Faith Under Fire! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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he recruits people who are faithful to him who can be trusted in trouble to not bend down nor break under fire [Music] [Applause] I want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to a very familiar passage of Scripture that I still believe is not only relevant but pertinent in this season and I hope that you don't turn your TV away or computer way just because of your familiarity which is facets but let's go to the Book of Daniel the Book of Daniel chapter number 3 Book of Daniel chapter 3 and it is there that the holy spirit has highlighted for us this very familiar Sunday School lesson is one of the first on the first lessons I learned as a child growing up in church Daniel chapter 3 while you're landing there I want to celebrate the Lord for our music and arts ministry our band part of our band a portion of our band is here today thank you fellas for being here today and giving us what a friend we have in Jesus aid man I look forward to the day when we'll be back together we'll hear all the banne and we're gonna celebrate we're gonna celebrate together amen amen Daniel Chapter three and I want to begin reading at verse number 15 again if you will share with us in the word of the Lord Daniel chapter 3 verse number 15 your Bible should read now if you be ready that at what time you hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery and dulcimer and all kinds of music you fall down and worship the image which I have made well but if you do not worship you shall be cast the same hour into the midst of the burning fiery furnace and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king o Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer you in this matter if it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand o king but if not be it known unto you O king that we will not serve your God's nor worship the golden image which you have set up then was nebuchadnezzar full of fury and the form of his visit was changed against Shadrach Meshach and Abednego therefore he spoke and commanded that they should heat the furnace one seven times more than it was want to be heated and he commanded the most mighty men that were in his arm it to bind Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace then these men were bound in their coats their holes in and their hats and their other garments and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace therefore because the Kings commandment was urgent and the furnace exceeding hot the flame of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and these three men Shadrach Meshach and Abednego fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace then nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished and rose up in haste and spoke and said unto his counselors did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire they answered and said unto the king truth O king he answered and said lo I see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no hurt and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and spoke and said Shadrach Meshach and Abednego you servants of the Most High God come forth and come here then Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came forth of the midst of the fire and the princes governors and captains and the Kings counselors being gathered together saw these men upon whose bodies the fire had no power nor was and hair of their head singed neither wear their coats changed nor the smell of fire have passed on them then Nebuchadnezzar spoke and said blessed be the god of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego who hath sent his angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him and have changed the king's word and yielded their bodies but they might not serve nor worship any God except their own God therefore I make a decree that every people nation and language which speak anything amiss against the god of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a dunghill because there is no other god that can deliver after this sort then the King promoted Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon I won't tag this text faith under fire faith under fire ladies and gentlemen about 52 years ago the world our nation was shaken at the assassination of dr. Martin Luther King jr. on April 4th and we have so much material from him to continue the charge of lifting up and speaking out against racial oppression in this country and though his body is no longer with us his words his voice still rings out to give us inspiration and to give us motivation to continue to press forward in the journey towards equality and the journey towards living in a world where people not only get along socially but have a shared opportunity that is not limited by race color or creed one of the things that dr. King taught us in his pilgrimage is that it takes courage to take a stand and we're very clear that history provides for us so many people who have had the courage just to take a stand as a matter of fact dr. King himself said on occasion that there comes a time when we have to take a stand that is neither safe political or popular but is right we saw it again with Rosa Parks her stand was in her seat as she took a stand she was not going to get up out of the preference of the racial tension that was being targeted tore her but she took a stand by taking a seat we saw it again just here recently with Colin Kaepernick his stand was his knee Rosa Parks stand was her seat Martin Luther King stand was his voice and in this season our stand is our faith then this current context ladies and gentlemen you and I who are the children of God believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have literally been reduced and stripped down to nothing but our faith we have been vacated of our sanctuary there there there is no corporate support of our spirituality we've had the face and live each day being overwhelmed and inundated with sickness and even death and bad news every day all day long we all are corporately struggling to maintain our minds our hearts our bodies our strengths against the visible battle of an invisible enemy to which we have no therapeutic absolute response we have been first to our faith and our faith has become our only sure stand in this season but I submit to you ladies and gentlemen that oftentimes when we face life that reduces us to our bare faith it gives an indication of everything that we believe and everything we stand on now is going to be exposed and that faith becomes our only stand in this season ladies and gentlemen I am scared of not having faith it is not just sickness and death that is scary but it's even more scarier to not have faith and not be able to stand on anything in a season of challenge that's really the the lesson today that we see in the life of these three brothers these three men Shadrach Meshach and Abednego tucked away in Daniels prophecy this book ladies and gentlemen is really a salute to the sovereignty of God when we read Daniels whole book it is a salute to the sovereignty of God because the prophet Daniel is clear to tell us that God has authority over empires nations and kings who don't believe in him and oftentimes God recruits faith agents who are prominently assigned to infiltrate the kingdom of unbelievers and be his advocate his evidence and the display of his power to an unbelieving world that sounds like it's no notable and laudable but sometimes ladies and gentlemen God recruits agents to be change agents through crisis he recruits people who are faithful to him who can be trusted in trouble to not bend down nor break under fire and oftentimes it is these persons who God uses to do great things for him who become the the proof of faith in a faithless world Daniel and his friends have been taken out of their homes their homelands away from their their possessions their places of nativity and transferred into Babylonian captivity they have been trained in Babylonian culture and society for about three years they have been selected to be reared in the language the culture the protocol of Babylon because of their unique skills and acumen they're gifted but there had come a time when they made a statement that though you selected me out of slavery to have some degree of privilege in your lofty Kingdom I will not sell out God just because you've given me opportunity there comes a time where there's a defining moment where your faith has got to speak even against opportunity and these three men as Daniel has recorded for us had become God's agents to lift up his name in an ungodly government in an ungodly society you are familiar with this story the King Nebuchadnezzar who is the king of Babylon who has now put God's people into slavery has particularly drafted these three young men to be his servants in the Babylonian Authority he by his own choice an eagle creates an image makes a decree that everybody in his realm will submit honor and serve and bow to this image they're round verses 8 through 12 something happens the Bible says certain Chaldeans went to go be tattletales on these three Hebrew boys who were not serving their gods would not regard the king and would not bow to this image and I think we need to pause there because this introduces to us the onset of this problem that has birthed this whole situation in the first place verses 8 through 12 tell us that certain Chaldeans observed that the three Hebrew boys would not regard the king they would not worship their gods and they would not bow down to this image let me get this right if King Nebuchadnezzar has made a decree that everybody under his realm of authority is to bow to this image and you've observed that I'm not bowing to the image then it somehow suggests that you were not bowing to the image if you had time to observe that I was not bowing to the image these certain Chaldeans who made themselves informants when to bring a report to Nebuchadnezzar that the three Hebrew boys did not regard the king did not worship their gods and did not bow to this image if you have observed all three of these then you had a lot of time to stock watch monitor their activity which has taken away from you actually bowing to this image you see ladies and gentlemen you have to be careful of those who watch and monitor you because they're actually trying to accuse you of something they're not doing and they're trying to make sure that the spotlight is not on them and it is shined on you that's what these these certain Chaldeans were doing they were spending time watching the three Hebrew boys which obviously took away from them actually obeying the decree of the king and your question to me is pastor why was the case why was it that these certain Chaldeans were stalking and watching and monitoring the three Hebrew boys in the first place why do you even care about what they're doing or what they were not doing here is the challenge ladies and gentlemen when the Chaldeans came to tell King Nebuchadnezzar about the lack of submission from the three Hebrew boys notice what they said in particular in verses 8 through 12 they particularly said hey King those three guys that you made of over the affairs of the provinces of Babylon hmm interesting when you made the report you made it a point to mention that it was those three guys that you had appointed to be over the affairs of the province of Babylon i'ma try it again when they came to report and tell on the three Hebrew boys the King Nebuchadnezzar they said it's those guys that you appointed over the affairs of Babylon there it is there it is it's it's it's coming to light nine you three certain or you certain Chaldeans were stalking watching and monitoring the three Hebrew boys because you had a problem with the fact that the King has elevated slaves and raised them up over you and you are the native ones of Babylon it's becoming clear now the reason why you were stalking and watching and monitoring me because you struggled with my elevation and because you struggled with my elevation you wanted to go report to the king something that I was not doing to suggest that the King selection of them was a mistake and an error okay you still ain't feeling me so let me give it to you this way the the Chaldeans were reporting on the three Hebrew boys because they were haters on the fact that the King has elevated slaves now III don't know how you're feeling about this right now but but it's possible that I'm talking to somebody who has been elevated by the king and because you've been elevated by the king you've got people watching you for the sole purpose of always trying to expose your flaws I'm already preaching good ladies and gentlemen when favor is on your life the confirmation of favor is that you always have those people who believe it is their assignment to expose the flaws and therefore discredit your favor you are struggling with the fact that the king has elevated slayers that the king chooses who he wants when he wants how he wants whoever he chooses to do no matter what circumstance they are and their and his eligibility is not in agreement with your eligibility that's good news for somebody that the God we serve lord have mercy can choose who he wants when he wants how he wants not based on any discretion or or any prejudice to our social economic status did you not think it was strange ladies and gentlemen that the Chaldeans struggled with their elevation but they didn't struggle with their enslavement in other words I'm too hot for you but I'm never too low for you you got some people like that in your life they're comfortable with you as long as you stay low but too many card decides to raise you up they can't get excited because they are struggling with the fact that God has lifted you up by no act or choice of your own do you know what we call that insert we call that faith that's God's favor on your life when God decides by his own will and choice to raise up slave to lift up those who have been downtrodden and give them a place of voice and presence and influence that's the favor of God and whenever you've got the favor of God on you you will have people who will protest your progress you've got people who will make it their business to expose your flaws instead of celebrate your favor that's that's what really instigated this whole matter that these Chaldeans in verses 8 through 12 are struggling with their elevation but but but but but there is another matter here that we got to investigate and I want to pose this question to those certain Chaldeans in their report they say it those three Hebrew boys do not regard the king they will not serve their got our gods and they will not bow to our image and they are the ones whom you put over the Providence of the affairs of Babylon hmm I'm confused so you got to help me you went and told the King that I'm not gonna serve your God I'm not gonna bow and I have no regard for the king in other words you're reporting that you're struggling with my unshaken faith in Yahweh I got faith in God and because of my faith in God I refuse to participate in religious pluralism I refuse to honor your God because my God is sufficient enough I refuse to give glory to your God because my God is the one that has all power but then you report also that that these are the ones that you made over the affairs of the aproblem the Providence and provinces of Babylon so here's my question are you struggling with my faith in God or are you struggling with my favor from God I'm confused because is it my faith that you can't handle or is it the favor that you can't handle are you struggling with the fact that I stand on God and God alone and my faith aggravates you or are you struggling with the fact that I've got a position that you think I don't deserve are you struggling with my faith in God or are you struggling with the favor from God well the common denominator ladies and gentlemen is that if you're struggling with my faith in God or whether you're struggling with favor from God the common denominator is still God might I inform you ladies and gentlemen that ultimately people struggle with your conviction to God because they got their own issues with God and they can't take it out on him so they decide to take it out on you and here's where your faith must stand the three Hebrew boys have made a choice that in a hostile ungodly world that does not submit to God that being Babylon we will stand for God in an ungodly world we will stand for God in an ungodly government we will stand for God in an ungodly society that ought to be our conviction today and in light of everything that's going on around us this is stand for God we live and for God we die we have no other hope but to stand on the premises and promises of the Lord Jesus Christ and come what may we will not be shaken from our faith and as a result the three Hebrew boys having been instigated by these jealous envious Chaldeans who are frustrated with both their faith and their favor have instigated the arrests of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and now they stand before the king and the King interrogate them listen to the interrogation I told you if you don't bow to my image you will be thrown into the fiery furnace that same hour verse 15 yo this is the whole point of the sermon you got to get this one point because this the whole point of the sermon after the King rehearses the edict that he sent out he says in verse 15 and who is that God that shall deliver you from this fiery furnace ladies and gentlemen this entire story is built on one question the whole story is built on this one question Nebuchadnezzar raised the question lord have mercy today who is this God that shall deliver you from the fiery furnace and out of my hands ladies and gentlemen the fiery furnace and shut rack Meshach and Abednego being in the fiery furnace was God's answer to Nebuchadnezzar's question Lord and mercy today come here you don't get this in a minute he said who is this God that's gonna deliver you out of my hands and it wasn't until he threw them in the fiery furnace that he met the God that he was challenging and he met that God by throwing God's children in a fire and when God brought him out the fire that's how the world met God you don't want to get happy so I'll shout myself I'm trying to tell you all that we are in a fire only because the world is getting ready to meet our God when he sees how God is gonna bring us out the fire that's good news I'm I'm trying to tell you that the whole reason why some of us are under the fire right now it's because God needs to use you to introduce itself to another unbeliever preach Tolan Morgan might I tell you that God wants to use you to introduce his self to those around you who don't believe in him and he gonna do it by giving them a front-row seat of how he's gonna heal you and deliver you and bring you out and they get to see it up close and personal you want to know who God is he is the God that will let you be put in a fire and bring you out that's the whole point of this whole lesson the day the fiery furnace was God's answer to an unbelieving King Shadrach Meshach and Abednego was not a this story of the three Hebrew boys was not about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego it was about King Nebuchadnezzar it was about God letting some of his children infiltrate an ungodly Kingdom so that the ungodly Kingdom can meet God when they saw how God delivered his people and they were brought into a knowledge of who God is boy that's good news in here today I'm trying to tell you that's why God is not going to allow some of us and most of us if not all of us to allow our witness to be wiped out in this season because he's using us to bring and unbelieving people into the knowledge of who he is come on to the story coming this fiery furnace here it is he says who is this God that's gonna deliver you out of my hands verse 16 17 and 18 watch this church are the only time that the three Hebrew boys speak in this whole story it's the only time we don't hear from them before verse 16 and we don't hear from them again after verse 18 they've only spoken one time in the whole story it said in verse 16 17 and 18 which essentially is one declaration hey king we're not going to edit our words to make you feel better mr. King we gonna tell you to your face you throw us in there if you want to God is able to get us out and if he doesn't get us out he's still a God is able to get us out and if he doesn't get us out he's still able and we will not bow to your gods even if he doesn't get us out from here you're gonna get this in a minute our God is able to deliver us and it will deliver us but in the event he don't I'm still not bowing to your God coming ladies and gentlemen would you pick your face in there persuasion before the fire that's what that's the first lesson of this text it's it's a persuasion before the Fire Lord just don't help somebody because somebody's in a fire right now in your life you the heat is all around you and I'm trying to tell you how you view God before the fire is contingent upon how you handle the fire I got rewinding my mind how you view God before the fire is contingent upon how you handle the fire listen to what they say they said Oh mr. King we're fully persuaded that our God is able and he will deliver us that's faith they have persuasion before the fire but if he don't he's still able and we're not going to bow ladies and gentlemen here is the critical question of the passage how do you handle life when being faithful gets you in trouble lord have mercy today how do you handle life when being faithful to God can end up possibly being fatal the three Hebrew boys teach us a lesson about faith that real faith is not just based on your deliverance it's based on your devotion oh lord have mercy today their faith in God is not based on God get me out their faith in God is based on if he does or doesn't he's still worthy to be praised and he's still God and I claim about God watch this church does not require for us to be defense lawyers for God God doesn't need you to defend him he just needs you to stand for him oh my lord today and if you stay for him he knows how to defend himself all you need to do is take a stand that of your devotion to God that is not always deliverance driven because God has a will and God can make choices and God can deliver or not and if he chooses not to deliver we take the stand of job that though he slay me yet will I trust him I'm going to believe God despite his will being done even if it agrees with what I want or not because God is God you got a choice listen to their choice either bow and live or stand and die I mean either bow and live or stand and die the three Hebrew boys chose God and in chosen in in choosing God they essentially chose the furnace Lord Jesus today they had an option of not going to the furnace but their faith did not keep them out of the fire their faith Pratt them for the fire their faith equip them for the fire to tell their enemy that if that whatever you do is a fire you throw at me does not scare me because my faith disables fear I got to say it again my faith disables fear and whatever fire you throw my way for God I'll live and for God out that they had an option they didn't have to get in the fiery furnace they chose the fiery furnace because their faith in God was more important than the threats of the enemy ladies and gentlemen I'm trying to tell you sir today that that's where we are in our walk with God right now we have been reduced to our faith we have been reduced to just believing in God one way or another whether we live or whether we die whether we stand or whether we walk we've got to believe God despite the threats that have been thrown our way by the enemy they said they said they say King were devoted to him even if he does not deliver let me see if I can make sense of this let me see if it all I got I got a cup of saying people around here the church today they don't they're not gonna relate to what I'm saying but y'all on this screen y'all gonna eat you I'm sayin 2016 2016 2016 I bought tickets for me and my wife to go see Frankie Beverly and maze in Atlanta Georgia 2016 I bought tickets for me and my wife to go see Frankie Beverly and maze in 2016 don't look at me with that tone of face in your voice cuz cuz you to win you probably was there too I just didn't see you it was it was a lot of people there in 2016 I bought tickets yeah pastor I bought tickets to go see Frankie Beverly and maze in Atlanta Georgia at an amphitheater in 2016 it was June 2016 it was a nice hot summer night and then a wife went to go see Frankie Beverly inmates in Atlanta Georgia at this amphitheater it was June or 2016 and it was amazing to me was why we were there it dawned on me it dawned on me y'all that that that people from all over the place have packed out this amphitheater it it was in excess of at least mmm I don't know me about five to ten thousand people there maybe more had packed out this amphitheater to hear Frankie Beverly and maze I love Frankie Beverly amazing my wife of Frank remarried amazed so we bought tickets to go see Frankie pebble inmates in June of 2016 in Lanta at an amphitheater and it dawned on me that all of these people bought tickets to hear a band that was at the time 46 years old and they had not recorded an album in 23 years come on do the man the last time Frankie Beverly and maze did it I was 1993 it was 2016 they had not done an album in 23 years and they've been together for 46 years as a matter of fact this year makes 50 years of Frankie Beverly and maze meet my wife and thousands of other people went to go buy a ticket to hear a 46 year old band that had not recorded an album in 23 years do a full concert of music we already know they didn't have to do another album we went to buy tickets to hear them do stuff they already know it was evident that since they doing concerts they could still do another out but they hadn't done another album we didn't need them to do another album because the music they had already done what's worth buying a ticket to celebrate for you acting slow so let me help you if God don't do nothing else if he don't come up with another blessing for you he's already done enough for you to give him the glory and to have the value to appreciate that he don't need another album he's already done enough to give him the glory as a matter of fact you should stop right where you are in your house on the car in the job and give him glory that if he'd never does anything else we know he's able based on what he's already done that's what the three Hebrew boys said he doesn't need to do anything else for us if he don't deliver us we know he's able because he's already got a good track record can I ask you a question what's God's hits in your life how many times has he healed you how many times has he blessed you how many times has he raised you up how many as he lifted up your spirit how many times has he Kate made a way for you when you didn't have a way to be made for yourself how many times has he provided for you when you didn't have provision for yourself if he doesn't do anything else he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask a thing cus he's already got enough hits I'm feeling good in here today I said he's already got enough hits can you tell somebody God already got enough hits in my life and if he doesn't do anything else I will not betray him just because he may not do anything else I want him to do I'll live for him I will die for him because my faith is about my devotion to him and not his deliverance in my life they had the right persuasion towards God and the king got offended the King got offended yo he got so offended that the he instructed that they turned the heat up on the furnace seven times hotter than it was supposed to be mmm catch that's all his anger was manifested in the extreme heat of the fiery furnace his anger was manifested in the extreme heat of the fiery furnace they turned that furnace up because that is the the three Hebrew boys what not bow bend or break they said we gonna stand for the Lord and even if he doesn't bring us out of this then we would rather die in belief than to live in betrayal he said we're going we just going we're gonna wait this out we gonna we gonna wait this out if he don't do it he's already done enough by the way King if you decide to kill us you will still be out of your authority in any way so even we could go even if you kill us you still will still be delivered from your authority so they stood on the on the master's word they stood on their faith in God and the King gets upset pounds them hand and foot calls for his mightiest men to throw them into the fiery furnace they turned that furnace of seven times hotter than normal and when they turned that furnace up they got close to the furnace and the Bible says that the furnace and the fire in the furnace was so hot it blew out of the furnace and burned up the men that had apprehended the three Hebrew boys to throw them in I'll try one more time he turns up to fire seven times hotter and the fire was so hot that it killed the men that were getting ready to throw they three Hebrew boys in okay I'll try it one more time he turns up to fire seven times hotter and not expecting that the fire was going to kill his own man but not set right Meshach and Abednego in there something y'all sometimes ladies and gentlemen God is putting you in a fire to purge your life of people who have no business with their hands on you preach in here tolling Jamie Morgan senior can I tell you something there's sometimes trouble comes to purge your life of people who have no business in your life that your trouble is designed as a purging lord have mercy so that those who have no business even touching you coming in contact with you have now been removed out of your life so that means the fire fried the freedmen and freed the fried man let me try one more time the fire fried the freemen and freed the bound man ladies and gentlemen Nebuchadnezzar asked the question who is this god that's going to liver you out of my hands and he found out by first of all recognizing and seeing that God reversed the heat and the heat that he thought was going to be for the three Hebrew boys was meant for his own demise and the killing of his own extension ladies and gentlemen you got to be careful the pits you set for other people you've got to be careful of the plots you plan against other people but because the very thing that you think is gonna take somebody else down can very well take you down this fiery furnace was a purging and guess what the text says this is so beautiful y'all watch the irony of the text the text says that when the three Hebrew boys was thrown in the fiery furnace they were loose and walking they were loose and walking outside the fire they were bound and could look inside the fire they were loose and walking so the very freedom that the Babylonian stole from them in the first place they got back in the fight can I tell you something ladies and gentlemen that the fire that's in your life is gonna set you free the fire does in your life is gonna restore the freedom that you once had because it's gonna get rid of everything that has bound you it's gonna get rid of people who have bound you just don't get chains that have bound you I'm trying to tell you that this quarantine this fire this season of limitations is going to be the key to your very freedom because it's going to restore back unto you what was once lost in a greater and even more liberal way that's God's word for somebody sometimes God throws you in the heat so that the heat can free you from everything that has limited you everything that has bound you and the three Hebrew boys are free in the fire in a way that they weren't outside of the fire can I put a text on this and we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose God can use trouble to set you free God can use challenge to set you free from everybody and everything that has you limited and has you locked down oh and here's the whole point here's the whole point there was there persuasion before the fire there was there purging by the fire but thirdly there was their preservation in the fire Nebuchadnezzar looks in and said hold on we threw in three and I see a fourth one he looks like the Son of God hold on never said never I'm a little slow so you got to help me oh how do you know what the son of God looks like Mary isn't even born yet so Jesus is not on the earth yet how are you getting this semblance that this fourth person looks like the Son of God I told y'all at the beginning of this little Easter speech that Daniels prophecy is a sum to the sovereignty of God that God is gonna make his self known even to the the consciousness of people who don't believe in him and even they will announce that he is Lord even they will proclaim the the life and power of the Lord Jesus Christ Nebuchadnezzar gets a preview a pre-incarnate manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the fire and he would not have known it had God's children not been put through the fire I'm trying to tell you ladies and gentlemen God is not going to let you succumb all the time but he gonna let you survive so that those who don't believe in God will get a chance to meet God and you are God's revelation to an unbelieving world that God is real God will make sure that people who don't believe get a chance to see him bring you out can you tweet that please can you put that out in the atmosphere God is going to make sure that that he lets people who don't believe get a chance to see him bring you out and when he brings you out they are going to declare that I've had an experience with God that's what's gonna happen in this season people who don't believe I gonna get a first-hand look at how God brings up his own children and when he brings up his own children they are going to declare that God is is real so the fiery furnace y'all was was God's answer to the world's question God's answer to the world's question who is this God did you notice that when they came out they had another testimony I'm around verse 26 27 I'm about done they said listen let's investigating valuate these three Hebrew boys when they come out that fire their hair was not singed there was no smell of smoke their clothes were not burned and there was no scourge and a hurt on their bodies in other words Church they did not look like what they've been through because Jesus was in the fire with them and I'm here to announce today that as God raises us up as God restores us as God lives us up you and I are going to look the safe we are going to look like nothing was ever wrong with us because the healing and restoration of God is going to bring full recovery can you announce that to somebody that when God gets involved he is going to make it look like you were never ever in the fire in the first place because he will restore he will heal and he will answer prayer they brought him up they didn't just bring him up here's the whole point y'all I'm done Nebuchadnezzar has to make an announcement don't mess with their God don't speak against their God their God is the truth their God is the God of all gods he's super rains he is in full control and the enemy had to give homage to the power of the Almighty God I am here to tell you Church that this season is about how God is going to get the glory in the earth not just in the church God is going to get the glory in the earth people who have never prayed before I pray now people who have never called on God are calling on him now people who have never acknowledged the power of God are going now it's his power when they see how he brings his children out of firing situations here's the closure I'm done here's the clothes this is when he brought him out to fire if I purged them they were preserved in the fire they had persuasion before the fire the verse 32 tells us ladies and gentlemen they got promoted from the fire as they come out that fire nothing was wrong with him the Bible says and King Nebuchadnezzar promoted them even higher up in the authority of the kingdom how would you respond if I told you that coming out of this challenge is going to be another level of success in life might I tell you ladies and gentlemen that oftentimes the next level of blessing is often preceded by a burden it is often preceded by a challenge that you start down in the pit of a fire but when you come out you lift it up in a place of promotion and influence y'all so sleep sir let me bid you farewell the three Hebrew boys were fed fell down in a fiery furnace but Jesus was in the fiery furnace lifted them up and when they came up they got elevated because they remained faithful in the fight does that sound like somebody y'all know his name is the Lord Jesus Christ who they let down in a grave this coming Friday having crucified him and killed him and lynched him but three days later he gets up out of that pit and is raised to a place of elevation where he's got all power in his night in his hand and at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord to the glory of God the Father ladies and gentlemen my tell you that promotion is on the way if you remain faithful to God in a fiery situation this is your time to demonstrate your faith to God this is your time to demonstrate your faithfulness to God this is your time to show the world that I will not bow bend or break despite what's going on around me because my faith is strong in the Lord Jesus Christ and easy to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask for things he is able to deliver and if he doesn't he's still worthy because he has already done enough for us to give him the glory for the rest of our lives our faith is under fire but Christ will meet you in the place of your most devastating time the hottest place is the place where you'll find Christ as a matter of fact he'll find you and he'll make the difference to raise you up out of that fiery place lift up this word of prayer with me father in Jesus name we give you glory well your word today somebody who sees or hears me that faith is under fire they on the front lines serving that faith is on the fighter may be sick of challenge their faith was under fire they have even had the loss of a loved one their faith was under fire God will we wait anticipatorily on you to move in a definitive way and bring this thing to a close our faith is under fire God we thank you that the faith you gave us is for in the fire hallelujah the faith you gave us is not preventing us from the fire it's preparing us for the fire and we give you glory that that's where we're gonna see you the most that's where we're gonna see your hand work the most that's where we're gonna see your presence the most and even those who don't acknowledge you will submit to your authority we'll give your name to honor and give your name to praise who is the king of glory the Lord God strong and mighty the Lord God mighty in battle you are our key and we thank you Lord that you trust us that we'll remain faithful to you under fire so that those who don't believe can have a front-row seat to watch you bring us through and we give you glory for it now in Jesus name Amen I know you're in your home your workplace health facilities even prisons can you just take a minute where you are just to give God a praise right where you are cuz real praise doesn't just happen in the sanctuary it happens in your life right there in your furnace right there in your home just give him glory that you have fire-resistant faith to be to be water proof is for water not to get into a watch but to be water resistant is for the water to get in the watch but is steel function it still retains its function so I want to ask if you've got fire resistant faith thank God give Him praise that in this season God's gonna use you to reveal himself to those who don't believe we give God
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 12,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Tolan Morgan 2020, Tolan Morgan 2019, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, pastor tolan morgan, warner robins ga, Faith Under Fire, Faith Under Fire Full Movie, Black Preachers, Black Pastors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 10sec (4030 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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