【Palworld】 Hunger Explained | Which Mining Pals are the Most Efficient?

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hi my name is red new and in this video we're going to be talking about Hunger what drives a pal to do what they do Pals need food in order to survive or at least they need it to work however some Pals have higher food levels than others I got a lot of questions on my video about Dick toys asking about aagon and blason and whether or not they were the best mining Pals these Pals have a mining level of four and a Food level of nine which is a lot higher than other Pals in this video we're going to get to the bottom of whether or not that Food level is sustainable if they're spending way too much time eating if their higher mining level is worth it and determine once and for all which pals are the best at or Mining and we're going to do this by highlighting and explaining the mechanics hunger and Metabolism before we get started want to go ahead and remind youall to please like And subscribe to the video it helps me out a ton and if you're feeling really generous consider joining my YouTube membership it's the best way to support me so I can continue to bring you more power world content Plus in this video we're going to be going through a lot of tables and all YouTube members will have view access to all the spreadsheets used in this video thanks again for all of your support and now on to the video let me start by telling you how I went down this Rabbit Hole you see this video was supposed to be a follow-up on which pals are the best to automatically mine ore in this new patch now while I was recording all of my 37 trials and I got to the end of my table I noticed something really strange first of all dig toys of course is still really bad you can see he is only mining 60 ore when compared to other Pals that are mining level three on top of that he's eating way too many pancakes but take a look at these Pals mamis and pening mamis and pening have food levels of eight but they are eating more pancakes than ason blasa now this is a good time to explain the basics of hunger for pal at base when pals are assigned and working on tasks such as mining or a pal's hunger bar will slowly deplete when a pal's hunger reaches half of their Max hunger then a pal will become hungry and go to eat at the nearest feed box they will eat only one food item yes one food item so if you're still using berries then your automatic production is going to be really bad since your pal is going to spend a lot of their time moving from workstation to feed box and back this is why more nutritious food is valuable to maintaining a good base the more nutrition your pals consume when they have to eat in that one food item they eat the more time they will spend working so mamis and panking are eating more food than basma and aagon but why why are they eating double my initial thought before starting all of this was that a pal's metabolism is determined by their food level this is the amount of bread icons you see in this part of a pal's detail sheet from what we can see we know that Food level indicates a pal's Max hunger deud and quiv have a Food level of four and a Max hunger of 300 while aagon and basut have a Food level of 9 and a Max hunger of 600 my assumption was that hunger depletes at a rate proportionate to ax hunger which would mean that aagon and basmat ought to eat more or at least the same amount of Pancakes as mamist and pinking all of a sudden I thought Pals might have a hidden metabolic rate that isn't based off their food level that or my testing was off which ended up being true I needed to standardize the hunger above 50% for all Pals used but that would take way too long so instead I decided to just come up with a whole different way of testing to find out a pal's metabolic rate and to also produce a much more accurate table so let's talk about the test in these trials we're looking to measure a pal's metabolism we'll do this with a timer we'll wait for Pals to reach half hunger eat a pancake and as soon as they start working on an or node we'll start the timer and as soon as they turn back to eat we'll stop the timer this will allow us to measure how long a pal will work after eating a pancake or in other words work time per nut a pal's metabolic rate and if we pair this alongside a pal's damage it deals to The Copper or nodes we can figure out a pal's average damage per nut this will let us determine how food efficient a pal is as well as allow us to reasonably guess how much copper or a pal can mine on their own while accounting for all the times it must eat and here are the results so after over 42 trials we have this really nice looking table so let me go ahead and order it a little bit so in this view we can see uh the groups of Pals so I did three trials for each pal we have three Duds we have three quiv we have three tomats and you should be able to see on the right side over here that the results are fairly the same and so let me go ahead and go over the different columns that we have the major columns so these are the pals we have the Pal's name their mining level Their Food level as well we have uh this nice little damage column over here so ad stands for their average damage anyone with mining level two will deal the same damage as any other within that same level and the same would go for level three and the same would go for level four so what St stands for is Swing time uh it seems like every pal this is an assumption but it seems like every pal has the same exact swing time with the only exception being dig toys of course digo attacks in a very different way compared to every other pal he's a very special little tortoise so other than that everyone else should be roughly the same and the DPS is just that right it's the damage by the swing time over here we have hunger so the trial is supposed to start every time after they eat a pancake but sometimes the hunger is just a little off so I just made sure to record the hunger when they started work when they ended work and that way my table would be still precise so long as what I'm looking for is metabolic rate and you can see over here where we had this trial with mamist he only had 27 nutrition to work off of but the results are pretty much the same over here we have sanity so sanity sanity didn't really give me like any good results but it seems to me that every pal more or less has the same sanity depletion rate you could see over here behind my shoulder that every pal will lose basically a point of Sanity every 14 seconds over here is work time in seconds so this is just how long they worked with this set of nutrition their total damage is simply a calculation of their DPS times the time they've worked so let's talk about the results column here so work time per nut is going to tell us a pal's metabolic rate or how well they burn this nutrition and translate that into work time what I wanted to figure out was if food levels determine metabolism or if different Pals had their own pal specific metabolic rate so see over here now the pals are ordered by metabolic rate and we have quiv and deud being at the very top because their food level is four and you can see as well the results are a little mixed you see this one quivering on the bottom of the whole bunch of them so it seems like over here the difference between the two are pretty negligible now that being said we have The Food level five Palace over here The Food level five Pals include repo Crist repo and tomat and while they're all Food level five if you notice there is still a grouping repo Chris is all grouped up together repo is all grouped up together and tomat is grouped up together and they're pretty distinct so I'm not too sure what to make of this like over here we see mixed results but over here there are pretty clear distinct groupings and and honestly I feel like we probably need more trials to make any sort of definitive conclusion over here we have Anubis with the Food Level of six over here we have mening with a Food level of seven and a mixed result over here between pening and mamis sharing the same Food level of eight and aagon basmat and Pilatus will have the same Food level of nine and roughly fall under the same category the same values and at the very bottom we have dig toys so this view only has dig toys alongside all of his other peers with Food level five he is about six times as worse as all the other Food level five Pals over here Z to's Food level ought to be something like 20 with this being the case damage per nut is going to tell us a pal's food efficiency damage directly translates to the number of or mind so how much damage can we deal per nutrition burned here we can see that rtio Crist will provide the most damage per nutrition making repo Cris and repo the most food efficient Pals when it comes to mining dig toys again is at the bottom with his mining level three stat and comparing to his other peers with the same mining level three he is anywhere between 6 to eight times worse than all the other Pals that share his mining level but all of this is with respect to pancakes and maybe you're a maniac who doesn't like pancakes and maybe all you care about is ore no matter the cost Well turns out that we can get some pretty nice estimates on the amount of ore these Pals can Farm as well all we have to do is figure out how much time your pal is working and then back out the time that your pal will spend on sanity breaks the time a pal eats and with this damage column we'll be able to figure out how much ore you would Farm typically in a day and this is a normal daytime cycle by the way I have some constants over here this is so I can control how much time is allotted within a day how much time they're spending on a break how much nutrition the pals are eating and with that I able to simulate how much ore they are able to farm per day so the question is which pals are the best ore farmers and with this we're able to see that ason and blut are equally as good at farming ore within a day cycle now it is important to note that aagon is a nocturnal pal so he is able to work day and night however that is also going to do a number on his sanity so if you're able to upkeep that sanity then he should be the best in second place are the rep Tio Brothers over here they have mining level three and they also don't eat very many pancakes so this allows them to squeeze an extra bit of work time throughout the day Anubis is probably the most accessible level three mining pal just because he has a lot of easy breeding combinations how I got mine was with mamist and Brun Cherry but I'm pretty sure there's a lot more easier ones that you can manage and way at the bottom of or Farm per day we have our friend dig toys at least when you compare him to like the second worst Palace he's not farming that much less but even compared to them you can see that he's eating almost almost three to four times the amount of Pancakes to do a worse job which is a little embarrassing I would say and honestly you know I'm day toys could be just a big joke you know pocket pair has a really good sense of humor but it is extremely funny to see just how bad he is compared to the rest of the other Pals now here's a bonus piece of information and actually it was a pretty funny Discovery throughout all of this you may notice that this table has a severe lack of a couple of Pals that ought to have been tested and that's Pilatus and necris honestly the reason why I missed them was a combination of me forgetting and their poor work stats so here's Pilatus mining level two for Food level 9 sounds like nobody would even consider using them which would be the case since nobody suggested them in my comments but funny enough when I tested Pilatus I discovered something really quirky let's say so when Pal's mine ore they are attacking the notes but stats like attack and work speed don't affect a pal's damage to the ore and neither does level ranking up seems like the only way but that said Pilatus was dealing more damage to the or notes than other level two mining Pals and I thought why would he do that when he's unranked I never ranked up my Pilatus could it have been his passive skills because he did have Legend and I think he has that 20% neutral attack buff as well well the answer is no it seems that because the pals are attacking the nodes and all attacks have elements Pilatus seems to be applying stab to the notes stab is a Pokemon term for same type attack boost since padus is neutral element and is using a neutral element attack while mining The Ore he is dealing 20% more damage than the other Pals that share his mining level I tested this with kativa depresso and fuddler on Natural Stone nodes and the principle followed cattiva dealt more damage than depresso and fuddler because of its neutral typing so if you wanted to know who was the best natural stone minor for whatever reason it's cattiva so if we ever get an opportunity to change a pal's typing just know you can get an easy 20% boost in production if you could change their element to neutral Pilatus is Boost is funny but not substantial enough however to make it a valid choice you can see over here he doesn't farm that much ore he does Farm more than quiv and de mud of course cuz he's doing more damage but he's also eating a lot of Pancakes he's eating as much as blossa and aagon so that is pretty bad especially when you consider that you have options like Anubis and repo instead of Pilatus and Pilatus despite stabbing the nodes will not produce more ore than any of the mining level three Pals but there you have it I'm sure you have learned a lot more than you ever wanted to about how a pal digests their food the long story short is that having better food means increased work time but because feeding doesn't take too long it doesn't seem like it matters too much except when you get into weird cases like dig toys who eat over three to six times as many pancakes as the best options and by the way I do want to note that I did test this out on a full day cycle and I'm really happy with these two columns over here because the amount of ore farmed the amount of Pancakes eaten they are very very close rtio Christ farmed 150 ore in a full day cycle trial that I did and blasa farmed 208 ore and at eight p pancakes in a full day cycle trial that I did as well and that's going to be it for me thank you all so much for watching this was certainly a lot more work than I bargained for so please remember to like the video subscribe to my channel for more power world content and leave a comment below and let me know if pancakes matter to you if you want access to the sheet so you can copy it and play around with it yourself I'll be posting the link in a follow-up YouTube Community post that will be available to YouTube members only so click the join button to become a member today my name is Renu I'm going to get out of the lab and touch some po World grass and I'll see you all on the next one peace with this discovery you could say that Pilatus was stabbing the nodes right get it like stab like you know cuz he has like pointing L okay listen
Channel: Rednu Ch.
Views: 19,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld
Id: _K-PfLm7yC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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