Every Car vs Reverse Speed Bumps in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game we're reversing speed bumps reverses my brain function it's GTA so Alex wanted to torture me with the inverse of a normal Challenge and so he created a brand new board he's taken speed bumps of all different types and he's inverted them effectively making reverse speed bumps because it's Alex these things evolve from regular reverse speed bumps to Yeti reverse speed bumps to sliced out reverse speed bumps and everything else he's giving me all these different vehicles to try and beat this monstrosity but as always only one could be victorious let's do this pop quiz how do you ruin Gray's life you make reverse speed bumps that never hurt nobody immediately immediately is lying to me there is no way wow wow I cannot believe how well the meme vehicle took that speed bump now as you notice how this works is Alex has prepared all these different speed bumps and then right afterward he inverts them so I have to deal I'm not getting thwarted on the first challenge I'm totally getting thwarted on the first challenge what I was gonna say is you have to beat both versions of the speed bumps wow I can't even make it over this with full speed all right I do have hydraulics so maybe with hydraulics there we go okay so now speed bump number two I don't even know what to call this monstrosity I love how it's got It's almost like a giant piece of caution tape it's like caution gray you downloaded another Alex board what were you thinking I don't know oh God there's like pipes and stuff in the middle of this one okay so the key with this thing is just just launch yourself over and try not to touch the reverse speed bump I love how I'm Looking Backward while I back up I want to be safe in the bumper car the only person gonna die are you kidding me does stop stick there over it reverse speed bumps with a 69 KD ratio okay it's not an Alex board unless he sneaks a 69 in there somewhere oh my God uh uh I think this thing may have met its match you may be saying great did you ever get any close to getting over this thing no okay now this is another small vehicle but I have high hopes for it we're gonna test them I've got to test the ATV all right first speed bump no problem look at the air oh god oh oh I'm fine I was wearing my helmet in case you're wondering this is why you always wear your helmet now I'm gonna take it off okay I'll put I'll put them on mine so yeah this is look at look it up this goes over the reverse speed bump okay no big deal at all we can probably just climb this look at that right there pure power now we're gonna pop perfect so the 69 candy ratio can uh not easy not easy I call it a can because it reminds me of a gigantic can of like Campbell's tomato soup the only thing we need is speed [Music] oh my God I'm so glad I had my parachute on me or that could have hurt okay see what happens if I don't try and vomit myself off of the four-wheeler immediately so let's let's ramp over oh okay what is your problem four-wheeler it's like you're trying to murder me the four-wheeler is like I am okay so Campbell's Soup 69 KDs you're not gonna go to 70 though I think we're gonna try this slow like just through sheer traction you can get it all right it's a little bit steeper than I had previous answers how am I supposed to make it up this with anything God can I like cheat this or something maybe I can can I go sideways no okay I'm running out of ideas ah it's in my spine okay if I can maybe I could ramp oh oh my God I didn't think it would work so well all right sweet I thought to myself I'll just ramp the other vehicle and it totally happened so now it's that thing that we just went over but in Reverse so it's kind of like a half pipe at this point I can probably just roll down this but I'm gonna try and do a full jump okay so we're gonna go I I'm fine so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go we're gonna look for the Hydraulics now uh well this is a problem I got over but I lost the vehicle what the what is this what did that did that blade just scale the wall legit I think that it looked like that plane just rode up the wall at like a 90 degree angle all right if he can do it so can I all right so we're gonna half pipe this and we're gonna lean wow uh I don't know if I can I can't get any Forward Motion I have the Supreme sticks the well there goes most of my pelvic bone so I've been at this for a while yeah there's no way all right check it out look it's a two-wheel vehicle but I have first off I can probably cheat a lot of this board second off this thing is gonna have great Mobility oh it's just called a bike this thing's gonna have great Mobility like I'm gonna be able to ramp crazy stuff ready one boom look at that didn't even have to do the reverse people boom I don't want to do a full back flip there I I was thinking about fullback Hey There goes my bike I think I just helicoptered three entire rotations this is fine though the bike's doing really good I need to just make sure I don't like rocket myself off of the problem the other thing is the bike can if you notice that it does these weird pops when it ramps stuff so here let me show you see how it ramps but you get like a lot of Forward Motion all right watch this we're just gonna jump it and then pop look at that [Laughter] bike's awesome so now we have giant Tire which I could probably cheat but I don't think we even need to because we're on the bike and the bike is epic here we go I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna uh do I wanna try and do this half pipe style first let me put on my helmet because that's a safety measure all right I am not gonna try and half pipe this we're gonna try and jump it and ramp so as long as we can get our chassis at the edge we can ramp there we go something else I noticed is the thing in front of me isn't a speed bump okay this is like a tumor it is like a concrete tumor now to be fair I don't think there's any way we don't make this look at this easy first try full back flip tons of distance and then make sure to land it oh yeah oh that lets you know you're alive okay so now it's just gonna be the inverse of that so it's just gonna be like a giant ditch right yeah no problem now there is water on the bottom well the water flood out the bike there's only one way to find out whoa spit the water wow this is way deeper than I thought it would be all right check it out this thing floats so we're not gonna have any problem with the water oh yeah no problem look at this I'm not even trying watch this bam all right 69 KD ratio will it have no not at all I might actually fly off the board oh I felt the pucker Factor there but yeah this thing hasn't struggled at all look at that perfect now as long as I don't rock it off to the right or left I won't I won't have to worry about anything now can I jump this like with the Hydraulics probably oh I can't so I guess the question is can I climb it so let's try and get a little bit of a roll and okay I've been at this for like six minutes but I have an idea are you ready for this you ready for this hold on now I know this looks stupid but we're going to intentionally jump off the board meet so up ahead yeah you see it you see the distance screw you Alex assuming he didn't put a massive invisible wall and I can cheat this because I remember part of the board is underwater so part of it has to meet up with the water I will drive completely across the entire ocean if it means I get to circumvent part of the board oh yeah all right Ty here it is all right now as long as I can climb up this we're gonna be just fine okay oh come on ah oh god um all right maybe if I get hold on all right downhill full speed there we go there we go lots of momentum lots of momentum we're gonna wow even if I try and do the boosting from The Edge humps there I still can't get up this thing so there is no way for this to make it listen Maybe the answer is horsepower okay the fact that he's giving me this one Supercar oh my God I was gonna say makes me think that maybe it performs a lot better than you think yay Adidas there we go no joke this thing is blowing through all of the obstacles look at this tire look at this no problem climbs right up it crazy and now to get past this pure speed look at that okay here's the plan we're gonna launch as much speed as possible here we go here we go here we go down I don't know if I want to try and use the full downward Force to try and launch off it I think I want to use the downward Force yeah we're gonna use downward Force here we go I don't think it'll I don't think it'll bottom out like it will but yeah okay the engines yeah the engine just stayed on the engine's fine I was gonna say I'm pretty sure the engine will stick it nice closing reverse speed bump what what am I looking at I oh oh this is crazy okay when it pulls back you'll see it it's a puzzle piece look at it it's like a puzzle piece perfectly cut out of the roadway oh God I almost lost it trying to show you all right so we need to time this like perfectly and the second it goes by will start going down and we should be able to get out of here before this thing closes on us almost caught the back of my tailgate there sticks The Landing no big deal two reverse speed bumps so this is just a tube right yeah it's not that big of a deal okay so now it's the reverse of this but it's also a tube on top of the tube that still shouldn't be a problem all right so we're just gonna like slide down it and just pop on out should be fine perfect okay no big deal so now we have a much bigger tube that we have to get over but again the traction on this thing is legit so we're gonna pop the front okay maybe it come on I know I can get this oh God oh God no no no no this thing can get to this point totally unimpeded now like I have no problem getting here so I gotta be able to get past at least this blue one I just need it there we go there we go I was gonna say you just have to get all four wheels on and it'll close that out oh oh um I might be able to reverse ramp this what I mean is like ramp it backwards so here check this out we're gonna pop it jump it got it if I didn't do that I was gonna turn the car around and then ramp it upside down and shoot out the back of it but luckily we made it what is this what do you do this is a speed bump it's just a wall it's pretty much as far as the Supercar gets okay I think we're gonna try the what ah all right you know what we're gonna try this car over here the one that's okay you know before it gets set on fire oh my god oh the Flames are spreading really fast meme well that tells me about how far this is gonna get in case you're wondering this is how far it gets oh yeah now it's legit time I know we can make it past the water in this like no problem a few seconds later okay so I've been having some trouble with the this this red thing over here uh the brush guard keeps catching and if I do it backwards it doesn't really get it either and there's just barely not enough traction to pull it up now I can ramp over this car kinda but it doesn't ramp good like here watch this is a full ramp watch this there we go okay good I was gonna say it it seems to catch sometimes but luckily that garbage vehicle had had one life left to give for its country whoa all right we can this thing gets great balances so getting over that no problem so it makes it through the water and I it just look at this it just barely has the traction to make it up that wall the problem I have is the closing reverse speed bump I like I don't know if this thing will be fast enough go go go go go go go oh no foreign have an idea I have an idea we're gonna get speed there we go and we're gonna go past the only problem is it's gonna yeah it misses a huge part of the divot and then you slow down so it doesn't even help right I've got another idea I've got one more idea just a little bit more and we're gonna get as much traction as possible to get as much speed as possible no it cannot make it oh maybe a cat yeah yes robbed it oh give me all your tubes now all right you know what maybe you can keep your tubes just kidding we're fine everything's fine all right this is the like the the biggest problem I could foresee in this truck come on I was at it for a while not gonna do it vapid speed power agility this thing was made to climb mountains look at this bam right there like it's not oh there goes my hood like it's nothing watch this boom right through it water no problem now the question is does it have the speed to get through this I'm almost sure it does here we go I can tell you right now we're 100 making it through this watch this oh what the what happened all right I gotta see something I must have messed something up there's no way this thing doesn't make it through here come on up the hill there we go what I huh all right I've got one more idea we're gonna use the hump here just get a little extra speed there we go okay easy does it no problem tubes super simple suck on that tube now I think we can just pop over this I I think well it's a really tall wall uh-oh oh God now come on man this is like this is literally like shoving a round peg in a square hole get in there Peg come on oh oh oh oh oh okay okay I've got two tires up I've got two tires up um man I can't get any traction to get the other two tires up though I gave it my best shot not gonna do it also real quick look at how much is left we're like not even halfway you know what time it is you know what time it is there's no way the wastelander doesn't just plow through this Campbell's Soup it's a helicopter bro you all right he looks drunk I don't know all right well I'm just gonna I don't know let him do what he's doing trying to see if I can hit him with a grenade this is all about timing and if you that looks good oh Yahtzee that's what you do for for lollygagging around a gray still plays board anyway back to it this is all very easy water no problem now this is the part that I'm kind of concerned about um I think we're gonna want a little bit of rolling speed gonna come down the hill use the [Music] oh this is gonna be a tight fit okay gonna wait for it wait for it and there it goes we're gonna roll down get just there we go okay so it was it was more about starting with a little bit of momentum and going past it just in time tube speed bumps shouldn't pose any threat and now this giant pain in my rectal cavity is gonna get wastelanding yeah first try baby all right well oh that's right so that has to be in reverse so it's just that just just upside down I could probably still just pop my way out of this with speed huh oh oh this is a little bit harder than I previously anticipated oh never mind I can literally crawl up the side of the wall by grinding the wastelander against it here watch grind it and and close all right I had to redo the board I have an idea we're gonna hit this at an angle I couldn't pull out but if we go like this and shortens oh it shortens the distance from point A to point B right what the what is happening here what sort of David Blaine Ridiculousness is this uh uh all right whatever oh my God Pharaoh reverse speed bump oh no this is wild I.E how bad can it be oh oh what the like a mummy this is like a weird teleporting Mummy at the time it made it over it man the wastelanders insane okay so that now exists upside down uh is there like uh that was a there's a the alien ray gun so what do you have to do do you have to like shoot the car across the canyon or so there's the Pharaoh again it's the little mummy down there just chilling out kind of sounds like he's barbecuing alive at the edge of a uh oh there we go at the edge of a uh a rocket or something sounds like there's a Hydra jet down there I guess take the gun and then you what what whoa whoa what about the wait are you [Music] are you is this a troll so um I uh I don't think that uh I was supposed to try and get that gun all right I've been at this long enough back to the beginning oh oh Alex your betrayal is still fresh in my head oh and it tastes like sadness and there we go so I don't know I think you just go and can I climb up the wall or huh so man I can't get any traction down here oh God oh no no not again okay what if we go on the side like this oh you still can't get it how do you get through this okay no joke I have been doing this forever there's only one way to get out of here I have to land with all four tires there oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is [Music] don't do it don't you do it Alex don't you screw this up for me I am right there I am at the edge I can taste salvation I can I'm going back down at the bottom let me have this oh oh it's perfect just perfect yes yeah oh my god do you know what pain is I want you to show me football reverse speed bump what uh uh okay this doesn't seem that hard like legit after what I was just through I don't see how this is a problem in any way oh there's a soccer ball on the bottom well I guess Alex calls it football I mean you know you do use your foot to hit it but listen I don't I don't make the rules man they call it soccer where I'm at what if I told you that getting out of here is infuriatingly difficult I legit had to do this again because once you're inside the pit you can't get out so you have to ramp it and pray to God you make it wow what in the Unholy name of Satan is this uh does this just look a lot worse than it really is can I just like ramp up the size of these pipes all right we're gonna try and get speed and then we're gonna try and shove the chassis up the pipes like here watch chassis up the pipe and then get enough distance wow all right I got an idea watch this each tire on each pipe how about that okay so now this is upside down oh wow can I just cheat this can I legit just go around that all the soccer balls aren't Dynamic you kidding me all right we're gonna do it with speed ramp it bounce it got it wow that was way easier than I thought reversing reverse speed pump reverse and reverse speed bump what oh oh I can taste the end the end to Agony the speed bump moves the whole time and there's a speed up stick so do you have to climb this you can't you can't there's no way you can't climb this it's impossible oh my God I think I know what you have to do okay get ready because I think I know what you have to do okay okay and then go out Run gravity out Run gravity out and then nah stop stop stop stop oh my God oh my God oh my god oh Jesus oh my I can't believe it that was so much better than I could have ever expected that means we have a winner well Alex reversed the speed bumps and reverse my happiness Eric folks don't forget this episode today until next time stay foxy a much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 6,564,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, speed bumps gta 5, tallest reverse speed bumps, biggest speed bumps, biggest ramp gta 5, tallest ramp gta 5, crazy cars in gta 5, reverse speed bumps vs cars, reverse speed bumps
Id: RBosN3nGj-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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