Spiritual Secrets! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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it's dynamic passionate and inspiring let's prepare to go into the sanctuary where today's message is already in progress first Corinthians chapter 2 beginning with verse number nine first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 the Bible should read but as it is written I have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him but God has revealed them unto us by his Spirit but the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God for what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him even so the things of God knows no man but the Spirit of God now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Ghost teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man does not receive things of the Spirit of God they are foolishness unto Him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned I want to tag this Texas spiritual secrets you may be seated in the Lord's Church spiritual secrets during Paul's second missionary journey recorded in the book of Acts chapter 16 he made a stop in the city of Corinth Corinth was the capital of the place called aquella which is located in Greece and Corinth at the time was known for three things number one it was known for wealth and commerce number two it was known for a celebrated view of Greek philosophy and rhetoric and number three it was known for its public gross immorality it was a place of open unbridled immorality then well that where wealth and commerce were its forte and philosophy and rhetoric was its reputation open immorality was its infamy and during a time of Paul's visit to that place the Lord and powered him to plant a church in a place that was unashamedly ungodly that was openly immoral catch that church the holy spirit empowered the Apostle to plant something holy in a place that was unholy to plant a church within the context of a city and community that was completely ungodly it was a place that lifted up human logic it was a place that purported polytheism where they worshiped many gods and here comes this radical for Christ first time they're planting a church in a place where the church had no presence no power no voice and ladies and gentlemen if that was the original context in which the church was planted it automatically says to us that the church will always be in conflict with culture when the church is being the church when we are the light in darkness when we are the salt of the earth when we are the right in the wrong it is not designed for us to be in agreement with culture it is designed for us to be oppositional and conflicting with culture there are things that the church purports that will never come into agreement with what culture and community and society purports if it does that we will lose our distinction of being the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and thus Paul has now written back to the church he planted because he is disturbed to find out that that church in that ungodly culture has become infected by the carnality of that community and he writes to tell that church though you are spiritual you are yet carnal he addresses them such in Chapter three and the paradox of the whole book is that this was a church that flowed in a smorgasbord of spiritual gifts they spoke in tongues they laid hands they had healing they had it all but yet they were carnal meaning they were acting like church folks at church but there was no distinction and differentiation about who they were outside of church they were spiritual and gifted they could preach and teach operating the gifts but when it came to a presence in the community they merged with the community and Paul says despite your spirituality with inside of the corporate Church you are still carnal and thus he rehearses with them the Ministry of the Holy Spirit that's really what this text is about if you read this context one more again you'll discover that the Holy Spirit is mentioned six times within this context to suggest to us that whatever subject matter is repeated within a context that gives us some kind of clue of what this context is about and he wants to share with us that the Holy Spirit is not just the power to shout tongue talk throw oil pray preach teach and conduct yourself as though you're under the influence in the church but the Holy Ghost when you have him for real influences your walk and talk outside of church and he shares with them that the holy spirit is this God presence on the inside of us that is not an on and off switch based upon how much we go to church let me pause and part parenthetically to tell you ladies and gentlemen the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity the various spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ that within the one being that is God there exists three co-equal and coeternal persons namely the Father Son and the Holy Spirit they are not three gods they are three persons in one God and so - and so to disconnect with one is to disconnect with all if you want God but don't want Jesus you don't want God if you want Jesus but don't want the Holy Ghost you don't want Jesus or dog and if you don't want the Holy Ghost and you don't want Jesus and you don't want God you can't get any of God because Jesus is access to God and the Holy Ghost and so to block all the block any is to block all first John five and seven says that there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the spirit and they are one Jesus got baptized in Matthew chapter 3 the father spoke from heaven the son is in the water and the Holy Ghost showed up in the form of a dove Genesis chapter 1 God says let us make man in our image and in our likeness it's not three gods it's three persons in one God and to reject one is to reject all might I suggest to you that the doctrinal Ministry of the Holy Ghost is to be to us what Christ was to his disciples let me come in let me help you ladies and gentlemen Jesus Christ was the physical presence of God in the earth therefore the Holy Ghost is the spiritual presence of God in light of his physical absence I'll try it again you you don't want to think we miss our shouting myself I'm telling you that the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Christ in light of his physical sense and therefore the Holy Ghost is to us what Christ was to his disciples it is not like God to leave us comfortless he says I must go that the comforter may come I'm gonna give you my spiritual presence so that those twelve men won't have the exclusive right to say that they are only once in human history that had interaction with God you who are after Christ got him on the inside they they had him with them but but you got him on the inside the Holy Ghost is the presence of God in us while Christ was with us and God is over us let me try it again you you don't want to get had because apparently you may not have the Holy Ghost but but for the two people around here who got that fire on the inside there is something on the inside of you that you cannot account for by your human logic by your education by your family it is the presence of the Almighty God on the inside of you making you aware of all things God and giving you something that you can't get if it wasn't for Jesus I will know who got the Holy Ghost in here no no no see you don't have to have the Holy Ghost to shout just because you shop don't mean you got the holy ghost cause demons can shout demons can't run demons know God better than somebody as a matter of fact some of us when we shout out just trying to exorcise hell out of us anyway but when you really got the Holy Ghost you pray for those that despitefully use you you bless them that curse you and the Lord instructs you from the inside out the sanctuary do I hear testify that is alive that when you got him on the inside you didn't get him subsequent to getting saved you see unlike what some folk teach the Holy Ghost is not accessories not included the Holy Ghost is batteries included you still ain't filament let me talk to these people over here if you go to the store and buy a toy for your child there's certain toys that you don't have to go get the batteries later because they included watch this when you bought it slow you see when Jesus bolts you with his blood he already put the power on the inside of the package and it comes with the power it don't come later it comes when you got saved Oh as a matter of fact you wouldn't be saying if it wasn't for the Holy Ghost because Jesus says when you got saved it was a wind that came and you don't know where the wind came from you don't know where it's going but something spiritual happen on the inside of you that opened up your heart and mind to receive the Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost was necessary for you to get saved not subsequent to you being saved here's the good news there's a good news he says when you when you have that Holy Spirit on the inside he says that the Holy Spirit is the only one now I'm gonna try to i'ma try my best to not preach this today but just teach it the Holy Spirit is the only one who lets you in on God's secrets come in look look at verse 9 he he says there are certain things you I hadn't seen your ear has not heard and has not ends into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love him look at that look at that phrase but it is written look at that look at that somebody say as it is written come here come here whenever you see that in the New Testament the writer is quoting something for an Old Testament because the Old Testament the New Testament is the revelation the fulfillment of the Old Testament and the best way to verify the Bible is with the Bible so you got to be careful folk when they say they heard from the Lord and don't know the Bible no you ain't heard from the Lord and you'll know the Bible because you can't say what God is saying if you don't know what God has said talk tolling organ let me try it one more time you can't know what God is saying if you don't know what God has said Paul is not giving his own consensus he is being led by Scripture as the Holy Spirit is revealing it to him to establish his point your question to me is what is he's quoting he's quoting isaiah chapter 64 verse 4 but he does not quote it verbatim if you look at Isaiah 64 verse 4 you'll discover that that 2nd Corinthians 2 and 9 is not the exact verbatim quote from Isaiah chapter 64 verse four here's what you'll discover when you read Isaiah 64 and 4 you'll discover it says I haven't seen it hasn't heard the things that God has prepared for those who wait for him see the reason why it says wait for him in Isaiah 64 is because it is a prophetic utterance for the advent of Christ but Paul can't use it in that context because Paulding is after Christ Christ them come already and live which I had somebody in here P ain't waiting on Jesus to show up Jesus don't already come died rose again and went back to heaven so by the by the spiritual authority given to him this is how he says he says I haven't seen you haven't heard neither has it entered the heart of man the things that Amy and Isaiah 64 and for that God has prepared for them who loved him that's not in Isaiah 64 and for the words thing and love I'm not in Isaiah 64 and 4 because Paul can't use it correctly because he is not on the Advent side of Jesus he's on the ascension side of Jesus and therefore he suggests to us y'all that when you love the Lord and got the Holy Ghost God got some stuff for you that show I hasn't seen it has not been heard and it has not been given in the hearts of men okay you slowly come in let's walk through this Paul is saying y'all that God has some stuff for you that you haven't seen yet that's easy right here's the next part you haven't heard about it okay all right okay you don't get that so let me help you if if you haven't heard about it then it means he's got some stuff for you that's beyond your faith to apply because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God but is some stuff that God got for you that has nothing to do with your faith which means he's got some stuff for you that whether you believe it or not you go get it it's not a matter whether you believe it or not it's already been ordained for your life your faith you see you see your problem is you only shout about the stuff you've seen the only shout about the stuff you believe God for but God is not limited to what you believe God can do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask for faith I got some stuff for you dad's ready for you whether you believe it or not okay you still ain't happy you still they haven't come in he says it's beyond your sight it's beyond your hearing but watch this it's some stuff I haven't even told anybody else about either you missed it it has not entered into the heart of man okay gotta be careful I've got some stuff for you that I haven't let anybody else in own it's only stuff that I know about and it's some stuff that I'm not even gonna confirm through somebody else because even God knows how to keep secrets about you and he waits on the right time in the right place under the right context to disclose what he got for you cuz he knows that some people already don't like you and don't even know what's coming to you okay y'all still acting funny right along here you got folks who don't like you and don't even know your blessing yet they don't even know what God don't do for you they just hate the sound of your name they hate the influence of your presence they hate the fact that folks actually like you and they don't they wish some other people will get on your team but they can't stand the fact that God got favored on you and they don't even know yet least if you don't like me have a good reason as a matter of fact go tell somebody else at least have a good reason thank be mad at me because I've been blessed be mad at me cuz I got favored be mad at me because God loved me be mad at me be mad at me for some good reason you mad about some stuff that God ain't even done yet maybe maybe maybe God loves you so much he knows how to keep some stuff away from everybody even the folk who claim they love you okay y'all missed it God loves you so much he keeps some stuff from you because come here come here God's got a blessing for some of you but he knows you talk too much lord I wish I had about 50 people here who would just raise your hand be like pastor that's me for real I talk way too much I even catch myself talking like will you please so anybody in here never have to tell yourself to be quiet to talk to yourself it shut your mouth don't say nothing keep looking straight don't say a word you don't always have to speak out everything you see in here he loves you so much let the church say things he's got things for you lord have mercy he's got things for you dad that that the only way you go get him is that he's got the spit of season even keeping it from you I haven't seen it's not visible ear haven't heard it's not spiritual it hasn't even been conceived in the hearts of men matter of fact he's literally saying I haven't even told anybody else about it I'm glad y'all got that verse because here's what he's saying y'all ready he said in the only way some of you gonna know what he got for you is if you got the Holy Ghost come in listen what he said he said how does a man know was in a man unless he is the man's spirit only your spirit in you knows everything going on in you he says the same thing works with God the Holy Ghost searches the deep things of God because only the Holy Ghost knows everything that's going on inside of God and therefore if the Holy Ghost is in you the Holy Ghost is in you to let you know what's going on inside of God I'll try and tell you one of the reasons why you got the Holy Ghost is that the Holy Ghost reveals to you at the proper time what God got for you which was always in the being of God okay so your question me is pastor when is that time when is that time when will God reveal it to me I want to know what he got for me when will he reveal it to me if you read verses 6 7 & 8 he literally says we reveal wisdom to them that are perfect that word perfect doesn't mean error lists or without fault the word perfect in the Greek is Helios it means complete or mature okay and we just having Bible study today don't worry about don't get nervous hear what I'm telling you here's what I'm telling you today because I'm telling you today God is ready to reveal some things to you the faster you mature okay Lilla means the less carnal you are the more spiritually sensitive you become okay y'all still missed it when you stop acting like a child he is ready to disclose what he has for you because just like a good parent you don't get a strong me to a child they've got to mature and get to a point where they're ready for that type of me I say I knew you wasn't ready for this type of meet but the only way to get you there is not got to share it with you have I got any help in here I've got some things for you but I can't give it to you now cuz you too colonel and the sooner you stop being colonel or less carnal now I'm ready to disclose some things to you because you have spiritually matured alright okay I'm glad you didn't say nothing glad you can say no I'm glad you didn't say nothing because people come to church wanting to see what God gonna do for me today and the reality is God is waiting on you to do something he's waiting on you to grow up it's waiting on you to mature and stop being as carnal watch this if that is the case then ask yourself this question what have I missed out on cuz I was so busy doing my own thing what stuff could what could I be in life right now if I wasn't so busy acting a fool to no end what kind of progress would I make in life right now if I just gave myself over to God and stopped playing in my own agenda cuz at the end of the day while you waiting on God to give it he's waiting on you to grow up I got some things for you oh I got some things for you I'm just waiting on you to grow up I'm waiting on you to become more spiritually sensitive to my voice I'm waiting on you to become more spiritually sensitive to my word and stop coming to church just waiting to hear something that's particularly you and grow up and really walk in what I called you to be I'm waiting on you to really get serious about having a relationship with me and once you do that I'm gonna release some stuff to you that I've been waiting to give you but I'm waiting on you to grow up I'm waiting on you to stop coming to church seeing how good the person is preaching and then walk out and live the same way and never apply it to your life I'm waiting on you to stop waiting on a new word and walk in the word I've already given you so you can grow up and mature because I got stuff on layaway but I'm waiting on you to grow up I'm waiting on you I got things for you it's only way I keep it to myself till you grow up I got it nobody knows about it nobody hears it nobody sees it I'm just waiting on you to grow up hold on Church this it he said but when you get it don't expect other people to understand I'm done I'm done I'm done look at verse 14 I'm done he said the natural mind cannot comprehend what I'm getting ready to do for you so stop looking for approval stop looking for people to celebrate it stop looking for folk to shout about it stop looking for people to be happy about it because if then got the Holy Ghost and go no it's from God no way can I can I tell you something listen what he said listen what he says he says I am comparing spiritual things with spiritual did y'all see that in the verse that word compared literally translates to combine literal Garcia I'm putting spiritual things with spiritual people because spiritual people properly fit spiritual things okay maybe that explains why your relationship is messed up because you spiritual in a relationship with somebody carnal maybe that explains why it's hard to get along with people you work with cuz you spiritual trying to work with devilish people maybe that explains why is some stuff going on in your spirit you got friends but you can't talk to them about it cuz you're free is only related to your sinful side bridge soul and Morgan they don't know nothing about your spiritual sizes until you already know they can't connect with what you talking about touch your neighbor and tell your neighbor for what God's doing in your life you need some spiritual friends you you need some folks I've got the Holy Ghost because if what God is doing in your life when it comes to pass you gonna lose friends you're gonna lose family you're gonna lose loved ones you don't lose a relationship because they don't have the Holy Ghost tell somebody God doing some stuff in my life only spiritual people can understand the natural mind cannot understand comprehend the things of the Spirit it is foolishness it is foolishness because this can only be spiritually discerned so pastor what are you trying to say I'm trying to tell you number one you can get the things God has for you if you got the Holy Spirit you got maturity watch this and you discipline enough to live with it by yourself I'm quitting cuz that whole sad mad at me right now I'm quitting I'm quit it's some stuff god don't do in your life you got to walk around with it Oh Lord see see I knew you wasn't gonna say nothing because some of y'all ain't pregnant yet you know you ain't pregnant you don't have something on the inside of you that your body got to adjust to all by yourself it starts to move and shift it starts to change your walk it starts to change your talk it starts to change your diet it starts to change your atmosphere see when you're pregnant ladies and gentlemen in certain places you can't go that she used to go a certain diet UK me you used to eat something on the inside you got to carry it around all I'm trying to tell you when you really walking by the holy ghost walking by the holy ghost is just as much of faith walk as believing in Jesus because you can't believe in Jesus in bulk you got to believe in your heart and confess with him with your mouth and trust him in your heart I already knew that this word wasn't gonna mean much to some of y'all well I already knew already but for those of you who sense God doing something for you and you know that there's more to your life than where you are right now lord I wish I had some help around here you sense that there's more to your life you can't put your finger on it you don't exactly know what it is but you are so uncomfortable with where you are right now that God got you in a place where he just wants you to be in a season of frustration until you finally say my lord what things do you have for me and I'm ready to mature and grow up now the good news is y'all good news is whatever he got for you he kept it from everybody else and at the right time he got things prepared I'm done when I tell you this mommy they said really that's it really no that's it for real is it for real is it for real if you can read the Bible you should have shouted when the text said he's got things prepared okay you missed it prepared Roy Thomas is in the past tense it means the stuff he got coming to you hearing working on it's done it's already completed it's already finished it's not something he's still working on it's something that's already completed so by the time it gets to you you got to catch up with what he's already finished cuz it's a finish what it's done would you just touch your neighbor and tell your name I'm on my way to a finished work III I ain't even got to finish this God already finish this by the time it gets to me it's a finished work it means God has already finished you not yet while you and your right now lord I wish ahead some help here I said God has already perfected you not yet while you and your right now he ain't got to do nothing he's already doing it Lord deliver me from these preachers who keep talking about God getting ready to do something Bobby getting ready to do nothing God that already did what he said he can't do he just waiting on you to grow it's done already I'll leave you with this thought what is instant in eternity is a process in time I thought the sisters would have said something right along what is instant in eternity is a process in time okay you missed it so let me go head on and find mcclure revelations 13 and 8 says he was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world but it's at 42 generations a virgin girl who had never been touched 12 years before he went into the temple to teach another 18 years before he opened up his public ministry three years to walk with 12 men to get them ready in AD 33 he stands on Calvary's Hill and dies from the sins of the world three days later he comes at the grave not as a week from the wood all power in his hand fifty days later he says the Holy Ghost to recite and preside on the inside of us and here we are in 2019 but it took a process in time would you help your neighbor to understand what God got for you is already done dan somebody plays it brother step gets on the way I dare you to get in glory coolest episode away I got to quit but just look at one person one more time and just tell them neighbor if you got some things coming ask him do they know what that means look back at him and tell him do you know what that means nope they don't know tell somebody else do you know what that means nope they don't know either look back at them this what it means it means this tool yes to you don't even know what's coming but whatever is coming god don't give it to you right so that means you ain't got to wait till you get it to praise Him here's what I won't tell you here's what I won't tell you here's what I want to tell you is some stuff that you're not gonna get until you learn to submit to the Spirit of the Lord that's on the inside of you the good news is he'll preserve it until you yield you'll preserve it until you mature he'll preserve it until you make the conscious effort then I will be less carnal and I'ma be more sincere to the Spirit of God because what is only inside of you knows what is on the inside of God and he knows what God has for you and you can identify it because that which is on the inside of God is on the inside of you His Holy Spirit and the good news is if he's got stuff for you watch this it means you can't die in what you in I don't care how bad it looks or is if he's got stuff for you you can't die man he is going to preserve and keep you through whatever you have right now so that you can get the things that he has I'm trying to tell you I'm trying to tell you that God is not just keeping you he's not just keeping you for now he's keeping you cuz he got something later because something later that's why you been killed that's why he preserves some things that only you going to know your past does not don't know your friends not gonna know it has not been revealed in the heart of man no man knows only you gonna and you go have to believe it and trust it as he discloses it to you a man somebody give God praise thank you for watching fellowship Bible Baptist Church is located at 431 Dunbar Road in Warner Robins Georgia join us for one or any of ownership experiences for more information about our church visit our website at F BBC home dot org
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 33,717
Rating: 4.7357631 out of 5
Keywords: Secrets, Secret Garden, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Pastors, Pastors in Georgia, Preachers, Preachers in Georgia, Churches, Christianity, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Churches in Georgia, Churches in Warner Robins
Id: wpPNeftJu3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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