06-07-2019 - City Wide Revival - "Reasons To Dance" - Dr. Tolan Morgan

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[Music] that's why I let me hit you since I live and I'm man [Music] that's why that's why my with prayer everybody my heart my soul my oh my I'll be long you paid the price for me way back on Calvary [Music] that's why [Music] as wha [Music] you very hurriedly and he's going to take us even higher in this praise and worship experience a man and then the speaker for our devotional message our devotional messenger is none other than overseer Jonathan would say man for him a man as he prepares to come praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord again everybody how many glad you're really in the house of the Lord tonight Amen I'm a little tired in my body but I'm so glad to be here a man I never take it lightly to be in the house of the Lord for he's been so good to me hey just to see your face as I know he's been good to you a man I remember being in my younger years as if I'm like 80 but you know I used to be a little stubborn and prideful it was hard for me to ask for help I didn't want to ask nobody for help especially after you helped fokin and when you need help sometimes the same people don't want to help you the way you've helped them anybody ever been there before and so you say just forget it I don't need nobody else to help but I've gotten to a point in God where I realize I can't make it without him so I've learned to let that little pride go and just say lord I need you anybody else in here realize you need him song says not a second of another minute not an hour or of another day but add this a moment with my arms outstretched I need you to make as you have done so many times before through a window or an open door I stretch my hands come rescue me I need you right away I need you know I need you now I need you [Music] I need you now oh not another second have another minute not in our of another day but lord I need you right away if I never needed you before to show up and restore all of the faith that I let slip while yet searching the world for more the truest friend I have indeed he's my best friend I know we need I'll stretch my hands to thee come on rescue me I need you right away [Applause] the agony of being alone fear of doing things on my own the tests and trials that come to make me strong the feeling of Bute hurt shame and defeat the waves and trials that beat upon me but to know Lord that in you I got victory I need you now Lord I need you now I need you now right now [Music] yeah oh not another second of another minute hey wait another day oh I need you I need you Jesus I need you I need you please make whale I stretched my hand see come rescue me I stretch my head to thee come on rescue me I need you right away hallelujah hallelujah anybody need them say I need you I need you Jesus oh ah I stretch my hands with you come rescue me I need you right away [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody ought to give God some praise for that tonight hallelujah the word need is an is a word of desperation and dependency and all of us although we have our own human ingenuity Paul said I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me amen in our flesh will weak but his strength is made perfect in our weakness Amen well y'all give it up for Minister Michael Watkins one more time thank God for him tonight I'm so very very glad to be here and certainly we honor the pastor of this great church tonight Reverend Neal Jackson we honor him in his absence tonight and certainly good to see my friend Reverend Stewart tonight and thank him for such a kind introduction in this house certainly I appreciate the invitation to be a part of this wonderful gathering of believers I'm glad to have my friend pastor Kelvin Bryant with me tonight he serves in our fellowship as my first assistant and I'm so very very glad to see you pastor Bryant and I thank God for my wife tonight of 18 years Nicole woods amen and I really really appreciate all of you who came from our church tonight to support your pastor I love you all so much all of you who came from all nations well you just wave your hand so we can recognize you thank you so much our executive pastors here and those of you who are here tonight we honor you in the name of Jesus Christ will you turn to second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 1 through 9 I'm going to exegetically try to deal with verse 1 through 9 but we will read in your hearing verses 7 through 9 Amen you can stand on your feet and under the reading of the word of the Lord from the Holy Writ the Bible says that unless I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations there was given to me a thorn in my flesh a thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan to buffett me lest I should be exalted above measure for this thing I besought the Lord thrice it that it might depart from me and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me so far the scriptures tonight I want to talk to you from this simple subject I thank God for my devil I thank God for my devil it is normal for we as Christians to get excited about good things that take place in our lives any time we are on the receiving end of awaited blessings regardless to whatever form it comes in it renders in our lives good feelings for most of us we experience a sense of gratitude when we see the blessings and the favor of God manifesting within our lives sadly to say there are very few Christians today who praise God intensely for the blessing before the blessing arrives most people take their praise to another level in God after they have received what they desired of him and the question that must be asked tonight is when are we to give thanks to God the definition of the word thinks it means to express gratitude appreciation or acknowledgement - usually a thank-you is uttered as a result of a kind act or deed we tend to be grateful for the things that God does for us and we are grateful for the people who betray acts of kindness in our lives but to really answer the question of when are we to give thanks to God we must look into the Word of God for a clarified answer 1st Thessalonians 5 and 18 says emphatically in everything give thanks I'm gonna say it until somebody else catch it in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you here we see clearly that the giving of things is in order at all times and it is God's will that we do so it is important that we understand tonight the reason behind this whatever we are experiencing in life watch this is never outside of the plan of God whatever and however the calamities come whether they came upon us from an outside source or we brought them upon ourselves there is nothing that we are dealing with that God's plan is not working in some kind of way ladies and gentlemen today it always works for our good and not for her bad God sent me here to tell somebody tonight his hand is in what you're going through oh that's a good place to tell him thank you it might not look like it it might not feel like it it may not seem like it but even where you are right now God says I'm working some things out in your favor and although you may not see the outcome right now I already know there's joy on the other side the Apostle Paul tonight in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 is being very transparent about how sometimes God will give you a problem for personal reasons as it relates to keeping you in the right mindset the Apostle Paul begins to talk about how the Lord had allowed him to see a vision and he even talks about himself in the third person he said I knew man over some years ago whether in the body or out of the body he said I don't even know myself he said but this man that I knew he was caught up into the somebody say the third heaven the third heaven means that's the place where God is heaven number one is the sky heaven number two is the solar system but heaven number three is where God is and he says this man he was so caught up and he went when it when he went up into the third heaven he was allowed to see some things that was not legal for human beings to see and it was so heavenly it was so wonderful he says I couldn't even talk about it I could not write it in a book I could not have a conversation about it such a things it was not even legal for me to utter when the Bible says all of the he begins to talk about how he saw these things and he said he was caught up and he says of such a one will I glory yet of myself will I not glory but in my infirmities now here Paul is talking about a personal experience that he has that gave him a glorious encounter with God it gave him an abundant revelation with God and please understand ladies and gentlemen that sometimes what God is doing for you and what God is doing through you if you're not careful it can mess with your ego Oh God most of us we serve God faithfully until he starts blessing us or until he starts using us y'all know there's some people in church they used to speak until they started preaching y'all lingo help me here until they got the sing on the program and now oh I don't sung me a solo I can't speak no more because now God is using me and I know I don't know how to handle when God uses me so Paul says when I look at this thing it makes you wanna brag because God allowed me to see something that was not privy to everybody but I feel something here and so he begins to say for though I would desire to glory in verse number six I really want you to look at that because here Paul is very transparent about human desire he said for though I would desire to glory I shall not be a fool now this is for those individuals who say I'm so saved that I never want attention I'm so saved I never want any accolade or critic oh come on let's keep it real here all of us have something in us that desires to be the one you know what I'm talking about the best one in the room come on here the most successful one in our family all of us have a little something that we struggle with as it relates to warranting to be the one that gets the most credit so he says I would desire to glory but I understand that if I take on that mentality I would be like a fool he said but I shall not be a fool somebody ought to say I shall not be a fool why is it why is it that you're like a fool when you desire to glory you're like a fool when you desire to glory because when you calculate your life and you look at everything that's going well and good in your life you have to understand that the only reason why you are where you are and you're achieving what you're achieving is because of the goodness of the Lord and only a fool will take credit from somebody that it doesn't belong to all y'all know you up in here you ought to look at somebody and tell them God's been good to me but tell them I'm not crazy I know it's him and not me when we understand this in the church we will praise him better when we understand this in the church we will have a better attitude I've learned this this is a phrase that I use I don't care what God does through me when people give me accolade when they brag on me my reply is to God be the glory that's a nice house to God be the glory you have a beautiful family somebody help me preach to God be the glory you know you sung that song today two copies girl you know you went ahead to God beat you ought to just touch your neighbor and tell him I want God to get all the glory in my life hallelujah I want him to get the glory for everything that I do so he says this is what God did because Paul said even though I desired to glory but I know it's crazy for me to even desire to glory he says at least I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelation that was given to me a thorn I gotta finish this here so Paul was saying even with my understanding of the fact that God gets the glory there are some blessings that can be so overwhelming there are some experiencing experiences rather that can be so mind-blowing that although I have the intention to be humble I have the desire to be humble even with my understanding and the integrity of my heart I still need God to help me to stay home oh my god jay-bez pray the prayer chamber said Lord I would that you would bless me indeed and when you look up that word bless it means to kneel and what jay-bez were saying the gaudiest i want you to bless me in such a way that it brings me to my knees how many of you know that we serve a god that can blow our mind I want to talk to somebody tonight that have come from the clutter to the palace I want to talk to somebody tonight then when you look over your life you cannot believe you are where you are God can bless you in such a way that your ladder will not look like your farm ah it'll blow your mind and if you're not careful you'll need some help to remain um Oh [Applause] God you oughta have five your neighbor and tell them that's the kind of blessing I wanna I want a blessing that's going to blow my mind I want a blessing that's gonna then I'm gonna have to work hard to be haha Paul said even though I desire to be humble he showed me so much least I should get exalted above mission now this is what I like about verse number seven he says above measure meaning that it's nothing wrong with being exalted but he justs he says that you just don't want to get too exalted what does Romans twelve said he talks about I let no man think of himself more highly we took that scripture and we just decided that we would not think good of ourselves at all when I tell you didn't shake your head at somebody on your roll and tell them I'm humble but I Know Who I am come on tell ya I'm not arrogant maybe but you don't treat me in a kind of way now you don't handle me in the car it anybody in here tonight that will say I'm humble but I know who I am [Applause] he didn't give me the sword to make me to look at myself as if I'm a nobody he gave me the sword so that I would not think to myself he said I gave you a thorn in the flesh and let me go on and tell you what it is the messenger the angel the worker for Satan now when you talk about a thorn you can't really figure out what paws thorn is this is what I like about transparent testimonies because whenever you have a fleshly thorn you don't tell all your business I think you just look at somebody with a suspicious eye and ask him do you have a thought notice he says this thorn is not in my hair this thorn is not in my spirit this thorn is in mine and I know y'all want to look saved and deep tonight but everybody in here has a problem because all of us are dealing with this thing called flesh Oh God all of us and the flesh the Bible says that the carnal mind is an enemy against God the flesh is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be Paul says in Romans 7 that there is no good thing that lies in our flesh he said is the messenger of Satan it was in my flesh and it came watch this to bluffin me and that weren't Buffett means it came to hit me with blows let me tell you what a thorn is a Thor a thorn is the thing that keeps you in the face of God the thorn is the thing that you cannot manage without outside help the thorn is the thing that your degree cannot handle that your human experience cannot handle notice what he said in verse number eight he said for this thing I had to pray I besought the Lord three times somebody say three times in other words ladies and gentlemen when you are a Christian dealing with a thorn your thorn will bring you to your knees may I suggest to you tonight that if you ain't praying about it and ain't no thorn yet it could be a message supervisor it could be a problem child it could be a financial problem it could be a lust problem [Applause] I'll let somebody tell him you gotta Ford you that you got a sword and your song will make you prey and notice this type of sword when you have a sword you pray until you get an answer he said for this thing I besought the Lord how many times three times because anything that is a sword in your life it'll keep you coming back to God until you get some clarity about what you're dealing with how many of you tonight will be honest to say I got something in my life that I've been praying about for a long time now can I bring this thing to a heavenly crescendo and I'm getting out of your way notice he says this is a devil but it came from God because it came to keep me humble and the Bible says pride goeth before destruction so the devil comes to kill to steal and to destroy so the devil didn't send this devil God usurped his Authority said Lucifer get out of the way I need one of your men sit him let me tell you something any devil that you have that was sin from the devil can be cast out but any devil that you have that is sick from God let me tell you how is dealt with when he said for this thing I prayed about it three times and after the third time this is how you deal with Devils that God sent he says my grace is sufficient oh I'm overwhelmed by your praise I need you to understand the night in verse number 9 he said my grace is sufficient in other words this is gonna be bad news for good news there's something that you've been praying about God says it's never gonna leave your life but whatever it is if cops ended he gave you grace to deal with it oh god there's some things we say Lord take this from me deliver me from this but tell your labor there's some things you can't be living from because if you get delivered from that you gonna become too self-righteous if you get delivered from that you're gonna become too arrogant if you get delivered from that ok gonna be able to talk to you you gotta have something after God finish using you and blessing you to keep you humble so let me see what my praise section is tonight God says for anything that you've prayed about that you're still dealing with it if it ain't leavin then the answer is Grace His grace somebody help me talk about this thing here His grace is sufficient if it didn't move God says I'm giving you grace either he's gonna give you deliverance or he's gonna give you grace he says my grace is sufficient for you and my strength it's made perfect in weakness now please understand this is how you keep your anointing people cannot be anointed who are too safe who have too much self aggrandizement people who are self-motivated people who are so self focused you cannot keep your loin thing if you think you are self-sufficient you cannot keep your loin thing people who are loitered or people who are in lie Oh God it's just that simple if you want to have power be a person that's not relying on yourself he died so he could be your Lord he died so he could be your comforter he died so he could be your helper you are the half of your labor and say name I'm totally depending on God Oh God can I find the crowd tonight that's relying on God I'm talking about the kind that when you got up this morning you said lord thank you for letting me see another day now I need you to leave me I need you to guide me I need you to anybody got in your car this morning and said Lord protect me along the way we're dealing with a church in the 21st century that is too self-sufficient I'm looking for the church that will say I'm dependent on God when I see it Oh God when I am dependent Oh God hallelujah you oughta have found somebody and tell them he's my everything he's my bread when I'm hungry he's my water when I'm faster but here's the shout and we get ready to go home here he said my grace it's enough will you touch your neighbor and say neighbor his grace is enough come on you're not talking to the right neighbor yet find somebody else on your row and say neighbor for that issue that you have for that problem that you have tell him his grace is enough but that ain't the Schauder here is the Sheldon he said now that I have a revelation oh why I'm dealing with what I'm dealing with and now I know that I have Grace and now that I understand that his strength it's made perfect in my weakness he says most gladly will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me I'm closing when I tell you this Paul said y'all shout over houses and cars y'all shout of a man or a woman he said but I shout because I'm weak I shout because I got a problem he said I glory in the stuff that I'm going through you ought to shake your neighbors hand one more time and say neighbor you're not a real prison until you can praise God over the problems in your life you're not a real breather until you can shout oh the times were you messed up huh until you can shower there are some people there are some people there are some people in your life [Music] [Applause] bime I have found somebody like you just got saved and her neighbor do you have any thorns I don't want to talk to the fake folk I want to talk to some transparent hook then no you got some problems you will wave your hand up and say I'm saved but I got an issue huh I'm saved but I got a weakness I'm saved but I am struggling God told me to tell you then you just where you need to be because your issue your problem and your struggle is keeping you humble and he resists the proud but he gives grace somebody on a Segway [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god I thank God for my devil oh my god thank God for my devil tell somebody I thank God for my devil tell them it keeps me humble a man a man we're getting ready as we transition to the service amen we're just gonna continue to praise and worship God songs [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] leave me Everlast let's say that again oh what a fellowship what a joy if I'm leaning on the everlasting on oh ah blessedness what a piece of money oh yes son Li Li Shan had secured from yes I'm leaning on the everlasting they execute from all the yes I'm me on the Everlast can I see you Club your hair [Music] [Music] he's a mighty god the everlasting from yes honey [Applause] no the everlasting come on come on [Music] all right if we stay old-school this is the day this is the day that the Lord has made that the law y'all remember that I will reach oh I will rejoice and be glad in oh and be glad this is the day that the Lord heaven I we rejoice and be glad this is the day this is the day that the Lord had let's see if y'all remember this I will litter his gates with Thanksgiving in my heart I will litter I hear you say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for he hath made me baby yes oh I will rejoice yes made me laugh [Applause] I will rejoice for he asked me shake he have made he has made me I will I will I will [Music] [Music] [Music] come on say man everybody hey man we thank God tonight for his power and for his presence a man anybody can just rejoice that God has made you glad tonight a man I must admit that y'all had over see of Jonathan woods y'all know him he just preached those crazies in here didn't come on praise God for him on tonight a man permit me just a few moments please to thank our host pastor and president of our ministers conference dr. yo Jackson a man come on give it up for dr. Jackson on tonight his vision for an ecumenical arm of this citywide revival lives this week a man and so we thank God for his visionary leadership and for calling us into this season of revival this is the portion of the worst of where we can all participate and I'm going to step aside and asked if pastor Kevin Bryan would mind coming and leading us in our period of offering and then I'm going to Aksum after offering our president will come and greet us we have some presentations at that time say man come on let's give God a big hand before he said a knight come on give God praise thank you Jesus I just believe that Ally shouldn't be told anywhere but it really shouldn't be told in church y'all just got through singing he has made me glad and you look inmate come on give God a praise tonight thank you Jesus [Applause] amen thank God for president Jackson and it's going leadership in his cabinet and all over CEO Jonathan Lewis who have done a mighty job here on tonight amen it's not gonna take long to do what we need to do here tonight I don't even know I don't even know what the gold leaves tonight but I just believe we finna kick a field all the night whatever it is we're going over the top tonight amen as we prepare to get ready to give on tonight it is dangerous to hang around cheap phone they may have it's just dangerous to sit and hang around cheap folk in church a man that will pay $100 to see Beyonce and need binoculars course you'll see they're so far away please the law the people that will pay three hundred and fifty dollars for a good hair and then coming the church and give and give three dollars it's dangerous to hang around cheap folk I don't know about you I don't want to hang with cheap folk because I had my mind on overflow and I said the other night it will not be sold if you don't so to make it so a man the other night I asked every pastor for a hundred dollars cause I just don't believe in sitting high and paying over a man I don't wanna have almost $600 shoes and kept six dollars I don't I don't want to do that I won't make sure that God is pleased with what I offer him but I think I upset a couple of others on the other night for X and you for a hundred so I actually for fifty tonight hey I'm just going to you for fifty dollars tonight every pastor every preacher if a person that's trying to run your church amen we wanna we wanna ask you for at least $50 tonight to make sure we meet our goal amen before we even do it can somebody give God praise that the goal is already met tonight come on praise the Lord Amen I'm gonna ask first of all every pastor every preacher here up tonight that was chef $50 in our offering to come all come forward tonight amen every pastor you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] Oh Oh my I'm gonna press his own but we've gotten all kinds of calls I've gotten some preachers that walked out of ministry I got meetings with them next week they coming back in and there's some so thank God for for pastor told them all this preached him in an awesome way and I told him now I don't know where he going but he leaving out of here at night my microphone can take no more a man a man in this conference we announced on the beginning that we clashed with so much that was going on this week denominational work pastors having Vacation Bible schools and their commitments to their churches and so they let us know very early on that there's clashes with what they were doing and so a good number of our pastors have not been able to be here personally but they have made their presence known in the back amen and so we appreciate them very much each year we share some awards with pastors and ministers in the conference and and we do know less this time and there are a couple of them I want to present tonight and couple them on their way and I just mentioned who they who the others are and their their their be here and some of them will get theirs to them in our conference we have some fellows who are unique we have some fellows who are unique every time Hayden and I'm trying to look around Bishop and my vice president sometime in the mean it's tough to lead past us sometime I was good the meeting said I quit I'm tired of y'all and I got this one passed in the conference he always said but president sit down to be quiet and he never allows me to to get discouraged and this year we have what we call the President's Award and he's unable to be here teaching a class at his church this year we were presented to him in the conference he's a unique personality in the conference a man and that is dr. original Brown of the South eliten Baptist Church he received the President's Award amen and then and then one of our young preachers amount of fact I believe he's the youngest preacher he's texting a tip is that camera on me hey man I'm gonna call you tonight he's looking at me he's at work cheating and he's watching and we give this award to a young preacher who sells himself and shows himself to be well on his way in ministry it's the spirit of Timothy's award and it goes to minister travail Christian and so he hears there so he's the young guy that we did hang out with us and he's the youngest preacher that hang with us and here's why he hangs with us because we need a Christian everywhere we go a man and then in our conference there are some people as time progresses we've laid a lot of our brothers down and I've been a part of the conference over 35 years and I came in under the older guys and I knew all of the people who did certain things in the conference and each week this conference we understand that we are a fellowship and we have a pastor without fail no matter how much we were talking or whatever when it's time he's there and he's on his job and he makes sure that the cost there's one guy in our conference standing up dr. Mason for a quick moment he's one of our senior pastors and if ever I start talking he don't cut me off brother president we hadn't had no praying here he said somebody need to say the Our Father and we got a preacher that says no our father every week without fail he is probably one of the most faithful men that we have and we call this bought the beth-el award I really want y'all to give it over this man pastor George hatin come on hey come on y'all give this man it's faithful all my god a man a man he is faithful and we'll happy to present you toward this award the bet they'll award a man June 7 2009 teen yo Jackson president for the Birmingham Metropolitan Nelson a man he holds this position we sometimes we want to promote somebody to be in the reader and that's whenever we do something that person breathes dr. hammers and we got a problem in our conference we can't get anybody to accept being the reader I asked Vice President Jerry where every says Marty you want to be the reader he he said it's long so now I thought that examined you want to be the reader he said good here to know my member know what you're hinting the greediest and that's held by the way y'all and so because every time we we bless a person to be the reader they die [Applause] [Music] so when I need something ready I'll be like can I get somebody about and then now I'm not doing any reading in here cause y'all not gonna be at my feeling away and y'all read in black so that's our rules that they know when you see a preacher in our color field all of us wear black suits and real ties so none of us want to see that black and red and then our last of what he is when he comes he's on his way and this award is the good shepherd of what he's he's been in our conference and he has served even while he was out battling an illness he still served and in our conference you got to be careful what you say because for years he served as the secretary of the conference and here's how his Mena's will read and during the meeting president yo got mad and he acts Barden Maddox who you think you talking to and after that the president used some language I would not include in this minute so we say you better watch what you're saying is confidence because this person will and it's the good chef of the war he deserves it he is one of the last living civil rights heroes dr. Carter gasps most people don't know this and he worked very closely with dr. Martin Luther King and we'd love to sit and listen as he is now up in his eighties and to hear him talk about that when he and dr. Martin Luther King they all started they were just young men in their twenties and we tried to figure out how they had the maturity to do what they did so the good chef is the water he's gonna be here and he calls all of us baby everything you all here say that so baby will be here in a moment it's gonna be here waiting on him dr. Carter Gaston jr. [Music] amen god bless you God bless you God bless you while we're right here in this vein because I told our coordinator and give it up for him Pastor Chris good if you stand up Chris hey come on give it up for pastors do it amen he works hard to put everything together so we appreciate him very much while we're in this rain because when the preacher finish the freezing well we won't do never do like we did I try to figure out who we are as we leave and so Chad come on let you come and I'll make an announcement to this this group a man's a man for him and then we'll be ready to get back into worship praise the Lord everybody amen truly it's a blessing to be in the house of the Lord giving him all the honor and praise and to be here with this great August body of believers and we celebrate President Jackson Amen let's give him some love he's a man given to hospitality and excellence and ministering to all of these very fine preachers thank God for you I bring you greetings from the Chad Cooper company on Broadway out of New York City where we're currently the only black owned a Broadway theater and film company in the city right now Amen that's a good place to clap for the last two years we've been doing a play on social justice dealing with two civil rights attorneys suing the US Justice Department for reparations and damages done to black people and we bring back time traveler witnesses like Harriet Tubman Medgar Evers and Emmett Till and not the good-looking Emmett Till but the Emmett Till that was beaten and tortured and they tell their stories in a courtroom modern-day courtroom setting and then it goes into a jury deliberation of mixed jury white and black and they discuss the elephant that's in the room in that's racism now look at your neighbor real quick and say neighbor you are part of the most dynamic creative talented people on the planet black folks Amen the African Diaspora you come from kings and queens Amen and we have to instill this message and one thing I like about this production its motivational inspirational all and educational all at the same time it's going to be here in Birmingham on June the 30th at 6:30 p.m. at the Boutwell auditorium and features yours truly Chad Lawson Cooper lead singer for Saugus but out on the radio some years ago entitled I don't look like what I've been through how many of you can say that's your testimony amen also work with Tyler area in the movie Madea Goes to Jail also Alecia Robinson Cooper lead singer for John peaky in the VIP choir he's my rock salt tempo the group from the preach the movie the preacher's wife how many of you remember that movie and several black-and-white Broadway and off-broadway stars will be in the building on that day and Emmett Till's family is flying in from Minnesota to be here you have Supreme Court justices that are flying in as well as some Hollywood stars will be here on that day just to celebrate because we couldn't do a play like this in New York and turn away people by the hundreds every time we do a show there and not bring this show to the South ain't man this is a birthplace of civil rights right here in Birmingham amen and on that day at 3:30 from 3:30 to 4:30 we are filming a thousand youth that will be in about will that the children of the March Reverend Gwendolyn will will be speaking to them about their plot or their plight and what they did back then to make a stand on racism and what these young people need to do today amen and that's going to go into the movie justice on trial 2020 that will come out February the first across the country so we're very very exciting and when we partner with the ministry somebody holler discount tickets now we're gonna be honoring several legends that are from here that are dead and then we're honoring legend living legends as well and pastor R Jackson is one of our honorees amen and we're excited about that and this church has supported us so much that we want to show our appreciation we have 30 tickets and we want to give your young people to come amen so everybody say discount tickets again hey the regular ticket price is $67 but look at your neighbor and say that ain't my price when we partner with the ministry we discount those tickets tremendously down to 47 but look at your neighbor and say but if you are a senior citizen that is 55 and older all right or if you are a church auxilary member you work in the church that lady right there say she ain't gonna tell it if she 55 it's her secret we're gonna discount those tickets down to 39 50 now how can you get your tickets you can see us on the outside in the lobby right after church you can do debit card credit card cash or cheque and take advantage of that discount amen and very briefly I am so very hoarse tonight but I wanted to sing 30 seconds of just a little something amen old-school song that says I need [Music] uneasy [Music] ah ah I need me [Music] my shame yeah ah ah ah ah come to thee god bless you [Music] [Music] say man everybody we thank God for his power and presence on tonight our president is going to present our preacher but I'm going to take a second would y'all please thank God for brother Dante Parker who's been a maestro [Music] and brother Fitz who's been high soloist sermonic soloist this week after our president presents our revivalist it wouldn't be a revival if we didn't at least do it one time I'm gonna ask brother Parker to do amazing grace for the preacher tonight amen our president is coming now brothers and sisters if you were in this place on last night God spoke in here [Music] I spoke the other Friday a week ago today pastor Tim woods banquet and I spoke about the making of a man of God first King 17 that this club cause closes that woman saying to Elijah and now I know that you are the man of God and the latter part of that verse says and that the words in your mouth our truth over these years I've enjoyed the friendship the pastor told him marking when I started preaching he was 2 years old and I develop a friendship with him and in my humble opinion I've said it behind his back and I'm gonna say it for the final time this year in his presence and I'm gonna say it on a contrabass he's one of the good as preachers I've ever heard [Music] [Applause] qe Hammonds himself and Robert Alexander we've all been seminary instructors and we've seen guys dr. Hamels who can dig it up but they can't hold it off Toland Morgan can dig it up I was a handsome man he could hold it off last night we had a lot of young pastors here and I've seen a lot of pastors try to figure out how to make some gravy January they try to figure out how to get some gravy in their sermon they spend most of their time on gravy I like gravy but gravy won't sustain you but told him Morgan has learned something that if you cut a good piece of meat it'll make his own grave tone the Morgan has been cutting good meat and God has gifted him so that he can look in the word and find both meat and gravy Donald is gonna come for the final time and he's gonna lead us in amazing grace and that's old-school Church and this dynamo of a preacher I'm just anxiously waiting to hear what God will say to us through him tonight let's receive again tonight for the final time this year pastor told a Morgan of the Bible Fellowship Church come on give it up for him come on matter of fact come on up to your feet come on come on up to your feet come on the old church usest and when we saw an amazing Greg we're gonna do some old come on dog [Music] [Laughter] great ah ah the sow oh yeah ah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] whoo hallelujah right now Oh hallelujah right now hallelujah ah [Music] he's praise God [Music] hahaha [Music] right now [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the day the Lord has made and we choose to rejoice and be glad in it for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endures unto all generations we honor our heavenly father his son our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ who hung for six hours one Friday and died until death died three days later he comes out of the grave not as a weakling with all power in his hands fifty days later he sends the Holy Ghost to reside and the presiding the inside of us we are delighted and thankful that we're not just his creation but we're his children and we give him all the glory that even on a Friday night he is worthy to be praised [Applause] [Music] again tonight we honor chieftain and host pastor dr. O Jackson and we praise God for all of the pastors that comprise this Birmingham Baptist ministers Union and Conference and to all of you the men and women of God they love the Lord and are called according to his purpose let me again express my appreciation to this collection of pastors for their trust and confidence in me for this assignment this year and again I want to tell you thank you publicly as I have privately you have other options and I'm honored that you chose to have me to come again in the share with this this expression of the body of Christ here in Birmingham I want to let you know Church that you're well represented behind closed doors and this this hasn't always been business only we are actually brothers in the Lord may man we've enjoyed our fellowship and I'm thankful for their hospitality and camaraderie and Brotherhood in the things of God I want to particularly thank again my friend and brother pastor Stuart for serving as the catalyst for me even coming to Birmingham for this assignment and I want to thank Reverend Jones who has been riding me around every day thank you sir thank you sir we appreciate your hospitality I have a originally from Detroit and I've been in Georgia for about four years now I'm pastoring the Fellowship Bible Church there in Warner Robins Georgia but I have a I have an Alabama connection and my mother was born in Eufaula Alabama all of my maternal side is from Eufaula and now some of my daddy's side is in Alabama my sister and brother-in-law here they're in Gadsden Alabama and I'm the youngest of six children and she's the next one up for me I want to ask my sister and brother-in-law to stand it's my sister a man so all of y'all sitting back there watch your mouth which saved on this I'll be careful Abe and I hey man if I say something you don't like don't say it around my sister had some issues up in here hey man hey man I want to thank again this church great into Antioch Church for hosting let's thank the Lord for this entire church for hosting again this year wonderful wonderful people who serve here in this in this church if it is your custom that you stand for the Word of God asks that you would do so I want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the book of 2nd Samuel chapter number six second Samuel Chapter six now we're going to do a little reading tonight and this will just sort of serve as the foundation for our Easter speech tonight of course we will not endeavor to reach all these verses but we need to read it so that we have some foundational familiarity with with the word of the Lord tonight second Samuel Chapter six I want to begin reading at verse number eight your Bible should read and David was displeased because the Lord had made a breach upon us and he called the name of the place Perez Aza to this day and David was afraid of the Lord that day and said how share the Ark of the Lord come to me so David would not remove the Ark of the Lord unto him into the City of David but David carried it aside into the house of obed-edom that get tight in the Ark of the Lord continued in the house of obed-edom the get tight three months and the Lord blessed obed-edom and all his house and it was told King David saying the Lord has blessed the house of obed-edom and all that pertains unto him because of the Ark of God so David went and brought up the Ark of God from the house of obed-edom into the City of David with gladness and it was so that when they that bear the Ark of the Lord had gone six paces he sacrificed oxen and fat Lynn's and David danced before the Lord with all his might and David was girded with a linen ephod so David in all his house of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet and as the Ark of the Lord came into the City of David Michael Saul's daughter looked through window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord and she despised him in her heart and they brought in the Ark of the Lord and set it in his place in the midst of the tabernacle that David had pitched it and David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord and as soon as David had made an end of offering burnt offerings and peace offerings he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts and he dealt among all the people even among all the whole multitude of Israel as well to the women as men to everyone a cake of bread and a good piece of flesh and a flagon of wine and all the people departed everyone to his house then David returned to bless his household and Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and said how glorious was the king of Israel today who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovers himself and David said unto Michael it was before the Lord who chose me before your father and before all his house to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord over Israel therefore will I play before the Lord and I was and I will yet be more violent than thus and will be based in my own sight and of the hand of the maidservants which you have spoken of of them shall I be had an honor therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death I won't tag this sex reasons to dance [Music] would you just look at somebody and tell him I have reasons to dance whenever God is ready to do something new in the earth he raises up somebody who is the catalysts and the agent of an agenda that God wants to fulfill in the earth as relates to politics God now gets involved in politics and calls for Israel's first God's elected king person of David he is Israel's second king but God's first selected King and he has now taken office he has been installed to lead the people of Israel and his first item on his agenda is to recover and restore the god box [Applause] you know it as the Ark of the Covenant wouldn't it be nice if we had a king who had God on his agenda wouldn't it wouldn't it be nice if we had politicians who made god their first matter of business apparently David believes and is clearly convicted that his term and administration will not be successful if he doesn't put God first so he goes and recovers the god box that has not been in Israel for about 50 years he goes and retrieves it from its location he puts it on a cart and [Music] transports it back to Jerusalem it is being pulled by oxen and the Bible says those oxen shook whether they were defecating or whether they tripped on a rock or whether they hit a pothole on the road we're not sure but something caused them to shake [Applause] and when it should the god box was back to tip over and break this nobleman by the name of other stricken by an impulse of nobility reaches his hands out to try to catch the god box before it breaks the god of the box kills him struck him dead David is upset and David is upset ladies and gentlemen because he just got in office he's trying to do the right thing and this tragedy as far as he is concerned would forever mark his administration he's just getting started and he's starting with death in an effort to try to restore the glory of God to the city and the people of Israel he goes on a protest leaves that box alone after about three months he figures out he gets word that God is blessing the people where the box is in the house of obed-edom three months later he goes and gets that box and puts that box on sticks since the auxin method was risky now puts it on sticks and they carry it ever ever so gently and respectfully they step six paces and realize we're not dead yet and so they offer sacrifices to God till they finally get it to Jerusalem put it in the tabernacle put it in its proper place and I'm David at that point put down his boo genus and started dancing he danced so much that his citizens joined him in the dance and the only person who struggled with his dance was his wife we finally had to tell her I'm dancing because the Lord chose me before your father yeah and since you're struggling with my dance you can't have my children [Applause] and that's the story let me back up and share some things out this text that appurtenant I walk would go and they'll go get a hamburger together ladies and gentlemen there is something to be said about this story that causes us to land on the importance of prioritizing God it is same Church in how God responded to a man who tried to help him it is this person by the name of also they are carrying than Ark on on what the Bible calls a new cart they got this cart idea from pagan nations people who were not under the Covenant of God who appeared that their technology and methodology was more effective and more efficient in handling the god box and they attached this cart to oxen who could not control themselves during the transport they shook and the vibration from their shaking shook the cart which shook the box and the box is in the process of falling as reaches out and grabs the god box he grabbed the god box because he had locked God in the box [Applause] and he is under a false notion of grabbing this box which has two very hazardous presuppositions his name in the Hebrew means strength grabbing that box ladies and gentlemen care is too strong presuppositions number one that God can't survive shaky situations [Music] presupposition number two if he can't survive a shaky situation and can't stand in a second situation it presupposes that if he need help you got the strength just because your name means strength doesn't mean that God needs your help [Applause] it's a dangerous presupposition to believe that God can survive a fall and if he was gonna fall you to think you the one got the strength to help God if God was going to fall and thus God strikes this man dead doing a good thing it was his noble impulse to try to keep the box from breaking and God strikes him dead shouts at us ladies and gentlemen that there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is death just because it feels right and looks right doesn't mean it's righteous and God strikes him dead but he also strikes him dead ladies and gentlemen to send a message to David David I know you're in a new administration but a new administration doesn't mean doesn't always mean new methods because the law had already prescribed in Exodus and Leviticus that when you transport this box is not supposed to be on a cart and you figure just because you the new king in town that you get to do stuff your own way and think it's gonna work so I'm gonna strike this boy dead to show you a message and to send you a message that it is important that you who are held accountable for holy things don't hand the holy things like unholy people just because the Philistines are using carts don't mean you get to use carts because I didn't call the Philistine at all do you and ladies and gentlemen we let me just put this out here since I'm leaving we got to be careful how far we take new methods in church cuz just cuz it's working for the world just cuz is working for the Philistines that mean God is pleased with it just because it's working for people who I'm not saying don't mean is go work in the Lord's house be careful how contemporary you become [Applause] cuz just cuz the world is doing the mean is gonna fly in the Lord's house I knew you'd be upset about that point I got a man's and all fall in my pockets I know you the new king but you don't get to do things your way what would our churches be if we made sure we stuck to doing it God's Way [Applause] maybe some people wouldn't have to die [Applause] if we stuck to doing it God's Way so the first thing this text teaches us is about proper restraint let me give it to you another way even when you've been called by God to do certain things you got to resist doing it the way it's working for other people let me help somebody in here can I can I help you when you've been called to do something other folk can get away with stuff you can't get away with [Music] breach it hits Olin morning because the call of God demands that you have a certain level of doing things God's Way that his own people he called that are not own people he didn't call I know you I know you knew in the office but you still got to do it God's God's Way because that box wouldn't have never failed if you would have just put it on those poles the first that box wouldn't have never fail if the oxen wouldn't have never had a chance to say if you were handling holy things God's Way first thing that sex is stated to teach a search is about proper restraint the second thing is tailored to teachers y'all is about persistent reverence come in David did what most of us do yeah when God does something we don't like we call for a protest and go off and pout somewhere call myself mad at God won't go to church will stop serving will stop giving because you call yourself mad at God cuz he didn't do it the way you wanted him to do it or he did something extreme that was that you think is not befitting of God's character kills a man for doing something Noble and David gets mad I'm in verse 8 he says it displeased David he leaves the act of God where is that at Oh bed Eden's house and goes off y'all for three months protesting that I ain't gonna do it until he heard that the gob he protested is blessing somebody else alright alright alright it's been three months since you've been walking with me I did something you didn't like and you call yourself mad and me and go go go off and pout and protest and while you protesting I'm blessing people watch this who give me reverence after tragedy [Applause] lord have mercy i'ma run myself a here tonight see ladies and gentlemen sometimes you got to understand that God honors your faithfulness and nacho happiness the lesson is happening in obed-edom house because they steal honoring God he's done something that is broken their heart and that constitutes the blessing of God and that's the lesson for somebody in here tonight when you really fight for the God watch this you still won't him after he's upset you and I don't play me like that some new idea cuz some of y'all in here faithful to somebody right now back turn of sex you [Applause] you still love them even though they abusing you you stay up there even though they broken your heart now if you can be back faithful to somebody who didn't die for you and you can be back faithful wash away your sin Charlotte [Applause] you can still wrong God after he's broken your heart [Applause] see we don't really know if you mean I will bless the Lord at all times until after God's broken your heart have I got any help in here y'all told me God was this no God is more concerned about your faithfulness than he is your happiness he dies and the people in obed-edom how still reverencing God and God is blessing watch this after tragedy you got to be persistent in your reverence to God that even when God does something you don't like you've made up in your mind that though he slay me I wish a head of church here tonight yet will I trust him he has not satisfied it but I still love him and he's still my god [Applause] and David gets word that God is back to blessing people who will embrace him after tragedy and David comes three months later and says alright let's try this again we're ready to come and take the guard box and take it back to Jerusalem some different happen hero this time we got no ox we got no car we're going back to the way the Lord said to do it the first time we gonna strap this thing on some put a man on the back this thing put it down and give him a sacrifice give him a sacrifice that was a delay of three months because what you saw as a [Applause] [Applause] destination [Applause] which suggests that's why I killed us because I knew his death would change you ladies and gentleman God understands that some of us are hard-headed so he knows that tragedy is a correction [Applause] sometimes God got to let some stuff go wrong in your life so that your life can go right when you get back with God [Applause] would you just touch somebody and tell them neighbor I don't have a destination praise I got a journey brace I will stop and give Him praise while I'm in loud to where I'm going I don't have to wait till I get there because he could have tailed me in the process but apparently the tragedy corrected David and when he got there y'all he got that thing on his back right he takes success and said oh Lord ain't dead yet okay okay that's are they feeling me so let me get let me talk to y'all right along here I want to suggest this is Morgan ology you ain't got to repeat it I want to suggest that when they karat that's that art and add it on them to pose they had to stop and realize I got a thank him because it looks like I'm carrying it wouldn't show things what I'm carry is carrying me from the peaceful shop I got that thing right now they got it and they're on their way to Jerusalem pastor they get there and they place the guard box in the tabernacle they get it there y'all and David couldn't wait for church to start y'all missed it David couldn't wait for church to start this man in his first few days of being in office goes and gets the god box places it in the tabernacle and starts dancing Rachel and he didn't dance by self that people joined him in dancing i'ma try one more time he didn't dance by self the people joined him in dancing may I say to some pastor tonight if your church is dead is possibly because they got your spirit cos wind of leader dances the people order dance with the leader [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if yo ChaCha Ziva is cause you evil [Applause] but when you got the Jordan law yo out I had to char the law the keen dr. hamer's out there dance and the citizens join him in the dance reason number one why the dance is because they've God has given them a time of correction ladies in general my you was off man with God God was just giving you some time to get you the attitude together [Applause] cause this it's dangerous I don't know who that's gonna help it's dangerous to be mad with God can't tell you why cuz you're gonna turn around and need him again type some bad tomato need you be a man but God cuz we're gonna turn around and meet him [Applause] [Music] you call yourself mad at God all you want to you keep living you gonna need him again but thank God while you was all power he gave you a grace period he didn't kill you why you call yourself being mad with God the ones just a reason for correction but they were dancing for confirmation come and lean your head in chowder gone ladies and gentlemen sometimes you got to dance when you know that God is blessing somebody else house [Applause] i'ma try one more time cuz my soul bout to get happen here when God ain't blessing my house I need to know he blessing somebody house if God ain't healing my body I need to know healing somebody body cuz sometimes ladies and gentlemen you get to go on because you know what God is doing in somebody else's life it was confirmation it was correction here's the third reason why he danced y'all conservation [Music] David is dancing y'all because his dance exposed the enemy in his bed [Applause] [Applause] we didn't know his wife couldn't stand him until he went out there dancing [Laughter] ladies and gentlemen who can't stand your praise cannot be trusted with your passion [Music] if you can't stand my shout I can't give you my body pop tolling Morgan if you don't like the fact that I go to church and I give God praise I'm faithful in the house of the Lord you can't get my body if you can't stand my brain and you got to watch people when you praise God and when you're in relationship with him watch how they respond if you don't like the fact let me praise a God our relationship is in trouble [Applause] dr. dr. Alexander I figured out what's wrong with him y'all got to know what's wrong with old girl everybody look at me say pastor Morgan what's wrong with ol girl y'all ready here's what's wrong with him y'all and y'all gonna think I'm lying but this was wrong with him y'all ready you all know what's wrong with her what's wrong with her ears she's not David's wife she's Saul's daughter she's not referred to in the text as David's wife she referred to in the text as Saul's daughter and Sol can't stand David which means his wife got his enemies spirit you got to watch folk when you praise God because you out of some relationships because if you ain't got God's Spirit you definitely shouldn't have souls [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] they need to be fed just cause it feels good to you don't mean is good for you [Applause] [Music] [Music] you better be careful who you give yourself to she's not called David's wife she's call Saul's done yeah which means she's got the spirit of the enemy yeah looks and what she said look at the King out there dancing she told on herself when she said is out there with him other women dance huh her concern was not the glory of God her concern was you out there exposing yourself to some other women [Applause] I'm doing when I tell you all this so y'all won't think I'm lying did y'all hear what Dave said back to Dave said that's why you ain't gonna have my baby [Applause] [Music] you miss it so let me help you David is dancing y'all because God snatched him out of a relationship before he handed his future over to the enemy [Applause] because if he has children with her his legacy is forever tied to Saul I wish I had about 20 of y'all I'm gonna make number 21 who will just yield back over your life just one good time I said Lord thank you for saving me from that food thank God [Applause] [Applause] I'm not talking to you holy people tonight cause y'all ain't gonna be honest let me talk to the real people who testified that's me that was with a fool but thanks to me to go [Applause] some I think God yo Holy Ghost yo scripture knowledge couldn't keep you away from a fool but God's not sure [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Laughter] I'm done I'm done I'm done this passed us thank y'all thank y'all thank y'all thank you Birmingham thank y'all appreciate y'all him I'm done this is this it I'm done this is it is Ralph here it is I'm dancing cuz he gave me a chance to be corrected I'm dancing because he's confirming that he's still blessing I'm dancing cuz he conserved me from my own enemy last reason why I'm dancing he chose me [Applause] would you just touch somebody tell neighbor I don't need another reason that's reason all by itself he could have fired me when I walked away from him but he still chose me that's God's word for some preacher in here tonight whatever you struggling with you better thank God after all you've been through he chose you in the midst of your disobedience hangin man self awareness in this place which arm around somebody and tell the neighbor I haven't always been correct but I'm still chosen I haven't always lived right but I'm still chosen I haven't always okay I haven't always lived right in spite of me [Music] he this is fine with me he chose you [Music] and start giving in [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go on and praise they've go on and praise him you see a couple of things about praise you can't overdose on praise but it can become addicting polĂ­tica you can get hooked somebody said I can't stop praising his name in the mists of this powerful hour in the midst of this powerful moment of praise please please [Music] you
Channel: Greater New Antioch Baptist Church
Views: 11,063
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Reasons To Dance, 2 Samuel 6:8-23, City Wide Revival 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 31sec (8611 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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