1 Hour Reddit Compilation Of Strict And Helicopter Parents Stories Of r/AskReddit

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what's the worst case of helicopter parenting you've seen while working at New Student Orientation in college I was told a story from a previous year the parents who attended orientation were housed separately from the students one mom wanted to stay with her daughter and took the bed of another student the mom told the student she can find somewhere else to sleep the student not knowing what to do ended up sleeping in a chair in the common area of the door in a different twist on this story my mom helped me move into my college dorm she put the sheets on my bed and then proceeded to fall asleep on it I had to bring all of my stuff up a three-story walk-up by myself while she took a nap I guess that's whatever the opposite of a helicopter parent is working summer orientation for my old community college and we have new students register for classes towards the end of the session counselors are there to help with class selection this one mom was literally hovering over her son telling him which classes to choose and completely ignoring the counselors advice when she had him stand up she proceeded to sit down and she herself started registering her son for his classes I tried to intervene letting her know that we asked that the student register themselves and that he'll be doing online registration for the rest of his college career I was told to FK off later I pulled him aside and told him to change his password and swap into a class more appropriate for his placement exams it was this incident that triggered us to design a Parent Orientation to keep them away from their kids welcome to adulthood lil bro that was a great idea to separate the parents and kids at this point the mom came with her kid to whine about her deserved poor grade the kid was a junior in college mum was not happy when I informed her I couldn't and wouldn't talk to parents and by not happy I mean lost her crap and was escorted out by campus security the student was mortified of course even came by to apologize and I was basically like let's both just pretend that never happened m'kay here's what you should work on for the next exam parents always freak out on the helpdesk staff when they're told they can't see their kids grades but I pay the bill sure you may do that but the government doesn't care about that and I don't want to lose my job my son told me about this one fifth grade overnight trip to nature center kids mom went was only parent that wasn't a teacher to go had a complete meltdown when she was told that her kid would be sleeping in cabin with other kids and not her she was told this before trip as well for teachers / cabin basically overnight school he said she basically spent the entire night outside watching the cabin really creeped everyone out man the ranch she went on Facebook at least her friends and family called her out on her nonsense imagined quite a few people got blocked that day I'm in college living off-campus with my 20 year old roommate she has to be in contact with her mom every single day if she doesn't answer within a few hours her mom gets extremely anxious about where she is and what she's doing her mom has called me more than once to see where she is usually and within 40 feet of my roommate and she's just doing homework or watching cable it's ridiculous that she's being monitored like a hawk when she's and adults don't answer when she does ridiculous possessive crap like that it just enables her behavior bug las' one kid I knew from elementary high school the mom didn't have a job and somehow managed to be at his school every single day watching over him in elementary she was a volunteer teacher's aide every year which meant she would help out in whatever class he was in by middle school she was the head of the PTA and although not necessary she was at the campus almost every day she would just wander around and eventually the school stopped caring and she could do whatever she wants she would randomly pop into one of his classes and just observe or come up to him to hang out with him at lunch the kid was 24 stroked 7 stressed the heck out his whole body always clenched up his mom put immense pressure on him to do well in school both academically and behavior wise he had an extremely hard time making friends and eventually he was bullied to the point of randomly getting beat up made it to the first year of high school before he had to transfer to another school it's her fault all she wanted was for him to be Martin's polite to teachers and he never got to learn how to just be a guy and make friends I would just love to dissect her thoughts and actually reason with her but I know these sort of people will flip out if you talk about their parenting in any shape or forms I hope the kid managed to step away from his mom and live his life without her control this is my sister's experience but she taught kindergarten for a while and she had a kid whose mother wouldn't let her play outside if it was below 70 degrees and told the school she was allergic to dairy but then admitted she lied about that because she couldn't trust that the school wouldn't serve her spoiled milk so she thought it would be easier to just say she was allergic also the kid was coincidental he sick and had to stay home from school on every single field trip that poor child coma was eating at the local all-you-can-eat cheap pizza buffet during college with friends overhear a conversation between a son and his mother where she was upset he wanted to go to set college because it was promoting drug use by having tylenol available to buy in the student store wait until you hear about an ex-girlfriend of mine we met an elementary school and reconnected later in our twenties she was very shy and timid but sweet and intelligent I thought I would give it a go she was 24 and still lived without parents no big deal to me I didn't move out on my own until a few months before we began dating little did I know that it wasn't really her choice to live there her mother was incredibly controlling and was the worst helicopter parent I've ever come across her mom would repeatedly say to us it's nice you guys are dating but I think you're both too young to be doing it mind you we were both 24 she also mentioned on several occasions I didn't begin dating until I was in my 30s I don't think anyone should date until they are 30 - 35 things like that my girlfriend was really annoyed by her comments and constantly got into this weird teenage like arguments with her one time how mom said oh that's just your young hormones kicking in that was weird anyway my girlfriend had to text her mom before she left anywhere and when she arrived her mom used to Google map of the time and distance between places if she forgot to text her she received an insane amount of phone calls or texts her mom made her get paper checked so her mom could keep track offer her money and would not allow her to get direct deposit she was also way over precautious about things one time we went for a walk around dusk she lived in a small town population 2000 - to 500 and lived on the side of town that was well-lit and hardly any sort of vehicle traffic her mother sent her dozens of texts within minutes of this leaving begging her to come home because you're both not wearing reflective clothing and this is a bad idea because it's getting dark and I'm trying to protect you walking in the dark is incredibly dangerous this and that as a side note her mom also used to make little hits at me from my job at the time she said I don't think it's a good career path I worked at a bank as a relationship manager managing bank accounts and opening investment accounts for higher net worth individuals and was looking to get my MBA I was actively studying for the GRA exam my son's befriended the new kid in middle school homeschooled through elementary school years but parents wanted him to interact with kids he's a good kid smart but guarded and sheepish but he got along great with my sons they want to have a sleepover he gets dropped off and his mother hands me a list had to be four pages of his routine dos and don'ts and everything Adam is not to have anything to drink after the hour of 8:00 p.m. he needs to brush his teeth with a toothbrush we sent him with he needs to be asleep by bla bla bla I have three kids I can keep a 12 year old kid alive for 20 hours without a list she would text me non-stop I felt bad for the kid I let him know listen if you bend a few of these rules I'll never tell your mom if you won't and he had this huge smile I'm not sure what kind of people helicopter parents think they're creating but it can't be a fun one that's for sure combo I can't keep a 12 year old kid alive for 20 hours after that though all bets are off I used to work at a school we had to separate parents of unrelated special-needs children who were drop their kids off in class and then stir and in the hallways watching through the window for literally the full school day every day for the entire school year before anyone asks the principal was a spineless panto hissed who sucks which is why this was allowed to go on the next year the school got a new principal and I'm told she put her foot down but by the night didn't work there anymore in college a girl's mom stayed in her room with her the first week of our freshman year went to classes with her 8 with her and attended our dorm meeting introducing herself as crystals mommy she finally went home and crystal had obviously never learned to do anything on her own her roommate dated a guy in my floor and would tell us about her daily multiple calls home she didn't know how to do laundry so mommy paid roommate to do it for her by midterm crystal was failing all her classes and had basically just given up going to classes it was too hard again mommy shows up stays two weeks talks to her professors then pulled her out of school I'm curious what she's doing now hopefully she broke out on her own and gained some independence probably married a guy who will take care of her like her mother did of course the mother probably found the guy for her if that is your boat then by all means float down the river in it my best friend's mom they live 10 minutes away from me and my friend is really bad with directions he drove to my house and got lost so it took him like 45 minutes after like 30 minutes his mom calls me and is sobbing because he hadn't checked in with her he's 26 my aunt never let my cousin's have any kind of sugar or candy she told them that it was poison and tasted nasty one time while our grandma was babysitting then there were six she let them have one capri-sun each they loved it saying Grammy sugar actually tastes good and threw up shorty after because their stomachs could not handle it my cousins are alcoholics now that went from zero to 100 way too quick man dude came in to talk about his son's test scores the son was in my second year university course and the dad was a prophet the subject I was teaching who thought I was hard on his son we reviewed the midterm together in the end I gave the kid back one marks so he went from like a 73 to a 74% seriously cannot imagine what it was like for that kid going up went to youth group with two kids who had the worst helicopter mom these kids had no muscle mass and were the least athletic kids ever because their parents wouldn't let them play sports their mom came to every youth meeting we had usually just for the youth and the youth leaders the elder kid begged his mom to go on a mission trip with us only to another part of the state not even out of country after we all kind of vouched for him and said he'd be taken care she let him go happy story in the end he ended up completely coming out of his shell because of that trip he got super independent and his mom let up seeing that he could take care of himself I do not believe that last sentence I'm sure it has happened to someone at some point but that's unbelievable as in raw I was checking students into their dorm rooms one mother came with her son who looked to be about 25 and she would not let him get a single word in she went on about it being his first year in college and that she was finally approving of him moving away from home and actually going to college a big year Ikes we kept an eye on later when he was assigned to a traditional room with a roommate she flipped her crap saying how she wanted him in an apartment so she could stay with him whenever she wanted can't do that anyway and she would withdraw him from school if she didn't get away thankfully I was already dead inside from dealing with other residents so I checked her Sonnen and immediately gave him the number of my boss in case his mother gave anymore problems while he was moving in I later heard from another rod that she tried to prevent the roommate from entering their shared room even though her son was desperately trying to get her to leave the roarin student security had to escort her out of the building where she sat until her son was done moving in the son was actually a really cool dude once his mother was out of his hair and a really involved student happy to be on his own and living the college life even if he was a bit elder his mom still managed to call our duty phones asking about him but b/c of federal laws we just hung up one of my neighbours kids was a good basketball player but she just didn't have the height for the position she played at a DI school coaches recruiting had told her that she could play di if she switched positions before her mother who was a coach would tell these coaches that a daughter wouldn't change positions and to basically take it or leave it well pretty much everyone chose to not extend scholarship offers at the DI level because of it he ended up getting a really good scholarship to a DI school that had the academic program she wanted they even had a six year program that combined undergrad and the post undergraduate school she would have had to go to so the process would have basically been seamless to become a licensed professional in her field however her mother was so controlling over her recruiting that she told her daughter she couldn't go there because the coach didn't send her a bunch of cards and whatnot basically things schools sent her recruits to try to convince them to commit it's mostly flattery so she wouldn't allow her kid to commit there instead she made her kid commit to this tiny did ie School in the middle of nowhere literally nowhere extremely small and rural that didn't even have the academic program her kid wanted her reasoning was that her kid would get a good Christian education but how good is any education if it doesn't even have what you want to study eventually the kid with help from her father quit playing basketball and transferred to a large state school because she hated the small Christian school so much and she could finally study what she wanted to study her mom was so controlling that he ended up giving up on the sport she loved this all would have been avoided if she had just gone to the day high school but no her mom took way too much control and ended up ruining her kids college athletic career at some point it crosses over from helicopter parent into abuse I was 11 - 13 at the time I had a friend on the swim team that was also around that age his parents were the most controlling people I had ever seen his mother looked like the head of a Catholic girls school that punishes students for singing we all used to play Nintendo DS games during meets he just watched over our shoulders because if he touched a gaming console he would be punished his parents always made him wear the same clothes every day tan khakis white shirt dark blue sweater vest I once got him a t-shirt for his birthday he gave it back saying that he wasn't allowed to wear it he was home-schooled pretty sure his family spoke ecclesiastical latin at home frickin weird parents Alfred it what mistake did you make raising your child that you can see manifest in them as an adult my older boy is 12 and I caught him yelling at his younger sibling using the exact same tone and mannerisms I use when I'm angry he needs to learn how to let go of anger and I don't know how to teach him that because I don't know myself they have professionals for that no seriously just like we don't expect people to set broken bones and instead tell them to go to the doctor it's completely reasonable to go talk to a therapist about stuff like severe anger issues I didn't let her fail enough she's a very anxious adult she was a super anxious child and I felt terrible anytime something went really wrong for her so I tried to teach her strategies to avoid having things go wrong now as an adult there are times when no amount of strategy back-up plan double-checking et Cie will prevent something from going wrong and she just goes to pieces very much the way she did when she was 3 not exactly the same way because she's slowly and painfully learning that failure is not the end of the world and that you can pick yourself up dust yourself off and start over but I have a feeling that lesson would be easier and less painful to learn a3 than in your 20s such an important lesson I'm an anxious person - and eventually learned this one firsthand over and over in my early twenties it might be part of just growing up my kid isn't an adult yet but he is a teenager when he was young we lived with my mom and then later with my grandma I was working full-time and taking online classes from our local college I tried to wait until he was asleep to do my schoolwork but sometimes I had too much and had to start after dinner he would be absolutely fine just playing near me while I studied or did homework and I would always answer him or give him a cuddle when he needed it however my mom and grandma couldn't handle this apparent lack of attention and would take him in the other room and dilt on him that sounds nice and I think they had good intentions but the result was that it took me years after finally moving out on my own to teach him to play on his own again without constant attention at least you tried and recognized it as a problem my cousin's kids expect to be entertained or they'll start having screaming fits and their parents and grandparents my and uncle dote on them are there ten and seven I built my kids PCs upgraded them cleaned the dust set up their Xboxes and clay station fixed the bikes and did everything that I could do for them I should have showed them how to do it instead taught them not left them floundering at college when they're crap inevitably breaks down and they cannot fix it not their fault it's on me don't be a quitter is what we said to our first child he joined soccer got bored but we made him finish the season he joined basketball didn't like it but we fought with him every week to go because we are good parents and didn't want to raise a quitter he joined band etc after a few years he refused to join anything because we'd make him go so he just didn't do any extra activity we figured it out for our other two kids they couldn't just quit but had to think it through and try one more game or practice turns out they quit very few things but never regretted it today our kids are adults and our oldest refuses to listen to our suggestions often to his detriment while the others will listen but do what they wanted to do but at least take our advice under consideration my mom called me the experimental child because of the my two younger siblings have better life skills than I do we are in our 30s and 20s not encouraging him enough to put himself out there and make friends in high school I had friends but was somewhat and he social and my mom would force me out of the house I hated it at a time but it probably ended up being for the best without a doubt I did not let them fail enough there are so many lessons to learn from falling and having to pick yourself up from having to suffer the consequences and celebrate the victories of your decisions I am watching my son's struggle as a man while watching him do exactly the same thing with his daughter he never ever lets her fail because he never wants to see how hurt I totally get it I should have let them fail reading my daughter's is almost hate and she is way behind on reading in school she's in the slow reader group and every time there is homework where she has to read anything with any degree of difficulty she completely shuts down and is almost impossible to deal with take the time and read a book or two to your kids as much as possible my son was always slow to complete tasks eating dinner chores Act so I would put on a timer now he goes crazy whenever there is a timer and totally shuts down like if he plays a game and a timer comes on he just stops playing totally gave him an anxiety problem lucky for me he is still young so I am trying to fix it still feel junky about it though my wife's little brother cannot be away from a phone or iPad for more than five minutes without going into withdrawal I'm not talking about winning I mean full-on shaking and not knowing what to do his boredom goes from captivated to anxiety unless he's killing brain cells watching the stupidest let's play on the Internet his mom would put netflix on for him while they went on trips the grocery store is a solid 20 minutes from their house everything is 20 minutes from their house so at home or in the car he had a screen in his face from the time he was able to hold a tablet he never charges his own tablet so he'll just go up to anyone in the house grab their phone and start watching stuff without asking it's become a real problem because they can't get him to do anything else this is actually a mistake that my parents made that I refuse to pass on to my kids they never apologized to me not even once and sometimes it was obvious that they were dead but wrong when I screw something up for my kids I make sure I sit them down and say I'm sorry I screwed that up do you know what I get for it respect my kids always tell me that they forgive me and that it is okay I tried my best not to freak things up for them but when I do I feel that they deserve a heartfelt apology I am NOT a parent but I watch my brother raises three sons and I think the biggest mistake he makes is forcing all three to do the exact same thing if one plays baseball they all play baseball if one quits karate they all quit karate it drives me insane because he has one son my favorite who is sensitive and intelligent but whose interests are always a clipped by those of his brothers he wants to learn French and take dance classes but his brothers want to play football and pressure him until he says he does too I can see that he is miserable and I try to get my brother to let him explore different activities but he ignores me the funny thing is that this is exactly how my dad raised us boys I see a lot of myself in my nephew and it frustrates me to know that he is going through the exact same thing I went through this is why aunts and uncles are so important they can sympathize in ways parents are too clouded to see this is an easy one I tried too hard to shield my children from heartache and rough times because I grew up in a neglecting and abusive home bad things happen life can be unfair heartbreak can't be avoided and sometimes we fail it hurts dang it I know but do not shield your children too much they need to work on healthy coping skills they need to learn how to handle heartache and failure and people being total shoots and they need to know how to cope when they are the ones being total shoots to someone pain tears railing against fate it all needs to happen my sons as adults were easily rocked by bad times and had to learn how to cope better because I had sheltered them too much from pain life to offer ya kiddo I know falling on your face hurts it's supposed to hurt but what can you do to prevent yourself from falling down that hole in the sidewalk again take another route made him extremely nervous about getting yelled at when speaking to us so now he has a major fear of confrontation my friend's kid is 4 she was their first child and from day one was princess named the mother is real girly girly but is also very grounded so combine that with a baby girl and the grounded part of her went out the window everything was pink prissy and princess now that she is 4 and has a baby brother already her parents are seeing the error of their ways but she is demanding a ham a diva and gets very [ __ ] if you don't pay her 100 percent attention I wonder what this will be like when she is in her teens never had much money when mine were growing up and what money I did have I was irresponsible with but I didn't want my son's to worry so they never knew when I was poor and I bought them about what they wanted I wish now I had been more open and said I can't afford it because now my 19 year old has the same bad habits that I do no idea what stuff costs overdraft fees because he doesn't pay attention impulse buying I told him this week that somehow we were going to learn budgeting together this year hoping Dave Ramsey has a starter course or a book my biggest mistake was not taking better care of myself I have been a Sam for 20 years and I dedicated my life to my kids I always put em first and as a result they see me as a second-class citizen yes I spoiled them another regret and I should have demanded more respect I also wish I had given them more opportunities to learn about gratitude they are still young teams one who just turned 20 I know they love me but they are spoiled and selfish I raised a niece and a nephew and by far the biggest mistake I made was spending too much time reaching for the stern solution SWAT on the butt when the firm solution kid come here would have served them better over a lifetime the net effect for them as adults is an inability to take anyone but the most serious and threatening authority figure seriously my advice to current or soon-to-be parents would be to appreciate that if it takes three come here moments to avoid using physical punishment it's likely going to be worth it for the kid in the long run there's value in making them do things the most important skill you have as an adult is the ability to suck it up but how you make them do things matters a lot on balance they both grew up to be genuinely good human beings every now and then though they'll be telling me about something from work and I'll cringe a bit because I know what the source of the problem is the boy especially had a stretch in his late teens where he really gave too much credibility to adults with an authoritarian streak and not enough to those who wielded soft power it took him a few years to figure out that the soft power person who could cut off your paycheck was just as dangerous lousy work ethic they are all that ADHD and various other special needs so when they were growing up they had shores but there didn't seem to be any pressure to do them on time you did them when Mom absolutely lost her crap and not until so I felt like an egg and now they are all adults and they still don't do their chores they don't clean anything their rooms are a mess they don't help with dinner they don't do anything around the house except leave a trail for me to clean up wherever they go if I go completely bonkers and yell at them then they will help once then they forget again I am so tied to being the resident housekeeper but the only option seems to be being a complete nag which frankly I'm bloody tired of after 20 years the most hilarious thing about this thread are all the grown adults commenting on how their parents mess them up as a parent I appreciate the parents who are speaking up about what they see my parents were the hands-off type they believe that we should explore our worlds by ourselves we had no regulations we did whatever we want it was nice growing up in facts the kids in our neighborhood were jealous their parents however hated it they thought we were corrupting their kids and there probably right as an adult I have absolutely no discipline when it comes to doing work during my free time I would miss every deadline and forget about any responsibilities it's frustrating there were times when I told myself it's time to change but I would fall back in my indolence weigh in about a week or two I have no concept of cleanliness I have a hard time keeping my apartment clean I would try but it would revert back to its former condition in a day or two the lack of my parents affection drove me to be needy I am still struggling with relationships as of now all of my relationships had ended horribly I pee away some very good women I'm 17 and my parents are like this they're lovely people and this method has been wonderful for teaching me some things but I also have problems with self-discipline and neediness I'm worried I'll never be able to break the cycle I grew up super anxious tense and often got depressed and I have always suspected it was tied to an innate fear of nothing in particular I'm still that way at 56 years old most of the people on my mother's side of the family are that way they often express fret and worry they are quick to freak out over things that most people think are minor when I raised my daughters if anything went wrong or there was a risk of a problem occurring I made a point to tell my girls that we could handle whatever happens I told them that if you're paying attention and learning from your experiences you could deal with almost anything my girls are now 23 and 19 and both appear to have avoided the Bugaboo that has made it very hard for me to relax and enjoy life they both seem happy and at ease I'm terribly proud of them and they're my favorite people to be with partly because they both have a positive outlook you should be proud of you you helped break the cycle for them well done I made sure there were well provided for and I may have over provided for the sake of them not having to be without now we have an entitled young adults that takes no responsibility for her actions and can't won't move out BC it's too hard out there make it harder at home I remember growing up my mom used to talk a lot about how Wiggly babies are when you're changing them how it only takes a second and they'll just flop right off the table if you're not careful my mom also used to know a strange amount of information about the composition of the skull of an infant or how it's actually several small plates and relatively soft and how the plates would slowly grow together and fuse into a solid piece as the child grew but she'd start rambling about it at the weirdest times usually after I'd done something unmistakeably done when I was in my late teens I shaved my head and the hair stylist gasped at the massive dent in the back of my head that was my first clue that not all skulls were shaped the same as mine there is no such thing as a perfect parent there are no perfect people every parent will screw up their child in some way so before becoming a parent think about the ramifications of what that means you will screw up a child adults in small ways large ways or both and you will bring a human into existence without their consent you will raise them and hopefully they are self sufficient mostly happy and will manage a healthy relationship with you and with others but that may not come to pass even if all of these come to pass you will make mistakes of varying degrees that will imprint on your kid forever it makes parenthood sound terrifying did you know what it should be maybe they won't be a drug addict but maybe they will perhaps they will seem well-adjusted but maybe they will be hiding cuts under their clothing or flinch every time someone raises their voice you will make them cry you will give them personality quirks or aversions you will emotionally hurt them often even if it's developmentally necessary you will question your methods by basing them on your own experiences you will alter your methods based on popular social opinion even if you have a great relationship with your kid 25 plus years down the road you're successful well an adult offspring might be sitting in therapy working around the one or many times you let them down maybe it was the one time you were high-strung from an event in your day and when your kid needed five minutes of your time to tell you something important you yelled at them and sent them to their room maybe you thought it was about something silly but it could have been about someone hurting them behind closed doors in that moment they learned they couldn't go to you it was hard enough to go to you but now they were shut down and it was the push that will severe their one connection to stopping the abuse that was happening to them you will have forgotten that moment but they never will being a parent is exhausting in the moments you don't remember when you were your least supportive or thoughtful could be moments your kid carries forever that's scary but everything isn't black and terrible either whatever mistake was made or will be made when your child needs an ear or an apology give it give both these things freely at the end of the day that's often the only thing a kid adults needs more than a parent trying to be perfect it doesn't matter how many years have passed but both are things without expiration dates and are always welcome even when not acknowledged admit to being human apologize for the times you could not be your best but establish a means for your kid to come to you for support when they need it that's the best thing a parent can do for a kids emotional health you don't have to be superhuman just be human and willing to apologize and listen what's the one weird thing your parents wouldn't let you do we weren't allowed to watch MTV my mom blocked MTV on the living room TV but she didn't block it on their bedroom TV so my sisters and I would get home from school watch MTV in my parents bedroom memorized the channel it was on when we turned it on memorize the previous channel it was on and then switch it back to those two channels when we saw her coming up the driveway we also had to be sure to pull the blinds and draw the curtains if it was winter or else she could see the TV on as she drove up the driveway when it was dark at 5:00 p.m. one time she came home and felt the TV and it was warm the jig was up that extra effort to make sure mom pressing the recall button didn't out you nice my mom used to not let me go to the bathroom until I finished my homework what the frig have a Ken doll no idea why my dad was so against it but he was so instead I would take one sacrificial Barbie cut off all her hair and make her the boy of the group who do ha stuff with all her Barbies I had a commune of lesbians my mom made me turn off the TV or radio when McDonald's commercials came on the air in the 80s they had the do you believe in magic theme song at a time and my mom was afraid the commercial would influence me to actually practice magic and summon demons my dad would cross out the word lucky on anything we owned sometimes wrote blessed below it for good measure the word luck implied taking away credit from God ironically he apparently had no problem with magic because I grew up with blessed charms good out during a thunderstorm now this ice very weird but the weird bit is that my sister was allowed outside but I watched my mom has this weird idea that guys are somehow more susceptible to getting struck by lightning than females guys are statistically more likely to be struck by lightning but that's because guys are more likely to work out of doors my parents said there would be no video games in the house ever after my grandfather heard this he got me a ps2 for Christmas my mother said I couldn't wear makeup shave my legs or get a bra until I was 16 because her parents didn't let her do any of that when she was younger the weirdest part about it is that I have an older sister and none of these restrictions were placed on her my parents were adamant growing up we could not watch The Simpsons because of how Bart treated his father with disrespect however they seemed no have no issues with us watching South Park that seems awfully one-sided considered Homer choking Bart is iconic of The Simpsons my mom would never let me try the peanut butter that had jelly mixed into it I would always ask if she could grab some at the store and she would say no I eventually got to try it and it was the most foul thing ever she laughed when I told her it wasn't allowed in our Seifer maybe I'll get some tomorrow and give it try my dad used to come yell at me for playing the bass strings on my guitar because he could hear them in the other room no matter how quiet I was being I was only allowed to play the D G in D strings when he was around basically you should have just learned a banjo instead if I started watching a scary movie I was not allowed to stop watching it if I thought it was too scary I don't know what kind of lesson they were trying to teach me but it didn't matter because I never came across a movie that was too scary anyway I remember watching things like predator with my dad after midnight when I was six years old and those are still some of the best memories I have with him mom was P though actually this used to be a common one my husband's mom did the same scary movies used to have some form of closure at the end and it was supposed to stop nightmares because a monster bad guy was dead by the end of the movie he says it worked a treat for him and his siblings watch CatDog my mom was really weirded out by it she couldn't figure out how they'd eliminate bodily waste there was one episode where cat had to find something that dog swallowed this was done by crawling into the dog's mouth and crawling to the stomach however the cat took a wrong turn and came out of his own mouth that part messed with my head I wasn't allowed to shave my arms in middle school because my dad and grandma were under the impression my already bushy arm hair would grow back in twice as thick because of an old wives tale I got made fun of a lot for it so my dad let me bleach it instead the boys all noticed and would just make fun of me for bleaching it so I started shaving anyway my dad noticed eventually but decided to let it go 12 years later and I don't have to worry about having man arms no regrets I wasn't allowed to shave my legs when all my friends started shaving according to my mom I was too young to shave so I got teased relentlessly for years for having hairy legs we weren't allowed to walk on the carpet after my mom vacuumed because she liked the limes we also couldn't use the bathroom for about an hour after she cleaned it because well I guess it was clean yes my mom has some issues unrelated to the question been when we were kids and my mom made us vacuum we would turn on the vacuum and just let it sit there while we used roller blades to make lines in the carpet to make it look like we vacuumed probably would have taken less time to just vacuum the floor my parents didn't let me wear black shirts to sleep because they said I would get nightmares they would never let me go to any friends houses like ever and God forbid if I asked why not because I said so so it got to the point where I would sneak out like thrice-weekly I became the bad child because they just wouldn't permit me to have fun it's super common for kids living with restrictive parent to be totally crap heads about it when they get to their teens I was kind of the same way it was the reason I first tried the ganja when I was 12 I knew grogs were supposed to be bad and my parents obviously didn't want me doing them so I did them a lot this is going to sound weird but my parents wouldn't let me cut my nails in the night time as they were scared I'd cut something unnoticed and bleed to death while sleeping I was never allowed to watch The Simpsons or Power Rangers my parents enforced a lot of rules that I didn't understand until I was older but I still have no idea why those two shows were off limits even now when I'm visiting them and I turned the TV on to The Simpsons my dad will inevitably groan ugh you're not watching The Simpsons are you I wasn't allowed to watch the Rugrats freaking Angelica go to concerts ever at all this may have something to do with how much fun they had at concerts in the 70s watch ed ed and Eddie I have no idea why I would sit in the living room with dad and family guy would be on but no way dad and Eddie my mom made me avoid that show because she felt that stupid was a bad word apparently they said that a lot but I wouldn't know for myself as a team I came home with a badess patch I purchased to the local downtown hit store and it was a skull with the number 13 on the phorid my mom grabbed a pair of shears and cut the number out of the patch and gave it back to me because the 13th letter of the alphabet is M and M stands for herb my sis and I just stared at her with giant WTF faces like did we really just witness the crazy unfold I had never even smoked pot in my life when she did that but guess what I did shortly thereafter thanks for the idea mom she also threw away this cool eared a los motores skull I had because it was negative and she accused me of being obsessed with death I don't have the heart to tell her that she has a skull inside of her head it would destroy her I don't have the heart to tell her that she has a skull inside of her head it would destroy her that made me laugh out loud sorry about the crazy you put up with my mother would not allow me to interact with kids my age for fear they would corrupt me my mom wouldn't let us cuss or anything like that which I understand most parents do but he would not let us say fart either don't understand why whistle apparently it attracts burglars I've heard the whistling at night attracts burglars thing before from a Japanese person I'm stupidly superstitious and don't whistle at night now even though that doesn't make any sense I couldn't play dungeon based video games I became instantly rebellious and learned how to make my own at age 12 I'm a software engineer as a result now thanks mom my parents took my car when they found out I watched American Gangster one month before I turned 17 they now left the church divorced and both smoked pot you should feel ashamed this is precisely why they didn't want you watching r-rated movies I wasn't allowed to watch David Copperfield make New York disappear my mother was a Jehovah's Witness and the head elders believed that Copperfield sold his soul to the devil to get real magic powers I just went to my grandpa's house and he let me watch whatever I wanted except Golden Girls because that Blanche was too [ __ ] well he wasn't wrong she was the town bicycle then again maybe he had a thing for her and it was too weird to watch with you watch the movie Tron the original one I still have no idea why I got in lots of trouble when I stayed with my grandparents for a few days and had them rent Tron for me worth it I loved that movie my father wouldn't let me and my sister watch mr. Rogers Sesame Street Electric Company and zoom were okay but not Mister Rogers I wasn't allowed red meat until I was like 12 because my mom and dad worked in a slaughterhouse for a bit and was scared of meat borne diseases dang that means they stopped giving a crap about you at 12 I was almost a teenager and I couldn't paint my nails wear clothes with words because they brought too much attention to my body answer the door on to the phone bring in the mail open a window that didn't have a screen lock doors et Cie hard to pick one weird thing with my parents my father drank and my mother took dark pills yet we weren't allowed to watch underdog because he takes a pill for his powers my mother absolutely refused to let me make certain bushes during certain times of the year I could only make scalloped potatoes which I freaking love on Easter and Christmas for example get vaccinated or eat any foods that were genetically modified my mom was a crazy conspiracy theorist my TV was so restricted anything from Barney to spongebob and Pokemon was not allowed even until I left for college my parents would never let me stay home sick from school I literally broke my arm and went to school for three days until I saw doctor I'd be throwing up my lungs and she'd say just wait till you get home that straight up child neglect Canadian here was not allowed to lay bags of milk on their side because they would go bad I wasn't allowed to listen to vanilla ice because it was too raunchy I remember one time dancing like a fool at my best friend's house to her vanilla ice take just because I wasn't supposed to be where a studied punk rock belt I kept asking why and my mom said it would make me look like a trashy person she finally said if I could get it by my elderly extremely conservative Christian grandmother I could wear one I promptly took my granny out shopping and was like hey this is neat what do you think she said while that looks sharp and my mom lost that day where any makeup or perfume you are a good son my mom wouldn't let me or my brother sign up to be organ donors when we got our driver's licenses our reasoning you'll need your organs in your next life my mother isn't religious at all in fact she's probably closer to a militant atheist but she's still dead against us being organ donors she's not one she's certain she'll need her organs in her next life it's very very strange both my brother and I are now organ donors despite my mother's protests my parents wouldn't let my siblings and I watch any sitcoms they were religious and believed that excessive laughter was sinful they still sometimes ostracize me for laughing something on my phone whenever I visit them peanut butter was not allowed to be stored outside of the fridge ever tried spreading cold peanut butter on a bread so many torn sandwiches I was not allowed to question my mom's knowledge of something I was smart enough to know by around five years old that parents didn't always know the answer to everything or tell the truth I remember getting snapped at for asking how do you know about something she was telling my brother and I they made me break up with my best friend when they found out we played D&D legitimately my best bud shattered my child's self what bizarre rule did your parents enforce that seemed normal but when you grew up realize it was not normal at all no sane number long as someone asks kindly you have to say yes I wasn't allowed to sleep over at friends houses until I was almost in middle school why because my mother was afraid that we would play Russian roulette my parents are pretty much hoarders sir we would get in trouble for cleaning my mom always blamed our house being messy on her just being too busy so once in junior high I thought I would surprise her and have the whole kitchen clean when she got home I cleared all the piles off the counters threw away a bunch of decade's old magazines and took out like two giant bags of trash when she got home she was not pleased bid panicked and promptly went digging outside in the trash can to bring the stuff back in only three sheets of toilet paper allowed per visit this included if you went number two I swear my mum used to stand outside and listen and she just knew when I used more and I would get yelled at and the door nearly broken down this ran into my teens jesus H Christ depending on what I've been eating three sheets is a preliminary damage report juice always had to be watered down to 50 percent it wasn't a bad rule saves calories and money but it totally blew my mind when I found out that other families drink orange juice full-strength my mom never let us whistle she said it would attract mice I now know she was just making stuff up because whistling was annoying to her here in Japan parents tell their kids whistling will attract snakes 8:30 bedtime my entire dant life though I knew was a teenager that making your high schooler go to bed when it was still light out half the time was wacko well into my twenties I'd come back to visit for the holidays and dad would get up to use the toilet at night see the light on in my room from me being awake reading a book at 10 p.m. and yell at me to go to sleep I had to go to bed at 6:45 until I was 15 I graduated last year and get to stay up all night if I want no idea why my dad would stomp the floor so we could hear how many stomps from the basement this was to indicate which kid he needed to talk to instead hollering us up to stomps meant I had to come upstairs for something three stomps my brother four stomps my other brother that is actually pretty genius my dad used to make my sister and I rake leaves in our woods are freaking woods your father was interfering with the important nutrient cycling of that forest normal parents take a toy away until their child's behavior improves then returns the toy as a reward for good behavior my mother just took my stuff and never gave it back she claimed that we could earn our toys back with extra chores and good grades but she never followed through even though I was on a roll every single semester I was in college when the closet organizer and our hallway closet had a critical failure so I came home to help move stuff I found an entire box of my confiscated books and toys i crap you not my mother picked up a beanie baby and looked at me sadly while she said I was waiting for you to earn this back what were you going to surprise me with after I walk the stage and got my diploma this is a good incentive for a kid not to improve their behavior father and law forbade anyone from drinking a beverage during the first half of any meal no water no milk no juice nothing no matter how thirsty you were he took this very seriously and would beret to both kids and adults at the table if they tried him Hovis ruined the meal experience the rest of the family tolerated this for some reason I had to explain to my wife no one else ever did this and we would never use a rule at our own dinner table we had to wake up whenever my parents got up even if it was 4:00 a.m. one of them would yell up the stairs for us to get up didn't realize I could get up with my own leisure until I got married and moved out one day I got out of bed when my husband did and we were sitting in the living room watching TV when I exclaimed that I was still tired he said so go back to bed then and it was like those moments on a show when an actor just looks at the camera with a surprised expression the sudden realization that I could wake up whenever I wanted was overwhelming also now that I have a kid I have no idea why they wouldn't let us sleep so they could have some free time like dang if my son is sleeping I'm taking in all the quiet and enjoying myself some free time this drove me nuts as a kid dad was a farmer so 5:00 a.m. starts were standard he thought just because he was up every other bastard had to be as well so damn because all of my brother and I would do was fight for hours if he had just let us sleep he would have had some peace and quiet that the man was watching us my sister and I as kids not Santa literally the man so say if we were playing up they'd go you'd better stop that he's watching and we'd quit immediately for the impending dread us man would bring how freaking creepy is that holy crap we had this - it was always the man upstairs or the man across the road threats of him coming over and yelling at us taking us away when we will our brat see were common I remember one day becoming curious about him the threat at that point proving to be empty and started asking questions conveniently he moved away shortly afterwards I wasn't allowed in the basement turns out they were smoking weed down there my parents smoked weed in the laundry I just thought that's what laundry is smelled like I didn't realize not everybody's house was spotless my siblings and I cleaned the whole house every week move furniture to vacuum dust et Cie and we had a housekeeper that would come for a full day to clean dust and vacuum the stuff we did 2-3 days prior every week as well we also had several old trees in our yard would have to pick up any stick that fell daily occasionally the whole family would go through the yard on our hands and knees picking up any stick longer than one image once when I was in high school my mom wouldn't let me go to practice after school because I needed to tighten every screw in the house because things were coming loose I was not allowed to go anywhere alone until like 14 seriously not even allowed to walk to school with friends I assumed everyone was that sheltered until I started high school and realized it was just me growing up I lived in the country and took the bus to school my brother and I would stand at the end of the driveway waiting for the bus on our own a couple of neighbor kids 4 year younger than me always waited for the bus with their mom she was still out there with them when they started high school it was kind of weird I wasn't allowed to have boys phone or come calling for me because my mom didn't want me to turn out to be some little ho joke's on you mom my parents made me go to church four times a week where they constantly preached about purity and how not being pure would ruin you I slept with a boy at fifteen decided I was ruined dropped out of high school my senior year and became a stripper thanks mom and dad we weren't allowed peace signs growing up my mom remembers some speech from when she was a kid about how communism would come under the sign of peace so peace signs were banned in our house those troll figurines were banned too that's cause the troll figurines are creepy you eat everything you're served so if they put a whole lot of food on our plate and we had already eating enough and were not hungry anymore we would have to stay on the table until we were done regularly making dirty jokes since I was 12 with my own parents it turns out nobody does that with their parents my friends were all amazed my mom and I would crack jokes and make fun of each other I was just a surprised that their moms had such big egos they couldn't take a joke when I got home from school my dad would always ask how did you freak up today I was a prissy straight-a student so this was his attempt to keep my ego in check I later learned normal parents asked what did you learn today I had no rules or shows growing up I could eat as much candy or drink as much soda or eat as much junk food as I wanted to my mom would actually get angry if my dad had us do chores she would say you only get to be a kid once and then you're grown and you will have to rely on yourself I am a responsible hard-working 24 year old now so I guess it's kind of bizarre that I had no rules at all my mom has set prices that are a deal for produce and we could never buy a nothing more expensive than that price grapes had to be less than one dollar and 19 cents or lb corn had to be at least six for one dollar it wasn't until I was well into adulthood that I realized I could buy whatever I dang well pleased no matter what the price interestingly her deal prices haven't changed since I was a kid in the 80s your mom must be very hungry these days we could only eat two cookies at a time and no more than four in a day I was living on my own for like a year abiding by this rule until one day I was like man I really want three aureus not two and I did it I had this rule two also realized I was still following it when I was like 17 stroke 18 and my mom noticed she laughed at me we had the lock on the fridge and were never allowed to help ourselves to anything you had to ask usually the answer was no I started buying junk food and hiding it in my closet I think my father was completely clueless about growing teenage appetites and smoked so his appetite was almost non-existent I struggle with binge eating to this day I still love a good Gorge it means freedom and a giant middle finger to that lock on the fridge I've heard of kids who have had this problem and they usually end up fat as they get old due to the freedom of being allowed to eat whatever they want in their own homes had to go to church four times a week to set an example any time I asked to go out with friends to do something that would have mixed genders or could be construed as a party I was asked would Jesus do something like that yes he totally frickin would have my mom wouldn't let us use water guns we could only use these things called squirters and if the neighborhood kids were having water fights she would come out and test the strength of the sprays if it was too strong we had to go inside in high school I went to her pool party with super soakers and basically had an anxiety attack I was so afraid someone would post photos when people collected canned goods for food pantries we could only give them creamed corn I once was grounded for taking some green beans for the homeless shelter I make it a point to find out what the pantry needs before donating now it's never creamed corn we could only move the yard wearing a bathing suit finally own my own house and wear shorts and a shirt and it's still not a great chore but at least I'm clothed we were not allowed to say these words shut up thought dumb and stupid my siblings and I are all adults now and my mother still gets angry when we say any of those things but she gets particularly upset when we ask the question in surname did you fart I ask that question all the time now just to Frick with her my mom had this rule but she also regularly called me a piece of crap and my dad had busted so I just kind of ignored it most of the time it wasn't a problem every Sunday we would dress up and go to Big Boy at around 10 a.m. every other family in town was also in fancy clothes and that big boy later I learned that all those other people were at church which we did not participate in it so either we were pretending we were at church or we worship big boy all hail big boy our Lord and Savior my mom never let me eat any push pops ring drops etc she said she did it because she didn't want perverts getting bad ideas I always thought it was weird after he discovered that I'd been watching pee my dad routinely checked my internet history did not the browser history the DNS logs which only he had access to I was confronted multiple times in high school because I had been looking at content that he didn't think was suitable I wasn't allowed to get a smartphone until college because it would have been possible to browse the internet unmonitored my dad is a very very introverted guy and he never liked to be in large crowds so unless it was a school event I was forbidden from going to any large crowded events places like them all concerts sporting events I was told that this was for my own safety I was never allowed to go anywhere New Year's Eve even in the morning my mother was convinced that there were drunks on the road at 10 a.m. New Year's Day was fine but not on the eve I'm over 40 and she still complains if I go somewhere that I'm going to get hit by a drunk my brothers and I were only allowed to drink one glass of orange juice during breakfast if we got caught trying to drink it at any other point in the day my dad would lose his crap my mother knocked things in the floor all the time and never cleaned up always too lazy to get a job she existed father worked all day and didn't feel like cleaning and we went to school so decided it wasn't our place by the end there was trash piled up almost 4 inches everywhere and while I knew it was I didn't personally like it I didn't know it was Farag normal I just kept my own room clean and let that be the end of it the bottom layers had turned to true dirt by the time we were cleaning it and moving out dogs had crap everywhere and it never got taken care of act on top of this I was never allowed to see friends outside school until I could drive and as such had many social issues until well after graduation my very liberal mother did not allow us to watch The Simpsons never really understood why couldn't play video games unless it was the weekend seems normal at first but then you realize that adjusting forces bad habits my brother and I would wait until the weekend and then binge the entire weekend playing video games and even if we didn't feel like it and though it would be better to do something else we always said well we better play anyway because we won't be able to after all so what were we supposed to do when the homework was done it isn't like homework took up the entire day I grew up with the same rule but eventually I transitioned into binging every day of every week during high school when they became a bit more lenient had to eat cheese strings the same way you might eat a banana with the plastic still on the bottom half just taking bites off the top I just wanted to make a wacky willed thing your parents are monsters my dad had several weird ones to this day I still don't understand I wasn't allowed to read at the table while I was eating or drinking even if I was completely by myself drinking coffee if he walked in on me he would berate me for having a toy at the table no one in the family was allowed to drink at the counter in the kitchen I have a habit of just draining a glass of water and pouring myself a second one I didn't see the point of filling a glass going to sit down spend about a minute drinking and then getting back up just to refill the glass I tend to drain most drinks in a matter of seconds so I got into the habit of just drinking at the counter at first time my dad saw me doing this he lost him yelling at me about how it wasn't normal and to sit down at the table while I drank reading books before bedtime was forbidden everyone in the house throughout the day has to be productive readiness for right before you go to bed finish all your chores before everyone else Frick you your brother sister is still cleaning you're just being lazy by sitting down to read a book he also had major issues with me just reading in general even for class assignments I actually had a full-on argument with him a couple of times about the Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye I was reading for my English Lit class he was trying to prevent me from reading them but I shot back I had to because it counted towards my grade but the entire class also took a huge test on each book so not reading wasn't an option yet he was a business person suffice to say we don't talk anymore I was raised in a funny Christian household though our media options were limited to VeggieTales and the like we always had to ask before watching any video but usually the answer was a simple yes or no but this one time I was around 14 and asked my dad if I could watch Winnie the Pooh it was for my little siblings but I was bored he told me dead serious that he needed to pray about it right there he asked God for wisdom in deciding whether I should watch it or not I stood there just trying to figure out if he was messing with me he was not after about a minute he looks at me and says I guess that would be okay my parents left all the original protective plastic covers on everything they bought like lampshades or plastic film on VCRs the only verbalized rules in my house were safety rules for example no playing in the street no going on the monkey bars if your sister is underneath etc for behavioral control they used stories a few examples you shouldn't touch bleach because your colors will fade and then daddy won't be able to see you and he'll be sad wandering around saying where's my daughter you shouldn't frown because when kids used to have to perform on vaudeville stages the ones who didn't smile didn't earn any money and then their families starved you shouldn't try to scare people by shouting boo because daddy might jump and fall out the window shattering all his vertebrae and paralyzing him for life you shouldn't distract mommy while she's driving because she might miss the exit and drive all the way to Canada by mistake and since we don't have car sports they won't let us into Canada and we will never find a bed we lived in New Jersey and so on I'm laughing as I type these because they were a surprisingly effective teaching method if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 112,723
Rating: 4.8111935 out of 5
Keywords: strict parents, reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, strict, strict parent stories, strict parents storytime, parent rules, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 11sec (3971 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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