Pastor Tolan Morgan | "The Process of Victory" | Alabama Full Gospel State Conference 2020

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really don't want him he really just want to microphone and preach the Word of God this preaches the pastor of fellowship fellowship Bible Baptist Church in Warner Robins Georgia if you have not heard this man of God preached get ready get ready I don't say it lightly he's one of the greatest preachers I've ever heard in my life one fella said I ever heard I said yeah he said you sure I said two things I'm not gonna lie to you about good cooking and good preaching if either one I'm bad and we'll be the first to take this is a preacher man I want you to welcome him for the first time to the Alabama fool gossip about this fellowship let's give God praise for pastor Tolan award come on welcome him to Alabama fool gospel come on come on for cosplay here in the Birmingham before welcome to Alabama gossip hey Ben after the singing it's what you'll be paid before the man of God comes with the Word of God for the people of God on tonight I also want to take this moment to introduce the Solomon to present to others musical guests for the evening a native of Memphis Tennessee who has become somewhat of an adopted daughter in the state of Alabama she is part of the community church Duncanville Tuscaloosa before she got to our city I had only one sister that I could claim another system by another mother she is truly a friend indeed for her being apart state now but even more specifically I'm a part of the body of Christ meaning you know her part of the brown sisters quartet and I can I can pop you to the same public Lea saying that she was one of the people who converted me into a court hit quartet he is one of one of them who helped to convert me but just recently she was taking on another path with this transition in the music ministry gifting all over the globe recorded her first live solo project last year and she's here to bless us in song tonight before the men homes would you put your hands together and give a great alabama fool gospel welcome to this Lisa knows Smith come on you can do better than that let's thank God for that she comes on tonight praise the Lord everybody all that was real sweet praise the Lord everybody come on you got to do better than that praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody [Music] I just I just knew y'all was gonna praise the Lord I just came in here I came first let me do this before I get excited as I'm fool already I want to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to the Full Gospel community and pastor Freddie but just giving me a chance to be a part of this but let me tell you when I walked in here I felt the Holy Ghost and when you got up I heard the Lord said one day every knee shall bow and every tongue has got to confess so when they was saying I will bless the Lord I was thinking I can't do nothing but bless the Lord stop it I'm full y'all do you hear me because the thing about it is and I'm gonna go ahead and sing God is worthy of all of the praise and I don't care what's going on around me I won't let the enemy put a muzzle on my mouth every time somebody said praise Him I'm gonna lift up my hands so let me try and praise the Lord [Music] [Applause] look at your neighbor don't touch him but look at him I said don't wait to the battle is over you better go ahead and shout right now come on let's do it [Music] come on my toe don't wait [Music] of life and your tribe and sing some babe hold on [Music] don't first to Josh there's no ground and it feels like [Music] oh yeah [Music] you remember Josh all I need you to do is when I say let me hear you say hallelujah and it's just hallelujah loud as you can and we gonna have us a good look Holy Ghost [Music] [Music] you see now somebody shout hallelujah come on somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah I need some help hallelujah I like my new sister she said hallelujah oh yeah there's anybody gotta anyhow praising him I need every hand gifted all over this place no need you just think about what it is that you're praising God for you are shipping him for you're lifting him for you to see in your Holy Ghost imagination but you need God to do for you I can be honest 20/20 started off kind of rough every time we turn on the TV something else to try to put fear into the people of God oh yeah the enemy wants us to be afraid but I'm not afraid every hand lifted all over this place I just need I need you to know that whatever it is that you're believing God for he can do it anybody believe he can do it tonight reminded of a song say who can I why he had Jesus passing batter you know what he told me [Music] let your handle me so somebody got some stuff in here you need to be telling them to lay his hands on you we need the never said lie not do it [Music] ah [Music] now me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need you to do [Music] do it for me [Music] when right now anybody believe you do it for you right now I think I happy because I know it's some stuff that I got up before but see some of us will waiting on God but God is waiting on you open up your mouth and say not do it [Music] ah for me love not do it [Music] ah I need time to help me shake it up your voice and say yeah I know you gotta do it [Music] [Music] somebody that outfit is she better who [Music] yeah yeah Miche me right now [Music] away seven eight right now your eyes that say [Music] dude [Music] deliver me here for me save deliver for me set free for me make a way out of no way yeah [Music] dude everybody that needs something from God as we get rid of receive the Word of God if you have a heart of expectation and you know that God is gonna do some things that's just gonna blow your mind everywhere I go I tell people let your praise match your expectation then if you're not expecting anything then don't you do nothing but if you've got great expectation it's you to give them a great breeze and I know every when I count to three you don't give God a praise you have to lose your mind that matches your expectation for what you want to do for you and this season I can't be afraid we're not gonna be scared 1 2 3 [Music] if you love Jesus give him praise like you love him everybody [Music] [Applause] it's a God be the glory for the many things that he has done what he is doing and what he will do this is the day the Lord has made and we choose to rejoice and be glad in it for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting his truth endures unto all generations and even on a Thursday night he is worthy to be praised we honor our heavenly father his son our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ who hung for six I was one Friday died until death died three days later he comes out of the grave not as a weakling with all power in his hands fifty days later he sends the Holy Ghost to reside in the preside on the inside of us and what a joy it is for us to know that we're not just his creation the we're children and we give Him glory for allowing us to be alive in the land of the dying and after all that we've been through we still have our right minds for he will keep you in perfect peace and you keep your mind stayed on him let me give honor and deference to our host pastor pastor Jonathan woods come on Church help me celebrate night and to all of the pastors and preachers all of the overseers and spouses that are present and all of you the men and women of God who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose would you help me celebrate the wonderful music gift of miss Lisa knows Smith I like that new song that's all right we say great big yeah like it like it thank you so much we praise God not only for the gift but the anointing that rests on her life I want to appreciate the Alabama four gospel Baptist Church fellowship for this invitation mediated by my friend pastor Kelvin Bryant thank you all you have plenty of other options and so I don't take it lightly that we're here tonight together worshiping the Lord and our presence here tonight already says that the devil is defeated and God is exalted if it is your custom that you stand for the word of God ask that you would do so I want to summon your senses and invite you intellect to the book of second Chronicles if you can give me some more monitor here on the pulpit that would be great second chronicles chapter number 20 second chronicles chapter 20 I would invite you to read this chapter in your labor and/or leisure for the sake of the time we want to pinpoint our semantic spotlight beginning with verse number 20 second chronicles chapter 20 verse 20 the Bible should read and they rose early in the morning and went forth into the wilderness of Toccoa and as they went forth Jehoshaphat stood and said hear me o Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem believe in the Lord your God and so shall you be established believe his prophets so shall you prosper and when he had consulted with the people he appointed singers unto the Lord and that should praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the army and to say praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever and when they began to sing and to praise the Lord said and Bushman's against the children of Ammon Moab and Mount Seir which were come against Judah and they were smitten for the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir utterly to slay and destroy them and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir every one helped to destroy another and when Judah came toward the watchtower in the wilderness they looked unto the multitude and behold there were dead bodies fall into the earth and none escaped when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies and precious jewels which they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days in gathering of the spoil it was much I want to talk I want to turn this text the process of victory he may be seated in the Lord's Church we often as people of God affirm ourselves regularly either personally or in corporate settings with this phrase what God has for me it is for me and we find ourselves in pursuit of something or we find ourselves trying to get something that someone else is attempting to take from us we affirm ourselves what God has for me it is for me it is a statement that what God has for you has already been destined to get to you despite what anything or anybody tries to do to block it or hinder it from getting into your possession and if you actually believe that statement then it is a contradiction to make that declaration and worry at the same time because if you truly believe that declaration then it puts all worried to death there's no need to worry about anything if you affirm in your heart that whatever God has for you will get to you despite any blockage or hindrance in your life and many of us may make that declaration but for some of us that is not our declaration all of us are not trying to reach out to get something that we don't have yet that we believe is ours despite the fact that we don't have it I'm not always trying to get something I'm just trying to hold on to what I got because the enemy isn't always trying to take what I don't have he's trying to take what I do have and there are some in this room who have the resolve that I'm not in a fight to get anything I'm in a fight to keep what I already have I'm trying to keep my life I'm trying to keep my mind I'm trying to keep my marriage I'm trying to keep my children I'm trying to keep my family I'm trying to keep my job I'm trying to use my money in the most effective way that I can so my my challenge and my walk with God is not what I'm trying to get is that I'm fighting the enemy because he's trying to take what I already have thus ladies and gentlemen if this is your your testimony tonight if this is your challenge then you would glean from this word tonight because this word finds us in a setting where God's people are in a fight not to get anything but to keep what they already have Moab Amman and Mount Seir are foreign tribes who have partnered together in this triad to try to take away from the people of God particularly Judah what God has already given them this context ladies and gentlemen is about a fight to keep what you're already God and apparently what you have is valuable because your enemy wants it apparently what you have is of interest because there are people who believe that they should have it and not you and thus the attraction to what you have oftentimes brings attacks from people who want to have what you have or think you do not deserve what you have and what you have is quite valuable because there are those who believe they need to team up to get it from you Moab Amman and Mount Seir believe that we can't get this alone we need to team up and take it from the people of Judah the problem with Jehoshaphat who is the king of Judah at the time is that he feels threatened because this triad of enemies Moab Ammon and mouse seer have already partnered have already planned and plotted how they will attack the people of God and Jehoshaphat who was a god-fearing King calls for prayer and fasting one night in church he calls for the people to come to the the temple and to pray and fast and while they're praying and fasting the Holy Ghost speaks to one in the meeting by the name J Hayes i L J Hayes I L stands up and says to the king and to the nation Jehoshaphat and all of Judah and all of Jerusalem hear ye the word of the Lord tomorrow go out to the battleground set yourself stand still and see the salvation of the Lord when we leave this prayer meeting tonight go to the battleground stand there set yourself and see the salvation of the Lord but when you get there be mindful the battle is not yours it's the Lord's and after he gives this word of prophecy they galvanize and mobilize themselves early the next morning and go out to the battleground on their way to the battleground Jehoshaphat says before we go out and fight we need to have praise and worship Bible says he has symbols singers go out before the army and the lift up praise and worship before the battle begins about time they make their procession to the battleground when they get to the battleground all they see are dead bodies when they get there their bodies laying around everywhere because the Bible says the Lord had said ambushment and calls Amon and Moab and Mount Seir to attack each other and they killed themselves by the time we get to verse 25 the Bible says that they had taken all of the spoil in the Jews and that which was the possession of the enemy now had been transferred to the children of God now that's the story let's back up and share some things like this text out of pertinent our walk with God and we'll go get some chicken together ladies and gentlemen followed this follow this outline first of all is the problem is the problem the problem is that the enemy has partnered together to come against God's people Moab Ammon and Mount Seir have partnered together to come against God's people that's the problem they respond to the problem with prayer they call an emergency prayer meeting at the Lord's Church and they go into prayer while they're praying to the problem the response to the prayer is the word of prophecy comes out of G Hazel's mouth tomorrow go to the battle ground the battle ain't yours it's the Lord you're not listening to me so let me try it again there is the problem then there's prayer then there's prophecy then the next morn and they have to start the processional I'm gonna try it again for these people kidding there is the problem then there's prayer then there's the prophecy now we've got to start the process I'll try you write long here that's the problem then this pram then there's the prophecy but now we got to go along with the process I'll try y'all since you stopped responding to me that's the problem and then there's prayer and then there's the prophecy and then there's the process since you still don't know how to shout let me see if I could help you ladies and gentlemen just because there's a prophecy doesn't mean there's no process just because you've heard from the Lord don't mean that the Lord is the only one that's supposed to be doing something there is always a process to every word that comes out of the mouth of God and God deliver us from folk who hear a word from the Lord and just go home and sit down no no there is a process that you have to participate in if the word is gonna be manifest in your life might we suggest tonight that when you hear the word of the Lord the burden isn't just on the Lord's word the burden is also on your ability to participate in God's process might we suggest that he says that if you believe the Lord's prophets you shall be established and you shall look prosper that's where I want to pitch my tent what is this whole believe the Lord's word ladies and gentlemen there is a process that they have to go by here though he's already said that the battle is the Lord's they still have to go to the battleground the battle is the Lord's but the ground is still yours you still got something to do even when God said it's not your battle I can't get no help in here you still have some actions to happen even though you're not going to be in the fight listen to what he said listen to what he said he said listen first thing you need to do in the morning when you get up sex yourself stand and see the salvation of the Lord that that shares with us the first point of this little Easter speech tonight and it simply is this that when you've got to believe God that's a time when you've got to believe God when God is making you look vulnerable come in listen at this strategy Church listen at what God said he said set yourself stand and see if I'm on my way to a battleground that is not what I'm gonna do well y'all still not feeling it here if Ammon and Mount Seir and more have partnered together they got weapons they got trained fighters they got skilled the army to come meet me I'm not just gonna stand there set myself and see because that is not the strategy of victory that's the strategy of vulnerability I can't get no help here if people are coming to fight you the last thing you gonna do is stand there look at them and let them do what they want to do now I know y'all spiritual but let me talk to the real people if you swing on me I'm swinging back look at you and let you just hit me the way you feel like it no no but God said I want you to stand there look at them and don't do nothing the reason why is because the reason why you got the victory is cuz God wants you to look like you've been defeated so your enemy can come cuz what he didn't tell you is you not the one day go fight the one day gonna fight is God so you're just the bait that's trying to make it look like that's why you better be careful who you place [Applause] we always spiritualize though those directors we spiritualize those directors we always quote this stand still and see the salvation of the Lord can I tell you when you do that God is making you look vulnerable cuz the more vulnerable you look the sweeter the victory the more you look like you defeated the more God is gonna get the glory so here's what's happening God is going to give you the victory once you submit to the process of disarmament this is a fight you will win but you're not going to win it fighting the enemy's way he's only using you to draw them in to make yourself look like you're gonna lose when actually they're never gonna fight you in the first place they gonna end up running into your God who is your light and your salvation do I have any help in here tonight you got to believe God when God makes you look vulnerable here's what Tex Taylor the teachers God you got to believe God just that when he looks vulnerable but you also got to believe God when God's actions are above yo vocabulary come in come in come in come in listen to what your hazy house said he said man listen if you read verses 12 through 17 he said listen the enemy is coming by the cliff of Z's and they're going to be partnering together to take you out verse 16 said they going partner but verse 17 says but leave the Lord and the battle is he is and just trust him hold on hold on you heard from the Lord right yeah the Holy Ghost spoke to you in the prep meeting right yeah okay so let me get this right the Lord is telling you what the enemy gonna do but he's not telling you what he gonna do y'all mr. Jackson say hey ZL is disclosing the movement of the enemy but he's not saying what God's gonna do see ladies and gentlemen sometimes your faith is not just in getting the victory your faith is believing in a God when you don't know what he gonna do oh okay let me talk to the real people see some of y'all schlepping y'all prayer closet last night so you know every move of the enemy but let me tell you something you got to watch these people who know God's schedule you got to watch these folk who know what God don't do in seven days you gotta watch these people who know a god don't do it 15 days cause ladies and gentlemen if when God wants you to operate by faith God operates with missing information unanswered questions and unresolved concerns that's when God really wants to stretch no faith he'll leave some information out and the information he leaves out is what he gon do real people who operate by faith ain't scared to tell you I don't know I don't know how God go fix this I don't know when he called boo I'm just operating by faith because faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things I don't see track somebody telling neighbor I don't know how he's gonna do this and people who are bold enough to say I don't know other people who will see God do something great all right let me see if I can help me a Genesis chapter 22 God tells Abraham man take your son up on Mount Moriah and and killing and sacrificing when y'all go back and read Genesis 22 it just says take them up on one of the mountains what mountain I ain't tell you that just start walking what's the address of the mountain I'm not telling you that just start walking get your boy and start walking when you get to that mountain you know that's the one don't know the mountain I'm going to I'm taking my boy up on here to kill it and when I get him up there I got him on the table getting ready to kill him I'm in stride to kill him the Lord speaks with him said hold on babe you got it that's all right look behind you there's a ram caught in a thicket where is the lamb and Abraham look back at him and said God shall provide himself a lamb translated son I don't know I thought I had some real people who testify that's where your will walk of faith come because God worked out some stuff you didn't know how he was gonna do it you didn't know when he was gonna do it he told you everything but what he was going to do and real faith is trusting God when you have no idea how God is gonna fix this situation let me just tell you all ladies and gentlemen I'm so sure gods don't fix this coronavirus just a show of name is tolling Morgan I'm so sure put that on the list with the flu Ebola swine flu let's put that on the list but I can't stand here and tell you how he gonna do it all I know is I'm trusting him I can't get no help in here cuz real faith doesn't have all the answers real faith operates with missing information unanswered questions and unresolved concerns when God really want to exercise your faith you got to walk in a in some days where I don't know have I had that do I have anybody in here that's in that place I don't know how this don't come out but God don't fix it some kind of way and I can't articulate how he's gonna handle it all I know is he's disclosed the actions of the enemy but hasn't told me what he's going to do so believe God when you can't articulate what God is gonna do leave God when God makes you appear vulnerable but if you really believe God you believe God would acts a voluntary verification look what the text saying it would take sense I don't know I can't tell you what God gonna do I can't tell you how he gonna bring us out he got me out here looking crazy telling me to just stand set myself and be still but before I know what's gonna happen I'm gonna get the choir together we're gonna put the praise team together and go out here and have a praise service not knowing what God gonna do still missed it they didn't wait until they got the victory to have the pre-service they got up the next morning got in procession started walking to the battleground and only way to the battleground Jehoshaphat put together a cry and they start praising God in the process y'all still missing so I'll I'll shout myself see ladies and gentlemen when you got real faith you not wait no God to do it so you can shout win it in the process you still giving them glory before you ever see it done you still give it him glory because you're in the process sometimes you got to praise God in the process because at least you're making process tap somebody and tell them neighbor I gotta give him glory now cuz I don't know where I'm going to end up but at least I'm making some progress while I'm in process and I don't have to wait til I get better give him the glory imma give him the glory while I'm in the process now here's my point thank you all for sitting on me right in that section right along there here it is y'all y'all ready look at the directives look at the directives the directives were set yourself stand and see everybody said say stand see the directors were not said stand see sing and shout the directors was set stand and see shouting and singing wasn't a part of director therefore the shouting and singing was their will and not their weapon okay I knew you weren't gonna say none praise is not your weapon obedience is your weapon you wouldn't have never won the fight if you didn't get up and do what God told you to do you'll not go win praising God you don't we're being obedient don't touch your neighbor look at him until a neighbor there's some stuff coming to you you don't have to obey your way to that never leaves alive but my praise is your weapon as though you can use praise to manipulate and seduce God into what you wanted him to do God requires your obedience praise is your choice but obedience is a command [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna pull out my weapon that's this what that means Lord let me come to church dance inshallah I want to live any kind of way during the week come back to church on next Sunday have a one-night stand with you in the sanctuary leave and go do it em I want to do the rest of the week and you're supposed to do what I want you to do just cuz I showed up at your church dance during service no obedience is your weapon Just Cause is his battle you still got to show up to the ground you still got to do what God told you to do might I remind you ladies and gentlemen that the Lord Saint sorry is not a Hustlas paradise [Applause] coming here and try to seduce God and what you wanted to do just because you showed up to church and you praise God ladies and gentlemen their victory was not in their praise their victory was in their obedience and praise was a sign that they believed every word God saying I thought I had somebody who testified that I praise God not just wait know what he gonna do but if he said it that's grounds enough for me to praise Him and praise as a sign of my faith not my weapon I knew you wasn't going like that but it's in the Bible they didn't just have praise service they had to get up early the next morning get in the procession watch this they're marching still don't know what God don't do they still don't know what God's going to do but watch this when God saw their obedience and praise was an expression of their faith in what God said look at what the text says text says the Lord looks at him and said oh y'all believe me y'all believe me guess what I'm gonna do imma beat you to the battleground I'm gonna get there before you get there and the Bible says while they praise God God instigated the fight and started to fight without them lord have mercy in here today while they praise God God beat them to the battleground and set up ambush myths and Bushman's in its Hebrew etymology could mean human or angelic attack it means that Moab and Ammon and Mount Seir had partnered together they got to the ground first and when they got to the battleground God set up ambush means it means that either some angelic or human force that they didn't see Cohen instigated team dissension amongst Moab and Ammon and Mount Seir what's this church and they started fighting each other and they killed each other before Judah got to the battleground all right since y'all don't know how to get happy I'll shout myself ladies and gentlemen sometimes Lord hold your boy right here God is gonna grant you the victory cuz your enemy can't stay together long enough to fight you [Applause] they didn't call the meeting on you already and by the time you get to the meeting they don't sell out because they thought they was together and they had partnered only you but they couldn't stay together long enough to get you to the meeting you don't even know that there's some people on your job they have already had a meeting about you but the large stepped in the meeting and far the work of the enemy so that they couldn't stay together long enough to fight you it's some your church having means about you on the hella phone right now but the Lord didn't mean to bring that branch but no they can't fight you because they can't stay together long enough to get to you as they praise God God instigated the fight with the enemy and they couldn't even stay together long I don't know who I'm talking to but you ought to praise God for some stuff you don't even know God is handling I [Applause] wish I had a church in here tonight you shout about the stuff you know about and the stuff you've read about and the stuff you fasted about but can I tell you something ladies and gentlemen God is doing some stuff for you that you didn't pray for that she passed about that you don't even know about because he's got a just wrapped around you see unsane would you just look up to heaven and said lord thank you for handling the stuff I even talked to you about yet thank you for stopping some weapons that before that are on the way to me but I don't even know they coming but you are missing and you got it all under control okay this is thank you all my times about oh thank you this is appreciate y'all for listening to my little Easter speech tonight thank y'all yeah this is when they showed up to the battleground they had to believe God when he made him look vulnerable they had to believe God when he when they couldn't articulate what his movement was going to be they had to believe God just off of an act of praise and walk in obedience and because they did all that the Bible says that when they got to the land they saw dead bodies imma try one more time God made him look vulnerable they couldn't articulate with their own vocabulary what God was gonna do and they praised God before they even got to the battle about time they got to the battle they saw dead bodies [Applause] i'ma try one more game they had to believe God when God made him look vulnerable they had to believe God when they couldn't articulate God's movements they had to believe God just by praising God as an act of verification then what you say it I believe when they got to the battleground they did not arrive to the battle they arrived to victory okay y'all still acting funny and it was a victory they didn't have to fight it was a victory card handled because they walked according to faith and believe God when they couldn't explain God all right here it is here it is ladies and gentlemen you and I know what God did cuz we got the biblical Canon but the people in the text got to a battleground and saw dead bodies and don't know how to get how to got killed we know what car did but they don't know what car did okay sometimes ladies in victory will come to your life God has to do all the glory even when you ain't got all day [Music] [Applause] good night thank you all for having me tonight is about your ability to give God praise for stuff you don't even know he's handling because the victory came that when they got to this battleground the victory came in who they saw was dead does that sound like somebody y'all know one day on Calvary's heal the world showed up to a battleground and our victory came when they saw dead bodies it was the body of the Lord Jesus Christ [Applause] he was wounded just look at some I got victory tonight because God has already come before me [Applause] [Music] [Music] but just tell somebody neighbor if we start praising what might god Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm on my way to my seat tonight is against us inside of us so let's do this put your hand on somebody's shoulder for you but if a praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I see 30 most seconds of a phrase in the room let me tell you what I saw let me tell you that salt real quick when open seal Bishop designate woods got up he had on the blue suit when you got on a red tie pester Morgan just came in he got it up here he got on the gray suit lady hit on the red tie I didn't see preachers I saw the blue and white you got your hand on your neighbor and you praying for them can y'all do me a favor and we're gonna go home tonight it's gonna sound weird at Messala but can I just get you start bleeding the blood over your neighbor over everything concerning them over their household over their children over their community over their marriage I need somebody to plead the blood in this room the blood still heals the blood still the Phoenix Oh church open your house the blood deployed over your neighborhood somebody please apply [Music] I said somebody please oblige oh yes an anonymous a [Music] now put your head together and thank God that the blood summer still artist I see victory I think you appraisal for victory I need to the price of my bathroom darling raisin I said writer for the victory right that there won't be a diagnosis in your house man in your church somebody write about the victory over Australia for the victory I said prior by the victory reconnaissance around in the old church so my typewriter by the victory no blood smear watch [Music] stay over there Oh God the car [Music] three that Korean [Music] Oh everybody below [Music] liquor is all over this room I tell you the beautiful [Music] [Music] come on don't you stand there Roxy that's them all over the building right there open your mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and sob I hate to do this by here Lisa and all I hear the devil is defeated Jesus is exalted and we had the victory seven is the fee but that one is defeated we the lead exalted and we have a victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] it's like your party [Music] you'll find somebody tell them I'll know if you notice but why you will praise it the blood was working [Applause] [Music] I said why you crazy the blood is working so why are stills better than looking at me she is working right over there and is rocking right over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] said it still reaches to the highest bouncing and instead flows the lowest Valley is the original SIA to the highest mountain and still flows to the lowest Valley but that dismiss strength from may today today today today today today today from day two days it will never never but never loses power we both sigh thank you for the blue timeout - it don't look great thank you for the loo don't look three [Music] don't look don't look don't look [Music] see Carlos [Music] that I love are certain to be outside [Music] real quick a few of you need to run to this altar that's why the man I got was preaching tonight the Lord to say that there were some people in this room whose faith was a little weak right now in this season because you know you're gonna get the victory but you don't know how God is gonna do I said you know you're gonna get the but you don't know how God is going to do I don't know who you are I don't know where you were I need you to run to this out - real quick
Channel: All Nations Church, Fairfield
Views: 12,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JMqd3vOUKXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 30sec (4890 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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