The Appointed Place! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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how do you know that you are in the appointed place how do you know that you have reached a moment in time that is going to define the rest of your life the rest of us released a species designed to try to give some answers to that question because there are some people who are just in limbo just living day to day not really knowing what's going to happen have no clear focus even within the context of what's going on in the world today but there are indicators to let you know that you are at a pivotal moment in your life there are indicators to let you know that you are either at or near the appointed place [Music] [Applause] I would typically say let's stand for the word of the Lord but you are not here to stand so if you can just grab your Bibles where you are wherever you may be let's go to the word of the Lord and I want to summon your senses and invite your intellect back to the Gospel of Matthew chapter 28 Matthew chapter 28 we we began there last week at the front part of the chapter and I want to fast-forward to the back end of this chapter in Matthew chapter 28 and it is there that the Holy Spirit has highlighted for us this familiar passage of Scripture beginning with verse 16 Matthew chapter 28 verse number 16 it is there that the Holy Spirit is highlighted for us this passage and it reads as follows then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted and Jesus came and spoke unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world amen I want to snatch our subject out of verse 16 verse 16 says then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them I want to tag this text the appointed place the appointed place one of the goals of living is to look forward to that day when we discover why we were born that day is a critical day it's a pivotal day and it's that day that will be cemented in our minds forever because that's the day when person and purpose meet that's the day when we discover that our presence in time and on earth is not a happenstance but it is intentional and by it being intentional it is also strategic it is that day when we discover that we are all not just the product of sexual intercourse from our parents but we are purposed by God and God has allowed us to be present in time and space for his significance you and I already know that purpose is the intent for which a thing exists and therefore life starts to take new meaning and or fulfillment life starts to make sense on that day when person and purpose meet and the intent of that meeting is not just for the meeting itself but the intent of person and purpose meeting is for person and purpose to merge it is that day when you and I as persons start to conform the rest of our lives for the purpose to which we exist and often times when we have that day where person and purpose merge we often classify or categorize or identify that moment as a place now place in this context takes on two applications one place is a physical location a geographical reality something with physical markers or an address but also in this context when person and purpose meet and merge place is not just a physical address or a physical location but place is also an arrival let me prove it to you you and I often use this phrase I'm at a place in my life I've reached a point in my life I'm at a place in my life where I have made some type of emotional or psychological or spiritual or physical resolve that is different from how my life has been in relationship to how my life will be we use that phrase all the time I'm at a point in my life I'm at a place in my life that is not used relative to an address or a physical location it is used in the context of coming to an arrival so place ladies and gentlemen in one context is an address but in this context it is an arrival I've arrived at a place and point in my life where the rest of my life is going to look a little different from the previous stage of my life because I've arrived psychologically mentally and spiritually someplace different relative to the text you and I have just read place has two applications when we read this text place has an address it's called Galilee but place also has an arrival it is called the Great Commission what you and I have just read ladies and gentlemen is the disciples and Jesus meeting at the appointed place a moment in time where life ahead of them is going to be different than life behind them that that that that's already God's word for somebody because I hear you saying in the spirit I'm at a place in my life I'm I'm at a point in my life we're what I resolve today is going to change the trajectory of my life and life is going to be different ahead of me compared to how it was behind me I'm at a place in my life when we read this text the geographical place was Galilee but the spiritual place was the appointed place where Jesus and the disciples are making this resolution in this passage about how life is going to be ahead of them and that's good news ladies and gentlemen that God will even permit you to have moments in your life that are going to define the rest of your life the Greeks had two words that were indicative of this transition Chronos and Kairos Chronos is where we get our word chronology or chronological Chronos spoke to measured time seconds minutes hours days weeks months years that's Chronos that's measured time but Kairos is the word that was used to speak to set time or an event or a moment in time that was definitive to who you and I will be from now on there is set time in chronological time you reach certain moments in your life that are definitive moments that are going to shape not who you've been but who you don't be and God has Chronos in Kairos God has set time in chronological time God has arranged for you to rendezvous with your purpose at a certain time in life so that that moment will define the rest of your time on the earth you've reached a place in life you you at a moment in life you're at a point in life where what you decide today what you have arrived at psychologically and spiritually is going to change the rest of your life in relationship to what your life has already been that's really the story that we find here at the onset in the genesis of this what you and I know to be the Great Commission the address is Galilee the arrival is Jesus is getting ready to give purpose to some people called the disciples it was the place where people and purpose meant to murder it was the place where Jesus had assigned for his disciples to meet him so that they can have a meeting with their own purpose and the rest of their lives would now be defined about this one moment you and I call it the Great Commission it's a beautiful symmetry to Matthew's Gospel because when Matthew's Gospel begins it begins with the great conception in which the holy ghost impregnated Mary with the Lord Jesus Christ and nine months later she pushes Jesus into the world the Gospel of Matthew begins with the great conception but it ends with the Great Commission the Great Commission is when Jesus is getting ready to push the disciples into the world Matthew's Gospel begins with the great conception that pushed Jesus into the world and it ends with the Great Commission that pushed the disciples into the world listen to what he says to them as he has this post-resurrection encounter with the disciples he says Fator to them go ye into all the world go into all the nations teach them to observe all things and baptize them in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Ghost and lo I'm gonna be with you to the end of the world that's the Great Commission he was pushing the disciples forth into the world and-and-and and this was the moment where people met their purpose so the appointed place is not a locale it's a moment it's a moment in time it's it's it's it's it's not a geography it's not measured time it is appointed time it is that time where what you decide today is going to define the rest of your life differently from what it already has been come on pick your face into this passage and allow its truths to preach to you today there is something intriguing about coming to the appointed place I think that's what what we need to abstract from this this pericope today what does it mean how do you know that you are at the appointed place can you can you put that question in the atmosphere how do you know that you are in the appointed place how do you know that you have reached a moment in time that is going to define the rest of your life the rest of this little Easter speech is designed to try to give some answers to that question because there are some people who are just in limbo just living day to day not really knowing what's gonna happen have no clear focus even within the context of what's going on in the world today but there are indicators to let you know that you are at a pivotal moment in your life there are indicators to let you know that you are either at or near the appointed place come on pick your face at verse 16 it gives away first lesson of this this passage of indicating with that you know you're at the point in place you know you're at the appointed place because the appointed place is a place of elimination yeah yeah it's a place of elimination verse 16 says that Jesus had to gather with eleven disciples now what you don't appreciate about that is that his first announcement to them to meet him in Galilee was originally said in Matthew chapter 26 verse number 32 before the resurrection as a matter of fact it was on that Monday Thursday just after Jesus had instituted Communion and they had dismissed from Communion singing in him and going out into the Mount of Olives verse 32 of Matthew 26 says Jesus told them that after this is done meet me in Galilee after I have risen on the third day that's Matthew chapter 26 verse 32 at the chronological time that's Thursday before Good Friday and now we find them after Christ's resurrection approximately four days later minimum that they have met at the very place where Jesus said to meet them in Galilee those women got up last Sunday morning to deliver this exact message to the disciples the women were not delivering their own message they were delivering a repeated message in other words their message was a word of confirmation they were telling the disciples something that disciples had already known from Christ in Matthew chapter 26 verse 32 and now the fulfillment the manifestation of it but here's the interesting thing ladies and gentlemen when the message was originally given there were twelve disciples in Matthew chapter 26 verse 32 all twelve disciples were present by the time we get to Matthew chapter 28 which is approximately a minimum of four days later there are not twelve disciples there are eleven disciples because Judas by this time has already committed suicide and now we're down to eleven disciples in the original message the message was given to twelve disciples but now in the fulfillment of the message there are only eleven disciples there has been one who has been eliminated went ladies and gentlemen when you get to the place that has been appointed when you get to that appointed place you have to come to grips with the fact that the people who started with you may not end with you there are some who might begin the journey but they will not be there for the destination and here is the reality there were twelve disciples on the crucifixion side but there were eleven on the resurrection side there were twelve disciples in the preparation but there were 11 disciples on the purpose side that's God's point for you since you don't want a shout back at me can I tell you ladies and gentlemen when you get to the appointed place you have to face the reality that the people who are with you in the purpose will be less than the people who are with you in the preparation there are those who are a part of the preparation who won't be there in the purpose and the interesting thing about that is that the one who is missing what's the very one who helped Jesus get to his purpose lord have mercy of these twelve disciples it was Judas who had the unique assignment of helping Jesus get to where he needed to be all the other eleven did not betray him get him arrested and get him to the cross it was Judas who was directly responsible for getting Jesus to the cross Ignat interesting Church that the one who misses the appointment is the one whose most significant in the assignment preach stolen Morgan the one who should have been there is the very one who didn't get their beat not shocked ladies and gentlemen be not surprised that when God moves you into the appointed place who you think should be there will not be there the people who were integral in the preparation will not be there in the purpose because there are some people who can't handle your purpose because they were demonic in your preparation lord have mercy while he was instrumental in getting Jesus to the cross he was the very one who was the devil's advocate in the first place and ladies and gentlemen that's God's word for somebody because you are ready for the next level if you can handle the devil on your current level you are ready for the next level if you and survived the devil that's on your current level can you text somebody that can you message somebody that maybe ladies and gentlemen God has assigned certain people in your life that are only there for the preparation they are not there for the purpose all right can I give it to you another way it's real simple I thought I'd ask NASA to help me preach this NASA help me preach it they'll tell you that in order to get a spaceship into space they got to have rocket boosters to get it off the ground but when it gets to a certain orbit those rocket boosters fall off and the ship survives at another orbit I'm gonna try adding up again you ain't gonna help me preach it ladies and gentlemen there are some people who are not meant to be in your orbit they're just designed to get you off the ground when they get you off the ground when you get to a certain place they fall off and now you've got to exist in the orbit that God has designed for you to be ladies and gentlemen there are certain people who are there in the preparation who won't be there in the purpose because when you get to purpose your support may shrink there may be less people in the purpose who are there in the preparation and when you get to the appointed place you've got to look back and come to grips watch this church you've got to look back and come to grips with who's left and who left let's try it one more time you got the face that I don't have who I started with so I got to work with who I got left and come to grips with who's left you still in fear miss our shot myself did you notice that when they got to Galilee did you notice after the resurrection did you notice that nobody asked about Judas did you notice that Jesus never asked we're sure to say did you notice nobody ever brought up a discussion at the post resurrection about where's Judas because at some point Church when you get to the appointed place you got to come to grips with who left and you got to come to grips with who's left when you come to the appointed place you just got to accept the fact that there are some people who started with you that will not end with you and you do not have time to be worried about who left you got to deal with who's left when you get to that appointed place it's the place of elimination but it's not just the place of elimination it's the place Church of estimation it's the place Church of estimation castus y'all we're down to 11 and round verse 17 the Bible says when they saw Jesus they worshiped him and there's a there's an interesting phrase attached to that that says when they worshiped him but some doubted hmm they worshiped him but some doubted they they worship him but some doubted [Music] hmm well I'm not worried about the worship I'm worried about the doubt so we need to properly process this because if they worshiped him upon seeing him as the verse says then they did not struggle with his identity they knew exactly who he was when they saw him the text says when they saw him they worshiped him their worship was an indication that they were clear and resolved on who he was so when they doubt it it raises some suspicion if you are clear on Who I am based upon your worship of me then why are you doubting and what are you doubting let's take a minute to probe this issue I think there's some preaching possibilities in this passage that if we stay true to the context it will answer the question catch the church why are you doubting can I tell you the first reason why they're doubting the first reason why their doubting ladies and gentlemen is because these are the very disciples who deserted Jesus at a time when they should have been with him and stood with him they were not ride-or-die disciples they got scared and ran when Jesus needed them the most so they doubted in Matthew chapter 28 verse 17 cuz they're really not sure how he is gonna respond to them knowing have they treated him okay you-you-you don't want to say man so so let me help you up their doubting cuz they don't know how he's going to handle them based upon how they have neglected him and turned their back on him can I give it to you another way it's real simple ladies and gentlemen come here people react to you based upon how they've been talking about you you got to watch how folk react to you because how they react to you is an indication of how they been talking about you if they are genuine and authentic in their greeting about you that's because they've been talking good about you out outside of your presence but if they acted a little Shady you know they act in love funny there's some tenseness in between the energy there something right that you've been saying something about me behind my back that is inconsistent with the smile on your face ladies and gentlemen can I tell you that when you greet people when you talk to people it is a reflection of what you've been saying about them naturally they're doubting because they're not sure of how Jesus it's gonna handle them because they haven't done right by him and that's not the only reason why they were doubting the second reason why they were doubting is it's a preaching possibility second reason why they were doubting Church is because it discloses that Thomas was not the only doubting disciple John in his biography on Jesus called out Thomas for being a doubting Thomas Thomas y'all remember him Thomas said listen I'm not gonna believe until I see the nail prints in his hand and the nail prints in his feet well Matthew says that Thomas wasn't the only one doubting Jesus Matthew says that child wants to highlight Thomas but Matthew says that there were other disciples who were doubting Jesus and some doubted and the some was the audience of the eleven did you notice that Matthew did not disclose who else doubt it cuz it's possible Matthew was the one downton and if Matthew would have said I doubted then Matthew might have would have canceled his entire gospel but Matthew says man I ain't gonna leave Thomas out there by his self there were others of us who had doubts in our mind and the difference between us and Thomas is that Thomas was open with his but we heared hours under worship preached Tolan Morgan he was just honest and open with his but we shouted over hours we danced over hours we worship over Albert all of us who are struggling with doubt because we were not at the grave last Sunday morning when Jesus got about the grave and we were the very ones that he said he was gonna get up so we're all been struggling with the word of the Lord even though we worship but the good news is at least I didn't let my doubt stop no worship I wish I had about 50 of y'all that was just getting your house right now and said lord thank you that I'm not letting my doubt stop my worship I'm worried about my son or daughter I'm worried about my health I'm worried about life I'm worried about my job I'm worried about my well-being I'm worried about my mother but I'm worried about my worship it's a good thing ladies and gentlemen that as life happens you don't let life stop your worship at least they still worshiped and doubt it but here's the good news Church Jesus has reached the appointed place because he has come to an estimation that is not based on their doubt lord have mercy y'all got to get this point get your Bibles I'm in verse 17 and 18 verse 17 says they worshiped him but some doubted and verse 18 says and jesus answered and said unto them all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth i'ma tried one more time verse 17 says they worshiped but some doubted verse 18 says jesus answered and said unto them all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth I'm gonna try what Morgan verse 17 says some doubted verse 18 says jesus said all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth all right I'm gonna try it again for the people on the east side of the country verse 17 says something doubted but verse 18 said Jesus said all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth ladies and gentlemen this is not the first time where faith and doubt was present in the disciples this is the second time follow me ladies and gentlemen the first time happened in Matthew chapter 14 verse 31 when Peter is walking on water and he walks on water sees wind and starts to drown jesus reaches out his hand grabs old Pete and said Pete get up i'ma save you from drowning they get back to the boat Jesus looks at Peter and says Peter oh you of little faith why have you doubted that was Matthew chapter 14 verse 31 but check out Jesus in Matthew chapter 28 verse 18 they doubted in verse 17 and looked at Jesus responds to their doubt nothing and he didn't question their doubt this time he questioned it the last time in Matthew chapter 14 but now since I've been through what I've been through I don't come out for cross I don't stay dead in a grave the grave and I'm not questioning your doubt i'ma let you wrestle with your own doubt I'm not gonna answer it because when you get to the appointed place people's doubts about you I'm no longer your problem preach pastor Morgan you got to let some people doubt you and let them doubt you all by themselves because when you get to the appointed place you don't have time to be answering people who are struggling with who you are because you're too busy giving God praise for what he made you to be I don't have time to be struggling with your doubt about me cuz I got to walk in the power that God has given me I don't have time to come pamper you to touch it to deal with your insecurities regarding me I'm too busy walking in the power that God has given me I don't have time try to explain what you really don't believe in the first place because I'm too busy walking into power that God has given me sometimes ladies and gentlemen you got to let people doubt you and they will figure it out later breach stolen Morgan sometimes you just got to let stuff be and go do what God has appointed you to do I questioned it the last time I'm not going question at this time you doubted me the last time and you still doubted me okay y'all still missed the point hey ladies and gentlemen after what raising people from the dead after getting about to dead himself after working approximately 40 miracles after teaching and preaching parables after giving sight to the blind after watching lives change Matthew 28 verse 18 simply 17 simple reminds us that there are some people who will never change towards you no matter how much progress you make they doubted you in chapter 14 they still doubting you in chapter 28 so the difference is not how they view you Lord the difference is how you view them you used to answer to those doubts but now I'm not answering to those doubts I'm just gonna let you handle it while I walk in the power that God has ordained for me to have did y'all notice that Jesus does not respond to this doubt he just gets up and says y'all doubting great all power in heaven and earth is in my hand okay y'all see like the funny can y'all read the Bible do you got a Bible read it here's what verse 17 says they got some doubt but Jesus got all power imma tried one more time for those of you that miss English class they got some doubt but Jesus got all power why should I waste time addressing your son with walking in all why should I waste time answering you about something that don't matter when I got all power that's God's word for somebody in here is it's time for you to get to that place in your life where you start walking in what God has fully empowered you to be and stop being concerned about the some of other people who will never change towards you in the first place they didn't like you before they don't like you now and listen it's gonna get worse it's gonna get worse cause if you didn't like me when I had nothing if you didn't like me when I was working with a little bit I hate to see how you go respond when God puts me on the other side of this crucifixion when God raises me on the other side of this challenge and does exceeding abundantly above all that I can ask or think ladies and gentlemen you've got to be bold enough to reach a place to say no matter what they say no matter what they do I'm just gonna be concentrated on what God has empowered me to be because the truth of the matter is they doubted you before they don't doubt you afterwards and now it's not about how they view you it's about how you view them it's the place of estimation and it's the place of elimination the finally church is the place of empowerment it's the place of empowerment I understand that this point is not going to be well-received because the world is contaminated with egotism I've even seen people within this crisis trying to manipulate the crisis to make a name for themselves I've seen people who have tried to monetize our misery preach total in Morgan who trying to steal make a buck while people are out here suffering and struggling and and and so this next point is not going to be well-received I don't care I don't care to count a don't care because because the word of the Lord has to affect me and everybody else when you reach a point where you have gotten to the appointed place in life watch what the text tells us it's not just a place of elimination and a place of estimation but it's also a place of empowerment catch it y'all Jesus says all power in heaven and in earth is in my hand hmm can I pause right there and tell you when Jesus said that this is not a statement of newly infused power this is a statement of the announcement of realized power he already had I'll try to give this is not Jesus saying I have acquired some new power this is Jesus saying I am making an announcement that I am affirming myself in the power I already had which is the same reason why they tried to kill him y'all missed it after Jesus got up out the grave the thing they killed him over he still had lord have mercy they were threatened by the fact that he said he was the King of the Jews and when he gotta pop the grave he still got the power that they tried to kill him over and ladies and gentlemen this was real as power this was him affirming that what you tried to take from me I still got it okay you don't believe me John chapter 1 verse 3 says all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made John chapter 10 verse 30 says I and the father are one Paul picked that thing up in Colossians chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 and says for by him we're all things created in heaven and in earth whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers he created all things and in him do all things consist for he created all things if he created all things he was there in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 he was there in Genesis chapter 2 that Christ was in God creating the world so therefore this announcement he makes in Matthew 28 and 18 is not newly infused power it's an announcement of power he already had watch this but it took a cross to affirm it that's God's Word for somebody can I tell you ladies and gentlemen that after this pandemic you are going to walk in power you already had it just took a crisis to bring it out y'all don't know how to get happy I'm trying to tell you that the crews the crucifixion that the world has now undergone it's only mature Unleashed power that you already got okay let me prove it to you listen what Jesus says Jesus told the disciples listen listen what he said he said three things go to all nations that were nations in the Greek means ethnos it means ethnicities it says go into all races of people well prior to the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ the disciples couldn't go nowhere because they didn't have the Holy Ghost and they couldn't handle the racial tension and they couldn't didn't have what they need to break the language barrier so that all gets resolved at Pentecost so they couldn't go nowhere they could even go to Samaria and talk to the Samaritans but now after Jesus has gotten up he's telling them they can now go where they once was restricted do y'all hear that preacher preacher they can now go where they once was restricted because they on the other side of the cross all right he says go in the allness that means go where you haven't been he says teach and baptize the disciples have never talked the disciples had not baptized so they are going to do what they haven't done and then he says teach them to observe all things teach them teach them who are them the nation's the ethnicities the different races of people so that means they go and go where they haven't been they're gonna do what they haven't done and they're gonna reach who they have met how're they gonna do it teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you they're gonna go where they haven't been they're gonna do what they haven't done and they're gonna reach who they haven't met with what they already know oh mercy I've taught you already what you need teach them to observe whatsoever I have commanded you that's passed since I know you've been by English class that's passed since what Jesus says because we're on the back side of the cross we're on the back side of an empty grave we're on the back side of the resurrection we've come to this appointed place what I'm getting ready to tell you is for you to go do with the rest of your life what you haven't already done so far go where you haven't been do what you haven't done and reach who you haven't met with what I've already told you okay ladies and gentlemen and they're able to do it because they've already been through a crucified situation they've already been through a crisis and now the crisis is going to empower them to go where they haven't been meet who they haven't met and do what they haven't done with what they already know okay oh this is not a new this is not a new premise this is a defining moment y'all because every time y'all got to see this every time the Lord permitted a crisis in somebody's life our new life was on the other side of it I'm gonna give you a minute to write that down every time God permitted a crisis in the lives of people a new life was on the other side of it but it took the crisis to get them to where they needed to be all right y'all remember Noah don't you Noah Noah we have no record that Noah was an engineer of no kind but for Noah Noah built this arc and the arc took him to Mount Ararat to a higher place and then once he got to that higher place he and his family were able to procreate and continue the human race so so he did what he hadn't done he had gone where he had not been and he really had not met but it took a flood to get him there okay y'all remember Joseph don't you Joseph is the Prince of Egypt he is second in command over all of Egypt but it took a slave trade to get him there the slave trade was used to push Joseph into a place he had not been to meet people he had not met and to do what he had not done with a dream he already had okay y'all remember David don't you David ladies and gentlemen is God's first king over Israel but he got there by having to serve Saul how did he get to Saul's house he had to first fight Goliath Goliath wasn't necessary to get David to a place he had not been to meet people he had not done met and to do what he had not done with read revelation he already had from God still ain't philomene y'all remember that it's these very disciples don't you the disciples are gonna be instrumental in the expression and the extension of the kingdom of God and they're gonna write the New Testament but what got them there y'all is that they had to be laid off from their day jobs they were fishermen and tax collectors they had to be laid off from their day jobs and the lay off from their day jobs pushed him to a place they had not been to meet people they had not known and to do what they had not done come and let me snatch you off your couch when this crisis is over the crisis for some of you it is gonna push your business push your ministry what's your life push your gift to a place you have not been to people you have not met to do what you haven't done what a gift God has already given you [Music] according to his purpose I'm shouting myself because I'm reaching some people I don't know going some places I've never been and doing what I haven't done with the same word I've already preached can I tell you ladies and gentlemen God is your turn he's gonna raise you up to do exactly the same thing the job is not to come the job is to go and when you go you gonna go to places you haven't been meet people you don't know to go do what you haven't done what's the word you already received I'm done when I tell you all this cuz I'm getting ready to get happy and run around an empty church ladies and gentlemen I'll notice something in verse 20 I'm gonna make you man so I don't care we'll shout later buddy ladies and gentlemen they're going to a new place with the same message still missed it he says teach them to observe what I have commanded you I'm sending you to places you haven't been to meet people you don't know to do what you haven't done but just cuz you're going to new places and new people that mean you get a new message I've already given you what you need for where you're going which means your write it down post it I don't care what you do with it you got to help me get this message out God put your future in your past oh lord have mercy today God put your future in your past because God is omniscient he don't react he's proactive he's not trying to figure out what's gonna happen in your life he's already answered your life he's already put you need somewhere in your past your future is already worked out it's worked out in your past all you got to do is that purpose meet person because you've been developed for this moment you've been cultured for this moment you've been cultivated for this moment you've been matured for this moment the future is in your past because God operates by making the answer older than the problem I said God operates by making the answer older than the problem this is not a surprise to God your issues are not a surprise to God he just has a certain day in time where the answer is already in the earth and more than likely it's in your past he's already said teach them to observe everything I've already told you God deliver us from people who believe that we need a new word because we're in a new crisis God deliver us from people who believe we need a new sound because we're in a new struggle no the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of the Lord shall stand forever I've already given you what you need to face every challenge that is going to happen in your life every assignment every accomplishment every affliction it's already been given to you you've just got to stand on what I've already told you we need a new word no you need to operate in the word you already heard you need to go back and do the stuff that God is already a portion to your life you don't need a new word God has already given you a word that will fit every season of your life you got sick you pray to the same God you got home with the same God fits you you got eeab the same God heals you you need to break through the same God delivered you he's the same God yesterday today and forever more and he's already put your future in the past that's good news Church because this is a place of empowerment I'm done when I tell you this did y'all notice that when you get to the appointed place it's not about how much power you got but when you reach the appointed place it's about how much power you can give when you reach the appointed place we could care less about who's giving you power if the point is how much power are you giving to somebody else coming to text I'm done Jesus says in verse 18 all powers in my hand but then by the time I get to verse 20 he says I'm empowering you guys to go into places you haven't yet gone meet people you haven't met and go do what you haven't done with the power I'm transferring on to you you see ladies and gentlemen you are not great if you don't only one great were you great when you can make other people great you're not great if you great all by yourself you great when somebody else under you can be great you great when other people can be blessed when other voices can be heard when other gifts can be displayed you're great when you make other people great the place of appointment is revealed not by just the showcase of how much power you got but it's revealed and how you can empower other people this is all I'm doing thank y'all for hanging out with us on this this worships up today it's in that last line I'm done it's in that last line it's it's in that last line it's the place of empowerment and where we gonna get the power from Jesus says I got the power but I'm gonna make you better I'm gonna make you greater because I'm gonna put some of the power I got inside of you and and you I'm gonna make you great kind of take the beauty of it the beauty of this ladies and gentlemen is that Jesus is still using people who didn't treat him right these are same disciples who who Peter denied him Jesus Judas betrayed him and other ten deserted and he still comes back and uses people who misused him he still comes back and blesses people who are flawed material he still comes back and makes good use of bad imperfect people that's good news y'all because real power is not prejudice real power uses people who've even messed up that's called that's what we call grace in the Lord's Church real power makes good use out of people who've already messed up I thought you always at least say a man at the crib cuz you already know you in the place where you messed up you're in you're right in the environment where you messed up but God continues to provide protect and preserve you and use you for his purposes good night Church that's it he says I'ma be with you always imma send you out but I'm not sending you alone and lo I'll be with you to the end of age and lo imma be with you to the end of age I quit this it I quit I'm looking around this church like it's like it's a church full of people I quit this is this is Joe and lo imma be with you to the end of eight I got problem Jesus my math is also you gotta help me hey Jesus how you gonna be there and gone at same time you're getting ready to go except the one you stuck around for for forty days and in Acts chapter one you went back to heaven how you gonna be here and not here at the same time how you gonna be gone and with us at the same time ladies and gentlemen one of the things that makes the Gospels the Gospels is not just their their synchronisation on the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ but the other thing that makes the Gospels the Gospels is that they all closed with a prophecy about the holy ghost yeah Mark's my closes and says these signs shall follow them that believe they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and no serpent shell bite them Luke close by saying stay in Jerusalem until you be endued with power oh no John closes when Jesus steps behind closed doors to some disciples and said receive ye the Holy Ghost well here's Matthews prophecy it's in the last line of his book he says and lo I'll be with you always even unto the end of the world what is he saying he's saying church that my physical body is getting ready to go but my spiritual body is on its way here and he goes stay with you until I come back can I tell you Matthew's Gospel closes the way it opens it opened with Emmanuel God with us it closes with Jesus said lo I'm with you even unto the end of the age and in between him on his way here and on his way back I got the power of the Holy Ghost to keep me and to preserve me until the Lord returns anybody in here got the Holy Ghost no no no you got that sanctuary Holy Ghost that's that shouting and speaking in tongues Holy Ghost but I want to talk to you about that household it goes that makes you love everybody that makes you speak to people who don't like you that makes you do good to them that despitefully use you that kind of Holy Ghost do I got anybody who's got the Holy Ghost if you got the Holy Ghost you can't be quiet you can't sit still you must got to open your hands got to rise up something on the inside on the inside so that joy will leak out on the outside tell somebody I got the Holy Ghost he's with me right where I am wherever I go if I go to jail he's there if I go to the market he's there if I walk in an empty church he's there if I go to the house he's there he'll be with you unto the end of days that's good news I'm leaving and I'm coming back at the same time and while I'm gone I'm gonna leave the power of the Holy Ghost with you to empower you and be with you unto the end of the age you are at that appointed place child of God where you're at a place of elimination you got to face who left and who's left and you got to understand that the place of purpose has a shorter number than the place of preparation you're at that appointed place because you had a place of estimation where are you too busy doing what God called you to do to be distracted by the doubts of other people I don't know who I'm talking to in here but you need to come to that place in life that before God raises you up you got to stop answering to foolishness because some people no matter how much you progress I'm not gonna change towards you anyway so don't be distracted by their some walk in your old and then you reach that place of appointed time and place because it's not just about what God is doing for you but it's about what you're doing for other people how you're being used of God to empower other people not just your own power to empower other people I don't know who I'm talking to but God puts your future in your past the answer you're looking for may be behind you because he's already equipped you with what you need to move forward to where you need to be you got ministry and business in your belly it's always been there he put it there so you just need to pray God give me that appointed place where purpose and person meets and purpose and person merge so that purpose and person can make a difference in the world for the glory of God his good news [Music] I need you to send this out to everybody that you can just tell them God is with you that's God's word Matthew opens up with God with us and closes with God with us I don't care what state of life you're in I don't care what season you're in I don't care what struggle you have I need you to tell everybody in your social media communication just tell them God is with you God is with you and here's the blessedness [Music] there's a new life ahead after every crisis lord have mercy if y'all don't hear anything else I say today there's a new life ahead after the crisis the crisis is not designed just to give you some new power it's designed to unearth what God has already put in you can you tweet that Kincaid can can can you post that this crisis is designed to unearth what God has already put in you when Jesus came about that grade he didn't say I got Newtown it just affirmed the power he already had just consider this church if he said I am the resurrection and the life it was only gonna be confirmed by a crisis of death he said I'm the resurrection and the life but we didn't know that until he died it took the crisis to affirm what was already in him and I believe in my heart and mind that that's what God is doing in the lives of so many of you who who see and hear me he is taking a crisis to unearth what he's already put in you not necessarily something new but for you to realize that God has already given you what you need for your future and it's already been there and as you go forward know that God we'll be with you
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 11,442
Rating: 4.7360406 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan 2020, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins Ga, Appointed Time, Appointed Place, Black Pastors, Black Preachers, Detroit MI
Id: w-jxL9ho2r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 56sec (3896 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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