The Most Embarrassing Moments Shared On Reddit (1 Hour Compilation)

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high school teachers over dit what's the most awkward position a student has ever put you in I'm a new teacher in my early 20s with a student who is almost too old to be in high school 21 I was really short with him one day because he was being in butthole and he responded I know why you're so crabby today you're mad because your boyfriend beats you he then yelled at me the whole way down the stairs as I scooted him to the principal demanding that I tell him why he was in trouble made me super uncomfortable because he was almost my age and clearly didn't respect me as a teacher his comments were way over the line and he got removed from my class for it when I was teaching high school a little twit named Austin found out it was my 45th birthday and launched into a spiel in front of the class how I should be sure to get a colonoscopy as I was now at that age well I see I'm not the first to tell you you should get a colonoscopy I had a student freshman 15 years old sent me a picture of herself in lingerie with the line what can I do to get an A had to protect myself turned it into administration it was a very awkward meeting with her parents dang she's gonna be doing some crazy crap for barely anything in college at this rate student threatened to strangle me with his iPod cord in them didn't what a tease one of my very good-looking male friends is a science maths teacher he's one of those mad people that loves to make maths fun and honestly his classes are like a dang performance it's beautiful but a lot of the girls in the class just giggle and ask him if he has a girlfriend he kept deflecting them and concentrated on making the class fun but then they got nasty too a quiet girl he paid too much attention to she was actually interested in math and he gave her some extra material after class that he thought she'd like full stop he fully put his foot down and demanded a parent meeting with all of the girls in question parents and told them straight up they could either act like mature people or get out and that he didn't deserve to be borderline sexually harassed while working but most of the parents were just mortified their daughters would behave like that but a few were like it's a compliment etc luckily admin were on his side that's a thing I don't understand you tell someone hey this makes me uncomfortable and they angrily insist that it's a compliment instead of apologizing good for him for standing up for himself ran into one of my students at the store the only things in my cart were duct tape tampons and motor oil he looks at my items and his eyes got large not sure what he was imagining I was going to do but we both acted like it never happened the next day in school motor oil to lube up the tampon and duct tape to keep it up in there clearly a boy in the dance class at my school was going to have to wear skintight leggings in an upcoming performance but now serious male dancers usually wear what is called a support like a heavy duty supportive g-string under leggings to tuck everything away neatly however the school I teach at isn't a specialist dance school and we don't have many male students so this wasn't an issue I have had to deal with before it was decided that the school would purchase the support for him since we had to make a trip to a dance shop anyway and we knew what to look for but he knew an awkward phone call with the students mother to explain why his teachers were buying him a g-string could have just told him that he can buy online from Ross show like dance direct they are also called dancer belts my English teacher was put in a very uncomfortable situation a few years ago when one day during class one of the girls asked if she could use the bathroom and naturally he said in a little bit five minutes later she raises her hand again and my teacher replied LLL write you a pass right now then the girl said never mind it went back in the look on my teachers face was amazing the frake a 9th grade student in my world history class came to my classroom after school to make up a quiz she sat down across from my desk and when I looked up I noticed that her shirt was unbuttoned almost completely down to her waist she had a scarf on so at a glance she just looked normal but she definitely unbuttoned her shirt almost all the way down right before entering my classroom a la I honestly thought for a second that the school may have paid her to test how much integrity I had as a male teacher it was uncomfortable had two students girls asked to go to the restroom and I allowed them they didn't come back until class was over the girls explained they went to the bathroom because one of them was taking a pregnancy test it was positive I said congratulations then recommended they go speaks of the counselor or school nurse I said congratulations holy crap this absolutely killed me for some reason I teach English in Germany and sometimes taking little translations can cause a problem once while we were talking about going to the beach I had a student ask me why she couldn't say I creamed my parents now in German to say that you apply Sun lotion you say it créme mature literally translated eye cream myself as a result a native English speaker friend of hers decided to joke and say that she should never say I creamed my pants in English and not say why so she asked me her English teacher in front of the class who also began demanding to know needless to say I went bright red and cooled to have an early break well this is a story from a while ago back when I wasn't working for the school but gave music lessons and such while in school one student was gay but his family was very religious so he found other outlets to display this side off himself mainly through playing a character for a drama improv class and creative writing this had been going on for about a year but the real meat of the incident is when he decided to release his latest publication this was essentially erotic friend fiction with the two main characters bearing a striking resemblance to me and another student the story contained explicitly sexual content like not just vanilla some kink was thrown in for good measure now I was in the fortunate position that I wasn't a school employee rather a clinician that just used the facilities for lessons so I could pretend I hadn't seen it and hope that the discussion never led to me from the school administration I basically kept my head down and led the whole incident blow over but some kids just never really let it go in would tease me about it in good humor the fanfic was written horribly and I was close enough in age to throw some shots back he G of course so yet somewhere out there there's a saucy sexy Rome Pinto a repressed high school kids gay fantasies with me as a phenomenal power bottom-up vote for use of erotic friend fiction I had a male model like pay teacher who had to start dressing bad and not shaving to make girls stop having a pain out for injury so they wouldn't just hang around him did it backfire and make him hotter subbed for a high school Spanish class one day a female upperclassmen showed up during my planning hour looking for the normal Spanish teacher after being informed of the teachers absence she stuck around and initiated small talk claiming she was a teacher's aide in gym and wasn't needed on this day based only on my own instinct she seemed a little too friendly for having never met me before just felt off right from the start I propped my classroom door open and didn't really give her much feedback as I prepared for class but she kept talking and it kept getting more personal without any prompting she began explaining how she'd moved out of her parents house she appeared to be 16 or 17 and now lived with three college-age males while she worked as a waitress at what sounded like a strip club that's typically not a type of thing to open up to a random substitute teacher you met five minutes ago she segwayed from that to men's fetishes and how some of the people she served had a thing for pregnant women it seemed like she was angling to see if I'd open up about my own interests that wasn't going to happen I try to be a good listener for my students and the most circumstances but this one set off some alarms I stood up asked where the drinking fountain was already knew it needed an excuse then promptly left the room and didn't return until my planning hour had concluded I left school that day wondering if I was just being paranoid or whether a girl with that kind of story is something I should have reported to the front office or whether it's a home life thing and thus out of her school's control one way or another it probably tops the awkward teaching Mountain for me so far she might have been looking for someone to knock RUP for the prego fantasy folks she mentioned she might have been looking for new living arrangements rather than banging three college dudes she might have just been looking for someone to listen and care Kenny of the above though a substitute Spanish teacher ain't the ideal target law when I did student teaching at a high school one male student in the string ensemble I was leading asked in front of others if he could learn cello because he want to play something he could hold between his legs cello ladies one time in high school when my class was in the computer lab two classmates asked if that could go back to the classroom because they forgot their books the teacher a fairly attractive young blonde thought nothing of it and gave them here keys to the class the two boys went back to the classroom to find her phone sitting on her desk they opened it went through her messages found nudes she sent to her husband forwarded the pictures to themselves proceeded to forward the nudes to the entire male student body unfortunately a couple weeks later she was convicted with a DUI and was let go from the school due to personal issues sad story because she was a nice lady and really didn't do anything wrong in middle school during sex ed the teacher was preaching abstinence until marriage the teacher was single so a student asked him if he was a virgin awkward for the teacher because he didn't know which was worse admit he was a hypocrite or admit he was a 40 year old virgin he turned bright red and let us go to recess early haha that's great when I was in Middle School many many horrible years ago I remember sitting in sex ed and my paid teacher mr. real talking about condoms and how we should use them someone asked a question along the lines of why we should use them and very slowly and awkwardly he said because skin on skin hurts I can now remember seeing the lies in his face some context I teach students with intellectual disabilities imagine being an ATO in a teenager's body these kids are just honest and always say what is on their mind not a lot of understanding of social norms and socially appropriate behavior one of my students comes up to me and asks to speak to me outside of the classroom I thought maybe he was dealing with something personal and needed to talk about it so I said okay he proceeds to tell me that I am the sexiest thing he has ever seen I had to try to squash that right away I told him that he can't say that to me because I am his teacher it's not appropriate etc after that he asked for a hug lesson not learned not a teacher but my buddy asked how a fairly attractive physics professor two-prong it was really hard to watch college student here a classmates in my police investigations courses the instructors granddaughter one day we were talking about sexual assaults and the instructor asked what type of evidence could be left behind on a condom the granddaughter quickly raised her hand and said DNA from saliva the instructor her grandfather asked her to elaborate I was horrified as I watched her gesture as though she had a condom in her hand and rip the package open with her mouth hence the possibility of saliva evidence I definitely thought you were going to say she demonstrated putting it on with her mouth current teacher at college is a young man in his 20s those considered popular girls in my class will constantly call his name for help but sometimes they just call his name for his attention and give him nicknames which he always become awkward in response and just goes don't call me that and ends up standing awkwardly with one of the straight faces that says I want to stand over there now I'm in a rather small college there's quite a few people well-known in the college ranging from the probably gonna be an abuser to the ones who bunk drink and cause trouble it's a lot different than a large College which I was in one moving to this one can confirm there's no popular or unpopular and big colleges but in this small College there is not sure about others I'm in the UK I teach English in Japan on this day the principal was observing the class the students were in elementary school and we were going over adjectives I asked the students to draw something on the board that related to the adjectives for example draw for me something that is was big when I got to draw for something that is was cheap some students showed me an eraser or candy but one student drew a stick figure with an afro I'm American so naturally in my mind I freaked out since the principal was in the room I had to act professionally I asked the student why he drew what he has drawn apparently he learned about slavery in the US and learned how much slave owners paid dang the worst mind do is ask me why I'm so fat in a rare indication of progressiveness one of my new one asked me of I had a girlfriend or a boyfriend read it what is the most awkward situation you have experienced while in someone else's home nsw I was having a sleepover at a friend's house during the fifth grade school year we ate dinner helped clean up the kitchen then got to play video games as a reward everyone was happy and really made me feel at home at around 9 p.m. his dad told us to go to sleep and turn off all the lights we stayed up and talked then around midnight we could hear yelling from the upstairs bedroom I asked what they were fighting about and he just said nothing much dad was drinking again he turned and said he was glad I was there because that means he wouldn't get beat for being a bad kid so we had to sit there in silence while his mom was getting beat upstairs because both of us were in such dare I told my parents the next day and my mom helped get them out safely the dad later got arrested for attempted murder of a co-worker and went to prison for a long time good on your mom for helping them out row I stayed the night with my cousin once when I was quite young and walked into the bathroom at about 3 a.m. to pee only to find my uncle completely make it on the toilet asleep clutching a now half melted gallon of ice cream in his lap I peed outside uncles never fail to disappoint my cousin jeigh and his parents invited me over for dinner everything goes fine until mom asks about his grades then they start getting into a shouting match I just sat there slowly eating mashed potatoes pretending I didn't exist then Jay calls his momma see Jays mom grabs her Chandler and starts swinging away at him Jay starts crying at this point and I just got up and left and and home I lived a couple of blocks away from his home so it was a quick walk I didn't finish my mashed potatoes they were pretty good that goddamn Chandler fear the Hispanic mother I'd stay at my friend's house a lot into her mom used to just walk around naked in the morning and I kind of he ignored it out of politeness until one day she was walking to the shower one morning and just stopped and started a conversation with me it was very weird we were around ten and my friend had to take a dump I was in his room playing a video game when I heard him yell to mom that he was done and ready for her I snuck down the hallway and I saw his mother wiping his butt for him I note out of there shortly afterwards there was a girl named Kim on my street she didn't have many friends because she was really really obnoxious but I was a quiet timid six-year-old Kim was seven or eight so I was a friend and agreed to go to her house on a play date when I got there it was obviously was a big deal to Kim because she was dressed all nice she organized her room took me on a tour of her house et Cie etc she was acting much more sophisticated and polite than usual so Kim wanted me to meet her two cats I met one cat and we looked all around her house for the other cat we went to the back yard with her mom to keep looking Kim found that said yet apparently that poor cat got hit by a car or something and dismembered and they didn't know Kim just lost it tears in a snot streaming flailing on the floor and rubbing her face in the grass I obviously felt bad for her but mostly I just felt very awkward because I knew she had been really looking forward to our playdate I was at my best friend in high schools house we were 14 15 my friend had a younger brother four and an older brother 17 18 the older brother had his girlfriend over and the younger brother was sitting on her lap all of a sudden the younger brother goes my pee pee is hard for all of us to hear immediately my friends super-religious mom is freaking out at the older brother for teaching him those things while the older brother is flipping out at his toddler age brother forget Bona while being with his girlfriend he was threatened by a toddler who didn't even know what a Bona was okay so this wasn't at friend's house but I feel it still might be valid me and my buddies were staying over at my house we are about 1718 playing video games etc later on in the night around 10 p.m. ish one of my friends gets a call from his younger brother me and the other guy see the distress on his face and asks what happened and can we help to make a long story short his father had been hitting his mum and the younger brother was trying to stop it all we then go to his house as fast as we could and try to ease the situation my one friend who is built like a brick house prevented the dad from doing anything else while my friend and I gathered things for the family to stay at my house this was the first time anything like this had happened in that family so it came as a shock to everyone the next day things quieted down and me and the brick house get a calls from the dad saying sorry and that he respects us for what we did I see this guy most weekends and we act like it's all ok but deep down we both know that there is this giant elephant in the room oh man that's really good of you too we need more people like you guys I was at a friend's house for dinner as a child they treated me like family which was nice except it was report card day the parents opened the report cards and both kids did badly parents made my friend and his little brother both sit facing corners in the room for the rest of the mealtime which they were not allowed to eat and they were told to think about how they could do better next time all the while the parents proceeded to try to have normal conversation with me as we finished the meal it was a b-plus my best friend in second grade was Honduran and his family was pretty strict they had a no noise past 8 p.m. policy that we didn't pay much attention to when I slept over don't get me wrong though we weren't screaming or being overly loud just two kids playing Dino krisis when his dad busts into the room screaming while simultaneously ripping the cord out of the ps1 and beating his son with it I was in shock mostly because he didn't give us a chance to save I would go to my boyfriend's house after work almost every day I once got there before he got home and ended up taking a quick nap in his room I suddenly woke up to his mom yelling at his sisters coming from an abusive home I could tell when people crossed the border from discipline to abuse I walked out and she had just slapped the youngest sister super hard in the face I took them for ice cream and they stayed at my house for a couple weeks eventually until me and him broke up from what I hear his mum went through rehab and is doing much better with herself and the girls I'm glad you did that for them when I was 14 years old I shat myself really bad at my friend's house thinking it was a fart I was in the bathroom for hours trying to come up with a believable explanation as to why I let my bowels loose I had nothing and the smell was remorseful I had to ask my friend if I can shower and borrow some shorts we still never talked sometimes my most awkward situations span over the course of one crappy night my friend's father came home drunk and told me that I wasn't allowed to stay the night I was only eight so I didn't really know he was drunk until he was behind the wheel and demanding to know where my house was in a stirred voice and not only did I not really know where we were first time ever going to this kid's house but it was also dark out so I couldn't figure crap out I managed to fumble her way back to my house but not before getting yelled at once or twice for not telling him where the turn was before I could see it luckily we did get to my house but the door was locked I had no idea where my parents were so I decided to go see if my neighbors knew this was also the first time I'd ever gone to the neighbors home I knew his two kids but we weren't very close my neighbor turned out to be super nice and he let me chill out at his place playing video games until my parents came home from dinner however being in a stranger's home while they are desperately trying to figure out what to do with you but not scare you is super duper awkward in beating around the bush about asking me I was abused we'll probably ranked as most awkward situation for a long long time that is pro adulting on your neighbors part they're making sure you were okay but keeping you calm and trying to get in touch with your parents while also having little to no idea who you even are I'm happy that there are people out there like that I was at a friend's house he had two younger twin brothers they were quite odd once I walked by their room to see the one staring into the others butthole also walked in on them peeing together sometimes both standing sometimes one standing one sitting twins are weird all I thought of were Andy and Ollie from Bob's Burgers I was eating breakfast at my friend's house on a Saturday morning it had become sort of a ritual it was to the point where his dad would have his weekly grievances with everyone at the table but me it was kind of funny but also kind of awkward my friend's dad was complaining about something my friend did and my friend just shrugged and out of nowhere just dad punched him in the face I had never stared so intently at a bowl of menudo prior to this and I still have yet to do it again a menudo a Spanish tradition also beating your kids in high school staying at a friend's house after a party fell asleep on the couch girl I was with wakes me up in the middle of the night B see another friend was dead asleep standing up peeing into the shoot was it had naughty times with a friend run mate her ex-boyfriend climbed through a window then tried to kill me with a piece of rebar it wasn't fun not very nice of him I was idly playing video games with my friend when I was like 10 then I popped the old question what do you think of Ag feels like we had a back-and-forth for a few minutes just playing Nintendo we finish the game and head upstairs to dinner and his dad follows us upstairs from the open office right next door to the TV room he says quite a conversation you two were having dinner time I still cringe at that occasionally mostly just laugh about it whenever I remember a few days ago I was over one of my friends houses one of his sisters had gotten home from college recently we were just chilling in his room until we heard his mom start going off on his sister we found out that it was because she lost her scholarship I had to eat dinner with them after that pretty awkward my older sister was supposed to babysit me but she wanted to go out so I stayed with one of her friends family while they were out there was the kid there that I made friends with so it was cool we were like six anyway at around 730 his grandmother tells him that it's time for bed so they put him to bed and everyone basically goes to bed cept me basically a stranger in a strange home where everyone went to sleep I basically watched TV alone until it was just infomercials then I played Mortal Kombat until I was so frickin sick of how repetitive it got basically at that point I started crying and I had to wake someone up telling them I wanted to go home but they didn't know where my sister was and this was before cell phone so they didn't know how to reach her so I was just stuck there with infomercials and mk3 regardless freaking awful night I couldn't even just sleep on the couch cause I was so confused with my situation surrounded by adults who didn't care about me I was so angry with my sister but when she came back she acted like it was no big deal I'm pretty sure she got punished but I don't even really remember my family had booked a holiday in Florida renting a villa due to a nine-hour flight delay we didn't get to the house until midnight when we tried to get into the villa there was already another family in there asleep we couldn't get in for some reason so we were essentially trying to break into this family's villa they went ape crap rightly so and we had to post our reservation details through the letterbox to prove we were meant to be staying there turns out there was a double booking and we were homeless for the night thankfully the family had spare rooms and they kindly let us stay there so after a lot of awkward laughing and trying to figure out what the frick to do at 1:00 a.m. we tried to go to sleep I travel very badly and our trip London had been less than smooth so I was horrendously oh I spent all night loudly throwing up moaning with pain and having the shoots now this might be bearable but my room shared a toilet with the other families attractive son given that my love throwing up would wake him up he would occasionally go pee but only after I had utterly destroyed the bathroom with the stench of vomit and diarrhea I was so exhausted from the trip and being sick all night I slept until like 1:00 p.m. the next day emerging from that room was so embarrassing and awkward everyone looks at me asking if I'm feeling okay now whilst clearly relieved that the crap and vom had stopped I was over at a friend's house in grade 7 13 years old and I needed to check the time to know how soon I'd head home I was going to go upstairs to look at the oven clock but I passed his dad's office on the way so I just shook the mouse lo and behold over 1,000 nudes of my friend's mom the one enlarged one looked professionally taken almost as if it was at a Sears Portrait Studio with a matte abstract blue background I went back to the play room without the time but I said I should get going soon one of my best friends in high school was this girl who lived two houses over we were both 16 she was a rebellious type of girl she almost died of a drug overdose a year before this incident and she was kind of less for examples I think the reason she was like that was that her parents were super strict and her dad was terrifying I came over to her house because we had plans to go to watch a band at a club her brother lets me in and as we sit in the living room he tells me my friend is having it out with her parents but suddenly I hear screaming and yelling and she comes storming downstairs she yelled at me that we were leaving even though her parents were telling her she wasn't this was all clear enough I headed for the door but before I get out of the living room she screams at her parents something like Frick you both I'm going and you can't do crap to stop any and we're going to get freaked up and I'm going to Frick my name and suck is dawn want Emmy to do IT right here so you can watch when she said this I looked at her dad and he looked at me as if he would kill me and then I drove this away we did go out that night and she did get flicked up but we didn't do anything sexual that night despite her efforts her dad scared the crap out of me and then the next day she told her parents what had transpired and they all made up and her dad came over and thanked me for taking care of his lunatic daughter but she was actually a really awesome person and I loved her for it she was a fantastic mother to her kids when we grew up she was one of my best friends and she died of an infection in her late 30s goddamn I was literally thrown out of a guy's house when he asked me if I was Christian and I said no he was like calling me evil and stuff freaking strange burn a pentagram into his lawn to Frick with him 11 years old at buddy's house four pool party went to a spare room to change into suit and his sister and her three friends all barge in just as my awkward gangly ginger self drops trou they saw the D they're giggling led me to believe they weren't too impressed so awkward for me at least whenever my friend would get in trouble and her parents started yelling at her Oh and walking in on her fingering herself I used to have a friend who was a little chubby for reference I have always been skinny like a stick it's just the way I grew anyway we are probably about 9 or 10 at this point I'm staying at her place overnight and they're one of those families that all sit down together and eat dinner I'm incredibly picky at this point in my life I would rather not eat than have something gross after haggling with her mom for as long as I could without being rude we agreed that I would eat a cannot cream of potato soup she found in the back of her cupboard while the rest of the family would eat their normal food I'm not a huge fan of the cream of potato soup honestly so I'm just huffing it out taking one tiny sip at a time while the rest of them load up on kimchi noodles and other foods the dinner conversation is non-existent and I try not to make slurping noises with my spoon then my friend goes to grab some more kimchi for herself why are you so fat her mother snaps you're like a whale always going for seconds her stepdad joins in now so fat it's disgusting don't you know how to control your portions her mom then says why can't you be more like a martyr ik mr trick is skinny and pretty if you stopped eating so much you would be like her at this point my friend is crying in this somehow angers her parents more there's rapid-fire Korean being yelled across the table and I'm just sitting there with my soup not speaking was definitely intensely awkward if you started crying instead saying that you couldn't get fat it would have been the best comeback for your friend while riding in car with my college girlfriend of three years and her family her father made me get out and walk home because I wasn't family read it what is the most awkward moment you've ever had my grandparents both in their late 80s invited me to come down to Florida for spring break one year and they said I could bring a friend I was thrilled and so was my friend damn she and I booked our tickets and were really excited for our trip about a week beforehand gram called me to talk logistics what kind of food should they have for us what kinds of things would we like to do would we be wanting to share a bed she kind of slipped that last one in there and I short told her that hem and I are not gay I'm pretty sure she didn't believe me because every morning at breakfast while we were there she told us about how there were several gaze at her church and they were wonderful and the whole congregation was very open it was the cutest thing but so awkward especially when my World War two vet Grandpa strong and silent chimed in his acceptance TL DR my grandparents are extremely supportive of my non-existent gay relationship after so many posts about awkwardness coming from relations not accepting choices of significant others this over acceptance is really refreshing I once went to my girlfriend's for Christmas in high school because my parents went on vacation during dinner her sister decides to announce she's pregnant she's a 20 year old single college student who's the dad my 27 year old cousin they met at one of our family functions my most awkward moment I had been friends with this guy for nine years we were both sophomores in college and he was home for Christmas break staying with his parents we discovered that we had feelings for each other but decided we didn't want a date long distance but while he was home we wanted to spend time together we were with a group of friends we decided to go back to his house just the two of us he had asked his parents earlier in the day if he could have friends over well his parents already disliked me my brother had dated my friend's sister and broke her heart whoops so I show up at their house with them expecting a group of people and it's already awkward then my friend and I spent a couple of hours in his basement making out by this time it was pretty late around 1:30 a.m. he went upstairs to get his keys to drive me home and when he came back downstairs his eyes were really wide and he said I'm so so sorry but apparently his mother was still awake and refused to let him drive me home that late it's so she decides it would be better if she drove me home it was a 20-minute drive and the car was completely silent 15 seconds is a Lulu a long time to be silently awkward in a car full of hostility I don't think I would have been able to contain myself I would have just started laughing at her father I used to babysit a three-year-old when I was in high school it was her birthday and her dad invited me I bought her a stuffed snakes and she was into snakes and some helium balloons and showed up a few minutes early in case the parents needed some free babysitting while they set up I get there and nobody is there except the mom and a three year old so I play with her and supervise while the mom ignores I exist which is cool she scares me anyways about an hour goes by thinks are getting a bit awkward nobody is showing up and in their house being underway but leaving now would be rude so I wait around finally kids and family show up the kids are upstairs all these adults are sitting around the living room and nobody acknowledges I am there I smile and try to say hi but people just look away so I stand in a corner by the stairs waiting to be thanked so I can leave and about another hour goes by me just standing right there in the corner of the room about five feet away from everyone awkward as frake the dad shows up and he stands right next to me staring into space sipping a beer I try to chat with him but he just nods and stares off into space ignored by the rest of the people as well finally I'm thinking Frick this so I announce I have to go everyone just stares for a second then turns away so I just walk out of their house no thank you no bye no hello no offer of food or drink no offer to sit down you were dead the whole time only explanation why didn't he want her to date you there must be a reason even if it's a stupid one last year I went to visit a friend surely after her brother had died her brother committed suicide by running the car in the garage when I got there there was another girl at the house I don't remember her name but let's call her Lisa who was eating a plate of food that Shirley's mom had cooked before I got to the house apparently Lisa had driven Shirley's dad somewhere down the street because Shirley's family wasn't using the car that killed their son I don't know the exact details anyway before Lisa leaves she asks Shirley if she can have gas money for driving Shirley's dad down the road it was literally a mile or two that she drove him so I thought it was a bit stingy on her but so Shirley calls her dad into the room and says Lisa would like gas money for driving you today and her dad says ok and I would like food money for the food you ate in my house it was really awkward but I was proud of her dad why you telling this story reminded me that the same thing happened to me I was at a friend's house he was asked to come down after a long enough time period I got curious and wandered downstairs to his family eating dinner but I just silently stepped outside and walked home the morning process is such a fragile time and even the smallest sections can be downright awful I remember when my uncle hung himself and I had a few finals left to take for school and almost punched a teacher in the face when they started complaining to me about how to plan my vacations ahead of time rather than at the last minute I went to my friend's house once and my friend and her mom got in a huge fight I ended up just petting their dog in the corner staring oh my god I remember my friend doing that in high school we went over to his house during a spare and his mother called him out on going on the computer late at night they had a screen fight he punched a wall and I sat on their couch wondering if I should just dive out the window we'll wait for them to finish I was talking to a friend of mine about my upcoming formal I think it's a prom in America she said that she couldn't wait to go and that she had just bought the most beautiful dress I was a bit confused because I didn't know she was going and asked her who was bringing her she said John was mutual friend not his real name now this is where it gets awkward because I knew John had actually asked another girl we knew I seen him ask so I say to her are you sure I thought he was bringing X she looks at me with a confused expression and gets out her phone to text John we stand an awkward silence for what seems like an eternity until finally John replies but to my phone asking me to tell her she isn't going I show her the text and she just says oh then looks at me and says I have to get back to my mum and practically runs away holding back tears as it turns out John asked our friend then decided he didn't want to bring her anymore and just asked X instead without ever telling her I have never felt so awkward than when I was having that conversation and have never been so furious at someone as I was at John this happened to me in high school but the friend of the douche counter offered to take me our School Marching takes a trip to Orlando Florida every four years and I went as a sophomore the entire trip a girl in my section that I had been friends with for a long time began flirting with me holding my hand and whatnot after the week was over basically everyone knew there was a thing between us now we are sitting by each other on the way home on the bus nearly back to our hometown napping under a blanket when she slowly undoes my belt and reaches inside my pants it is 3:00 in the afternoon broad daylight we both continue to pretend to be sleeping then I hear the girl in the seat directly in front of the say look is she followed by dead silence in the back of the bus she slowly withdraws her hands from my shorts leaving me to refreshed in my own belt whilst pretending to be unconscious TL DR I received an unsatisfactory hand ski in full view of 15-16 people in the back of her bus what the Frick you never out someone get in giving a handy in the back of the band bus that's what the back of the band bus is for way back in high school my then-boyfriend was over visiting at my house I decided to be nice and heat up some leftovers for him from the fridge right as I sat down the plate my dad walks in and says that is our food and takes the plate away from him and sits down to eat it at the opposite end of the table I just stood there in painfully awkward silence until my dad finished and left what a Frick is wrong with your dad I was the only guy in a class of 25 students for psychology and women the day's topic was domestic abuse and the prof wanted to set the tone by asking everyone to close their eyes and engage in a visualization exercise she wants us to think in great detail about how the typical domestic abuse incident Claes out she starts asking questions and various students provide answers who is the victim a woman who is the aggressor a man why is he abusing her he came home from work and dinner was cold and so on it is established through this exercise that the imaginary couple are poor the man drinks and they live in a trailer home then she asks what did he do to her and someone says he pushed her the stairs the girl next to me whispers in a way that no one hears there aren't stairs in a trailer home which causes meted to aloud sputter laughs in a way which everyone hears I spend the next hour and a half in a room full of 26 women who think I think beating women is hilarious C+ for the class TL DR classmates snarky comment in a psyche of women class caused the all-female class to think I was amused by violence against women so dear I can't imagine being under such heavy influence from my parents as to leave a partner off couple years just because someone demands it I dated a girl named Chrissie for a year back in college her parents were divorced and she lived with her mother and never spoke fondly of her dad I got the impression that he had cheated and that's what led to the split about nine months in I finally meet Chrissy's dad while helping her twin sister move I had dark emo a hair a lip ring visible tattoos and it was obvious that he didn't like me right off the bat he acted like a dog to me the entire day and after where Chrissie and him got into a huge fight over dinner over it prompting us to leave midway through he called her cell 10 minutes later and threatened to cut her off if she didn't break it off with me immediately eight years later he is a client of mine and we get along incredibly well he has no idea I'm the same guy who dated Chrissie I think you should tell him that was you you would both gets a great laugh out of it so back when we were 17 stroke 18 my boyfriend and I were in his room one day just watching movies and chilling his mum walks in and asks to talk to him they both go out into the living room and she proceeds to rant at him about how it's not normal for us to spend so much time together and how she didn't like that we had been in his room all day meanwhile I'm alone in his room and can clearly hear the whole conversation I gather my nerves and all my stuff walk out to them and say Matt I'm going home would you like to come over to my house the mum interrupts with we are actually having a conversation here so I just say goodbye and walk out the door his sister who suspected a conflict had been initiated by me then chases me out of the door screaming you freaking be you ruined my family I was pretty shocked by this and didn't respond and just got in my car and drove home a few minutes later my boyfriend shows up to apologize for his family a few minutes after that there's another knock on the door and his mum had followed us to my house and asks him to talk to him outside he told her to go home this all happened a few months before we both moved away to university so I just didn't go to their house again when now in our twenties and still together his family is still crazy and he agrees luckily we now live five hours from them that's pretty freaking awkward yours was unprovoked mine not so much when I was 16 I was at my girlfriend's house watching movies which meant making out in such we had dinner with our parents and she told them we were in the middle of the flick and could we finish it before they drove me home they agreed and we went back in things escalated and she gave me a bj and her dad walked in as she was in the middle of it he wanted me to walk home which I wanted to do did she flipped out and made him drive me home which was in the next town over so he was like 15 minutes south horrible horrible silence I went to my neighbor's house on the 4th of July with a big box of fireworks I had bought in Pennsylvania we were drinking in his house for a bit before his mom showed up with his grandmother they were outside on the porch and I was on the other side of the glass sliding door preparing the fireworks to bring outside and downing a beer I finish my beer and grab the box to go outside and step directly into the screen door which I hadn't realized was still closed I go completely through it and tear the door off the hinges all while screaming obscenities in front of his mother and grandmother they don't let me drink at their house anymore I can picture this so perfectly because my friend did something similar my family had my friends family over for dinner all others kids were inside but the parents were outside my mom called us because the food was ready and my friend got overly excited and ran outside taking the screen door down with her she mutilates in it and she weighs about 115 pounds we never let her forget it was told to move my vehicle from g/f driveway because it's dirty I lived on a gravel road in the mom didn't want neighbors to see it apparently she also freaked out when I wore khaki shorts to their Country Club for dinner I was never informed of a dress code she wanted me to pretend to be a foreign exchange student it didn't help that I met their daughter through mowing their lawn the previous summers apparently she felt that the help was not worthy of her daughter I had a similar situation except I wasn't thrown out of the car I was thrown out of their house eight miles from my own I was 15 and had been dropped off there her dad was drunk and got all crazy and threw me out then beat the heck out of her her mom had him arrested in two days later when he got out of jail she dumped me I had to walk the entire way because cellphones weren't considered necessities to the common folk yet and hitchhiking was useless in the middle of the day with no traffic and nothing around but corn and bean fields I was out at a bar with a few friends having dinner and drinks while watching the hockey game midway through dinner I have to excuse myself to go use the restroom I walk into the bathroom and there are two urinals and two stools one of the stalls was occupied while the other was missing a door the business I had to conduct needed a stall so I decided to wait a minute or two for the other one to free up after about five minutes things start to get urgent I decide to use the stall without a door I figured if anyone walked in they would understand and it wouldn't be that bad after sitting down for maybe a minute a man walks into the bathroom he sort of takes a peek into the stall and then asks hey there is no door it looks broken I assure him that he is correct and the door is in fact non-existent he then asks me what I was doing in the stall I gave him a quick explanation of my predicament he nods and goes about using a urinal I was relieved thinking that conversation was over wrong he finishes and sits on the counter facing me and starts having a chat about the hockey game it's amazing how unnerving it is to make eye contact with someone while taking a crap I tried to keep my answers short and made it clear I was a no mood to chat however he kept insisting on making small talk with me after a solid 5-10 minutes of this going on he finally leaves I quickly start to clean up and hope to god that no one else comes in the guy was gone for 15 seconds before he popped his head back into the bathroom and asks hey you sitting at the bar with my hand cleaning my butt I said number TL DR got forced into small talk by someone who was observing me taking a crap I am currently dating a Pakistani girl I was over at her house watching a movie and I brought sort of jokingly that she owed me 20 dollars she did normally i woldn't care but I needed gas money this escalated and we had a little argument and were just silent for a while which is normal for us when we have an argument we just shut up and let it pass so five minutes later or so her parents and aunt come downstairs to watch the movie with us this is where it starts to get awkward they notice we aren speaking to each other and her father starts speaking to her in Urdu she sort of just brushes him off in English not now dad he says something again then her mom says something then her aunt says something my girlfriend again basically just says not now in English mind you it's not uncommon for them to speak Urdu around me it's their first language after all so they keep talking in Urdu gesturing at me my girlfriend is becoming more and more visibly upset I have no idea what is happening at this point eventually she just goes to her room I am left sitting there while her her mom and aunt watch the movie and chat in Urdu the aunts English I said very good and her father glances between me and the movie I excused myself to go to the bathroom and then go talk to my girlfriend her family was asking what happened but she just wanted a little privacy I seriously had no idea what was happening TL DR my GF spakest aunty family was arguing about me and her while I was sitting next to them I had no idea what was happening I spent the weekend at my girlfriend's place when I was 19 she lived two hours away I went to take a shower one night and I apparently forgot to lock the door as I opened the curtains her mother opened the bathroom door I stood there for a second in shock grabbed the towel I always hang over the curtain rod then covered my nether region she stood in the doorway staring at me for a good 10 seconds looking me up and down she finally blinks her eyes and quickly exits I dry off and go into my girlfriend's room and tell her what happened and she gets mad at me the next morning my girlfriend gets up before me and her mom comes into the room I'm awake but just laying there in bed she asks my girlfriend if I told her what happened the night before and she says yes her mom says he's got a nice body don't lose that one Homam exits the room and my girlfriend is now pee at me again she was an unreasonably jealous person TL DR my ex is mom girlfriend at the time walks in on me naked after a shower and complements my manliness - my ex ex gets mad at me what's the most awkward conversation you've ever had with your parents NSW I'm the parent but my son might answer this with the time we had a discussion about not wiping jizz on the back of my couch and don't try to tell me it's glaze from doughnuts you were eating without a napkin having your mom tell you she has seen enough switch in her day to know what she is looking it has to be awkward as frig but seriously wipe that crap on my couch again and I will end you I was by my dad who was reading a palenik book he turns to me and asks what's a glory hole it's a glorious hole dad my dad tried giving me the s took at 18 it was painful my mom's name is Giselle pronounced Giselle and when my brother or I brought friends over she would introduce herself with hi nice to meet you I'm Giselle but you can call me jizz obviously all of our friends cracked up and she has no idea why so we had to explain to her what jizz is and why she shouldn't be telling people call her that my dad yelled for me to see a news program about my high school principal getting caught in a police sting for soliciting gaius in a park bathroom he thought it was hilarious after the news segment he said what do gay people even do for s sterile each other's wieners and then I left because I wasn't going to explain gay s to my dad you obviously put your butts against each other and poop back and forth forever age 14 do you like girls are you gay age 16 you still in the closet age 18 you don't have to hide it from me I accept you for what you are funny thing though I'm not gay I just never had a girlfriend literally everyone I knew even my teachers thought I was gay those conversations never ended well when my dad showed me how to go down on a girl I would imagine this was most awkward for the girl not a conversation but watching the valve on Wall Street with my mom was pretty awkward saw this on Christmas Day sitting between both my parents at the theater if it was possible to die from being uncomfortable it would have been me in that moment mom we need to get you checked for dementia I am terrified of this talk that I can see it coming my siblings agree and I have no idea how to go about it every time we even remotely hint at her forgetting things she snaps and pushes back hard at us Frick when I was 15 and my mom asked me why I took such long showers she knew why she just wanted you to stop wasting water with your long showers when I graduated boot camp and got to my training school I asked my dad to mail out some civilian clothes so I was on the phone with him as he's going through my dresser when suddenly he goes oh I think I found something rather personal I immediately knew he was referring to my giant pink vibrating did low I started apologizing profusely for not remembering where I put that and that he had to find his daughters s toy it got even worse when he said sew up you want me to send it out No dad please please don't even touch it if John Gorilla dong is your username I'm really curious to know what you named your dildo after I told my parents I had a girlfriend they panicked and asked me if I had already have s with her I was 19 at a time followed up by an awkward conversation about s and D s T's my mum thought my bong was for crack I had to demonstrate otherwise my dad sitting me down and him giving me the birds and the bees talked when I was 11 we were religious and he used the spook that talked about how masturbation made you blind and gay dad I'm over here my mom's early boyfriends all turned out gay and so I was like well I'd say you're the common denominator but that would infer they're all tops I then explained what a top was took me a sec to catch wasn't making sense reading in my head at first but I think you meant imply oh man had to be when I told them my girlfriend was pregnant I challenged my old man to a game of chess like in the old days and broke it to him during was nineteen he didn't seem super excited I left my phone unlocks my dad saw a bunch of sts I'd been sending so you like Latinos hunt what are these diddlers doing in your dryer is a straight man therefore playing pranks my mom once borrowed my phone when hers was being fixed I was 15 at the time and she read the whole text convo between me and my current girlfriend talking about how we had asked multiple times on her bed I just long as it's safe and consensual that if they ever did it on my bed I think I would be livid trying to convince my dad that the reason he's in a rehab nursing home is because he got drunk again and fell and broke his hip he was so wasted that he didn't remember any of it when I told my parents that I don't care if they like my wife they dang well better respect her and if they had a problem with that then they can invite themselves out of my and my children's lives that was three or four years ago things are still a bit awkward last week I had to tell my mom that I was giving up on getting pregnant she knew my husband and I had been trying all her friends and cousins our grandmothers and I know she really wants that for me recently my husband and I started the process of becoming foster parents slow response maybe you should just try some more no mom we have plenty of s please stop that shut her up the conversation where they made it perfectly clear they were aware that my upcoming sleepover at a friendless house would include me having us with him and warning me to be careful I obviously looks a bit blase about it and my dad got annoyed and told me about the trouble my aunt had got into at a party when she was a teenager and the consequences and that's how I learned I've got two cousin out there some way who was put up for adoption that doesn't sound very awkward it sounds like what any sane parent would say after flushing a ton of condoms down the toilet my mom had to call a plumber and he explained that the drain was blocked and that condoms were the culprit turns out they inflate if you tie them my mom then relayed the story to me asked if I knew anything about it it all went downhill from there I dunno she was probably glad it was even not your dad that could have been even more awkward me explaining to my mom that her son does not use the 8 inch long pink did low she found in the bathroom I got it at a dirty Santa party my parents made me wake them up when I got home on Friday and Saturday nights in high school so they could check and make sure that I wasn't drunk or high the most Awkward conversation I had with them was the morning after I walked in on them freaking to explain to them that I would no longer be waking them up to check my eyes we all agreed that was fine went to Amsterdam with my family upon reaching our loft my dad immediately went to a pot cafe and returned with four joints we gathered around the kitchen table and in utter silence smoked one once it was done my mom began to butcher a parenting opportunity about about using everything in moderation my dad stood up and went to his room I opened the fridge and starred inside and my younger brother laughter uncontrollably until he vomited on the kitchen table my husband and I seem to have the same awkward conversation with his mother every few months we have been together 15 years have no kids would love kids but hey it is what it is every few months his mother offers to be our surrogate we tell her that it's incredibly expensive and thanks but no she says we don't need a lab or embryos she can just turkey based on herself up yep my husband is the ultimate golden child so much so that she wants to be pregnant by him my husband has had to tell her about six times now that what she is suggesting is crazy inappropriate and not to do it again I've actually not had that many awkward conversations with my parents but that one time when my mother told me that I should be more quiet while having s with my current boyfriend that was painful to her another painful conversation was when my sister accidentally found my estoy while looking for the old Nintendo that I kept in my room my mom died a year and a half ago my dad is dating a nice woman who has tons of fun he called me to tell me he met her and they were dating he was nervous I would be mad that he was dating but I was stoked for him then he says we haven't had s yet which led to a 15-minute talk with him about how it's okay if he's not ready and if she's the right girl for him she'll be happy to wait he's 70 I'm 30 and we're having a reverse birds and bees over facebook chat I am still laughing to myself about it when I told my dad I found out he may have a daughter she FB DM me I have been an only child for 28 years he confirmed sorry at work edit he went out of state for work when I was three for a couple weeks my parents had been divorced for a year at that point fast forward to a few weeks ago she says she now lives in the same city as he doesn't wanted me to know he has a daughter three years younger than I am and I should bring it up I waited a couple days and casually over the phone he doesn't live that close ed so some girl messaged me saying she's your daughter he basically he got quiet and calm and explained that it's true he had wanted to tell me the truth for years and it's been killing him not to have told me it was mostly awkward since we're pretty close and he's always stressed the importance of being honest my mom told me I was likely conceived in a mall bathroom ah a food courtship the most awkward was explaining how in the heck I managed to steal a fire hydrant my dad wanted to murder me after that I had this girlfriend and we were super frisky for each other she had just recently gotten off her period and we were trying to sneak one in real quick I left my boxes on just in case someone walked in on us I went home and fell asleep the next day I woke up and looked down at my boxers and noticed the whole front side was bloody so I took them to my bathroom and soaked them in Bleach water then I forgot about them trying to explain to my mum what happened was awkward to say the least I told her I had a nosebleed in the middle of the night and grabbed the first thing I could find she said you just happened to put your nose right in the crouch hahaha I fest up and told her the truth back when my wife and I were just sort of dating I was still living in Texas and she was in Washington we were doing the long-distance thing until I could get a transfer back to Washington I was back in town visiting and we were at my parents place a few hours away I borrowed my parents truck to take her out on a date well being that it was long-distance and we wanted to get down to business but obviously couldn't back at my parents place because one they are Mormon and two the only bed we had was the pullout bed in the middle of the living room so we opted to just do it in the truck after our date super classy well we fogged up the windows pretty good so we drove around for a bit after to try Tanner our vs smell and get the windows to clear up the next day she left to go back home and I stayed to hang out with my parents for another day or so the next day they were driving me back up to Seattle to meet up with her and head to the airport it was during this Drive my dad decided to ask me when you were driving the truck did you notice the windows being foggy at all it's really weird it looks like moisture was on the inside of the window you can see where it rolled down the window your mother and I had to wipe down all the windows did you notice anything they knew that I knew they knew I played dumb then I had to sit in the car with them for the next three hours not my parents but my gf parents we were playing cards against humanity' with them at one of her family party her parents bought it not knowing what it was I got roped into playing by my gf and of course I was dealt basically all off the most terrible and disgusting cards in the deck her mom was the judge the first turn and pulled the card bill maze here for and I looked down at my cards I can't remember what all of them were but they were all terribly gross so I decided to play pixelated B hoping they wouldn't know what it was they didn't but they were curious so they started asking everyone at the family party including my gfs grandma my gfs mom eventually looked it up on her phone and read it aloud for everyone to hear they asked who played it I said me and said I didn't know what it was I'm a terrible liar we immediately stopped playing after that we didn't even finish the first turn then for the rest of the party everyone that didn't hear her mom read it aloud kept asking me what it was people shouldn't play cards against humanity' if they are not okay with that kind of stuff not my parents but my now wife when we were courting parents walked into their house and her dad grates me with all right big boy unassumingly I said all good thanks and went off to find my then-girlfriend mentioned what her dad had said and she burst out laughing turns out she's very open about her s life with her parents apparently she was a bit sore from the night before took a few weeks before I could look them in the eye TLDR you have a large penis my mum walking in on me post FAP at like 17 as I lie there gathering my shame dips her finger in the cm puddle a few feet away from me and asks me what is this sticky stuff dear God mom looks in my wallet for some reason finds a condom what exactly is this realizes it's a condom why would you need this you're not married yet nearly pee myself laughing I'm 17 for reference telling my parents I remembered being a sue ally abused by a family friend at five they were aware of it but they thought I'd forgotten because I was so young apparently I wasn't the only one long story short no charges were pressed because the only people who would be negatively impacted were his parents I respect them for that and I also respect them for not trying to talk about since they thought I wasn't aware but goddamn the acceptance of reality was very hard for me to deal with I still have trust issues because of the whole situation this winter break I was telling my parents about how after 2.5 years I am still unhappy at college my dad's core thesis was that I just needed to get laid and then I'd be happier I then had to explain to him while my mom was listening how tender and modern dating ups work and how much often I was getting laid but this discussion of modern causa less specifically Maya's life included questions like his their foreplay he was amazed at the whole situation speechless you have been visited by the chunk of good fortune like this poster enable good for tuned for 26 minutes if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 91,612
Rating: 4.8025975 out of 5
Keywords: awkward, reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, awkward moments, most awkward, most awkward moments, most awkward situation ever, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: YiF4zCndTiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 39sec (3999 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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