Pastor Tolan Morgan - Touch Me Again | November 2019

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[Applause] god bless you if it is your custom in this church to stand for the word of god i ask that you do so i want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the gospel that has been recorded by mark chapter number 8. mark chapter 8 and it is there that the holy spirit has highlighted for us this context of scripture beginning with verse number 22. the gospel of mark chapter number eight verse number 22. your bible should read and he comes from bethsaida and they bring a blind man unto him and besault him to touch him and he took him took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town and when he had spit on his eyes and put his hands upon him he asked him if he saw anything he looked up and said i see men as trees walking after that he put his hands again upon his eyes and made him look up and he was restored and saw every man clearly and he sent him away to his house saying neither go into the town nor tell it to any in the town i want to tag this text touch me again he may be seated in the lord's church while i pastored a church in detroit a young man came to me and shared with me his testimony about how god had blessed him to acquire the funds necessary to address a child support delinquency he was excited not only about how god had moved in his life but had he not acquired the funds he would have faced 45 days in jail and so god had once again moved in his life to help him to acquire the funds to address that delinquency he gets the funds goes down to the friend of the court office to address the delinquency he walks into the office and he gets to the office a couple of minutes late before they were to close the office but they sent him down to another administrative office that was still open that he might go down and address the delinquency he gets to that second office pays the delinquency but to his surprise they detain him they kept him unannounced and unbeknownst to him even in the process of paying the delinquency they required him to surrender his belongings and to submit himself to a drug test a background check and while those tests came back he had to wait in a sale until those results of those tests and checks had come back in after about an hour or two they release him they return his belongings to him they release him and he shared his story with mixed emotions because on one hand he is elated that god had moved in his life to provide him the funds but on the other hand he is frustrated he's frustrated ladies and gentlemen because he never expected that even after paying the price he would have to go through a process and he shared with me pastor i had the money in my hand i went down there to pay the price not knowing that even after paying the price i'd still have to go through a process i don't know who i'm talking to in here today but might i remind you that just because the price has been paid [Applause] does not mean that you are exempt from a process the good news is ladies and gentlemen the process is not for your freedom it is in your freedom such as the discipline discovered in the discourse of mark chapter 8 in which this story reminds us that god often subjects us to a process even after the price has been paid he's already paid the price on calvary he's already shed his blood that you and i may be set free from the wrath of god but every now and then he still subjects us to a process and let me encourage somebody and tell you that just because you're going through a process does not mean that there is a defect or a deficiency in your devotion to the divine just because you're going through a process does not mean that there is some fault or fallacy in your faith or faithfulness just because you're going through a process doesn't even mean it's the devil [Applause] but you could be going through a process because god has you in steps and stages i don't know whose word that's for this morning but just because it hasn't happened in your timing doesn't mean the devil is busy and i know that is antithetical and contradictory to this contemporary gospel that we hear purported through many of our pulpits today that god is a right now god but but i want to talk to about a hundred of y'all i'll make number 101 who testify that god hasn't always been a right now god in your life god was a next week god a next friday god a next month god a next year god a 20 year later god just because you got right now faith doesn't mean that god is always a right now god might we help somebody in here today that if god was always a right now god then he could not vindicate your faith [Applause] as a matter of fact if god was a right now god you would have no need for faith [Applause] it's the substance of things you got to hope for and the evidence of stuff you haven't had seen yet and ladies and gentlemen sometimes the thesis of this little easter speech today is sometimes the process is the miracle just because god got you in the process doesn't mean he's not working on your behalf it actually means you're in progress if you're in the process mark ladies and gentlemen records the shortest biography on our lord jesus christ of the gospel quartet and mark's theme and thesis of his book is to describe and discuss jesus christ not just as the son of god but the son of man a servant of humanity addressed to a roman gentile audience and because his audience is gentile he does not spend a lot of time on jewish genealogy and matriculation mark is a kid in a candy store who gets straight to the point and floods his book with 19 miracles to reinforce his thesis that jesus enroute to calvary served hurting humanity and in documenting his intercourse with humanity mark sets these miracles at a certain frequency a certain pace and pulse in mark's gospel this word is redundant in mark's gospel to assign pace and pulse to the workings of christ it is the word straightway sometimes it's immediately every time mark documented something jesus did more often than not it is set to the pace and pulse of this one word straightway or immediately mark chapter 1 verse 18 jesus stops by the sea of galilee and retires some fishermen and recruits them to be his disciples and the bible says they dropped their nets and followed jesus immediately mark chapter 1 verse 31 jesus stops by his simon mother-in-law's how she's suffering with a fever jesus steps into the house addresses the fever and the bible says her fever left immediately mark chapter 1 verse 42 there is a man who is suffering with leprosy and the bible says after jesus had spoken the leprosy was cleansed immediately mark chapter 2 verse 12 jesus is in a undisclosed house it's crowded and a man who has palsy breaks open the roof they tear off the roof and lift the man down in the roof stands in front of jesus and the bible says that his leprosy was cleansed and his pose it was relieved immediately mark chapter 5 verse 29 there's a woman suffering with the issue of blood and the bible says that she pulled on the hem of him and when she pulled on the hymn of him the bible says the her fountain dried up immediately mark chapter 5 verse 42 there's a little girl whose father's name is jairus she dies while they're walking on the highway jesus gets into jairus his house walks into the house where she had just died says talitha kumai which means daughter arise and the bible says that she rose immediately mark chapter 7 verse 35 there's a man who's deaf and blind the bible says jesus unstopped his plugged up ears and he was able to hear immediately mark chapter 10 verse 52 jesus encounters blind bartimaeus on the road leaving out of jericho and the bible says he received his sight immediately but in the midst and center of all of this immediate pulse is this story in mark chapter 8 that you and i read today that did not happen immediately it it's an anomaly to mark's gospel it's an anomaly to mark's gospel because everything had been happening immediately except mark chapter 8 verse 22-26 it is an anomaly to mark's gospel because it was the one time in mark's gospel and christ ministry where it did not happen immediately it happened steps and stages [Applause] and while this miracle ladies and gentlemen is rare to mark's gospel many scholars suggest that it is most realistic to our reality because the truth of the matter is god doesn't do it all the time immediately thus ladies and gentlemen while you are sitting here in the lord's church giving god praise you do need to go home and take your medicine [Applause] you need to stop sitting up time i'm waiting on the lord to do it no you need to go pray and see your doctor as a matter of fact some of you need to go pray and go get therapy at the same time take somebody tell them i need jesus and [Applause] therapy because as much as you want god to do it immediately he is not always going to do it immediately he is going to subject you to a process that requires steps and stages have i got any help in this room who are the people who testify i don't have that immediate testimony pastor i had to go from one doctor to the next from one counselor to the next i had to go meet the pastor and go deal with my enemies all at the same time and god did not do it immediately he takes us in steps and stages and just because it steps in stages does not mean that jesus has nothing to do with it you and i need to poke our face in mark chapter eight one more time and see what this lesson teaches us that is significant to our walk with god he says when i subject you to steps and stages the first thing you need to do is appreciate your facilitators i'm in the bible get your bible get your bible here's what your bible says verse 22 says and they brought him to jesus oh you missed it i'll try again and they brought him to jesus and they brought him to jesus this miracle is initiated and launched through the ministry of evangelism [Applause] and they brought him to jesus and the good news ladies and gentlemen is that this is the ministry of evangelism through the identity of the anonymous they this is the ministry of the anonymous they the anonymous they aren't people who start rumors they start restoration i'm in the bible because you didn't you didn't catch it and they brought jesus brought him to jesus and they brought a blind man to jesus first and foremost we got to thank god that somebody knows where jesus is when you can't find him [Applause] i'ma try it one more time and they brought a blind man to jesus number two we've got to appreciate the the ministry of the anonymous state because the anonymous they care more about making a difference than they do about making a name we don't know their names all they cared about is that we got to get this man to jesus god deliver us from people who can't serve unless their names get called god deliver us from the people who only want to serve just so they can get some attention get their name on a plaque get their name on a window get their name on a pew god deliver us from people who covet god's altar just for your own personal attention sometimes the best servants are folks who serve but you never know their name you got to watch those people who always want attention and they quick to jump up to do something just so their name can get called the anonymous day care more about making a difference than they do about making a name we never know who they are but their whole ministry is bringing people to jesus oh you missed it some of y'all in here right now i'm getting ready to tell your business cause you don't want anybody to know but we're gonna reboot we're gonna rebuke this boozy spirit in here today cause some of y'all could tell the truth you are where you are cause some people we don't know helped you get to where you are you drive what you drive you work where you work you serve where you serve cause somebody yo somebody your grandmama name your dad and them your pastor name helps you to get where you are right now okay you don't want to say amen that section don't want to talk to me right long now so let me talk to these people here the next time y'all go to the airport the next time you go this is what i want you to do that's what i want you to do next time i want you to get to your gate early don't be late get there early sit down and stare out the window at what's going on with the airplane you getting ready to get on [Applause] here's what you'll find here's what you'll find that plane you're getting ready to get on it flies at about 700 miles an hour hold so many tons it got this whole aerodynamic thing going on it can get cross country in a matter of minutes sometimes as minutes as an hour or so and it can fly but here's the problem with the plane it can't roll backwards [Applause] it can't go backwards so they got this little white truck called the tub truck that hooks up to the front of the plane pushes the plane off so it can take off slow right in that section right there they got this little white truck that hooks up to the front of the plane pushes the plane off and the plane can't take off if it wasn't for that little truck we don't know who drives that little truck we never know the name of the person who drive that little truck but if it weren't for that little truck that plane would never take off i want to talk to about 100 of y'all y'all got some little trucks in your life that if it weren't for those little people you'll never be where you are right now somebody thank god that god put a tire truck in your life [Applause] i'll tell somebody i'm not where i am by myself i had somebody in that little white truck to push me off to where i am right now i'm flying where i am right now cause some people you don't know push me the way i am right now tell somebody appreciate your facilitators [Applause] you wouldn't have never got where you are if it wasn't for those anonymous they i said you wouldn't be where you are right now if it wasn't for those anonymous they they cared more about making a difference than they did about making a name he says when you're in steps and stages you got to appreciate your anonymous day who know how to find jesus when you're blind [Applause] text says and they brought a blind man to jesus but here's something interesting in the text y'all after you appreciate your facilitators you got to agree to follow him y'all got a bible i'm a bible preacher let's get the bible here's what the bible says and they brought a blind man to jesus to touch him the first thing jesus did was take the blind man by the hand and lead him away i'm going to try one more game they brought a blind man to jesus they want jesus to touch it jesus takes the man by the hand and leads him away i'ma try this one more again they brought a blind man to jesus to touch him jesus takes the man by the hand and leads him away [Applause] first of all ladies and gentlemen when you bring somebody to jesus you can't tell jesus how to handle them because while you want jesus to touch him is highly possible that jesus used you to bring the person to jesus just so jesus could deliver them from you y'all don't know how to get happy so i shout myself the first thing jesus did was take the man away from the people who brought him to jesus sometimes god wants to use you so he can bring some people to him just to get them delivered from you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because it's highly possible and probable that while you are the catalyst to bring them to jesus you could be the very problem while you couldn't get to jesus in the first place [Applause] so when jesus takes you by the hand you've got to agree to follow him because watch this church jesus took the man by the hand while he was still blind he did not give the man sight and then say walk with me [Applause] he said walk with me while you're blind [Applause] lord have mercy y'all making this difficult ladies and gentlemen sometimes before you receive your miracle you're gonna have to spend some time walking with jesus when you can't see it you don't know where it's coming from you don't know who's going to give it to you you don't even know why he let you walk you got to spend some time with jesus while blind [Applause] because i never want you to receive a miracle from me without walking with me [Applause] walk with me while you're blind walk with me when you don't have what you want from me what with me when you can't see where i'm taking you what with me when i have not met your request yet i just want you to learn how to walk with me [Applause] he takes him by the hand and takes him away from who brought it and has him to walk with him while blind but the man don't even realize jesus is doing him a favor because homeboy is from bethsaida [Applause] and because you are biblical scholars here in beulah you understand that in matthew chapter 11 verse 20 through 22 jesus cursed bethsaida because of their unrepentant attitude okay i'm gonna try one more time homeboy is from bethsaida jesus took him by the hand and took him away from bethsaida because bethsaida is cursed the problem is y'all y'all don't know when to get happy the problem here is he's blind from bethsaid which means ladies and gentlemen he was in a cursed situation and couldn't see what he was in but jesus took him by the hand and took him away from a cursed situation that he couldn't see he was in would y'all do me a favor would you look behind you just take one look behind you and say lord thank you for bringing me out of some stuff behind me that i couldn't even see i was in i was in a bad relationship i was in a bad business deal i was in a cursed situation and i couldn't even see that i was in it but now that you brought me out of it i can look back and see what you brought me out of somebody oughta thank god that god brought you out of trouble before trouble got you you couldn't even see the trouble you was in but god brought you out of it before you even knew you were in it so if jesus is pulling on you you better go because he might be trying to pull you out of trouble you can't even see that you're in [Applause] you got to agree to follow him you might have to part with the people who brought you to him but if when you agree to follow him you got to also agree to hit the process [Applause] dr black this is interesting to me in both mark and matthew's gospel and luke there and john there are several occasions when jesus encountered blind man it's gonna get maine right here there's several occasions when jesus encountered blind man but here's the issue they all receive sight a different way [Applause] matthew chapter 9 verse 32. it's two blind man and they receive their sight because jesus touched them by his hand matthew chapter 12 verse 22 there's another blind man there he received his sight just by being in jesus presence [Applause] mark chapter 10 verse 52 there's blind bartimaeus on the roadside there and he received his sight by the spoken word i'm gonna try it again because you missed it one man got psyched by a hand the other man got psyched by presence that another man got psyched by word this man got psyched by spit can i tell y'all what that means it means it's the same problem different process so ladies and gentlemen you can't tell somebody else how god gonna bring them out cause the way he did it for you may not be the way he gonna do it for somebody else first okay i ain't talking to all of y'all let me talk to the real people some of y'all he put his hands on you of you he gave his presence others of you you heard the word and you got yours but if you like me he had to spit on you no he had to take you through a nasty process he had to take you through a gross process in order for you to get what god wanted you to have do i got any real people in here who testified hey pastor god took me the nasty route where the real people that who testified you didn't get yours the spiritual race you got yours the gross way he had to spit on tap your name and tell your neighbor neighbor that's why you got to be careful with these prophets who know god's schedule god don't do it in five days in six days god gonna get you up in two weeks god gonna give you a man in 30 days god don't give you a job god listen when god really wants to operate your faith he does not reveal his schedule and just because he did it that way for somebody else he's not gonna do it that way for you [Applause] okay okay listen i got a secret to tell y'all don't tell nobody we're going to keep it right here in butter here's what we need to know how many of y'all watch how many of y'all watched american idol don't lie tell the truth you watch the american eye see that whole side fake right there the whole thing how many of y'all watched american idol you're not going to hell for watching american idol how many y'all watch american idol okay on american idol the whole goal of american idol is to try to find america's next pop star they had a little sister on there named fantasia oh don't play like y'all ain't never heard of fantasia don't do that don't don't don't lie in the lord's church [Applause] they have no sister on their name fantasy [Applause] fantasia went through the process and she won she became america's next american idol they had another little sister on the name jennifer hudson know anything about jennifer hudson [Applause] jennifer hudson went through the process and lost but she still became more famous and more musically successful and as successful as fantasia still missed it one sister went through the process got a reward and became famous the other sister went through the process and got rejected and still became famous when god is involved in the process you can be rejected and still get to the end of where god would have you to be do i got 50 of y'all who testified i wasn't on time i didn't win but god brought me through the process even when i had to lose sometimes some of you got jobs that other people go to school for you don't have a degree to first but you got god's favor and god's hand on your life and god got a different process [Applause] he had to spit on this one no hand no presence no word [Applause] spit divine saliva [Applause] spit divine saliva he spits on the ground and y'all missed the miracle missed it the text says he spit on the ground and then he spits on the man's eyes and he become and he's able to see he asked the man do you see anything hold on bro you spit on me didn't ask me do i see something do say yeah i see men as trees walking i i i figured out i figured it out y'all don't know when to get happy i'm gonna try i'm gonna keep working until you do it he said i spit on you do you see something i see men as trees walking ready to text too fast let's rewind when he said i see lord have mercy in here today when he said i see that those two words mean the spit works [Applause] i see men that means i've got my miracle as trees walking is the problem [Applause] i see men as trees walking when he said as trees walking jesus had to touch him again [Applause] but jesus didn't have to touch him again a second time for sight because he saw me jesus didn't touch him a second time for sight jesus touched him a second time for focus because when i touched you the first time it worked the problem is if i got to touch you again i've got to touch you for another reason and the reason is you walked in beulah today not because you don't have sight but you need god to fix your focus tell somebody i need my focus back i got to get back in school i got to get back on my ministry i got to get back to my family because my focus is off somebody just lift your hands and say lord fix my focus i've let people distract me i've let mean people make me quit i let bad relationships ruin my spirit i need to get my focus back in order [Applause] so jesus didn't touch him a second time because the first one didn't work he touched him a second time because there's a whole nother purpose of why i need to touch you now ladies and gentlemen with all the holy ghosts i got with all the scripture i may know with the call on my life i'm gonna admit it i don't care if y'all judge me or not i need the lord to touch me as many times as he needs to i need him to trust me today when i wake up tomorrow i need you to trust me again if i wake up tuesday touch me one more time if i wake up next sunday touch me again touch me over and over and over and over as many times as you need to touch me [Applause] touch me again till my focus gets right [Applause] he touches him a second time y'all and the bible says on the second touch he made the man look up [Music] i see what your problem is now because if you're looking down you're discouraged if you're looking down you're despondent if you're looking down you could be very well depressed which is why you can't see clearly because we all see according to our spirit i'ma prove it to you don't look at nobody in this church everybody look this way do y'all know anybody who's mean don't look around the church look this way do y'all know anybody who mean every time they say something out of their mouth they can't compliment nobody they can't compliment when something's going well they always find the negative in everything you know why they speak like that because their spirits think and when your spirits stink you see the world according to your spirit do y'all know a happy person a happy person sees the good in everything they i know how to compliment other people they're not jealous of other people they're not envious they're not complainers because they see according to their spirit jesus says in order for me to fix your sight i need to fix your spirit cause your spirit is affecting your sight preaching here told morgan what it looked like i'm doing god sent you in this church so he can fix your spirit so you can see better [Applause] lift up your head oh ye gates and be lifted up he everlasting nose and the king of glory shall come in he lifted up his head look what happened he says and the man saw every man clearly i didn't make that up it's in the text and he saw every man clearly okay if he saw every man clearly it means he saw himself clearly it also means he saw jesus clearly well hey if you touched me a second time to fix my focus and you say you saw every man clearly then what happened to the trees the trees are no longer mentioned after the second touch [Applause] i wish i had some bible folk around here someday i said the trees are no longer mentioned after the second touch because when you read the text correctly he never said i saw trees he said i saw men as trees i saw men that's reality ass trees is the perception [Applause] ladies and gentlemen when vision becomes clear it is confirmed by what you stopped seeing boy y'all don't know when to get happy when your life gets clear it's some things you're gonna stop seeing there's some people you're gonna stop seeing there's some problems you're gonna stop seeing [Applause] he said man now that i've given you clear vision [Music] he said don't go back because i do not give vision for where you've been preaching here told morgan i only give vision for where you're going not where you've been i'm done pastor thank you thank you for inviting me i i i i thank you him oh i'm done i'm done this is it i bid y'all good night thank you all for having me happy anniversary to you him i'm done i'm done this is it listen i just have one question can y'all entertain my ignorance for one second i just got one question if he was blind all right preacher how do we know what trees look like [Applause] i'm just asking a question if you know what trees look like then he wasn't born black if you know what men look like then he wasn't born blind he was born with sight and somewhere along the way he lost his sight but somebody took him to jesus [Applause] and jesus fixed what was once broken can you grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor we serve a christ who can restore what's been broken in your life that person didn't get happy touch somebody else and tell them neighbor just cause it's broken don't mean it'll stay broken [Applause] is there anybody here thankful hell yeah that the god we serve can fix what's broken in your life have i gotten myself in this place grab your neighbor by [Applause] he is a restoring god is it anybody grateful here that the god we serve can fix your broken place how am i going to win this here they brought that man to jesus and jesus spit on him brought his sight back that that man walked home walked home by himself i gotta win this here somebody brought into jesus but after jesus touched him and spit on him he was able to walk on his own and to go home on his own which means that when he encountered jesus a change lord have mercy and come over him can you grab your neighbor by the hand and tell a neighbor i want jesus to touch me one more time touch me till i praise you touch me till i give you the glory touch me until my marriage gets fixed touch me till my ministry gets anointed touch me until my father gets healed touch me till my mind gets right in it very grateful enough that god just didn't do it one time but he'll do it again and i gotta win this here anybody plans that he is a restoring god that's what he did to jesus they thought they had killed jesus on camera is here they thought they had broken him on calvary's here one friday he hung there until he died and they thought it was over morning he restored it and lifted him up and now we got restoration can i get somebody in the lord's house that ain't ashamed to tap your neighbor i tell your neighbor i need space cause i'm getting ready to shout again i need space cause i'm getting ready to run again i need space because i'm getting ready to jump again cause this morning he woke me up again today he came in my mind again since he did it again i will give him glory now grab your neighbor one more time and tell him neighbor oh magnify the lord with me him glory reason number one he walking work this morning reason number two he woke you up this morning reason number three he walk you up just know [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 107,363
Rating: 4.8411551 out of 5
Keywords: tolan morgan, tolan morgan fellowship, tolan morgan baptist convention, national baptist convention, td jakes, serita jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, cogic, steven furtick, michael todd, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, frank e ray, jasper williams, timothy flemming, fellowship warner robins, john p kee, i made it out, jamal bryant, newbirth, kim burrell, potters house dallas, cogic shout, cogic praise break, holy convocation shout
Id: rCrkqEeQ98w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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