Cars vs U Turns in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game we're putting cars against u-turns makes my sanity turn around and go back from where it came it's GTA we want to put cars against u-turns and so it's time for a brand new challenge I now have to try and complete different u-turns that do absolutely nothing that a normal U-turn would do sometimes the u-turns break away sometimes the u-turns are sideways and sometimes the u-turns exist in a small pocket Dimension either way these are the cars I've been given that can vely turn but probably wish they didn't so let's do this imagine my excitement when I open up the board and it says you'll need two car Ys to finish the board LOL I'm not laughing out loud in fact I'm crying internally this car can jump by the way oo they left the Boost in too first up to try and make me hate myself it's plywood urn and I picked the heaviest vehicle out of all of my choices seems legit can this even step onto the plywood without it blowing up no no it can't what kind of random seesaw Ridiculousness did I manage here all the birds are swarming me me they're like ah fresh meat I'm Not Dead Yet birds I mean it's probably only a matter of time but I am not dead yet okay I think we may need to approach this with slightly more speed here we go ooh wow huh well the issue then is turning it wouldn't be so much of a problem out running the plywood but I have to do two u-turns while attempting to do this oh hold on we're going to go we're going to cut it at an angle we're going to jump big time oh wow hold on I might be able to make this work if you didn't want me to ye us the meus so convincingly you should have put invisible walls down I'm going land inside this tree okay New Plan full slow patience patience was stupid okay how about like as slow as humanly possible yes I mean barely hitting the acceleration the problem is is that eventually my impatience catches up with me and I start to hit more of the acceleration now a very slow I don't even know if this car has the turn radius for this I just thought about that oh oh wa I feel like this plywood is much weaker than the other plywood so I'm doing this and while I'm doing this someone is shooting at me actually there's a lot of cops shooting at me you ruined my run in the grand scheme of was picking the vehicle a terrible idea the answer is yes all right so I need something light in order to be able to do this well I say light I mean it I looks kind of light haters the only problem is it's like a it's like a small metallic Cannonball oh yeah oh this is no problem here we go I knew that this really shouldn't have I knew that this really shouldn't have given me as much trouble as it did it's mostly just due to the weight of the vehicle that was chosen and that brings us to the YouTube the uturn Speed Run I'm Legit going to constantly want to say YouTube so oh there we go so this is what just like one big U-turn just got the one U-turn to do and that's it I mean it's it's a large U-turn I think we can do this in 16 seconds yeah doesn't seem that bad the big issue with this car is you don't need a ton of traction in order to pick up groceries so the wheels on this are garbage just means I have to start my turns a little bit early okay turns are coming slightly early this year like so that's a lot of skidding I can't remember the last time the mom car won something so I really kind of want it to do very well there we go okay here we go here we go oh yeah I got it 16 seconds easy I was wrong in the little signs that are holding me back there's a gap if I could fly through the windshield I might be able to get through the sign just through sheer Speed come on man I am not close enough at all hey your mom called she said she wants her car back all right it's time to do the new Atomic fresh it is fresh and hot and ready this is the Little Caesars of vehicles you want to see this watch this AB boom look at that right there speed agility wow the turning radius oh oh okay the corner plywood is definitely weaker than the straight plywood can I like jump this it's got four-wheel drive okay just very slow very slow there we go no okay do not go above 3 m an hour this thing has the turn radius it has the pickup it can easily get the next challenge done the 16sec one it's just a matter of of getting past the cornering here cuz the plywood is it's more like tissue paper it's like trying to drive on a bunch of tin foil ah as long as I can get oh here we go okay U-turn speedrun we're doing this in one shot or I might come slightly closer to throwing my computer out the window speed is good uh turning is it's pretty good yeah I'll take that that's pretty that's great oh yeah bam got it with like half a second left this brings us over to uturn wall rides okay you can't make the u-turns normally there's walls so you're going to have to ride and then pop off back onto the roadway oh there's a time limit too you got 40 seconds to do this in and oh okay that was quick we're going to dump it and then wall ride it and then bloop on up oh yeah oh I got this oh this one's a little bit shallow to go into that yeah huh that tree caught me and then it let me down right about here as the turn starts that's really when you want to get into the wall rides like here oh they're getting kind of kind of tight that's hot uh-huh perfect yeah the road is Getting Thinner part of the road just got shaved off straight up and yeah H got it with tons of time to spare no problem the wall still hasn't come up I I beat that was like 15 seconds I beat That by U turns but there's no road I don't know how I'm supposed to beat the challenge when there's no road to use oh waa oh god oh and they merge it's a platform that does a uturn all right we're going to line this up and get some speed get some speed maybe this fast uh yeah okay okay and then it's a transfer oh wow it's almost Optical illusionary so catch on the hot pink platform violating my eyeballs I love it feels great then we're going to go on to the gry still plays gray platform kind of bank this to the left then there's a helicopter in the middle of nowhere oh that helicopter just bust my tire the helicopter is on the left hand side so I have to squeeze this all the way to the right yeah there we go I got plenty of space Oh my God and then you have to transfer again is the next platform thinner I think the next platform is the next platform is definitely smaller it's shaped off like 8 ft that's all right though I got I got the timing on this and then this platform there it ah there's a plane wasn't ready for that sadness Airlines if I stay here on the left this way I don't really have to turn that much perfect ah there's nothing there the car doesn't even fit on the last platform what are you supposed to do look at the size of it oh my God it's the same distance as the wheels there's no way it's going to be okay I haven't been assaulted by oh waa that airplane came kind of early there I was going to say I hadn't been assaulted by an airplane in quite some time okay and go oh my God I have to oh my I need a car with a smaller real wheelbase in case anyone was wondering the Open Wheel car does not break any of the plywood when it comes to turning this thing gets A+ All the Time 16 seconds you ready for this we going to do this in 12 bam look at that right there first try easy wall riding is really good at too mostly just because of the sheer down force it doesn't do shouldn't have say anything I was going to say it doesn't do stuff in record time but 40 seconds is a long time for this board look at how look at how it just hugs the wall I could go into this wall in the wrong spot and easily still wall ride this watch this oh no okay now I don't think I got it this will teach me to just not see anything okay here we go just a little bit more patience oh I'm fine everything's fine we saved that there are no issues at all God this was a lot more difficult than and I had thought it was going to be come to think of it I don't know if the wheelbase on this is shorter or longer than the Jeep cuz it does have a very long wheel base okay everything's good plenty of speed plenty of pickup you don't need to use very you don't need to use very much acceleration on this I feel like this what I was going to say is I feel like this is this thing's wheelbase is exactly the same size as the Jeep problem is I start paying too much attention to where the plane's going to be and then I lose track of the platform underneath my car so plan's going to be early here uh yep there it is okay Moment of Truth did this do anything no well no it still feels terrible if I need two cars to beat this we got a problem cuz we're running out of cars yeah I'll try superar everyone loves vodka hold on I'm just checking something they're pretty similar so how does it do on the wood it does okay you can't take these u-turns very fast or the plywood will blow up but as long as you take them kind of like that as long as you take them sort of slow you can definitely make it in one try on the speedrun I'm expecting this to do very well which means my expectations will probably be let down and I will be sad holy drift Okay it definitely likes to pull the back end quite far around but the speed on this is okay ow remember how I said I was going to go through that sign by shooting through the windshield I almost almost got there basically the idea is I just need to do my drift perfect so way on the outside come to the inside I didn't even have to drip that much there we got it easy we got it look at that full 1 second left this thing should wall ride pretty good H yeah feels good comes off of the wall ride decently too which is nice instead of being all wishy-washy like the Open Wheel car oh it's real smooth oh yeah oh that's hot uh-huh we're doing good and then bail onto the I'm losing traction I'm losing traction I'm losing traction no everything's fine everything's okay there we go that took a lot more tries than I hoped makes me realize maybe drinking and driving wasn't the smartest idea inside of the Vodka mobile all the transfers have been very good so far dodging the plane plenty of torque now here we go oh oh hold on I think I got like six more inches oh my God you have to do so much stupidity on this challenge come on just let me have this just let me have this this one time okay the plane's coming around it's going to come around in its normal place right about on the tip of this U-turn very good I need to go inside middle inside is where you want to keep this where's the transfer the TR I don't know how I'm going to make that transfer you know what I'm going to try the roll cage car it has a very very short wheel base oh yeah look at this huh wow I had no idea it was so light look at this it doesn't break any of the plywood I never would have known all right oh I didn't really do that quite well enough how good is it on the timed you turn turning is really good oh yeah good grip on the road nice grip I don't know about the speed though okay I need to time this perfectly there that'll that shaves off a full second I think if I can time that I'm going to be able to get through this so nice smooth turn Keep It Wide to the outside all the acceleration and ow huh I need to shave off another like tenth of a second I'm I'm going to try and do this very wide more speed more speed that's too much okay I got an idea this is going to sound crazy we're going to wall ride this you ready kind of just chassis grind the side to get an extra 10th of a second off yeah I told you all we needed was another 10th of a second baby nice W right you turns go and yeah good traction good good traction on the on the u-turns I like it uh-huh oh this is probably the best wall Rider on on this type of wall ride I've done today oh we're going to one time this oh yeah now I don't know if these roads got thinner or if it was just the u-turns getting slightly more sharp okay so far feels good enough speed the car is short nice and short and in this instance you want a car that is not tall enough to ride the rides 100% you want the short car for this one oh I might be able to do this okay I need to go transfer to the left ah so what we're going to do is we're going to go left swing to the left and then swing right almost I want to get this final platform on an angle like a little bit of an angle so right oh here we go oh my god oh I don't know where I'm going oh no that was the closest I got I was right there okay this can be done okay yes slow way to the left then we're going to bank it to the right yes please end please end give me the oh my yes oh my God finally wow that was bad you turns but you can't really turn what does that mean we're just taking all the parts of the U-turn away pretty soon it's going to be like u-turns but it's not a you or a turn what is this what is this what is happening so the uturn starts and then the uturn goes and then another U-turn intersects it this like a what okay oh wow oh my God how fast did you put these u-turns at a few Soul crushing hours later man it's like 100 m an hour that thing's going so where does this teleport it looks like it teleports like after the road see the Shadow the shadow yeah right as the shadow crosses the road oh wow oh my God I could barely go fast enough uhoh if I didn't if I didn't get that transfer I'm screwed aren't [Music] I there's nothing you can do this challenge might be worse than the last one it's been a long time since I've been kicked in the face by two different challenges back to back you go and then we're going to have to do almost like an ebre 180° Turn full turn turn I don't know how I'm supposed to get enough speed to outrun that though okay I'm going to give this one more try if not I think I'm going to need an even supery superar come on come on almost got there but not quite no no you know what this might work doing turns while you're hovering is really weird but this might be the chosen one this thing was heavier than I anticipated but you can cheat this entire challenge right here by just hovering around it now I can't fly they've disabled the nose up on the hover but I think that the car itself just has enough speed to do this it's close I might end up having to chassis slide this or something just like the last one cuz if you can shave again if I can just shave like another tenth of a second out of this I think I'll be able to get it going to do a combination of tires and floating that didn't didn't work I almost got through that little Gap though hold on oh I could get inside of it it's just the the top part of the car can't squeeze through all right I'm going to try and do this full floating so in the hover mode because the hover Mode's weird you kind of get see it kind of just like gravitates into the turns I think we did even better wow God the hover mode cut cut off enough time it worked I never really would have thought that this thing would be the best u-t Turner this thing should wall ride okay the car itself isn't bad it's not like super fast or anything but yeah see look at that perfect no big deal watch this Bing into the wall ride catch it got a little bit of traction lost there good uhhuh oh yeah oh God I thought I could use the hover mode and like catch myself before I fell to the ground that did not work all right just don't mess this upgrade nice and easy into the inside there we go perfect okay so it can do it I don't know if it's better to do the hover probably just the wheel mode for this and go around the helicopter so far so good I also don't know what the wheelbase is like on this the car feels long but the wheelbase feels kind of average oh God okay wow ah I've tried a couple times doing the hover you do not want to hover for this and the wheelbase is slightly oh my god oh hold on I'm in full concentration mode oh oh For the Love of All That is Holy let this happen yes now don't go too far to the inside you can go to the outside there we go oh all right here's the plan we're going to use the hover mode for this the reason why is because the hover mode should be fast enough well just barely and the other thing is is that oh I just screwed myself what I was going to say is that the hover mode can deal with doing 180° turns and keep most of its speed look at that almost got there okay wait for it wait for it wait for it and pull oh man there's got to be a trick to this somehow maybe if I go here oh wow okay hold on hold on we're running this we're running it I got oh my God no I didn't know there was nothing there I know the technique you need to turn when this is like a full platform away there yes okay then we're going to float over this okay then we're going to float over this oh I've got it I've got it [Music] no okay I've done this once I could do this again transfer over no big deal then we're going to skip it just like that then we're going to skip no okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes oh my god oh that was awful that was one of the worst challenges I've done in I don't know how long I L I literally can't tell you the last time I have felt that level of pain in GTA there's more for God's sakes give me a checkpoint or something get a second car what okay uh I don't get it there's not there's no like script Trigger or anything there's not like a circle or anything to tell me what to do there's an island with the the the box that you put your hands inside from Dune I don't know what the question mark means would I have to pick a hole so I came all the way back here there's only one thing that can fit in that hole you know and it's this how am I supposed to beat this course with this I mean this part of the course is really easy but it's not timed can this do this in 16 seconds all right I guess we'll find out I don't there's no way there's no way to do this in 16 seconds it's not fast enough at all it doesn't slide out or anything on the turns but you can't well maybe it's not that bad huh no it's not going to make it there's no way you can hold [Music] on oh he put invisible wall here can I get through that Gap I almost got it hold on I think I can get through this Gap I shove the deluxo through the Gap so there's no invisible wall in this Gap I think I can can cheat this all right farther back like I don't know here oh oh okay hold on I think things are starting to make sense look at how low these walls are can I jump over them right is that why they're so low oh they're high enough to not get jumped over all right check it out I have found the secret sauce watch this it is just jump the gaps you kind of like there there you go so I still need to beat in time but I think I can do this I understand now why this was 40 seconds all of the other cars can do this easy in 40 seconds it's this one vehicle that would struggle with the time limit but because you get 40 full seconds if you jump the gaps it can make it now I'm starting to get it all of these different challenges had a cheat method built in specifically for the Bandido so it could get all the way to the end it was almost like an IQ thing I guess you just had to find out the way to cheat it the problem here is the platform goes what in God's name I am inside of the challenge I mean I'm screwed there's nothing I can do about this I can't win now but that's kind of interesting I think the way that this that this works is you got to jump this and then when you jump it you need to hit one of the regenerators to get your jump back and then jump again and jump okay I almost landed that quite well okay go jump land pulse jump oh oh my god oh there is a Slowdown stick there and that just barely saved my life okay here's the plan I can't think of a better way to do this I'm going to put the Bandido on the deluxo and then fly it over to this other area oh yeah this is safe sideways should be the best oh it is sliding oh it is sliding forward I need to get this thing across the water oh oh god oh this is very very precarious but it worked we put the rechargers in at the end so I can't see what's at the end of the hole I shouldn't say I can't see what's at the end of the hole did you put an invisible wall back here or can I just swim behind this I don't see an invisible wall all right so the answer is is the right hole I have to jump that like I need to use the bandido's jump at the last second in order to jump that that's probably why he's giving me a little tiny block to jump at the end either way though this board has taught me that the entire point of it was to cheat because just to get the Bandido to this point you had to cheat the entire board line this up and that means that hold on I need to not screw this up that we have a winner yeah well I made you turns and I really wish I didn't anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode GTA till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,491,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, cars vs u turns, cars vs u turns in gta 5, u turns gta 5, u turn gta 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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