time I decided to build a much smaller base than normal because I didn't want to waste any time in getting our Phoenix some new powers because right now we're as weak as a chicken okay so welcome to our first Phoenix base the space is actually really really small I just put a bed right here and the rest of my stuff literally right here and then I just built a small Berry Farm over this way and then there's this lava waterfall as well where I can hide if I need to but anyway yeah this is the brand new Phoenix base I really didn't want to put much effort into it since I'm assuming this base is gonna get destroyed anyway at some point so I spent less time on the base this time so I could spend more time getting my cool powers like our next ability Phoenix flight where yes I'm going to be able to fly but if I had it my way I would be flying already but my Teemo makes these mods must hate me so they always make me unlock all the cool Powers so to actually get Phoenix flight we really don't need much stuff we just have to get 16 feathers one flint and steel and one Compass so let's start by killing a bunch of chickens and getting 16 feathers so let's just quickly leave the base and there's a cow not what we need but you still make good food so die but for real let's actually go find some chickens oh what is that a chicken who's about to end up in a montage okay there we go we have all the feathers that we need fly we just to get a flint and steel and a compass and I'm not gonna lie flint and steel is easy as heck and so is the compass I just gotta find some Redstone and some flint and I'll be done unlocking this advancement already so let's go down to our mind shaft and let's quickly find some gravel hey there's literally some just right here there we go a Flint now we can make ourselves a quick flint and steel and this is the second item on the quest complete now he's gonna go find a redstone or deeper in the caves oh right next to us there we go Redstone and now let's just go back up to the base and let's craft ourselves a compass and with all three of those things in hand we can now unlock Phoenix flight an ability that lets our baby little Phoenix chick fly around at full speed however you're gonna notice that little timer at the bottom which means I can only fly for five seconds because I'm a baby right now and once that timer goes away iPhone yeah they should make escaping fights super easy in the future in fact now that we can fly around we no longer take fall damage so even if I fall from this high I'm totally fine but now that we can fly we can also get more Hearts too so let's become a burnt birdie with 15 hearts of HP and he gets strength one making him even stronger and to become a very pretty I just need 32 charcoal 32 Mangrove leaves and 32 snow blocks and luckily since we can now fly finding a mangrove should be pretty easy but I actually know where a snow biome is so let's head there instead and get all the snow blocks we're gonna need let's just quickly make ourselves a shovel and let's head over here to the snow biome where we can find tons of igloos in this Village for snow blocks so if we break down this Igloo it's gonna give us a ton of snowballs which we're gonna put in our inventory crafting to get a bunch of snow blocks and literally just like that we have all the snow blocks we need it is the sun still up in the sky let's go look for a mangrove biome and see if we can get some easy leaves because we already have some iron on us that we can use to make some shears and we can use those shears to easily get the leaves and we can use those shears to easily get all the needs We need oh a mangrove yes we found one all let's go get up on top of this tree and now I can use the shears to get all these mangoes leaves nice and easy and there we go we have all the mangrove leaves which means now we need to get 32 charcoal which we can get just by smelting a bunch of logs so let's quickly make ourselves a crafting table and let's make ourselves an iron ax and now let's cut down a bunch of trees real quick and now that we have all those logs let's quickly fly back home and now let's throw the logs inside of our furnace and now we wait for them to cook okay now let's grab all of our charcoal out of our furnaces and now we can officially become a burnt birdie which looks like this a much bigger Phoenix with the much longer body and an absolutely giant beat but the best part about this upgrade is how this Phoenix can fly for 15 total seconds well that knee has 15 total Hearts which is nice you're also going to notice I have speed one and strength one now so our Phoenix just got really strong really quickly okay so now that we're a burnt birdie all of our tier one upgrades are complete and I'm not gonna lie being a burnt birdie is really overpowered because I not only have 15 total hearts of HP but I can also fly around for 15 total seconds and if I land at any point during that time I can reset the whole clock now that we're level two Phoenix we've moved on to the tier two upgrades and I guess we kind of already completed this one so let's look at the other tier 2 upgrades and see which one we want to get first is fiery feathers an ability that works just like hoxes from my hero Academia if you know who that is let me know in the comments otherwise sorry I'm a nerd but yeah as you can see in that clip I can basically shoot out feathers that are going to be used to attack my opponent and because I'm a phoenix those feathers are on fire and to unlock it we just need to kill 15 skeletons with a crossbow regain our breath using Soul Sand Bubbles and kill three players with our talent and since they don't have any arrows right now doing the first Quest about killing skeletons with a crossbow is literally impossible so instead let's just go get the three kills we need with our Razer Talon on the firefighters the only problem is I still have no idea where they live so let's just fly around until we find them it took a couple of days of searching but on day 13 I finally found the fireman station and I mean literally they actually made a fire station oh I see them the render glitch is happening again is that a firehouse quickly fly to their roof they're definitely going to did they see anything oh I see a phoenix I see a phoenix oh they definitely saw something they got me surrounded he got me with something oh he killed his teammate what even is that a whip oh it's a water whip oh God you gotta be low let's eat some food and let's kill you for fun and now we can officially get out of here so let's fly on home Man flying is op I can just leave when I want to we now have to make a crossbow to start killing some skeletons and luckily the crossbow is super easy to craft as we just need to make a tripwire hook and then we literally just need iron sticks and string which I have all of except for string so let's go down into the cave and let's go get some real quick oh it is easy there's just a bunch of cobwebs I can grab right here now if we just take all the items and put them in a crafting table like this we get a crossbow and now he's got to kill a bunch of skeletons with a crossbow which is gonna be a lot harder than it sounds because right now I only have one Arrow but let's see what I can do with that Arrow oh here's a skeleton right here in fact okay yep okay we're gonna whack you on okay here we go see we kill the skeleton with the one arrow and now we get two arrows we've doubled okay that's what we're gonna do from now on we've officially killed 15 skeletons with a crossbow and I always need to get some air underwater using some Soul Sand but there's just one major problem with that I'm a phoenix so when I go in water bad things happen in if I hop in this water here you're gonna see I suddenly go blind and I start taking a ton of Wither damage making going in water extremely dangerous okay so down there are magma Bubbles and I want to see if magma bubbles are gonna work I don't think they will but I have to test before I go to another and just go get some Soul Sand let's just see real quick get to them okay I got them oh my god it worked now I have to get out without dying I'm out I'm out oh I chase the game they can unlock our fiery feathers our brand new abilities where we toss our flaming feathers at anyone in front of us but now that we have the ability to fly and shoot out fiery feathers I am starting to feel like a true Phoenix however there's still a bunch of Phoenix abilities that are famous that I don't have like a Phoenix's ability to rise again From the Ashes or even if Phoenix's heat ray where he blasts fire out of his mouth and since it's a tier 2 upgrade that's the one we're gonna be working on next all we have to do is get three lava buckets get three music discs and get 32 cocoa beans so let's start with the easiest part of that which is just getting three lava buckets because we can literally just go into our chest grab our iron and make ourselves three buckets and then I can simply fly down into the mine shaft where I can easily find some lava ooh and diamond and now that we have those three lava buckets let's go work on the three music discs that we have to unlock next and the easiest way to actually get music discs is simply to look inside of an ancient city you know where the warden spawns so we'll start just checking under big hills and mountains until we find ourselves in ancient city also thanks for teaching me that trick for finding ancient cities it makes life way easier or that's what I'd like to say but the normal trick of looking under hills and mountains didn't work I checked under 13 different hills and mountains and I didn't even find an ancient city until day 22. oh I think I found one yes it is an ancient city finally yes we got one we did it that took way too long that took way too long okay but we found one and there's a chest right here it is a gold knapper okay but we're not here to loot these chests oh great now I can't see we're here just to find some music discs so let's just be quick about this and check every chest and see if we can get a music disc well we gotta got Apple okay we got some music just fragments there we go we got our first music disc 13. there's two chests right below us let's try these nothing keep quick about this ready check this one nothing oh this one has two music discs yes let's go thank goodness oh it's gonna sort of another word hold on again oh gosh okay get away from these guys and since there's like one two three wardens I'm just gonna get out of here and leave these guys alone okay so the last thing we need to unlock our heat ray is literally just 32 cocoa beans and I actually haven't found a jungle yet but since I can fly we should find one pretty fast okay perfect we got a jungle now we just gotta start getting some cocoa beans together like this one here oh he grew right in front of me that's so cool and this guy here so now let's just look around for a bunch more cocoa beans in these trees till we get 32. oh firefighters are here got him I hit him once wait what oh ow what was that why can't I hit him with my feathers why are my feathers not working press the mouse seven times to escape what does it mean did that take away my feathers they had something that took away my feathers wait what was that okay stay up here we're gonna he got me with the whip back here nice we got him he's trying to run he's trying to run oh okay and they're toast but gosh was that annoying anyway back to collecting cocoa beans and there we go that's all the cocoa beans that we're gonna need so now it's just fly on home and let's unlock our heat ray our brand new Phoenix ability that does this oh my God that's broken look at this this is so broken I can mine through blocks in seconds and not only can I mine through blocks but this ability also will attack enemies and send them flying away which also means I can get some easy cooked food and there's one other thing this ability does you see it doesn't just make mining blocks easier but it actually doubles all ores that I mine as you can see my laser does not affect obsidian at all which is why I brought a diamond pickaxe down here and there we go we now have 10 obsidians now I can quickly make myself another portal right here in the wall have a way to go to the nether but I don't actually need to go now so I'm not gonna go because our next upgrade is actually unlocking the Phoenix because our next upgrade is actually super overpowered and that's our flaming shield ability my Phoenix is going to surround itself in fire which is going to protect it from incoming damage similar to this ability from Black Clover where you see this girl cover herself in fire to heal except I'm not an anime girl I'm a phoenix it's kind of different how did all the villagers trap themselves in here anyway as I was saying flaming shield to unlock it we just have to have TNT explode inside of a desert temple use an actual Shield to block attacks from 10 different mobs and then get a bunch of kills with our fiery feathers so since it's easy let's just quickly look for a desert temple and blow up some TNT inside yeah it is one yes there we go okay we found a desert pyramid now let's just quickly go inside now let's go down here grab all the TNT right here chests and now we just take a piece of TNT light it off with a flint and steel and we've officially blown up TNT inside of a desert temple now to do the hard part of this Quest using our Shield to block attacks from 10 different mobs so as an example we just fly down to our caves real quick and we Shield a shot from a scale in you're gonna see our Quest went up by one then if we Shield another hit from this zombie that's two then if I Shield the shot from the scraper that's three okay you can all die I've already gone through you almost come here spider yes that's four okay I'm pretty sure that's all the mobs we're gonna find out in caves so now let's just fly to the Village nearby and let's block an attack from this Iron Golem all you have to do is punch him and run away and now let's go to the nether so let's just go into our portal okay so first things first let's head over to this gas and let's block his Fireball okay that there to a piglet and let's punch him with our fist double block him and that gets his seven total mobs block okay now let's just block a few shots from these piglets come here okay there we go that's eight now we just need to find two more mobs in the nether okay now let's block an attack from a hogland there we go that's nine and last but not least we just have to find either an Enderman or a Magma Cube whichever comes first and I actually see a Bastion over here in the distance so let's see if this is one of the ones that spawns magma cubes okay no magma cubes let's go oh wait there's one right there wait what oh I found one come here little buddy accident oh he's too small to attack dang it let's go find a big Magma Cube oh where is this Magma Cube there's got to be one somewhere they literally spawn here oh I see one I see one yes come here oh there's a bunch of them yes we did it 10 out of 10 mobs blocked and now we can finally leave this scorching Wasteland and get the heck on out of here so let's go in the portal bull Shield hold on what did they think was gonna happen I'm fireproof I guess oh Shine the lava for a sec hiding the lava for a second they can't see me in here okay there oh let's use our heat ray on them they got rid of my fire powers they got rid of my fire powers oh God oh we're located hey there's a hole what what oh my God oh gosh we got him nice and there we go he's dead but the firefighters definitely almost got me there because I literally had to eat a god Apple to survive anyway they found my base so you know what that means it's time to move to a new one because they're just gonna come back here and keep attacking me if I don't so let's grab all our stuff and let's start heading out to a brand new base and so I moved bases over 2 000 blocks away and it's still very early in this challenge so I didn't want to spend too much time on this base either and risk not being able to get to full strength anyway I worked on a new base and I finished it up on day 36. Welcome to our brand new Phoenix base which is hidden in the wall right here because if I just push this tiny Stone button you're gonna see this wall opens up and now we're inside the base and if we simply fly down into this hole we're now in the main part of the base I got another portal I got an enchanter and I got pretty much everything else I'm gonna need to finish my upgrades and speaking of finishing upgrades we only need a few kills left to get our flaming shield so let's grab some TNT out of the chest and let's go make our way to the fire station and let's go blow it up with some TNT their base is literally just up here there it is there's the firehouse okay let's get on the roof they don't even notice okay I just dropped two TNT I'm a volunteer fighter but it's right in the name dude fighter oh let's keep launching in the sky oh he's done he's done he's done oh oh gosh oh no yes but I need kill with my fire arrows first let's get him with our fire feather oh we gotta Break Free we gotta Break Free I turned off his abilities take that you thought you were gonna get me thanks we got him we got him it's two kills with the fire feather killed him with my fist just to get him away we gotta want me one now okay let's whack this guy okay we killed one nice there's one over here is there water water water please no two down we only need one more kill with the fire feathers water source here so we got it that's all five kills we need okay let's quickly unlock our next ability which is our flaming shield which you're gonna see now covers me in a literal flaming ball Shield so now they can't damage me just hanging out on trees man he's got an energy orb oh see they damaged The Shield instead okay let's find out where their beds are where are they spawning from nope I don't see it underground let's go through their fire truck real quick and see if it's in there okay where are they are they still spawning here there's no way right he's gotta be done he's got to be done yes okay I don't see them spawning here anymore I think their base is toast so let's just blow up their chest real quick for good measure and now let's get on out of here with our brand new fire Shield ability in hand okay so now that we can activate a fire Shield that protects us from attacks I didn't actually get to show you the best part about the flaming shield ability you see if we quickly exit the base and fly super far away and I mean Super far we can then activate our fire shield and when we use it again inside the middle of this Village this happens everything turns into lava magma you get the idea everything's destroyed and so I could basically make my shield explode in a giant Supernova but with that super op ability done there's actually only two more tier 3 upgrades to go and overall we're making fairly good time but you know it doesn't have good time the amount of time we can fly like I have to land on the ground just to reset that timer so let's get a lot more flight time shall we by becoming a full adult Phoenix which we can unlock just by getting 64 charred bones 16 glazed terracotta and three buckets of tadpoles ow now you might not know this but charred bones are not a thing in Minecraft these are actually a brand new custom item we've added into the game that I need to get 64 of just to become a phoenix now this item can be crafted simply by getting eight bones and surrounding a lava bucket in the middle but these bones aren't just used for upgrades they actually serve as second purpose as well but I'll show you that once I actually get some of them because for now we just have to get a bunch of Bones and I mean a bunch okay officially got all the bones that we're gonna need and now we need to actually go and get ourselves some lava buckets which is actually super simple to do at home because we have an automatic lava generator right here so let's just grab our empty buckets from this chest and then let's go and let's fill a bunch of them with some lava now inside of a crafting table let's take all of our bones and let's put them in a circle like this then if we take a lava bucket and put it in the center you're gonna see we get eight charred bones and we're gonna keep repeating that process until we can't do it any longer and there we go we now have a stack of charred bones well let me make one more group of them real quick so you can see what else they do now let me show you what these do if I eat a chard bone you're gonna see it works as food but not only that I also get regeneration too so these bones are like the best food source you can literally get in the game and only a phoenix can eat them making me even stronger and best part is we're done with the first Phoenix Quest meaning now we just have to get some glazed terracotta and three buckets of a tadpole so let's start by getting the Terracotta because that's the easiest which we can get by easily mining it with our laser now let's just fly this stuff back home and now let's put our terracotta inside of our furnaces and just in case before we go let's actually get a second color of terracotta like red because I noticed that this was just called terracotta this is red terracotta and that might actually make a difference when crafting but we'll find out when we get home so let's put our regular terracotta inside of a furnace aha it doesn't work it has to be red terracotta for its work yes I knew it okay so let's just split all this terracotta up real quick into a few different furnaces and we'll get a bunch of red glazed terracotta which would be the second Quest completed for Phoenix meaning there's only one Quest left to go and I'm not gonna lie that last Quest is kind of a pain so while I leave these to smell let's go get it done with the quest is really simple get three tadpoles in a bucket now I already have a bunch of buckets so that's not a problem the problem is getting frogs to eat slimes which is easiest done inside of a swamp so let's go find one of those since we haven't even seen one yet it took a few days of looking but I eventually found a swamp where I could get some tadpoles okay we finally found a swamp and this one has a ton of frogs in it you can see there's five frogs right here but it's still daytime right now so we're just gonna wait for night time to appear and then slimes will spawn that we can fade to these frogs okay it's night time I don't see any slime spawning yet though oh there's a tiny boy I see a tiny slime down here nice he gave me two slime balls now if we just come over here to these frogs we can feed two of these frogs each a slime ball and they should create a frog spawn see there's one literally right here behind the grass and now we have to wait around this frog spawn for them to turn into tadpoles okay so when we wait for that to hatch let's go find some more slimes around because we still need a few more slime balls you will definitely do okay 14 slime balls should be all we need now just keep breeding Turtles together so let's give these two frogs each a slime ball and they should create another frog spawn that's actually pretty close to our other one there we go right there and now let's go find two more frogs nearby like these two who can create another frog spawn right here and there we go now we have to wait around here for these frog spawns to hatch which can take a little while oh they hatched as I said that they literally just hatched oh my goodness come here I got a bucket of tadpole I got one spawn three we don't even need the extras oh my God there's so many tadpoles we got three buckets of tadpole oh thank goodness we don't even need our other frog spawns we got all the tadpoles in a bucket we needed from the first one and so since we have three buckets with tadpoles we can head out home and so with our buckets of tadpoles chard bones and glazed terracotta we can officially become a full-size Phoenix and look at me I am absolutely huge but my size isn't the only difference because first things first I can now fly for 45 seconds and now with my fiery feathers instead of just having 20 of them I have 40 of them that I can shoot out from my body I also am constantly getting healed from the sun while I'm outside and then of course I also get strength two and speed too meaning this Phoenix has a huge upgrade from the previous one anyway with that completed we can finally unlock a Phoenix's main power Rise From the Ashes basically if I die I get revived with half hell and then all my Powers abilities get double so I'd have 80 feathers instead of 40. but then all of my cooldowns on abilities like my flight timer go away completely so I could literally fly forever the best part about this ability is it's actually super fun to unlock because we just fire resistance firework rockets and five dried kelp blocks to unlock it and Firework Rockets are definitely the easiest item to craft so let's start by finding some sugar cane to get some easy paper all the firefighters gonna be quick and be quick and be quick fine thank you where'd he go I don't know whoa is that an infinite water bucket it's Enchanted yeah that's right the firefighters now have an infinite water bucket where they can place down infinite water and seeing that I'm a Phoenix Water's my worst enemy so this is gonna be a problem oh God I don't want to deal with that okay we have to be careful of that infinite water bucket okay let's get in with the heat ray oh my God they could just extinguish themselves oh my health just drained so fast hold on let's put on our Shield let's get him in close boom now let's get this one nice he's dead Dude Where's the last one right here they still do damage even without the fire yes we got him okay they're dead and now we just need to go get some Gunpowder to finish up the firework rocket so now just start killing a few creepers for their gunpowder and now that we have the gunpowder we need let's just combine it with our paper to get a bunch of firework rockets and next we get fire resistance potions which means we're going to the nether the first step is obviously just finding another Fortress so let's quickly just go find one of those real fast ah here it is I found it and now he's gonna find some nether warts and there we go we found ourselves some Nether Warts so now let's just go look for a quick Blaze spawner okay we got six blaze rods that should definitely be enough and now we have to get the last thing from the nether which is the Magma Cream okay here's a bunch of magma cubes let's just kill these for their cream real quick and there we go we got a couple Magma Cream which is all we need so now let's just head back to the base and make the fire resistance potions first things first let's take three blaze rods and turn them into blaze powder then let's take some Cobblestone and maker ourselves a brewing stand and then if we simply add a Magma Cream we'll get three fire resistance potions and there we go we got him and now there's only one more Quest that we can unlock Rise From Ashes we just need to get five dried kelp blocks now luckily dried kelp locks are super easy to get or that would be the case if I wasn't a phoenix I need to do everything in my power to come up with a good plan here or I could easily die during this so first things first let's go and let's make ourselves a pair of shears now let's locate some kelp underwater and now let's just break it okay that should be enough kelp I hope let's go home and find out all we have to do is go to our furnace and throw the kelp inside of our furnace and let it start smelting so let's just grab our kelp and go over here and throw in the crafting table and now we're officially done with five full blocks of kelp which means we can now unlock rides From the Ashes our brand new ability that I'm gonna show you right now so now I simply jump in water and well die okay here we go my heart's about to go away and boom you can see it activated now let's quickly fly up in the sky and you'll see I'm back alive as if a totem of undying activated but now the other difference is I have unlimited feathers that I can throw because this ability gives me infinite of all my abilities once activated well for 60 seconds anyway but you get the idea this ability can get me out of pretty much any situation okay with all of my tier 3 abilities now complete we are down to our last six upgrades that we can unlock and so let's start with our first tier 4 ability the Phoenix King scepter an ability that's super duper broken because it literally lets me delete the firefighters controls like they won't be able to move however unlocking it's another issue because to get this upgrade I need to have lightning strike a guardian get the it spreads advanced block 80 damage with my shield and then kill people if it's kind of a pain well it's well let's start by getting it spreads because that's probably the easiest thing to get so let's go find an ancient city to get its spreads and then we'll get going from there wait what those firefighters at my base okay let's get him let's get him let's get him I can see now oh what was that oh my Shield's knocking him back when he hits me hold on I can't get him through all the water plus where's the other one even there he is I found him there we go we got rid of one we got rid of one let's hit this guy inward oh my laser doesn't oh this does well he's back did he set a bed in here oh he must have I can't see I can't see I killed him I killed him I killed him oh he ran out of flight time this is not good oh I see the land oh we got him he's done he's done he's gonna kill me Luke remember me but that was only two of them I didn't even see the third you don't think the third got too oh he's in my base I see his name no I see him down there he filled my full base full of water I can't even go in how am I gonna kill him oh he's got to be low why am I not getting blinded I don't even care I pushed him in the water too oh well he's dead but um I can't go in my base well we're definitely moving bases and this is gonna be a pain to get all my stuff back and so I began the process of rebuilding a new Phoenix space but it was a pain to get my items back because of all that water and I'm not gonna lie I'm a little disappointed at this base didn't last longer but it's okay because my third base is one million times cooler okay so welcome to our brand new Phoenix base I literally built it at spawn right next to where their fire truck is and all of you know this base took me a lot longer than I thought it would but because they wanted it to look really cool around the volcano so welcome to the volcano base where we go up the Smoke Stack and we end up inside the base where we have everything we need from another portal and lava generator all the way to an enchanter and of course the most important item a bed anyway now that you've seen the full base it's time to work on our tier four upgrades obviously last time we tried to go for the it spread advancement but we were rudely interrupted so this time let's head back to an ancient city and let's get it spreads okay so now we shift to kill a mob near a skull Catalyst but that's the tricky part there are like no mobs in this thing let's get a skull Catalyst right here it didn't drop it okay let's instead get one from a chest in here there we go school Catalyst now let's go find a mob in a cave nearby like this group of zombies which we'll do or we can just put down let's go Catalyst right here and start killing them off and there we go get it it spread okay whatever I got the advancement let's get out of here okay next on our list of quests is simply to find an underwater monument and spite a guardian with lightning how am I supposed to do that I don't know but I do know one thing we have to start by getting an underwater Monument map which means first heading to a desert and getting a bunch of sugarcane okay there we go that's all the sugar cane we're gonna need and now we see the Blast away at the sand and grab a bunch of that okay that should be enough sand let's just grab some of that and now let's quickly fly on home and let's turn all of our sugar cane into paper now let's take our sand and throw it inside of our furnaces and we're gonna turn that into glass panes in just a sec but Wally Wafers finished melting real quick let's grab our two emeralds from this chest and our 19 emeralds from this one then let's combine four wood with two of our paper to get ourselves a cartography table and now let's just combine up a bunch of our iron with some Redstone to get ourselves some compasses and then once the glass finishes we'll have everything we need to head to an underwater monument and now if we go grab our glass and turn it all into glass panes we have two stacks of glass panes which is all we need so now let's make our way to the nearby Village and let's quickly make ourselves a cartographer okay let's see are there any okay here's a villager let's put this in the middle of town and see if any of these guys go for it there we go one of them turned into a cartographer I found him so now let's trade him all of our paper for emeralds now he should level up and now we can treat him all of our glass panes for even more emeralds and now last but not least we can get an ocean Explorer map which will lead us to an underwater Monument which is somewhere to our Northeast which is literally somewhere in this direction so let's just keep following it till the map starts generating okay the monument should literally be right up here somewhere there there it is boom I see it okay so let's get to work trapping the guardian first and foremost let's make ourselves a boat that we can trap a guardian in it now let's put this boat on the surface and now wait for one of them to fall into it yes there we go we got him okay now that this guardian's trapped inside the boat let's use our dirt blocks to quickly surround him okay now that we have our Guardian friend trapped I'm gonna start putting some lightning rods around this area so that way if it storms our friend here gets mited okay perfect that setup should do okay so I'm Gonna Leave This Guardian here until it starts storming and then we'll come back for him and he hopefully will get smited by lightning so let's just go ahead and let's head back home no way oh it's raining no shot what are the odds of that I was mid-conversation and now it's storming okay perfect wait for these lightning rods to go off and we should get this might kill we need on him I'm calling you Gregory yes we got him we just might in a guardian with lightning I'm taking that as a big fat W and I'm heading on home okay we are now one Quest away from unlocking the king scepter where we just have to block some more damage with our fire shield and of course get some people with the nuke ability I have and then we'll officially be done with the next upgrade but that means there's one thing we have to do first and let's find the new Fire Station because I haven't actually seen their new base yet which either means it's hitting really really well or I'm just blind and so I searched around for the new firefighter base but I couldn't find it and it turns out that's because the base was hidden under ice like who hides a base Under Ice that's so weird I can see light through the ground wait is this I think I just found the firefighter base I'm not 100 but there's definitely something under here oh yeah it's the firefighter base so first things first let's block some more damage with our Shield there we go and that's Quest 3 complete we've officially blocked 80 damage now we need to destroy them without killing their beds and hit them with our flaming explosion so let's just leave them over here real quick okay they're both right here let's use it ready boom we got two of them please dude but we hit three of them nice now we seem to do that two more times let's get these two boom Oh my God now I should get two more again and this time I'm doing it in the base I'm back inside now no they're trapping me inside oh this is bad hold on I got an idea let's nuke them there we go I nuked him they all survived however my quests are complete now let's go and let's unlock our brand new Phoenix King scepter and let's try this thing out so you're gonna notice I can change the color of the staff between three colors let's try out red oh what happened oh my God that's some of the giant Phoenix from this guy that just blew them up okay let's try the next one what's orange do you look he can't do anything his controls are all messed up and with our new staff unlocked we kind of made their base look like this my bad okay so that fight obviously went great in fact it went so great that I can now make my base near impossible to get to by surrounding it in lava because with our brand new king scepter while it's on the red gem I can right click the ground and you're gonna see a giant Phoenix falls into the ground and explodes causing the ground to be filled with lava and magma and now I'm gonna surround my whole base with this now this is what I call a proper Phoenix base anyway under the next tier 4 ability which is straight up called the Firebirds blessing and this ability is gonna make it so I can reach an extra 10 blocks but unlocking it's kind of tricky because we need two totems of undying 24 blocks of amethyst and five blocks of emeralds so let's start with the easiest part which is surprisingly getting to a woodland Mansion it's not just find the Cartographer oh there you are a cartographer and now we can get the giving him some emeralds and a compass and now we can get to a woodland mansion by pretty much apparently heading straight west so let's keep flying this way till we actually find this Woodland Mansion okay we're officially at the Woodland Mansion oh yeah there's the guy I need to get right there yes we got him one totem down now I'm doing the thing I need to do from the beginning nuke this place okay good this place is definitely gonna burn to the ground now and we got three totems of undying so let's get the heck out of here okay so now that that's done with we just have to get five blocks of emeralds which means we actually have to go mine some and the best place to do that is a mountain okay so we officially got all the emeralds we need so we can get out of here and that'll leave us with one Quest left we need to finish to get this upgrade and that's getting 24 blocks of amethyst so let's make our way underground and let's start looking for some geodes oh I almost flew past one there's a shield literally right here let's make sure our laser actually works on these things real fast did that give me amethyst blocks I can just mine this stuff hold on that's way easier hold the phone I don't need to worry about it I just break all this stuff oh great there we go that's enough amethyst blocks let's just turn our emeralds into Emerald blocks and we can officially complete the Firebirds blessing which I'm going to show you how old P it is right now so it actually turns out I read this ability wrong I thought it was an ability that gave me plus 10 reach it actually gives other things I use this on plus 10 reasons but it actually doesn't work on mobs either this is an ability that's only gonna work on the firefighters sorry but I can't show it to you right now and instead of telling you what the ability does I'm gonna save it for later because it's so cool I'd rather show you than tell you since I can't show you my cool new ability instead we're gonna work on the next upgrade the Phoenix King which we can unlock by simply getting 64 in other words 64 flesh and 500 golden nuggets which is all stuff that we can actually go get in the nether so let's go into our nether portal and now let's go find some nether warts and some Nether fortresses okay we found a fortress now let's just look for some nether warts in here here's some more Nether Warts right here oh we have exactly a stack let's go we're already out of here and done and now we have to get 64 rotten flesh and I believe if I kill a bunch of these Pigmen they drop rotten flesh right yeah they do so let's just start killing a bunch of these guys okay so we're officially done getting all the rotten flesh we need there's another evil that rotten flesh there's only one more thing we need to become the Phoenix King and that's 500 golden nuggets now most people would normally mine for the golden nuggets and while that might be fast with my doubling ore laser there's actually a faster way we can get golden nuggets and that's by heading to a Bastion like this one where we're gonna steal all the gold blocks inside and turn them into gold nuggets one gold block there we go and some gold ingots no gold in this one either oh God okay so this Bastion I don't think has any more gold blocks that I can find so I guess that means I do have to go get gold nuggets the old-fashioned way and just mine them with a laser inside the wall and there we go just like that we have 500 gold nuggets let's first head on home and now we can say goodbye to our regular Phoenix and hello to the Phoenix King where my Flames have now literally turned blue because I'm so hot and I have a cool purple crown on my head but there's a few other things you're probably also gonna notice and that's that I can now fly for 75 seconds I also now have strength 3 and speed three and 40 total Hearts but the best part about becoming the King Phoenix means we're officially done with our tier 4 upgrades and if we look at our last three upgrades the fire tornado requires dragon's breath The Infernal Radiance requires me to hit the Ender Dragon with my scepter and then the undead Inferno requires a dragon egg meaning for these next three upgrades we have to go to the end if we want to complete them and the first step to going to the end is getting blaze rods so let's go to the Nether and get some and luckily we're fireproof so fighting a bunch of blazes should be really easy okay nine Blazer on should definitely be enough so now let's just go look for a Bastion Remnant that has a bridge on it because that's the one I know the best and I'll be able to get the most gold blocks okay we found one is it a bridge oh it is a bridge let's fly around the back of this thing so there should be a bunch of gold around back I'll just go across the bridge and get all the gold that's gonna be in this room and there's not a ton of gold but this will still do okay 33 gold blocks is more than enough so now let's just go trap some piglets in a hole and start trading with them and there we go we already got our first guy trapped hello okay now we're gonna give this guy all the gold so he can start trading okay so we have 17 total ender pearls now now that we've finished trading let's head on home and start making our way to the end so before we actually go to the end there's a couple items I'm actually gonna need because to unlock the Phoenix's fire tornado I need 16 dragons breath and to get that we need 16 glass bottles so let's quickly head over to this beach over here steal some of this sand and now let's throw our sand inside of our furnaces oh wait we already have a bunch of glass down here did I already smell some oh we already have a ton of glass will you use that glass to make a bunch of glass bottles now that we have those we can officially make our way to the end that is after we craft ourselves some ender pearls now let's throw the first one off oh it's going straight ahead well I guess we're going this way okay let's throw the next one yes okay he turned around finally let's try right here oh we're going back this way there it is down here oh we found the stronghold okay there we go we found this thing okay let's eat some food and let's find this portal we got it we got it we got it okay now let's put all our eyes offender in place and now it's time to go to the end oh I'm drowning wait what the firefighters are here why are they here let's see if we can hit this guy off the edge there we go we got him off the edge the dragons already damaged a little bit and they took out all the crystals but we can't let this thing die yet because we still have to get its dragon's breath so let's grab our glass bottles and let's just get ready to fill them up okay we got some breath we got some breath how much do we get 15 how much do we need we need 16 we literally just need one more okay we got all the dragon's breath we need now we just gotta kill this guy no actually we need to get in with our red staff let's get him boom Oh my God I just exploded did he just kill it okay let's grab all the XP real quick oh why am I dying oh I can't see anything it's right here it's right here it's right here let's right click it again get away from the water no get it away from the water they're trying to steal the egg where'd it go where'd the egg go or the Egg go where the ego no it's there did they just get it they just took the egg I got the egg come on let's get him off the edge we got him he's going off into the void okay where's the other two where's the other two okay there's one right here let's get him with the red oh my God okay he's dead we still gotta kill one more there's still one more somewhere well if there are any I don't see them which is kind of a pain they definitely were planning to take that dragon egg from the beginning and that's why I'm guessing they were here but before we go and get our dragon egg back we gotta go to the outer end through this little portal so let's quickly get an ender pearl by killing off a couple Enderman like this guy and now we're gonna take this in a pearl and throw it through here and now we're officially in the outer end and so I headed to the outer end where I had to collect and stone ingots which are actually a brand new item me and my team have added into the game to make them you just have to combine a popped chorus fruit with End Stone and that's honestly not that hard to get with my heat ray however I also wanted to find an End chip so I could steal the dragon head in a light try look I know I don't need it this time but I want to get it okay okay so we officially have everything we need from the end so let's just quickly find a portal back home okay we are home okay so let's throw our chorus fruit inside of our furnace that way this stuff can start smelting into popped chorus fruit and once that's done we just combine it with our end Stone and we'll have all the End Stone and gets we need but uh this is gonna take a while for all these to cook so uh in the meantime I'm gonna go to the little birdies room okay let's see it looks like they're done already so let's just grab all of our pop chorus fruit and now we put in a crafting table with a stack of End Stone you're gonna see we get a stack of end stone ingots but we need two stacks of end stoning it so we gotta wait even longer okay so the chorus fruits are done we'll just craft the rest of them and throw them in the crafting table with cement Stone and get the rest of the end stone ingots we need and officially that's our first Quest complete to unlock Undead Inferno now overall there is actually still a bunch of stuff we gotta unlock but I'm gonna go over that tomorrow after we sleep okay so with three tier five upgrades to go there's only a few quests left we have to complete to become a full strength Phoenix the first is obviously getting our dragon egg back since it was stolen from us in the end then on top of that we just need to get another right scrap a beacon shoot seven different mobs with spectral arrows get 10 player kills with our scepter get one cake and 15 skulk sensors and then we're done let's quickly loop back to the base and let's make our way to the Nether and then let's shoot a bunch of different mobs with spectral arrows just because that's going to be the easiest so as you can see in total I have 47 spectral arrows so I just need to quickly grab a bow and now let's go shoot some mobs in the nether okay you're first okay there's a Strider that's gonna be two okay here's a Bastion let's go shoot one of these piglens there we go here's a gas for five okay well now let's just shoot a blaze over here at this Blaze spawner and now let's just find a wither skeleton to shoot right here there we go and we've officially shot Seven mobs in the Nether and since we're already in the nether we might as well get the rest of the nether stuff we're gonna need like the eight netherite scrap for fire tornado or the beacon for our fire tornado okay I thought just blasting my laser at a ceiling would get me some ancient debris but it's not working so instead we're gonna dig our way all the way underground and start looking for ancient debris down okay well maybe not down there because there's lava well let's just go down here and now let's dig for some ancient debris foreign debris which is gonna be enough because back at home we already have a bunch of ancient debris meaning now we're gonna work to get the last item from the nether which is the beacon so we're just gonna fly around this nether fortress for a little while killing a bunch of weather skeletons until we can get three Wither Skeleton skulls that'll let us summon the wither okay we officially have three Wither Skeleton skulls so let's just quickly collect these back grab some Soul Sand and now let's go back to the Overworld to battle the Wither so let's just fly over here away from our base and let's summon the wither over in this Stone Island area put down the Soul Sand like this throw three skulls on top and we got a Wither okay this battle should be pretty easy with my Razer Talons and Feathers but let's find out oh yes we should not have this held in our scepter already get away from the lava so that Mega star doesn't burn that was the fastest wither battle I think we ever had that didn't take like under 10 seconds well that was easy we now have another star so let's just head on home and finish this Beacon we just need five glass and three obsidian which uh I think if I check my chest we should have some glass if we got glass well that's the three obsidian we need and we got the glass so we just take the three of city and we combine it with the glass we throw our nether star in the middle and boom we gotta Beacon and with that Beacon unlocked we just need the eight netherite scrap to unlock our fire tornado so let's put our ancient debris inside of this Blast Furnace real quick and in this chest you can see we have three netherrite scraps and an extra ancient debris which should be enough to get us everything we need and now if we check we have all eight netherite scraps we need and we can unlock the Phoenix's fire tornado it summons a massive fire tornado that destroys pretty much everything in its path and the best part about this tornado is it lasts for well over a minute so this thing is just gonna keep on destroying everything nearby and you'll also notice that it's tearing up the ground where all the soft blocks are okay so now that we actually have our fire tornado we have strong enough ability that should help us get our dragon egg back from the firefighters because I'm assuming that's why they haven't shown up in a while they have no need to because they have my dragon egg so let's go get that dragon egg and distract them with a massive fire tornado but uh first things first we actually have to find their base because uh I kind of made their last one look like this so I'm gonna have to find their new one wherever it is so I searched for a new fire station and it took a while to find because they built it over an ocean which is honestly really smart of them because water's my biggest weakness meaning it's gonna be really hard for me to get that egg back oh I found them I see one right there floating and I see one right there flying their base is literally made of water oh one's flying after me one's already on me okay where's the dragon egg I need to be really careful here because if I touch any of this water I'm gonna go blind the dragon egg could be appearing in this thing that they're guarding there's one up here oh we're falling we're falling we're falling oh that's not good oh that's not good we're gonna grab that boat that's right next to us and we're gonna go far away real quick okay I think we hit the land we hit the land nice we're good now we wait for our flight timer to come back on let's get a red scepter kill real quick what is this oh oh we got two of them we got three of them okay let's get back to the base they just came out of up there up there must be their beds meaning the dragon egg's probably somewhere else it's probably in one of these like blue things okay let's set them on permanent fire this yellow staff should make it so they burn even in water do it keeps burning even in water I finally near this thing let's break it open let's break it over let's break it open it's just full of water there's nothing there there's one below us okay he's dead let's get this guy with our yellow staff now okay let's check out these other areas nope no egg that's the dragon egg I see it I see it in there okay the dragon eggs in this one but we gotta be really careful about how we do it God none of my Powers work on these guys while they're in water let's like this guy on permanent fire next okay now he's permanently on fire I get permanent crits on him now dude I'm on permanent fire Booyah that actually counted as a kill that's eight we just need two more nice that's nine okay got him with the red did I get someone I got him with the red I got some with the red nice let's go quick let's laser our way in here okay we gotta get that egg oh I right clicked it no it fell on a torch oh they broke oh it broke right next to me didn't even notice we got so lucky you fell on an egg there we got the egg let's get over here for a sec because that means we can now unlock our new ability infernal Radiance a brand new ability that's gonna catch everything around us on fire let me show you so everything around me begins to burn and I'm now see-through so you can see they just keep dying and dying and dying as I just stand here cooking them alive okay now let's turn that off and let me show you one other ability because I still haven't gotten to show you guys the ability that lets me hijack my opponent so let's go with this guy as an example I know he has Aimbot is gonna start attacking all of his teammates because of the ability I just used I can't stop I can't stop I'm sorry he can't even control himself it's just he look at him he's killing his 10 blocks of reach during that time let's get a different one let's go get this guy here uh now you do it oh it's still on cooldown it's still on cooldown you know what fire tornado now well they did with the fire tornado let's quickly nuke their beds and with that I am out of here after the attack on the fireman's base I went ahead and simply made a cake and gathered the 15 skulk sensors we needed and was able to become a fully upgraded Phoenix on day 95. okay so let's go and let's become our final evolution the undead Inferno where you can see I've now literally turned into a purple glowing Phoenix who's made out of Bones That's How Strong I've become you're now also gonna notice I have unlimited flight as my flight timer has gone away and you're gonna see that my feathers are still climbing in numbers and that's because I now have 106 the total feathers feathers the rapid fire in a while and I know I say that a lot but I haven't come close to dying even once in this video so I'm really starting to think we just made the firefighters too weak on this one anyway we still have five days left of surviving I honestly have no idea where the firefighters are I haven't seen them I have no clue what they're doing they don't have the dragon egg anymore so their one goal should be to stop me the question is when are they gonna show up well let me answer that because two days later they showed up on day 98. now let's get this ancient debris melting now while the oh hold on they're coming to my base I gotta catch them all on fire I just activated infernal Radiance everyone around me should start burning okay he's dead let's grab her another right scrap real quick they're putting water everywhere in the base hold on let's switch to Yellow there we go he's created nice okay we got them both burning permanently even if they go in water they're not getting out of this quick get to the crafting table let's combine four of these gold ingots together and four over another right scrap together now we're gonna be quick about this let's get into our smithing table throw it in with the Ingot and there we go we got another right chest plate the right leggings and now we even know the right helmet oh we're good we're good we're good we're good they're flying in from somewhere over here okay he's constantly burning he's dead okay where they all go they've got to be coming back I literally don't see any of them right now oh he's trying to find her pets guys he's trying to find I see two okay they're coming from this way okay I just activated my rebirth just in case they kill me then let's also go in front of my shield okay we just nuke two of them let's use that to figure out where they are they're somewhere out in this direction we know that for sure where is it right there I see him okay let's get inside I'm gonna use you to defend this base ready watch this now he's fighting his teammate and while he fights his teammate let's get into the base he sees it oh no no no no no oh my goodness we blew that thing up their bets are definitely gone now if they were in there oh he's done he's killing me it doesn't matter it doesn't matter let's put on our Shield land on the ground and when they get close Kaboom oh we only got one let's get the other with our staff oh he's done wow let's go They're All Dead oh one of them's leaving they're definitely you you quit yes I knew it dude they quit which means only one thing who wins this video The Phoenix wins thanks for watching
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,033,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, EDIT ME, Minecraft 100 Days, EDITT ME, CHANGE ME, CHANGE THIS, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: CEdEGwytNT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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