✝️ Marriage - Your Spouse owes you Nothing - Dan Mohler -3/5 @Freedom Fest July 2019

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okay guys that was amazing I was like okay we'll see you tomorrow you see what they did to me again right you know they do it to me on purpose Tracy was up her scent take your time worship all night Anna was scared she said here comes a big firecracker they held him back all this time I've had fun today I've had fun watching you guys Hunger this worship time I told some people over there I said they're gonna go crazy tonight that's what I said I you just knew it and I like it honestly I joke about the time I'm one that ever ever could care less I could always care less about time I usually have to think about time when I when I travel a minister when I come here yeah I usually get to Mike about when I'm supposed to be ended it's just hilarious only our Redemption house maybe it's a sign of true redemption huh no it's just good I just I just love that we're not on any kind of schedule and that worship can just flow and people can just mix in giftings and come up and pray and lead and sing and I just look around I sometimes I just sit and I look around I get really touched by your worship times don't uh don't miss those opportunities always make sure you pursue to have an encounter with him in that situation that that we have where everybody's just before him don't don't ever just get trapped and think are they gonna sing this forever I was here one time it was miss Tracy's fault she got this thing about God's not dead he's surely alive he's ruined like a lion he's living on the inside and you guys went bonkers and it was 2 o'clock service and they started singing in she got up and said I just think we're supposed to just keep singing this cuz he ain't dead he's alive and everybody went and they started jamming out and people were dancing around the church God's not dead he's surely they were just going and go and then go it and I was sitting there going wow it was 2 o'clock service it was 5:45 45 they said we want to invite up dan Mohler it was a 2 o'clock service I say what is happening we saying God's not dead he's surely had for two and a half hours I thought somebody might just start believing this thing they might actually start believing he's alive I was telling some folks today I had fun today I talked to people non-stop I never took a break non-stop some of you didn't let me take a break even in between my walking somewhere I got stopped it was just fun I love people I make myself totally available did you ever notice that yeah thanks I love you too I come for the people I come because I believe the gospel you want to tell people about Jesus because you believe the gospel yeah you believe the gospel and then there's something that that carries theirs see the more you spend time with him the more I love the revelation of man that was amazing introduction and I was like gee I was humbled I was sitting there and you were really touching my heart about spending time with him and the Revelator and I've been privileged to be with him and need to speak to me minister to me when I speak to others it's out of those convictions it's out of those times guys it's not because I'm pressured to evangelize it's not because I need to reach people it's because he's alive and he's inside of me because you know him and and and you believe and and then you see but it's why I travel I I don't travel because it's a way of living I don't travel because it's an occupation I don't request honorariums I I because I believe the gospel and the blood of Jesus was shed for the redemption of our lives and the people in the room are worthy of hearing this message because he says so and just easy is simple and then the more that you're with him I was sharing with these people I said when I first got saved I was in a situation to do this you can't always do this but my marriage was over it looked like I was celebrating that I thought that was awesome I wasn't crying I wasn't calling a pastor girlfriend from a marriage I was like I'm glad you're finally strong enough to make this decision I've been waiting for this for a long time I wasted 13 years of my life I'm ready to move on without you this was a loss for me and I was that mean people say I can't imagine you like that I'm born again okay I'm pouring again I tell people how selfish over this vacuum picture like a you shouldn't be able to picture me like I'm born again That's not me anymore you don't bring who you were into who he is he's the biggest lie on the planet you don't bring who you were into who he is or you don't bring who he is into who you were you become new I spent it was an amazing little season I opened my Bible on the night I got saved I went home and I found my Bible I found it in my underwear drawer I knew it was somewhere I kept looking I said I got a Bible somewhere but I didn't know where because I hadn't opened it ever but I guess you just have a Bible in your house you know it was under my I'm a spongebob squarepants guy I'm a I'm a righty tighty guy just for your information not that you were asking but but it's so not true I mean my Bible wasn't even under boxers it was under whitey tighties it's so humiliating for the word of God to be hiding under whitey tighties there's really something because I wasn't even cool I was 33 wearing them things I still got him on same ones free Lou sorry I will be on it was crazy I was looking for my Bible I remembered and I was thinking I think I stuck in one of my drawers and I was Ruth's room underwear and there it was in the back corner Barry and I grabbed it and I crawled on my bed and I was crying and open my Bible and I had it opened up and against my chest I just opened it up and stuck it against my chest I was hugging that was crying I said out loud I said god I don't know who you are I said I know you're real now you're real cuz he I had an encounter at work it changed me forever I knew I'd never be the same he just came and he changed me didn't come and open the ceiling he didn't come and speak he just it was a thought that I thought was my own but it grabbed me and froze me and and I knew I'd never be the same because he got me past my own deny or my own deceptions and he gave me a good strong look at the condition of my heart that day it was the most awful thing I've ever seen in my life I actually believe with my heart I was the most selfish man that ever lived that's that's how bad it was when I saw it he let me see the filth of self-centeredness the emptiness the shallowness the loneliness it was awful that remember saying my life is pitiful my life is pitiful I'm such a lie such a hypocrite I I was just crying us I want everybody to like me and I don't even like myself I'm such a zero such a and it and you were to maybe try to say all brother it's okay stop no I needed to be there for a moment I really love Jesus I've been who used to use you're the one that said constant she used constant when she brought me up here the Lord said to me years ago he said do you know why you live the way you do I knew what he meant he meant constant not even trying I can't remember in 24 years ever trying to be okay I wouldn't know what that looks like cuz I don't know how to not be he's in me if circumstances have nothing to do with how I'm doing and who he is nothing my children on and wild for a season my wife and identity crisis my family looked like it's blown apart it's not time to fall apart it's not time to seek counsel it's not time to be frustrated everybody around me needs Jesus he's in me might as well just live him and give him to people it's not time to feel sorry for yourself and nobody loves me and I'm trying to do right and why will they run with me and I just feel so betrayed and they're my family and if they don't love me who's gonna let me stop might be an okay is absolutely zero dependent on you it's zero dependent on my own children and it's zero dependent on my wife the gospel has taken every bit of obligation out of our marriage so that our marriage can actually be I love you yeah one day you just might get that because our I love you is usually I need you don't let me down and then we prove it through all the animosity in our homes and you can sing praise the Lord and shout each other down and you prove here I love you is I need you don't let me down I'm heading somewhere with us I think I have no clue what I'm doing but I think we'll be all right yeah I had my Bible open ice on my bed I said it I know you're real I know you're real but I don't know you I got to know who you are there's so many people it wasn't a slam I wasn't being sarcastic I just said there's so many people saying so many things about you but I need to know who you are and I believe you're in this book and I believe you'll show me if I look for you would you please and I was crying so hard would you please show me who you are this was after the night when I looked into my heart by the grace of God and saw how ugly it was and the reason I got transformed because I didn't receive him into my heart I didn't pray a prayer to go to heaven heaven had nothing to do with that night the condition of my heart the zero I was living had to do with that night the emptiness of my life the vanity of my every day had to do with that night had nothing to do with getting my name in a book called life had to do with getting right with God and becoming what he intended me to be and getting delivered from this lie that I was living that I thought was normal that's what that night had to do with had nothing to do with going to heaven had to do with getting changed so on that night I gave my life to him because it wasn't worth living and I said I don't ever want to live another day like this it's vanity it's zero and in the end it will mean nothing and I knew it and I said I'm done I lifted my hands and I gave my life to him he flooded me with God reality and somehow I knew I'd never be the same I thought about my wife 30 minutes later who I was celebrating separation from who I would have told you I hated who I would have told you a lot of negative things about 30 minutes after the encounter I thought about her and went while she tried hard oh my goodness she went out of her way to keep peace oh my goodness that girl's amazing oh my goodness she went the extra mile wow what a girl my view of her was completely changed I hadn't read my Bible nobody laid hands on me I hadn't been to a conference and all of a sudden I was perceiving that I had love for her why cuz love came inside of me his name is Jesus yeah like at home I got my Bible I'm laying I'm crying on my bed I'm the only one in the room you said you were out of your mind no I was out of some of your minds I was just going after him I was done being rational I was done being analytical I was done trying to process this house the same God you've got to be out there my life was a zero there has to be something more I got to know you that's determined I love that kind of desperation when I see that in people I see transformation in their lives when I see people that won't change not blessing change the people that I see going after blessing live frustrated a lot of times and up and down they don't think they're getting their fair shake and they wonder why the prayers ain't working and it's all about what they're getting from him and instead of what they're becoming because of him you've got to be careful with this thing your motive means everything why do you seek Him why do you pray why do you come here man that's got to be a clear answer why was I reading my Bible that night so that I couldn't know him why I didn't know the scripture was there Roy but I found it as I started reading and this is eternal life that you might know him you know what the biggest dilemma was my life was I learned all about him in the ways men taught me went to about four different churches three at least in my life maybe four and knew all about him according to the way I was taught but I didn't know him Yuda handed me a track on the lost day of most lost day of my life Ida said hey thanks man but I'm already in I've been forgiven and I have redemption through remission of sins through the shedding of his blood and his cross but thanks for caring and I'd have walked away and said oh brother but it took your track just to get you away from me and that I said hey thanks for caring man but I'm one of you I've been safe my sins are remitted through his cross his blood washed me thank you though how to turn the corner and pitched him I promise you I knew the language but I didn't know him I went to school about him but I've never been with him and there's a big difference knowing about him will not transform your life it'll convict your life and if you don't get to know him it'll turn into condemnation in time and the word you know will bite you back because it won't become your reality and you'll judge yourself based on your knowledge and your lack of expression it happens all the time and you'll think well if I didn't change by now I'm not because I know everything I need to know I've been in this thing for how long now I did it it's not the knowledge of God that's going to change your life in fact knowledge can puff you up it's love that edify you can know all about God you can quote all the scripture you can finish the scripture before the pastor it doesn't mean you know him what means you know him is that you love I read my Bible nobody's going to talk me out of it it says if you don't love there's one reason not to 1 you don't know him it doesn't say you don't see your need for Savior it doesn't say you're not sincere about the forgiveness of your sins it doesn't say you're really sorry for the things you did but it does say if you don't love there's one reason you don't know him doesn't say you don't pastor it doesn't say you don't go on a mission trip doesn't say you're not sincere and feed the poor but it does say if you don't love you don't know him we can let a lot of things we do for him take the place of knowing him but it's our love that reveals that we've been with him I have my Bible hug into my chest I was crying I said I got to know you Freddy was an amazing experience I'm not a Bible Punk or I don't like open my Bible like okay where's God want me read I was just my first night I found my Bible in the underwear drawer for heaven's sake right and I'm laying there and I'm crying I'm holding and I lay it on my lap and I sit up to read and I'm on first Corinthians 13 and my eyes lock call to my eyes locked as if it was the only sentence I was looking at it said if you have not loved you have nothing and I cried and I cried and I cried and I said you've got to make me that you've got to make me that cuz I could have God reality I know you're real now but if I don't have this I ain't got nothing I'm reading this thing and if I ain't got this I ain't got nothing if I don't have that thing that you are love that looked at me through all those years and didn't change his mind that didn't get hard in your heart that came to me and sought me when I wasn't even looking for him so you'll know this you don't know this maybe but when I was 19 I wasn't married I was just with my what my wife's were married for 37 years first 13 were held on the earth and I didn't know Jesus and I never loved her and then God redeemed us and and from then on we've been in Christ and two years in we try had a fairytale marriage that's hard to describe Holy Spirit marriage that I've never ever heard anybody in my life even scratched the surface of what we experienced and then she got turned inward and got identity Christ start thinking like comparin and people love you they don't really care about me they say hi to me cuz they love you you're called I'm really not and I'm like whoa where are you going what are you saying that honey we got him he's in you you got so much to offer are you kidding you're not me I'm not you and I and she's like no she wouldn't get off that thing and it just kept whispering and whispering she took it into her heart and she believed in it mesmerised and robbed her of precious years of identity if you're not free if you don't understand what I'm preaching when your wife makes that decision and cost you that thing you're tasting that you've never heard even closely describe your hurt by that your angry by that you need to get her straightened up so you can get back to that place that ain't my goal my goal is to make sure she's all right that I love her that I don't never forever treat her outside of Jesus that's my goal my goal is to stand before him someday and find that I loved her like he loved us and anything else don't matter to me my rights don't matter her repetition in this lie don't matter how many years pass by don't matter what matters is that bring honor to his name and do justice to what he paid for and walk out what love really is and that's a we have she didn't get it by now she probably ain't gonna get it I can only endure so much I got enough on my plate as it is I don't need her pressing me down maybe it's time to just move forward I don't feel all that equally yoked anyway I'm trying to stay calm it's hard because we have sold ourselves cheap when we're not for sale and we picked up rights that were supposed to have been laid down and we've assumed mindsets that were never found in him or taught by him and we have pursued things that he never gave us the privilege to pursue he said the only reason we do those things is because our hearts have become hard and somebody I'll just preach it and take a little pressure eight years my wife was in the biggest funk I can't even describe she would even come to church with me and I was a pastor full time people asking questions and where she at and what's going on and why ain't your wife in church with you you're the pastor hmm if you ain't free that's pressure if you ain't free you start getting resentment towards her also and you got everything rolling and now your wife is dead wait there ain't no such thing you aren't dead wait that's why he shed his blood for you that's why he's willing to pour out his spirit into you you're not dead wait oh you might you might be thinking dead weight thoughts but to a purpose and potential ain't dead weight you're worth the blood of Jesus Christ and his love has never failed and on your darkest day he said I'd know who you are I know what's possible and I know what I pay for he ain't never changed his mind so if he ain't changed his mind why would I change my mind about my wife I read this in my book on day one in the Bible on day one when I got saved if I didn't have love I didn't have nothing oh you're so gifted oh you're so anointed but do you love oh you just read people's mail brother but do you love who you've seen some miracles do you love but so you can have knowledge of all mysteries not some oh and you can have faith to move every mountain not some and if you don't have love you miss the whole point come on faith to move all mountains knowledge of all mysteries is an icon to us that's the closest thing to Jesus we've ever seen if a man or woman is rolling in that kind of gifting we all want impartation that's the keynote speaker at every world conference knowledge of all mysteries faith to move every mountain that's Jesus in the flesh people and if you ain't got love you got nothing you can give all your goods to the poor you can give your body to be burned now that the poor will have your goods but you got nothing if you don't have why would somebody give all the goods to the poor why would you give their body burn somebody remember their name put a statue up for them or something write a book about them remember them when they're going I don't know but if it ain't love it ain't for others it's for yourself how can you move in gifting and knowledge of all mysteries and have nothing if it's true gifting because you used it in a wrong motive and you brought attention to yourself or you used it to build a kingdom instead of minister one that's here or you used it for income or finances or a great name instead of the name that's truly great come on these scriptures have to mean something mean of knowledge of all means we decide this want God to use me you become loved you become loved you become loved you're already being used your love one another every gift flows out of love everything works through love and love never fails I just want to prophesy become love I just want a word a knowledge become love I think we get it backwards we teach on all these gifts then we go try to do them why don't we become something and all are doing flow out of what we be and all sudden you ain't even striving and then II never about you and when you get a word of knowledge you can't stop crying in the car because you're so humbled that God would reveal things to you and through you and touch somebody's life and it's hard to even talk about it it's not rude God used me I have cried and cried and cried over these things you learn how to handle it and harness it and sometimes you're excited so but you never forget that no man has anything unless it's been given and there's no boasting in men there is no such thing as a super Christian there is believers and God is faithful that's it they go be no super Christian in heaven there's gonna be people that believed you want to be a believer in that Jay ain't no super Christians believers you say yeah but you live a certain way but believer haven't you you stayed constant believer so when my wife ain't doing well when isn't the word true no matter how far she slips when is my calling changed when is my role different when does she have the power to change who he is in me come on give real with me tonight I'm on you tonight a little bit but what can excuse what can excuse can we come up with that's good enough to put him aside and go back to the way we were and think like we were taught by men when he's the good teacher what excuse is good enough she started talking about suicide and start saying be better if I die and I'm like no that's a lie you can't tell me I'm not a burden to you do I look like a burden like I'm burdened honey if you believe that let's talk about change but I'm telling you I'm fine you saw me pumping gas I went to said hey keep my wife in prayer it's tough brother I want to throw out a prayer - for me - yeah I never felt like I needed no prayer I got something called a single eye if my eyes single my whole body's flooded with light it doesn't say unless of course your wife is in an 8 year long identity crisis won't come to church when you're pastoring it says if you see clear you'll be clear period now I'm saying what do we believe statistics emotions human reasoning friends advice or do we believe Jesus I read this book and it said if I didn't have love I didn't have nothing and I'm telling you it burned something in me guys and for five weeks five weeks I didn't come out of bedroom to go to work I would get out and run down go to the bathroom and brush my teeth I didn't want no bad breath with the Lord I would run back up and close my door turn the clocks to the wall it's not a joke turn my clocks to the wall I don't sleep much I sleep about five and a half hours five hours five and a half if I sleep six you better check on me I get off work at 2:30 in the morning went home and would just pray and cry and walk the living room and pray and cry and walk the living room I don't know what time I'd crawl in bed probably five hours later I'm up man I'm ready I'll run down use the restroom come in so shut the door I would close the door on my way back in I'd open it and say hey I'm here I close I say it's just us oh my goodness that he would just be there five weeks this went on never left the room left the CD playing Jesus friend forever for hours on end it was never redundant never redundant tenth times through it was so more powerful than it was the first three just friend what a friend I found I'm just still on the edge of my bed and you sob and cry and worship and just knew that I'd never be alone that my life will never be the same and then I'd read and it's playing the whole time and five five weeks I didn't go to work till 4:30 in the afternoon I've turned my clocks to the wall because I didn't want intellect I didn't want distraction I didn't wanna look at the time and have it give me some reason to not be with him if I could be and I'd come out in time to shower up and grab a little lunch and head on into work hold them boys were in for it every day I went to work because cuz I went to work and didn't know how to not be okay and it freaks people out people think you're brainwashed they think you're in a so little coma or something like like you're locked and frozen and in denial and what happened to you you're like you're brainwashed this and my brains been washed [Applause] they didn't know how to handle somebody just being okay they said you and Holy Roller on us I said I don't know anything about Holy Roller but I know he's real and he's inside of me and they're like ah you know what they said what trauma are you going through what tragedy you're experiencing because men always come up with a Gaul to lean on when they can't get through I said actually I thought I was doing okay realized the registers and self centers of my heart and I ain't got no trauma right now buddy I got Jesus on the inside of me I ain't I ain't leaning on Jesus to fix something about my life he's my king Oh we'll get you back in a few months you'll be back to the same soon these things wear off in everybody why are they saying that because they see it all the time with Christians they see Christians go to church because their marriage is in trouble they see Christians go to church because they're up for foreclosure they see people reading their Bible because they have trouble not because they want to know him because they want him to get them through the trouble come on that's not a covenant mindset that's a genie in a bottle mindset it's not gonna do you good in the long run you don't make an extra mad dash at God cuz you got trouble you make a mad dash at God because you can't afford to not know him because life is coming all the time and if you wait till wars on the horizon you just might not be ready and now you trying to build a house in the storm and the Bible calls that a foolish man that's heard and hasn't become you with me five weeks I camped in that bedroom it's the most amazing five weeks I'll had never traded him for anything he met me there people he said if you seek Him you will find him you say well I can't spend that kind of time I can't take far away you don't have to you don't have to say well if I can't do that I can't know him you can know him you develop relationship you can talk to him on the way to work you can talk to him in the bathroom you can talk to him in the shower you can pee with him you talk to him when you're driving sometimes turn everything off don't occupy your ears in mind turn everything off and activate your heart don't just fill space in time with words and song and rhythm sometimes shut that thing down and get real sometimes when it's play and really listen to what it's saying instead of just moving with it and then all the sudden start responding based on that revelation because there are some powerful songs out there you start driving you really see me that way wow you love me that way well that's exactly who I am in your sight thank you for the blood thank you for new life and all of a sudden this thing starts getting real with you yeah come on what's your name Luka I'll just read your tag I wasn't a word of knowledge I've seen him I've seen him I've seen him praying for a man I've seen him a couple times this weekend I just saw his name on just the first time I knew his name first time we shook hands first time we met I don't know this guy at all but I've met him now you say from this week on hey you know Luka I said oh yeah yeah I know Luka sound like I know him sound like we hung out but I really don't know him at all I spend the next week with this young man we drive together and he goes on a trip with me we hang out together and we spend like 40 hours in the next week together no son you say hey do you know Lukas a Luka oh yeah I'm getting to know that boy I like him a lot he's a good kid oh yeah I know Luka and I could say it with conviction why cuz I've been with him I didn't just sit with men that were talking about him that knew him I've been with him did you do it I didn't just listen to men that talked about him that knew him I've been with him we spend the next month together you say hey man you know Luka Luka absolutely well you wanna know stop who here's my point even be around him you can hear words about him you can sing songs pertaining to him but until you've been with them until you stay with him until you camp out there how can you ever say you really know him eternal life is knowing him I read one convicting thing if it didn't have love I didn't have nothing and I said I'm just going to tell you what I said it's not rude I wasn't slamming nobody it was the heart cry my heart in a moment of desperation for God I said this it's on tapes it's back in the kingdom living school I said I got to know you I can't be another confessing Christian that goes to church I've got to know you why because I went to church till I was 18 off and on till I was 20 and I was never convicted by another man's conviction we just went to church I didn't come to a church like this I went to other churches they no other Church like its anybody but my mom tried to mix it up and she tried to keep me enthused if you don't have love you got nothing I read first Timothy 1:5 you know what it says the goal of our instruction the purpose of the commandment is love you know what I'm telling you tonight I'm telling you if we miss being with him in a personal way and miss become in love we'll miss the point of why he came the whole reason he came is to redeem us back to his image and get who he is back inside of us he didn't come to pay off your mortgage he'll bless you he's a provider he's a giver he's good but he didn't come for that he came to put his life inside of him he didn't come to meet what you think are your needs he came to transform your life he came to put who he is inside of you so who he is can live through you and when my wife is struggling it ain't time to be a frustrated husband because Christ is in me and he's the hope of glory and this ain't about how I feel and what seeing this is who he is and why don't you ever forget this don't you come up with a reason good enough not to walk in him you see but you don't know what I've been through what about asking him that question wonder if he said to you you don't know what I've been through because if you really knew you'd be completely surrendered he ain't never done anything wrong my friend he was completely perfect and completely pure and they treated him like he was the worst of the worst and is wrong that's the rub and he didn't say a word he let him take his life Barnabas he let him shed his innocent blood and then he took that innocent holy blood up to the holy place and a man put innocent blood on a seat called mercy and then he sat down on the seat at the right hand of Almighty to say I vow with my person to complete everything I've promised through my blood and now innocent blood is speaking on behalf of guilty people saying come back to the Father I've been saying it all weekend it's a big deal because it's in me all weekend not just to be forgiven to be transformed that stops stopping with forgiveness and be transformed honestly when you understand you are forgiven it's transforming when you realize you've been forgiven of everything you've ever done and you receive it you won't struggle with unforgiveness you're so overwhelmed by the beauty of who he is and the goodness of who he is and that he forgave you of everything you've ever done you will not look through eyes of unforgiveness when you see you're forgiven the Lord showed me alone I said God why do people have so much of a hard time forgiving I was pastoring people had issues us to give up your lifetime subscription to issues [Applause] well he should well how come they well why do you let well are they supposed to will Sunday are we singing songs to Jesus and got all kind of issues come on the Lord said people that struggle in my heart he said the people that struggle with unforgiveness have never truly tasted the fact that they've been truly completely washed clean and I see them as if they've never sinned now who knows we've all sinned who knows that sometimes we know God knows all things and we go oops because we know people don't know all things but when we know God knows all things we like uh-uh cuz they ain't no secret but yet he doesn't see you for where you've been he sees you were for Jesus has been and he wants you so overwhelmed by his love and the way he sees you that you love him in return and you become that very thing that sets you free love and you start seeing every man with that same purpose potential and value and all of a sudden on a man's darkest day you understand he's more than what he sees and all the sudden he doesn't frustrate you anymore and you don't even judge him anymore and all of a sudden you're not angry at him anymore or cynical anymore because you weep for him because you know if he knew he wouldn't be living there and it breaks your heart not makes you angry it makes you cry for him not because of him oh I wish we preached this all the time because it's not cool in Matthew 18 to be forgiven of everything you owed the master and not forgive your brother for what he owes you I read the parable it is not cool it's a place of bondage torment and outer darkness and it's called an evil and wicked servant that once forgiven of everything they owe and won't forgive their brother of what they owe I heard creflo dollar in 1997 preach that parable it was one of the most powerful things I ever heard he was coming down off them steps they were tall steps he was he looked mad but you could tell he wasn't mad at people he was just riffing it man I was sitting there I was in my living room tears were just pouring down my face he did the math in 1997 or so he did the math but the talents that the servant of the master was 19 million the Denari that the man owed the brother was five hundred bucks he did the math and brought it into today's currency the server note 19 million dollars to the master and the master relieved him of all his debt he turned and saw Brotherhood him five hundred bucks and said hey pay up he said I don't have it be patient with me he said I ain't having that and he shut him up in prison that means he closed him up in his heart he cut him off creflo was on the steps he said you gonna tell me you been forgiven 19 million dollars of debt and you gonna put your brother in prison for $500 and I went no but see Oh Lord are you serious I don't know I'm nervous see this locates if you really for him and going after him if you don't want to handle those kind of words then you're fighting to stay the same you really don't want to obey you got to deal with that and say heart you better line up to some things you can't come up with excuses say yeah but you don't know it you might only be one thing but it was bad you're hundreds of thousands of things all totaled up far surpass the one thing you better be glad God's not looking at you through your eye so why don't you take his eye upon yourself and let it be single but you don't know what they put me through but you don't know the timing but they said they would never stop if if God took on your eye and that was your eye we don't have hope are you with me and if you don't want to hear the word of the Lord and you just want to talk around it it locates your heart you're really not pressing in for him you just want him to do something for you like knock the brother that hurts you off his high horse and make him pay come on you'd be amazed some of the prayers going out there that people think are Christian if you love me Lord how could you let him do that to me God you need to not tell them to knock it off you need to change him god I feel so lonely a broken I don't even know where you are now god that's a common prayer you are going to be in despair if you don't change your mind real quick all sudden you're just even God for sukiya the whole time he's called you to love and you've been needing every day and people are breaking your heart and letting you down because you have expectations on men and your expectation isn't from the Lord and if your expectation is from the Lord it's that he makes things go the way your hope and instead of makes you more like him come on you do not come to a weekend like this for what God can do for you you come to a weekend like this for how he can make you more like him so you can walk in the light as he's in the light and let your light so shine before men look when my wife was deceived when my kids were running wild my wife needs Jesus she doesn't need correction she's deceived she needs Jesus she needs truth she's in darkness she needs light she does not need a frustrated husband that's thrown around facts and timeframes she needs Jesus and guess where he is he's in me so it's time to love her like Christ loves the church yeah you see my my speech is so bold cuz I got to be that man and I wouldn't change it for a thing I wouldn't go back and change nothing I've been through it helps shape me and mold me into the things I see I've been through witchcraft I've had things come to try to kill me all that Devil stand in my room and talk to me and say they were gonna kill me I don't talk about it much but I've had that all happen but you can't see that when you look at me except the passion you say you need to settle down you don't even know what you're asking I don't have shadrach story I have my own I don't have Daniels resume and story to cheer me on I got my own and I got a fourth man that comes in the furnace every time and keeps the bands and the bonds loose and you don't see no smell of smoke but there's been a lot of burning and smoke along the way but you don't see it don't look like I've been burned don't look like I've been jaded don't look like I've been let down by people and let down by the Lord don't look like I had a tough day and need you to pray me through but I could tell you stuff and your eyes would pop and your jaw would drop because we've been taught that those things that I can tell you determine how we're doing and who we are and none of it has anything to do with that my wife treating me right is not a prerequisite for my freedom my wife loving me has nothing to do with me being okay I didn't wake up today for her to love me I woke up to be more like Jesus when I stand before him on that day she ain't gonna be beside me I ain't gonna be able to say well Lord you know if you would have touched her sooner and when the let her go through I mean that took a toll on me and I never quite recovered and I don't even know where you were in that season I mean you really I just feel like you weren't there like you should have been you ain't even gonna be able to think that the light is gonna be so bright of truth all deception is gonna be smashed you won't step in there and go oh you're gonna go Oh cuz you gonna say it immediately you will say I've been deceived I believe things matter more than what matters most imma letting people decide who and where I am and you're gonna realize in that moment you didn't believe him you believe this now you prayed to him but you didn't believe him you believe this oh you cried out to him you know my wife pray for me for 13 years to change and God said I could never change him based on your prayers ever there was no way I could change your husband when you pray he said because you only prayed from the place of pain you never play pray from the place of love he told my wife you were reduced to another hurting wife that prays and I can't leave you there by changing him I need you where I left and then we'll talk about change if the only reason she's praying is because if God changes me her day goes better that's as self-centered as can be and she's going to continue to live in that vulnerability and that weakness you know how many spouses only pray for their spouse because they're miserable frustrated and hurt and then they wonder why God hasn't moved even though they've cried and prayed and got all their friends pray your friends don't even have the capacity to pray because they care about you most of the time they care about you and they're sentimental and they already think your spouse is a jerk or something so when they pray for your spouse they're even mad because of what the spouse is doing to you and there's no compassion for the spouse there's nobody saying man they're lost man if Jesus comes back today this isn't good man forget what he's not in his and we'll forget what she is and isn't doing for you they're lost they don't understand you got to walk in the light you got a shiny this you got a walking unfailing love you got to stop letting your identity rests on the dysfunction of your spouse you got to stay in the consistency of the Lord and walk in the light come on get your eyes off of where your spouse isn't and keep your eyes fixed on where he is see I don't think we're teaching and counseling that in the back rooms I think we're saying well you can only put up with so much well you know sometimes people don't want to change you know you know you huh that's what we're telling counseling oh I know I know full well that's dead on and we're counseling people's rights we're ministering to people's emotions meaning keeping them going and justifying them and we know how we'd feel if we were in that person's shoes so we agree with their pain and as soon as you agree with their pain you have no ability to help them and get them free all you can do is sympathize and they'll stay the same and the highest grace they'll receive is that it seems like somebody cares about what they're going through and they'll call you a friend how's that for straight how's that redeeming lives how's that producing Christ in us come on I know this is intention passionate and late and I on a mag have a wild man he shed his blood for this truth to abide in our hearts and I ain't selling cheap cuz I'm not for sale I've been bought with a price and I'm not my own so if I didn't learn it from him I didn't learn it at all if he didn't teach me I ain't been taught I'm pleadin ignorant I don't know anything else I'm following Jesus I'm guilty of believing and I'm asking you to come with me because we sang there's an army rising up what do you think that army is what makes that army powerful signs and wonders or love that the signs and wonders flow through come on last thing we need is more signs and wonders and that man sleeping with somebody's wife the last thing we need you can't sleep with somebody's wife when you're in fellowship with God we ought to just talk about it see well yeah but the flesh is wicked man the heart is evil used to be he gave me a new one if I'm in fellowship with God I'm sleeping with somebody's wife it's you just don't fall into somebody you know you just say what we do [Laughter] it's contemplated it's fantasized it's thought over and you have a thousand chances to run how's that for being real you cannot be in fellowship with God and live that way well it just happened stop you were vulnerable you had unresolved conflicts you felt lonely whatever but it didn't just happen it was thought about and you had many chances just say no right up until the moment it happened be real with me you want to be in such a place that you're worshipping Jesus and seeking Him you shutting yourself up with him so when you walk out of that room you're living him and you ain't vulnerable you ain't fallin into stuff your identity is established you won't sell cheap come on in this Minister you know this almost every addictive cycle and behavior is attached to a low esteem and a false identity that's less than what they're worth so they live up to the low level in which they see themselves and then when they live up to it they assure that they're worthless and the cycle keeps going and it's called condemnation so the more you act on the thing the more you teach yourself your that love and the more you believe your that low the more that thing has power and the more you do it the more you believe it so the more you do it because the more you believe it but your hearts breaking the whole time so you only have two options break or get cold and say whatever and hide around language but you ain't free because the whole time you don't see your value the whole time you believe you're less than what you're worth and if you would let the crossways your value and you would see the Son of God hanging there taking your place saying you're more than what you lived you're more than what you believe I've known you from the beginning and I'm honored to shed my blood to give you life and you ain't supposed to say who me what see know where I've been do you know where he's been see you can't find yourself through you you find yourself through him you can't find yourself through others you find yourself through him are you with me when I met my body buddy Todd white he was in the room upstairs with me and he was he's crying and tell me all his trash twenty-two years of drug addiction there's a lot of stories a lot of trash he's telling me and I cut him off I heard enough after two stories I get the point you just tell me twenty years of drug addiction I don't even need a story I don't need you to relive nothing I already get it you've been lost he's telling me stories I cut him off I said listen ma'am start sharing the gospel Jesus finished work he cut me off and jumped back in tried to get in another story and I said listen stop that's irrelevant right now here's what's important he says dude nobody said dude in my life back then he imparted that worth to me he said dude he got mad you could see it in his face frustrated dude you ain't even listening man you're listening to me man you're listening to where I've been and what I've done I leaned in and said dude you ain't listening to where he's been and what he's done and here's the problem you think you are where you've been and what you've done but where he's been and what he's done is the real you I suggest you listen and I don't know what happened but Holy Spirit Zoop and he went ok dude I'll listen and he just stopped telling me about stuff and he listened I was giving him the answer cuz you're never gonna get there with the problem the answer were answer conscious people not problem driven we have an answer we're not people loaded down with so much trouble were people with an answer and the just shall live by are you all good I'm done I'm gonna quit I'm only preaching it an hour man I feel like I barely even poured out I feel like I'm up here just but that's still because as I'm pouring it I look tired don't I'm so fired up right now I've been talking to people all day been loving on people praying with people sharing with you I'm so fired up I don't know what to do I'm gonna go out of trees gonna get born again I'll be preached to a tree you're amazing look at you your bark is so unique I wave my limbs if I were you to praise them with me come on how am I gonna go to sleep in that amazing room you gave me guys I'm gonna be sitting in there like this I'm so fired up I ought to be it's good tidings of great joy it's not my life as miss Bo and I wish it would change so get a new one put on new motives put on a new reason for being stop trying to get God to change your circumstances and let him begin to work on you people have people have come to me as a pastor a lot see would you just pray for my spouse would you pray they come home would you pray con bring back my girlfriend would you break up bring back my boyfriend that's a common prayer we just split up with you pray God get us back together no I'm gonna pray that at all what I know this is God we're just going through our time God ordained us okay but we're married dressed are you gotta pray that no I'm prema what do you mean I'm gonna pray that Christ be formed in you because why do you think that God is compelled to bring your spouse back to you what God was to do is bring your spouse back to him in you because then he got something to bring him to he ain't gonna be responsible for just bringing him back to you and then he gonna have the answer to himself for that the goal of the father isn't just to get you married back together just for the sake of having it back together were you in the room together in the bed together guys yeah I'm about ready to stop the goal of the Lord is to form who he is in you and then he sees himself in you and says Wow now I got something to bring him back to now they're gonna take better care of the spouse now they're gonna love this fast they gonna make peace with his spouse and the best thing is he's over here able to do it in this person because this person begins to yield do you understand if we would all yield this way and wake up this way and talk this way and pray this way to God every day he would do a dramatic transformation in all of our lives and we would understand what freedom looks like and we would have issues anymore you say brother that's denial you better get real we always gonna have our issues no that's why you have yours friend because you're positioned for it and you're letting your truth revolve around your world and you can't sell that language to Jesus so if you can't sell it to Jesus why are you letting to be your reality people talk about marriages well brother everybody's going to have the fallouts no that's why you have yours you're positioned for it and then when it happens you have no sense of conviction or repentance because you think it's normal so it's going to happen again and again and again and after again and again and again something shifts now we don't think we love each other anymore I'm telling it I'm done I'm done no I'm done you gave me the mic late I'm done yeah I got preached tomorrow I won't have nothing left you all right you guys all right you tell him not mad that's right I'm not scolding you I didn't come here to spank you I didn't drive down here to spank you I promise I drove down here to tell you who you are to tell you what he called you to and what he paid for I didn't project any of this on you what I'm saying is don't ever let it be and you got a choice what's that my wife is amazing my wife is doing awesome yeah how'd the library cough I'll tell you how the live broke off she kept saying she wished she was dead she wished she was dead I just wish I was dead she said I'm too afraid to kill myself but I wish I'm dead that's my own wife telling me that I'm traveling the country preaching on identity and my wife believes she's worthless that's a paradox eight years not eight days not eight weeks eight years people go eight years truth doesn't know time so don't let time change truth the truth no time then why does time change truth well brother it's been a long time how long am I supposed to just keep enduring if you were loving you wouldn't feel like you're enduring you might get that later do not my wife kept saying she wished she was dead I said stop that I said that's not cool to talk like that there's so much power in our words a tongue two months before this happened where she was talking like this two months before what I'm telling you happening before when I get to the point of what happened just know that two months before this physical situation happened with her I'd started go in every time I went into my bedroom to pray a voice came in the bedroom to me and said hey she ain't getting it I'm gonna take her you'll be fine you'll be a piece and she'll be with me and it'll all be good it'll be easier this way it'll be better this way she just ain't getting it so I'm gonna take her I'm like I didn't say nothin I'm listening I begin to pray out some things in my heart every time for two months I go in to pray specifically when I went in my bedroom to pray about some things I go in my bedroom to pray for I would hear the same voice saying they're gonna take her it'll be better this way she ain't changing you'll be able to run faster and run free you won't have to be concerned you can just go after what I called you to sounded like implying to be God never adjust it just listen just listen two months later my wife has a violent seizure it was a rough morning she wasn't herself she was talking in circles I'm so sad for her she just she was so gone and I prayed with her and I was holding her and praying and she acted like she didn't know who I was or where she was and she was talking delirious I told her I was gonna run her over and have her checked out at the hospital it doesn't make me less spiritual it's my wife I'm not standing for myself it's my wife I she wasn't in a place to make decisions I said well run her over I prayed and I'm nothing she's just someone right and I took her over there and when we got there this violent seizure hit her like nothing I've ever seen she was in seizure for a whole hour they give her two different forms of shots to bring her out of the seizure and she just stayed in it for a whole hour seized growling like an animal thrashing in the bed crashing into the bumpers on the bed for one straight hour Carlton I got a big tow and I'm just standing there like this thank you Jesus Holy Spirit come for an hour this voice comes and says it's okay this is what I've been preparing you for quoted scripture her belly is full of the fruit of her lips she's reaping what she saw it'll be okay she'll be with me don't be afraid to let her go that's how real this warfare is you better know Jesus you start hearing that kind of stuff are you gonna be writing a book how god prepared me for when he was gone take my spouse why I have peace cuz he said I would no it's because you believe God took your spouse peace comes from your belief there's books out there like this how God gave me a dream six months before the death of my spouse to prepare me no he gave you a sword and his word fight you say that ain't right wonder if we lost us about now I'm condemned brother no no you're only condemned if you never fight and then you hear the gospel down the road you can't hear it because you get condemned so you just keep believing whatever you believed in that season and all of a sudden you can never really hear the gospel because of your decision I've been in this thing man I've seen so much so in my heart I'm holding their big toe they're trying to get me out of there sir this is so intense we need to get you out of here I'm like no I ain't going nowhere I'm fine look at me I'm fine she needs me right here I got her big toe I just clamped on it I wouldn't let it go he tried to elude me a few times if I had it in my heart not out loud I said Lord for two months I've been hearing this voice it sounds like when you talk to me and it's always when I'm praying and going in the bedroom and I've never addressed it but it never sounds like the things you say and there's a rational side to it but it doesn't sound like everything you've taught me through your word and if I've now ever needed to hear your voice I need to hear your voice right now and she's thrashing in the bed and my best friend whispered to me oh he's my friend he's in me he ain't never leaving I'm set for life he just whispered so soft he said mercy it's all he said mercy that thing was over I was like that was a lyin devil for two months trying to get me to cash in on my wife and let her go and call it the Lord change what a preach rewrite my theology is the devil trying to sound like God only talking to me when I went in to pray strategic give me to buy in and sell out I heard the word mercy see you think I'm intense you ought to see me in those situations because this thing's for keeps man this is war this is real this is Devils we're talking fallen spirits trying to manipulate me out of the truth and take the life of my wife and let me okay you think this is a game you wonder why I'm intense that's like me just signing the waivers yeah I heard one word mercy it was over not because I'm some bad Christian dude because he's a good father and he spoke mercy and what that did to my heart is undescribable I looked at all them I said hey I'm gonna head out I need to go see my kids take good care of my girl thanks for all you're doing and I took off out the house like Marcy I ran home I told the kids I said Mama's gonna be fine the doctor called me when I was home talking to my boy doctor said look we got your wife inovated she's a life support we took an EEG she's got severe brain damage we're afraid she's gonna die she's got this concern this concern we gotta run a spinal tap we need to this I said doc listen stop I said listen do the best you can do for my girl okay I appreciate you I love you now's not the time for me to get a medical education I don't know nothing about nothing about doctors I personally haven't been to one people get mad at that stuff I just I don't even have a doctor well I guess I do but I'm not against them my wife has a doctor I'm not against doctors it's just there's a way I live that I don't even preach because I don't want people trying to do what I do I want people to see what I see I'm not against that stuff I'm just for the gospel and I'll make personal choices based on the convictions of my heart I'm just telling you I don't have pains I've been blessed I understand covenant I don't know why I needed a doctor in 24 years I said that's what you went to school for that medical education that's what you're paying off loans for stuff you got the knowledge in that arena go for it I said I've been trained in another area I'm gonna come in and do what I've been equipped for and he said what is that sir I said I'm gonna lay hands on her now remember I heard the word mercy so I wasn't being someone to change the situation and he said well I appreciate that sir but I'm the doctor and I have to face the reality of this situation and your wife is in serious serious trouble and I said no I said I hear what you're saying but unfortunately you couldn't hear what I said and it's not your fault no watch what I said you might not be laughing in a minute I'm not being arrogant with him I'm being real I said it's not your fault I said you've seen countless people come in there and pray all the right things and quote all the right scriptures from fear desperation despair some people hadn't read their Bibles for months and now they're quoting all the healing scriptures out of a book over their spouse and you've watched their spouses die and you haven't seen change but you've seen Christians say all the right things and that's all you heard on the phone but I said I've been reading my Bible friend I've been with him he's coming with me I'll see you in a minute you say that is so arrogant you can't preach like that just leave me alone stop don't even write me an email I'm not gonna read it I'm not I won't read it my girls screen it and if it's something like that I won't even read it my time is way more important it's way more important I don't read it I walked in there my boy and I we laid hands I'm making this story so short there was so much that happened with my son and it was amazing because he wasn't living right when all this happened he was not prepared to see his mom in a coma he was not prepared to lay hands on her he didn't even want to go but I compelled him he said no I said okay but right when I was leaving he said dad I'll go I said had a boy we went in there he just walked in there she's on life support she don't even look like his mama her eyes are swelled vol Jin she just doesn't look right I popped her eyes open I crawled up on the bed I said hey girl I said your boys are here to see you you better not look too deep at what you're looking at because she's my wife and you couldn't find her eyes I'm looking at you I looked right at ya I looked right at ya I looked right at you man I looked right at ya she wasn't there you couldn't find her eyes I found your eyes immediately but I couldn't find her there was no thing to look at there was no connectivity nobody home a pop drawers open and I looked right past that I just said hey girl your boys are here we come to get you out of this snap you've been sleeping way too long my boys just listening staring I don't even know what I'm doing I never do I don't I have no clue what I'm doing right now I've just trusted in her work and when the smoke clears we'll say okay this was gone I said we had to stop at the grocery store to pick up a couple things I said girl it was pitiful we don't know our way around in that store you're waking up and he'd not travel I can iron but I was just having fun I said he thinks I'm ironing a shirt for school tomorrow I know you're getting up and I just laughed and looked at him I didn't realize it was for him he's looking realizing that I don't see a coma he's looking and realizing I'm putting on a show he's looking and realizing I absolutely have the peace of heaven all over my heart that I don't see a wife in a coma I ain't set a mental I ain't emotional I ain't disturbed and I ain't desperate and my 14 year old boy is looking at me going and I didn't even know he told me all this later it was Jesus ministering to my boy got me acting silly ministering to my boy I said you ready to pray he said okay we prayed about 20 seconds what'd you say stop it's not something you need to repeat it's not your prayer that heals anybody it's what you believe about what he accomplished just prayed something about the kingdom and her coming back and you know what happened took my hands off of her and guess what happened nothing she laid there and kept sucking on that tube and that's where we fall apart because we believe in the moment we say and when she don't open her eyes we don't believe we got nothing so we pray again in the next prayer has more unbelief than the first and the third prayer you're already crying and the fourth prayer your mind's going bonkers and you're wondering why she ain't getting up come on I've been in this stuff a lot it's happened to me and I don't like it when it's so visual and so in-your-face and so close to home your wife you better know how to believe God and walk out of that room and you don't look at her sucking on that tube no more and you don't chant and wave extra colors of flags til her eyes open you slay hands on her and you speak and you leave her with Jesus Jesus is how bad we're going after I see you we hit the mechanical door before we even get there my son is crying his eyes out he's making a lot of noise and I see you that ain't cool I'm like boy you got not here Shh come on stop Mama's gonna be fine Mama's fine boom I've rushed him out we get to the next little meccanica door he's losing it I said buddy come on let's get out of here there's people everywhere we can't make noise like this he's he's losing it I'm thinking as the dad he's crying cause he just saw mom in a coma and he's freaking out we get out in the hall I embraced him he pushed me that's not my son I don't care how rebellious he's lived in that one little season of his life he would have never done that to me he's he was just overwhelmed he wasn't mad at me he was overwhelmed and and I said your mom's gonna be fine he said it ain't about mom and he pushed me and he said it's you and me dad and I thought oh my goodness we're having some inner fallout some deep inner something fallout in the hospital in the hall this is not cool because he's dramatic he don't 14 year old you usually a little self-conscious you don't want people seeing you crying and screaming and freaking he act like nobody's around push me screaming at me I'm like son then you got me confused I don't know what's going on since you and me dad I said what do you mean you me he said there's a big difference between you and me a big difference I thought I don't see no difference we've been bought with a blood were paid for I saw preaching Jesus Joey said no dad no dad there's a difference he said you don't see what I see and I'm like am I trying to follow him you don't say what I say and then he cried pitifully and fell into me and wrapped around me and squeezed me and said and I don't see what he was trying to say all I saw was a mom in trouble and I ain't been prepared to see nothing else and all you saw was Jesus I just held him rocked him I said I see Jesus high and lifted up oh I preached I said your mama's gonna be fine we got in the car I said you got no permission to be depressed I'm taking all that away from you you're going to school and you ain't living like a boy with a mom in trouble you wake up you talk to the Lord you establish your heart in faith and you go to school and you shine that's what I told him he said yes sir we got home I dropped him off I said I'm gonna run back in and sit in Mama's room he said okay so I went set in the windowsill a couple close family members there they saw my wife's finger twitch they saw another finger twitch doctor she's twitching her finger he said ladies listen I know you're looking for hope I know you're looking for encouragement but that thing that don't mean nothing he said we need something significant like like her eyes if she would open her eyes it's her neurosurgeon if she would open her eyes that would be a big deal twitching her finger is all part of what she's going through she loved twitches movements it doesn't mean anything opening her eyes would be huge he gave another example to I locked in and open her eyes I'm thinking open your eyes I'm say I'm like a big kid I ain't crying I'm not like deep in my heart I ain't expecting her to die but deep in my heart I know she does that truth doesn't change life's the same in God the worse I can do is miss her for a little and have some physical loss but the Gospels already won this thing I can only lose if I let go I can only lose if I change my mind we won we wanted like we already won the worst I can lose this physical time with my wife but I got eternity in him with her ha Paul said brief moments light affliction when you compare it to the eternal weight of his glory when he comes when you compare what you've been going through to what it's like when he comes brief moments lighter flicks wonder if I do believe that I'm sitting there and I'm thinking well just open your eyes Kym that's so simple I've seen your eyes open a million times plus just open your eyes he's walking down the hall he's just turning the corner leaving her family members are sitting there talking and aren't they love me they're not there's no riff there's no oh he's a spiritual cuckoo they love me because they know I love her a lot of this mother-in-law joke stuff people have is because the sons ain't loving their daughter and that's why the mother-in-law's have issues so they feel like they can't get out and they gotta be controlling it editor because they're afraid for their daughter cuz you ain't loving their daughter a lot of the issues come from the lack of love in people's homes when you love a parent's child in marriage they love you it's just simple my mother-in-law comes to me for counsel [Music] she asked me spiritual questions it's humbling she wants prayer from me my mother-in-law we're buddies because I love her girl I'm sitting there and I'm like just open your eyes and she's laying there and she Sobers her eyes and I'm like ha I'll leap off the bed I've jumped up right up on that bed I said hey girl been waiting for you she went she looked at me I think overwhelmed she's like whoa not right now cuz I was on her man hey girl we were waiting on you she looked me my sister was there my sister saw me run she's so much her eyes when she ran looked over my shoulder my wife remembers seeing her she all received me she said your sister was she in the room I remember her face I said you didn't see my face I left the hospital it was late told the doctor eyes open the the mom and sister ran told the doctor his eye her eyes out when he said well that's incredible are you sure oh yeah her eyes open but then she looked at us and closed he said Wow I wake up at wee hours of the morning I'm in the shower it was after 6 o'clock and the Lord said today as the day of great increase go see your wife I'll look it up my watch I'm thinking now so I said ok I took off and get in there it was about quarter 7 til I got in there all the doctors are in a circle meeting with their clipboards head doctor her doctor running the meeting they're going over notes and whatever they do he looks up and sees me sneaking through I'm quiet it's early I'm the husband I'm allowed to be in there but I'm quiet I'm sneaking he looks I see him go like this lay his clipboard down pushed through two men and run dead straight at me I said hey doc said man it's ok I'm in here early right he said your wife is doing amazing I said I know I said the Lord just told me in the shower and said to come in that's why I'm here he said she woke up last night she's been awake all night coherent exchanging conversation we unhooked her of everything she he said can we ran an EEG she has no brain damage watch and not one trace of residual of an hour-long seizure ain't that something and I said I said doctor I just want to thank you for everything you've done he said we didn't do it he said we were at our medical knowledge and we were at wit's end we didn't know what to do we didn't do that I said I understand you didn't do that but you did a lot for my girl and you were there for her and you innovated her and you cared and thank you he said no you don't get it we didn't do this I said no you don't get it I appreciate you see I don't ever want to come across we don't need the arm in the flash we got the spirit of God and then they die and then they think we're cuckoo and we don't respect no people so you're honoring you know what he did he burst into tears not a joke head of ICU burst into tears look at me in the eyes and I said hey just thank you and you did a lot for her man I appreciate you and he's overwhelmed because she's awakened medical knowledge says she has to have seizure residuals medical knowledge says some has to show up on or eg to show that there was confusion and there's nothing and he's gone and he looks at me and I'm I'm as calm I'm loving I didn't know this you don't know this stuff you don't know how your life reaches out this is why it's important to walk in the light guess who the tending nurse to my wife is the primary tending nurse is the neighbor of the teacher that my wife works for she's going home saying I never met any men like her husband he carries so much peace you wouldn't even know his wife's in ICU he takes peace everywhere he goes he's so loving and kind you can tell he loves her but he doesn't even look like he's one bit worried he fascinates me I've never met a man like her husband am i boasting in me boasting in Jesus I'm telling you you can walk with an eye that's single and all the sudden people are getting touched because they expect you to be something and they see there's another answer yeah I was in a meeting telling the story one day back home this lady is sobbing and sobbing and sobbing I said are you okay honey what's going on why are you crying so hard she said your story is so true I said well yeah it is she said my husband is a neurosurgeon he read your wife's first EEG he came home and said don't you know a dan Mohler don't you go to his meetings isn't he a preacher she said yeah why his wife is in ICU and she's in serious trouble I read her EEG and doctor stuff she was in serious trouble she must have been medically Jesus is not bad so the doctor cries he grabs me and he hugs me I had a pastor teach me once Barnabas he said when someone is emotional and they initiate a hug and they grab you and they need a hug and they grab you he said don't let him go especially your wife your wife's going through them and she sees you Sonny and she grabs you in Georgia don't let her go at don't matter she hugs you for three minutes if she holds you just keep holding her until she lets go and I've had people do that and I'll just hold him until they let go so I let the doctor grab me and hold me and I just held him back he's crying on me and I just held him till he let go and I snuck around the corner I looked in the room and there's my girl she's sitting there in the little hospital gown just come out of a coma I Fidel made me cry she looks so sweet I said hey girl she went Hey hi she's whispering cause of the trach - hi I said hey I start Christ said you ain't never looked so beautiful and she said really [Applause] I said I ain't talking about physical beauty I talk about your hair girl you're alive they didn't think you were going to be you're so beautiful alive I went i sat beside her she's like what happened to me I said you don't know nothing she said I saw your sister's face at some point why I don't know women why your sister was looking at me I said that was last night when you woke up they said I had a seizure I said honey you had a seizure I was standing there the whole time hold your big toe praying you were in that thing for and I said it it cut off oxygen to your brain it gave you severe brain damage that put your life support they were telling me they thought you were going to die I said but here you are alive and well and she went let me go I said you ain't goin anywhere I love you she was sure that eight years of what she lived that I'd be considering in a gift to go free that's what she was saying for weeks she said if I would go it would be the biggest blessing to you and I said you don't know what you're saying I am NOT burdened I love you and when she knew that I prayed for her to come around and to live she realized she wasn't seeing what I'm seeing and she realized she was being deceived and it started to pull her out of the life for eight years and send her in the right direction and she realized that her life was worth it and from that moment God shifted her and my wife is doing amazing my wife is as strong loving compassionate spiritually as I've ever seen it she's doing good yeah and you know what else she would lay down her life for me and she owes me nothing she loves me so much she goes out of her way to make me smile and I'm already smiling anything she thinks of to do nice to say I love you she'll do it she's the most thought I'm not exaggerating I'm not being biased she's the kindest most thoughtful woman I've ever known my wife and she would lay down her life for me and she owes me nothing I I read this all the time I keep it here on purpose I've read it to some of you before it's my little pink note I opened a pocket in my suitcase I saw what is all these cards I got empty all this stuff my suitcase is getting all cluttered chavo every weekend it was notes from her I said don't start reading them and I'm sitting there crying she's writing me stuff that she's either the most exaggerating woman that ever lived her it's real to her and I was crying you should have read them notes I mean I'll read them but they were all piled up and I got him out and I read like six of them and I was like this a little when she slipped him a bauble it's pink now you know what's cool about this note it's not a youtube fan it's my wife who lives with me not somebody that watches me preach somebody that lives with me lives with me knows me like I can be known in a youtube fan she said I hope you have the best weekend ever you are a true man of God and I doubt God can find many men parentheses if any on the earth with your integrity your character and good heart I'm a good husband cuz eight years doesn't change truth lies and deception doesn't have anything to do with her has to do with what she's going through and what she's believing wrong she's still the same valuable woman worth the blood that whole eight years and I get it and I'm gonna love her every minute and even if she don't never had changed truth stays the same and I've only lost if I let go of truth sure that's a good note I think I'll stick it back in my Bible I might read it next week so a whole new group of faces stand to your feet with me would you only our redemption house can you preach to a quarter of eleven and get away with it only every demson house my man I had you stand to your feet just as a sign of honor and dishonor Jesus tonight with our lives and we'll stand up and honor him for a second and you know we stand up to honor our country and do the star-spangled banner and stuff and some people that are matter our country don't want to stand but even if you felt like you've been mad at God why don't you challenge that and stand and say you know what I'm done being mad cuz it's never produced life I'm done being angry it's never produced I'm done being discouraged it's never produced life I'm done with animosity I've never seen the kingdom of God produced through animosity I'm done with unforgiveness I'm done with anxiety I'm done with worry I'm done with strife I'm done with frustration I'm gonna call it all dead tonight I'm going to say Holy Spirit would you help mold me and shape me into what this man is so passionately crying out because I want to live what you paid for I don't I'm not even trying to live what he preached I want to live what you paid for and whatever it is you paid for and if it's everything this man has said then start working that into my life that's what we're standing for would you lift your hands to him right now with me father I just thank you for restoration in this room to every heart and soul that's here a restoration God of truth of passion of diligence God if it's never been there let it be there tonight let conviction be so strong and impart those qualities into every person I'm asking for healing in homes and relationships and marriages big time that tonight you make it like nothing else matters yesterday doesn't matter the words that were spoken they've been resting over don't matter what matters is that we leave here living in truth that we leave here going after truth nobody owes us nothing nobody has to make up for nothing we're gonna let him redeem because we're gonna redeem the time and we're gonna go after him come on marriages and he's going to rejuvenate your heart and he's gonna realign your eye I promise you do not fall in and out of love that is the world's phrase I love you is the kingdom of God not do you love me I love you is the kingdom of God and God said through his son I love you and he's never changed it people some of you went out and got high after you knew he loved you he still loved you some of you went and slept with somebody after you knew he loved you he still loves you he says I love you and he does it till the point hits home and you drop it all and call it all dead and come to him and love him you don't love him first you see his first love and he never changed his mind about any one of us so we lift our hands God and we say father have your way in us and power us and move through us in agreement with what you paid for and let these lights shine before men let our relationships benefit from it let our families thrive because of it and let love always win let it always be found in Jesus name I'm going to do some in a very fast way but it won't be ineffective it'll be a 3-4 minute way if you're sick in your body and you we haven't even prayed for the sick yet this weekend is so much passion in my heart for this message but I'm feeling like we need to just just speak out faith over some things raise your hand real high if you need healing in this room and don't not raise your hand don't think this is religious and oh and to the service quickie or something put your hand up if you need healing look around if somebody's near you with their hand up just grab them tap them say take my hand if they have their hand up and you have yours up say come on we're gonna lock hands and we're gonna pray together right now grab somebody's hand make sure you grab somebody's hand or touch them on the shoulder just get to somebody that has their and all I want you to do right now if you raised your hand for prayer I want you to believe one thing I just want you to believe one thing that he loves you or he did never send his son don't get in a quandary don't say well if he loves me why how come Robyn and this is the 20th time of what hey stop put that all the way just turn it off and settle on this you have to love me or you did never sense your son and this thing I'm going through is no reflection on the lack of your love your love is already settled it's already proven and I'm being rooted and grounded in it and the faith that's in my heart today is gonna work through love you have to be for me or you to never gave me your kingdom this sickness is no threat to the revelation of your love this sickness is threatened because of it that's all I want you to think right now that he loves you if you're praying for them all I want you to do is right now begin to say be whole be healed in Jesus name father I thank you for the revelation of your love and I thank you for the power of God right now in this room healing all through this room yep restoration and redemption all through this room take every pain every sickness every infirmity every weakness and every disease be healed in Jesus name thank you for holding us all through the room Galt thank you that people to go home and realize their bodies are different crawl in bed wake up and say wow this thing has changed all through the room Lord to your glory until your great name because you love us Healing all through this room that's right be healed in Jesus name thank God for that right now if you were praying for them give them a big hug I'm telling you leave here with one response you're doing a work in me because you love me and all things are changing and being made new amen hug somebody and thank somebody for praying with you you Oh you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 47,047
Rating: 4.9240265 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Faith, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Guilt Condemnation and Shame, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler testimony, dan mohler healing, dan mohler marriage, Dan mohler divorce, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace
Id: G4x3TsiHEFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 34sec (6394 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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