【Palworld】 STOP USING DIGTOISE!! Which Pals are the Best at Mining?

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this is insane how much they're struggling on this one node like I I knew this I I've done this testing before I've done it again and again and again but it just it amazes me after a long day of exploring and capturing Palace you ever come back to your or farm and just think wow that's not a lot of War hi my name is renu and in this video we're going to get to the bottom of which pals are the best at Mining and the answer may shock you so obviously you read the thumbnail and you've seen the title and yes it's true uh dig toes are bugged and are actually the worst miners to have on your base you can see over here that dig toys is a pretty good minor to have out on the world every time he deals damage to the copper ore or the stone he deals around 20 to 25 damage depending on what he's farming if I hold his skill F you can see he ramps up the damage to 30 this is excellent to have while out on the world however once you assign dig toys you may notice that he doesn't deal nearly as much damage so yes he mines for only one damage per tick we're going to be testing six different Pals in total and I'm going to show you just how much more worse dig toys is compared to everyone else and it just honestly does not make sense I can't believe it's intended so this is how every experiment is going to start we're going to assign the palace during the night time theud for mining and hang use for transporting there's no ore in the chest we're going to check the feed box going to make sure that there are enough food there there's 620 pancakes and for each pile we're going to do two trials one where we wake up in base and watch them work and one where we wake up off base and just stay outside which is more likely to be the case you're usually out exploring while your pals are automatically farming right so we're going to see that there is going to be a difference in production and now I'm going to climb up here we're going to observe them them and in the meantime we're going to speed up the footage on the left and show you things on the right um these are the world settings that I have for this test I set the daytime speed to five times speed now the only thing that this is going to change is just the scaling of the experiment uh if you do have normal daytime speed then roughly speaking you're going to have five times more production or rather five times more uh ore that you farmed gatherable objects respond interval is going to be set to the lowest possible this is just so that I don't have to wait so long for my ores to respawn and to help keep the experiment Fair we are going to disable the raid events so we are never interrupted and the max BS working at base is going to be set to 20 but that's just for my gameplay purposes it has no bearing on the experiment because we are always going to be assigning uh six Pals three Pals with Mining and three Pals with transporting the transport is always going to stay the same it's going to be hangu and the miners in this case is the mud so if you paying attention I collected all the ore with my Pyon I'm checking the feed box right now I have 617 pancakes this is down from 620 this means they ate about three pancakes and now I'm going to go ahead and check the box and I had 56 ore in my pocket earlier so that's four I collected there and 80 in the box that means they farmed a total of 84 ore and ate three pancakes so again just to reiterate because this is the first two trials I just want to make sure everything's perfectly clear this is going to be the trial where we don't observe them there is no ore in the box and in the feed box I believe there should be around 617 yeah 617 pancakes so we're going to see how much they eat and how much ore they Farm while we don't watch them while we are off base while we sleep somewhere else and wake up there and stay there for the entire duration I want to go ahead and emphasize just how ridiculous this is dig toys is the Premier minor in every promotion material in all the YouTube thumbnails and all the videos that you see about how to make an ore farm and how to farm ore efficiently they say to use dig toys and I'd be telling you the same thing too but it was only until after I swapped out my dig toys for Lucky Anubis because I thought hey I have it lucky I'll be able to get more work speed and more or production it was just so much more what's weird too is that Anubis has a Food level of six which means his max hunger is slightly higher I'm going to do this in another video but what higher food levels do is more than just affect the max maximum hunger it also represents a pal's metabolism since it seems that Pals reduce their saity as a percentage and we're going to talk more about food and nutrition in a bit but for now we're going to check the results we're going to go ahead and get on our pyin and collect any um of the ore that was knocked loose from the nodes and not transferred into the box I collected a ore there and I believe yeah okay over here we got 15 now just want to check make sure there is nothing in that chest okay I filled it up with gold coins there's no way they could fill it and we have 27 ore that the deuts farmed on their own and for whatever reason they ate zero pancakes 617 is the same number from before obviously if you scale this experiment up you use normal daytime cycle they will eat some pancakes but it's a lot less than If You observe them start this trial up there's no ore in the Box we go ahead and check the feed box there should be 651 pancakes and in this trial we're going to be using tomats now the weird thing about tomats is that they're nocturnal which in power world means apparently they don't sleep at all and so we had to go to sleep immediately you'll notice and we'll do that for the next trial too and we're going to be uh watching their performance on this one and so back to food and nutrition Pal's metabolize based off a percentage of their Max hunger and all foods provide a flat value of nutrition so this means that bigger Pals will need bigger and more nutritious food to outperform the pals with less food levels this makes the mud honestly ideal because no matter what he is working for longer than the other Pals with mining level two but have higher hunger because he's consuming the same amount of nutrition while metabolizing it at a much slower rate which allows him to work for a lot longer than his other peers that require more food levels we're going to resume at normal speed and I'm going to jump down immediately right now because my pals are about to finish and tomat will continue working even when it turns to nighttime so I have to dismiss him immediately as it turns into night just to keep the experiment fair tomat by the way has a mining level of Two and a hunger level of five which is just one level higher than deud so there's not a big difference but it is still going to be worse as you'll see when we collect the ore let's speed it up here again I'm going to get on my Pyon we'll collect all the loose ore and we should see over here that tomat farmed the total of 72 ore which is what we would expect for him to perform a little less than deud and let's go ahead and see the feed box and that is 645 pancakes that means he ate six pancakes in total and honestly I'm a little surprised by this number six pancakes is a lot but the total ore that tomat farmed is roughly what we would expect it's a little less than deud and that's because of the extra Food level so we're starting up the other trial now there's no ore in the Box we're going to go ahead and check the feed box there's no combats uh deployed right now they would work at night in the feed box we should have 645 pancakes so we are going to deploy the tomat head back home sleep and stay the entire day there by the way unless they say so all the sped up footage is seven times speed and one thing I wanted to mention specifically about tomat in particular he feels like he depletes his sanity at a much faster rate than other Pals and it has nothing to do with him working day and night I just observe like during a day cycle it feels like he gets stressed out really easily now I've looked at pal deck I've looked at other sites where they data mine the pals and have all their stats I haven't seen a stat for sanity depletion rate and I'm haven't done any timing I haven't done any tests but let me know in the comments if this is something you've noticed too again we're hopping down a little early here just want to make sure that we are getting there in time and are able to dismiss them I probably should just go over there but then I would be observing them right so this is night time now it's totally night time our hangu are sleeping so I'm going to dismiss the tomats immediately maybe they farmed one or two more ore and we're going to go around and pick up all the ore and see exactly where does tomat lie in terms of uh you know not observing him but still mining so looks like they didn't collect too much ore we're going to go ahead and check the box I have three in my bag and that is 26 so 29 in total or that they've collected which is a couple more than deud which could be accounted for tomat working a little longer 643 pancakes in the box that means they ate two food which is you know which tracks that tracks for sure but all right moving on to testing mamist mamist is going to be a little different so first of all check the ore nothing in there check the feed box we got 643 pancakes and let's go ahead and observe mamist and we'll talk a little a little bit about them mamist is a midgame pal uh you can see over here I am going to cut the trees I just want to make sure that none of the mamist are stuck logging and there just feels like a lot of things working against them not only does he have logging and Mining they're both level two and he also has Food level eight which means again his metabolism is going to be a lot faster than a tomat and then it's just not for a lot of benefit the partner skill guia Crusher says he can be ridden and he improves efficiency of cutting trees and Mining Ores but if you wanted a mount that could help you mine then you would probably just stick with Rush or rush or has a really nice skill called Reckless charge you could use this to farm a line of ore and dig toys is also really good but only I mean not in base but in the world he is just fine so we are going to go ahead and check the box here they farmed 68 ore in total uh there's some Fiber in there because I cut down some trees and 68 ore is going to be four off of combat which is not too bad B uh I mean mining level two that's what it is and you have 639 pancakes that means he ate four pancakes in total so that is memor let's go ahead and do a trial where we don't watch him we're going to start speeding this up a bit no ore in the chest we're going to go ahead and check the feed box there is 639 pancakes we'll head back home and we'll start the trial so what I think you'll see in this result is that muris will Farm a lot less ore and I have no idea really why this could be a mistrial but but mamist will Farm less ore and it could possibly be because he has logging to and there is a possibility of tree node spawning now I did go ahead and check later um there is no difference in the amount of wood that was collected but it's the only reason that makes sense to me now I did not do that much testing with mamist outside of this video um for dig toys and deud I did that's how this video was inspired but the purpose again of testing all these different pales is just to show you exactly how much worse dicko is compared to every pal so we're heading back home we're collecting all the ore now let's go ahead and check the box the Box should have seven ore so that's a lot less than tomat or deud when they're not being observed we check the feed box we have 638 pancakes so they didn't even eat that much food you'll see here that I miss an ore right on top of that node uh was just a split second twice now and then you've seen it so um mamist to his credit did Farm eight ore unobserved that's still really bad and the only pal you would use mamist over would just be digo I'm going to go ahead and skip the Anubis trial and just W you the result he performs pretty much exactly the same as rep Tyro over here and rep Tyro is still a very good pile to keep in this video because he has mining level three and dig toys does no ore in the Box we go ahead and check the Fe box there are 680 pancakes within it and so the reason why I'm skipping Anubis is because the video is starting to get long rarro is a great pile to have I think he's even better farming in the Overworld uh as a saddle but look at the damage he's dealing he's doing like 3940 damage he alongside Anubis don't really have long animations and I think that has a lot to do with why dig toys is so bad is because he spend so much time spinning and he definitely doesn't deal as much damage as a ryro or a nubis in fact I'm pretty sure he's pretty comparable to a deud but even for results as you'll see a lot later he's not even he's not even close not even to a deud which is really embarrassing and also just really weird why would you have this pal whose only job is to mine he is level three in it and he's just the worst pal for I'm pretty sure it's a bug so you have 676 pancakes here that means he ate four pancakes right and we see here he farmed quite a bit he armed 103 ore so that's mining level three for you that's what a mining level three pal should do for you again spoiling Anubis does the exact same he did 101 in my trial and he ate about three pancakes instead of four now I'm not too sure if it's because my Anubis are lucky all of them are lucky because I bred them by the way you could easily get Anubis by breeding mamist and Brun Cherry together but yeah the only difference is 10 work speed everyone else has traits that don't affect their hunger their sanity nothing like that that so everything should be roughly the same so once again starting up the trial no ore in the Box it's all in my pocket I'll take it back home and in the feed box there is 676 pancakes let's go ahead and speed everything up go back home and I am going to do a little farming here I actually haven't been able to play that much po world like I am in the game here I'm making this video but I haven't been able to progress or actually play because I am busy making videos here so I mean I'm looking forward to getting back into the game I think after I made make my food and sa video I'll get back to progressing through the game live I still haven't found quartz I still have a lot of things to do a lot of islands to explore I think the frost Mountain Island is something I haven't really looked into still have a lot of bosses to fight so I'm looking forward to getting back into the actual game if you want to catch me live I stream simultaneously on YouTube and on Twitch and yeah I I think after this video or after the next video I'll probably be looking into um just progressing so by the way just to compare Anubis did Farm 3 nine ore without observation and over here we see rep Tyro farmed 11 which is a lot less could be a mistrial definitely think you should test it out yourself uh the food he only ate one pancake so overall 11 ore farmed one pancake eaten let's move on to why we came here how does dig toys perform in comparison so the Moment of Truth we are going to first observe dig toys okay and we have the three hangu we have three dig toys and we are going to check the box here box has no ore within it we go ahead and check the feed box there is 675 pancakes so let's go ahead and see how well dig toys performs and when I found this I was definitely very disappointed in myself I mean in all the promotional material dig toys is the miner the premier Miner dig to's only work suit ability Is Mining and for him to just struggle a team of three struggle to take down this node we're going to cut into um me just talking here in like just a bit because I was just shocked I was amazed that's why like everything before this everything leading up to this was worth it because it's they're just so bad I noticed the hangu don't really have that much to do oh my God they're horrible it's taking them forever to kill this one node that's insane by the way uh if you guys are wondering I do have dig toys's headband this item by the way just makes it so that he's more efficient when farming in the Overworld just saying like this is insane how much they're struggling on this one node what the heck like I I knew this I I've done this testing before I've done it again and again and again but it just it amazes me just seeing them do this at the very end of all these trials like wow that is insanely bad there's no way that's working as intended there is absolutely no way I'm going to we're going to look at the ore I'm I'm pretty sure there's like maybe like 30 maybe 40 I don't even know I have no ore in my pocket hold on I'm pausing the video I'm watching in the background oopsie sorry my bad that Pyon was to not having it okay there are I mean obviously the only ore they've hit was this one so 658 pancakes I I I forget how much they ate but 32 ore that is 32 ore right there that is that is insane that is insane how bad that is and by the way cutting in again um they ate eight pancakes they ate eight of them and they have a Food level of five which doesn't make that means they're expending so much stamina doing that weird spinning anim for no benefit whatsoever you usually have to wait like a day for the ores to respawn I don't have to do that today I don't have to do that this day they will definitely not Farm anything when I'm not watching them so yeah dig toes you can take a look at their their stats there's nothing that there's nothing there's no bad trait here there's no good trait there's no bad trait they all have 70 work speed they they should not be this bad they should be comparable to uh Anubis and repo because he has a mining efficiency of three all right so no ore in the Box check the feed box there are 658 pancakes and let's go ahead and start this up again we are not going to watch them and I think this one will shock you especially now keep in mind again the daytime cycle is set to five times speed I did do normal testing I did do testing with normal day cycles and that's what led me to even do this that's what led me to look at all the pals and just see like what is it are they individually sted is it are they like is there that much of a difference from pal to Pal and the answer is not really like Anubis and rip Tyro are roughly the same deud tomat mamist they only really differ in food levels and it makes sense like dut's the best tomat is second mamis is third by a pretty fair margin but this dig toys there's no reason for dig toys to be this bad all right so here we are we're going to no or in the pocket we're going to check if there's any ore left over looks like they did absolutely nothing they did nothing at all but let's go ahead and check the box um 652 pancakes I don't know how much there was before but wow nothing no ore now of course that doesn't mean they'll never Farm ore if you did have a normal day cycle they actually do farm like a handful of War by the way they ate six pancakes they ate six pancakes for absolutely zero work which is really crazy that's that's the weirdest thing is like they ate so much to do so little anyway thank you guys so much for watching my name is red new please don't forget to like And subscribe especially if you enjoyed the content you learned something new I definitely learned to never use dig toys for version 0.1.3 or until they you know until they address it pocket pair please fix let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll see you on the next one peace
Channel: Rednu Ch.
Views: 192,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, digtoise, palworld mining base, palworld mining pal
Id: Wp5tYQEcH3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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