Evolving cats that can end humanity

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All right, we're checking out the only game where you have to become a cat that's so evil that you destroy life on the entire planet as we know it. It's Cat Evolution. I feel like that's just- Oh, I'm just eating full on steaks. That's great. I'm like, Oh, I just became like a real cat. I was going to say, I'm just a kitten right now. I'm surprised that I have evolved into my- Wow! Just started. And I'm already like a panther. Like a mountain lion at this point. How many different cat levels are there? That's 100 points. And I have a hundred points. Am I going to die from this? Yes. It just rammed my head into a- What is this? Now, I'm not any kind of feline expert or anything like that, but this is a deer. Do you eventually become a deer cat? I like how it's like, you win. Oh, you can up your strength. Absolutely. I started as a slightly bigger cat, so I guess the idea here is that you eventually eat so much that, you know , you either destroy or enslave the entire world, which completely makes sense. Looking at it from the perspective of a cat, that's basically all cats do. I'm still very curious about what exactly the point of the deer is, though. Is this like- Is this like one of my nemesises or something? I love how I want to become this cat. I'm basically just a cat colored slug. It kind of slithers on the ground. If you notice, it doesn't really move like a cat. Right. So now I can upgrade my strength. Yeah. So now I start as the panther. Okay. I love how eating anything healthy. It just destroys a cat's will to live. It's like cheeseburgers. Great. Carrots. Not at all. You know, there's vegetables on these- What are these? It's like. It's like an eggplant. But with malnutrition, I feel like it's almost like a carrot. But maybe it's a radioactive carrot. I'm really not sure. Oh, I have spots, now. I'm a leopard. I wonder if you eventually get to cats that don't really exist. I feel like that would be a thing in a game like this. Eventually you just become, I don't know, like a dragon or something because it doesn't make any sense. And they run out of things to upgrade you into. This is 100% a deer. I mean, in the beginning, I guess it could have been like a cat with antlers, like some sort of, I don't know, Rudolf Cat or something, but that is 100. Can I get around this? Do I have to eat these carrots? God, I hate carrots. Actually, in real life, I love carrots. But as a cat, I do hate them. What is this? What is this now? Am I being blocked by Indiana Jones. Why is he doing, like a like a like a lineman's routine- Oh, now it's corn. As a cat, you can't eat corn either. God forbid anything that would provide us any kind of fiber is strictly outlawed. What do I have to do, battle with this deer? I do. I have to murder this deer. I feel kind of bad about it. Am I going to drop kick him through all these different walls? Please tell me that the deer eventually gets dropkicked through all the walls. Okay. The deer has no- Oh, here we go. Hold on. Finish him. Boom. Oh, yes. There's nothing quite satisfying as ragdolling- Oh, it's a stag, actually. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Stag. That's worth 275 gems. Where does the stag go? Wouldn't I just eat it? Oh, I have a zoo. I own a zoo. Like as a cat, I feel like I feel like this is some sort of violation, some sort of treaty violation or something. What is this? This isn't a cat. This is a human. Is this like the zoo enclosure for the stags? Can I put you in here? Add one. The stag is legitimately just in a- in a pen all by himself, sad and alone as people come look at it's, I don't know, depression and then drop giant stacks of money off at this table. Why? What is this? Oh, no, I just upgraded. Oh. It's a zebra enclosure. I'm getting money in this game really fast. It's like, is this like to another island or what is this? It is. There's a rhino enclosure. I have to battle. A rhino one day as a cat. All right, hold on. We're going back to the Hunter area because again, I need to know, like, what you upgrade into eventually. So now we start with the spots. What do these do? They're supposed to. Is just red mean, like meat. If I kill this, do it- Does it- Does it- Do, like, a bunch of steaks pop out? No, nothing really popped out. I mean, here's a steak, I guess. Here's a couple haunches of steaks. I'm past 300 now. Oh, I'm like a Black Panther at this point. That's kind of awesome, actually. 350. 400 must have something else in it. We're about to get there, so I'll find out in a second. No, nothing at 413, maybe at 450. Where- Hold on. I got to- I got to spaz out here to get as many of these diamonds as possible. This is how a cat would actually move, obviously. And then eventually you get to this weird chest all the way at the end. We're almost there, but we need 1200 more hit points. I am going to end up drop kicking a zebra to death. I feel like avocados are good for you, but as a cat, we don't eat them. Give me the McDonald's! Obviously, this is- This is the diet of any real cat. Out of the way wood! Stronger? You do not get stronger by eating carrots. I feel like you're lying to me. You lied to me 100% lied to me. It was just carrots or more carrots. Oh, I have to balance- Oh God.... Oh, this is what it's like being drunk. Oh, okay. Made it. And then dropkick this out of the way! I dislike nature, although nature basically has given me all of these delicious hamburgers to eat. Yeah, we're at 4- 476 and we haven't upgraded yet. And let me get past these gigantic slices of American cheese. Alright, yeet my way past the first wall. Yeet my way past the second wall. Grab all the gems as a violent tabby or whatever I am. So now it's cheese. We're going through all of the food groups that I'm not allowed to have- Yeet!!! You do eventually get eggplants as well. Of course. Why wouldn't you? Oh, I can get around that one. That was kind of cool. Eggplant. Minus 80 strength. Some people say it has, I don't know, antioxi- Oh! Hold on, what is this? I told you, eventually we were getting to the realm of things that aren't real. Now I'm the Tron cat. I feel like this is not a real creature that exists in nature. Maybe it is. It's probably in Australia because everything unusual is generally in Australia. We have a lot of stuff down here that's also in Australia that we have in Florida. But when it comes to cats, we basically only have like strays and panthers. That's it. That's our two different levels of cats. It's now these different signs are trying to backhand me. Oh, nice sausage. I like that. Evolving into a Black Panther gets me an impressive. Like, I'm not really sure I did anything other than, like, overfed my cat, That'd be kind of weird. Because in real life, the only thing that happens when you overfeed your cat is you get a fat cat. Alright, Zebra- This zebra is insanely demonic! What an evil looking zebra!!! All right. He's got a 304 hit points. We're doing pretty good here. Now we get weaker every time we lose, one of our forms, sadly. Now we're we've dropped down to this regular panther. Luckily, we're still at least a regular panther. I think even as even as like a oh, no, I'm a sad slug cat. But luckily the sad slug cat- Here it is! From the top rope! You're going into my zoo, zebra. Now, fortunately, this is a demonic zebra, so no one will miss him. The zebras like, "You- You didn't give me anything in this pen." "Like there's no food, there's no water, there's nothing." Listen, at least you have a rock. The stag gets nothing. Now shut up and make me money. All right, now we can upgrade to the next level. So now we're starting as the Black Panther. That's kind of cool. Who a mystery. Mystery is I got an eggplant. No, this is the only time in life when anyone would probably feel really bad about getting the eggplant. All right, now to test my sobriety again. I love that. What this does is you have to kind of, like, balance yourself in the middle, but every once in a while, it just decides that you're slightly more drunk than you were, like, 2 seconds ago. And it- Ow! And it forces you all the way over to one side and you have to hyper compensate. Tron Lion! Go! And then next level go. I'm going to eventually body a rhino. I have to destroy everything- Is that- Are those like full hotdogs? I have to destroy every single creature in the animal kingdom, don't I? Oh, wow. They actually give you big bonuses. The hot dogs do. They give you, like, four. Oh, yeah. Oh, I love hot dogs. This is great. Only problem is, as I'm a, like, a wider cat. I end up having to hit all- Oh no! Now the Indiana Jones linebackers have gigantic mustaches. This means that they're slightly more powerful than they were before. I really don't know what that means. Straight up, though, I do eventually hope that it just turns me into something that's not a cat at all. And we can just call it a cat. Maybe it'll have ears in the tail and that's good enough. I have the worst diet of any animal in the entire world. The only thing I eat all day long is like hot dogs and hamburgers. This is not the standard diet of any wild cat. Now there's spikes on the ground. Why? Do cats really have to go through all that? All right. Now we're at 710. I don't know, cat meat. It's basically what powers my feline form. See, that was it. And down to 610, down to 300. But we're almost at the point where we can beat this 500 area. You and me, Rhino, we're going to be going at it in just a second here. Okay. So now I start as the glowing cat. I love how when they don't know what to do- When they don't know what to- What to, like, give your cat as a struggle for his life and survival. They just throw lava in there because that's totally normal for any cat to have to deal with. 790- Oh wow! I feel like all I am- I'm like a Bengal tiger. Like a Bengal tiger on like a ton of steroids. I wasn't- Oh, now I'm a glowing Bengal tiger. I'm like a Tron Bengal tiger. Oh, that was only an eight and I did 240 hit points of damage. Okay, I am getting a hit pretty hard, but I think we're going to be like a like a pretty good cat by the- Oh, yeah, we're a glowing cat. We hit this guy, so hopefully we can get past. Come on, you have a lot of body power. Just keep rolling. We're almost at the treasure chest. Rhino caught. Alright, Rhino, your job, like every other animal that isn't me, is to make me money. Here's the rhino pen and there's the rhino. What else are we upgrading? How many animals are there- Three thousand dollars?!? All right. Depressed zebra. How much money did you make me? 1100 bucks. How about you? Depressed, stag? 800 bucks. You're actually less valuable to me than the- Than the zebra. Now, let's open this up all the way. Oh, a crocodile or possibly an alligator. I'm really not sure. It looks high. He could also just be tired of it. He does look blazed. Oh, yeah. Oh, fat stacks. What is that? Are those baby bottles? What? Why? Speed boost. Okay. Do I want that? I don't know if I do. I kind of want to go slower. Almost feel like just so I have more time to be able to react to everything. Why am I stealing an infant's nutrients? I don't think I'm the right age for a cat to be eating. Child baby bottles. 100. Oh, yeah, 300. We're almost at that five. Oh, God. All right, level up the strength a little bit more. So now we're starting at 700 meats. Oh no! It's either Starbucks or hot dogs. I feel like any cat realistically would like Starbucks. Get your get your human cart out of my way. Humanity won't even exist by the time I'm done with you. You really won't. Because, honestly, like all of the things that you could be eating as a human will actually be in my zoo. I like how this was the evolution of animal kind. Eventually they just started, I don't know, like basically enslaving each other and putting them in zoos. 918 We're stacking them up. I also feel like this- I feel like this- This tiger may be drunk because he's leaning very heavily to his right side. It's also possible he's a lefty. I'm not really sure. Oh, we got it. Hold on. Past the 500. Yes, we're the slug cat. But now we at least got to the 700 steppers. Wouldn't want any of those. Oh, yeah. Thick meat. And then steal the children's food, then across the moving platform. Get all this! Don't want any of the peppers. Even though I actually love Philly cheesesteaks, which onions and peppers are kind of normal for those. But I guess in my in my feline form, I can't I can't have anything that would provide me any level of nutrition outside of the bodily flesh of another once living creature. All right. Cat versus gator. What is this? What is that? Do I just press this? Oh, it just goes down, but doesn't seem that hard. I thought it would be a big problem, but it really wasn't. Big yeet! All the meat! I ended up eating 100 carrots, which was a real problem. They call inches one 100 meat. 100 more meat. What kind of- What kind of just like, overpowered radioactive animals am I fighting? This is an unusually large alligator. Okay, he does hit kind of hard. Oh, I'm actually still my Tron self. That's fantastic. I'm going to nail him as the Tron Cat. And the Tron cat gets a times ten. Say hello to your new life. Get in there. Level up. Now we're starting as the. The slightly obese Bengal tiger. Whatever- Whatever this is supposed to be. I really- My cat- My, like, anatomy of cats is pretty sad, actually. I own four cats, but they're all just regular sad cats. They don't have a lot of special powers they can't transform or anything, unfortunately. I got 1,134 cat power right now. Okay, so 300, 500 and we need 700 for the last one. And then I think we have to murder a gorilla. Here's a bear enclosure. For some reason, I can't put that crocodile in his cage, so he's just in my pocket for all of eternity. There has to be another evolution, though. It's not- Oh, now they're on conveyor belts. It's not ridiculous enough. Come here, sausages. Yum, yum. Oh, yeah. We actually still have, like, a real cat form instead of the blob cat approaching the 700 level area. Right next level. So now we're starting as this cat. So we're already at. I didn't think you could squeak by. These are really big pieces to me. I didn't think you could squeak on by. But you totally can. Can I get around this one? No? Why are you? Do I have to- Do I have to battle you? Are we supposed to battle? You're dancing. It's kind of awesome, actually. I'm going to battle you. *laughter* What happened? How come he went flying into the stratosphere? It doesn't make any sense. Hold on. Hold on. Yeet! *laughter* Oh, could- Could this be it? Hold on. 900. Oh, no, not yet. We're still- We still got, like, a little bit more. We're at 428. Oh, that's not a gorilla at all. It was a bear. I told you my anatomy was fantastic. Give me these burgers. Maybe that'll help me feel better about my failure in life. Can I get around this? Yeah. I don't even want to know what this many hamburgers is doing to my cat arteries. All right, Yogi, get ready to get Ninja Chopped, Whatcha! 300 damage! Whatcha!!! Don't you knock me out of this form? I hate you. Well, I'll make you fly as far as I possibly can. Only two more levels to get to that treasure chest. I have backhanded the entire animal kingdom at this point. Okay, so now a giant like a wind turbine is firing me up into the air. That makes sense. What animal? What are you. What is this? Oh, it's like a roided up, like, a roided up horse or something. I don't actually know what that was. I'm going to ask that horse be like, What did you have for breakfast? He's like, Ketamine. Wait, do I have to. Do I have to murder my own dad? It's like a lion, but I'm kind of a lion. I mean, not really, but. And it's just all eggplants all the time over here. Okay, I want you to look at this. What is this? I told you eventually there'd be a dragon. It's like a dragon on like a rhinoceros body. Ahhh!!! I'm falling to my death. Oh, I'm actually inside of the toxic waste. I am- Maybe it's radio. Maybe it's, like, radiating me, and I'll. I'll get superpowers. Okay, let's try that again. I'm so glad that I have to battle whatever that is again. Man, this cat is, like, way more drunk than the other cats. Ugh! All right, so this is pretty cool. We're leveling up yet again. So now we're starting at 1500 meat power. I like how the people are trying to block us. They're going back in time. Like now. They're kind of like cavemen. Okay, before I go any further. What? What are you. What are you? Are you like an aardvark? I feel weird not knowing what you are. You're dead all the same. Oh, I went around him- Nope. Still killed him! Yeah. I upgraded to the, I guess, Siberian tiger. I don't- I don't know. I feel like the creature I became is more realistic than the creature I just was. All right. 300. Bam! 500. Oh, we're getting it! Oh, we're getting 700. And the slug cat with 6 meats left. Gets the crown! Yayyyy! So it gives you 500 extra points. And now we have to do battle with the lion. We got to turn into the Siberian tiger for this. I have to do it. 60 burgers. More burgers. Dad, this is for all those years where you made me eat my vegetables. Little did you know it was harming me the whole time! Ungh! Yeah 400 points! Ungh! 300 points! And the dad goes Yes! And we got our dad. Is there anyone else after this? Does it keep going? There's more of upgrades? Are you kidding me? How many more cats can I possibly upgrade myself into? 100. Ooh. All right, so we're at 1300 already. You grab this sausage, and then we're going to grab the double sausages. Grab this sausage. Get yeeted. This is going to be the gold coin. Dodge all the cavemen. Okay, there's the hippo. We can upgrade our strength yet again. Now we're starting at 1300. Meet power. What is this? Is this- Is it like- It looks like ren fair food, which I'm fine with, but it's just kind of interesting. Does it matter which of these I destroy? I can kill them all. Oh, yeah. We're past 1800 meats now. Oh, there's another level. Now, you need 900 to open it. So there is. There's another upgrade. Past the Siberian tiger thing. Oh, my God. It's grossly oversize doses. God, they were so hideous. All right, Hippo, get ready Because there's no mercy. Not gonna lie. The hippo is actually pretty strong. But not strong enough. Ungh!!!! all that extra weight actually made him go end over end so high. Okay, I've managed to get all of the animals in the pens now, and so they have begun making me big money. All right, I gotta open up the lion cage now so I can put the lion in. There we go! Sorry, Dad. Okay. All the animals are in now. It's a matter of opening this area. Eventually, the last thing I'm going to have to capture as a cat is, like, all of mankind. It's an elephant. That's the final one. You got it. All right, elephant. You probably thought you were pretty special. As far as I'm concerned, you're just a slightly larger hamburger. Out of the way! This doge is just like, "Look at my biceps." Nobody cares about your biceps! Out of the way! Okay, working our way to the elephant, I would like to get to the next upgrade as well. Can I kill both of you? Oh, I got one. Oh, God. Flying sausages, my favorite kind. Air sausage. All right. We're definitely going to be able to get our next upgrade. Upgrade. Oh, my God. I'm over 2000 at this point. 2000 meat power. Here I come. 2100 Meat Power. I'm so strong, I'm running sideways in place. Well, I almost made it past the 900 barrier. All right, so starting off at 1400. 1510. All right! this is such an odd fight to see play out. I mean, it's working, I guess. I'm getting him down. I don't know if we'll be able to do it with this life. Luckily, I'm a cat, so I've got, like, nine lives or whatever. Yeah. See, I'm already back to my Black Panther area and he is- Oh, do it as a tiny kitten. Yes, as the tiny cat: GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Home run right into the treasure chest. Yes. Get in your cage, elephant. You're welcome. Oh, we upgraded so far as the cat that we took over the entire planet. Now we just make money off of every living creature. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Cat Evolution. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 5,027,805
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Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, and this happened, funny, games, best games, game, cat evolution game, cat evolution games, evolution game, cat evolution gameplay, cat evolution game all cats, cat evolution, gameplay, android games, ios games, mobile games, cat evolution ios, cat evolution android, evolution kitten
Id: BV_CM5l3bZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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