Men And Women, What About The Opposite Gender Leave You Clueless? (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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men offered it what about women leaves you completely baffled one bag of peanut butter M&Ms not the yellow bag the red bag will change my wife from wanting to stab me to being a loving and pleasant woman to be around in the span of about two minutes when we are hanging out having casual conversation then her phone rings she answers and the pitch of her voice rises to Mariah Carey's status I'm a dude and I raise the tone of my voice when I answer the phone at work to sound more friendly but I lower the tone of my voice when I answer my own phone because I think it makes me sound cooler how some women can shave their legs super fast if I shave any part of my body that quickly I would look like Hellraiser I one time wanted to shave them nether-regions and I finished shaving in five minutes and it looked like someone dared me to stuff a porcupine in my pants the loud gasp while I'm driving about something small law like do you want me to roll the car law driving as a teenager less than a week after getting my license I nearly crashed the car because my mom let out the most shocked and frightened sounding gasp at a tree that had its leaves changing colors and it looked really pretty one day my girlfriend was mad at me and I didn't know why which itself wasn't unusual it turned out he dreamed that I cheated on her I later shared this story with a couple of my guy friends and they said they'd had the same experience yup my wife had a dream that I took her and our kids on a vacation to Italy one morning we were getting ready and I told her I was leaving her for some woman and just walked out leaving them stranded in Rome she was pee for days literally days I finally asked if she knew that it was just a dream and that I'd never take our kids to Italy that joke didn't go over too well they're ascetic sense how do they all become armchair interior decorators fashion consultants my nine-year-old daughter is better at picking out my outfits than I am being given dress-up games to play since the age of two or three and getting called out on bad fashion sense as a teenager how is it that bobby-pin companies don't rule the world I swear the average woman must go through more bobby pins in a lifetime than oxygen I dunno I go through more hearties where do they hide their dongs bathroom closet third drawl from the left this has only happened with two - three women tops telling me to do something and then getting upset with me when I do it I'm on the autism spectrum so there could have been subtext that went completely over my head but I don't think that can explain every time this happened this girl I was talking to all semester said she didn't want to date then things ended because she wanted to date me and I never asked her out after she already said he didn't want a date this worked out for the best trust me there were going to be more miscommunications in the future pairing up to go to a public toilet we need to have important discussions I could have my wife prep up thirty minutes or even two hours early for a morning appointment and we'd still manage to somehow be 15 minutes late for it dude that's not just a woman thing I have even lied to my husband about what time the appointment is and we will still be late he takes so long to get ready in the morning way longer than me I don't think this is a gender thing and always the crap out of me I've had several women give me their number without me asking but then when I text or call they never reply why do this I like when a woman makes the first moves but it still usually turns out to be nothing felt brave in the moment then the panic and dread set in later how some women can remember the exact details of an argument we had eight months ago but somehow can't remember where they parked their car at the mall less than an hour ago priorities my friend they can carry other humans inside of them if you think about it shoots wild not only carry them grow them inside of their body what do they find so attractive about cute things I see something cute I'm like aw W that's cute my wife and other women I know would be like are so cute let me love it forever or I'll die why do women remain friends with women they hate usually because friendship groups can get quite tight and often rocking the boat with that one person you hate can be more trouble than it's worth I don't think there are many people hanging out with people they hate one-on-one with any regularity Palast and I cannot stress this enough most not all of them can think it's healthy to go through life thinking if that cute guy I really want to ask me out doesn't ask me out then he's not worth my time ending a relationship because we never fight hiccups this is a huge generalization midmost women's haircuts look exactly the same to me yet cost a rediculous amount it's genuinely a relationship to her length I mailed that I used to have long hair down to my ass long hair it was considerably more difficult to maintain it and keep it healthy with the longer it is the more work it takes the decision-making process when it comes to eating we're both aware of every available food option at any given moment there aren't foods that I know of that you want to wear off why must I list out every available option also I have no problem with going somewhere and finding something on a menu to eat so when I say I'll eat anything I really mean it my ex and I had a really great system for that anyway we ate that we liked and wanted to eat it again we'd pick up a card or takeout menu or brochure or something then when we couldn't decide what to eat we'd pull out our stack of restaurants and make stacks of yes no and maybe we'd pick from the yes or maybe stack it almost always worked for us how to read their signals I'm so bad at it a lot of times for example here is a copy paste from another thread of a situation I found myself that left me baffled , my sophomore year of high school I had a couple of classes with this girl I had a crush on because teachers loved using alphabetical order there she and I ended up sitting next to each other in those classes we start passing notes in those classes talking about random stuff and being a bit flirty , one day I decide to get the courage to ask if she wanted to go out with me to a movie or something so I asked her out in one of our notes she replies saying that she's really sorry but she doesn't like me in that type of way I was devastated of course but I also liked her as a friend and didn't want to lose that so I replied saying that was ok and asking if we could just forget I asked and keep things the way they were because class would be so boring without how talks she said yeah that was fine and we stayed note buddies throughout the year comma fast forward to my senior year I had to repeat algebra because I flicked up really badly my junior year due to some personal issues I'm in a class with a bunch of people the grade under me and I get seated next to this girl named Kate that I thought to a so pretty like with the other girl we ended up passing notes to each other in class and I come to find out not only did I find her physically attractive but she was also a really awesome person with similar interests common I really really liked this girl and crushed hard on her throughout the year I would make her mix CDs that she would tell me she loved and she even made me one a couple of times I'd share with her stories I wrote and also art I was working on the best part of my day was getting to talk with her during homeroom algebra but I was scared of even trying to ask her out because of how I misinterpreted things last time so I never did came really close a couple of times but never did comma a year and half after I graduated I'm dating a girl from the same class as her who had a been a friend of mine for a couple of years we're hanging out with this other girl who was also in my math class and she brings up Kate and asks why we never dated I told her I didn't think she thought of me that way and she was like are you kidding me she was so into you karma is that time it didn't really matter anymore because I was in a relationship and there was nothing I could do about it but it did frustrate just how bad I was at reading signals I mean I'm still pretty bad at it but I wish I had at least tried with Kate you're such a great guy you'd make a good dad I wish I could find someone like you not you but you know someone just like you I'll translate for you you better not ugly how can they not be amused by the helicopter I'm definitely amused by the helicopter it's just when he's drunk and we have company he he decides to take off that I am not so amused going on three dates sleeping together the usual then when I begin to express feelings and try to organize another date I get ghosted just ignores and doesn't reply fantastic feeling if you get ghosted soon after sleeping together you are bad in bed if you say I love you too early that will freak anyone out from a guy's perspective I don't get girls who don't hang out with other girls but instead say guys are way less complicated from my experience gender has to do nothing with how cool somebody is to be around I had mostly men friends until I got engaged then suddenly lost to stroke three of my guy friends that hurt started focusing on becoming friends with straight women so that I could be reasonably sure they wouldn't ghost once it was clear we were not going to hook up women are not a monolith they all confuse for different reasons as much as men confuse them for different reasons the only woman I can speak with any certainty about is my wife after 30 years of marriage she certainly baffles me frequently mainly about money she has some weird ideas about money and how to manage it we haven't been even late on a bill for over 30 years we have some savings we both have these some stable jobs and good health insurance and to hear her talk we are on the razor's edge of destitution why do they have fake long nails and then complain about them literally all the time because they are pretty but can be annoying I love long Ishmael's cannot imagine having the crazy long ones though how they can be so mean but cute at the same time how you are constantly thinking like men can just shift into neutral and sit there without a thought in their head for hours I don't get how you can think all the time it really must get exhausting I don't understand how you can shut it off please teach me the TV show The Bachelor WTF how is that entertaining as a woman I have a theory on why we love to watch trashy reality TV ie The Bachelor married at first sight I watch these shows because it makes me feel good about myself and my life choices I usually think to myself well I may be totally screwed up but at least I'm not pathetic or desperate enough to go on reality TV how do you do that thing where you levitate and make your eyes glow while talking in someone else's voice I never understood that one it's to do with the blood sacrifices women having a more than two-second orgasm let me introduce you to the prostate orgasm my wife she's pretty okay how they choose who to date I hit on some chick on a dating app we hit it off and apparently we knew inch of a course six years ago she was the one who replaced me in my role in the Army when I was discharged I even did her training anyway we started talking on Facebook and I asked her out two days later I found out she blocked me on Facebook and deleted me from the dating app similar thing happened with a different girl although she just ignored me and stayed off full-on blocking me if someone can explain this crap to me I will be more than happy I don't think this is exclusive to women I was once texting a guy for a few weeks and it was going good then one day he just stopped replying a couple days later I saw he was in a relationship on Facebook I didn't take it personally though since we only met up once and it wasn't anything serious yet it just doesn't work out sometimes that thing they do where they steal my passport on the second date I don't get it it's happened to me twice and I wasn't even in a foreign country either time why they don't speak clearly everything is within it why and then they blame us for misinterpreting them how their memory of that one thing that happened five years ago what's with all the scented candles and 30 throw pillows on the couch and fancy towels that I can't use from what I can tell within a really big inter comfort and appearance some of them far from all put me down or say things to make me jealous of other men if they liked me for years I thought that meant they liked the other guy more and were making sure I knew we were just friends after being told several times I now know they do that but I don't know why it makes my interest go immediately to zero this certainly isn't the case with all women but a not insignificant number of my past romantic partners were apparently afflicted by time-traveling emotional states and that probably seems absurd but tell me if this exchange sounds familiar hey do you want to have pizza tonight , what why are you glaring at me what did I do I can't believe you don't remember did we have other plans I'm sorry I've been really focused on work and hug forget it have whatever you want what do you want though oh oh so now you suddenly care about what I want okay look I'm really not sure what I've done to make you so upset did you forget what happened the last time we had pizza dot apparently you always do this you say you're sorry then you just stop caring it's not that I don't care just well can you remind me see see you don't remember we had just sat down then you went to answer the phone I what oh oh you mean when my boss called because the office had flooded and and you didn't even say you were sorry for interrupting dinner until after I had asked you to write but I did apologize and I promise to take your feelings into account in the future how are you going to do that if you don't even remember what you did I mean I remember now and I'm still sorry about that last time fine we forgive me comma right so oh is that a note of the pizza an explosion occurs again I realize that it would be a mistake to ascribe this behavior to all women and I recognize that a fair number of men are probably guilty of it too but even so this tendency to get upset about passed arguments leaves me baffled a TL DR some people seem to hold incidental grudges about the weirdest things that's not a woman thing though that's an insane person thing long bathroom breaks like what do you do that usually takes too long wash their hands this doesn't go for all women but some women expect men to not show any emotion or they are not a real man but they are encouraged to show their emotions again this doesn't go for all women and women that actually understand that a man is a human to our great but some women just don't understand that concept which is quite sad when we match on tinder or bumble we could be talking for a few days and things seem to be going well and we've even set up a date then a day or two before the date you go ghost hits right in the chest especially when a lot of the messaging has been through snapchat so I can see that you opened my message I'm sure this goes both ways but I still don't get it it's inconsiderate and honestly pretty freaking rude especially if they agreed to a date why it is considered a K by many women to be verbally or physically abusive while on their period I've had guys tell me their wives scream obscenities at their more even beat them saying you have to deal with it because I'm on my period I understand not being in the best of moods if you're sick or in pain but it also doesn't give you the excuse to act like a horrible human being the fact that some of them consider this cheating any girl hey how you doing guy alright how about you end conversation some guys do too that's an abusive controlling relationship and not something that should be seen as normal by anyone men offered it what's a myth about men that's 100% in true and it infuriates you whenever you hear it y'all know what I did give a crap about my wedding day I cannot believe the amount of people mostly ladies who just straight-up assumed all you have to remember is where to be and to say I do right ho ho ho freakin annoying I had ideas of how I wanted it to look and how I wanted it to go as well but my goodness not a single person thought I gave a crap even though I constantly was trying to give my take on stuff it was always met with oh you don't need to worry about that or oh the ladies will figure that out like this is infuriating people are always so surprised when we were planning a wedding and I said I'm in charge of catering the cake the deejay and centerpieces they were amazed that I cared about my wedding and wanted to help plan it men only talk to women because they want something from them this happened to me a lot in middle school and the beginning of high school because I had a lot of female friends I'm not girl crazy it's just not hard for me to make friends with both guys and girls yet I do want something I want someone to talk to that's pretty much it how men are wrong commercials how we can't do laundry cook raise kids or anything without our wives coming to show us how look butt holes I'm single and I do all my own cleaning laundry dishes etc I have never stared at a mop like it was a plasma death ray nor have I ever had to rush out to buy dinner because I burned mine well a few times when drunk but that's not the same thing I also am capable of taking care of a baby without having to call a woman to give me directions I don't have kids but I have younger cousins and whatnot I can change your diaper and bottle feed just fine thank you I'm a girl with a whole bunch of younger brothers my mom insisted that she wanted all her son's to know how to cook clean do laundry mend clothes etc and they do these are important life skills no matter your gender just like women should master certain masculine skills like basic home maintenance and car repairs that men don't have self-image issues you only get to hear about body positivity when it's about women's bodies that we must be swift as the coursing River have the force of a great typhoon possess the strength of a raging fire and be as mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon I frickin love Bath and Body Works I love mojit us mugs and other fruity cocktails I will always buy pads tampons when asked I cry sometimes I can point out notice a good-looking guy as a straight guy this is the one that gets me the most sometimes I feel like I can't compliment a new haircut or whatever I hate the no homo thing a compliment isn't gay unless you make it gay men have to make the first move this is in the context of relationships not sex I hate this I'm too shy to make the first move that we are emotionless sometimes it is not the right situation to show how you are feeling just because I am not showing it doesn't mean I am not feeling it that they don't need compliments I hate it when I do it to my male friends and some other acquaintance will overhear and tease me for it but when I do it to a female friend nobody gives crap I believe that guys deserve to be complimented since silly once in a while like everybody else we don't cook or do housework Frick that I come home from a hard day of work and cook my family dinner every night we think about sex every 7 seconds that all men cheat I know just as many women that cheat as well most men have zero issue asking for directions I don't like being lost it's goddang annoying I wouldn't call it a myth but when a guy is helpful around the house and just courteous in general sometimes a woman will say your wife girlfriend has trained you well no we managed to become decent human beings without a woman's help Frick you very much train sounds so creepy that men are simple that every erection means that we are frisky , that every direction means that we are frisky exactly the penis does is the penis pleases that men can't be victims of abuse or domestic violence from women yeah we can and statistically if we report it there's a solid chance that we'll be the ones going to jail for it even if all we did was take it and not fight back screw that if the man refuses sex then he is no longer interested in his so or finds her unappealing or having a side chick or that all men are always interested in sex sometimes I just want to chill with someone I like and trust that men are completely incompetent in the kitchen doing laundry other household chores this is a stereotype perpetuated largely by Network sitcoms I hates when I'm out with my kids people jokingly say are you on daddy duty I've never heard someone ask her mom if she's on mommy duty it's assumed that men don't take their kids places and it really annoys me because I work full time but I also get my kids ready in the morning cook them breakfast prepare their lunches eat lunch with him at school once per week bring them to most doctor and dentist appointments men don't clean washer ahran i ironed once and got a restraining order from using one ever since that if a man talks to a woman he must want to take her to bed one time I was in a bar and I tapped a girl on the shoulder and said excuse me and she immediately rolled her eyes and snapped back euhh I have a boyfriend euhh I just want to get past you to the bar that only creepy men enjoy being around children the problem is society makes every man who enjoys being around children a creep I love kids and they're very entertaining but I have to be careful because people will be quick to judge and accuse me of things mend and cry had this forced into me from a young age by my mother the fact that I have to keep all my negative emotions locked away because men are too manly to have bad feelings it's probably really bad for my mental health having to suffer in silence feeling that there's nobody to talk to I like cute things and it does not emasculate me to talk about them i baby-talk out my dog's don't freakin act like you don't I like pointless anime garbage what's sole purpose is to tickle the cute sensors in your brain and I like seeing girls wear cute clothes regardless of whether or not I want to see those clothes come off now I said it doesn't damasc you lay to me to enjoy these things but I still can't do it out loud because everyone else is such an insecure pea that I'll get harassed until the cows come home and leave and come back again come as I baby-talk out my dog's don't frickin act like you don't I'm a 23 year old male was driving along with my friend the same the other day and yelled look at the doggy and he yelled back I teased such a good boy apparently gender roles only exist when it comes to fixing something I don't know why my wife continues to think that because I was born with a penis I know how to refinish a deck or repair our dryer or put new lighting up in our kitchen men love it when women drop hints instead of being blunt know that craps confusing a woman could straight-up tell me she wants to freak me and I'd be doing mental gymnastics trying to find out if she really meant it or not I really hate how commercials penis is completely incapable of taking care of children and TV shows that we need soap shampoo and conditioner all in one because we don't know how to wash our butt correctly what I gathered from the comments is that most people who use all-in-one products to view showering as a chore rather than self-care that we can control our boners had a friend who thought that it was weird that someone could look at a woman and activate his doll we can't control them it's a reflex in all seriousness I had a friend who thought she was a sex expert and would try to tell guys how they should blah blah blah all the while she was a virgin who as it turned out for dongs were prehensile like an elephant's trunk all men are the same first of all don't mix us up with her stupid ex we're not all ravenous sex machines I barely think about sex at all if you catch me staring I am not looking at you believe me I'm looking through you I agree I've spaced out looking at girls a lot my brain goes elsewhere thinking about Minecraft or some crap as a father of five three bio to foster children the automatic suspicion that surrounds me whenever I'm alone in public with my children is infuriating one of our foster girls is black I'm white and I've had people outright follow me in public when I've taken her shopping for some one-on-one time if you see a man with a child in public and you start with the assumption that he's a perv that's sexism my dad's Brown my mom's white I came out looking very white folk used to ask me if I knew him all the time when we would go anywhere together it was weird men are only interested in one thing sex oh really is that why I am reading a book playing a game getting dinner is that why I stopped talking to that girl after she went on and on about her reality shows being real that they're somehow completely incapable of hating their bodies whatever they look like they must be completely happy with themselves and realistic bodily expectations unlimited to women I used to avoid looking in the mirror and would avoid pictures because I hated how I looked so much if I'm with my daughter I'm not babysitting I'm being a father men can't have insecurities yay how about we flip-flop and reverse that's right around insecurities have can't men that were so obsessed with sex we cheat at any chance we get nah not interested I don't want you don't want to hate myself don't want a light of my girl I'm not a terrible person men don't multitask yet I can easily drink beer and watch the TV at the same time the false idea that men always want sex or that erections equal arousal this leads to male sexual assault survivors not being taken seriously my wife thinks it's really weird when I absent-mindedly play with my penis while we're laying in bed I can have a rock-hard boner and I'll just lay there wiggling it around while I'm browsing ridded not even thinking about it or remotely turned on a woman can't hit a man but a man can't hit a woman neither is allowed to hit the other and if you do either way make sure to accept any retaliation assuming the person you punched will sit back and not immediately go into self-defense is crazy to me I'm a woman and I hate this stereotype nothing infuriates me it just makes me disappointed and lose respect for the other person of its false Miss have real-world impacts to guys being close friends does not imply secret gay love I'm looking at you freaking fanfic writers who seem to think men showing any kind of affection for each other means they want to do each other after but women men need to be more open about their feelings men shows genuine friendship and affection with a male friend women LMAO you are gay the dudes talk about sex let me get as clear we do not and if we do sometimes it's nothing and I mean nothing compared to what girl talk about on a regular basis nothing I can back this 100% my GF comes back from work and tells me what her and her work friends talk about and it's mostly filth no mayo that men can't cook it's largely a us-based stereotype probably because of TV movies Billa pisses me off because in my house salt I've exclusively cooked meals for the last seven years even when people hear that I'm actually the one that cooks they get all giddy Oh your wife is silly rude lucky it really isn't that big of a deal God dang men offered it what do women do that they think is okay but is actually creepy honestly hands down women who exploit emotions of men we may not all cry in the movie theater but we are not incapable of experiencing deep painful emotional wounds in general it seems to be more acceptable for women to rag on guys for our image like our height weight or income while the flipside being that men cannot criticize women without being a pig so yeah women who nitpick guys for superficial reasons are creepy arrogant and covered with more red flags than a game of minesweeper always asking if I got flirted with no matter where I go did anyone Flint with you what the heck it's Flag football who would flirt with me at flag football being hypocritical about sexism hear about guy hitting girl what in butt hole hear about girl hitting guy well what did he do hold a man hitting on much younger woman what a creep hold a woman hitting on much younger man you get it girl making small dong jokes funny making fat jokes about men funny making short jokes about men funny making any jokes about a woman's appearance super not okay tickling and getting peed when I don't like it girl I don't like getting tickled I really hate sit I don't care that it's some way to show affection I don't want even for frick sake it's not my problem and I don't have to man up and take it what the heck no means no wife brag to friends about our sex life we live in a small town in now it feels like everywhere I go I'm being giggled and smiled at it's really violating time to tell your wife it's not okay I'd be mortified idk if it's just me but the baby voice and behavior really puts me off one annoying girl that unfortunately hanged out with my friend group kept doing this to my friend I think she liked him I proceeded to baby voice at my friend immediately after she did it it killed it pretty quickly you know what you don't like men doing you don't get to do that either just apply that to literally everything in life and you'll come out ahead not exclusively a woman thing but my ex would screenshot our text conversations and send them to her family and friends for reaction like mundane conversations not even anything in trusting it felt like a very creepy violation of my privacy also she was an idiot hope you see this Laura haha this sounds like one of my exes who was also named Laura humm you have to install this GPS tracking app on your phone so I know where you are anytime I want to check that's a serious trust issue yes it is annoying tell me that my almost two year old son is so handsome and going to break hearts be a Ladykiller if I rolled up to a park and told him mom how good-looking her daughter was and that all the boys are going to want her they'd call the cops I have a friend that whenever she starts dating a guy just lists me off thing about the dude like she's listing a resume never anything about the personality or sense of humor all what characteristics about them she enjoys its job career college earnings house I had to tell her he was getting creepy because it just sounds like she's getting a checklist to impress people not find a good person for her distributing nudes they get from guys to their friends without permission I've caught several women doing it and they'll argue about it if faster stop yet another example of it only being an issue if the genders are reversed that's illegal you could press charges for that boy maybe not creepy but ffs stop pulling on my beard and arm hair like that crap is seriously uncomfortable and pulling out a beard hair stings like Frick it's literally attached to my face you are in my personal space tugging my hair and causing me a little pain ladies I don't care how fun it is please stop or I'll make fun of your eyebrows double standards on sexual harassment I've pretty much only have female bosses at work in several jobs in the amount of times I've received and wanted words touches hugs grabs feels and kisses would shock most people the way girls share really personal things about guys in relation to sex society and the media would have you believe that guys talk about sex all the time and just objectified the women that thief slept with I don't know if maybe I'm just hanging out with the wrong people but honestly the most you usually get out of a guy's just that they had sex with a girl and the only time we discuss details that when you just like trading stories but girls tend to like immediately report on things to their friends and share details that honestly could be embarrassing or uncomfortable for the guy it makes me really uncomfortable and creeped out to think that if I sleep with the girls I have to just accept that all of her friends are going to know every detail about the experience size performance how long it lasted how I look it just feels like a huge breach of privacy this has always messed with me I can literally count on one hand the number of times men in my life have discussed a woman sexually or objectifying Lee and three of those times we were like 15 but it's just taken as granted that all men are constantly waiting for the women to leave the room so we can rate their boobs not creepy but when a woman sees a single dad with his kid and feels it's okay to tell them they're doing great I get they may feel like they're being supportive or whatever but the stigma behind guys not knowing how to raise a child is infuriating I have 50 strokes fifty custody of my child and she's raised brilliantly by both me into her mom I can guarantee mom never gets random praises just for walking through a shop with our child though it's not supportive it's condescending as heck and please stop I've had this happen a few times but I don't know if it is more common or less common when I go to a bar for a drink on say a Friday night I usually go with friends I'll head to the bathroom and sometimes the bar will be crowded so I'll have to slip through a group of people several times I'll get rubbed or caressed by women sometimes on the groin sometimes on the chest or shoulders it's not wanted nor am i signaling I want to be touched just saying excuse me and going past it bothers me every time once had a girl at a club straight up put her hand down my pants and asked me when I'm going to freak her I couldn't really process what had happened at the time and just said I'm not I have a girlfriend or something it wasn't till I started thinking how peed I would be if someone did that to my gf that I realized how freaked up it was asking password to social accounts or phone I had one like that she would throw a giant crap fit for hours about wanting to see me email accounts for no reason after hours of her bad behavior I'd show her and let her look all she wanted just to find nothing but this happened multiple times have never got an apology we broke up and of course she tells me that she was cheating GL with that abusive woman dude ask their friends to give them explicit details of their sexual encounters especially if it's with a bf my girlfriend will get explicit information from her friend about her boyfriend then pass it on to me I like the guy and I feel as if I'm invading his privacy I really don't need to know how he flicks or how big his dong is it's creepy and I hope she doesn't do the same to me okay so this is something both me and my brother had happened to us we are both pretty young around 20 but we were at some parties where people of all ages were around recently at one party we had just finished performing with our Orchestra and we were still in our uniforms but then when I was getting some beers some random lady of over-40 said to me would you like to change clothes I want to look like I am in the orchestra so naturally I'm like well I'd rather not but she was like oh please and she kept on trying talk to me on another party some lady also of over 40 who was really seeking attention started to hold my brother by the waist my brother told me he was really weirded out by her she tried to do this multiple times even after i lured my brother away by pretending i needed to say something to him i don't really know if this is something a lot of middle-aged ladies do bill them acting like that really weirded me out and they seemed to do this as if it was the most normal thing in the world went out with a group of guys last weekend there were six of us and this random girl started hanging around as like a lost puppy and just wouldn't leave she was attractive but so obviously desperate for attention that none of our group of guys really cared to give her any this girl was just looking at everyone batting her eyes and trying to hug everyone but the guys were just pawning her off on each other not sure if this is pathetic more than creepy but if a guy did the same thing he'd be labeled with creepy so yet she was creepy to me I honestly thought she was an escort or something trying to sell services or some crap the way she was approaching dudes it's not frickin normal probably trying to get free drinks going to pride events gay bars and groping them and whether they like it or not like freak off creep or just groping gay friends in general yes Molly I totally wanted you to grab my butt as a way to say hi while I was at the printer in the campus library when women say things like if I were 10 years younger about underage boys it's creepy gives off pedo vibes and if the genders were reversed you'd call the FBI my dad married a woman when I was in middle school she used to say this to me all the time if I were younger I would have picked you not your dad it always weirded me out but she was weird and creepy on whole other levels hurling up the hem of your kilt to see if your true Scotsman I was wearing a kilt in an indie movie and three different actresses tried to peek under it to see if I was authentic I told them no I'm doing fight scenes if you want to see my dog just ask and then they got mad at me being way too open about their sex life I have never in my life heard a guy describe exactly how his GF swag looks like or how she sounds when orgasming unwanted physical contact was out to dinner with a bunch of friends coincidentally they were all women and the waitress was hitting on me which involved obvious compliments which I don't care about and putting her hands all over my shoulders and upper chest we all had a laugh about it after but I was seriously weirded out by it and where the genders reversed I guarantee no one would have been laughing about it making a new social media account after I block you X demanded I takedown of a single picture of a platonic female friend who I have known over a decade and who is happily married to a mutual friend of ours said picture was part of a cluster of eight total the other seven pictures were just group pictures of said platonic friend and mostly other male friends as a gay guy women seem to think that it's okay to touch me in a general way and sometimes even in a more inappropriate way lady I don't know who you are I don't care who you are sure we had a nice brief conversation but don't touch me it don't wrap your hands around my leg so you can go cat the size of my legs don't squeeze my PEC or think that I want a hug despite never having met you before I am avoiding physical contact not only to be respectful of your boundaries but because I also have boundaries I don't want you to violate the consent works both ways always don't touch me I'd wager that most women wouldn't do this and wouldn't think this is okay with my now ex-girlfriend went through my phone without asking for permission in my experience not necessarily a majority but not unusual which is why I conduct business through burner phones and air drops disregard consent with gay male friends it's definitely not most women that it does happen sometimes get peed off if you are not in the mood for sex like WTF you old man you always want a freak do you not like me anymore Andrea I was just not frisky that day and yes I liked you a lot I've had this happen with an ex was all good if she wasn't in the mood but how dare I not be in the mood perving on men so many times in the workplace I have heard women say what they would like to do to a certain man almost drooling in public if a man said the same comments they would be fired it's just tacky and inappropriate from anyone at a time anywhere this is stuff you say to your best friend but no one else straight girls who go to gay bars to be all like you ask ween you woo and straight girls who go to lesbian bars and get offended when a girl hits on them when she wants to know Mayra did username completely unhealthy imagine if they actually find you your username is damning to creepy girls social media stalking is a little crazy especially from stuff before I met you touch my blood without consent sometimes I just be performing my respiratory responsibilities and I feel a slight touch to my button now I'm uncomfortable and confused because I'm too scared to turn around and find out who dead touch my precious bum setting up traps to test us being upset with something we did set in your dreams lying to our faces when we ask direct questions like what is wrong how you etcetera go to love the if I'm upset you need to ask me why I'm talk about our feelings but then when that situation arises and I do just that and you say nothing I don't want to talk about it don't get mad that I shrug and leave it be I'm not going to play that game talk like a child I don't know if that is creepy but it is super annoying sometimes but I do like eighty seven voices in a day so I'll let it slide a few of my relationships have ended because my gfs wouldn't talk to me about an issue in our relationship which is weird cause supposedly that's a mail tray I just don't like confrontation well the alternative is that I'm breaking up with you now because you've avoided talking to me about the issue for a few months when I keep trying to bring it up so it's not confrontation it's a discussion ugh I feel your pain man this is only really for the game and out there I think but having a girl instantly label you as a gay best friend as soon as she finds out you're gay alike [ __ ] I don't even like you touching me when you're a complete stranger I'm in really good shape and the amount of women who would touch my arms shoulders and chest when I'm out was too high this happened like three times in high school girls call you attractive as their way of calling you ugly you know like some weird sarcasm reverse psychology thing one of those times two girls were walking behind me in the hallway one taps on my shoulder so I turn around and she says she thinks you're cute then the other girl said she wants to suck your dong I just told them I have a girlfriend because one I do and two I know what they are doing and I walked faster weird this happened to me in high school a few times too but reversed genders my friend wants to talk to you he thinks you're cute but clearly the group is snickering and or trying to embarrass their friend I always thought this was something cruel boys did lesson learned High School has butt holes in many forms sorry you went through that though craps annoying women invading men's personal space but then proceeded to freak out when men invade theirs hypocrisy is ugly on everyone this might be a cultural thing for Latinos but there were some weird sexual comments said by female family members to my son when he was a toddler they would call him my boyfriend and ask for kisses in a very aggressive way when I changed his diapers they'd stand around and say to queenĂ­s si pipi which roughly translates to who's dong is that which led me to always change his diaper in a private room even when told that you can do it here it's okay we're all family one of my aunts even commented on how his dong has grown since he was a baby yet his whole body has grown there's no need to talk about his dong specifically step away from my child I guess this is all done in a cute or innocent way but I never liked it women offered it what do you wish self-proclaimed nice guys would and romantic comedies are nothing like real-life and using the tactics shown in them will only creep the object of your affections out not win them over but I agree it's honestly why I'm no longer friends with one guy getting pushed up against a building in the guy holding your head still while he kisses you against your will isn't sexy it's scary and leads to a lot of anger proclaiming yourself a nice guy is the problem people who are genuinely considerate and decent don't have to declare themselves honest and nice people know them to be so by their behavior behaving nice specifically as a means to impress women as a means to an end is not genuinely being nice be kinda like the Game of Thrones quote any man who proclaims I am the king is no true King it immediately makes you amateur it's the equivalent of saying I'm not like other girls sure maybe you aren't but proclaiming it does nothing for proving it I'm not like other girls I'm worse being nice is the bare minimum you should be nice to everyone not just pretty girls and you should do it because it's the right thing to do not because you think it'll get you laid you have to bring more to the table than just being nice this for sure if women see you being nice to the pretty women and standoffish to the other women especially if the other women are the pretty ones friends they tend to see through that sort of thing you don't get special credit for showing the bare minimum of human decency actual nice guys don't have to tell a woman they are a nice guy my husband is a kind hearted man a great man he never once told me he was a good guy or a nice guy he showed me so if you have to tell someone you are nice or good chances are you probably aren't my grandpa always had a saying guys with big dongs don't gotta brag about it I like to think it applies to this situation that just because you're nice to me it doesn't mean I owe you anything in return if you are only acting nice to get laid that doesn't actually make you a nice person Kyle wearing a nice sweater isn't the same as being nice Cartman I don't understand Kyle I know you don't 1 sometimes whilst grateful for the nice thing you did it's too much it for example at a place I once works some guy asked my supervisor a fee could have a little extra help on a project he was working on and could I the temp at a time go and help him when I got to him he had actually used it as a chance to hand me a rose so yeah it was meant to be sweet but it was completely unprofessional especially as I was trying to get a permanent job I also had to then reject him and he turned hostile towards me too if you're only nice to me especially as a way to get with me then no you're not nice if I see you being nice to other people then I'm much more likely to see you as a potential suitor I also had to then reject him and he turned hostile towards me I wonder if men get how freaking scary this can be for women we should not have to live in fear of you because we rejected you not a woman but I lost my best friend over some nice guy bs like this my so and I had gotten in a fight and he felt the need to consult her and let her vent on him about a week went by and he began asking if she'd like to meet and talk over drinks etc at this point the fight was over and we were back to normal she showed me a message saying I didn't deserve her in that he could treat her better she deserves someone nicer ended up getting in a fight with him and haven't spoken in three years she is still with me and we are getting married next month please understand that we do like nice guys the fact that you are a nice guy or so you think is not the reason someone isn't attracted to you to add to the points people have already made one of the reasons why a woman isn't comfortable coming out and saying I don't want to date you because I am not attracted to you and has to use other softer reasons I'm busy I'm just out with my girls tonight etc is because of a genuine fear that things could go south during the conversation and a guy who seemed nice at first could get violent or start stalking her not that that extreme scenario would happen with every guy she rejects but it only needs to happen once for it to affect her life one thing most women experience frequently this is not rare at all is an exchange like this s bond line hey beautiful oh hi hey wanna go out sometime sorry I have a boyfriend now you think you're better than me you're stupid B you're not that hot anyway I'm not gonna bang a fall like you when I'm scoring 8s and 9s practically in my sleep have fun being AC we have learned to soften the blow and are afraid of being too direct because that violent outburst would be 3,000 ex worse in person than online these conversations usually start off reasonably nice and you never know who the violent guy is going to be they blend in with other guys agent in the matrix style so we have to be cautious if you want to ask a girl out ask her out don't become her friend and cultivate that friendship for months merely as a tactic to get her to go out with you first of all it doesn't usually work because if we hang out for a long time and you never give me any indication that you like me as more than a friend I'll just assume that you don't second it's really hurtful to learn that the person you thought was your new friend is really just interested in sleeping with you this has happened to me a few times and well in terms sometimes the guy tries to blame me for leading him on how was I supposed to know you were interested in me if you didn't say anything if I'm not attracted to you you will only ever be a friend pretty much perfectly sums up the whole thing being nice isn't a sexually attractive quality it's a platonically attractive one you have to be both kinds of attractive if you want to get someone's attention guy here I'm a reformed nice guy being a nice guys are frustrating painful experience for many men and interacting with a nice guys are trying confusing experience for many women and the better everyone understands what is going on the happier everyone will be what women want and what everyone wants is a responsive partner when she wants flowers that's when it's a good idea to buy her flowers when she wants a hug that's when it's a good idea to give her a hug when she wants to talk about her problems that's when it's a good idea to sit and listen until she wants you to do these things she's going to be creeped out if you do then she's going to think why is he buying me flowers I didn't want flowers now he's going to ask me out on a date I'm not attracted to him and he's going to get mad when I say no because he got rejected which always sucks he's out $50 for flowers bummer and he's going to feel stupid for wasting his time and effort I didn't even do anything and now I have to deal with an angry man who has a 0.5% chance of getting violent with me or becoming a stalker this is so stressful even if you're genuinely nice person who would never take out your anger on a person who rejected you she doesn't know that the friendzone is made up girls lean on it a lot when they don't want to tell a guy that they're unattractive if a girl says that she doesn't see you in that way what she means is that she values your friendship but that she doesn't want to Frick you end of story it's not like you got yourself into this situation by being nice or by trying to be her friend if you hadn't been nice she still wouldn't want to freak you to reiterate she is not attracted to you if you want to be friends be friends if you're here to frig don't pretend otherwise wa manatee is not withholding sex from you and waiting for you to say and do the exact right combination of things to unlock the sex gate your desperation is repulsive women want sex too but don't want to risk pregnancy herpes or you're clingy drama for a crowd Leigh she has interests to protect - and you are mostly antithetical to them stop being that women are not vending machines that you can drop kindness coins into until sex falls out if I want to date jerks that's my prerogative don't frickin beam me out because you're Pia I'm not dating you likelihood the bad guy or in dating is just a good guy with tattoos self-deprecation isn't cute if you say things like oh I'm such a loser or no girl is ever going to date me even in a jerky way it will not elicit any positive feelings from the person you said it to it's like a woman saying I'm suru fat similarly if you view yourself as a lonely forever virgin or the guy who girls just love to friendzone then that's going to come across pretty obviously to women and that isn't attractive literally nowhere is it written in the stars that anyone has to like you let alone want to date you nobody is contractually obligated to think positive things about you you have to be a likable person to get people to like you sometimes it takes more work for certain people but if you don't do the work people don't like you but sex is not a right it is a privilege and most of all it is a choice you do not get to decide for me you do not have a right to me I don't tell you a chance anymore than you owe some annoying girl you aren't attracted to a chance you aren't nice you're making me uncomfortable when you don't back off and me calling you on your crappy behavior doesn't make me the one at fault if you were really my friend you wouldn't make our relationship about your own desire for sex and intimacy from me I didn't friendzone you you sex earned me and you're really crappy friend if you never even wanted to be friends in the first place if you pretend to be my friend then turn on me when I don't want to freak you you are the one whu-oh is manipulating Emmy not the other way around sex isn't awesome when you're legitimately just being a kind person and when you're actually a lesbian and not interested in men if you are a nice guy and she doesn't want to go out with you it doesn't mean she wants an abusive butthole for a boyfriend she just doesn't want you for a boyfriend I can't count how many times nice guys have lamented that they can't get a date because they're too nice and girls only want guys that are dongs usually followed up by offhand comments about how they should start being a shot so they'd have better luck stop protecting us from sex we're human too and independent agents quite capable of deciding when we'd like to frickin get freaked if you see us slipping off with a bad boy it's because we're down to frick not because our pretty little heads have been manipulated or mislead and if you frame us as children in need of your white knighting you've no business pursuing a romantic relationship with us anyway your purse newsflash sex is awesome get on board or gtfo if I'm talking to you and seem interested in what you have to say I probably am but that in no way means that I'm necessarily interested in dating you or sexing you up because those aren't mutually exclusive items talking to you like a person in no way means I'm leading you on because talking equals equals flirting along similar lines if you act like you want to be a friend then that's what I'm going to take you as don't get P off or cry frame zone when you're treated as my friend and my friend only because how else was I supposed to interpret your behavior expecting anything else is either lying to yourself or to me neither of which are particularly endearing be straightforward with what you want or don't be surprised when you don't get your secret desired result but finally it's a really crappy feeling to find out that someone you thought was a friend was only there to try and get in your pants you feel devalued and stupid because you've been lied to and betrayed by someone you trusted don't be the guy especially if it's someone you supposedly care about women offered it what's your cringy nice guy story he wanted to impress upon me what a good guy he was and he was also too scared to ask me out like a normal person he killed two birds with one stone by having his split personality tell me it really wanted to kill me but nice guy was brave holding it back because he liked me so much obviously I fell head over heels immediately I was friends with a co-worker we had hung out a few times socially after work and got along well but it never really occurred to me to wonder if he was interested in me at that point in my life I did not get a lot of male attention and honestly was pretty cringy myself but that's for a different thread anyway we were walking side by side and I guess he went to put his arm around me it surprised me like that someone is tapping you on the opposite shoulder trick and I turned abruptly he took it as incredibly rude gave me an angry lecture about leading people on and how disgusting you make someone feel when you literally flinch from their touch and called me a bee oh sorry for my reflexes about a week later another friend came to me at work to let me know that guy was telling everyone I was a w who was sleeping my way through the department nice the dumbest part was that I probably would have gone on a date with him if he'd asked I just had no idea he was thinking along those lines bullet dodged in highschool a guy I barely knew tried to convince me to tell my parents that I was going to a friend's house but really go hang out with him I was normally rebellious but got the feeling that my parents would be right and telling me I couldn't spend time with him I politely rejected his offer and blamed my parents so it wouldn't be awkward and he retaliated by covering my dad's car and dyed tampons Patrick you're a frickin creep what a waste of tampons I've seen two guys get into a fistfight at an office Christmas party over who was going to help an intoxicated 27 year old married woman get home I managed one of these guys and subsequently found out he had sent her 80 emails in one day with all that why won't you talk to me we're friends e.t.c stuff he was fired but couldn't see how he had done anything wrong this actually just happened recently my good friend from college and I along with other friends from our program went out to a bar to celebrate finishing our degree he kept feeding me shots but I figured everyone just wanted to be drunk and have a good time the night is coming to an end and I'm quite incapacitated my good friend frantically approaches me saying that he just seen a guy put something in my drink which I had just finished he told me that I would soon be unconscious and it was best that he take me back to his apartment so he could take care of me being heavily drunk and also quite scared I agreed and he helped me back to his apartment after making me something to eat and giving me some water we set up camp for the night on his couch he put on a movie and he said he would sit and watch me sleep to make sure I didn't throw up or anything as I started to disappear today in me first on my feet and knees and then my upper thigh I confronted him about it and he said after everything he had done he felt he deserved compensation I laughed it off but after he tried to make a move again I got angry and we began fighting he exposed to me that no one had put anything in my drink and it was all a ploy to allow him to make his move after some more arguing he decided it was best I left and he kicked me out of his apartment at 3:00 a.m. while I was still considerably drunk this is someone whom I've trusted and spent four years being friends with safe to say I'll be a lot more speculative with future male friends that's so fricking rappy and manipulative right after high school a guy came out of the Woodworks and told me that he had a crush on me I thought it was nice but I just did not like him he was always buying me presents and dropping them off at my mom's house I always said thanks but told him I just wasn't entrusted we had the same group of friends so I would see him from time to time when I would see him he would pull me aside and politely ask me to go on a date with him I told him that I just didn't see him that way one day I ran into him at the store and he asked me out again and I went on this long rant about how I was going off to college and I didn't want to be tied down he ended up asking me out again I ended up walking away he came up behind me and pushed me he has this evil look in his eye and I ran to my car and called my mom he ended up messaging me a couple days later and telling me that he's just mad because God told him I was the one he was going to marry I blocked him on all social media and my phone he still managed to get my new address when I moved off to college and one time he drove almost to my apartment he knocked on my door and he handed me a bag of my favorite candy I flipped out like I should have done many times before and I threatened to call the cops and get a restraining order I've seen him once in the last seven years with his wife and new baby I hope he has changed so not a stereotypical nice guy really did I met him at a party gave him a ride home and after belting out don't stop believin together he asked for my number we went on one date and texted for a week then Saturday morning I woke up to 50-plus texts that started with asking what I was doing sleeping because I worked in the morning and went all the way up to I should just kill myself since no one wants to talk to me I told him that was unacceptable as I had already told him I worked Saturday morning but even if I hadn't there's no reason to text me over 50 times if I'm not answering I'm not answering he whined about being so nice and how good he was to me and bla bla bla bla bla ah thankfully when my friends asked why I was ignoring such a nice guy showing them the texts was enough for them to drop it I met him at a party gave him a ride home and after belting out don't stop believin together he asked for my number I always find it way more mortifying when the story starts off with totally normal and cute behavior I'd forgotten about this until I read this thread like a lot of these stories I've had more than my fair share of nice guys TM but this guy was definitely the worst this guy messaged me on Occupy he was 62 not necessarily a deal-breaker except I was 20 and he was a dozen years older than my parents I said thanks but no thanks I was uncomfortable with that much of an age difference good luck out there he flipped non-stop messages vacillating between how I would regret this wheedling compliments and apologies and call me a W LS a blue bowler etc literally dozens upon dozens of messages a day he was a lawyer he had ways of making me regret this I would never do as good as him no other man would treat me so well and I'm a W if I say no and on this was many years ago at the time you could report someone for harassment or knock Cupid but he didn't stop that person from messaging you finally I told him I would meet him in the city at a popular college bookstore at 2:00 p.m. wouldn't you know it I somehow forgot to go after another day or two of the rating for standing him up he got the hint and disappeared a 62 year old lawyer really should think about their public image should say a screenshot of harrassing communications get out in the public or to the partners at his firm or something along those lines I was 21 at a bar doing research for a paper and this really old be aghast kind of business looking dude starts talking to me telling me I'm cute asking to buy me a drink I say no thanks not interested and he says I'm not pretty enough to reject him well apparently I am I met a guy one night after a night out exchanged numbers he was handsome seemed normal we met for dinner and I was surprised when he brought flowers and a bottle of wine as it was our first date and we knew nothing about each other yet throughout dinner I noticed that he would ask questions but not listen to my answers he seemed in his own world as if he was preparing his next question very robotic he mentioned that his sister was out of town and he was house-sitting for her in the building a few blocks away ok even though he weirded me out a bit I was young and still felt like things were going fairly well anyways when we left he was walking me to my car I was wearing heels and has such felt comfortable holding on to the crook of his arm for support as we walked as we walked he tried to persuade me to come into the apt building that he was supposedly house-sitting he will go up to the rooftop he said best view in Hollywood which was the clincher filmy BC it was so corny and also so creepy I kept saying no no I have to get up early etc when we got next to the building he tightens his grip on me and said what's your problem is facade dropped and he looked scary and angry I bought you flowers I brought wine I paid for dinner as if he was checking off ABC is supposed to equal D then we were having fun where and we and was pulling me towards the door and twisting my arm I pulled away from him and literally ran to my car and pulled off I have no doubt he would have raped worse me if I hadn't I know this is beyond nice guys but the way he felt that he had systematically performed his steps and earned more from me the horror stays with me that's actually why I don't wear heels on the first few dates sometimes you've got a run I used to work at gamma stop and the building was connected to her Starbucks he recognized me from high school it was a year under me so I had no idea who he was I generally kept to myself he'd talked to me as I waited for my order and he seemed pretty cool a couple weeks later he tells me I'm pretty and if we could hang out I'm engaged so I told him outright he promised me that he just wanted to be friends and I'm apparently a very gullible person he'd get me free Starbucks tell me I'm a great artist yadda yadda about two weeks later he asks me to meet him at a bar because he's upset about something trying to be a good friend I go to comfort him so I go to the bar and he's already drunk I didn't drink because if things turned sour I could just leave he gets all feely on my thigh I tell him I'm uncomfortable so he stops apologizes that he's drunk I kick his butt at pool and he asks me to go smoke with him I don't smoke cigarettes but sure I'll go talk he pushed me against the wall kiss me and put his hand in my pants I fought him back but a dude leaving the bar got him off of me no nice guy will ever be trusted again there was a customer who came into the coffee shop where I worked I asked him what he wanted to drink and he moaned something that will fix a broken heart I forced her smile while he told me that he had been stood up again I smiled through all of it and when he still hadn't told me what he was going to order I suggested what I liked to drink he asked what it would cost and I said no charge tomorrow's another day I made his order end back to finish washing dishes he came back in and brought me a Cosmo magazine saying he was a magazine vendor and he thought I might like it and thanks for being nice I said no problem wish him a good night and forgot about him a few days later my coworker races to the back to tell me this guy was back and blocking our drive-through now when he came in last time I had my wedding ring on a necklace because I didn't like to wear it when I was washing dishes I asked her what he wanted and she said he was demanding to talk to me I said tell him I'm not here she says he saw your car okay that is creepy he knew what I was driving I reluctantly come out after popping my wedding ring on my finger the guy has a large bundle of carnations and a box of chocolate and is in one of those big old 1970s vans with the little circle window on the back row I made sure my ring was very visible and made sure to fiddle with it I came up to the window and asked how I could help and he saw my ring his face reddened and his tone became very threatening where did you get that ring this ring my husband gave it to me on our wedding day seven years ago he is P he begins to Bella with me you weren't wearing that last time I was you just didn't see quiet EB I t's freaking s like you that keep nice guys like any from getting a date he threw the carnations at the window as we pulled it shut in a panic he beat on his steering wheel and honk the horn and yelled profanities we were about to call the police and were locking the cafe doors when he squealed out of the drive-through almost knocking the patio furniture over yep he was a super nice guy oh jeez I went to school with a nice guy neckbeard anime cart had a sword-wielding R I am Roberta's kinda guy he would talk about how girls only like the big jock guys on how they neglect the smart intellect shields like him he also talked about how he was waiting for a girl to be smart enough and good enough for him which doesn't make any sense at all but ok he weighed about 90 pounds vampa pale skin and bleached blond hair which he wore at an awkward - long in the front length so it could cover his eyes he started hanging around where I would eat lunch my freshman year of high school no one wanted him around but we were nice and we would just smile anyway neck bud would get Wyatt are close to me making out reasons to touch me I am really short so he would set his arm on my head grab my shoulders just awkward and wanted touching so I told him to hey maybe don't touch me he did not get the message in fact they're not so sly hair smelling weird touching increased and I said dip because I was shy well he got my number from one of my friends and started sending me those creepy asterisk messages example hey good-looking walks over to you and puts arm around you I missed you runs hand over your soft hair hugs you feeling your nice boobs press against my strong manly chest I didn't responded they just got worse and worse he sent me a shirtless photo that nearly blinded me I texted him telling him what he was doing was making me uncomfortable but that didn't stop him I learned how to block someone on Vera's in that day I never told anyone about it I had to go to 4 years of high school with this kid getting too close making me so uncomfortable , he sent me a shirtless photo that nearly blinded me this is a really scary experience and I'm so sorry you were threatened like that but this line made me laugh so hard some guy messaged me online and seemed nice enough asked if I'd like to meet up with him I said sure he tells me a Starbucks between our places and said he'd see me in 30 minutes I was like whoa not right now it's 10 p.m. he said ok but he liked to keep talking to me if it was alright few days later this exchange happens over messenger him hey what's up me nm how are you him I'm good me good five minutes Parcells I assumed he was busy for a sec him well if you don't have anything to say you freaking be don't let me on and let me think that we can be together you're nothing but a freaking W anyways only W led nice guys like me on Frick you freak who you freaking w you nice guy met up with a guy from college a and we had planned for a quick bite to eat I had forgotten my wallet so he came to my dorm room with me to quickly grab it we get there and he immediately starts looking around at all my off photos etc around the room he finds my Homer Simpson slippers and a rooster beanie boo my nephew had left there he takes the rooster and stuffs it in homers mouth and makes it move as if the slipper was chewing and says look at me I am vain I create suffering for animals so I can feast selfish hungry be I was speechless but then he opens my drawler and starts throwing makeup around saying this is tested on animals I am vain animals suffer for my beauty and then opened my wardrobe and started throwing clothes around saying these things have been made in sweatshops my friend called security on him tell us more about vain Lord thy work retail and have for more than 25 years I once about nine years ago when I worked in a liquor store had an older customer that would come in and I thought play flirt with me a lot of customers play flirted with me so I didn't think anything of it plus this guy was like twice my age and I was no spring chicken I had no idea that he seriously thought we were really flirting until one day he asked me out not in a regular way mind you oh no he said so we've known each other for a while now I'll just wait until you off tonight and then we can go out I'll take you to expensive restaurant I politely declined he went ballistic long story short the manager banned him from the store for life thank God he was a nice guy but that his friend stalk me in an online MMO after I was late texting him back he was also super passive-aggressive like I see you online but you aren't responding to my messages the straw that broke the camel's back was when he showed up at my college campus which was an hour from where he lived and wanted to randomly hang out but he wasn't a creepy stalker he was just a nice guy I didn't understand help the girl I like won't respond to my males greet letter Omega you've been visited by the toothpaste man for good teeth and fresh breath comment Oh fresh if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
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Views: 104,812
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Id: d-rDLRJM3rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 11sec (4631 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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