It Was Good While It Lasted! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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it's dynamic passionate and inspiring let's prepare to go into the sanctuary where today's message is already in progress look of Joshua chapter number 5 [Music] Joshua chapter 5 and it is there that the Holy Spirit is highlighted for us this context of Scripture beginning with verse number one if you don't have a Bible or Bible phone the passage will be seen on our screens at this time Joshua chapter five I want to begin and reading at verse number one the Bible should read and it came to pass when all the kings of the amorite switch were on the other side of Jordan westward and all the kings of the Canaanites which were by the sea heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the children of Israel until we were passed over that their heart melted neither was their spirit in them anymore because of the children of Israel at that time the Lord said unto Joshua you make sharp knives and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time and Joshua made them sharp knives and circumcise the children of Israel at the heel of the foreskins and this is the cause why Joshua did circumcise all the people they came out of Egypt that were males even all the men of war died in the wilderness by the way after they came out of Egypt now all the people that came out were circumcised but all the people that were born in the wilderness by the way as they came forth out of each of them they had not circumcised for the children of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness to all the people that were men of war which came out of Egypt were consumed because they did not obey the voice of the Lord unto whom the Lord swear he would not show them the land which the Lord swear unto their fathers that would give us a land flowing with milk and honey and their children whom he raised up in their stead then Joshua circumsized for they were uncircumcised because they had not circumcised them by the way and it came to pass when they had done circumcising all the people that they stayed in their places in the camp till they were whole and the Lord said unto Joshua this day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from all few wherefore the name of this place is called Gilgal until this day and the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal and kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month and evening in the plains of Jericho and they did eat up the old corn of the land on the bar after the Passover unleavened cakes and parched corn in the self-same day verse 12 and the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corner of the land neither had the children of Israel manna anymore but they did eat the fruit of the land of Canaan that year I want to tag this text it was good while it lasted maybe seated in the Lord's church whenever a mother Eagle wants her eaglet to learn a fly she subjects that eaglet to a process that is frustrating dangerous and scary she goes through a series of steps to eliminate or minimize the eaglets familiarity with its nest and she makes the nest uncomfortable to begin the process of helping the eaglet to learn how to fly she doesn't just throw the eaglet out she makes the nests no longer a safe haven and basically turns the nest into the eaglets enemy to force that eaglet to learn how to fly after that process she puts that eaglet on her back soars to high Heights and flips over and the eaglet by instinct has to identify and tap into what it's been born with it was born with wings it was born with the natural proclivity of identifying nerves wings and mind to merge together to make its whole body take flight it was born aerodynamically it was never born to stay in the nest and the only way to get it out of the nest is to make the nest no longer safe for the eaglet to be in and at some point the eaglet discovers what it was born to do and it's natural proclivities through a dangerous scary and frustrating process and all I've been trying to tell you for the last two minutes is that ladies and gentlemen progress starts with the termination of comfort often times ladies and gentlemen God is progressing you by making you uncomfortable that's that's ready to look thesis statement of this little speech today that this year you are going to progress if you can tolerate uncomfortability ladies and gentlemen I have grown nauseous with the year beginning Praful eyes that have been imposed upon our God in an attempt to get you excited and thus believing a placebo of hope which is not based on Scripture truth of the matter is ladies and gentlemen somebody going diet when 19 somebody gonna get sick in 2019 tragedy is gonna come to your life in 2019 however God can take that same tragedy and use it as a means to progress you see I see how we've been conditioned we've been naturally conditioned to believe that you will waiting on me to stand here today and tell you what the Lord gonna do in the next 30 days that this is the year of something but truth of the matter is you are going to have a certain degree of challenge that god has assigned to your life this year however is even your challenges are designed to progress you progress begins with the termination of comfort whenever God is ready to progress you he subjects you to a season of uncomfortability because a lot of you got wings and won't fly you were built and designed for more than just where you are and what God has to do is to turn where you are against you oftentimes ladies and gentlemen God has to take what you're comfortable in and width and make it betray you in order to get you out of the nest of comfort that is really a nest of bondage because you were designed to fly the ground is a safe place but it's a place you were never made for the ground is a safe place but you were never made for it you are an eagle and you can't be an eagle running with turkeys [Applause] I got some Eagles around here that got turkey friends and Turkey company and Turkey co-workers and Turkey ministry members and turkey family members and they are they happen they have made you to succumb to their low level thinking their low level view of life their low level perspective and you end up looking at life just like they do long and low down when you bed decides to fly at high you cannot be a eagle running with turkeys what I got to do I've got to let your zone of comfort betray you so that you will discover a plane and purpose that only comes through frustration fear and danger I'm not apologizing because you came to church expecting a different word because because many of you are medicating off of virtual reality the truth of the matter is God isn't just gonna use your good times to display his power God is gonna take your uncomfortable spaces to display his power to shift you so really where he wants you to be and what you were designed for such as the discipline discovered in the discourse of Joshua chapter 5 but about time we get to Joshua chapter 5 the children of Israel have entered the promised land they have made their first pit stop at a place called Gilgal the word Gilgal in its etymology translates to roll away the got to the place of the roll away because it was there that God said I rolled away the reproach of Egypt off of your life it's their first stop in the Promised Land they had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years they've been there long enough to turn over a new generation what you and I read in verses 1 through 12 is not only coming into a new place but addressing a new people they get there they pitched their tent at the place of the rollaway place of Gilgal and God speaks to Joshua watch this show and tells Joshua to reinstitute something old in a new place it says to Joshua hey man I know you in a new place but I need you to do two things I need you to reinstitute circumcision and I need you to reinstitute Passover there in a new place but God says something strange in a new place God tells a man get you some rocks sharpen them in the form of knives and officiate circumcision on all the male's of this generation because I have today I've rolled away the reproach of Egypt your question to me is what is the reproach of Egypt if you don't mind sitting there boring as you are I won't share with you what is the reproach of Egypt first thing God says to these people is that I've rolled away the reproach of Egypt that word reproach means disgrace commend now that you end the promise I'm taking away the disgrace that was on you and it's the disgrace of Egypt well god I got a question for you the people you are addressing according to this context were not born in Egypt they've never seen Egypt they don't know nothing about what it means to be in slavery why are you bringing up Egypt when they are forty years past Egypt why are you bringing up Egypt when they have not seen Egypt in 40 years what does it matter that after being out of Egypt for 40 years they are still living with the disgrace of what they've been out of for 40 years I knew you wasn't gonna say nothing today because some of you know what it's like to be distant from a situation but still have the disgrace of it on you [Applause] not charge folk don't wanna tell the truth cuz you so busy being holy that you ain't being honest so let me talk to the honest people who've been out of a situation for years but you still carrying it around and God's Word to you is I brought you into the promise and you can't live in the promise when you still got your past on you so I'm gonna take away the disgrace of Egypt well god here's my problem with you what you said may not apply to these people because they were born in the wilderness they were not born in Egypt so what are you talking about well the reproach of Egypt ladies and gentlemen has several applications number one when he says to Joshua Joshua I need you to circumcise this generation he is saying ladies and gentlemen I need you to put the mark of the Covenant on this generation because circumcision ladies and gentlemen was the sign and seal of the Covenant that God made with their fathers and if they don't have the sign and seal on them they look Egyptian because the Egyptians did not practice circumcision only the Jews practice circumcision it was God's sign and sealed that whatever I said to your daddy i'ma do it in your life lord have mercy so if you put the sign and seal on them I've got to fulfill my Word in their life cuz it's the sign that I'm bound by the law of heaven mercy today and now that I brought them into the promise I'm getting ready to fulfill everything watch this not that I told them but that I told their parents all right here's all I'm trying to tell you the reproach of Egypt means that when they got into the Promised Land and they got the circumcision put on them God was taking off of them every evidence of what they had come out of there is no more aged upon them there is no more of paganism on them they are fully in the promise and they are fully God's property yes that's all I need to tell somebody today God brought you in the 2019 and he has marched you and because he has marked you everything that was said over your life back before you was born is going to manifest because God's got to keep his word plus he's already marching for the promise okay here's what I'm trying to tell you I got a little surprise for y'all some of you-all right now I'm not living in your own promise you are living in what God told you mama you are living in what God told your daddy and because it didn't happen in their life it's gonna happen in yours and he's put the seal on you as a means to keep his word and not just also to make you he is but it's gonna bind him to the word that he's already declared over your life which means Church you don't need a new word you still God has already said some stuff over your life that has yet to happen yet and the reason why you made it through the wilderness is cuz you can't die until God's promise is made in your life I don't need a new word I'm still living off of some stuff God declared years ago that ain't happened yet and so therefore everything that they've come out of is offer them listen ladies and gentlemen 2018 is off of you it's all of you you are in 2019 and God has reestablished his word in your life watch this the reproach of Egypt not only means he gonna keep his word but the reproach of each of y'all says the Egyptians saw you leave and they saw what you went into and they believe you ain't coming out so they talk to you and have talked about you cuz they know there's nothing in the wilderness but death but when you stepped over into this year and everything that they thought you was gonna die from or die in you still here he has taken the tops and reproaches of each of all for you here's how it translates God is saying today I'm shutting up your enemies everybody who know your struggle everybody who know what you've gone through I brought you into the promise and you ain't got to argue back at him you just got to look and see where y'all I know you not where you was and let people see you living the promise I've asked oh shut their mouths would you just trust one person telling neighbor this year you not gonna have to argue you just gonna have to outlive what people say Lord I can't get no help in here you ain't got to go cuss nobody out you just got to live in the promise of God you ain't got to fight nobody you just got to let them watching live and God's promise because what I'm doing this year I'm shuttin up everybody who has ever thought you wasn't gonna make it they thought she was gonna take yourself out they thought you would have been dead by now they thought you would have been in a hospital by now and all you got to do is live in front of them cuz I'm shutting their mouths when they see you [Applause] which means church this year you've got to mark those people who are trying to trap you in your old life you got to mark them because those are people you gonna have to put some distance between you and them they saw you go in the wilderness they know it's nothing there for you and they did not believe you were gonna come out and I'm removing the reproach of Egypt because I brought you into the promise which is gonna shut them up see listen the reason why you won't have time to respond to haters cuz you got too much time to live in your blessing I ain't got time to be wondering what you saying on social media and responding I'm too busy living in my blessing [Applause] but the reproach of Egypt has a third application lenient child of God hey God you made this statement to people to whom it doesn't apply they were not born in angel they were not raised in Egypt they were born and raised in the wilderness this group is at least 20 to 25 years old someone maybe 30 there is no reproach of Egypt on them and if it is it came from their family I don't know why y'all trying to work me hard that's okay if they know whatever they know about Egypt their parents or somebody else that was in Egypt older [Applause] which means they only scared of Egypt or got apprehensions about Egypt cuz somebody else imposed their fears onto them and I can't let you live in your promise while you caring around somebody else fear even if it's your family you see ladies and gentlemen in 2019 you gonna have to get over the skepticism and the negativity of folk who live under your roof God got too much promise for you for you to be walking in the fear of people that you even know and love because people who are scared don't want to be scared alone they want to make somebody else care so they could have some scared company cause misery loves company to hell with I ain't got time to be carrying around your skepticism and yo fear I'm gonna live in the promise of God this year even if it means I got the block of people who are my family you in the promise that means no more signs indications evidences of anything Egyptian it's off of you it's done so I'm canceling your disgrace I'm canceling your disgrace the negative thing that everybody knows about you is over cancelling your districts I'm not only cancelling your disgrace i'ma give you a calls for devotion come in he says don't just Institute circumcision but tassel when you get into your promise remember lord have mercy hold your boy right here not preachers understand this typically the point that shouts you in private don't shout the people in public so this point don't shout me it ain't gon shouts y'all in English on so I already know because y'all don't even like the blood so he says reinstitute Passover what is Passover it is that feast and festival in which the children of Israel commemorated coming out of Egyptian slavery that night when the blood of the Lamb was stained on the doorposts and the Lord went through Egypt that night and said every house that's not covered in the blood de are gonna be dead in that house but anyhow that's covered in the blood I'm going pass hold still so I knew you were gonna get they said reinstitute Passover when you get into the promise I need you to remember that night because the only reason you got to the pass the promise is cause the lamb paid the price now you're still slow if the house wasn't covered by the blood you would have died in 2018 but the class your house that's been covered by the blood in the promise [Applause] he's only saying he's saying Jackson I need the new generation to understand that the promise there Ian ain't free [Applause] there's a price for the promise but it was paid by the LAN LAN I wish I had some help around here see I knew you see you want something new for the new year and nothing new guess what I told y'all before I'm gonna tell you again every time we come in here it's a he died me if it's a Saturday night at 12 he died if it's a pharisee 7d time [Applause] the promise got a price and the lamb paid the price so that you and I could have the promise and now that you in the promise I need you to rehearse the price that was paid to get you to the promised land I don't care nothing buddy being a new year I serve the same God I don't care nobody being a new year I've read out the same Bible and I ain't changing my gospel just cuz there's some new Saints coming in though you get the same gospel he was born of a Virgin Mary he walked this earth for 33 years and in the 33 years that he was here he hung on Calvary's cross he was God's sacrifice for human sin and the blood that was shed from his face washed our sins away therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things that passed away and behold all things are new so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son [Applause] and fifty days later he sent the Holy Ghost then across to fill us afresh until he come back I don't have no new gospel I know you in a new place I know you in a new year but it's the same gospel I don't care how old you get it's the same gospel the black never loses its power it still works [Applause] wait a minute wait a minute I know you got your new place no you got your new year I know you waiting on some line word to match with the number nine [Applause] it amazes me hi every year we come up with raps and rhymes and still won't read the Bible if you got that kind of creativity put it to the scripture no go back and reinstitute those things that connect you to God cuz you can't start a new year with a new God [Applause] now that you hear I'm on shift you because the only thing that needs to stay consistent is the things that connect you to God but now you hear this where it's gonna get ugly I'm glad y'all said something through the first of two minutes this low leads to speech cause this we're about to get up one sign that you know you're in the promise is when God stops your miracle if y'all like this Bible a little bit than yours bigger than mine the text says when they got to the promised land the manner cease manner is that miracle food by which God provided groceries in the wilderness where there was no supermarkets people got hungry and God sent the Meals on Wheels program through quick to feed them manna manna in its Hebrew etymology means it is what it is they were trying to figure out Linda what to name it they said what the answer came back it is what it is that's what the word manner translates God was feeding them what it is and it was necessary as long as they were in the wilderness but neither day in the wilderness no more they don't need manna cuz it was good while it lasted I'm not where I was so that for you don't need to feed me what you fed me cuz I'm in a different place that I love I need about a hundred people in here who will tell the devil devil I'm in a new place now I got a new appetite I got new desires I got new focus and I don't need some things I used to have cuz manna is only necessary when you're in the wilderness lord have mercy surly give it up mothers about to run in here watch this y'all sometimes God indicates your progress by what he stops [Applause] if some stuff got to stop in your life cuz you are no longer where you need it and God knows that all of us fall in love with what's good so to the point it stops us from getting worse better see God got better for you you just got to divorce what's good come here come here the people didn't stop the manner God did why because they're in a land flowing with milk and honey and since we in a land floor with milk and honey and got fruit it's changing my diet so I got to stop the manna cuz I don't want you living in the promise still eatin wilderness [Applause] Cassie you have a proclivity to go back to it if you still eatin it and your desire is attached to your diet so in order to change your desire I got to change your diet tall and Morgan is preaching in their skip Church today I shout myself I'm trying to tell you you are in a different place and you gotta change what you digest [Applause] [Applause] do y'all mind if I share with y'all the theological tension of this text raised it's gonna run you out here the manor came from God and God shut it off I'm gonna try one more time I'm coming back to y'all the manor came from God and God shut it off I'll try one time I'm coming back to the manor came from God and God cut it off can I tell y'all what that means it means just because it came from God don't mean this permanent [Applause] just cuz God gave it don't mean it's permanent and we make the mistake of making stuff permanent that God meant to be temporary and now you in trouble now you in court now you going out the places you'll have no business going because you made that which was meant to be temporary permanent just cuz God gave it don't mean is permanent you in a different place I quit I quit cuz that's that's an attitudinal section way over there I'll get it all in man come in the text says they shifted from manner to fruit of the land you know what that means it means y'all that this year some of you-all are not shifting to the supernatural you shift into the natural the manor was supernaturally given but fruit is from the ground you missed it this year you stuff ain't gonna fall unto you you gonna walk into it [Applause] Sam stop goddamn answered your prayer and the reason why he ain't answered your prayer is cuz it's already on the ground it's already in the earth you ain't got to pray about it you just want to walk into it do I got anybody idiot that will testify see I'm getting ready to walk into some stone I'm waiting on God to do it no God that already did it he just got a lead you right to it lay your hand on one person tell them walking and in Jesus name is some stuff you can stop praying about it's already in the earth God ain't gotta create it God ain't got to make it it's already here it's just a matter of time that he could let you walk right in it hey if you shifting from Manitou fruit it means you shifting from looking up to looking around it means you're shifting from expecting God to have it to follow it ain't gonna fall down it's gonna rise still slow its fruit y'all it grows from the ground it's gonna rise up which means it's gonna change your prayer life [Applause] because some of you are praying for God to let some stuff fall in your life when you need to be praying Lord order my steps and whoever got my stuff got to release it in 2019 okay y'all still slow y'all still slow come here the tech says they shifted from manna to corn Tech says is two types of corn it's all corn glory and parks cool you got about a look at it's all corn and parched corn if they just get there when they get corn from [Music] if they just get you in town and they've been in the wilderness when they get calling from come here you read it the amma rights and the canaanites heard that god has split the jordan river and they took off running because they were scared of how the lord move with israel so by the time being that israel got into it promised land that was barns full of corn that the enemy left i Mossad myself it means ladies and gentlemen the wealth of the wicked is later for the righteous and there's some stuff coming to you that somebody got to release you I got to go get some news glogg get ready to let somebody release your stuff [Applause] Sandesh it means if y'all tired of me preaching i don't care it means y'all it means that this year god has some things for you that you don't have to fight for he has already scared people away from some stuff that's already yours hey God you ain't got to make it make me order my steps let me walk into my stuff I'm done this is hey elder Jefferson they can only get it if they divorce themselves from their last miracle God's Word to you today you got to let go of the last thing he did for you cuz he's got a land for you that is fully equipped to satisfy your need if you will let go of the last thing he did for you and you got to tell yourself thank you God it was good while it lasted but now I'm getting ready to move on to whatever else you have for me have I got any help in here this the close of the sermon I'm done that's it they said they said they said hey y'all if the people was in the wilderness for 40 years born in the wilderness and they were not circumcised it means that they were out of the Covenant man they making me work too hard for when I promised if they were in the wilderness and they were not circumcised they were out of God's will they were not under the Covenant but he let him get to the promise anyway let me talk to these people which means y'all some of you got to the promise because he kept you in your disobedience [Applause] all of you fake Saints in here that don't wanna tell the truth in 2019 you did some stuff that God didn't have nothing to do with but you still made it to 2019 because he kept you when you was operating out of his will and the whole time you wasn't in his will he kept leading you to the promise it is that's it God brought them out of Egypt God kept them through the wilderness God brought them through the Red Sea God brought them through the Jordan River God brought them in the promise cuz all he wanted to do was to make them say God I wish I had about five that would just touch somebody to tell them God Dini God brought me out of 2018 God kept me through my disobedience God brought me into 2019 [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I'm moving into a new place and the only reason why I got to that new place brother Lee is called the man of faith jesus said in John chapter 6 verse 33 for the bread of God is he which came down from heaven and fed life to the whole world y'all know that manner that they could name in the Old Testament it's got a name in the New Testament [Music] it's name is Jesus I'm still feasting on Jesus [Applause] [Music] a new place and advocate of a plane yeah listen to me God is progressing you by what he's stopping cuz you don't need wilderness diet in a promised place it was only necessary for where you was not where you going I want y'all to hear me me and my wife have moved several times and more often than not while she's at the new house setting things up I'm back at the old house making sure we don't leave nothing and more often than not loud I ended up leaving something every time because I find out that where I'm going I don't need what I'm leaving [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see is some stuff you got to lean behind because you don't need it where are you going [Applause] [Music] hey strongman my wife paid a lot of money for a snowblower I'm talking about a lot of money because in Michigan we get feet of snow but I got a call one day from the Fellowship Bible Baptist Church where y'all Church at Georgia does it snow there no so I couldn't bring the snowblower because it don't snow where I'm at lord I wish I had some help here some of y'all got to understand there's some stuff you got to leave cuz where you going you don't need it [Music] [Applause] and so I'm forgetting those things which [Applause] are behind reaching for those things which are before passing pass them on to the prize of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus I had to tell that snowblower it was good while it lasts but I'm shifting now from mana thank you for watching fellowship Bible Baptist Church is located at 4:31 Dunbar Road in Warner Robins Georgia join us for one or any of ownership experiences for more information about our church visit our website at FB BC home dot org [Music]
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 14,468
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Motels, Hotels, Sex, It Was Good, Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Warner Robins, Churches In Warner Robins, Churches in Georgia, Baptist, Methodist, AME, COGIC, Penecostal, PAW, Church, Church Folk
Id: VCqsn005xWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 0sec (3720 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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