1 Hour Or Twins And Brothers/Sisters Sharing Their Funniest Stories On r/AskReddit (Compilation)

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parents offered it with identical twins what experiments are you secretly running our twins are mirror image which makes them interesting to watch as they grow up one is right-handed the other is left they naturally gravitate to the same places in the car at the table when they walk etcetera one is farsighted in the right and nearsighted in the left the other is the opposite they have different personalities and swear the other one is the ugly one even though most people can't tell them apart for a while I constantly call their names wrong but they are used to it and answer unless it's for a chore then I get the sigh every so often I'll pinch one to see if the other will scream here's my story I'm an identical twin and my brother is 15 minutes older than me when we were 20 our mom told us that we were part of an experiment where we were told the wrong birth order at first neither of us believed her but she showed us a document detailing the experiment I laughed at it but I didn't really care being the younger twin does not really matter to me my brother on the other hand got irate during our lives he has been the one to take the lead on things this experiment completely undermined his role in our relationship turns out there was no experiment our mom just wanted to see how we would react my brother started seriously questioning some of his attitudes but I'm the older twin by about 15 minutes the only thing that gets me is being able to say stupid jokes some of my favorites include respect your elders said with a crappy tin grin when I was your age proceeded to tell him what I was doing 20 minutes ago you'll understand when you get older once again crap eating grin accompanying this statement I'm an identical twin and my dad liked to play baby wrestling he'd lay out a blanket put each other's in a corner and place a bottle in the center we then had to wrestle and to the victor went the bottle no secret experiments they are adults now but it was obvious there were 99.9% to like as little kids so experiments didn't occur to us they're still very alike with the major difference of having married women who couldn't be more different from one another they're still very alike with the major difference of having married women who couldn't be more different from one another mother-in-law talk for one of them is a B as someone with an identical twin brother I can confirm that my parents were very curious to see if we would develop similar personalities and interests and for the most part we did we are both somewhat introverted my brother in the raziel than me will have basically the same interest and are essentially as smart as each other although in slightly different areas I think that they are more introverted partially because we actually got along and didn't have to find friends as much because we always had one who wasn't going anywhere also my name starts with an A and his with a Zed and who wouldn't believe how many people asked if that was intentional it wasn't they just liked that names also the constant dong sais question which we've never tested and never will cause that's weird guys you wouldn't ask your non-identical brother how big his dong was would you twin brother here measured dongs when little we generally dressed our boys with one in blue and the other in red this was done mainly so there was a differentiator at a glance and so photos would be somewhat easier to tell apart ten years in the future now I'm trying to figure out if any of their individual personality quirks are related to that early decision easygoing versus tist out etc probably not but I'm discovering parents worry about the stupidest stuff when my brothers-in-law were young their father told them they had been a mix-up in the hospital so Fred was Dave and Dave was Fred a crisis of self ensued including switching personalities until he revealed the truth he's not red I am honestly woman you call yourself our mother none yet but I'll take suggestions tell them that every person has a twin one good one evil normally the evil twin is identified and taken away two evil twin island Australia obviously yours are still together because you haven't been able to figure out which one is the evil one yet identical twin hair up until two years ago my brother and I were part of our parents not-so-secret experiment the plan was to not tell either of us who was the older twin in this case by 45 mins until our 21st birthday the idea being that growing up one guy didn't think he was the elder brother so should call the shots all the time and that by the time we reached 21 we would be mature enough to not care about it the experiment completely backfired they just managed to build it up for us I still bring it up all the time that I won out and was officially crowned to win number one from my experience they are all running the experiment how much harder can I make it's to keep the two straight by naming them Braden and Brandon instead of just giving them two distinct names like a rational freaking adult one of my best friends as twins I asked him in just one day which one got the soul he faint laughter with a hammer that is so funny and then followed it up with a dead serious Sarah when my twin brothers were little my dad convinced them they have to share a brain they each got half he still likes to walk into whatever room they're in and loudly proclaimed two boys one brain Sonny gets Gatorade Sun B gets Powerade whoever dominates the other in academics and athletics by age 18 will go on to become the favorite son I'm a woman who has a twin brother so while not what Opie was going for my parents did various gender studies so to speak not really deliberately just stuff like if your boy and girl twins share a room and that room is stocked with dolls and guns who's going to go for what answer neither of us went for the dolls but bro went for the toy weapons and I just obsessed over the legis the funniest one my mom remembers though was getting passports for both of us and sending in the pictures for both with the backs labelled my brother was in a yellow on Ishii and I was in a turquoise blue one because it matched my eyes or somesuch to the passport office called to confirm with her that she labeled the pictures correctly because surely the girl was the one dressed in yellow because blue is a boy color anyway perhaps not what you wanted Opie but you looked like you were lacking answers so thought I'd provide one coulomb as the youngest girl with four older brothers my mom didn't bother buying me any girl toys until she found me playing house with a couple of cars I have a twin brother our parents decided to name us the closet as possible our names are a letter difference and pronounced the same in certain cultures needless to say the experiment wasn't so secret in high school I wasn't in the yearbook for three years because I was thought to be a duplicate we shared the same glasses some years which allowed for some free cups when comes to grading he would have never passed algebra 2 without my grades we now work at the same place but different departments I get emails from his co-workers as he does mine so thanks mom and dad you have perfected the troll we refuse to tell anyone who was born first because we don't want anyone including them to make any assumptions about them based on their age like this one is older so she's a leader all that one is younger so she's more laid back etc not even their grandparents know oh and their mirror identical twins which is just an experiment in and of itself their calyx spin opposite directions one favours her left hand she still writes with her right hand but will paint and draw with her left hand fun times I don't dress my twins 22 month old identical boys alike and their personalities are as different as they could be twin A's are cuddle bunny but twin B aka L hey fur is not one to freak with last night he knocked over a block tower that my hobby was building with twin a threw his hands up and said what now it's funny and a little scary at the same time I've always wanted to switch families for a day just to see how long it would take for them to notice but knew who my brothers are be probably scared you would freak his wife not a twin good my brother and I look very similar except for his facial hair as I am a lady without facial hair but we have the same coloring same big curly hair same face same kind of shape vocal tones laughs etc every time I visit his baby son gets very confused and looks back and forth to both of us trying to figure out why he has two daddies it's very cute my dad's brother looked a lot like him my nephew was about two when my uncle came to visit the first time my dad had stepped out so when my nephew arrived it was just my uncle there well my nephew assumed it was his grandparent right up in his lap he was as happy as could be until my dad walked in he was freaked out to say the least mine are adults now and one of them even has her own twins but they are fraternal anyway just last year our identical twins told us that one of the things we did as parents actually worked we tried not to raise them as twins we said they were sisters who had the same birthday we didn't let other family members call them the twins we insisted on individual names we did not dress them alike they were in different classrooms whenever the school had two classes for the same grade so last year they told us that they did not realize they were twins until sometime around third grade they both remember sitting in their bunk beds in second grade and talking about how it would be fun to have a twin I'll call that a parenting success my mum had an identical twin who is my aunt obviously my aunt is taller maybe 5 feet 6 inches my mom is about 2 inches shorter my mom told me this experience that they had the same dream about her dark tall figure standing over them in their bedroom when they were 9 it didn't say oh nothing just stood there in the same spot in both of their dreams they both woke up at the same time and just stared at the spot all night definitely kinda scary but that's the only thing like that that has to them pretty sure there was just a dude in their room we have fraternal twins only my wife and I know which one was born first we want to see what happens when neither can claim to be the older sibling they just turned to good luck with that our fraternal twins are six and have recently started having screaming matches with each other over who is oldest but not telling I had to separate them the other day before it got bloody good times when we were little babies our parents would put special socks on our feet to tell us apart our older brothers liked to switch the socks to confuse our parents there's a 50 stroke 50 chance I'm actually my sister a friend of mine has twins with the same issue she has no idea which baby was named one at the hospital but says I'm pretty sure I haven't switched them since maybe five months identical twin hair when I was learning to write my uncle was living with us and becoming a neurologist at the same time at my high school graduation he asked me if I was still left-handed little did I know when I was a toddler he would color with us and move the crayon I was drawing with from my right hand to my left I'm still left-handed bTW I have an identical twin brother we are so similar it's stupid we shared a room played all the same sports have the same group of friends roomed together in college have an apartment together and work in similar fields my parents didn't even need to do anything to enjoy observing any nature versus nurture between us they told us we didn't have to do everything together if we didn't want it but we didn't care we would occasionally dress the same for fun and switched places on more than one occasion it's a fun time finding ways to see if there is some weird connection between them I have identical three-year-old girls the girls had a couple small stuffed bunnies from Easter they were obsessed with during this time one of them was in the hospital a while back for a respiratory illness one night she was saying her sister wanted her bunny very adamantly her sister was staying with my mom an hour away and out of sheer curiosity I called and asked my mom if that twin was looking for her stuffed bunny at the time she was now it is likely pure coincidence since they both loved the bunnies at this time but I like looking for any weird connections between them that just make me go WTF how do you know that my twins are but 3.5 years old but one of the biggest trip up I have is they will shift personalities I call it body swapping as a joke and now I know I am NOT confusing them just randomly one day the quirks one hired latest was sniffing our pits to fall asleep we'll just transfer to the other and the first one that was oh so obsessed now could care less it happens approximately every four months and at this point I feel like my husband and I should start placing bets on what habit or obsession is going to be transferred next time winner gets a spa day show won the office us show the other the office UK then let nurture do its thing while the one with the UK version will be done a lot sooner I have 15 year old identical twin girls and the only weird incident that ever happened with them was when they were in fifth grade separate classes they were asked to make a picture for art class off something to do with winter they had made the almost the exact same picture a snowman kids sliding in the house same amount of clouds and the sky with one bird and a bright Sun they had a choice to draw anything they wanted I thought it was pretty neat they ended up coming home with the same drawing we actually had boy-girl twins that looked very much alike as babies people would ask us are they identical we would say no it's a boy and a girl people more often than not genuinely would say yay bird they look an awful lot alike how do you know they are not identical dang twins run in my family not in my generation but I'm told it sometimes skips one and this thread is giving me horrible or some ideas in case I ever end up with them I have fraternal twin boys I always thought it would be hilarious to circumcise one but not the other wife did not agree foreskin for everyone eeny meeny miny when is one of you will lose some wayney it your meg vault-tec look like a middle school science fair twins are on their way now any day now I plan to name them both Christopher to see the confusion between many people over the course of theirs lives identical twins of Reddit what's the most embarrassing situation where you've been mistaken for your twin not an identical twin but married to one when I was dating my wife she and her twin sister had a bunch of friends over I walked over to her and put my arm around her and she leaned into it I leaned in for a kiss but then she pulled away I thought well maybe she's not comfortable with a little peck in front of our friends since we hadn't been dating for too long then I scanned the room and made contact with my girlfriend I looked back and all that I had my arm around her sister who was messing with me until things went too far I then tucked my tail between my legs walked over to my girlfriend put my arm around her and said well will you give me a kiss smooth cover some girl decided to suggest that I date a guy that looked very very much like me yes those were her words there's this guy who looks so much like you you two should get together is his name named yep you've met him yes that is my brother a friend and his wife go to the same supermarket every week his identical twin also goes there with his wife one day after summoning up the courage the cashier pulls my friend's wife aside and says I'm sorry to have to tell you this but I've seen your husband here several times with another woman my friend said hi to his brother one morning well it turns out his brother was actually his own reflection in a window his mom witness it and has never let him live it down my brother and I both entered into the science fair before the awards ceremony he got sick so I went with just my mom my brother won first place and I didn't place at all when they called his name my mom made me go up for him I stood on a stage looking out at the seal friends and teachers clapping for me while a medal was hung over my shoulders and a certificate was shoved into my hands in the moment I should have felt proud of my brother but instead I just started crying on stage and where did everybody doubt I think they must have thought I was just overwhelmed with happiness because even when I stepped off of the stage and made a beeline for the back door people continued to congratulate me and try to shake my hand congratulations my twins name it was such a bizarre emotion like a blend of jealousy and shame I walked straight to the back pass my mom and left awh this was actually really sad I'm picturing you being like 10 years old and not knowing how to process if you're twin you're bound to eventually have a few embarrassing stories my whole life has been a system of awkward hugs or ducking a kiss from a girl and yelling wrong one wrong one brother's girlfriend jumps in your lap while you're watching movie it happens my personal favorite has to do with situations that have occurred you two mistaken identity with my brother now that he's a Marine officer I joined the Peace Corps shortly after he became an officer yay we are a sitcom set up and worked as a teacher in Eastern Europe nova drinks at a dinner during my service with friends of my host family one of the gentlemen tells me that he used to be a soviet helicopter pilot and asks me if i'd like to see his uniform he brings down the full outfit in all it's me Dale glory we are almost exactly the same size and he lets me try it on thinking how cool this is I post a picture online wearing it to show everyone my brother calls me a few days later Pia as all heck because during his screening for a security clearance someone finds picture of him wearing perfectly tailored Soviet regalia he yells at me for getting brass up his arse and complains that he might get his clearance postponed we still laugh about it a while back when I was in Middle School I went over one of my good friends house his mum comes in we start talking about random stuff then she asks my name I had known this women for five six years at this point so I was pretty dang confused the conversation continues for a very awkward minute or two then my friend's mom walked in didn't even know she had a sister till that day I worked retail for a few years and had a lot of regular customers this one girl would come in and she was awesome she loved the products always made conversation over what she was doing what she had done we always connected sometimes she would initiate the conversation sometimes I would never really learned her name though which is pretty embarrassing in sales about a year and a half after knowing her she walks in one day and I waved to her she excitedly waves back all of a sudden a perfect frickin clone in a similar outfit but different colors walks out from behind her my jaw literally dropped I was in disbelief I had been talking to two twin sisters thinking they were the same person for over a year when I asked why they never pointed it out to me one goes well you just seemed to talk to me like you knew me so I went with it surreal experience honestly when we were in the sixth grade my brother decided he wanted to stay at home because he wasn't feeling well so far they had never been a day where only one of us was at school but I didn't think anything of it I was walking down the hall and all of a sudden I was pulled in by a teacher who I had never seen before and she started yelling at me and I mean yelling at me because I had skipped her class and I had the audacity to walk in front of her class right after it was really awkward to just say euhh I have an identical twin brother my name is Jay sweat she of course thought I was making a terrible excuse and I had to go get another teacher that knew I had a brother to come tell her that I was telling the truth but she never bothered me again other than that we've never had a super embarrassing story had the same thing happened to my twin sisters one got busted for ditching because the other was sick the principal complained that my mother dressed then the same but we all wore uniform so it made no sense my brother and I are now 25 but in middle school being a twin was funny embarrassing we are one of the sets off twins who look exactly alike get the same haircut and even our voices sound the same in seventh grade I was minding my own business in class when someone joked that I wasn't myself immediately everyone in the classroom and the teacher decided to investigate although I had all my papers with me and all my belongings they came to the conclusion that we could have switched them so these Harvard educated teachers did what they thought was best they grabbed my brother from his classroom across the hall and started comparing us trying to make sure we were who we said we were after numerous times office assuring them we were in the right class I couldn't help but laugh some after my laughs people in the classrooms started to laugh and come out into the hallway with us the teachers found this amusing that nobody knew who we were and now 50-plus students are in the hallway trying to tell them who I was and was not needless to say this ended with both of us in the assistant principal's office with a stern warning to not switch courses even though we were in the right class thinking back what a bunch of morons don't even get me started with girlfriends kissing and groping the wrong person in high school only positive was being popular by doing nothing but existing my grandmother was an identical twin her sister passed away before I was born she didn't like to tell stories from when she was little but she did tell me one mistaken identity story she was in their bedroom one night when they were really young and saw her sister through the window she started talking to her sister to see why she was outside at night then she realized it was her reflection my grandmother had mistaken herself for her to win one day I was looking through her photo albums and came across some pictures of her twin in her coffin that picture haunted me until I actually had to see my grandmother in her coffin my twin brother had a huge stash of Pinot mags in his closet and I always wondered where he got the money to buy them one night I walked into a nearby convenience store with some friends and the guy behind the counter threw me out I had no idea why when my friends asked he told them he had caught me stealing Pino mags the week before my father is an identical twin he was mistaken for my uncle while walking with a woman hand in hand down the street in London England the witness was a friend of my aunt and immediately called her to accuse her husband of infidelity she was at that moment sitting beside my uncle in Ontario Canada part of me hopes that your other aunt and uncle were in London Ontario because that would make the story even better I was dating a girl in college the first time I went to her house she opened the door I told her I liked what she did to her hair and kissed her she kissed me we went inside she then yells your boyfriend is here they were weird girls my brother and I dated twins way back in the day they used to do crap like this to us all the time freaking weird you don't even know I went to a party once and my bald identical twin bro had yet to arrive his girlfriend was already there so I gave her the obligatory friendly hug then sat on the other side of the room to hang out this other guy a mutual friend of his and hers kept staring at me then staring at her with this real nervous WTF look on his mug for about 15 minutes every so often this guy would look around nervously and then furiously text on his phone then my brother arrives he kisses his girlfriend and says hi to everyone and this guy blows up jesus was no-one going to say anything what a freak was that I thought he grew a full head of hair in a day not me but a co-worker has two sets of twin daughters the younger pair are identical and both work at the same McDonald's the manager often puts one on a pay window and the other on the food window just to mess with customers I've been called my twin sisters named my whole life so one day I accidentally introduced myself to some when I caught and corrected myself after they thought I was straight-up crazy for not knowing my own name if I was a twin I'd imagine I'd do that more often than I'd like to admit I'm not a twin but my mom and aunt are identical twins and my girlfriend's parents and the only restaurant in my small town and they have told me how they thought my mother was having an affair also have had texts from friends that my mother was with another man I sent a picture of my uncle and it's always him the long con your mom is having an affair with your uncle and nobody believes my father spent a year abroad before returning to enroll in the same College as his twin brother the first few days were pretty standard acquaintances of my uncle mistaking my dad for him business as usual that was until one girl approached him publicly mind you and with a wink said he were really great last night I gave you a number to a few friends I hope you don't mind naturally my dad went from there to immediately seek out and congratulate his brother on his good fortune and hopefully share in the spoils on the way he found himself receiving a disproportionate level of sly smiles and sidelong glances from some of the groups he passed by the time he finally found my uncle he was thoroughly perplexed surely his brother couldn't have been this lucky they were good-looking guys but this was just ridiculous my uncle flushed and faltered when confronted by my dad he stammered and tiptoed around the issue before my dad finally got it out of him how had he managed so prolific a penile pedigree he hadn't turns out my uncle had spent all his money in the first few weeks and had turned to desperate measures for cash he had been working as a stripper doing mostly private parties but naturally word got around so for the rest of the year my father had to contend with the fact that a good number of the people on campus had effectively seen him naked , so prolific a penile pedigree that is a beautiful example of alliteration identical twins of Reddit what's the greatest thing you've achieved by swapping places without anyone noticing not exactly intentional but I was visiting my brother's college campus where he lived in the dorm I parked and was when a pair of female hands covered my eyes from behind I turned around and saw a pretty blonde girl to whom I only had a chance to say hi before she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me she then said is your brother here yet I can't wait to meet him to which I replied I think you just did she looked confused for a couple seconds and then turned bright red when we both got inside she beat my bro's arm for a solid five minutes apparently he had never told her we were twins since there had only gone out for a few weeks at the time but they eventually got married but the way she and I met gets brought up just about every family gathering my brother and I went to the same College on one occasion we both went to the library I was studying he was meeting a classmate for a project she ran into me instead and I pretended to be my brother when it got old I went looking for him but couldn't find him so I took off my jacket and came back to the girl I introduced myself and explained that my brother was her classmate and I was looking for him she said he had just left I walked away put the jacket on and came back she said my brother was looking for me I kept leaving and coming back several times until eventually my brother finally arrived when she saw him wearing something totally different that what I had worn with or without the jacket she freaked out and yelled there are three of you I have twin brothers when they were about 12 or 13 my brother Jia was grounded from the computer my mom was out so he decided to sneak on he was wearing headphones so he didn't hear when she came in she caught him he pretended to be his twin Dante my mom doubted herself called Fergie Oh Dante having heard everything responded trying to help his brother out my mom was confused for a bit but being a mom figured it out they both got grounded but she admitted she was very close to falling for it my twin brother was president of the class and I was vice president our junior year when it came time for after-school reelection speeches for senior year my brother completely forgot and walked home I did my speech for vice-president then borrowed a friend shirt and made up a presidential speech for him on the spot we both won I taught swimming lessons for three years during that time I had one set of twins in one of my classes who once switched swimming suits to mess with me except I was still learning names of the kids in class 5060 kids names to learn from all my classes and called one of them what could have been the wrong name except it was right because there had also switched his face adopted a surprised expression and he exclaimed how did you know we switched because I'm that good my great-grandfather is an identical twin whilst leaving the church on his wedding day they managed to swap for years my great-grandma thought that was a photo of her and her husband outside the church on the mantelpiece about 20 years in he finally told her it was his brother on the photo a professor at my school is a twin he got his brother to impersonate him and deliver a lecture on comedy of errors then the actual professor comes in and proceeds to argue about who should be delivering the lecture Shakespearean hilarity ensues my identical twin brother wasn't the most dedicated student in high school while I was focused on getting into the College of my dreams USC he would often skip class to go hang out with his friends and do things that I didn't find to be quite beneficial to my goal of success well his ditching habits got out of hand it was in the second month of senior year of high school and his zero period English teacher told him that he had 14 absences and that if he missed one more zero period class he would drop fail the class and would not be able to graduate this really threw my brother's life into gear and he began to come to school early and put his life back together one day it was five minutes before zero period had started and I got a call from my bro his car broke down and he was stuck two miles away from school he had been trying to fix it for the past ten minutes and couldn't figure out what happened I sensed the urgency in his voice and knew he wasn't sing me I agreed to take his place and miss my ceramics zero period and take his English class the only issue was that his class was on the other side of the school by the time I went to his locker grabbed his books and round at his class I was about a minute late I rushed in and saw the teacher give a sigh of relief when he saw me so basically I saved my brother from not graduating no one noticed that it wasn't him and it was me but I do remember this one girl coming up to me at lunch and asking why I changed clothes later found out that she was in the z-row period class my twin and I have swapped places successfully in many situations but the most recent was probably the best my brother is an adjunct professor at a local universe at a teaching Web Design none of his students knew he had a twin on the first of April I came in to open the class instead of him I casually said hi to about 20 students discussed questions about a project making it up as I went and even discussed her students grade before opening the lesson no one noticed anything out of the ordinary about five minutes into this my brother threw open the classroom door and stepped in he pointed to me and said who is this imposter we didn't know how they would react but we thought it would be a lot louder instead most of the students mouths dropped open and they just stared back and forth in complete confusion and terror in a few cases finally I broke in and said that I was teaching my class as usual and who was this guy interrupting he dashed up to the front and said it was his class and I should leave we then asked the students whose class it wasn't about half got it right for bonus points and half got it wrong either way we clearly made their day and we haven't been able to play this trick again for the past few years because it still gets talked about not me but my dad and uncle are twins just a few years ago my dad fell off a ladder removing Christmas lights and broke his shoulder after surgery dad had to go to physical therapy for a while a few months in my uncle comes up from out of town for some reason I can't remember and dad hatches a plan to be miraculously healed he tells my uncle all the names of his receptionists and therapists he wanted me to go in and film it but I was afraid it would ruin the joke so I'm told that my uncle goes in and starts going through a stretches while the therapist looks amazed she says my word I've never seen such quick improvement I never thought you would be able to lift your arm over your head again what changed since last session my dad's family are a bunch of wise asses so my uncle starts telling the therapist about hearing of a home remedy by rubbing ostrich oil on his shoulder meanwhile my dad goes up to the receptionist for his appointment and apologizes for being late the lady just looks confused and says but you already came in my dad just looks confused back at her as she takes him to his room I was told that the therapist gasped and took a triple take when she saw then both another shorter story is when my dad tried to withdraw $50 from my uncle's bank account my uncle owns a small business and goes into the bank daily so the teller recognized my dad he goes up and asks for $50 from his accountant the teller just gives it to him this was a while ago before security was all the rage he gives the money back and tells about him being a twin the teller looked really embarrassed and was probably worried about his job not exactly swapping places but my twin and I both got an awesome scholarship because of a clause that stated that twin siblings could both win the scholarship if they had similar GPAs they're not twins but my dad and uncle look similar and have a very similar sounding voice when my uncle was visiting they decided to go skiing on handicap ski day since my uncle has a lot of handicapped friends who are into extreme sports my dad was standing around at the bottom of the mountain when he ran into a group of my uncle's friends and they all got very confused half of the group thought that he had recently been through some kind of miracle while the other half thought he had been lying to them for the last 20 years 5 minutes later my uncle rolls up in his wheelchair my dad has an identical twin brother this is his famous story my family is Iranian and it is mandatory for young men to serve in the army for a minimum of two years the do have few exceptions for example if your eyes are very weak and you can't see without glasses then you don't have to serve my dad had the week arrived between the two of them so he failed his own exam he took his brothers ID to the army offices and failed the exam again to get his brother out of that responsibility when my brother and I were about two years old we went to get our passport pictures taken my brother went first and he got his picture taken normally but for some reason I was being a little butthole that day and I got to the point where I was screaming to my parents that I did not want my picture taken they were not ready to put up with another minute of my nonsense so they got me and my brother and they switched our shirts without the cameraman noticing so in my place my brother took the picture with my shirt without anyone ever finding out that he was in both pictures to this day I still mess with other people to try to guess which twin is which in those two pictures in college I emailed my professor I would be missing a three-hour night class because the flu Halloween parties I walked across campus halfway through the class thinking it was clear nope the professor lets the class out early for Halloween campus events and he sees me walking to said parties after what he emails me calling me out for skipping class mind you this was the best professor I had in college and I had to take more classes from him with my major later on so I rolled the dice and told him that I was home all night and he must have seen my twin brother on campus I told him I thought he knew I had a twin who was a different major by now because of previous classes then I provided him with a link to the track and field roster websites to prove I had a twin who looked like me next week in class he apologizes to the entire class about how he flicked up and wrongly called me out for skipping my mom is an identical twin she and her twin would swap jury duty and get away with it which one of them was so boring they wanted to go to jury duty not identical twins but we still get mixed up a lot anyways I showed up to my brother's class to do a presentation I'm a convincing speaker and he said he'd give me a hamburger teacher never found out I love hamburgers I am the older brother of a pair of twin sisters one day after watching Parent Trap they decided to switch places of school they were both in the third grade and shedder class the teachers caught on in immediately it may have something with one of them forgetting they switched and the other one loudly whispering now you're me Sydnor it made me laugh once I found out about it my brother and I had the long con my dad says that he got us so mixed up as babies that more than likely and my brother and he is me but my mother was not made aware of this information my dad much later started painting the bottom of our feet different colors with nail polish so that he knew who was who my brother got free drinks at my wedding from the bar because they were saying the groom drinks free so he was scoring free mixed drinks all night didn't really swap places but we both worked as Busboys in a restaurant when we worked at the same time customers thought we were one person the hardest working person they had ever seen the tips were great well let me just tell you I've done multiple job interviews from my twin brother it definitely has advantages one day my brother got an interview at a rather large company in California he was living in Washington at the time and I was in California and not to say that I'm better at interviewing though I am but clearly it was more convenient for me to attend the interview truthfully I wasn't too busy the day of his interview and I had the mentality that I had nothing to lose by going and acting like someone else which I did it was a group interview and I decided to be the annoying kiss-ass in the room I tried to stand out by raising my hand a lot and asking stupid freaking questions I spoke up a lot and made kiss-ass comments and stayed behind after the interview to shake the hands of the managers who conducted the interviews sure enough I get a call from my twin the next morning and he said hey man I need you to be there at 12:00 p.m. to do second interview luckily I was also free that day well he got hired and drove down from Washington to California to start work three days after the second interview it was some real Parent Trap crap like explaining what people looked like names all that stuff but no one noticed perks of being an identical twin and that's one of many interviews I've done for him to get him jobs got caught skipping school gave police officer my twins information he had already graduated a year early due to skipping a grade officer let me go since I wasn't a student my twin brother and I went to different colleges and didn't generally reveal to the friends we made that we each other to win one day a group of people approached me in the street calling me by my brother's name and asking me if I would like to join them in the pub I knew that my twin brother was already at the pub so I said I'd bet em free drinks if I beat them to the pub in a footrace even if I gave them a head start they agreed and ran off at top speed while I stood there casually checking my watch and buffing my fingernails on my lapel only for them to arrive exhausted and find me standing at the bar drink already in hand my twin and I pretended to be one person for 35 years just so that we could perform the teleporting man my best man at my wedding was my cousin who has an identical twin brother halfway through the ceremony my best man started feeling faint so he had to go sit down but as it made the time for exchanging of rings I noticed he had made his way back up it's as I turned to get the ring it wasn't him thankfully I had made his twin brother an usher so they were wearing the same tux and decided to make the switch nobody noticed except for close family members I wish I had planned it that way my twin and I aren't identical but we look a lot alike on April Fool's Day in eighth grade we switched classes for the entire day we had to have a handful of friends in on the switch so they could guide us to the right classrooms it was difficult for me because he was in a higher math class than I was during the last class 1 idiots tried to snitch to the teacher the teacher looked at me a good long time and then said to the snitch you almost had me and left me alone my best friend had twin brothers they were about 27 at the time brother a gets dumped bad brother B feels terrible so he and friends take brother a out to get [ __ ] nozzles brother a was terribly shy and not great with the ladies hence why he got dumped by a Sea Hag with ambiguous immorality brother B is gregarious and charming and also very committed to his long-term gal brother a spends the majority of the evening drowning his sorrows in tequila shots while brother B spends his laying down some serious groundwork all a babe in the bar q closing time brother B escorts lady outside and hails a cab runs inside to grab his coat and quickly change his shirts with brother a as he walks him to the cab he is furiously muddling trivia and bullet points as fast as possible Deana 24 sick major three Cass love skiing one sister et Cie that's a good brother getting denied a first sample at Costco because my twin already got one P off a principal it was in fifth grade I believe when we traded classes the principal called my mom after finding out and wanted us punished my mom asked so they are both in school and neither was a disciplinary problem what is the problem here and left identical twins of Reddit what's the greatest thing you've achieved by swapping places without anyone noticing not so much awkward for me but for the poor girl working drive-through I own fast-food restaurants and one day my brother who is not in the business decided to come visit a few stores with me once we arrived I had the bright idea of going inside and having my brother go through the drive-thru the girl at the window immediately gets surprised when he pulls up and she turned really fast and looked at me then him she was literally stuck in her mind frozen with this weird look on her face for a few seconds she then turns to him and tries to mumble a sentence and then turns to me trying to say he looks like me but it's coming out all wrong because her mind was too boggled I guess I immediately told her it was my twin brother because I thought she was having a stroke she took a deep breath and then started laughing I don't think I'll ever do that again fantastic don't stop doing that I had my boss get mad at me one time because I called out of my shift one night when I was really sick he left work before the dinner rush and got some food at a different restaurant that my twin brother works at my brother told me that my boss went up to him and said something along the lines of why did you feel the need to make up you were sick just to go work out a second job I'm not sure if I want someone who will lie to me to work for me who needless to say he didn't believe my brother when he tried explaining that he is my twin most of my other co-workers have met my brother and backed me up when my boss was talking about it the next day my parents have a friend who is an identical twin several years ago he and his wife were in the process of adopting two children through a private agency things were going well and the adoption date was set but about two weeks before it was supposed to be finalized the couple got a phone call from the agency stating there was a problem one of the people working on their case claimed they had seen the husband out with another woman and the agency would not adopt the kids into an unstable home turns out the husband's twin and sister-in-law had been in town visiting and happened to go shopping and been seen kissing his wife the agency knew the guy had a brother but not that he was a twin he and his wife had to go into the agency with my parents friends to prove they weren't lying brother and I worked together for about four years in retail we would often get scheduled wrong and got so many you are in two places at once comments most awkward thing I can recall that happened was I got yelled at by a customer I ran register and he ran the floor for something my brother did the customer laid into me and I watched my brother appear from around a corner and he came by and asked the customer to lay off me and he'd help her the customer profusely apologized before following him all in all working with my twin was a lot of fun you should have told customers no worries just go to aisle five and I'll be with you in a minute but your twin is already waiting there for them in high school one of my twin brothers teachers said hello to me and tried to grab my arm to speak to me about something probably class related I didn't know who it was as I had never taken her class and walked off quickly and kind of weirded out but later she berated my brother in class in front of everyone for being so rude to her he told her it was probably his twin brother and she didn't believe him everyone else in the class told her that he did have a twin brother to corroborate his claim but she refused to believe any of them I was in a few classes with a kid who sometimes really nice and sometimes standoffish we were kind of friends except when we weren't it was very strange then one day I saw him walk in the room as he was sitting next to me turns out I was only friends with one to win I have won with a twist me and brother are two years apart and resemble each other vaguely we move towns and after a few years I was visiting my old town went to a store and the owner greeted me with some slangs that should be used only with friends I was shocked and he realized his mistake apologized profusely and told me how he was a close buddy of my bro after a year or so I saw him at a railway station jokingly I shouted the same slangs to greet him a WTF was written all over his face I thought he forgot about our exchange and tried to remind him he refused to know my brother I apologized and moved on some time later I mentioned this my brother who said he has an identical twin OMG that's amazing most of the people I knew in high school would eventually figure us out seeing as most of us had known each other since elementary school now that I'm in college I have random people walk up to me to talk about the next homework assignment essay just any class that my twin is taking to me not realizing that were two different people it's amazing to see the differing reactions of people once I break the news to them it's always either visibly confused laughter and then maybe you know Frick you followed by even more laughter once they realize they've been talking to the wrong person the whole time visited my twin at another college was sleeping at his place when some random girl crawled into bed with me but she did not believe me when I insisted that I wasn't him so we stayed until he got home from the bar I'll never forget watching the sinking realization in her face not me but my uncle he slept with his own girlfriend and ended up dumping her for cheating on him because he realized she thought he was my dad she was super giddy about how exciting it was to sleep with the other twin our that time people had a tendency to think they could tell them apart due to how they dressed but they actually shared the same clothes and didn't have a definite style age this is my favorite accidentally not cheating that getting caught with bad intentions my dad is an identical twin both have a wife and two kids they both frequent a restaurant with the family every time we go to that restaurant the staff point and whisper dad tells us it's because they think he and his twin are the same guy with two families who don't know about each other and bring both of his families to the same place I was walking to my car one day after classes when I was in college when this girl comes marching up to me angry as all heck and asks why I didn't call her back after our wonderful night together it turns out her and my twin had a one-night stand and he ghosted her afterwards listen it wasn't me it was my identical twin who guessed it you know really while I was washing the dishes my brother's wife came up behind me and grabbed my crotch and whispered hurry up and come athle to which I replied not sure ex would like that to be honest definitely seen this porno finally I have something my identical twin gets five matches a day on tinder I've been on it for one year and I have a grand total of zero matches we have the same face god dammit it's your bio I dated a girl with a twin sister only way to tell them apart my GF had a freckle under her right eye and her sister had one under the left I came home from work one morning GF was doing the dishes so I slid up behind her and started kissing her neck she turned to look at me and Weldon do you believe it the freckle was on the wrong side gf sister had come to visit and nobody bothered to tell me after the initial shock wore off I started apologizing they found it extremely funny it wasn't the first time and I am sure after things ended between us it happened to someone else lol I am still friends with both and they bring it up every time we get a chance to meet up mirror twins me and my twin being young and dumb decided to switch classes at school one day we were in year two about 15 minutes into class we both realized that since this wasn't our class we could act up a bit cuz the other would be punished not us which resulted in us both lunchtime detention and the awkward conversation with our teachers about why we were acting up my dad is an identical twin when I was 17 my older brother died during the wake people kept walking up to my uncle and talking to him thinking that he was my dad that was awkward it was also awkward when I was little and would get them mixed up my siblings cousins and I called them uncle dad when the families were all together tup until my dad got really sick it was really hard to tell them apart unless they were speaking thank God for regional accents my dad and his brother aren't even twins but they both have a big beard and similar build and we rarely see him when I was little like three or four we went and visited him at Grandma's house I climbed up onto his lap to play I had been playing with him a few minutes when I noticed my dad across the room I looked at my uncle and started crying because he wasn't my dad it was a scary moment oh I actually have one for once I'm an identical twin this is a case of someone assuming my twin was me though for some background I used to work at a place with an extremely tight-knit friendly work culture it was not unusual to have folks go out for drinks after work and have 20 or 30 people show up anyway one day one of my co-workers pulled me aside and asked hey I just wanted to check that is everything okay with you and Carrie Carrie is the woman I had just gotten married to at a time and I'm still happily married to now I answered yet as far as I know what are you talking about the answer don't Bulls me a bunch others saw you last night I replied what on earth are you talking about all we did last night is stay in on drink beer and watch Netflix we saw you with your arm around that blonde lady at the Fox and Hound last night if you're going to cheat why on earth would you do it there after a little bit of back and forth it became clear that a large contingent of my co-workers had seen my identical twin McKinnon with some woman at the bar that was our most common hangout I had to get my brother out with all of them once just to convince them that I actually had a twin from then on I made an effort to mention that I had when around new coworkers just so that at the very least they wouldn't just assume I was in butthole if I didn't acknowledge them when out on the town so what I'm getting out of this is it I should tell all my co-workers I have a twin and then if they ever see me doing something scandalous or unprofessional they'll think it's my twin also as a bonus I can pretend I don't know them if they approach me and tell them to go freak themselves and just apologize for my misfits twin next time I see them in the office I'm not but my brothers are identical twins my brother and I both had kinda lame weeks a few months ago so we decided to go out for dinner you got there and the waitress kept giving me just the dirtiest of looks finally she looks at my brother and says something along the lines of wow I can't believe you are seeing other women while your girlfriend is on a mission trip turns out the waitress was friends with her other brothers girlfriend the waitress got really embarrassed when my brother introduced us as the twin and the sister even if it was the right twin she still would have been jumping to conclusions when he's really just out with his sister people are so dumb lol I had a steady boyfriend for years and he would often get messages from people sometimes pictures or videos about my sister making out with someone else or holding hands with someone else and they thought it was me shook TF out of him at first but we laughed about it eventually that's gotta suck for your sister though people taking pictures and judging her all the time thinking she's doing something wrong my parents were at a dinner party in about 2000 and it came up in conversation that my dad has a twin one of the couples at the dinner party looks at each other an absolute shock and the husband asked was it possible that your twin was at Expo 86 turns out this couple thought they had seen my dad cheating on my mom at Expo 86 and actually it was my uncle they're canoodling with my aunt they debated whether to mention it to my mom for over a decade my dad always says he was wondering when that couple were always a bit standoffish with him my parents have been married for almost 40 years we still laugh about it this is the best one can't believe their relief our for a decade of should we shouldn't we oh and another one though it's not really awkward per se one day I went into a Starbucks the barista smiled at me and says oh didn't I see you on the trail the other day you have a cutest dog I don't have a dog but my twin brother does so even though I'm quite happily married I flirted with her for a few minutes and just gave her my brother's number real MVP over here twins over date what is your most awkward awesome wrong twin story so this happened to me about a year ago I currently live in Singapore and was out for dinner with my girlfriend at the time my girlfriend bends over and quietly tells me there is this woman walking around taking pictures of me so I look over and she is trying to be very discreet about it she sees me notice her and comes over looking very angry and angrily asks me what the heck I'm doing and how I could cheat on my wife and I'm completely dumbfounded I have no idea who this women is or who she is talking about so I just tell her that I've never been married she proceeds to just stare at me and then asks me wait are you named of my twin brother me no that's my brother at which point she proceeds to turn red and start apologizing profusely turns out this woman was on holiday and works with my sister-in-law my brother was also on travel for work in China not Singapore and she assumed that he was lying to meet up with my girlfriend and cheat on my sister-in-law it was an awkward as heck experience but made for a good laugh at least my grandparents were getting us ready for kindergarten they put the wrong nametags on us but we did not notice I was just sitting in class and all of the sudden the teacher goes my brother's name you're in the wrong class we had different teachers she brings me to my brother's classroom and takes him to hers I was so scared I didn't say anything and I felt like I did something wrong after a few minutes I was so freaked out about being in an unfamiliar place and seeing all the strange faces I started crying my brother's kindergarten teacher figured out what was wrong and sent us back to our real classrooms me and my twin are fraternal and look nothing alike this was like the third week of class teacher these dang kids again always asking around even as babies we were in middle school was on the school bus and heard someone call my twin brother's name Jay I turn and see his girlfriend extremely upset and she slaps me right across the face I was just dumbfounded and didn't say a word that she walked away I passed the message along to him later with a much harder slap good times my brother and I used to play that game it ended when he had to pass on a slug to the arm and he just left a bruise on my arm identical twin here attending the same college as my twin brother I was walking with my girlfriend at the time during my freshman year and another girl approached me and said also this is why you didn't want to call me back I didn't know this girl but it also didn't register at the time that she was referring to my twin who I assumed ghosted her I told this girl she must be mistaken and she says no I know it's you we met in the dorms and then it clicked for me so I explained that she was confusing me for my twin brother but the most awkward part is that she didn't believe a word I was saying and thought I was just using the twins story to try to get rid of her I had her call me at the time and show her that my phone wasn't ringing and NAT she was calling my twin my girlfriend was upset at first but then basically realized the humor in the situation as it was unfolding at the whole I have a twin call his phone sneaky me and my twin are both in the same major at the same school I'm told we stand out a bit and I quite recognizable cause people see us all over and never realize we're twins anyways on one of my trips to college a couple months back I had a guy come up to me and confess how much he looked up to me about how I always sit in the front show up every day and seemed smart and always do well he was talking about my brother cause I didn't show up to class too often I got that once a woman told my mom how great I was at watching kids in the church nursery and had some really specific examples of what a great job I was doing I enjoyed the compliment but there were specific examples of what a great job my twin sister was doing I dated a girl whose twin was a life drawing model on campus guys were always approaching her when they must still care and assume that since they had seen her nude she was easy that's awkward this was my dad story Billy and my uncle look exactly alike to the point where their wives of two plus decades have confused them when they were in college my dad was the lead in a show and my uncle came to see at opening night my uncle saw his chance and while my dad was in the bathroom burst through the curtains and said that's it I've had it I can't work with these people anymore and stormed off the director was basically [ __ ] himself b/c nobody knew that my dad had a twin until my dad came back and once he saw everyone's faces basically said yeah my twin is coming tonight he messed with y'all right my twin had recently joined the Navy and was at boot camp I on the other hand was walking around the grocery store when a man came running up to me in a panic if he began to shout what in the heck are you doing here you're going to go to federal prison a bit shocked I assumed it was just some crazy person and started to back away that he followed so I said sir I don't know what you're talking about he then proceeded to say my twins name and then I started laughing he's still very panicked and now angry asked why I thought this was funny I explained I am such-and-such his twin he didn't believe me until I finally pulled my ID out to prove I was who I said I was he then apologized and explained he was her enlisting officer and was very concerned when he saw me I've got a twin who works at Starbucks I always get an employee discount you should check out the documentary three identical strangers the first 20 minutes or so are one of the craziest versions of this kind of thing ever just watch this yesterday pretty interesting my twin brother and I were counselors at a summer camp we were in different huts so we led different age kids for a week whenever I would pass the kids he was counseling or vice versa they would scream confused and ask many questions it became a daily de Barco once you're an adult you will all start to look the same had a co-worker who had kids five years before his twin he started looking so much older people just assumed he was an older brother guys at the gym would come up to him thinking he was the other brother and tell who he looked like crap other way around two guys would come up to his brother and tell him he looked great thinking it was my friend the difference was crazy I'm not a twin but I'm dating one I came up behind my girlfriend's sister and smacked her ass they share clothes sometimes and look exactly alike especially from behind it was so awkward that I have to say my girlfriend's name to confirm it's really her , they share clothes that's just unfair I'm a teacher and when I was student teaching there were twin girls they were super cute and very hard to tell apart I finally got to the point where I could tell which was which one morning I confidently called them by their names but they corrected me I made note of what they were wearing and kept them straight the rest of the morning while we were going over a lessons and I call on twin a she began to cry and said I'm not twin a I'm twin B they decided that they were going to switch on us that morning but then got upset when we called them the wrong name we laughed so hard about it after the fact and their mom was appalled that they were already switching places in kindergarten when I was teaching we had a pair of twins who were the most identical I'd ever seen one had a tiny freckle under her eye and the other didn't and that was the only way anyone could tell them apart so their mom got them hair bounce with their names monogrammed on and then frequently put the wrong bow on the girls heads had a buddy from the scatter Park who had a twin this guy and I would always crap talk each other one day I see him and walk up to him what's up [ __ ] the frick you dressed like that for it's not gonna make your busted-ass cape any better excuse me you go deaf to dumb bass he gets in my face and starts asking what my problem is I'm laughing the entire time thinking we're playing a game until he shoves me hard I fall backwards and look at him and yell Shawn the Frick man his face completely changed I'm Shane dude Shawn's twin I didn't know he had a twin next time I see Shawn he cracks up heard my brother almost beat your ass I have some triplet friends who all still live in the same town the funniest story they had was that a pent Li all three of them impregnated their respective wives within a two-year span and all three wives chose the same object gob didn't know the names of the husband's only saw the last name baby and the woman's name all three said the OB was super rude and mean to them until finally triplet one and triplet two had appointments back to back the OB came in and saw both of them did a double take and asked there's more than one of you they of course replied yeah there's three weird triplets I guess this OB thought one guy had impregnated three different women and was just rolling with his adultery Simon Annie took care of seven-year-old identical twin boys names started with the Aunt Bea after school one day they decided to wear the same clothes to see who they could trick when they got off the bus they tried to get me to tell them apart I stalled by having them stand side-by-side so I could really look at their faces after less than a minute they started elbowing each other then one said B stop and they both knew the gig was up when you said their names started with D and B I just automatically called then Bob and dub in my head not about me but about my father who has an identical twin I wasn't told the specifics of this story but basically my uncle had quite a bad gambling problem which led to him borrowing money off some dodgy people and surprisingly my uncle lost all the money gambling and so was unable to pay back the people he had borrowed it from idk who these people were but I'm guessing that they are some sort of gang or some crap because they then started searching for my uncle to basically beat the crap out of him for not paying them back but instead found my dad apparently my dad was only away from having his knees busted before he convinced them he wasn't my uncle by showing them some pictures of them together luckily my dad wasn't harmed and the whole experience caused my uncle to get help for his addiction Frick if I were a mob enforcer I would totally call bull's eye t wasn't any eye T was my identical twin brother that's some rolling a natural 20 sort of charisma to convince them my favorite story was I got a job at a grocery store near home the main entrance and side entrance were relatively close to each other and I took groceries out with a customer and disappeared behind a wall that leads to the side door and only that side door within seconds of me being out of view my stepdad and twin walk in the main entrance door I drop off the customers groceries at their car say goodbye and come in the main entrance door and one of the cashiers is looking at me like he's seen a ghost I have no idea why so I ignore and go back to work 15 20 minutes later my dad and brother show up at the register and I say hey we balls for a minute or two and I take the chance to help them to their car because they won't say no and I can get away for a few minutes when I come back in that cashier Taylor pulls me aside and goes you're a twin and proceeds to tell me what just happened and how confused he was six months later my twin gets a job at the store we have people start conversations with one of us and try to finish with the other sometimes due to work flow will both bag for the same person but not at the same time they don't notice a difference eventually people stops to figure it out but some laughs were heard this isn't the wrong twin story you probably meant that it's mine lol sir my twin and I are fraternal we don't look alike at all he's a guy I'm a girl so there is that too so we are at an arcade place they have laser tag my brothers and I are waiting on a bench for our turn when a couple comes walking by stops and asks see you guys twins I jump up excited saying yes finally someone realizes we are twins how awesome their faces are completely blank my twin goes um no I think they meant me and younger brother so like I said we don't look anything alike also I'm 5 foot 5 and my twin is 6 feet 1 lots of times people are sky y'all actually related so that's my wrong twin story lol my twin and I went to the same uni but different campuses one day she was at my campus for a lecture and one of my teachers spotted her he went up to her and tried to convince her to go to his office to discuss one of the projects I was working on she obviously freaked out and said she wasn't me I ended up receiving an email from him saying he met my sister and accidentally scared her we also used to work for the same company but different floors and departments so many random people would say hello to me I have major resting be face so they would always say that my sister was in a foul mood took them a while to realize there was two of us I am an identical twin and my brother and I were at homecoming both wearing basically the same outfit because there is really only one kind of blazer and white button-down it was dark at the after party his dates thought I was my brother and tried to start dancing with me had to awkwardly say wrong person my mom is an identical twin and when my aunt would come to visit they would wear the same clothes and pick me up from daycare multiple times I cried because I could never figure out which one was really my mom very traumatizing not me but I'm best friends with identical twins and we hang out a lot well we made plans one time to go see a movie but when I got there one of them wasn't there I thought the one that was there was the one who stayed home the entire time we were together when we were saying bye I addressed her as the other one and she was like bro WTF I'm Emily I don't think she has ever forgiven me for that in my school we do punches aka little hole punches in a card and if you get 10 punches you get a reward so my math teacher gives me a punch if she calls me by my twins name so she called me by my twins name then she is like oh gotta give you a punch then said is this your desk twins name I corrected her again and ended up getting a lunch party she didn't even have my twin it has happened at least six times this year you have been visited by the hot dog whether he uses sausage magic for the price of one subscription if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 54,430
Rating: 4.8728323 out of 5
Keywords: siblings, reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, brothers, sisters, twins, only child, family, brothers story, brother vs sister, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: Hr30gVJjsJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 2sec (4322 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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